[SOLVED] Exchange not Syncing Over the Air on All 6.1 ROMs - Tilt, TyTN II, MDA Vario III Windows Mobile ROM De

The Problem: I cannot get Exchange to sync correctly when using any 6.1 ROMs.
AT&T Tilt
Exchange 2003
I really need to be able to Exchange sync in order to accomplish my job. From reading though the many 6.1 threads and searching around, I have found that people seem to be occasionally running into this problem, but there hasn't been any resolutions mentioned yet. The problem for me is that synchronization will not occur in ActiveSync. At one point, it would sync my contacts even though it said the sync failed. Others have reported that it will sync contacts and calendar but not email.
The Active Sync error code that I get after flashing a new 6.1 ROM and setting up Exchange the normal way is:
Result: Synchronization could not be completed. Try again later.
Support Code: 0x80830003
Here is a list of things that I have tried so far from searching and asking around that did not work:
1. Didn't work: Installing "remove hidden proxy" .cabs.
2. Didn't work: "What, exactly, are you having issues with? It's not an Exchange 2k3 incompatibility, as mine is synching fine. I did have to go into Settings > Connections > USB and turn off advanced network capabilities, though."
3. Verify the following Exchange setting (already checked): "On the Exchange server, launch Internet Services Manager. Right click on the Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync virtual directory and choose Properties. Select the Directory Security tab. Click the Edit button in the Secure Communications section and select the option to 'Ignore client certificates.'"
4. Verify the following Exchange setting (not running Exchange 2007): "I also had trouble syncing with Exchange. I run Exchange 2007 and had to enable the option to allow the enrolment of non-supported devices in my ActiveSync policy. With WM5.0 or 6.0 it always worked flawlessly."
5: After trying kewlair's suggestion:
"The first issue I had was the initial setup. I set up my account properly, but ActiveSync would report that it cannot sync at this time. I knew that I had to uncheck the Use Proxy for this Connection option to solve this issue, but I couldn't find where to get to that setting for the MEdia Net connection that was being used. I finally found it in Settings -> Connections -> Advanced Tab, then tap the Select Networks button and where it says "Programs that automatically connect..." select MEdia Net instead of My ISP and then you can tap the Edit... button and remove the proxy server selection."
...attempting to force a sync gives this. I also tried changing "Programs that automatically connect..." to My ISP with the same result:
ActiveSync tries to connect using either MEdia Net or My ISP and then says:
"Cannot Connect
Dialed: Cannot connect for an unknown reason. To check your connection settings and change them if needed, tap Settings. If the problem continues, reset your mobile device according to your manufacturer's documentation and try again."
ActiveSync Reports: "Waiting for network"

Right i am pissed so i might be being a ****, but, it would help if you told us
a) what version of exchange you are running.
b) whether you are using ssl to sync with the server
c) whether you are talking about syncing when connected to the pc, over gprs or such, or both.

Yeah, I have noticed some issues as well. I'm using dutty's official 6.1 release.
The first issue I had was the initial setup. I set up my account properly, but ActiveSync would report that it cannot sync at this time. I knew that I had to uncheck the Use Proxy for this Connection option to solve this issue, but I couldn't find where to get to that setting for the MEdia Net connection that was being used. I finally found it in Settings -> Connections -> Advanced Tab, then tap the Select Networks button and where it says "Programs that automatically connect..." select MEdia Net instead of My ISP and then you can tap the Edit... button and remove the proxy server selection.
The second issue I have found is that after a while (not sure on specific time) ActiveSync just seems to stop working, almost as if it is hung up. When I go to the ActiveSync window and tap Sync, it does absolutely nothing. Basically the only way i've found to get it to start working again is doing a soft reset.
Hopefully this will help you or other people out, because it took me FOREVER to figure this out. I am curious if anybody else is having problems with ActiveSync stopping responding with 6.1 also.

Same here
I am having the same problem here.
I am using DCS 1.5 and windows Vista (Windows Mobilde Device Center). It has been working beautifully for a week..
But now I cannot connect the device to my computer through USB. When I do the charge led is on, but the device is not seen by vista.
I checked off "enable advanced network functionnality" in the USB to PC settings.... But nada!
Any help from otehrs would be appreciated.

