Cannot connect to 802.1x PEAP MSCHAPv2 network - Touch Pro, Fuze General

I cannot connect my AT&T Fuze to my work wireless network. This network requires the following settings:
Network Authentication: Open
Data Encryption: WEP (key is automatically provided)
Authentication: 802.1x Protected EAP (PEAP)
Inner Authentication: Secured password (EAP-MSCHAP v2)
Problem #1 - When I add the wireless network to the Wi-Fi settings, I select EAP type as "PEAP." I try to press the <Properties> button to set the inner authentication to MSCHAPv2, but receive an error message "Cannot log on to the network. This network requires a personal certificate to positively identify you." However this network does not require personal certificates.
Problem #2 - So I ignore that and press <Finish>. I am prompted for my credentials (username/password/domain). I enter them and press <OK>. No good. I am then repeatedly prompted for my credentials. [UPDATE: I just tried it for the 53rd time and just this once I was able to magically connect.]
I have read through many posts of similar complaints. I disabled server certification validatin by adding the ValidateServerCert value to the HKLM\Comm\EAP\Extension\25 key even though I have successfully installed the appropriate root certificate on the device. I also added the ValidateServerCert value to the \26 key just in case. I also set the wireless power mode to Best Performance.
What makes this particularly annoying is that I configured a coworkers iPhone to connect to the network. It was a giant pain because I had to install some sort of enterprise configuration software on a server and email her a mobile configuration profile from this application. Well the joke is on me because my WM6.1 phone cannot even connect.
Advice on what to do next? Thanks for your assistance.

I have the exact same problem... anybody found some sort of solution?
In case you still have the problem:
Their program helped me overcome my issues with peap. Hope it works for you too
(taken from )

Thanks! Just how i tried - and too workng!

In case you still have the problem:
Their program helped me overcome my issues with peap. Hope it works for you too
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I am the OP. I was looking at SecureW2 as a last resort, as I am generally opposed to installing 3rd party applications to perform what should be core OS functions. Too many potential issues down the road. Fortunately I overcame my problem #2 stated above. On a separate post, somebody captured network traffic and determined that credential request/response was getting out of sync b/c the access point was not allowing enough time to respond. So after entering credentials and checking the "Save" box, I just banged away on the <OK> button as fast as possible. Eventually I connected. At this point the credentials are cached so I immediately connect from then on. I have tried this on two different HTC Fuze devices to my company's 802.1x PEAP MSCHAPv2 wireless network and it works great.
I also verified that since I installed the proper root certificate on my Fuze, I do not need to disable certificate validation by changing the ValidateServerCert registry value.
So the Windows Mobile 6.1 networking has two problems that will hopefully be fixed in a future update to make this easier for everyone.

So all you do is hit the OK button as fast as possible?

just making short login ans password

So all you do is hit the OK button as fast as possible?
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Yes if you are experiencing problem #2 in the original post, repeated login prompts even though you know the credentials are correct.
just making short login ans password
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The length of the username and password do not matter. And most credentials used with corporate networks are subject to complexity rules so cannot be arbitrarily short.

I found another solution, well the It guys from my Uni did.
Apparently you just have to increase the Wifi power setting to max. Otherweise the phone cannot process the peap crypto processes as it is limited by power saving mode.

i have the same problem. i dont understand how you overcame it

as0r: Changing the wifi power setting did not resolve problem #2 described in my original post, repeated login prompts.
jvar11889: How far did you make it, are you experiencing at problem #2 described in my original post, repeated login prompts? Is your required wifi configuration the same (802.1x PEAP MSCHAPv2)? I have succeeded on two different Fuzes, multiple times.

as0r said:
I have the exact same problem... anybody found some sort of solution?
In case you still have the problem:
Their program helped me overcome my issues with peap. Hope it works for you too
(taken from )
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I used this solution and worked for me!
Tried all the other tips mentioned, like for example the "power trick", without any luck!
However i have just flashed my TP from stock norwegian ROM to ROMeOS, dont know if this had any influence, but sercurew2 did the trick!
Its not really a 3rd party software, more like and integration into windows mobile!
Follow the instalations and setup guide from the site!
And Thanks for posting this, i have tried to get it working for more than 2 weeks now

Its not really a 3rd party software, more like and integration into windows mobile!
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I disagree because the release notes clearly list the DLL's installed on your device. There is nothing inherently wrong with 3rd party software; I just like to reduce complexity by only installing additional software when I can't get what I want using the buillt-in features. If this was the only way I could connect to my 802.1x network, I would certainly install it.
I'm glad you are up and running. I have a hard time believing Microsoft is not aware of these problems. If they are serious about WM competing with iPhone and Android, Microsoft needs to jump on top of problems like this.

