My Worst Experience With Google Projectfi - General Topics

Please forgive me I have to vent somewhere and just share this ridiculous story.... To be fair until this I have always had a super positive experience but this one may end my relationship with Google.
It all started with my mom's phone I bought on Projectfi a Nexus 5x. I didn't have insurance on it but it was under warranty still. I called the Projectfi help team and they issued a return for it because it had issues with constant rebooting.
I print up the labels and get ready to send it and get another email saying they are out of devices to replace it so they were issuing a full refund. They send me labels and I printed them up and informed my mom of the great news. I was just bought her a Moto X4 to replace the device and got her her very own Projectfi account.
The next day I get another email saying they made a huge mistake and they will not be refunding the money and I was pissed. I called them back they couldn't cancel my order so they told me to just right return to sender and have USPS pick it up to hand it off to FedEx. They have a partnership apparently.
I do that and haven't seen a refund and apparently either my package was stolen by one of those two companies because the FedEx tracking was never updated. Now I'm out the money for Moto X4 and Google won't give my money back without updated shipping. This is all because they screwed up....
I'm in the process of filing a claim with my credit card but have lost faith in Google and will probably just buy a different phone and never activate her Projectfi because I'm so over it.
I still can't believe how this worked out though. [emoji852]️


Beware of buying from Gazelle! Phones are not guaranteed to have clean IMEI/ESN!

tl;dr Phones sold by Gazelle can still be blacklisted.
I purchased two iphone 5's from Gazelle last December 2013, for a Christmas gift for my mother-in-law and one for my wife.
A few days ago, my mother-in-law contacted me to tell me the phone was no longer receiving service.
After trying everything I could find about fixing it, I finally contacted T-Mobile, and discovered that the phone's IMEI has just been blocked due to non-payment by the original owner(!)
Just to clarify, this phone has been in daily use since Xmas Day 2013 (~11 mos)!
The T-Mobile rep told me that the original owner had been making payments all this time, but recently closed their account, and were sent a final bill. The bill was 10 days past due and at that time T-Mobile automatically blacklists the IMEI.
I bought these phones specifically from gazelle and paid more for them as a result, as I believed they were essentially guaranteed against this sort of thing.
I even contacted them before my purchase asking them if their phones were checked:
"Thank you for your interest! We do test all items to confirm availability for activation by you upon receipt. Unless otherwise noted in the listing, this item has been tested and is clear."
It turns out, this doesn't mean the device will remain that way after you receive it. An important fact that they continue to omit in their eBay listings.
I contacted their support yesterday and was told that the unit is outside of their 30-day return window and they can not help me further.
As far as I'm concerned, they didn't actually sell me anything. They sold a device that still had a lien against it, and now that it is blacklisted, I basically paid $400+ to rent it for the past 11 months. Technically, this iPhone is still the property of T-Mobile...Gazelle basically sold me stolen merchandise.
I've since opened a complaint with the BBB and am hopeful they will come to a resolution on this issue.
Moral of the story is: Don't think that just because you're buying from a bigger operation, that your phone is free and clear and ownership has been legally transferred to YOU.
As a matter of fact, you can even read Swappa's TOS and you will find a very loose policy on blacklisted IMEI/ESN's. They basically say you're only recourse is PayPal's 45-day dispute window.
Buying from these sites is really not any different than craigslist or a random seller on eBay.
The only way to really guarantee your device is free and clear forever is to buy a new one.
Just to follow up, I received the exchange iPhone yesterday and my issue is now resolved to my relief and satisfaction.
I am happy to say that Gazelle came through and made things right for me in the end. They also told me they are working with carriers on new ways to determine if devices are still under contract and/or still financed, to avoid issues like mine down the road.
Be careful out there!

