Google Store "Limit reached" when trying to buy a Google pixel - Google Pixel Questions & Answers

So my brother in law is trying to buy 2 Google pixels from the store. He first tried last night after signing up for Google finance. He was approved but was getting a message that the card was declined when trying to put the order though. He wasn't sure what was going on so he tried a few more times with no luck. This morning he called synchrony and it appears the reason was because his credit limit was too low so he had it increase and though he was in the clear to order again. But when he went to select the pixel it was grayed out and it said under it that limit reached. Has anybody experience this? Under his order history shows 5 cancelled orders. It appears there is a 10 device limit for purchases of same device. Google just tells him give it 24-48 hours and try ordering again. Has anybody gotten this message and truly know how long before it is removed and the device can be purchased again? Thanks
Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

Synchrony and Google need to get their stuff together when it comes to the financing aspect of the Google Store. I purchased my first Pixel through the Google Fi page as I wanted to try out the service, that whole experience went super smoothly and even though the phone was a pre-order at that point I got it earlier than they told me. Got the phone loved it but wasn't all that impressed with the Google Fi pricing model after my wife had the phone for a week and I saw what data was actually going to cost me. So I switched over to T-Mobile, paid off the remainder of the Pixel because Google Fi financing only works if you're on the Google Fi plan and called it a day. Then I decided I was going to get two more Pixels and activate them on T-Mobile, which of course doesn't sell the Pixel, so I ordered them through the Google Store. I chose the 24 month financing, and everything seemed fine, although they were backordered, and I was given a shipping date in the not too distant future. Fast forward and I get an email in the middle of the night from Google telling me there is a problem with the order and I need to contact them. So the next morning I call and they tell me the email was a glitch in their system and several people have been calling them even though nothing is wrong with any of their orders. Satisfied I wait patiently for the two Pixels to ship, only to get another email overnight within a week of when they were supposed to ship. This time they tell me my order has been cancelled. I was shocked as I didn't cancel my order so I called in the morning to find out what had happened. Google tells me there is a problem with my Synchrony account that caused my order to be cancelled. When I asked why I wasn't contacted before they cancelled the order they couldn't come up with any kind of answer, but instead kept telling me I would have to contact Synchrony to resolve the issue. They then transferred me to Synchrony who of course tells me they can't see any problem with my account and are unsure why my order was cancelled. So I spent the morning going back and forth between the two and my issue was 'escalated' by Google and I was told to wait for them to email me. Fast forward 24 hours and I'm done with their games and call Synchrony again and make them look very carefully at my account and suddenly, oh yes we need you to verify your address, which I do and they assure me the account is in good standing. At this point I assume Google will just tell me I'm screwed and to re-order putting myself even further behind in the queue for a backordered Pixel. So I go back online and just order two more Pixels. Amazingly for this order the ship date was the same as my now cancelled order and they ended up shipping a day sooner than that. And the ultimate bit of irony was days after I place the new order I get an email from Google apologizing and telling me there was nothing they could do to reinstate my original order, I would have to place a new order. So in the end it all worked out and I didn't end up waiting any longer than I originally thought I would but the whole Synchrony/Google Store finance system is a mess. If you have a problem they'll just point fingers at each other until you get mad and start yelling at people, 'escalate' your issue and most likely in the end do little to help you.


T-mobile uk, advice help please (muppets)

