Att Fuse Problem - Touch Pro, Fuze General

Hello Everyone,
I just received a ATT fuse and for the life of me I cannot seem to get the WIFI to work. I've had the tilt and the 8125 previously and I tried duplicating settings to no avail.
Are there known issues with the WIFI on this phone?
I can connect to my WEP enabled wireless router, but opera and IE fails to connect and just keeps giving me errors. This is what I have read and what I have tried:
Setting to "work" instead of "Internet"
I've tried the cab files posted in another thread to disable ATT proxy
I'm a little lost in what to check. I did follow everything I've read here that came up in "WIFI" search. I have not unlocked the phone nor flash a rom.
Could someone lend a hand?

Sign up for the att media program...its on the attwireless site

This is a bit drastic, but an easy potential fix is to flash another ROM (after flashing Hard-SPL of course). AT&T often adds a bunch of unnecessary crap to their ROMs, which may interfere with normal functions. You could always flash the AT&T ROM back if you'd like.

Hi Animexi80,
I already have a data plan. The problem isn't with Media net, it is with the phone's built in WIFI.
Really, that drastic of a step.. Do you know of a rom that fixed a WIFI problem?

TweedyPepper said:
Do you know of a rom that fixed a WIFI problem?
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Honestly, I never even gave the AT&T ROM a chance, so I was unaware of Wi-Fi issues. Pretty much any ROM should work. If you flash a Fuze-specific ROM, you may want to run the CAB that disables the hidden AT&T proxy. If you flash a generic Touch Pro ROM, you'll likely need to run a CAB that fixes the keyboard layout.

Ok, I suppose I will give it a go.
If I may ask, would you tell me which rom and radio you're running. It would help rule things out it it doesn't correct the problem.

you may want to run the CAB that disables the hidden AT&T proxy.
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What is the "hidden AT&T proxy?"
I just got an AT&T Fuze and after enableing wifi using the wireless manager, had no trouble connecting to home wireless networks with various security configurations (WEP, WPA, hidden SSID, etc.). Of course if the access point has the MAC filter enabled, the Fuze MAC address must be added to the allowed list.

TweedyPepper said:
If I may ask, would you tell me which rom and radio you're running.
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I'm running an older PROven ROM, version 1.03. I'll be upgrading soon, probably to NATF's ROM. My radio ROM is, but (1) the radio ROM doesn't control Wi-Fi, so it's moot, and (2) it has not had very good battery life, so I'll downgrade back to tonight.
rlsmith999 said:
What is the "hidden AT&T proxy?"
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It's a proxy setting, separate from the normal one under Connections, that is hidden. It's used to make things such as Cingular, er, Cellular Video work.
rlsmith999 said:
I just got an AT&T Fuze and after enableing wifi using the wireless manager, had no trouble connecting to home wireless networks with various security configurations (WEP, WPA, hidden SSID, etc.). Of course if the access point has the MAC filter enabled, the Fuze MAC address must be added to the allowed list.
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This is a bit off-topic, but FYI, anything below WPA/WPA2 cannot be considered secure. WEP can be cracked in minutes, hidden SSIDs don't make APs invisible, and MAC filtering is useless (except with WPA/WPA2) as anyone sniffing traffic can see client MAC addresses in the clear.

I have found that sometimes when I have both a "data connection" and a "wi-fi" connection that they phone seems to not lock on the wi-fi but tries to use a weak data connection so try turning off the data connection and see if that fixes the problem. Also give a soft reset a try as well.

Surprised by how few ppl are having wi-fi issues. I've tried about 6 ROMs now and have the same problem with everyone (guessing this proves its more of a hardware vs software issue)
I can locate and connect to a wi-fi network but no data transfers. I have to continually disconnect/turn off/reconnect over and over and finally I will get a connection..but if unit goes into sleep for a few minutes...I have to repeat.
Very one else is having wi-fi issues?

