WIFI problem after ICS upgrade - HTC Desire S

HI. Today I updated my non-rooted HTC Desire S to ICS 4.0.4 (3.0.16-gce03037 Kernel) from official site... Everything is working fine, but I have problem using the WIFI connection.
I can enable/disable WiFi, I have no problems with OS freezing when I switch on or off wireless, etc. I configured it properly (I did not restore any settings from my backup software) and manually, and in status bar I can see that network is connected. It seems that everything is working fine but:
1. I cannot access the Internet from the phone
2. My access point does not list my HTC as connected device at all
I am desperate because this is the only thing that is not working after upgrade, and I use WiFi a lot
Thank you all for helping regarding this.

R: WIFI problem after ICS upgrade
machiavelli-bg said:
HI. Today I updated my non-rooted HTC Desire S to ICS 4.0.4 (3.0.16-gce03037 Kernel) from official site... Everything is working fine, but I have problem using the WIFI connection.
I can enable/disable WiFi, I have no problems with OS freezing when I switch on or off wireless, etc. I configured it properly (I did not restore any settings from my backup software) and manually, and in status bar I can see that network is connected. It seems that everything is working fine but:
1. I cannot access the Internet from the phone
2. My access point does not list my HTC as connected device at all
I am desperate because this is the only thing that is not working after upgrade, and I use WiFi a lot
Thank you all for helping regarding this.
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I don't know if it is the same issue i was experiencing some time ago, but seems that older Wi-Fi router have some problems with ics roms and later versions (jelly bean). I have resolved by changing my router but you could try specificy a static ip address for your phone and see if it works.
Sent from my HTC Desire S using xda app-developers app

I already have a static IP defined. Also my WiFi is protected with AES. Is there any way to keep ICS on HTC and to degrade only driver for the WiFi?

machiavelli-bg said:
I already have a static IP defined. Also my WiFi is protected with AES. Is there any way to keep ICS on HTC and to degrade only driver for the WiFi?
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No, I don't think so, but maybe the AES encryption could be the problem. Try swiching to WPA or WPA2 and see if it works.

Jedioscuro said:
No, I don't think so, but maybe the AES encryption could be the problem. Try swiching to WPA or WPA2 and see if it works.
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I tried with different encryption methods, even with no encryption at all, and problem remains. Any ideas?

machiavelli-bg said:
I tried with different encryption methods, even with no encryption at all, and problem remains. Any ideas?
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Well, no. You could still try to root your phone, install a Jelly Bean based Rom and specify a static IP. JB is slightly better with WiFi than ICS so I think this is your last call.
Otherwise you can still use the pass-through internet option is "Stock option" of the Rom settings, but this means that the phone must be plugged in the PC.

Jedioscuro said:
Well, no. You could still try to root your phone, install a Jelly Bean based Rom and specify a static IP. JB is slightly better with WiFi than ICS so I think this is your last call.
Otherwise you can still use the pass-through internet option is "Stock option" of the Rom settings, but this means that the phone must be plugged in the PC.
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Is there any 3rd party software which can manage WiFi chip? Something like option in MS Windows, where you can choose Windows to manage wireless or vendor application. Maybe it is not a firmware problem, maybe it is something with ICS subsystem/application which handles WiFi...

machiavelli-bg said:
Is there any 3rd party software which can manage WiFi chip? Something like option in MS Windows, where you can choose Windows to manage wireless or vendor application. Maybe it is not a firmware problem, maybe it is something with ICS subsystem/application which handles WiFi...
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Not from my knowledge. You can try downloading wifix from the market, for some users has worked, but not for me.

Jedioscuro said:
Not from my knowledge. You can try downloading wifix from the market, for some users has worked, but not for me.
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OK, now things are getting very weird!
First of all, I tried with "wifix" and bunch of other market "wifi fix apps", but with no success. After that I connected to my WiFi and try to ping my laptop which resides on the same AP and.... with SUCCESS! I looked at my AP statistics and I cannot still observe that my HTC is connected to the AP, but I could ping the laptop and default gateway (which is AP of course). I tried to do SSH to the HTC and that was successful too. It seems that my WIFI is working only locally, because when I try to ping public IP I get the destination unreachable error message. On the ifconfig's interface statistics I can see Rx and Tx counters increases on the wlan0 interface, but on the AP I still cannot see that my HTC is connected.
I looked up in to the routing table, and there was everything as should be. I am sure that there is no IP address conflict inside my network, I am sure that my HTC is authenticated and connected on the right wireless channel.
Guys, this issue is very weird, can somebody give some hint about it?
Please, see attachments there is much more info regarding this.