I'm sorry, I might not have been clear. ActiveSync on the device hangs up, not on my computer. I haven't had any issues with ActiveSync on my computer so I think this is a different issue.

rjefferis said:
Right i am pissed so i might be being a ****, but, it would help if you told us
a) what version of exchange you are running. Exchange 2003
b) whether you are using ssl to sync with the server. No SSL.
c) whether you are talking about syncing when connected to the pc, over gprs or such, or both. The PC sync works fine, but over the air it does not.
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See answers.

kewlair said:
Yeah, I have noticed some issues as well. I'm using dutty's official 6.1 release.
The first issue I had was the initial setup. I set up my account properly, but ActiveSync would report that it cannot sync at this time. I knew that I had to uncheck the Use Proxy for this Connection option to solve this issue, but I couldn't find where to get to that setting for the MEdia Net connection that was being used. I finally found it in Settings -> Connections -> Advanced Tab, then tap the Select Networks button and where it says "Programs that automatically connect..." select MEdia Net instead of My ISP and then you can tap the Edit... button and remove the proxy server selection.
The second issue I have found is that after a while (not sure on specific time) ActiveSync just seems to stop working, almost as if it is hung up. When I go to the ActiveSync window and tap Sync, it does absolutely nothing. Basically the only way i've found to get it to start working again is doing a soft reset.
Hopefully this will help you or other people out, because it took me FOREVER to figure this out. I am curious if anybody else is having problems with ActiveSync stopping responding with 6.1 also.
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Lots of good info there. Thanks and I will let you know if this works the next time I flash.

kewlair said:
I'm sorry, I might not have been clear. ActiveSync on the device hangs up, not on my computer. I haven't had any issues with ActiveSync on my computer so I think this is a different issue.
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juju-35's is a different issue. I agree. I am talking about over the air sync/push. I will try to edit the thread title to be more clear.

Camp said:
juju-35's is a different issue. I agree. I am talking about over the air sync/push. I will try to edit the thread title to be more clear.
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Sorry for the confusion, I thought you were talking USB since you mentionned the PC to USB thing. Still annoying though . I will repost in the DCS thread!

Direct push works without issues over AT&T's network on 3.0 Sleuth. My job depends on it working too. I've used it over MEdiaNet and My ISP connections although you need to be able to use my ISP to get it to work correctly (without 7minute delays). You can tell if its using the correct connection by waiting for direct push to connect after a reset then tapping on the big 3G icon. It should say its connected using My ISP (this assumes you let the connection wizard discover your provider and set you up of course).
The only difference between your settings and mine is that my email system uses SSL.
Certs aren't an issue if your exchange implementation doesn't need SSL.
I would really like to see the exact activesync error code you are getting btw.

Sleuth255 said:
Direct push works without issues over AT&T's network on 3.0 Sleuth. My job depends on it working too. I've used it over MEdiaNet and My ISP connections although you need to be able to use my ISP to get it to work correctly (without 7minute delays). You can tell if its using the correct connection by waiting for direct push to connect after a reset then tapping on the big 3G icon. It should say its connected using My ISP (this assumes you let the connection wizard discover your provider and set you up of course).
The only difference between your settings and mine is that my email system uses SSL.
Certs aren't an issue if your exchange implementation doesn't need SSL.
I would really like to see the exact activesync error code you are getting btw.
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It also happened to me on your newest 6.1 ROM Sleuth, thanks for chiming in here. I can only work on this issue during the weekend because come Monday I have to reflash to a working 6.0 ROM. I just reflashed with Dutty's newest 6.1 ROM and here are my updates (updated in first post also):
The ActiveSync error code that I originally got with all of the 6.1 ROMs is:
Result: Synchronization could not be completed. Try again later.
Support Code: 0x80830003
After trying kewlair's suggestion:
"The first issue I had was the initial setup. I set up my account properly, but ActiveSync would report that it cannot sync at this time. I knew that I had to uncheck the Use Proxy for this Connection option to solve this issue, but I couldn't find where to get to that setting for the MEdia Net connection that was being used. I finally found it in Settings -> Connections -> Advanced Tab, then tap the Select Networks button and where it says "Programs that automatically connect..." select MEdia Net instead of My ISP and then you can tap the Edit... button and remove the proxy server selection."
I get this ActiveSync error code. I also tried changing "Programs that automatically connect..." to My ISP with the same result:
ActiveSync tries to connect using either MEdia Net or My ISP and then says:
"Cannot Connect
Dialed: Cannot connect for an unknown reason. To check your connection settings and change them if needed, tap Settings. If the problem continues, reset your mobile device according to your manufacturer's documentation and try again."
ActiveSync Reports: "Waiting for network"
Thanks for all the help so far everyone.