rlsmith999 said:
I disagree because the release notes clearly list the DLL's installed on your device. There is nothing inherently wrong with 3rd party software; I just like to reduce complexity by only installing additional software when I can't get what I want using the buillt-in features. If this was the only way I could connect to my 802.1x network, I would certainly install it.
I'm glad you are up and running. I have a hard time believing Microsoft is not aware of these problems. If they are serious about WM competing with iPhone and Android, Microsoft needs to jump on top of problems like this.
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I agree with you! MS should do something about this! However, i talked to the EU HTC Support team, and they said a new ROM / Fimrware is due to be released end of February! Maybe there will be some kind of fix to this problem? Have heard that the HTC TP have some kind of problems installing certificates or something like that (havent read this myself, just heared it from someone working in a Cell Phone shop).
Hope you'll post here if you find a better solution!
Good luck!

zemlol said:
I used this solution and worked for me!
Tried all the other tips mentioned, like for example the "power trick", without any luck!
However i have just flashed my TP from stock norwegian ROM to ROMeOS, dont know if this had any influence, but sercurew2 did the trick!
Its not really a 3rd party software, more like and integration into windows mobile!
Follow the instalations and setup guide from the site!
And Thanks for posting this, i have tried to get it working for more than 2 weeks now
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I am glad it helped you, but it stopped working for me a couple of days ago. Would you mind posting your config?

Try and go into the securew2 settings tab !
And check for "prompt for username and password" ?
It switches on and off sometimes!
What config info you want?

hi boys...
i have the same problem... I cant connect to wifi of my university because his used a protocol that not compatible of andoid...
this is the guide of my University for linux sistem...
Sicurezza wireless: WPA e WPA2 Enterprise
Autenticazione: EAP Protetto (PEAP)
Identita anonima : anonymous
Certificato della CA: (Nessuno)
Versione PEAP: Versione 0
Autenticazione interna: MSCHAPv2
utente : il proprio indirizzo di mail studenti (esempio [email protected])
Password: ( la password del servizio wifi inserita in fase di attivazione)
now the problem is that my liquid ask me only password, and only for this not possible to connect.
anyway help me...

Same here
i have the same issue as well. i have tried all kinds of solutions. adding the reg key, securw2, advanced config tool and many more but nothing has worked. i even flashed a new 6.5 rom and that didnt work either. my fellow techs have i-phones and they find this pretty funny so i would love to get it to work. I like htc and dont really want to go to iphone so hopefully someone out there has the solution that works.


selecting proxy on today screen

Hello all
I have a very annoying problem that’s preventing me from using my jasjam’s(herms) network.
Here is the issue
I use 4 different proxies to connect to the web on my phone.
One for the UMTS connection
One for the gprs connection (diffent from 3g proxy for some reason)
One for the work very secure wifi connection
And one for the home wifi connection
Its too much of a hastle to manually reconfigure the proxy every time I re-connect to these networks. Is there a way to have a small button in the today screen to quickly switch between proxies
A small utility to switch between network profiles should probably do the trick
Also, how di I prevent activesych from changing the proxy every time I connect the phone to the pc (it keeps chnging it to the work proxy)
Dunno whether my old tutorial / guide (see ) works under WM5 - do you give it a try?
very impressive work but that not quite what i am looking for. i can't believe that i'm the only one that is having a problem with this.
fatso485 said:
very impressive work but that not quite what i am looking for. i can't believe that i'm the only one that is having a problem with this.
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But it is - I've even provided a way to put shprtcuts to the separate proxy registry import scripts onto the Today screen. (see the second article)
It's just that I don't know whether it also works under WM5 (I've written it for WM2003SE).
i am very sorry but i could not get it work on my universal (wm5). i wish it was easier to follow
a software called e2c easy2connect does that but its hardly worth $30 + i cant afford to slow down the system even more
anybody else can help
is there a tatorial that explains how to post a small shortcut at the bottom of today screen. clicking the shortcut would activate a registry key(for the proxy).
or even better. is someone of you nice people willing to do that. i imagine that something like that is very usful for far too many people
Toggle Proxy, Wi-Fi, etc.
Menneisyys said:
Dunno whether my old tutorial / guide (see ) works under WM5 - do you give it a try?
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I just came across this - brilliant!
I've been irritated by the hassle of switching back and forth between proxy and no-proxy (so I can use Wi-Fi, or streaming audio on Edge connection).
I can't imagine why this shouldn't work in WM5, so I will give it a try, and report back.
I knew about *.reg files but just never dawned on me to use them in this fashion - this will be so slick to have a few icons in Spb Pocket Plus, click and connect!
did you mange to get it to work??!!!!! if so please post how
Quick change proxy - no proxy - wifi on/of
Menneisyys said:
Dunno whether my old tutorial / guide (see ) works under WM5 - do you give it a try?
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I followed your tutorial, but on my Wizard found the registry keys in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\ConnMgr\Providers
rather than in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ConnMgr\Providers
cushcalc said:
I followed your tutorial, but on my Wizard found the registry keys in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\ConnMgr\Providers
rather than in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ConnMgr\Providers
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kewl! Did it work?