Hi Everyone,
Sorry I haven't reported back sooner. I wound up loading a different rom on the phone and away went the problem.
jank0023, I have no idea. I would flash the phone back to stock and return it for another if all else fails. In all my searching, here and elsewhere, there ahve been a handful of wifi problems I came across. It doesn't seem like that common of a problem afaik.

jank0023 said:
Surprised by how few ppl are having wi-fi issues. I've tried about 6 ROMs now and have the same problem with everyone (guessing this proves its more of a hardware vs software issue)
I can locate and connect to a wi-fi network but no data transfers. I have to continually disconnect/turn off/reconnect over and over and finally I will get a connection..but if unit goes into sleep for a few minutes...I have to repeat.
Very one else is having wi-fi issues?
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If its your router try another channel make sure its on a supported signal (a,b, g)... lastly ensure your router is excepting all devices. I know these are basic checklist items but sometimes these can get us. I had a laptop that would only work on channel 6 ;-).

gravesy56 said:
If its your router try another channel make sure its on a supported signal (a,b, g)... lastly ensure your router is excepting all devices. I know these are basic checklist items but sometimes these can get us. I had a laptop that would only work on channel 6 ;-).
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Thanks guys for the suggestions...I don't think its related to my network setup as I have about 4 other devices able to obtain signals with no problems using DHCP.
Issues don't seem to be as severe on some of the most recent ROMs I've used but still not perfect.


WiFi internet issue on WM6

I`ve got a T-Mobile MDA with WM6 and I cannot access the internet through WiFi. The access point that I connect to is working cause I am able to access the net fine on my laptop. I made sure that my network cards are set to connecte to the internet. I even did a softreset after I made the changes.
My internet explorer just sits there on locating. I am not sure if its just my WiFi card configured incorrectly within WM6 or if its a reg setting that isn't set right.
If anyone had this issue before and got it fixed let me know or give me some direction to start.. thanks in advance for your help.
This is a fairly common problem. For me disabling the Wireless G option in the registry did the trick:
Key: dot11SupportedRateMaskG
Value: 1
so I diabled it, soft restet, verified that the reg change sticked, which it did. I tried to access the net again with no go.
me too
I have the exact same problem.
Not much discussion about this
I tried the G fix. Didn't work. Funny thing. It started when I installed MB. Downgrading DIDN'T fix it.
Try setting the the Network Card to connect to "The Internet" instead of "Work"
they are set to that..
That actually worked for me. (The Internet instead of work fix) I also made sure that all the boxes for "Server assigned IP address were checked. I could have sworn I tried that already. I wonder if it will stay "fixed". I'm due for a soft reset...seems to be working. I've been thinking all along it was some stupid setting.
EclipsedMotions said:
they are set to that..
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check the change your dns to and this may fix your problem
Changing to Internet and setting the DNS doesn't seem to help. Funny thing is, GMail via Midlet Manager seems to work (maybe its doing GPRS?). But IE just spins at Locating...
wifi internet issue on wm6
although i have the older version of t-mobiles' mda (wm5), i had similar issues connecting to the net even it sees a lot of wireless aps. either i cannot hold a steady connection or cannot connect at all. the solution i had was changing the channel on my wireless ap and updating my mda's parameters for my local wireless security. now i can go to the web using my mda even with poor signal quality. It is possible that you have several wireless ap's at your location sharing the same channel. hopefully changing the channel solves your problem.
simple possible solution, but check the proxy settings? I know with cingular, many people had trouble browsing the internet due to the MediaNet proxy settings. they removed the proxy settings and everything was fine then.
There is a known issue with your rom your running...there has been a new release. check the MB thread and you will see a recent listing about a 6 and 4 mb page pool, the wifi has been fixed.
mfrazzz said:
Changing to Internet and setting the DNS doesn't seem to help. Funny thing is, GMail via Midlet Manager seems to work (maybe its doing GPRS?). But IE just spins at Locating...
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I have the original MB edition and I do not have any wireless problems. I know he had to fix the re-released versions as the wifi did not work with them initially, but I was unaware of a wifi problem with the initial release.
WIFI problem don't even see networks
Hey everybody, still loving this phone and its diversity, but have flashed this little piece of hardware with the mb 4mb/6mb wm6 rom only to find that WIFI can't even be turned on!. And yes I've downed the fixed versions from a certain forum. When I turn on WIFI, It just gives the symbol in the top straight away. It just can't find the networks. I even manually added a network, it then tries to find it, but simply can't. WEIRD hey.
Is there a solution for this problem, cause I really, like the look and feel of the wm6 roms over the wm5 roms.
bye all and thanks in advance for the kind replies.
Did you try using WiFiFoFum at all to see if it can find networks? I have not had any issues with WiFi with the Most Beautiful edition whatsoever. Only thing I notice is that when the machine first turns on or right after a soft reset that I need to click the comm manager icon for wifi twice before wifi will turn on. Otherwise it finds and connects to networks perfect.
Problem with MIE
i have no problem to connect to my homenetwork with WIFI, but i cannot access the internet with the internet explorer. but it works perfect with the opera browser!
It's weird...
I never access the internet with the internet explorer even my wifi was connected successfully while I brushed wm6 rom.
A miracle has happened Today.
I install a WIFI Device for WM5, that one is simple Chinese language.
I tried to turn on the wifi but not work.
Then I uninstall it -> restar....
Then I tried one more time to turn on wifi, ok, it's work to connect but still can't open the web page.
I check the wireless lan, switch the power save mode to best performance.
Then....I can open web page????
Wow~~ I don't know it work cause the wifi device change something or just swtich to best performance.
Maybe you guys can try.
(Sorry to reading my poor English)
thomas.iseli said:
i have no problem to connect to my homenetwork with WIFI, but i cannot access the internet with the internet explorer. but it works perfect with the opera browser!
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Same exact issue. Pocket IE doesn't work, Opera does. Did you figure it out or get it corrected yet?
oops, double-posted

