i see in some thread on xda which opo have the efs folder ? for example the unofficial twrp permit to backup this folder.
I have the root but i dont see the efs with root browser, so this folder exist or no ?
Inviato dal mio OnePlus One
Inviato dal mio OnePlus One
It's not a folder, it's a partition
Here is a sample log of an EFS backup :
I:Backup command: 'dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p10 of='/data/media/0/TWRP/BACKUPS/4e2041b2/EFS//modem_st1.emmc.win' bs=1572864c count=1'
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I know, but opo have this partition or no?
Inviato dal mio OnePlus One
simo.scorpion said:
I know, but opo have this partition or no?
Inviato dal mio OnePlus One
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Yes, I think it's efs1 and efs2
I don't see with root browser
Inviato dal mio OnePlus One
simo.scorpion said:
I don't see with root browser
Inviato dal mio OnePlus One
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Please try to read carefully what I posted, it's a PARTITION
Root browser will only show inside the data partition, not all of the partitions
With my Samsung device I can see this partition....
Inviato dal mio GT-N5110
simo.scorpion said:
With my Samsung device I can see this partition....
Inviato dal mio GT-N5110
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This is just impossible
You might have been able to see the files used for EFS on that specific samsung phone, but not a partition other than the data partition
I do not understand what you mean
this is my note 2 root directory, efs is present
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this is opo, same app (root browser), but efs isn't present
so if efs is present on the opo why i can't see ?
simo.scorpion said:
I do not understand what you mean
this is my note 2 root directory, efs is present
this is opo, same app (root browser), but efs isn't present
so if efs is present on the opo why i can't see ?
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Because opo hasn't efs partition
KINGbabasula said:
Because opo hasn't efs partition
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ALLELUJA !!!! this is the answer I wanted to hear, so why unofficial twrp have the efs backup ? it's an error ?
No, OPO HAS an EFS partition
Your screenshot show a FOLDER of an EFS, not a PARTITION
If you don't understand the words, use a translator FFS
And TWRP can backup the PARTITION because it does exists, as I pasted a few posts back
so, efs in opo is called modemst1 ? i try to search all partition with "partition info app" but efs don't exist.
Your root browser app do not give access to partitions !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You only see the data partition, not the rest
What you see on your samsung is a folder, not a partition
There is no file on the EFS partition(it's a binary on it), the name you see is given by TWRP
Stop asking questions when you don't understand the answers, and just do the backup using TWRP
You truly needs a lot more knowledge of *NIX filesystem to understand anything I posted
I'm talking about a partition info app not root browser
Inviato dal mio GT-N7100
bud77 said:
Your root browser app do not give access to partitions !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You only see the data partition, not the rest
What you see on your samsung is a folder, not a partition
There is no file on the EFS partition(it's a binary on it), the name you see is given by TWRP
Stop asking questions when you don't understand the answers, and just do the backup using TWRP
You truly needs a lot more knowledge of *NIX filesystem to understand anything I posted
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Did save the EFS? I've been using TWRP since I got the phone last week and some how TWRP did not restore my radio info. As of this moment I do not have a working o+ because of that. I'm stuck. I've fiddled around with a few devices with twrp and this is the first that has not restored the radio.
tdamocles said:
Did save the EFS? I've been using TWRP since I got the phone last week and some how TWRP did not restore my radio info. As of this moment I do not have a working o+ because of that. I'm stuck. I've fiddled around with a few devices with twrp and this is the first that has not restored the radio.
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Yes, CAN save EFS. A normal backup does not include EFS
You have to manually make the backup
If you don't have any valid EFS backup, don't worry :
Just flash all stock images, it will rewrite radio
I have already posted these bootanimation's in the One X forum and now I bring them to the One S, too.
How to flash the bootanimation.zip
CWM Flasher
Just download the CWM flasher, copy the bootanimation you want to use into the folder /system/customize/resource with 7zip or Winrar.
Make sure to name it into hTC_bootup_one!
Now flash it with the CWM!
Download CWM Flasher
Install the Android SDK!
Make sure that the bootanimation.zip is in the same folder as the adb.exe and this stuff (should be platform-tools)
For example:
adb push c:\sdk\platform-tools\hTC_bootup_one.zip /system/customize/resource
Make sure to name it into hTC_bootup_one!
Root Explorer
It's the same, just copy the .zip there.
Make sure to name it into hTC_bootup_one!