Anyone else have any other ideas that I can try?

Have you tried not letting the network communication run and enter the att network connections manually. Just say No to configure your network config. I have had issues with the network communications auto setup.
1) Set up My Isp to use either wap.cingular or isp.cingular (depending on you data plan) and not setup the proxy.
2) Set up the work connection as medianet to use wap.cingular with the proxy setting
3) Set up MMS connection using the correct setting and using work connection (medianet) with proxy.
It really sounds like your issue is related to the network settings. If you look up your active sync error code on google all seem to point to the ATT proxy issues.
Good Luck

I use push Mail and have tries Sleuths and duttys 6.1 ROM without issues
SSL based Authentication

Mario said:
I use push Mail and have tries Sleuths and duttys 6.1 ROM without issues
SSL based Authentication
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Same for me DCS 1.5 and now 1.7 with SSL no problem at all

Everyone does not need to post that yes it does work. Mine works as well as 99% of other people. This thread is just for the OP and any others whose does not work.
Yes, It does work for 99% to 99.9% of people!

eagle 1 said:
Everyone does not need to post that yes it does work. Mine works as well as 99% of other people. This thread is just for the OP and any others whose does not work.
Yes, It does work for 99% to 99.9% of people!
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Thx but in that case error code would help. Because not working could come from many factor.
More strange is not working config when "upgrading" from WM6 to WM6.1 with STRICTsame config...
So if people could put more details it will help

The error code indicates that your exchange server is set to use client certs btw. Here's the exact recommendation to fix:
1. On the Exchange server, launch Internet Services Manager. Right click on the Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync virtual directory and choose Properties. Select the Directory Security tab. Click the Edit button in the Secure Communications section and select the option to “Ignore client certificates.”
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This is a server-side fix though. If you're not the IT staff that did this, then you need to get them to give you the client cert again.
your upgrade to WM6.1 caused your client side cert to disappear. The cert store on WM6.1 contains different certs in the root store as well which could cause WM6.0 to have the cert your exchange server requires but not this beta version of WM6.1.
Exchange installations which require client side certs are very rare btw which is why everybody is saying "works great here". Generally, server certs are used instead (require SSL must be checked in this case)

eagle 1 said:
Have you tried not letting the network communication run and enter the att network connections manually. Just say No to configure your network config. I have had issues with the network communications auto setup.
1) Set up My Isp to use either wap.cingular or isp.cingular (depending on you data plan) and not setup the proxy.
2) Set up the work connection as medianet to use wap.cingular with the proxy setting
3) Set up MMS connection using the correct setting and using work connection (medianet) with proxy.
It really sounds like your issue is related to the network settings. If you look up your active sync error code on google all seem to point to the ATT proxy issues.
Good Luck
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Solved. Thanks for everybody's help on this issue. eagle 1's answer above helped me find out what was wrong.
It was a really simple solution, but I have never had to mess with any of these settings on any of my previous WM devices. The solution was: The "Connection Setup" wizard did not set up my connection settings correctly. I had to set BOTH "Programs that automatically connect..." drop down options in the advanced connection settings to MEdia Net.
Thanks again to everyone that helped out.

surprising that you got a 0x80830003 error instead of the more common 0x8500200B (failed to contact server) message


Exchange and activesync issues...