[SOLVED] Exchange not Syncing Over the Air on All 6.1 ROMs

The Problem: I cannot get Exchange to sync correctly when using any 6.1 ROMs.
AT&T Tilt
Exchange 2003
I really need to be able to Exchange sync in order to accomplish my job. From reading though the many 6.1 threads and searching around, I have found that people seem to be occasionally running into this problem, but there hasn't been any resolutions mentioned yet. The problem for me is that synchronization will not occur in ActiveSync. At one point, it would sync my contacts even though it said the sync failed. Others have reported that it will sync contacts and calendar but not email.
The Active Sync error code that I get after flashing a new 6.1 ROM and setting up Exchange the normal way is:
Result: Synchronization could not be completed. Try again later.
Support Code: 0x80830003
Here is a list of things that I have tried so far from searching and asking around that did not work:
1. Didn't work: Installing "remove hidden proxy" .cabs.
2. Didn't work: "What, exactly, are you having issues with? It's not an Exchange 2k3 incompatibility, as mine is synching fine. I did have to go into Settings > Connections > USB and turn off advanced network capabilities, though."
3. Verify the following Exchange setting (already checked): "On the Exchange server, launch Internet Services Manager. Right click on the Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync virtual directory and choose Properties. Select the Directory Security tab. Click the Edit button in the Secure Communications section and select the option to 'Ignore client certificates.'"
4. Verify the following Exchange setting (not running Exchange 2007): "I also had trouble syncing with Exchange. I run Exchange 2007 and had to enable the option to allow the enrolment of non-supported devices in my ActiveSync policy. With WM5.0 or 6.0 it always worked flawlessly."
5: After trying kewlair's suggestion:
"The first issue I had was the initial setup. I set up my account properly, but ActiveSync would report that it cannot sync at this time. I knew that I had to uncheck the Use Proxy for this Connection option to solve this issue, but I couldn't find where to get to that setting for the MEdia Net connection that was being used. I finally found it in Settings -> Connections -> Advanced Tab, then tap the Select Networks button and where it says "Programs that automatically connect..." select MEdia Net instead of My ISP and then you can tap the Edit... button and remove the proxy server selection."
...attempting to force a sync gives this. I also tried changing "Programs that automatically connect..." to My ISP with the same result:
ActiveSync tries to connect using either MEdia Net or My ISP and then says:
"Cannot Connect
Dialed: Cannot connect for an unknown reason. To check your connection settings and change them if needed, tap Settings. If the problem continues, reset your mobile device according to your manufacturer's documentation and try again."
ActiveSync Reports: "Waiting for network"
Right i am pissed so i might be being a ****, but, it would help if you told us
a) what version of exchange you are running.
b) whether you are using ssl to sync with the server
c) whether you are talking about syncing when connected to the pc, over gprs or such, or both.
Yeah, I have noticed some issues as well. I'm using dutty's official 6.1 release.
The first issue I had was the initial setup. I set up my account properly, but ActiveSync would report that it cannot sync at this time. I knew that I had to uncheck the Use Proxy for this Connection option to solve this issue, but I couldn't find where to get to that setting for the MEdia Net connection that was being used. I finally found it in Settings -> Connections -> Advanced Tab, then tap the Select Networks button and where it says "Programs that automatically connect..." select MEdia Net instead of My ISP and then you can tap the Edit... button and remove the proxy server selection.
The second issue I have found is that after a while (not sure on specific time) ActiveSync just seems to stop working, almost as if it is hung up. When I go to the ActiveSync window and tap Sync, it does absolutely nothing. Basically the only way i've found to get it to start working again is doing a soft reset.
Hopefully this will help you or other people out, because it took me FOREVER to figure this out. I am curious if anybody else is having problems with ActiveSync stopping responding with 6.1 also.
Same here
I am having the same problem here.
I am using DCS 1.5 and windows Vista (Windows Mobilde Device Center). It has been working beautifully for a week..
But now I cannot connect the device to my computer through USB. When I do the charge led is on, but the device is not seen by vista.
I checked off "enable advanced network functionnality" in the USB to PC settings.... But nada!
Any help from otehrs would be appreciated.