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Download Dropbox
Download Dropbox
Download Dropbox
Download Dropbox
Download Dropbox
Download on Dropbox
More will follow!
Download Dropbox
Download Dropbox
reserved again
Wow they're amazing!
I chose the first one and it almost looks threedimensional
I love it, too
I always change mine after one week
I dont understand, i push the bootanimation.zip file in /data/local and i still have the old bootanimation, same with the /system/media folder.
Thanks for your help and you work in advance!
And you did a reboot after it again?
Did you use Root Explorer or adb?
Try it again, it must work!
I used adb and with root explorer i checked /data/local and file is there. I rebooted but nothing still the old boot animation. I try deleting and placing the file again, hope it will fix.
Thanks for ur help btw.
Inviato dal mio HTC One S con Tapatalk 2
Still nothing, cleaned /data/local and /system/media from the bootanimation.zip files, then copied with root explorer the bootanimation.zip file in /data/local as you can see from the screenshot, tried 2 reboots but still nothing. I'll try again with /system/media but something say me that it ain't gonna work :/
I tried with the /system/media folder too but nothing.
It's an easy operation to do, i mean, copy -> paste a file in a folder ain't so hard to do :/ i really dont understand what isn't working.
Hope you can figure out what is wrong.
Inviato dal mio HTC One S con Tapatalk 2
And you mounted?
What you mean with mounted? I mounted the partition with write permissions to be able to copy the file in there, and as you can see the file is in the folder.
Am I missing something?
Inviato dal mio HTC One S con Tapatalk 2
The Root Explorer has a little button at the top, there you can mount and unmount.
Have you tried another Bootanimation?
HTC with tapatalk
Yes i mounted it correctly in r+w mode and not read only.
And yes i tried another boot animation file but still nothing.
Inviato dal mio HTC One S con Tapatalk 2
Try to name it to "hTC_bootup_one.zip" and try it again.
Still nothing.
Inviato dal mio HTC One S con Tapatalk 2
Then push it to /system/customize/resource even if it won't work
I don't know why it's not working :/
HTC with tapatalk
With bootanimation.zip name?
Noone else is having this issues?
Inviato dal mio HTC One S con Tapatalk 2
Strange, hopefully it's not a general problem
Btw i have ur custom bootanimation.zip installed since i flashed your rom. There is a mode to flash the bootanimation.zip like a rom? Maybe it will work.
Inviato dal mio HTC One S con Tapatalk 2
Yes you can make yourself a CWM flashable zip.
It's not difficult, just take any meta-inf folder, modify the updater-script so only the package will be extracted and in /system you should delete all folder's and just copy the bootanimation into customize/resource
Normal procedure before start modding our phone:-
1.Download terminal emulator from playstore
2. Open it and write: su
3. Allow root permission if asked
4. Write this: dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p11 of=/storage/extSdCard/efs.img bs=4096
5. Look at your ext sd for efs.img (14 mb)
1. Open Terminal Emulator and write: su
2. Allow root permission if asked
3. Write this: dd if=/storage/extSdCard/efs.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p11 bs=4096
4. Done
Using SamsungTools.apk for N9005: HERE
efs will save to /data/media/SamsungTool/
Credit to @ricky310711
mmcblk same as note 3 N9005, also can try this:
Download: SAMSUNG_N9005_EFS_BACKUP.zip
Credit to @A.S._id
Note3 & G7102 have some similarity:
dr.ketan said:
EFS/IMEI Tool N9005
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As we know On N9005 (qualcomm) IMEI number no more stored on EFS partition so no meaning to make backup of only efs.img
Thanks to @lyriquidperfection for information about IMEI stored on ModemST1 and ModemST2 partition, basis on this information here is simple tool to make backup of complete IMEI (efs.img.ext4 + nvrebuild1.bin and nvrebuild2.bin)
As we know sometimes we do have multiple device and multiple backup and that making us confuse which backup is for which device, also it difficult to guess when exactly we made particular backup. to overcome all these issue I have made some change in script and new version will make backup in folder name MyEFS_MM-dd-yyyy_hh.mm_Device model So you can keep multiple backup.
Also it will copy build prop file along with backup, so that will give complete information about your ROM when you made backup.
If everything work as per described then next version will be final with restore script.
- To backup long press EFS backup option icon, it will backup all three required partition like efs.img.ext4,nvrebuild1.bin and nvrebuild2.bin. Also you will find build.prop file, which is just to get information about ROM when backup was created.