Hey all,
Just an idea. Does anyone out there think that it might be a good idea to start a thread about Exchange and OTA activesync issues? I have fielded a few questions recently and just figured that I would ask. (perhaps not located here in WM6 group but since this is most active I figured I would ask here).
Yes, I think it is a good idea.
Why? What is the problem? I've have used at least 5 different WM6 Roms as well as WM5 cooked versions, all working fine with my TMobile MDA and Push/Activesync and front-end exchange server here.
Personally.... None...
Personally, I have similar setup and no issues with multiple roms as well. I have just been answering a few questions lately from people who have been having issues and rather than have them get off topic in other forums non-related to exchange / active sync issues I figured I would start one.
Ok, I am feeling ya'
Let the questions/issues begin! Will help if I can to answer questions or test.
Real World Problem
Perhaps you will allow me to jump in with a real world problem, then.
I was able to synch with Exchange 2003 SP2 no problem. I essentially have two different scenarios:
1. I have no T-Mobile service at my desk, so I hook up to my XP machine with a USB cable and run AS 4.5. That view puts me on a private network (192.162.xxx.xxx); the pertinent server configuration is ISA 2006 front end to the network and a WS 2003 running Exchange behind it. The XP machine gets its IP address from DHCP server on the ISA machine, using the ISA address as a gateway for the local network.
2. Away from my desk, I connect via GPRS. The connection is to the ISA server using the public DNS name of mail.<domain>.com. This means a VPN connection.
So after flashing a new ROM, I can no longer synch locally. I get a 85010001 error message, bad HTTP protocol. Not much helpful information out there; I made certain that integrated authentication was not checked on the directory security tab for the IIS folder, and I went through the deletion and recreate of the IIS folders per MS article. Still won't synch up with the same error.
Additional information. RPC over HTTP is set up on the Exchange server via ISA server, and publicly purchased certificate covers the IIS DEFAULT directory. I can do OWA from inside and outside the network, synch via GPRS when I have service but can't when I use a USB connection. I had copied my WM5 settings down before I flashed, and they are set correctly. HOWEVER, when I unlocked the phone before going to WM6, I reloaded 2.26 from T-MOBILE AND THIS PROBLEM SHOWED UP BEFORE WM6! There were no reboots or changes on any of the servers or the XP machine from when it was working to when it wasn't.
Thanks, sorry if this was posted int the wrong place.
Hey rvverito, I'm an Exchange admin myself and would love to help others who had problems setting up the Exchange/OTA Sync. If you're interested in any help or just get stuck on a sticky problem, drop me a PM or email. (Both will be pushed to my device )
Unfortunately, I'm unfamiliar with ISA, I mainly service SBS servers and a WS 2003 box of my own, but with a hardware firewall. From your post it's not clear exactly what the error message is. WHen it comes to Microsoft 0x850001 is different than 850001, so if you could expand on that, it would be great.
Activesync reports the error
the 85010001 error is a windows dialogue box that comes from Activesync and not to be confused with something in one of the event files. In fact, there are no event postings on either the Exchange nor the XP boxes, and for that matter not on the ISA box, either. The error descriptions indicate a bad HTTP protocol, but I have seen other references to this error where the user wasn't even running Exchange and was trying to synch with some POP3 service. Go figure.
I know that with a certificate, there are some extra considerations, but i seemed to have had it working just fine, now not at all.
I am convinced it has something to do with Exchange and inside the local network. The WM5/6 setting capactiy is simply not rich enough to let me play with some things.
Here is another wierd thing. I am running a Netgear wireless router with WPA-PSK security. I try setting this up as a wi-fi network on my MDA and it comes back unavailable. There is a scanner on the build, and when I turn on SID broadcasting, I can see the network. However, the broadcaster says it is running WEP. If I turn off the SID, the broadcaster says it is open. And of couse, a dozen or so devices including a Nintendo Wii are all affectionately connected to the router.
thanks - L
Hmm, from the sounds of it, you may have to load the certificate onto your device. It is possible that you had it before you started the whole reflashing your phone deal, so it's worth a shot.
Of like mind
that is the conclusion I came to as well. I have been sorting out how to get the cert onto the device.
what troubles me though, is why it works over GPRS.
It could be because you have the certificate for AS/OWA, but not one for connecting to the LAN. I'm not sure what your network topology is like, so I can't really help you in that regard/
one more thing, if you have stupid tmobile proxy enable it will not let you sync with Exchange when its docked with PC, nor your pda will have access to internet. BLAME the t-zone service for blocking inbound traffic over proxy or get your self fully fledge internet for 29.99 or what you can do is disable the proxy when you connect to pc or installed battery status extended and enable option where it disables proxy when wifi is turned on. This will let you sync over wifi however again when docked with PC it can't be synced until you manually turned of proxy. Hope this helps.
wish that were it
but proxy is turned off. thanks.