equally eelsec
Ok, here is the update in attachment, it seems that I have problem on the layer 3 of the OSI model. I think that I can summarize the following:
1. Radio is working
2. All MAC layer things are also fine
3. Encryption is ok
4. IP packets transportation between the HTC and router is not working.
I am not good with linux, and my phone is not rooted.What can I do to troubleshoot this part of the networking now?

Hello to all again.
Believe or not I still have the same problem. HTC support is USELESS... I tried with factory reset, and I still got a problem. I am loosing patience now... Can somebody tell me how to revert back to previous OS, please? Where to download, and how to install it?


Att Fuse Problem

Hello Everyone,
I just received a ATT fuse and for the life of me I cannot seem to get the WIFI to work. I've had the tilt and the 8125 previously and I tried duplicating settings to no avail.
Are there known issues with the WIFI on this phone?
I can connect to my WEP enabled wireless router, but opera and IE fails to connect and just keeps giving me errors. This is what I have read and what I have tried:
Setting to "work" instead of "Internet"
I've tried the cab files posted in another thread to disable ATT proxy
I'm a little lost in what to check. I did follow everything I've read here that came up in "WIFI" search. I have not unlocked the phone nor flash a rom.
Could someone lend a hand?
Sign up for the att media program...its on the attwireless site
This is a bit drastic, but an easy potential fix is to flash another ROM (after flashing Hard-SPL of course). AT&T often adds a bunch of unnecessary crap to their ROMs, which may interfere with normal functions. You could always flash the AT&T ROM back if you'd like.
Hi Animexi80,
I already have a data plan. The problem isn't with Media net, it is with the phone's built in WIFI.
Really, that drastic of a step.. Do you know of a rom that fixed a WIFI problem?
TweedyPepper said:
Do you know of a rom that fixed a WIFI problem?
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Honestly, I never even gave the AT&T ROM a chance, so I was unaware of Wi-Fi issues. Pretty much any ROM should work. If you flash a Fuze-specific ROM, you may want to run the CAB that disables the hidden AT&T proxy. If you flash a generic Touch Pro ROM, you'll likely need to run a CAB that fixes the keyboard layout.
Ok, I suppose I will give it a go.
If I may ask, would you tell me which rom and radio you're running. It would help rule things out it it doesn't correct the problem.
you may want to run the CAB that disables the hidden AT&T proxy.
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What is the "hidden AT&T proxy?"
I just got an AT&T Fuze and after enableing wifi using the wireless manager, had no trouble connecting to home wireless networks with various security configurations (WEP, WPA, hidden SSID, etc.). Of course if the access point has the MAC filter enabled, the Fuze MAC address must be added to the allowed list.
TweedyPepper said:
If I may ask, would you tell me which rom and radio you're running.
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I'm running an older PROven ROM, version 1.03. I'll be upgrading soon, probably to NATF's ROM. My radio ROM is, but (1) the radio ROM doesn't control Wi-Fi, so it's moot, and (2) it has not had very good battery life, so I'll downgrade back to tonight.
rlsmith999 said:
What is the "hidden AT&T proxy?"
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It's a proxy setting, separate from the normal one under Connections, that is hidden. It's used to make things such as Cingular, er, Cellular Video work.
rlsmith999 said:
I just got an AT&T Fuze and after enableing wifi using the wireless manager, had no trouble connecting to home wireless networks with various security configurations (WEP, WPA, hidden SSID, etc.). Of course if the access point has the MAC filter enabled, the Fuze MAC address must be added to the allowed list.
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This is a bit off-topic, but FYI, anything below WPA/WPA2 cannot be considered secure. WEP can be cracked in minutes, hidden SSIDs don't make APs invisible, and MAC filtering is useless (except with WPA/WPA2) as anyone sniffing traffic can see client MAC addresses in the clear.
I have found that sometimes when I have both a "data connection" and a "wi-fi" connection that they phone seems to not lock on the wi-fi but tries to use a weak data connection so try turning off the data connection and see if that fixes the problem. Also give a soft reset a try as well.
Surprised by how few ppl are having wi-fi issues. I've tried about 6 ROMs now and have the same problem with everyone (guessing this proves its more of a hardware vs software issue)
I can locate and connect to a wi-fi network but no data transfers. I have to continually disconnect/turn off/reconnect over and over and finally I will get a connection..but if unit goes into sleep for a few minutes...I have to repeat.
Very annoying...no one else is having wi-fi issues?
Hi Everyone,
Sorry I haven't reported back sooner. I wound up loading a different rom on the phone and away went the problem.
jank0023, I have no idea. I would flash the phone back to stock and return it for another if all else fails. In all my searching, here and elsewhere, there ahve been a handful of wifi problems I came across. It doesn't seem like that common of a problem afaik.
jank0023 said:
Surprised by how few ppl are having wi-fi issues. I've tried about 6 ROMs now and have the same problem with everyone (guessing this proves its more of a hardware vs software issue)
I can locate and connect to a wi-fi network but no data transfers. I have to continually disconnect/turn off/reconnect over and over and finally I will get a connection..but if unit goes into sleep for a few minutes...I have to repeat.
Very annoying...no one else is having wi-fi issues?
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If its your router try another channel make sure its on a supported signal (a,b, g)... lastly ensure your router is excepting all devices. I know these are basic checklist items but sometimes these can get us. I had a laptop that would only work on channel 6 ;-).
gravesy56 said:
If its your router try another channel make sure its on a supported signal (a,b, g)... lastly ensure your router is excepting all devices. I know these are basic checklist items but sometimes these can get us. I had a laptop that would only work on channel 6 ;-).
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Thanks guys for the suggestions...I don't think its related to my network setup as I have about 4 other devices able to obtain signals with no problems using DHCP.
Issues don't seem to be as severe on some of the most recent ROMs I've used but still not perfect.