I'm sorry, I might not have been clear. ActiveSync on the device hangs up, not on my computer. I haven't had any issues with ActiveSync on my computer so I think this is a different issue.
rjefferis said:
Right i am pissed so i might be being a ****, but, it would help if you told us
a) what version of exchange you are running. Exchange 2003
b) whether you are using ssl to sync with the server. No SSL.
c) whether you are talking about syncing when connected to the pc, over gprs or such, or both. The PC sync works fine, but over the air it does not.
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See answers.
kewlair said:
Yeah, I have noticed some issues as well. I'm using dutty's official 6.1 release.
The first issue I had was the initial setup. I set up my account properly, but ActiveSync would report that it cannot sync at this time. I knew that I had to uncheck the Use Proxy for this Connection option to solve this issue, but I couldn't find where to get to that setting for the MEdia Net connection that was being used. I finally found it in Settings -> Connections -> Advanced Tab, then tap the Select Networks button and where it says "Programs that automatically connect..." select MEdia Net instead of My ISP and then you can tap the Edit... button and remove the proxy server selection.
The second issue I have found is that after a while (not sure on specific time) ActiveSync just seems to stop working, almost as if it is hung up. When I go to the ActiveSync window and tap Sync, it does absolutely nothing. Basically the only way i've found to get it to start working again is doing a soft reset.
Hopefully this will help you or other people out, because it took me FOREVER to figure this out. I am curious if anybody else is having problems with ActiveSync stopping responding with 6.1 also.
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Lots of good info there. Thanks and I will let you know if this works the next time I flash.
kewlair said:
I'm sorry, I might not have been clear. ActiveSync on the device hangs up, not on my computer. I haven't had any issues with ActiveSync on my computer so I think this is a different issue.
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juju-35's is a different issue. I agree. I am talking about over the air sync/push. I will try to edit the thread title to be more clear.
Camp said:
juju-35's is a different issue. I agree. I am talking about over the air sync/push. I will try to edit the thread title to be more clear.
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Sorry for the confusion, I thought you were talking USB since you mentionned the PC to USB thing. Still annoying though . I will repost in the DCS thread!
Direct push works without issues over AT&T's network on 3.0 Sleuth. My job depends on it working too. I've used it over MEdiaNet and My ISP connections although you need to be able to use my ISP to get it to work correctly (without 7minute delays). You can tell if its using the correct connection by waiting for direct push to connect after a reset then tapping on the big 3G icon. It should say its connected using My ISP (this assumes you let the connection wizard discover your provider and set you up of course).
The only difference between your settings and mine is that my email system uses SSL.
Certs aren't an issue if your exchange implementation doesn't need SSL.
I would really like to see the exact activesync error code you are getting btw.
Sleuth255 said:
Direct push works without issues over AT&T's network on 3.0 Sleuth. My job depends on it working too. I've used it over MEdiaNet and My ISP connections although you need to be able to use my ISP to get it to work correctly (without 7minute delays). You can tell if its using the correct connection by waiting for direct push to connect after a reset then tapping on the big 3G icon. It should say its connected using My ISP (this assumes you let the connection wizard discover your provider and set you up of course).
The only difference between your settings and mine is that my email system uses SSL.
Certs aren't an issue if your exchange implementation doesn't need SSL.
I would really like to see the exact activesync error code you are getting btw.
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It also happened to me on your newest 6.1 ROM Sleuth, thanks for chiming in here. I can only work on this issue during the weekend because come Monday I have to reflash to a working 6.0 ROM. I just reflashed with Dutty's newest 6.1 ROM and here are my updates (updated in first post also):
The ActiveSync error code that I originally got with all of the 6.1 ROMs is:
Result: Synchronization could not be completed. Try again later.
Support Code: 0x80830003
After trying kewlair's suggestion:
"The first issue I had was the initial setup. I set up my account properly, but ActiveSync would report that it cannot sync at this time. I knew that I had to uncheck the Use Proxy for this Connection option to solve this issue, but I couldn't find where to get to that setting for the MEdia Net connection that was being used. I finally found it in Settings -> Connections -> Advanced Tab, then tap the Select Networks button and where it says "Programs that automatically connect..." select MEdia Net instead of My ISP and then you can tap the Edit... button and remove the proxy server selection."