internet/data issues with flashed tilt

I flashed my tilt to an htc rom and I'm now having problems getting on the internet. Is there some place where i could find a cab file with at&t settings or anywhere I could find the settings and enter them by hand. thanks
still looking. thought I found a solution but it was for hermes.
try this network config...
thanks a lot. that seems to have done the trick.
turns out it didnt fix the problem. i can connect to the web via PIE but for some reason I can't get either gmail or windows live to connect. I don't know why it would work for some but not others.
Same problem
I am having the same issues too. IE and outlook mailbox can connect without any problem to the internet. Gmap too.
However, I am having problem with fring and skype applications. Anyone experiencing this issue?
I have flashed my Tilt with the original HTC Kaiser rom.
i think i might have the solution for ya...change the isp.cingular to wap.cingular
I'm having all sorts of problems, too. Very odd. I don't understand how it can work one minute, then not the next.
One thing that has seemed to help is to use the advanced configuration tool to keep the connection active all the time.
It's under Connections > Connection Always On.
Keep in mind, I had to choose MEdia Net. When I chose "My ISP GPRS", I couldn't connect at all....
I'm having the same issue. I didnt notice it until now with Fring. Over WIFI it works, over 3g it says cannot find internet.
I checked and my settings are already on the wap.
So other ideas?
I've also been having intermittent luck with the settings on my TILT flashed to HTC ROM.
One way I got around it for a while, was to connect to Pocket Internet Explorer to get the connection setup, then hop on Google Maps/MS Live Search/etc.
I also had this problem with MiniMo and Opera for a while. Eventually it all just worked itself out I guess. Also, make sure your 'proxy' settings don't get messed up. Sometimes I'll go into the connection settings and the "This connection uses a proxy" is checked... I'll go back in later, and it won't be. Not sure what the conflict is.
skola28 said:
I've also been having intermittent luck with the settings on my TILT flashed to HTC ROM.
One way I got around it for a while, was to connect to Pocket Internet Explorer to get the connection setup, then hop on Google Maps/MS Live Search/etc.
I also had this problem with MiniMo and Opera for a while. Eventually it all just worked itself out I guess. Also, make sure your 'proxy' settings don't get messed up. Sometimes I'll go into the connection settings and the "This connection uses a proxy" is checked... I'll go back in later, and it won't be. Not sure what the conflict is.
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Here is a solution.
When you create settings using the Wizard it puts 2 connections. 1 MY ISP and the other MEdia Net.
GO to Settings -- Connections -- Connections -- Advanced -- Select Networks -- First drop down box make sure that My ISP is selected then click ok up top.
Try it and see if it works now.
If it doesnt select MEdia Net as the default connection and edit it, remove proxy and see if it works now. If still no luck remove MEdia Net from one of the connections, by managing existing connections tap and hold and then click delete. Then set MY ISP as the default connection in advance --select networks.
Good Luck.
That took care of it..
Actually what took care of it was going into the media net settings and unclicking the proxy settings..
It was using a proxy to connect but no server in the box. I clicked and whammo works now!
same issue
Just wanted to mention had the same issue (particularly with skype) and made the change mentioned further up in the post about changing the connection setting from isp. to wap. and now skype works like a charm, thanks!
please help me aswel
i had my tytn ii , unlocked from orange and am now using o2, gprs aint workin, dno wots up, iv spent hours surfin the web and entered tonnes of variations of the manual grps settings ie access point name = ... username password . neway these didnt work! phoned o2 they said they dont have the settings to send me. can ne1 help?

Stopping win 6.1 using GPRS/EDGE connection

Hi, Ive just been checking my phonebill and noticed since upgrading to the 6.1WM my phone using the internet access (GPRS/EDGE). I cant physically see whats running in task manager, but it def is accessing the internet at certain stages. I have no email set up apart from windows live (Hotmail) and that is all signed out of? How to i stop this?
Have you already tried the following? The same helps to end GPRS/EDGE connection by using the Call End key (Red key) once you finished using the Internet. In fact, in many cases, the connection closes automatically after being idle for some time.
Go to: HKLM-->Comm-->ConnMgr-->Planner-->Settings-->SuspendResume
and delete ~GPRS! value.
maybe it is rss hub ? it can be configured to update rss each time it detects a connection.
In Dr. Gonzo's rom there is a util in the System folder called NoData. I use this to disable my gprs connection because I never use it and its pay per use. Its very simple to enable when you want to use data.
ok, ill take a look? What does HKLM mean?
It means you need to edit the registry on your phone, HKLM means "HKey Local Machine". I have just done this as it was leaving the data connection active on the standard WM6 HTC ROM, and it worked.
Thanks for the help.