[FROYO WIFI FIX] 2.2 Wifi stuck at "Obtaining IP Adress"

A real fix has been found for this issue please follow this link to learn more
Awesome, thank you for this. I was having similar problems with mine after the Froyo flash too. I'll give it a shot.
I've been using Froyo since DG posted the link to JI6...and I've never had this issue. I use wifi on a daily basis. Weird.
Super weird...what would your android id have to do with wifi?
Oh and this belongs in general!
RKight said:
I've been using Froyo since DG posted the link to JI6...and I've never had this issue. I use wifi on a daily basis. Weird.
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Same here never had a problem with wifi
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
RKight said:
I've been using Froyo since DG posted the link to JI6...and I've never had this issue. I use wifi on a daily basis. Weird.
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I didn't have any issues until Cog 2.5.5. Once I flashed it my wifi just quit on me. I tried going back to stock Froyo to see if that was the problem, but no luck. As soon as I changed my device ID to what I had on Eclair everything got fixed.
I was having the same problem. I found a workaround that doesn't require changing anything on your phone. I accessed my router settings, changed the security type from WEP to WPA2 and the phone obtained the IP address immediately. Hopefully this will help out those of you who aren't familiar or comfortable with flashing your device yet.
mcann said:
I was having the same problem. I found a workaround that doesn't require changing anything on your phone. I accessed my router settings, changed the security type from WEP to WPA2 and the phone obtained the IP address immediately. Hopefully this will help out those of you who aren't familiar or comfortable with flashing your device yet.
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Thanks for the info. Decent work around. I would still like to resolve the issue, but for now this works.
I did all of the steps in the original post, but it did not correct the issue. Actually made my phone worse. Now I cannot get into download mode, and I'm on Cognition beta 8 and my GPS does not work. It was working on Froyo leak, but had these same wifi issues.
This workaround is not working on my fios router. It is working on my netgear router at work. I'm not that well-versed to explain either situation. I just don't like hitting my data plan when I was getting wifi before 2.2 flash. And even then, it was working for a few weeks.
I ve flashed my phone and everythjng works great till one day when I wasn't able to connect to my wi fi at home (using wep key). But at my office works like a charm with wpa key.
If you are still having issues with your wifi after using the two work arounds mentioned in this thread I would reccomend flashing back to stock JF6, doing a master clear and reflash your current ROM. I would not suggest restoring system data using TiBU after doing the master clear as this could carry over your wifi issues. Yes I know it sucks to have to redo all your settings, but if it gets your wifi working then I would say it's worth it. After you restore your apps and such reapply the first fix that I mentioned to change your device ID back.
I did all the steps you mentioned in the first post. But I dont see any Android_id entry in secure tab.
I am using sqlitebrowser to edit settings.db file.
I am getting wi-fi getting Ip address error after installing odin3 1 click froyo update for captivate.
any other alternatives?
Bazinga_ said:
I did all the steps you mentioned in the first post. But I dont see any Android_id entry in secure tab.
I am using sqlitebrowser to edit settings.db file.
I am getting wi-fi getting Ip address error after installing odin3 1 click froyo update for captivate.
any other alternatives?
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Android id changer though I dont think this has anything to do with wifi problems...that is a modem issue
newter55 said:
Android id changer though I dont think this has anything to do with wifi problems...that is a modem issue
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Aah...i knew it.. I just flashed back to stock rom...
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
Has anyone tried assigning a fixed ip address, this worked for me.
Some people have had success addressing this issue utilizing the app Wifi Static".
For me, it was due to some zombie ap that I did forget. Ever since, my froyo got back to normal. The ap is svuwired.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
Don't see why you have to do all that. Just flash back to stock and wifi works again.
I'm using a stock Froyo (official release , rooted)
when connecting to a Linksys N150 router, Im stuck at 'obtaning IP Address'
it's the same whether there is no password, WEP, WPA
on a linksys WRT54GH I can connect without problems, but oftentimes even if the phone shows that I'm connected via Wifi, there is no data coming through. I will need to disconnect and reconnect to my router
on both setups, I am able to connect and surf using my ipod touch (4th gen, on ios 4.1)
this is especially frustrating for me because there are 3 Galaxy S users in the house (the other two are my sisters, who bought the phone because of me)
hey guys, i have the same problem and tried to fix it by editing the device id .. but my device id is same as from what i have noted down... plzz help me guys