My T-Mobile Nightmare

On 15 November 2014 I went to the T-Mobile store at 4130 S New Braunfels Ave, Suite 101San Antonio, TX and ordered myself a Note Edge and my wife a iPhone 6 Gold 64 GB. I have been going to that store since the initial debacle I had when I joined T-Mobile a year ago over the phone. They had always been very courteous and professional towards me. During ordering, this is what I was told:
1. I would not be charged anything until I received a tracking number that the phone(s) had shipped.
2. The phones would ship independently once either one became available.
3. That I should receive both phones NLT 22nd of November, but could take up to 10 days.
The following Monday comes and I see a pending charge of $169.75 to my checking account for 'T-Mobile' upgrade. So I called T-Mobile and they told me that I should have received a tracking number and if not, I should receive it by COB that day. I was also told that my wife’s iPhone was on back order, which didn't make me happy, but did not surprise me as well. The next day I did not receive a tracking number so I stopped by the store that I had ordered them from and spoke with an assistant manager. She apologized profusely and told me that both my phones were on back order, that neither had shipped to me, and that I shouldn't a have been charged anything, pending or not. She could not give me an estimate of when my phones would ship and that I shouldn't have been charged anything. I was not happy when I left.
I waited 2 days and called T-Mobile again. This lady told me that the charge was not 'really' a charge as it was a 'pending' charge that T-Mobile does to ensure they have access to the funds, and that meant that my phone was in shipping, although she couldn't tell me which one it was. I told her that pending or not, the money was out of my account, so I didn't care what she called it. She promised me my phone was in shipping and I should receive a tracking number at any moment.
2 more days go by and I have heard nothing. I looked at my T-Mobile bill and notice that it had gone up $32.00 I immediately call them again, spoke with a customer loyalty person, and was told that $24 of that was for insurance on the phones that I DO NOT HAVE and the other $8 was for misc. charges. I promptly had her remove the insurance, as I did not request it, and although should couldn't exactly tell me what the $8 was for, she removed that as well. Now this representative told me that they didn't know when my phones would ship and couldn't explain why I had the money taken out of my account.
On the 21st I went back to the store to ask them why all of this had occurred and I had been lied to. There was a 30ish male assistant manager there and I had noticed him 'roughly' dealing with other customers in the past. I explained to him all that had happened and he told me that it couldn’t have happened at his store. Ok, I will admit at this point I was about to go nuclear. That's when this 'man' gets close to me and raises his hands saying, 'what do you want me to do for you? What do you want?' I told him that I wanted to know when my phones would ship, why they charged my account with no tracking number, and who authorized them to place charges on my account without my knowledge or approval. He then started to raise his voice, and knowing myself, this was only going to end with me getting escorted out of the store by local security. At this point, everyone was watching us, and I told him that this was not the last they were going to hear from me. And I very slowly walked out.
I will admit, I was beyond irrate. I sat in my car for a while, then called T-Mobile. I was immediately patched thru to 'customer loyalty' manager named ¬¬¬¬¬Monique. After I had told her everything that had happened, names, placed, dates and all of the lies, the profusely apologized and told me she would file a 'case' against the store. The also said they would start an investigation on who charged my account. When the conversation was over, she said that my note edge was in shipping and I would receive a tracking number in 24 hours. That she guaranteed it was in shipping and I would officially hear back from T-Mobile on the outcome of the investigations. This was about a 1 hour phone call.
48 hours later, no tracking number, no phone call, no nothing. I did receive a email stating that my wifes iPhone would ship between the 28 of November and the 13th of December. So why didn't I cancel everything by now? Believe me I wanted to...but if i canceled one of the phones, the both would be dropped, and I wanted very much for my wife to have her phone for Christmas. That is why.
On the way to work I decided to call them. Big mistake as it put me in a foul mood all day. This person told me that neither of my phones had shipped, couldn’t tell me when they would and again, couldn’t explain to me why the $169 had been taken from my account. I am sure there was a visible mushroom cloud coming from the cab of my truck at that point. I will not even bother with explaining the words that flowed from my mouth.
After work that day, I called ‘customer loyalty’ and this woman was very curt and to the point. There was no way for her to tell me when my phones would ship, she had never heard of Monique and there was no way for her to find out who she is because T-Mobile was just too large with to many call centers. She told me no investigations had been launched and none probably would not be. She said that if I had the money put back into my account, it would cancel both phones, and that they would only ship both when they were available together. I insisted that I be given the distract T-Mobiles email address and she refused to do so, instead she gave me this address:
Customer Relations
PO Box 37380
Albuquerque NM 87176-7380
This had to be done by snail mail and there is no other way. She stated continuously that there was nothing else she could do for me and ended the conversation.
I HAVE NEVER been treated this poorly, lied to this many times by any company in my 51 years of breathing oxygen. If it wasn’t for my wife’s Christmas Present I would have had them shove the phones and their service where even worms will not go. I just wanted to share my experience as I hope it helps others. After I pay the phones off, we will be going back to ATT. I initially left ATT because T-Mobile saved me $1200.00 a year and gave us many for features then ATT did. Now, I regret it. The frustration, the lies, and the aggravation is not worth it. How a company can legally work this way I will never know. If anyone could send me the email address of the distract manager of San Antonio for T-Mobile, I would greatly appreciate it. I had it once, but cannot find it now. Thank you.