Custom ROMS and Activesync

I have tried a bunch of ROMS and found this to be the same problem for all of them. When connected to Activesync and the computer has an internet connection, the phone is supposed to be able to use that internet connection to download data. However, everytime a program tries to connect, it says unable to download data (i.e. HTC Home weather).
So why doesn't it work? If I remember correctly, it used to with WM5.
BTW, correct me when I am wrong, but when connected to Activesync, that connection overides the 3G/E/H connection. So regardless if I am connected to 3G, it doesn' use that connection to download. Therefore, I always get the 'unable to download' error.
Thanks for any inputs.
No one else has this problem?
No problem here. I don't use HTC Home (memory hog) so I cannot speak for the weather plugin, but any time I launch PIE or Skyfire, it defaults to my PC's internet connection.
anubus12 said:
I have tried a bunch of ROMS and found this to be the same problem for all of them. When connected to Activesync and the computer has an internet connection, the phone is supposed to be able to use that internet connection to download data. However, everytime a program tries to connect, it says unable to download data (i.e. HTC Home weather).
So why doesn't it work? If I remember correctly, it used to with WM5.
BTW, correct me when I am wrong, but when connected to Activesync, that connection overides the 3G/E/H connection. So regardless if I am connected to 3G, it doesn' use that connection to download. Therefore, I always get the 'unable to download' error.
Thanks for any inputs.
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Just something to check -- did you enable "Allow Access to Internet" for the USB connection?
ecltech said:
Just something to check -- did you enable "Allow Access to Internet" for the USB connection?
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I cannot find this option. In connection settings, I have 'Allow USB connections' checked, but I can't find where you can specify to 'Allow Access to Internet' for the USB connection. Can you point me in the right direction?
anubus12 said:
I cannot find this option. In connection settings, I have 'Allow USB connections' checked, but I can't find where you can specify to 'Allow Access to Internet' for the USB connection. Can you point me in the right direction?
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Someone correct me if I'm wrong (since I've been using WMDC for almost 2 years now), but I believe this option was removed in the latest version of ActiveSync for XP.
I suggest deleting your partnership with your computer, and then recreating it. Pay careful attention to the setup prompts, because one of them says something to the effect of "Allow Wireless Communication while connected..." I don't remember the exact wording. Try it with the option checked, and then unchecked if the first way doesn't work.
NotATreoFan said:
Someone correct me if I'm wrong (since I've been using WMDC for almost 2 years now), but I believe this option was removed in the latest version of ActiveSync for XP.
I suggest deleting your partnership with your computer, and then recreating it. Pay careful attention to the setup prompts, because one of them says something to the effect of "Allow Wireless Communication while connected..." I don't remember the exact wording. Try it with the option checked, and then unchecked if the first way doesn't work.
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Can someone confirm that this option is removed? I've tried checking and unchecking that option with no affect.
anubus12 said:
Can someone confirm that this option is removed? I've tried checking and unchecking that option with no affect.
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OK, I just installed ActiveSync on my work laptop. Using the setting shown in the screenshot, my Tilt uses my company's network when connected by USB.
NotATreoFan said:
OK, I just installed ActiveSync on my work laptop. Using the setting shown in the screenshot, my Tilt uses my company's network when connected by USB.
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Thanks. I have mine set the same way. What about on the phone? Does your company use a proxy server? If so, what does your phone setup look like?
anubus12 said:
Thanks. I have mine set the same way. What about on the phone? Does your company use a proxy server? If so, what does your phone setup look like?
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My company does use a proxy server, but none of that is configured on my phone. I just plugged it in, and it started leeching...