[Q] Ready to Return My Transformer - Apps, Wifi Issues

OK so I have had my Transformer for 2 days now and so far it has been little more than a paper weight. I have not been able to download a single app from the market. I've tried everything suggested here (cancel/restart, reboot, etc) with no luck. I have not been able to even update Google Maps or install Flash Player, literally I have not been able to install anything. I've tried stock and rooted plus I cannot get any version of Prime to install (finally got the root and CWM installed). Lastly, since this is a Wifi only device it is important to wireless tether with my cellphone. Two days and I still cannot get it to work, will not even find the device. Only 2 days of ownership and I am completely frustrated with this thing. I really like and want the micro SD capabilities but if I can't resolve this ASAP it will need to go back to the store.
Anyone have any suggestions on what all I can try? Please help!
Sorry, I'm a little busy to look for the direct links.
Just look-for the vanilla NVFlash then add the Prime 1.5 (nvflash version). Dump them together into a folder then run the batch file. Simple !
I just helped two co-workers with their brand-new TFs getting rooted this way.
Maybe 5-10 minutes top.
Make sure you unzip the downloaded Prime file (it becomes 4 files). Read the NVFLASH post and have the USB driver ready.
Thanks man I'll give it a shot here shortly
Good luck.
And if you ever have a need to get back to stock (refund maybe ?), there is a stock-ROM (nvflash version), just as easy to get back.
hyperxguy said:
Good luck.
And if you ever have a need to get back to stock (refund maybe ?), there is a stock-ROM (nvflash version), just as easy to get back.
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You don’t have to root or flash with a custom rom to get the basic stuff like Wi-Fi. Everything works out of the box as advertised. If something doesn't then either you are doing something wrong or there is a fault with your device. Did you try connecting to a normal Wireless Router? Honeycomb can not see some types of adhoc networks without installing a patch (i.e created by Windows, this may be applicable to some phones too, however it worked fine with My Galaxy S).
Digiguest said:
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I guess you enjoy using command lines to unroot ?!
There is a nvflash package w/stock-rom available. Just double-click download.bat then wait a few minutes.
The Link is here:
Volleyholic said:
OK so I have had my Transformer for 2 days now and so far it has been little more than a paper weight. I have not been able to download a single app from the market. I've tried everything suggested here (cancel/restart, reboot, etc) with no luck. I have not been able to even update Google Maps or install Flash Player, literally I have not been able to install anything. I've tried stock and rooted plus I cannot get any version of Prime to install (finally got the root and CWM installed). Lastly, since this is a Wifi only device it is important to wireless tether with my cellphone. Two days and I still cannot get it to work, will not even find the device. Only 2 days of ownership and I am completely frustrated with this thing. I really like and want the micro SD capabilities but if I can't resolve this ASAP it will need to go back to the store.
Anyone have any suggestions on what all I can try? Please help!
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Hi, sometime the problem is in the market. not the device itself. I got similar experience with my HTC device. I've installed many ROMs but the market always screwed. So what I did was, just reset your device, when it asks the Google account, type in your email like this: [email protected] instead of just blablabla or [email protected]
Volleyholic said:
Lastly, since this is a Wifi only device it is important to wireless tether with my cellphone. Two days and I still cannot get it to work, will not even find the device.
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I guess your phone is offering up an adhoc connection, which Android doesn't support out of the box. It should work fine with phones that offer up a true infrastructure hotspot. Personally, I think adhoc networks should die a horrible death, but I appreciate their necessity if that's all your phone can do.
Search for adhoc and you should find a solution to this issue. You can also try PDAnet (tablet) too.
Maybe bad flash? try re-flash ROM again.
makec3rt said:
Maybe bad flash? try re-flash ROM again.