- To restore simply copy all three backup files efs.img.ext4, nvrebuild1.bin and nvrebuild2.bin to root directory of Int SD card and then long press Restore option icon.
Read this for more about EFS
V1.0 Initial version
V1.1 Backup folder name changed, now it will be MyEFS_MM-dd-yyyy_hh.mm_Your device IMEI. So there will be no more confusion about which backup is for which device.
Download :
Play store - Purchase from play store to support development
IMEI Tool N9005 Free 1.1 - Download for free for XDA users.
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Credit to dr.ketan :good:
Oh you already added this. I have missed your post on my thread and I can confirm My tool for N9005 will work on G7102 without any modification.
dr.ketan said:
Oh you already added this. I have missed your post on my thread and I can confirm My tool for N9005 will work on G7102 without any modification.
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Thanks doc.. glad to hear that on behalf of g7102 user.. Tq
Sent from my SM-N9005 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
I'm late but does any of you have efs backup for sm-g7102?
Ahmad921 said:
I'm late but does any of you have efs backup for sm-g7102?
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You are asking for other's EFS backup?
If yes, No. No one will share with you. Every device have unique value and sharing with other's and restoring on other's device, both device may get network block by operator. You needs to make your own before you lose it. Not only that, it is illegal too.
dr.ketan said:
You are asking for other's EFS backup?
If yes, No. No one will share with you. Every device have unique value and sharing with other's and restoring on other's device, both device may get network block by operator. You needs to make your own before you lose it. Not only that, it is illegal too.
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Thanks for responding
I will just try to reset it
EFS/IMEI Tool N9005
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As we know On N9005 (qualcomm) IMEI number no more stored on EFS partition so no meaning to make backup of only efs.img
Thanks to @lyriquidperfection for information about IMEI stored on ModemST1 and ModemST2 partition, basis on this information here is simple tool to make backup of complete IMEI (efs.img.ext4 + nvrebuild1.bin and nvrebuild2.bin)
As we know sometimes we do have multiple device and multiple backup and that making us confuse which backup is for which device, also it difficult to guess when exactly we made particular backup. to overcome all these issue I have made some change in script and new version will make backup in folder name MyEFS_MM-dd-yyyy_hh.mm_Device IMEI So you can keep multiple backup.
Also it will copy build prop file along with backup, so that will give complete information about your ROM when you made backup.
- To backup long press EFS backup option icon, it will backup all three required partition like efs.img.ext4,nvrebuild1.bin and nvrebuild2.bin. Also you will find build.prop file, which is just to get information about ROM when backup was created.
- To restore simply copy all three backup files efs.img.ext4, nvrebuild1.bin and nvrebuild2.bin to root directory of Int SD card and then long press Restore option icon.
Read this for more about EFS
V1.0 Initial version
V1.1 Backup folder name changed, now it will be MyEFS_MM-dd-yyyy_hh.mm_Your device IMEI. So there will be no more confusion about which backup is for which device.
Download :
Play store - Purchase from play store to support development
IMEI Tool N9005 Free 1.1 - Download for free for XDA users.
Legendary Doc ; )
Thank you
Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
Thanks @dr.ketan it could backup my EFS as it's said in OP.
Sent from my SM-N9005
Excellent work. But we need restore script
Sent from my SM-N9005
Of course it will be there and I have explained in OP why I have excluded restore script.
It's working Dr...
Sent via N3 Hondata F.Pro + NOS
Thanks for testing
Will add restore script and update soon.
Sent from my SM-N900 using xda premium
Waiting for the restore script sir!
Sent from my SM-N9005 using xda premium
UPDATE : Test 2
Change log
As we know sometimes we do have multiple device and multiple backup and that making us confuse which backup is for which device, also it difficult to guess when exactly we made particular backup. to overcome all these issue I have made some change in script and new version will make backup in folder name MyEFS_MM-dd-yyyy_hh.mm_Device model
Also it will copy build prop file along with backup, so that will give complete information about your ROM when you made backup.
If everything work as per described then next version will be final with restore script.
Kindly make 2-3 backup and check everything working fine.
Again Thank you for testing.
dr.ketan said:
UPDATE : Test 2
Change log
As we know sometimes we do have multiple device and multiple backup and that making us confuse which backup is for which device, also it difficult to guess when exactly we made particular backup. to overcome all these issue I have made some change in script and new version will make backup in folder name MyEFS_MM-dd-yyyy_hh.mm_Device model
Also it will copy build prop file along with backup, so that will give complete information about your ROM when you made backup.