Project Fi Trade-In ripoff

Anyone else get ripped off in the Trade-In program for the X4?
I had two Nexus 6p devices to trade, and ordered two X4s. Got my X4s promptly, but they only sent one trade in package. When I asked for the other one they flat-out refused to send it and said I would need to send back my X4 and order another one in order to receive another trade-in envelope. Despite numerous customer service reps saying this wasn't right, they stuck to it and would not send the trade in kit. After a month of back and forth, I agreed to send back the X4 as requested -- but they said it was now too late!!
The other 6p was sent in the day we received the trade in envelope in mid-October.
Last week, I *finally* received the $50 credit that was promised. And yesterday, I received my trade in credit of $15.41. Yes, you read that right: $15.41.
Project Fi claims that I did not send in the device on time, AND that it would not power on.
The 6p was in pristine condition when I sent it THREE months ago.
I refused their trade in offer and requested them to return my device (as it allows in their trade in terms & conditions) and now they are stonewalling with generic responses.
I am out $300+ on the devices and $50 on the trade in they wouldn't allow, plus the $800 I spent on the new phones. Unreal!
Needless to say, I am cancelling my Project Fi service. I am trying to decide whether to keep or sell the X4's.
I didn't have any issues.
You should report this in /r/projectfi
Specifically check the sidebar of that subreddit and click on Make a Reddit Request! It will be a hassle but if you can communicate everything to them they may be able to help.
There were many other people that also had issues with the trade-in program. I think the FI team had a breakdown with their 3rd party vendor that was handling the trade-ins. They stopped processing them for about a week, when it first started to try and sort out issues.
My Project Fi devices trade in experience
Very first week of offer I bought a Moto X4 to replace my spare cracked screen, no power on Nexus 5x. I received phone quickly, trade in was delayed and was informed by Fi account. 2 weeks later received trade in envelope returned and more delays. Project Fi email of delays with trade in devices...Xmas time frame so waited and received 56.25 trade in allowance, actually slightly more than quote. Did get Project Fi credits.
I was very disappointed with being stuck with 7.1 and Nov update...with mightysween troubles on twrp and rooting....believe me I was watching every day....Thank you for your HUGH amount of work...
I decided to by a Pixel 2 with Google store credit and received device and waiting for trade in kit for my other Nexus 5x which has a $150 trade in still waiting received email of delays...I did receive the buy device discount and
Project Fi credits.
I kinda like Moto X4 with Oreo really keeping for spare "cheap" Project Fi, I have only one carrier in my home area.
US Cellular and marginal Sprint / T mobile.
Wow, now I feel lucky that I got full value without incident ($150 for Nexus 6p + $50 fi credit).
I did have to wait 2 weeks after sending in my phone before they evaluated and credited it, and the fi credit took 2 months to show up, but nothing like your disaster.
Like the previous person said, sounds like the 3rd party service google used to do the trade-ins, wasn't up to par.
I'm surprised google hasn't stepped in to help you out.
I sent in a Nexus 6, my wife a 5. It took my wife about 1.5 months, and my trade-in took two months to process. Hers went through fine, full credit, etc. Mine had a similar response, saying that I didn't send it in on time, and that I hadn't done a full factory reset in my case. I detailed the day I received my X4, and then detailed the extensive process I went through to clear the phone, including the factory reset, then factor re-imaging the phone, relocking the boot loader, etc. Inside of 2 hours of filing the ticket, I had full credit for the phone.
I suspect that many of the "won't boot" issues are directly related to the battery degradation phones like the 6p were seeing, combined with a 2-3 month time before they analyzed the phones. From the number of cases, it is clear they aren't plugging them in on a fail to boot scenario. Can I assume you have done a reddit support request to try to get this resolved?
My trade in took over a month for them to receive and evaluate, but just got an email this week saying they got it. Still waiting on my Black Friday rebate though which I was told would be applied in 4-6 weeks.
As of my last complaint (which included past complaints/case #s) their response was that a specialist would reach out to me "sometime next week"... it has been 8 days. Absurd.
I am really not interested in anything other than them a.)proving by carrier tracking # that I sent the device late, and b.)taking back the credit and sending me my device per the terms of the trade in agreement.
If it really is DOA, so be it. I can probably sell it for parts and do better than 15 bucks.