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Ad hoc issue appears to be most relevant.
Market download issues =software issues not hardware. If you do not have any other wifi option then go to McDonald's or Starbucks and try it on their wifi.
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA Premium App
Don't know if this helps, But I just discovered that the Transformer doesn't seem to like hidden SSID.
Mine connects fine if the SSID is shown, but once I hide the SSID it said out of range.
My EVO 3D, iPod, TV all work with it hidden.
Does someone know if you can setup the TF to connect with hidden SSID?
Thanks for the advice all. I don't have a custom ROM on it yet, just rooted. I can't get the zips to work. Says cannot open (bad). Will try re-downloading for a 5th time and see how goes it. I did figure out the wifi issue on my phone - it was ad hoc as stated and it recognizes my phone now but still won't download apps (says it's downloading but never does). Tried cancelling and restarting several times as well as factory resetting the device. Does the same thing when I connect to my home network as well.
Darrell1965 said:
Don't know if this helps, But I just discovered that the Transformer doesn't seem to like hidden SSID.
Mine connects fine if the SSID is shown, but once I hide the SSID it said out of range.
My EVO 3D, iPod, TV all work with it hidden.
Does someone know if you can setup the TF to connect with hidden SSID?
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My Wifi network is hidden and I had no issue connecting my TF.
What type of router and what settings does it have?
I am using a NetGear WNDR3700 (802.11-g,n). The TF connects to the 2.4 GHz section over 802.11n.
Is it wise to be playing with recovery images and custom ROMS, if you can't get basic market functionality working?
Clearly before changing your TF from stock, get the market working, this is almost certainly a probem with your Wifi router...
The only problem I am aware of with the Transformers Wifi, is sometimes it does not getting a DHCP address when coming back from sleep (use Static IP), the TW release has this fixed, but the WW does not for some reason, i'm guessing they know 3.2 is incoming soon.
Follow these steps to get the market working:
I don't exactly know what the problem is, but I've had it on a couple of phones before. I do NOT have a googlemail account, so that wasn't the problem.
I deleted all cache/data from the following programs: Market, MarketUpdater, Downloads, Download manager, googleapps (anything that seems relevant)
now first go on a computer, open your gmail via gmail.com, send a mail, edit some contacts, just make sure you do something! Now reboot your eee pad, accept the market policies and see if it works....
If this doesn't fix it, then I have no options left
Update: I ultimately returned my TF (I had already suspected that I didn't receive a new device due to other issues and packaging). I received the new TF yesterday (A+ to Amazon.com). The new TF was 1000x better. Loaded right up, connected, market apps loaded easily, quickly and on the first try. All in all I am pleased. And the root and ROM installs worked flawlessly. Actually enjoying my TF now. Thanks all for the advice and help!
Darrell1965 said:
Don't know if this helps, But I just discovered that the Transformer doesn't seem to like hidden SSID.
Mine connects fine if the SSID is shown, but once I hide the SSID it said out of range.
My EVO 3D, iPod, TV all work with it hidden.
Does someone know if you can setup the TF to connect with hidden SSID?
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All the WiFi at my work are hidden and there at least 8 people with TFs here. Mostly Prime but some stock. None of us EVER had problem with hidden SSID.
At home my two WiFi are hidden. No problem.
jerrykur said:
My Wifi network is hidden and I had no issue connecting my TF.
What type of router and what settings does it have?
I am using a NetGear WNDR3700 (802.11-g,n). The TF connects to the 2.4 GHz section over 802.11n.
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I am running a Belkin N750DB, (WPA2 encryption)
Every other thing in my house works fine, hidden. I changed from a ASUS 300N router that was running same encryption WPA2 with no problem on the TF. I have check and doubled checked settings.
Also have it set on 2.4 GHz over 802.11n
I also had a issue with the wifi connection on my first unit. Its would pause/stall all the time in the interent browser and market would give me connection error messages. Now Im on my third one and it has a bright stop on the screen but the internet works great.