On the 9th of this month i took out a contract on t-mobile, i took the contract out at a tmobile store and at the time said if i had any problems with the phone if i wanted to cancel the contract if i could bring the device in within 14 days and cancel the informed me i could.
About 9 days later and due to poor battery life of the phone and basic coverage problem i rang up the tmobile store and said can i bring the phone in to cancel they informed me that i couldn't do it in store and would have to ring tmobile which i did and to make sure the store was telling the truth.
Later I then rang tmobile and they informed that they could cancel the phone because i didnt like it and that they would send out a silver bag and it would be with me within 2 working days.
2 working days later i rang up and said i hadn't received the silver bag and was wondering where it was as i wanted to return the phone i was then informed that actually it can take upto 5 days and i would have to wait.
Anyway the very next day the silver bag appeared and i posted the phone back to tmobile like a good customer and went away on my holiday over the 22-24 of this month.
I returned home today to find another silver bag on my door step, i then rang tmobile, i told them i had received another silver bag and just making sure that i returned it in the correct one.
The women then informed me that the 14 days cancelation period didnt count at tmobile stores and that i couldn't cancel the contract at all and she would try to find my phone and post it back to me whilst she was doing this she informed me the other people i talked to where muppets.
At that point i informed her i had been told by 4/5 tmobile members of staff both in the store and at the call center that i could in fact cancel and that i wanted to speak to a manager to make sure what your telling me is correct.
I then got in contact with a manager about 6 hours ago he informed me that 14 day cancellation doesn't count if you buy a phone in a tmobile store and that basically i was stuffed and would have to wait for them to post my mobile back and then talk to the store and hope they would cancel it.
I then informed him that basically i didn't want to do that i wanted my contract canceling and i will not take out another tmobile contract and when my current one runs out i want to cancel that.
After a argument where i was saying i have no phone and you want me to wait till you find it and post it back then i can talk to the store, i said plus the reception in my work place is crap as well at which point he said o now thats a different matter.
He then informed me he would contact the store and ill get a ring when he comes on shift at 6pm. He then asked if they did a check of my postcode in store i told them they hadn't and i would have to wait and hear tomorrow.
I am just wondering what do i do, what are my rights and can i cancel within 14 days.
Sorry about the gramma and spelling but after driving for 6 hours and being on the phone with tmobile for the last hour im really tired.
Long and the short of it, is that yes, you do have a cancellation period for this contract. It may be that the Store need to handle the cancellation, rather than the call centre, but ultimately if you're unhappy, then the store should have resolved this for you.
I'd suggest walking into the store, and asking to speak to the manager... explain whats happened, and demand he resolve this for you.
If you dont get a result from the store, then there are always ombudsmen who can step in and help once they've failed to uphold their end.

Never ordering from online T-Mo store again

I went on-line this past Friday to order the MHL/HDMI cable for my HTC Sensation from the T-Mo store. At the end of checkout I was asked 5 security questions...I flubbed the first question because I wasn't paying attention. Some of the other questions were kind of strange. i.e. They asked me if I knew a Anble S****. It was my family last name but who has "Able" as a first name??? The best I could figure was they may have meant "Angie" who was a family member.
Anyways, I flunked the security questions and was given a phone number and order# so I could call and verify the order over the phone. I had the call the next day because that office was closed.
I called and cleared up the order and then the sales rep who was helping me could not find the item I was trying to order. Trying to be helpful, I found the item on my own at the on-line T-Mo store but it had no SKU or part #. The sales rep also told me he could not access the same web site because they were restricted from doing so!!!???? I was thinking of e-mailing him the link to the video cable but he couldn't even get to it.
He had to put a note in my order stating what the item was so some other dept. could try to find it...
So predictably, 6 business days later (I paid for overnight delivery) I still had not received my order. I called 30 minutes ago and the sales rep told me the order still had NOT been placed yet AND it would take 24-72 hours (business days) before the order would be even cleared by another dept. Now what the heck does that mean?. I told the rep I was not very happy and a few other choice words.
At least I hope I get an e-mail when they finally find the cable and mail it to me...the next time I'll order from Hong Kong and probably get it faster..haha.
That sucks. You should at least get the shipping charge refunded or changed since it's taking them so long. Are these not available in store?
No MHL/HDMI cables at the local T-Mo store
Last weekend I did go to my local T-Mo store and they only had cases and screen protectors for the HTC Sensation. I was not really expecting too much since the Sensation is so new. I asked the sales girl when they might be getting anything in and she had no clue. The impression I got was she was not expecting any video cables to come in.
unixman2000 said:
Last weekend I did go to my local T-Mo store and they only had cases and screen protectors for the HTC Sensation. I was not really expecting too much since the Sensation is so new. I asked the sales girl when they might be getting anything in and she had no clue. The impression I got was she was not expecting any video cables to come in.
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Click to collapse
yea when i went into my local T-Mo and asked about the cable he said "idk, maybe in a few weeks"