T-Mobile SDA (US) [HTC Tornado] WiFi Issue

Upgraded today to WM 6.1 by illi and rickwyatt using kar hoe's guide (great job btw very clear instructions ). I am wondering if anyone is experiencing issues with WiFi connectivity. I do not pay for a data plan and WiFi is very important to me. I tested today with my home access point and it seems that I never pass the "Connecting to Network" stage on the "WiFi Networks" page. It'll flash my AP's MAC address for a second or so, but no actual connectivity. I tried connecting via WAP-PSK security, WEP security and even no security.. all to no avail. WM 5 had this problem when AP's had low signal (it would flash the MAC/SSID and then move on to the next network), but never to the point where I could not connect. Also, I notice the WiFi icon shows as a tower with a halo and the three dots (/°\...) while it's trying to connect. As soon as it flashes the MAC/SSID the icon turns to a dead tower (/\). I was wondering if this is a known issue, and whether anyone has experienced and/or fixed this. Please advise... Thanks in advance
P.S. Excuse the crappy ASCII art in trying to get my point across. Pls let me know if you need more info.
I know that for my wep secure home network - I needed to add the phone to the network before it would be accepted. Just knowing the wep pass code was not enough
The phone would just loop trying to connect with no luck.
Not sure what software you are using on your network / wireless router - but this may be the issue.
Good luck
I normally use WPA-PSK encryption on the network. Its a linksys wrt-54g router. It runs in b/g compatibility mode. I even tried to connect w/o security period. It kept dropping after flashing the MAC/SSID.
well here's an update. i an still having issues with the wifi but i decided to spring for the data plan. it's only $20 us on top of the phone bill. i figured thats not a bad deal since internet is so important for me. i'm actually sorting this on my sda.
I do same as far as wifi (no data plan). I see you got one now btw, gl.
I use same rom and I got no problems with wifi, maybe you need radio update or something simple as that.
On my home network you need wep key and mac address added on my router in order to connect (just a thought); I use linksys and can post more details on this with pictures if needed.
Using wifi and Devicescape ain't that bad for me.
I had to reply just so others who didn't try this rom know its not the rom issue about wifi - I LOVE THIS ROM
My phone- SDA Tornado
Provider - T-Mobile USA
Rom- WM 6.1 by illi and rickwyatt
bllohin said:
I do same as far as wifi (no data plan). I see you got one now btw, gl.
I use same rom and I got no problems with wifi, maybe you need radio update or something simple as that.
On my home network you need wep key and mac address added on my router in order to connect (just a thought); I use linksys and can post more details on this with pictures if needed.
Using wifi and Devicescape ain't that bad for me.
I had to reply just so others who didn't try this rom know its not the rom issue about wifi - I LOVE THIS ROM
My phone- SDA Tornado
Provider - T-Mobile USA
Rom- WM 6.1 by illi and rickwyatt
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hmmm... devicescape, you say? yeah that's definitely worth checking out. i'll play around with it at some point. you are totally right though, the WM 6.1 rom is awesome and I encourage anyone who is still running Windows Mobile 5 to go ahead and upgrade. Karhoe's guide is a very concise way to make this happen. i was actually looking to get a new phone prior to upgrading. i was thinking about getting the HTC Kaiser (TyTn II) although I was put off by the issue where it was released lacking hardware acceleration support for its ATI Imageon graphics processor. I haven't had a chance to play with the wifi on other access points yet, so perhaps this issue was specific to my home router.
P.S. Thanks for your reply!
bllohin said:
I do same as far as wifi (no data plan). I see you got one now btw, gl.
I use same rom and I got no problems with wifi, maybe you need radio update or something simple as that.
On my home network you need wep key and mac address added on my router in order to connect (just a thought); I use linksys and can post more details on this with pictures if needed.
Using wifi and Devicescape ain't that bad for me.
I had to reply just so others who didn't try this rom know its not the rom issue about wifi - I LOVE THIS ROM
My phone- SDA Tornado
Provider - T-Mobile USA
Rom- WM 6.1 by illi and rickwyatt
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Can you link the thread for the exact ROM you used. I am getting a Tmobile SDA soon and want to upgrade it to 6.1, just want to make sure I used the right rom for that works with the SDA as there are multiple threads/roms posted one by illi and another by ricky.
Appreciate it! Thanks.

