I have very simple questions regarding windows phone 7
I have LG Optimus 7, 2 days ago, unlocked (if it matters) and i seem unable to use either USSD / or SIM Applications (i cant find it )
1. SIM Applications:
its when the carrier provides some menus through providing an application in the SIM card itself (sometimes its called SIMTools, it has applications like transfer credits from one phone to another), usually its in the applications section regardless of the phone's operating system, .. but i cant seem to find it in Windows Phone 7 :S
2. USSD commands
When dialing *141# a menu appear that has some options, and prompting the users to enter a choice for example, when i dial *141# i get
Enter an option
1. Tariffs
2. Special Offers
and then i need to bring up the numbers pad and type "1" or "2" depending on what i want.
The problem is, after dialing *141# the number pad is disabled :/ and i cannot bring it in anyway, and there is nothing to be clicked so am stuck at the following screen
Enter an option
1. Tariffs
2. Special Offers
P.S. i tried some suggestion i read somewhere on the net, to save *141#, 1, 2 as a contact, and when i dial it automatically go through the menu and answers according to what you put, but it didnt work, when i try to dial the contact it treats it as an actual call! and tells me "the number you have dialed is not registered bla bla bla"
so any suggestions guys or is it a dead end?
I think this is one of the problem with the current os, my workaround is to input *141*1# if you want option 1 and *141*2# for option 2, for multiple sub menu you can put *141*1*2*1# etc, I know it's troublesome
Sent from my 7 Mozart T8698 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
riyanpradiyar said:
I think this is one of the problem with the current os, my workaround is to input *141*1# if you want option 1 and *141*2# for option 2, for multiple sub menu you can put *141*1*2*1# etc, I know it's troublesome
Sent from my 7 Mozart T8698 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
OMG it worked
now only first problem remains, which is the SIM applications.
riyanpradiyar said:
I think this is one of the problem with the current os, my workaround is to input *141*1# if you want option 1 and *141*2# for option 2, for multiple sub menu you can put *141*1*2*1# etc, I know it's troublesome
Sent from my 7 Mozart T8698 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Excellent. if above doesn't work, *141#1# whatever works. Thanks
riyanpradiyar said:
I think this is one of the problem with the current os, my workaround is to input *141*1# if you want option 1 and *141*2# for option 2, for multiple sub menu you can put *141*1*2*1# etc, I know it's troublesome
Sent from my 7 Mozart T8698 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
wow, will this work? I've been plague by this stupid problem ever since I got Mozart. Thanks for your tips.
irkan said:
OMG it worked
now only first problem remains, which is the SIM applications.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
All WP7 users who are outside the US and Asia (especially those who use USSD Banking services) are anxiously waiting on a proper reply for SIM Tool Kit on Windows Phone.
Follow me on Twitter for a response on when it might happen @NairobiWP7
I bough this phone in 11/2016 on tinydeal,german warehouse,and stareted oroblems with pop adds ,comerrcials,trying phone to install some apps etc.I scanned and many AV apps found same. 3malwares,one in FILE MANAGER,2nd in XIAOMI SCWEATHER APP ,and 3rd in XIAOMI NOTEOAD APP,,and it is not possible remove any of them with malware and any AV,program,,also is found,and phone is bought from german warehouse,,can u help me what to do.thanks,,
Also i contacted them,but they want to get on time,once sens us video,another time no answer,etc etc,,even refund me mony to give someone to solve prob.
Thanks in advance and pls help me.
Hello, I'm wondering if it is possible to switch from the Hiboard news feed to Google news feed, after GMS is installed? I've seen a thread for doing this on Mate 20 (on the link below), though as you know, that phone still supports Google, whereas Mate 30 Pro doesn't and I'm not sure what side-effects could occur. Has anybody already tried to change it?
Doesn't work.
You can still disable Hiboard with ADB but the Feed option does not appear afterwards.
I understand And has anybody tried and succeeded making it work any other way?
Greetings,i hope, in this section anybody can help me.
I am looking for a solution.
Currently I am using the xiaomi.eu_multi_HMNote10Pro_V13.0.12.0.SKFMIXM Rom (rooted with Magisk 25.2, Zygisk....) for my Note 10 Pro.
Unfortunately, I can't get the Huawei Health Mod app to work.
Some versions are offered via Telegram channels.
None of the versions like, v. or I get to run.
However, there are no problems with AOSP roms. Only that the battery consumption is too high. Therefore MIUI!
Has anyone else noticed this problem before. Maybe someone has a good tip for me?
Kind regards,
Hi, I have exactly the same problem. Did you find a solution?
I have this box, but cant change to european timezone, so my time is wrong
Kingoroot apk does not work
Anybody here with an idea to change that?