Tmobile Hell & Possible Redemption~

I dont exactly know where to put this but general seems fine.
On 5/08 I switched from big red to tmo. Wanted to have
My own plan, I have a thin credit file since I stay away
From credit cards and was forced to pay $300 plus 40 in tax
To receive my device from tmo. Instead of 149 like everyone else
On 5/09 I received the phone....damaged. the battery door
Of the note 2 was busted and the packaging was horrid.
I called right away only to be told I needed to give them
340 Again then send this one and get refunded.
Since I wasnt excepting the high down I had no money left
On 5/13 I finally had enough from bi weekly paycheck to
Process the note 2 for replacement eip. Since I had
Issues handling the phone I decided to use remorse and
Get an S4.
5/16 comes by and I dont receive my s4 I call and they say
It will be on its way. Sales however says my card declined
And it is cancelled. Two stories...
5/17 comes by and after 6 hours on support I finally get
A replacement EIP setup again. My card gets charged
And I was told new batches ship 20th.
5/19 the order processes and shows on my account! Sigh of relief
5/19 order switches to cancelled
5/21 order reflects cancelled twice.
After another 4 hours they setup a memo for device exchange
At a local store and to double my down so new s4 is paid off
Courtesy of them.
I go to a local store and learn only corporate locations can do
What I need. After calling them three times to ask if that store
Was not a dealer and told it wasn't even though I explained my situation
I was told different thing once I was there.
Will be heading to a corp store right before work soon.
If tmobile fails to redeem themselves its back to big red.
Theres no reason a damaged device exchange should be this difficult
If you want to go magenta Use a store not online even if its convenient
Or you will get stuck in this nonsense.