WIFI problem after ICS upgrade

HI. Today I updated my non-rooted HTC Desire S to ICS 4.0.4 (3.0.16-gce03037 Kernel) from official site... Everything is working fine, but I have problem using the WIFI connection.
I can enable/disable WiFi, I have no problems with OS freezing when I switch on or off wireless, etc. I configured it properly (I did not restore any settings from my backup software) and manually, and in status bar I can see that network is connected. It seems that everything is working fine but:
1. I cannot access the Internet from the phone
2. My access point does not list my HTC as connected device at all
I am desperate because this is the only thing that is not working after upgrade, and I use WiFi a lot
Thank you all for helping regarding this.
R: WIFI problem after ICS upgrade
machiavelli-bg said:
HI. Today I updated my non-rooted HTC Desire S to ICS 4.0.4 (3.0.16-gce03037 Kernel) from official site... Everything is working fine, but I have problem using the WIFI connection.
I can enable/disable WiFi, I have no problems with OS freezing when I switch on or off wireless, etc. I configured it properly (I did not restore any settings from my backup software) and manually, and in status bar I can see that network is connected. It seems that everything is working fine but:
1. I cannot access the Internet from the phone
2. My access point does not list my HTC as connected device at all
I am desperate because this is the only thing that is not working after upgrade, and I use WiFi a lot
Thank you all for helping regarding this.
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I don't know if it is the same issue i was experiencing some time ago, but seems that older Wi-Fi router have some problems with ics roms and later versions (jelly bean). I have resolved by changing my router but you could try specificy a static ip address for your phone and see if it works.
Sent from my HTC Desire S using xda app-developers app
I already have a static IP defined. Also my WiFi is protected with AES. Is there any way to keep ICS on HTC and to degrade only driver for the WiFi?
machiavelli-bg said:
I already have a static IP defined. Also my WiFi is protected with AES. Is there any way to keep ICS on HTC and to degrade only driver for the WiFi?
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No, I don't think so, but maybe the AES encryption could be the problem. Try swiching to WPA or WPA2 and see if it works.
Jedioscuro said:
No, I don't think so, but maybe the AES encryption could be the problem. Try swiching to WPA or WPA2 and see if it works.
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I tried with different encryption methods, even with no encryption at all, and problem remains. Any ideas?
machiavelli-bg said:
I tried with different encryption methods, even with no encryption at all, and problem remains. Any ideas?
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Well, no. You could still try to root your phone, install a Jelly Bean based Rom and specify a static IP. JB is slightly better with WiFi than ICS so I think this is your last call.
Otherwise you can still use the pass-through internet option is "Stock option" of the Rom settings, but this means that the phone must be plugged in the PC.
Jedioscuro said:
Well, no. You could still try to root your phone, install a Jelly Bean based Rom and specify a static IP. JB is slightly better with WiFi than ICS so I think this is your last call.
Otherwise you can still use the pass-through internet option is "Stock option" of the Rom settings, but this means that the phone must be plugged in the PC.
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Is there any 3rd party software which can manage WiFi chip? Something like option in MS Windows, where you can choose Windows to manage wireless or vendor application. Maybe it is not a firmware problem, maybe it is something with ICS subsystem/application which handles WiFi...
machiavelli-bg said:
Is there any 3rd party software which can manage WiFi chip? Something like option in MS Windows, where you can choose Windows to manage wireless or vendor application. Maybe it is not a firmware problem, maybe it is something with ICS subsystem/application which handles WiFi...
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Not from my knowledge. You can try downloading wifix from the market, for some users has worked, but not for me.
Jedioscuro said:
Not from my knowledge. You can try downloading wifix from the market, for some users has worked, but not for me.
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OK, now things are getting very weird!
First of all, I tried with "wifix" and bunch of other market "wifi fix apps", but with no success. After that I connected to my WiFi and try to ping my laptop which resides on the same AP and.... with SUCCESS! I looked at my AP statistics and I cannot still observe that my HTC is connected to the AP, but I could ping the laptop and default gateway (which is AP of course). I tried to do SSH to the HTC and that was successful too. It seems that my WIFI is working only locally, because when I try to ping public IP I get the destination unreachable error message. On the ifconfig's interface statistics I can see Rx and Tx counters increases on the wlan0 interface, but on the AP I still cannot see that my HTC is connected.
I looked up in to the routing table, and there was everything as should be. I am sure that there is no IP address conflict inside my network, I am sure that my HTC is authenticated and connected on the right wireless channel.
Guys, this issue is very weird, can somebody give some hint about it?
Please, see attachments there is much more info regarding this.
equally eelsec
Ok, here is the update in attachment, it seems that I have problem on the layer 3 of the OSI model. I think that I can summarize the following:
1. Radio is working
2. All MAC layer things are also fine
3. Encryption is ok
4. IP packets transportation between the HTC and router is not working.
I am not good with linux, and my phone is not rooted.What can I do to troubleshoot this part of the networking now?
Hello to all again.
Believe or not I still have the same problem. HTC support is USELESS... I tried with factory reset, and I still got a problem. I am loosing patience now... Can somebody tell me how to revert back to previous OS, please? Where to download, and how to install it?