[Q] HELP: c00d07c9 error in wireless sync

Hi there
I have a problem with my new HTC Trophy.
It works fine with my Wireless router, It connects fast when I'm in home, and I can surf and get emails and all the stuff.
But then I tried to use zune for configure the wireless sync and problems came.
Zune detecs fine my SSID (withc is not hidden and doesn¡t have MAC adress filter active). Then I click on "Set up wireless sync" button and on the next screen, on the "Confirm Network" one, this is what happens when I click "next":
"Can't detect your phone"
An error has ocurred.
Zune was unable to connect to the wireless network access point.
Error code: C00D07C9."​
I really don't understand what is going there. because My zune works pretty fine downloading apps and sync the phone.
Help Anyone?
Thanks in advanced!
I had the same problem with my Omnia7. I found out that you need to disable windows firewall or anyother antivirus firewall when doing the first sync.
Also, connect the phone to the computer and leave it idle for 10-15 mins before you setup wireless sync.
Oh man thanks very much for your help.
Just as soon I turned Off my windows Firewall the sync was completed without any kind of error.
I'm glad i could help.
omniauser7 said:
I had the same problem with my Omnia7. I found out that you need to disable windows firewall or anyother antivirus firewall when doing the first sync.
Also, connect the phone to the computer and leave it idle for 10-15 mins before you setup wireless sync.
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so, after the first sync you can turn your firewalls back on though, correct?
yes, I'd also add an exception for zune.exe to the firewall too
omniauser7 said:
I had the same problem with my Omnia7. I found out that you need to disable windows firewall or anyother antivirus firewall when doing the first sync.
Also, connect the phone to the computer and leave it idle for 10-15 mins before you setup wireless sync.
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This worked for me also.. Great tip..
Worked for me as well. Thanks a lot
Nice one, I just spent 10 min trying to connect to an AP i forgot that i activated the access control months ago
*then it clicked*
I have same problem with Omnia 7. My laptop running Windows 7 64 bit is connected to same wireless network as my phone. Connection on both systems works without any problem. But when I try to setup wireless sync I have same problem like described here. I disabled Windows Firewall and also real time protection in Microsoft Security Essentials. I do not use any other security software. Any other solution?
same here
I'm also having issues getting wireless sync setup So far I've tried;
Disabling Windows Firewall
Connecting to network via cable
Removing wireless connection in phone and rebooting
Disabling AV
I'm at a loss as to what I else I can try. Wireless on the phone works, wireless on the laptop works, just setting up wireless sync doesn't
anything else to add
I have tried EVERYTHING to get this working. I have disabled everything that might be blocking the ports, I have reinstalled software, you name it.
The strange thing is, the phone worked and synced fine on Windows XP, then I upgraded (moved sideways?) to Vista and now I'm screwed. This is s**t Microsoft.
They can't tell me anything
MAke sure you are signed into the Zune software. i think this has to be done to let zune know that you are connected to the network. I think it is just a wierd bug thats never been caught. for some reason my auto sign in doesn't work. But i couldnt get it to work so i closed zune, then re-opened it signed in (top right corner of zune) then wen to settings and it worked.
I went into settings and click "Forget this phone" so that it would create a new profile. Still didn't work. Then I read on MS support Article ID: 952304 (goo.gl/6nsSm) that it may not work when connected to a public network.
D'Oh, I was connected to my VPN for work so it couldn't find my wireless access point. I disconnected/logged off my VPN, pressed Retry Wireless Sync and it worked like a charm. Then logged into my VPN again. Presto.
Hope this helps someone...
My Samsung Focus has never worked with wireless sync. I got it the day Windows Phone launched in the US and I've been through several hard resets over the past year and multiple reinstalls of Zune.
It sets up fine and then starts to sync and sometimes it will get through a song or two but it will eventually just stall during a transfer and there's no errors of any type. I can leave it there for hours and it won't progress any. I have no firewalls running or connected VPN's.
I've given up trying to get it to work. Very annoying.
I think I found the answer: According to [1] Zune is not compatible with routers using WPA/WPA2 mixed mode. Setting it to ONE of the two should make it work...
[1] http://www.zune.net/de-DE/support/w...help_originalid=C00D07C9&webhelp_locale=de-DE
hi guys,
so i think i have a solution but my modem ist airties it can be change with other models. so i have checked the link that hades has shared in german . yes you need to choose one of thee password code and then you go to ip adress of your modem default gateaway i mean, then then there should be isolation users something you need to untick that then save it . thats what i did and it worked.
i hope it works for you too
If this problem persists even after all the solutions provided, it is most likely that Zune does not currently properly support your Wireless Adapter associated with the computer.
I have this similar issue, I can sync fine on all computers but my desktop refuses to do so. I have even tried reinstalling everything.
Zune Sync USED to work for me... it now no longer works. The only change is that I've changed carrier ROMs since my phone's original carrier refused to update to 7440 and Internet Sharing. On my new ROM w/7440 I can't get it to work like it had... this sucks b/c I do miss it. Sigh WP7 was suppose to not require ROM flashing and hacking.
EDIT: Got it past the Set Up Wireless Sync prompts by going to "General Settings" on Zune and checking the Always start software when device is connected option box.
EDIT #2:Turns out, that did not get my LG Optimus 7 syncing, as now the PC would recognize the phone over wifi, but would fail to install proper drivers. I next had to uninstall Zune using this MS FixIt tool and then I reinstalled Zune as the tool prompts you. You don't lose any information during this process! And now my wifi sync works perfectly again. FWIW I think all this may have started when I installed specific LG drivers to be able to change LG ROMs.