But my suspicion is that they have NO idea where that device is. Time will tell.
mightysween said:
As of my last complaint (which included past complaints/case #s) their response was that a specialist would reach out to me "sometime next week"... it has been 8 days. Absurd.
I am really not interested in anything other than them a.)proving by carrier tracking # that I sent the device late, and b.)taking back the credit and sending me my device per the terms of the trade in agreement.
If it really is DOA, so be it. I can probably sell it for parts and do better than 15 bucks.
But my suspicion is that they have NO idea where that device is. Time will tell.
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They actually changed the terms after the initial offer, removing the "send it back", or so I had read on a thread on Reddit. You had 30 days from receipt of the x4 to send it back--you can probably prove to them the date the X4 was received based on their shipping e-mails and such. I'm sorry you are having such problems with this--I really really want you to stay working on this phone!
mightysween said:
As of my last complaint (which included past complaints/case #s) their response was that a specialist would reach out to me "sometime next week"... it has been 8 days. Absurd.
I am really not interested in anything other than them a.)proving by carrier tracking # that I sent the device late, and b.)taking back the credit and sending me my device per the terms of the trade in agreement.
If it really is DOA, so be it. I can probably sell it for parts and do better than 15 bucks.
But my suspicion is that they have NO idea where that device is. Time will tell.
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Make a Reddit request in r/projectfi - they have access to Google to escalate issues.
I have been "escalated" to upper tiers of service several times. The issue is that there is NO follow up on their end.
They all seem to agree that I was ripped off, but that there is nothing they can do about it.
I am already moving on from Fi service back to an MVNO that at least doesn't scam their customers. But I WILL be getting my 6p back, or fair market value... even if it costs me 10x as much to do it.
Good luck on this one guys, they f-ed me over on my trade in as well. I did send it back a little later than I initially thought I would. It took them almost 2 months to process the return.
I sent in the phone, box, charger, everything that it originally included when I bought the phone. My phone was unlocked / rooted and I relocked it, fully wiped it out and returned it to stock.
Google claimed the phone was not factory reset (bullshiz) and that they didn't receive it within time and the credit was something like $15 bucks, when the phone (Nexus 6) was perfect in every way, shape and form.
I had a 2nd Nexus 6 to send back in as I bought two (2) of the Moto X4's and didn't even bother on the 2nd phone due to the way Google handled the 1st return.
No issues with my trade in, got the full quote. Pretty streamlined process was my experience.
My Fi trade in for the Moto X4 was great. I have been waiting for a trade in Credit on my Pixel 2 from Dec 22 and still shows on my Project Fi account page a trade in (worth 150 at posting of details for initial Trade in Credit of my Nexus 5x). A couple of no return responses on the project Fi feedback button. So who knows.
The moral of the story is to never trade in anything with anybody. The cost of your time and the gamble of problems makes it not at all worth it. If you think they care that you will cancel your service, think again. And if you think you will get better service elsewhere, think again. We no longer live in a customer service oriented society. And to be honest, I don't think we should. There are too many people out there who try to jack the man and sponge everything they can. People seem to have this sense of entitlement that sickens me to the core. Ah, but I digress. Sorry about your troubles, mate.
Have to agree. Why trade and lose 40-50% of it's value, and then have to worry if they will follow through.
Sent from my moto x4 using Tapatalk
I am glad you were able to find some level of relief by venting your frustrations here. It always makes me chuckle a little, though, when people say they are no longer doing business with X and will switch to Y. The fact is, customer service is largely dead on this planet. You (or many others) will have the same crappy service with vendor Y eventually. Switching every time you have a bad experience is not going to solve your problem. In fact, it is only going to make your life harder. I wish you luck though. By the way, trade-ins are a huge waste of time; no matter what carrier you are doing the deal with.
Me Too
I got an attempt to rip-off today by Google Fi too. They promised $150 and then they said the best they could do was $19
My Nexus 6P had 0 cracks, screen in perfect condition, turned on, factory reset.
I contacted them asking why the low value, and they said they would re-check my phone to tell me the details.
I'm waiting for their reply.