Wi-fi issue (and how to solve it!)

Received today (finally! :silly my XT1650-03 Dual SIM in white/gold flavour and... only few seconds after turning it on... the first issue!
And not a minor one, a bad issue... weird that nobody have reported it before!
Turned on, boot, chose language, selected a wifi and... error during verifying connection: no Internet!
Obviously, my wifi had a good Internet connection up & running...
Tried again. Nope. Tried my old phone in hot spot mode (ever worked fine with every piece of hardware...), connected... same error!
Major problem was that on this phone the verifying step can't be bypassed (ignore is gray out...), so I was on a no way loop.
After A LOT of tries, at last it decided to bypass and go after BUT all my wifi connection still were marked as "Connection without internet" and no navigation available.
I've tested three known good wireless connections, all open, all same result.
Tried to configure them as static IP, inserted good data (it's my work, I KNOW what to insert...), same result.
The phone was connected, was pingable, has good IP, Gateway, DNS but... No internet.
My old phone and my pc, in wifi on the same network, was laughing at new arrived while surfing the Web. ..
After some Google searching (and a LOT of stupid "solutions"...) I found the good one... :fingers-crossed:
It's needed to enable Developer options and, inside, enable an option called "Use old/Lollipop DHCP client".
After that we *have to* delete the memorized wifi connections and recreate them. After that they work fine!
Weird thing is that, when I set manually the connection parameters, there shouldn't be anymore a DHCP protocol to be used...!!!
BUT probably, since it seems to need connections to be deleted before begin to work fine on them, even with manual (correct!) parameters it continues to mark them as "No internet" for some strange reason...
I think this is an issue related to Marshmallow more than Moto Z itself, BUT anyway it is a bad bug and I can't understand @google what they have "invented" this time to have such an absurd behaviour on a simple (and old) protocol as DHCP!
Obviously, connection parameters before and after the setting were exactly the same (same IP, same gateway, same DNSs), BUT with old DHCP enabled they are now of Moto Z taste...
Nobody had faced this issue before?
I didn't have this, probably just you. Haven't heard of anyone else either, so i can assume it might be your Router/WiFi AP that is old/outdated and uses redundant/old protocols (try updating the Routers Firmware, see if that helps). If that isn't the case, then i don't know (maybe someone else also has/had this problem, don't ask me).
yanniclord said:
I didn't have this, probably just you. Haven't heard of anyone else either, so i can assume it might be your Router/WiFi AP that is old/outdated and uses redundant/old protocols (try updating the Routers Firmware, see if that helps). If that isn't the case, then i don't know (maybe someone else also has/had this problem, don't ask me).
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I have to repeat myself... It's my work... I know what I'm talking about...
Up to date, four tested, three not working vs. one working with new protocol enabled. All working with old one.
DHCP is a old, simple & efficient protocol, there is no need to mess up it...!
WiFi compatibility *must* be best as possible (think about public hotspots, airport, etc... I Travel a lot and I need it!) and not limited in any way by absurd changes in well working protocols...!
When I'll be @hong Kong airport and my Moto Z eventually refused to connected WiFi, what should I do? Ask them to "upgrade router firmware"?
If you Google "marshmallow dhcp client issues" it's full of thread of people having this issue...
What they have invented is still a mistery instead...
I don't have this problem too.
I have the phone from august. It is an UK model, single sim. I have done factory reset more than 5 times and never had that problem. It is your phone with this problem.
SteveHG said:
I don't have this problem too.
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You'll have...
Great post. I have that problem to with wifi, cannot establish connection. Your guidance is perfect solution.
I guess is more to Marshmallow problem (software) rather than hardware issue.
izamd said:
Great post. I have that problem to with wifi, cannot establish connection. Your guidance is perfect solution.
I guess is more to Marshmallow problem (software) rather than hardware issue.
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Yes, BUT... I've found MM ROMs on other devices where this doesn't happen...
Be careful that on Nougat this option is no more available...