I get this ActiveSync error code. I also tried changing "Programs that automatically connect..." to My ISP with the same result:
ActiveSync tries to connect using either MEdia Net or My ISP and then says:
"Cannot Connect
Dialed: Cannot connect for an unknown reason. To check your connection settings and change them if needed, tap Settings. If the problem continues, reset your mobile device according to your manufacturer's documentation and try again."
ActiveSync Reports: "Waiting for network"
Thanks for all the help so far everyone.
Anyone else have any other ideas that I can try?
Have you tried not letting the network communication run and enter the att network connections manually. Just say No to configure your network config. I have had issues with the network communications auto setup.
1) Set up My Isp to use either wap.cingular or isp.cingular (depending on you data plan) and not setup the proxy.
2) Set up the work connection as medianet to use wap.cingular with the proxy setting
3) Set up MMS connection using the correct setting and using work connection (medianet) with proxy.
It really sounds like your issue is related to the network settings. If you look up your active sync error code on google all seem to point to the ATT proxy issues.
Good Luck
I use push Mail and have tries Sleuths and duttys 6.1 ROM without issues
SSL based Authentication
Mario said:
I use push Mail and have tries Sleuths and duttys 6.1 ROM without issues
SSL based Authentication
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Same for me DCS 1.5 and now 1.7 with SSL no problem at all
Everyone does not need to post that yes it does work. Mine works as well as 99% of other people. This thread is just for the OP and any others whose does not work.
Yes, It does work for 99% to 99.9% of people!
eagle 1 said:
Everyone does not need to post that yes it does work. Mine works as well as 99% of other people. This thread is just for the OP and any others whose does not work.
Yes, It does work for 99% to 99.9% of people!
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Thx but in that case error code would help. Because not working could come from many factor.
More strange is not working config when "upgrading" from WM6 to WM6.1 with STRICTsame config...
So if people could put more details it will help
The error code indicates that your exchange server is set to use client certs btw. Here's the exact recommendation to fix:
1. On the Exchange server, launch Internet Services Manager. Right click on the Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync virtual directory and choose Properties. Select the Directory Security tab. Click the Edit button in the Secure Communications section and select the option to “Ignore client certificates.”
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This is a server-side fix though. If you're not the IT staff that did this, then you need to get them to give you the client cert again.
your upgrade to WM6.1 caused your client side cert to disappear. The cert store on WM6.1 contains different certs in the root store as well which could cause WM6.0 to have the cert your exchange server requires but not this beta version of WM6.1.
Exchange installations which require client side certs are very rare btw which is why everybody is saying "works great here". Generally, server certs are used instead (require SSL must be checked in this case)
eagle 1 said:
Have you tried not letting the network communication run and enter the att network connections manually. Just say No to configure your network config. I have had issues with the network communications auto setup.
1) Set up My Isp to use either wap.cingular or isp.cingular (depending on you data plan) and not setup the proxy.
2) Set up the work connection as medianet to use wap.cingular with the proxy setting
3) Set up MMS connection using the correct setting and using work connection (medianet) with proxy.
It really sounds like your issue is related to the network settings. If you look up your active sync error code on google all seem to point to the ATT proxy issues.
Good Luck
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Solved. Thanks for everybody's help on this issue. eagle 1's answer above helped me find out what was wrong.
It was a really simple solution, but I have never had to mess with any of these settings on any of my previous WM devices. The solution was: The "Connection Setup" wizard did not set up my connection settings correctly. I had to set BOTH "Programs that automatically connect..." drop down options in the advanced connection settings to MEdia Net.
Thanks again to everyone that helped out.
surprising that you got a 0x80830003 error instead of the more common 0x8500200B (failed to contact server) message