Returned Pixel 3, Google claims they've received empty box!!!!!

Anyone has experience similar situation?
I was a Pixel 2 XL owner, and I couldn't live with the reload. So I've made up my mind to get an OnePlus 6T immediately when the 4g ram on pixel 3 was confirmed.
After getting my OnePlus 6T, I decided to trade in my Pixel 2 XL through Google. However, you've guessed it, I was force to place an order for a device otherwise no trade in can be make.
After 5 days of the package's delivery, I still didn't hear anything from Google, so I decided to call them.
Attached emails with the rep.
Anyone has any suggestions?
This is very concerning. I've also heard of similar stories of people who had issues with their trade in. I don't have an answer except to document sending anything moving forward unfortunately. Please keep us in the loop about what ends up happening. It appears a lot of phones are being stolen with FedEx as the delivery. A few times when I have sent stuff via FedEx the person at the desk asks what it is. I just lie and say it's some books or a pack of cards so they couldn't care less. I have been asked multiple times by employees what's inside and as long as it's not hazardous it's not their business.
I'm a bit confused based on your narrative as to how you ended up with a Pixel 3 if you got the OnePlus 6T.
Anyway, you can always call your credit card company and fight it (assuming you put this on a CC). I've had this happen to me waaaaaaaaaaaaaay waaaaaaaaay back when I bought and returned a Siemens phone.
spielnicht said:
I'm a bit confused based on your narrative as to how you ended up with a Pixel 3 if you got the OnePlus 6T.
Anyway, you can always call your credit card company and fight it (assuming you put this on a CC). I've had this happen to me waaaaaaaaaaaaaay waaaaaaaaay back when I bought and returned a Siemens phone.
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I would result to this as a last resort, google is known to disable your email address if call your bank to dispute the charge.
Some users rely on their email as its linked to calender/google photos/youtube and such.
Going back to OP, idk if you dropped off at a fedex location, but maybe you have a copy of the receipt that shows the weight of the item that was dropped off.
This is the reason i always ask for a copy of the receipt for high priced items.
Really? I had no idea Google does that sort of thing. Not cool at all. I get there are those that falsely make a claim or abuse the process, but sucks if it's a legit claim.
lookitzjohnny said:
I would result to this as a last resort, google is known to disable your email address if call your bank to dispute the charge.
Some users rely on their email as its linked to calender/google photos/youtube and such.
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The trade-in phones may be going to a 3rd party that Google contracted to process the trade-in's. Alot of companies outsource to 3rd parties for stuff like that. My company does it for rebate claims.
kf2m said:
The trade-in phones may be going to a 3rd party that Google contracted to process the trade-in's. Alot of companies outsource to 3rd parties for stuff like that. My company does it for rebate claims.
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They do, they use Ingram Micro for all of this including new shipments.
To the OP at this point I would file a claim with whoever you shipped it with.

Dead Pixel 3XL after 4 months.