Hotspot issues with Android Pie

I am having issues regarding Wifi hotspot on Pie.
1. My laptop find it very difficult to find the hotspot. Sometimes I have to restart the hotspot 2-3 times before the network shows up on my laptop. On Oreo, this was always instant and worked immediatly.
2. In the last few days using a hotspot from the phone and my laptop I have had issues regarding DNS/internet. Even though my laptop is connected to the hotspot network, it doesn't have any internet access. When browsing the web on my laptop, all DNS requests always fails. It happens whenever I try to navigate to a site and tries to ping a url from CMD. But if I try to ping a ip address, let say, that works fine! I can also use my browser on my phone without any issues at all. The laptop works fine on any other network and the phone works well on its own but the hotspot causes great problems. It sounds to me that for some reason when using a hotspot, DNS requests doesn't come through properly. Also, if I connect to a VPN on my laptop, eveything works, even DNS requests but my VPN is somewhat unreliable so it constantly disconnects so that is not a viable solution for me.
Anyone experiencing similar problems? It's really annoying because now I can't get any work done on my daily commute.
Edit: It sounds similar to these problems:
baxtex said:
I am having issues regarding Wifi hotspot on Pie.
1. My laptop find it very difficult to find the hotspot. Sometimes I have to restart the hotspot 2-3 times before the network shows up on my laptop. On Oreo, this was always instant and worked immediatly.
2. In the last few days using a hotspot from the phone and my laptop I have had issues regarding DNS/internet. Even though my laptop is connected to the hotspot network, it doesn't have any internet access. When browsing the web on my laptop, all DNS requests always fails. It happens whenever I try to navigate to a site and tries to ping a url from CMD. But if I try to ping a ip address, let say, that works fine! I can also use my browser on my phone without any issues at all. The laptop works fine on any other network and the phone works well on its own but the hotspot causes great problems. It sounds to me that for some reason when using a hotspot, DNS requests doesn't come through properly. Also, if I connect to a VPN on my laptop, eveything works, even DNS requests but my VPN is somewhat unreliable so it constantly disconnects so that is not a viable solution for me.
Anyone experiencing similar problems? It's really annoying because now I can't get any work done on my daily commute.
Edit: It sounds similar to these problems:
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@thugslug @jbm76 I know you guys had an issue with hotspot. Is this the same problem?
yldlj said:
@[email protected] I know you guys had an issue with hotspot. Is this the same problem?
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Point 2 sounds like it..
jbm76 said:
Point 2 sounds like it..
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I can't remember what thread you wrote the adb commands that might fix it? Was going to direct him to that post.
yldlj said:
I can't remember what thread you wrote the adb commands that might fix it? Was going to direct him to that post.
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Yep that fixed for me ??
adb shell settings get global tether_dun_required
If the result is "null" or "1"
adb shell settings put global tether_dun_required 0
Reboot phone
yldlj said:
@[email protected] I know you guys had an issue with hotspot. Is this the same problem?
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His first problem I don't have, but it's the second that's the same issue as mine.
Obviously he's never searched or he'd have found my lengthy post not very far back.
The solution is there too.
I've never tried turning the VPN on to see if I get through access to the internet that way. I can't now as I've applied the fix @jbm76 found, and I don't really want to back out the fix to try it.
Definitely an area where pie has gone backwards. For those of us affected anyway.
Edit.... Sorry, I didn't note that this was a new thread.
My post is in the OB4 thread (which I at first thought this was). I'm tired and didn't look well enough.
jbm76 said:
Yep that fixed for me ?
adb shell settings get global tether_dun_required
If the result is "null" or "1"
adb shell settings put global tether_dun_required 0
Reboot phone
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I will try these and report back.
baxtex said:
I will try these and report back.
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If you get errors at the cmd prompt make sure usb debugging is set 'on' on the phone.
Followed the commands and it seemed to do the trick! Many many thanks!
baxtex said:
Followed the commands and it seemed to do the trick! Many many thanks!
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Most people it works straight away. What region are you in?
Sent from my SM-P605 using Tapatalk
jbm76 said:
Most people it works straight away. What region are you in?
Sent from my SM-P605 using Tapatalk
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I want to remember that it did work before, then I have to reflash Pie again and that's when the issues started.