Blackberry Connect on Raphael

I don't know how much people care, but it'll be available with the AT&T version. I saw someone on the Diamond forum I think saying they got it working, there's a link right in the Messaging section of the AT&T tab and it links you to (which doesn't exist yet of course).
Any update? Has anyone with a Raphael got Blackberry Connect working yet?
djhakase said:
Any update? Has anyone with a Raphael got Blackberry Connect working yet?
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Did you try clicking the link that I said the Blackberry Connect icon linked you to from the Fuze? If you did, you would've seen that there's now a website but it shows this:
"Blackberry Connect: Coming Soon!"
Right'o.. Has anyone tried spoofing their device as a Diamond or Kaiser and run that version of Blackberry Connect?
I'd try it myself but I don't have a Blackberry plan yet.
Hi guys,
I am sorry, but I don't know if the USA Raphael is CDMA or GSM and its implications to Blackberry.
I do have the GSM Raphael and Blackberry Connect is no problem at all. Just install the latest version (see my footer) and run. No hacking required. Works perfectly, no big load to processor or memory, full integration in TF3D. Very stable device.
djhakase said:
Any update? Has anyone with a Raphael got Blackberry Connect working yet?
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Yes I had it working fromt he 1st day in BIS mode. I have to say
1. It slowed the TP OS down.
2. Blocks other data traffic ports like browsing so you need to turn the connection off if you want to do other data related stuff.
3. Sends emails in plain text only and does not allow calandar accepts and rejects. (this may work in BES as calandar and contact sync is supported in the software)
I ended upi paying the contract penalty to drop BB for a standard data pack instead. emials are better although I don't have push yet.
Does not slow the OS down.
I installed BB connect when I got my Pro in August. Works like a charm and I have no problems with accepting or rejecting meeting requests.
It does eat up the battery...
djhakase said:
Any update? Has anyone with a Raphael got Blackberry Connect working yet?
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User "Blob8Me" is using Blackberry connect on his TP.
what exactly does blackberry connect do?
Google for blackberry connect....
th1nm1nt said:
User "Blob8Me" is using Blackberry connect on his TP.
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Indeed I do I have the BES Version (E for Enterprise) and its working really well too! I've used bbconnect on various devices now for about 2 years and this ones as good as any other - which is great!
I have my email, contacts and calendar all synced all of the time. I often have email arrive on my Pro faster than I do on my desk-top - its much quicker and more reliable than push email - although I do also have my g-mail synced with emoze - another great FREE app available for free from
I dont have an issue with blackberry data connection conflicts either as both my weather update and google maps work well with bbconnect installed! I also have BlackBerry Browser running which gives full access to my corporate intranet too - only in explorer though and not Opera!
So - in summary - works on the Pro and works Really well....
Software can be found here and by the way you'll need at least version for it to work on the Raphael.....
I've also attached here's a couple of screen shots!
i can also verify that it works perfectly for me as well. Here is the drawback though. It pulls your company's security policy and if that poilcy (which most are) is to lock your device you will be looking at a double lock if you already make your device lock. If you do not then you will only have one lock to get through to use the device.
I'm also a happy BES user. Just don't use over the air synchronization of contacts as I have noticed it is not always that accurate and contacts are lost with a large amount of contacts stored, so I leave that with Activesync
Only downside is that Blackberry and regular internet access are two separate connections and only one can be active at a time. Ideally I would like to see two parallel data connections.
Or perhaps even better have Opera and other "data clients" use the blackberry connection, as I have a flat fee data subscription on that.
mallman said:
i can also verify that it works perfectly for me as well. Here is the drawback though. It pulls your company's security policy and if that poilcy (which most are) is to lock your device you will be looking at a double lock if you already make your device lock. If you do not then you will only have one lock to get through to use the device.
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I also have BES connection and works perfect even abroad with roaming. The thing with the security applies to me also. It is enforced by the company's security policy.
Does anybody know if there is a way to setup the blackberry service using Sashimi or any other method after a clean install? So without configuring the handset manually through BBDesktop.
panos_peg said:
I also have BES connection and works perfect even abroad with roaming. The thing with the security applies to me also. It is enforced by the company's security policy.
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There is a way to deactivate the company's security policy. After each reset though, you have to go through the unlocking still, but I use Task Manager and a lnk to it's command line to stop the BB security service. Then the security policy is disabled and won't lock the device anymore. Till you soft reset it again.
Of course not recommended from a company's security point of view, but if you are watching a movie on a plane, it is pretty annoying to enter the password each 15 minutes.
Approach me if you want more info.
I'm a Blackberry user that is thinking of migrating to the Touch Pro. What is the advantage of using BB Connect over Activesync?
Also, do you get full HTML with BB Connect? I do on my BB, so was just wondering.
I8UB4 said:
I'm a Blackberry user that is thinking of migrating to the Touch Pro. What is the advantage of using BB Connect over Activesync?
Also, do you get full HTML with BB Connect? I do on my BB, so was just wondering.
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It will depend on what your work uses all the same though. and emails on BB connectwill be plain txt
clausg said:
There is a way to deactivate the company's security policy. After each reset though, you have to go through the unlocking still, but I use Task Manager and a lnk to it's command line to stop the BB security service. Then the security policy is disabled and won't lock the device anymore. Till you soft reset it again.
Of course not recommended from a company's security point of view, but if you are watching a movie on a plane, it is pretty annoying to enter the password each 15 minutes.
Approach me if you want more info.
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Would you be able to provide some more details or an instruction set on how to do this? TIA!
How to disable company's BlackBerry Security policy
greatg said:
Would you be able to provide some more details or an instruction set on how to do this? TIA!
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The responsible startup service to lock your device is "BlackBerrySecurity" (you can find it with Memmaid, for example). If you stop that service, e.g. with Memmaid, the BB lock screen will not bother you anymore. But attention: never delete this service! (possible with Memmaid). If you delete it instead of stoping it, your device will not boot anymore and you will need a hard reset.
But if you stop the service, after any soft reset of your device you will see the BB Unlock screen again. Only after unlocking, you can then stop the service, and the company's security policy (in my case, locks device every 15 minutes) will not nag you subsequently anymore.
In the past, after a soft reset I unlocked my device at the BB lock screen, then I opened Memmaid and stopped the service manually. As I have to reset my device frequently (2-3 times daily), this was pretty annoying everytime. I wanted a way to stop the service with one fingertouch.
The excellent freeware Task Manager provides command line parameters which allows to stop selected services. I haven't found any other program that does the same. Additionally, Task Manager is small and has many useful system tools. It is actually not what it's name suggests, it is no task manager but a system tool.
This is what I did:
1. download Task Manager (I do have V3.1) from
2. create a .lnk to it with the command line option to stop the BB Security service in your \Windows\StartMenu: for example "\Program Files\TaskMgr.exe" /stopsvc BlackBerrySecurity (if you have installed it in main memory)
3. Now you can reach this link from your Programs list.
I have added a different icon to it and put it in my Programs list at the first place. Now, after a soft reset, I unlock my device, then I just click the icon and the service is stopped.
Company SysAds will hate me. Take care that your data is safe in case you loose the device and use different means of protection.