vpn / ics

Ok, maybe it is not related to ics. After installing ics, I lost my vnp connection for the office (maybe because I was not using any lock screen before) I have re-entered my vpn, but now I always get a "timeout" when I try to connect Do any of you who are using vpn's connection also have this issues, or maybe I have something wrong in my vpn settings ?
Anyone with stock firmware ics can confirm vpn is still working ?
Working fine for me, might be your specific vpn?
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium
Ok thanks. I'll make sure with the technicien here that everything is ok on their side
I had the same problem...the vpn connection settings were erased after ics update.
I created the connection one more time but didn't worked. I deleted that connection also and created another one...with the same details and worked.
Can confirm this issue also. After creating a new connection vpn works like a charm.
L2TP/IPSec PSK vpn is broken for me after upgrade to ICS. Seems to be a known problem with ICS. My colleague's Transformer Prime with ICS also not working with same type of VPN. It was working great with Honeycomb 3.2.1 before upgrade on both devices. I use the tablet for work extensively so this kind of sucks. Everything else is great.
Have a B90 TF101 so can't easily downgrade!
So is it an accurate assessment that L2 VPNs still do not work on ICS, such as solutions from Cisco and Juniper? We had to setup a special L2TP/IPSec PSK for just Android devices, whereas iDevices work just fine with industry standard SSL VPNs. Amazing that Google can't get on board with this. Wondering too if the Exchange cert issues still persist with the default mail client.
Yes. We setup L2TP/IPSec with PSK on a SonicWall firewall that works for both the iDevices and our Android devices. All android devices that upgraded to ICS stopped working. Will try to connect but will timeout trying to establish connection. I can't confirm all other L2TP VPN types but PSK is definitely not functioning.
We've never had any issues with Exchange push on the devices.
I can confirm it.
Today we have tested furthermore.
Everything is ok on the server side and on the client side.
Looking at the firewall, we can see the tf101 establishing a connection, but nothing about phase 2, it's like the server is giving the acknowledge about the PSK, but the TF101 can't hear or is not listening to it.. eventually it goes out with a timeout.
Everything was ok before ics.
where should i post this message, is it enough to be listed here or should a send a support mail to asus ? or google ?
by the way I've tried deleting and recreating, but still not working.
I formatted before and after ics. I would suggest a format first.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
is there a solusion for not using a secure lock while using vpn on ics?
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using xda premium
I've done a factory reset too, still the same problem
Alternative Solution
This isnt a fix by any means but have you had a look at 2X Application XG Server, it is a little like citrix but a hell of a lot cheaper.
The client is awesome and works perfectly for windows, android and iOS.
It is free if you have a low count of concurrent users, I believe it is 5 concurrent users for free, anyway the link is below;
cant post links guys sorry it is 2x with www and .com in between...
If you need a hand with deployment drop me an email at [email protected] and we can sort something out, not doing the big sell here guys just something we use as a company when we decided to move our customers away from VPN's.
Anyway hope someone finds it useful.
Don't know if this will help but i use vpnc widget and 2x client. My system is all cisco, and the only way i could get to it before was with an ipad, which i have since given away for obvious reasons. I have been on revolver for some time now, and just upgraded to 4, with no issues whatsoever - if anything it is more stable!
Works for me, too, but I sure would like to know if anyone has figured out how to disable the screen-lock when credential storage is enabled, as I am using mine for an individual OpenVPN and PPTP vpn and it is just plain irritating.
i've sent technical inquiries to Asus with no response. Very disappointing. I guess they are fixing other issues that have a more broad base of users before they take on things like VPN. I believe this is a general ICS issue as a quick search on Google shows varies reports across different manufacturers who have released ICS and the L2TP VPNs are broken. Several bug reports have been reported to Google. Great way for Google to alienate business users.
Do a Google search with these terms and you see all the references to this problem
"L2TP IPSEC PSK android ics"
I was wondering if anyone out there was using an IPSec Xauth PSK type connection? This is what we have at work. I set up the connection on my TF101, I put in all the correct info, and when I clicked connect it connected; however, there was no data sent or received. I disconnect and try reconnecting, but the connection times out. Before the ICS update I didn't even have this connection option so its a step in the right direction, the only problem is that nothing happens when I connect. Is anyone else having the same problem? Is this a known issue? Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
x_kain_x said:
I was wondering if anyone out there was using an IPSec Xauth PSK type connection? This is what we have at work. I set up the connection on my TF101, I put in all the correct info, and when I clicked connect it connected; however, there was no data sent or received. I disconnect and try reconnecting, but the connection times out. Before the ICS update I didn't even have this connection option so its a step in the right direction, the only problem is that nothing happens when I connect. Is anyone else having the same problem? Is this a known issue? Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
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Works great here. I use the vpnc widget and x2 client as well works a treat since ics update.
vettejock99 said:
Works for me, too, but I sure would like to know if anyone has figured out how to disable the screen-lock when credential storage is enabled, as I am using mine for an individual OpenVPN and PPTP vpn and it is just plain irritating.
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Grrr... indeed. But I've foud a free app on Market: VpnROOT - PPTP - Manager
karlr30 said:
I've done a factory reset too, still the same problem
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Edit: Hummm... for me I've found a temporary solution by using another app found on Market: "VpnROOT - PPTP - Manager".
My VPN use PPTP with MPPE encryption so, this one works fine for me.