I still wanted to say that I still suffering from the first problem, having difficulties actually finding the hotspot at all.
Its very odd. This problem has started to arise again. I tried running adb shell settings get global tether_dun_required again but I get the answer that it is 0 so that looks fine. I haven't updated anything since I had this problem the last time.
To provide some more info and more things to try if you are rooted (I am in the US on T-Mobile). These instructions should also help you avoid tethering detection using the standard Android tethering options if you wish to.
1) Go into settings --> system --> developer options and turn off Tethering hardware acceleration. This will make sure all tethering routing is done by Android at the software level and not by Qualcomm's chipsets (so following steps will apply).
2) As suggested, put global tether_dun_required 0. Note you can also do this from a command prompt by typing su (get root access) and typing setting put global tether_dun_required 0. What this does is route tething traffic over the same APN as phone traffic, and not the hidden tethering APN that some carriers put on the sim cards.
3) Install Change TTL and in settings set it to run a boot and set TTL to 64. This ensures that all traffic leaving your phone will have a TTL of 64 and look like it is coming from the phone. (I am pretty sure this also set's ipv6 hop limit, as TMobile in the US is all IPv6 and this hides traffic.)
Reboot. If you still have trouble -- try Android's USB option to see if it is WiFi related vs Tethering system related.
- Verify that global tether_dun_required is still 0 after reboot (it should be if you are rooted).
- Delete the WiFi entry on your computer and re-join the phone's network -- sometimes it is on your computer's side.
Another thing to try is Easy Tether -- this is a good USB tethering option that won't use Android tethering system and it is guaranteed to route traffic over the phone's network APN.
If the issue is DNS, you can isolate that by manually putting a DNS ( into the tethered computer to see if that is the issue.
Also, google search xda VPN Hotspot. This app has a ton of options to change Android's tethering routing even if you are not using a VPN. This may also help you figure something out. You can activate tethering, then go in here and turn on the wlan interface and it should route traffic directly to that (which should be happening anyways because of tether_dun_required = 0).
Good luck!
MetroWestMA said:
To provide some more info and more things to try if you are rooted (I am in the US on T-Mobile). These instructions should also help you avoid tethering detection using the standard Android tethering options if you wish to.
1) Go into settings --> system --> developer options and turn off Tethering hardware acceleration. This will make sure all tethering routing is done by Android at the software level and not by Qualcomm's chipsets (so following steps will apply).
2) As suggested, put global tether_dun_required 0. Note you can also do this from a command prompt by typing su (get root access) and typing setting put global tether_dun_required 0. What this does is route tething traffic over the same APN as phone traffic, and not the hidden tethering APN that some carriers put on the sim cards.
3) Install Change TTL and in settings set it to run a boot and set TTL to 64. This ensures that all traffic leaving your phone will have a TTL of 64 and look like it is coming from the phone. (I am pretty sure this also set's ipv6 hop limit, as TMobile in the US is all IPv6 and this hides traffic.)
Reboot. If you still have trouble -- try Android's USB option to see if it is WiFi related vs Tethering system related.
- Verify that global tether_dun_required is still 0 after reboot (it should be if you are rooted).
- Delete the WiFi entry on your computer and re-join the phone's network -- sometimes it is on your computer's side.
Another thing to try is Easy Tether -- this is a good USB tethering option that won't use Android tethering system and it is guaranteed to route traffic over the phone's network APN.
If the issue is DNS, you can isolate that by manually putting a DNS ( into the tethered computer to see if that is the issue.
Also, google search xda VPN Hotspot. This app has a ton of options to change Android's tethering routing even if you are not using a VPN. This may also help you figure something out. You can activate tethering, then go in here and turn on the wlan interface and it should route traffic directly to that (which should be happening anyways because of tether_dun_required = 0).
Good luck!
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Hi and thank you for your post. It seems that windows had changed dns settings by its own to something invalid, so that is why it didn't work. However I am still having connection issues. Mainly I find it very difficult to connect my laptop (and other devices) to the hotspot of the Oneplus 6.
1) Done.
2) Done.
3) It was already set at 64 but I tried setting in to 64 again.