Att Fuse Problem

Hello Everyone,
I just received a ATT fuse and for the life of me I cannot seem to get the WIFI to work. I've had the tilt and the 8125 previously and I tried duplicating settings to no avail.
Are there known issues with the WIFI on this phone?
I can connect to my WEP enabled wireless router, but opera and IE fails to connect and just keeps giving me errors. This is what I have read and what I have tried:
Setting to "work" instead of "Internet"
I've tried the cab files posted in another thread to disable ATT proxy
I'm a little lost in what to check. I did follow everything I've read here that came up in "WIFI" search. I have not unlocked the phone nor flash a rom.
Could someone lend a hand?
Sign up for the att media program...its on the attwireless site
This is a bit drastic, but an easy potential fix is to flash another ROM (after flashing Hard-SPL of course). AT&T often adds a bunch of unnecessary crap to their ROMs, which may interfere with normal functions. You could always flash the AT&T ROM back if you'd like.
Hi Animexi80,
I already have a data plan. The problem isn't with Media net, it is with the phone's built in WIFI.
Really, that drastic of a step.. Do you know of a rom that fixed a WIFI problem?
TweedyPepper said:
Do you know of a rom that fixed a WIFI problem?
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Honestly, I never even gave the AT&T ROM a chance, so I was unaware of Wi-Fi issues. Pretty much any ROM should work. If you flash a Fuze-specific ROM, you may want to run the CAB that disables the hidden AT&T proxy. If you flash a generic Touch Pro ROM, you'll likely need to run a CAB that fixes the keyboard layout.
Ok, I suppose I will give it a go.
If I may ask, would you tell me which rom and radio you're running. It would help rule things out it it doesn't correct the problem.
you may want to run the CAB that disables the hidden AT&T proxy.
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What is the "hidden AT&T proxy?"
I just got an AT&T Fuze and after enableing wifi using the wireless manager, had no trouble connecting to home wireless networks with various security configurations (WEP, WPA, hidden SSID, etc.). Of course if the access point has the MAC filter enabled, the Fuze MAC address must be added to the allowed list.
TweedyPepper said:
If I may ask, would you tell me which rom and radio you're running.
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I'm running an older PROven ROM, version 1.03. I'll be upgrading soon, probably to NATF's ROM. My radio ROM is, but (1) the radio ROM doesn't control Wi-Fi, so it's moot, and (2) it has not had very good battery life, so I'll downgrade back to tonight.
rlsmith999 said:
What is the "hidden AT&T proxy?"
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It's a proxy setting, separate from the normal one under Connections, that is hidden. It's used to make things such as Cingular, er, Cellular Video work.
rlsmith999 said:
I just got an AT&T Fuze and after enableing wifi using the wireless manager, had no trouble connecting to home wireless networks with various security configurations (WEP, WPA, hidden SSID, etc.). Of course if the access point has the MAC filter enabled, the Fuze MAC address must be added to the allowed list.
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This is a bit off-topic, but FYI, anything below WPA/WPA2 cannot be considered secure. WEP can be cracked in minutes, hidden SSIDs don't make APs invisible, and MAC filtering is useless (except with WPA/WPA2) as anyone sniffing traffic can see client MAC addresses in the clear.
I have found that sometimes when I have both a "data connection" and a "wi-fi" connection that they phone seems to not lock on the wi-fi but tries to use a weak data connection so try turning off the data connection and see if that fixes the problem. Also give a soft reset a try as well.
Surprised by how few ppl are having wi-fi issues. I've tried about 6 ROMs now and have the same problem with everyone (guessing this proves its more of a hardware vs software issue)
I can locate and connect to a wi-fi network but no data transfers. I have to continually disconnect/turn off/reconnect over and over and finally I will get a connection..but if unit goes into sleep for a few minutes...I have to repeat.
Very one else is having wi-fi issues?
Hi Everyone,
Sorry I haven't reported back sooner. I wound up loading a different rom on the phone and away went the problem.
jank0023, I have no idea. I would flash the phone back to stock and return it for another if all else fails. In all my searching, here and elsewhere, there ahve been a handful of wifi problems I came across. It doesn't seem like that common of a problem afaik.
jank0023 said:
Surprised by how few ppl are having wi-fi issues. I've tried about 6 ROMs now and have the same problem with everyone (guessing this proves its more of a hardware vs software issue)
I can locate and connect to a wi-fi network but no data transfers. I have to continually disconnect/turn off/reconnect over and over and finally I will get a connection..but if unit goes into sleep for a few minutes...I have to repeat.
Very one else is having wi-fi issues?
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If its your router try another channel make sure its on a supported signal (a,b, g)... lastly ensure your router is excepting all devices. I know these are basic checklist items but sometimes these can get us. I had a laptop that would only work on channel 6 ;-).
gravesy56 said:
If its your router try another channel make sure its on a supported signal (a,b, g)... lastly ensure your router is excepting all devices. I know these are basic checklist items but sometimes these can get us. I had a laptop that would only work on channel 6 ;-).
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Thanks guys for the suggestions...I don't think its related to my network setup as I have about 4 other devices able to obtain signals with no problems using DHCP.
Issues don't seem to be as severe on some of the most recent ROMs I've used but still not perfect.