TF300T Tethering Hell: USB, WiFi, Take your pick...

Hey guys If I am in the wrong place, please let me know. I got my TF300T just a little while ago and am now trying to use it as a my main computer. That requires me to able to connect to the net on it. It works just fine when I am connected to a regular WiFi network. However, I have no Internet connection at home except for my Sprint Motorola Photon Q, which I had been using tethered over USB to my PC to get the PC online. That worked fine. But this past month, I lost my job and needed to sell the PC, so all I have left is the TF300T. I was sure it'd work fine since I got BT tethering to work fine in the past with that phone. However, I was just experimenting at that point. Now, I see it's a little more ... complicated:
I set my Photon Q to act as a WiFi hotspot using PDANet+ a.k.a. FoxFi. Creating a WiFi hotspot, I can see it on the TF300T. Whether I enter the right PSK2 key or don't use encryption at all, connecting is impossible. It will "Authenticate...." after a minute or so and then try to get an IP via DHCP. Then it will "work" a long time and then drop the connection and try again. This is with the phone an inch away. I found it had a lot of trouble just getting an IP, so I tried setting it up with a static IP. I found out that PDAnet+ seems to default to and the gateway is presumably I tried some other things like .100 without luck. It WILL connect but the WiFi strength indicator in the bar stays gray. It shows up and down arrows as though there's activity, and Excellent strength, but won't actually work in any apps, incl. the default Android browser. Also tried pinging the host phone using the terminal only to get Destination Host Unreachable errors.
I then tried Bluetooth tethering. It will connect and works at a decent rate. But, the only programs that work are web browsers! IM clients, Skype, Google Play, Maps, Gmail, nothing else can connect. Android is convinced I am not online at all, yet I can browse web pages at full speed, which I am doing right now. IIRC PdaNet uses some bizarro proxy setup but they tell you on their site to "configure the proxy settings" and give you none of the details like IP or port! How useful. So, this does me little good. It's horribly crippled.
I tried numerous other WiFi tether apps, most of which hard crash the Photon Q so it reboots entirely the moment it turns on the hotspot. Barnacle and one of the WiFi tether apps (1-click? I've tried so many I can barely remember...) will launch, I can see it on the TF300T, but when I try to connect it says "ANDROIDTETHER or whatever the SSID is, Saved". No matter how many times you choose Connect or Forget, then Connect again, nothing. Gets stuck at "Saved."
I'd try connecting the phone via USB via the TF300T dock but I have searched heavily and cannot find any way to do it. Do I have any options at all?
Thank you for any info.
I'm tethering Internet from my SGS 1 with 4.2.2 rom with no problem at all. I think you have problem with wifi settings.
Try to set both phone and tab wifi to correct region. If you have phone set to USA and tab to Europe it won't work. You'll find it under Wireless-advanced if you have customised roms, for stock I don't know how to set it. Haven't have stock roms for ages.
About proxy, basic proxy settings in Android works only for browser, so you will need something like proxydroid on your client. I'm using it and for me it is working. For settings, check your phone settings-mobile networks-access points and copy them from there, or call your ISP and ask them for settings.
Hope this helps.
WiFi tether for root users. Is the best thing ever. If you aren't rooted. Root your phone. Also, is there a cm ROM available for your phone? If so, switch. Then use it's default tethering. Your phone is definitely the culprit here.
Sent from my SGH-T999