After about four months of owning the Pixel 3XL it had to be RMA'd because of a defective battery. Leading up to this i started noticing awful battery life with about 50% battery left with only 2 hours of screen on time for a few weeks. Then one day i picked my pixel up and the screen was off. Only issue is that it was at 90% at that time but never turned on again. After troubleshooting with Pixel support they determined the battery to be defective and issued a replacement.
Sadly it gets worse.
Now luckily i got what looks to be a new non refurbished Pixel but at this point i've been without a phone for almost a week. Now the worst part is because i chose the faster option of advanced shipping they put a "virtual hold" of the full amount of the device which they assured me wouldn't hit my account.. It did of course. What i didn't know was that instead of it going to the Synchrony account that i'm financing my Pixel through it went directly into my bank account which then overdrafted resulting in a overdraft fee. Now i'm not only out of the money i had in that account (Luckily its an account just for bill pay) but i also have an extra fee plus interest i'm betting that they will add all from a hold they said wouldn't actually get pulled...
This mostly angers me because if i had any other major flagship thousand dollar device like a Samsung or Apple I could have gone to a store and had it quickly swapped out.
Now ill get to talk to Pixel support since my defective device had a screen protector, a dbrand skin, and now my account has an overdraft fee all of which i believe Google is responsible to cover at the very least.
Ill reply In the comments after i get in contact, hopefully with good news.
Phone arrived and was a new unit in a refurb box THANKFULLY. So i called google support to discuss my accessories/overdraft fees.
So the woman i spoke with said that since i didn't purchase the accessories through google i could not be refunded for them even though the other Rep Rexel said they would. Also, since they didn't see on their end that i had a overdraft fee even though i emailed her a copy of my bank transactions showing it they said they could not issue me a credit for that and to call my CC and ask them to remove the fees...
She said to reply to the original email to see if the original Rep Rexel could help with my accessories..
At this point im out almost 100 dollars in accessories and fees and im pretty furious with google to the point that im about to just call my CC and dispute the charge as fraud. Instead i wait and reply to Rexel hoping that he will be able to help.
Luckily today that happened!!!
Rexel added up the amount that i spent on my accessories and quickly issued me a google store credit in that amount. He then asked if i could call my bank to have the fees waived and assured me that if they do not waive the fees to just reply back to his email and he will issue me a credit for that amount no questions asked.
This went from one of the worst experiences with a smartphone to a great one. If you ever have to call Pixel support id recommend asking for him so he can take care of you.
Cosmo100292 said:
Phone arrived and was a new unit in a refurb box THANKFULLY. So i called google support to discuss my accessories/overdraft fees.
So the woman i spoke with said that since i didn't purchase the accessories through google i could not be refunded for them even though the other Rep Rexel said they would. Also, since they didn't see on their end that i had a overdraft fee even though i emailed her a copy of my bank transactions showing it they said they could not issue me a credit for that and to call my CC and ask them to remove the fees...
She said to reply to the original email to see if the original Rep Rexel could help with my accessories..
At this point im out almost 100 dollars in accessories and fees and im pretty furious with google to the point that im about to just call my CC and dispute the charge as fraud. Instead i wait and reply to Rexel hoping that he will be able to help.
Luckily today that happened!!!
Rexel added up the amount that i spent on my accessories and quickly issued me a google store credit in that amount. He then asked if i could call my bank to have the fees waived and assured me that if they do not waive the fees to just reply back to his email and he will issue me a credit for that amount no questions asked.
This went from one of the worst experiences with a smartphone to a great one. If you ever have to call Pixel support id recommend asking for him so he can take care of you.
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Probably impossible to ask for a specific rep even if they're from a higher tier support. Google's tier 1 support is outsourced in the Philippines and it's a battle to get anything complicated done. Some of their "supervisors" even refuse to transfer you over to a higher tier or a department that can solve your issue. It really is like playing Russian Roulette who you will get and their ability to solve your issue. So really it's all about perseverance until you get that rep that can solve your issue. Sounds like you lucked out early and got someone competent. Grats!
zetsumeikuro said:
Probably impossible to ask for a specific rep even if they're from a higher tier support. Google's tier 1 support is outsourced in the Philippines and it's a battle to get anything complicated done. Some of their "supervisors" even refuse to transfer you over to a higher tier or a department that can solve your issue. It really is like playing Russian Roulette who you will get and their ability to solve your issue. So really it's all about perseverance until you get that rep that can solve your issue. Sounds like you lucked out early and got someone competent. Grats!
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Yeah i think this is the only downside to the pixel line at this point.