My T-Mobile Nightmare

On 15 November 2014 I went to the T-Mobile store at 4130 S New Braunfels Ave, Suite 101San Antonio, TX and ordered myself a Note Edge and my wife a iPhone 6 Gold 64 GB. I have been going to that store since the initial debacle I had when I joined T-Mobile a year ago over the phone. They had always been very courteous and professional towards me. During ordering, this is what I was told:
1. I would not be charged anything until I received a tracking number that the phone(s) had shipped.
2. The phones would ship independently once either one became available.
3. That I should receive both phones NLT 22nd of November, but could take up to 10 days.
The following Monday comes and I see a pending charge of $169.75 to my checking account for 'T-Mobile' upgrade. So I called T-Mobile and they told me that I should have received a tracking number and if not, I should receive it by COB that day. I was also told that my wife’s iPhone was on back order, which didn't make me happy, but did not surprise me as well. The next day I did not receive a tracking number so I stopped by the store that I had ordered them from and spoke with an assistant manager. She apologized profusely and told me that both my phones were on back order, that neither had shipped to me, and that I shouldn't a have been charged anything, pending or not. She could not give me an estimate of when my phones would ship and that I shouldn't have been charged anything. I was not happy when I left.
I waited 2 days and called T-Mobile again. This lady told me that the charge was not 'really' a charge as it was a 'pending' charge that T-Mobile does to ensure they have access to the funds, and that meant that my phone was in shipping, although she couldn't tell me which one it was. I told her that pending or not, the money was out of my account, so I didn't care what she called it. She promised me my phone was in shipping and I should receive a tracking number at any moment.
2 more days go by and I have heard nothing. I looked at my T-Mobile bill and notice that it had gone up $32.00 I immediately call them again, spoke with a customer loyalty person, and was told that $24 of that was for insurance on the phones that I DO NOT HAVE and the other $8 was for misc. charges. I promptly had her remove the insurance, as I did not request it, and although should couldn't exactly tell me what the $8 was for, she removed that as well. Now this representative told me that they didn't know when my phones would ship and couldn't explain why I had the money taken out of my account.
On the 21st I went back to the store to ask them why all of this had occurred and I had been lied to. There was a 30ish male assistant manager there and I had noticed him 'roughly' dealing with other customers in the past. I explained to him all that had happened and he told me that it couldn’t have happened at his store. Ok, I will admit at this point I was about to go nuclear. That's when this 'man' gets close to me and raises his hands saying, 'what do you want me to do for you? What do you want?' I told him that I wanted to know when my phones would ship, why they charged my account with no tracking number, and who authorized them to place charges on my account without my knowledge or approval. He then started to raise his voice, and knowing myself, this was only going to end with me getting escorted out of the store by local security. At this point, everyone was watching us, and I told him that this was not the last they were going to hear from me. And I very slowly walked out.
I will admit, I was beyond irrate. I sat in my car for a while, then called T-Mobile. I was immediately patched thru to 'customer loyalty' manager named ¬¬¬¬¬Monique. After I had told her everything that had happened, names, placed, dates and all of the lies, the profusely apologized and told me she would file a 'case' against the store. The also said they would start an investigation on who charged my account. When the conversation was over, she said that my note edge was in shipping and I would receive a tracking number in 24 hours. That she guaranteed it was in shipping and I would officially hear back from T-Mobile on the outcome of the investigations. This was about a 1 hour phone call.
48 hours later, no tracking number, no phone call, no nothing. I did receive a email stating that my wifes iPhone would ship between the 28 of November and the 13th of December. So why didn't I cancel everything by now? Believe me I wanted to...but if i canceled one of the phones, the both would be dropped, and I wanted very much for my wife to have her phone for Christmas. That is why.
On the way to work I decided to call them. Big mistake as it put me in a foul mood all day. This person told me that neither of my phones had shipped, couldn’t tell me when they would and again, couldn’t explain to me why the $169 had been taken from my account. I am sure there was a visible mushroom cloud coming from the cab of my truck at that point. I will not even bother with explaining the words that flowed from my mouth.
After work that day, I called ‘customer loyalty’ and this woman was very curt and to the point. There was no way for her to tell me when my phones would ship, she had never heard of Monique and there was no way for her to find out who she is because T-Mobile was just too large with to many call centers. She told me no investigations had been launched and none probably would not be. She said that if I had the money put back into my account, it would cancel both phones, and that they would only ship both when they were available together. I insisted that I be given the distract T-Mobiles email address and she refused to do so, instead she gave me this address:
Customer Relations
PO Box 37380
Albuquerque NM 87176-7380
This had to be done by snail mail and there is no other way. She stated continuously that there was nothing else she could do for me and ended the conversation.
I HAVE NEVER been treated this poorly, lied to this many times by any company in my 51 years of breathing oxygen. If it wasn’t for my wife’s Christmas Present I would have had them shove the phones and their service where even worms will not go. I just wanted to share my experience as I hope it helps others. After I pay the phones off, we will be going back to ATT. I initially left ATT because T-Mobile saved me $1200.00 a year and gave us many for features then ATT did. Now, I regret it. The frustration, the lies, and the aggravation is not worth it. How a company can legally work this way I will never know. If anyone could send me the email address of the distract manager of San Antonio for T-Mobile, I would greatly appreciate it. I had it once, but cannot find it now. Thank you.

My Worst Experience With Google Projectfi

Please forgive me I have to vent somewhere and just share this ridiculous story.... To be fair until this I have always had a super positive experience but this one may end my relationship with Google.
It all started with my mom's phone I bought on Projectfi a Nexus 5x. I didn't have insurance on it but it was under warranty still. I called the Projectfi help team and they issued a return for it because it had issues with constant rebooting.
I print up the labels and get ready to send it and get another email saying they are out of devices to replace it so they were issuing a full refund. They send me labels and I printed them up and informed my mom of the great news. I was just bought her a Moto X4 to replace the device and got her her very own Projectfi account.
The next day I get another email saying they made a huge mistake and they will not be refunding the money and I was pissed. I called them back they couldn't cancel my order so they told me to just right return to sender and have USPS pick it up to hand it off to FedEx. They have a partnership apparently.
I do that and haven't seen a refund and apparently either my package was stolen by one of those two companies because the FedEx tracking was never updated. Now I'm out the money for Moto X4 and Google won't give my money back without updated shipping. This is all because they screwed up....
I'm in the process of filing a claim with my credit card but have lost faith in Google and will probably just buy a different phone and never activate her Projectfi because I'm so over it.
I still can't believe how this worked out though. [emoji852]️