"So I put my phone into airplane mode and threw it... worst transformer ever. -.-" -My friend
Unfortunately no CM ROM exists for that phone. It is rooted. I tried wifi tether for root-- played with all the settings.... it will turn on and the SSID shows up on the TF300T .. but if you try to connect it just says "Saved." Even though it also says Signal quality is "Excellent"...
I don't get it at all.
Epicenter714 said:
Unfortunately no CM ROM exists for that phone. It is rooted. I tried wifi tether for root-- played with all the settings.... it will turn on and the SSID shows up on the TF300T .. but if you try to connect it just says "Saved." Even though it also says Signal quality is "Excellent"...
I don't get it at all.
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Try different profiles. I tried my EVO LTE last night for 2 hrs. Tried all generic settings. I ended up switching it to sg3 profile same chipset as mine. Worked fine after that.
Sent from magical jelly bean.
Epicenter714 said:
Unfortunately no CM ROM exists for that phone. It is rooted. I tried wifi tether for root-- played with all the settings.... it will turn on and the SSID shows up on the TF300T .. but if you try to connect it just says "Saved." Even though it also says Signal quality is "Excellent"...
I don't get it at all.
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kaos420 said:
Try different profiles. I tried my EVO LTE last night for 2 hrs. Tried all generic settings. I ended up switching it to sg3 profile same chipset as mine. Worked fine after that.
Sent from magical jelly bean.
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Yep exactly what kaos said. I had that issue with my HD2 doing exactly what you said. Would "save" but never connect. I ended up using something like the nexus profile or something.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF300T using Tapatalk 2
elesbb said:
Yep exactly what kaos said. I had that issue with my HD2 doing exactly what you said. Would "save" but never connect. I ended up using something like the nexus profile or something.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF300T using Tapatalk 2
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Great suggestions guys! I seem to be making some progress. I can now "connect" and get an IP, but the "wifi signal" bar thingy in the lower-right stays gray, not blue like it usually is when on working WiFi, and apps still cannot get to the net, which I assume is what the gray means (network connection but no internet connection). I will have to go down the list and try every possible configuation, I suppose. Yikes! I'll keep at it...
Thank you!
Epicenter714 said:
Great suggestions guys! I seem to be making some progress. I can now "connect" and get an IP, but the "wifi signal" bar thingy in the lower-right stays gray, not blue like it usually is when on working WiFi, and apps still cannot get to the net, which I assume is what the gray means (network connection but no internet connection). I will have to go down the list and try every possible configuation, I suppose. Yikes! I'll keep at it...
Thank you!
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Nice. Now you need to connect to proxy.
stenc55 said:
Nice. Now you need to connect to proxy.
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This may sound dumb, but how do I do that? I guess I need to set it globally in Android and not per-app because most apps don't let you set one. Thanks!
Epicenter714 said:
This may sound dumb, but how do I do that? I guess I need to set it globally in Android and not per-app because most apps don't let you set one. Thanks!
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Im using ProxyDroid. But you need to have rom with root and iptables enabled. Official CM10.1 doesn't have it, unofficial from Surdu_petru does.