Wi-fi issue (and how to solve it!)

Received today (finally! :silly my XT1650-03 Dual SIM in white/gold flavour and... only few seconds after turning it on... the first issue!
And not a minor one, a bad issue... weird that nobody have reported it before!
Turned on, boot, chose language, selected a wifi and... error during verifying connection: no Internet!
Obviously, my wifi had a good Internet connection up & running...
Tried again. Nope. Tried my old phone in hot spot mode (ever worked fine with every piece of hardware...), connected... same error!
Major problem was that on this phone the verifying step can't be bypassed (ignore is gray out...), so I was on a no way loop.
After A LOT of tries, at last it decided to bypass and go after BUT all my wifi connection still were marked as "Connection without internet" and no navigation available.
I've tested three known good wireless connections, all open, all same result.
Tried to configure them as static IP, inserted good data (it's my work, I KNOW what to insert...), same result.
The phone was connected, was pingable, has good IP, Gateway, DNS but... No internet.
My old phone and my pc, in wifi on the same network, was laughing at new arrived while surfing the Web. ..
After some Google searching (and a LOT of stupid "solutions"...) I found the good one... :fingers-crossed:
It's needed to enable Developer options and, inside, enable an option called "Use old/Lollipop DHCP client".
After that we *have to* delete the memorized wifi connections and recreate them. After that they work fine!
Weird thing is that, when I set manually the connection parameters, there shouldn't be anymore a DHCP protocol to be used...!!!
BUT probably, since it seems to need connections to be deleted before begin to work fine on them, even with manual (correct!) parameters it continues to mark them as "No internet" for some strange reason...
I think this is an issue related to Marshmallow more than Moto Z itself, BUT anyway it is a bad bug and I can't understand @google what they have "invented" this time to have such an absurd behaviour on a simple (and old) protocol as DHCP!
Obviously, connection parameters before and after the setting were exactly the same (same IP, same gateway, same DNSs), BUT with old DHCP enabled they are now of Moto Z taste...
Nobody had faced this issue before?
I didn't have this, probably just you. Haven't heard of anyone else either, so i can assume it might be your Router/WiFi AP that is old/outdated and uses redundant/old protocols (try updating the Routers Firmware, see if that helps). If that isn't the case, then i don't know (maybe someone else also has/had this problem, don't ask me).
yanniclord said:
I didn't have this, probably just you. Haven't heard of anyone else either, so i can assume it might be your Router/WiFi AP that is old/outdated and uses redundant/old protocols (try updating the Routers Firmware, see if that helps). If that isn't the case, then i don't know (maybe someone else also has/had this problem, don't ask me).
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I have to repeat myself... It's my work... I know what I'm talking about...
Up to date, four tested, three not working vs. one working with new protocol enabled. All working with old one.
DHCP is a old, simple & efficient protocol, there is no need to mess up it...!
WiFi compatibility *must* be best as possible (think about public hotspots, airport, etc... I Travel a lot and I need it!) and not limited in any way by absurd changes in well working protocols...!
When I'll be @hong Kong airport and my Moto Z eventually refused to connected WiFi, what should I do? Ask them to "upgrade router firmware"?
If you Google "marshmallow dhcp client issues" it's full of thread of people having this issue...
What they have invented is still a mistery instead...
I don't have this problem too.
I have the phone from august. It is an UK model, single sim. I have done factory reset more than 5 times and never had that problem. It is your phone with this problem.
SteveHG said:
I don't have this problem too.
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You'll have...
Great post. I have that problem to with wifi, cannot establish connection. Your guidance is perfect solution.
I guess is more to Marshmallow problem (software) rather than hardware issue.
izamd said:
Great post. I have that problem to with wifi, cannot establish connection. Your guidance is perfect solution.
I guess is more to Marshmallow problem (software) rather than hardware issue.
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Yes, BUT... I've found MM ROMs on other devices where this doesn't happen...
Be careful that on Nougat this option is no more available...