DUN is still 0 after reboot. I have also removed the wifi from my PC and changed name on the hotspot. Also tried both 2.4 and 5 Ghz. When the pc is connected the hotspot, I can ping google succesfully, so internet works but not DNS, all requests in my browser times out. I have also tried setting DNS to external providers in the phone (not sure if if affects the hotspot though). I looked at easy tether but root version was pretty expensive. I also googled XDA VPN Hotspot but I'm not sure which app you mean. Do you have the link?
Right now I'm just thinking of factory resetting the phone and installing the latest oxygen version (I'm still on
Here is even more testing:
What I am experiencing is that there are grave problems trying to connect when in an area with a lot of wifi networks.
I live on the countryside and I thought I would try using hotspot for a couple of times. Thing is, at home, sharing hotspot from the phone to my laptop always works instantly, both on 5Ghz and 2.4Ghz. I might add that there are basically no wifi networks interfering where I live, except for my own. When I start my bus ride in the morning from my house to a city were I work, the hotspot usually works pretty good. But it's when I'm going home that I am start having problems. In the city, there is probably around 50-100 wifi networks when I start the ride home. And that's when it usually is impossible to connect the hotspot to the laptop. However, when leaving the city and entering the highway, it is usually easier. I have these connection problems on both 5Ghz and 2.4Ghz and if it does connect, 2.4 is hideous, it disconnects all the time.
So the conclusion for me is that it is having a very hard time connecting when there are a lot of wifi networks around. However, It never seemed to be a major problem on Oreo, only on Pie.
baxtex said:
Hi and thank you for your post. It seems that windows had changed dns settings by its own to something invalid, so that is why it didn't work. However I am still having connection issues. Mainly I find it very difficult to connect my laptop (and other devices) to the hotspot of the Oneplus 6.
1) Done.
2) Done.
3) It was already set at 64 but I tried setting in to 64 again.
DUN is still 0 after reboot. I have also removed the wifi from my PC and changed name on the hotspot. Also tried both 2.4 and 5 Ghz. When the pc is connected the hotspot, I can ping google succesfully, so internet works but not DNS, all requests in my browser times out. I have also tried setting DNS to external providers in the phone (not sure if if affects the hotspot though). I looked at easy tether but root version was pretty expensive. I also googled XDA VPN Hotspot but I'm not sure which app you mean. Do you have the link?
Right now I'm just thinking of factory resetting the phone and installing the latest oxygen version (I'm still on
Here is even more testing:
What I am experiencing is that there are grave problems trying to connect when in an area with a lot of wifi networks.
I live on the countryside and I thought I would try using hotspot for a couple of times. Thing is, at home, sharing hotspot from the phone to my laptop always works instantly, both on 5Ghz and 2.4Ghz. I might add that there are basically no wifi networks interfering where I live, except for my own. When I start my bus ride in the morning from my house to a city were I work, the hotspot usually works pretty good. But it's when I'm going home that I am start having problems. In the city, there is probably around 50-100 wifi networks when I start the ride home. And that's when it usually is impossible to connect the hotspot to the laptop. However, when leaving the city and entering the highway, it is usually easier. I have these connection problems on both 5Ghz and 2.4Ghz and if it does connect, 2.4 is hideous, it disconnects all the time.
So the conclusion for me is that it is having a very hard time connecting when there are a lot of wifi networks around. However, It never seemed to be a major problem on Oreo, only on Pie.
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Seems more like WiFi / Computer related than phone. Did you try USB tethering? Is DNS get manually set in your computer by something else you installed?
MetroWestMA said:
Seems more like WiFi / Computer related than phone. Did you try USB tethering? Is DNS get manually set in your computer by something else you installed?
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USB tethering works fine, dns as well. Its just the connection, it is very difficult to connect anything to the Oneplus 6 in wifi crowded areas.
Will this effect Bluetooth tethering too? Or is there another command for that? Dang built in hot spot get horrible speed after this setting is set, at least be on T-Mobile.
Hi guys,
I also face a strange issue, the connected devices to the hotspot it keeps disconnected after some time.. 1min, 5min, random and annoying. Dose anyone face this issue to? Tried diferent fixes but nothing works, it remained to do a factory reset to see if the problem persist..
khrisstyan said:
Hi guys,
I also face a strange issue, the connected devices to the hotspot it keeps disconnected after some time.. 1min, 5min, random and annoying. Dose anyone face this issue to? Tried diferent fixes but nothing works, it remained to do a factory reset to see if the problem persist..
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Read this thread. Workaround in here.