If everything work as per described then next version will be final with restore script.
Kindly make 2-3 backup and check everything working fine.
Again Thank you for testing.
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It works
Sent from my SM-N9005
Same here works like a charm. :good:
Thank you for reporting, will update final version today (let's see if time permits as today is sunday and two T20 WC matches there )
Final version updated.
Sent from my SM-N900 using xda premium
really good but it is not possible to buy Iran
kafkamd said:
really good but it is not possible to buy Iran
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No worries, you can use XDA version which is free. Both are same.
Thank You Very Muck For The Program dr.ketan
Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
Yo doc, may I know why it needs the permission to disable my lock screen, prevent the phone from sleep and also full network access?
Yeah it was there in template, will remove in next version. btw you need not to keep installed this application if you are worried about current permission, simply make backup and uninstall.
Actually these permissions for there for adding ad but later I decided not to include ad. So don't worry about permission.
Edit : I have recheck it and permission for wake device and unlock screen is due to Toast notification you are getting at end of backup/Restore.
Network permission because I have used html popup menu (When touching Backup/restore menu text it pop up detail) because I can add any link if needed. So permissions are required,
It worked for me dr ketan. Is this (pls see screenshot) the final version?
Sent from my SM-N9005 using xda premium
yeah it's final versioon. Test version didn't have restore option.
Can someone please help me I think my phone is definetly broken now As seen in the screenshots it show the sdcard and storage folders. When I select the sdcard folder or the emulated folder neither of them show any files and my internal storage is corrupted and wiping internal storage won't help and none of the files I download from any browser show up in any file manager of mine and they sometimes appear rarely and then I try to move them and it says move or copy failed I am no noob at android I am a smart xda dev and I make my own ROMs for two other samsung devices. Never have I ever heard of an issue like this and doing a fastboot restore won't help either! If there is no fix for this then I might as well have to contact swappa as I have no idea what could of caused this as I am on stock latest ROM and only have root access. Oh and I have like only 2 apps installed right now BTW
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JT1510365 said:
Can someone please help me I think my phone is definetly broken now As seen in the screenshots it show the sdcard and storage folders. When I select the sdcard folder or the emulated folder neither of them show any files and my internal storage is corrupted and wiping internal storage won't help and none of the files I download from any browser show up in any file manager of mine and they sometimes appear rarely and then I try to move them and it says move or copy failed I am no noob at android I am a smart xda dev and I make my own ROMs for two other samsung devices. Never have I ever heard of an issue like this and doing a fastboot restore won't help either! If there is no fix for this then I might as well have to contact swappa as I have no idea what could of caused this as I am on stock latest ROM and only have root access. Oh and I have like only 2 apps installed right now BTW
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So fastboot flashing userdata didn't work?
Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk
Renosh said:
So fastboot flashing userdata didn't work?
Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk
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what is the userdata thing used for? Okay i just fastboot flashed it with wugs toolkit
Edit: No go its still corrupted
Mount storage as r/o
As i see at your screenshot is r/w
For somehow reason maybe from recovery your storage is not mount properly
Try to fix permission from recovery
geowolf1000 said:
Mount storage as r/o
As i see at your screenshot is r/w
For somehow reason maybe from recovery your storage is not mount properly
Try to fix permission from recovery
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how do you do that?
JT1510365 said:
how do you do that?
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Which recovery you havr?
geowolf1000 said:
Which recovery you havr?
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the very great and powerful twrp v2.8.6.0
Sent from my SM-T210R using Tapatalk
JT1510365 said:
the very great and powerful twrp v2.8.6.0
Sent from my SM-T210R using Tapatalk
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Go to mount and check.
Only data and cache should be tic
geowolf1000 said:
Go to mount and check.
Only data and cache should be tic
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Wow i a made a total noob mistake i flashed supersu v2.65 after i flashed the rom which is for marshmellow roms only and if you flash it on lp or kk you get your internal storage corrupted! Wow now i feel like a loser who can't read and is a piece of trash
Renosh said:
So fastboot flashing userdata didn't work?
Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk
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I solved this problem, Case closed
JT1510365 said:
I solved this problem, Case closed
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How u solved it ? Can you please help me with that.
---------- Post added at 07:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:32 PM ----------
Hi, Can you please help me with the solution. My OPO also not detecting internal storage.
Yesterday i flashed mtcb Firmware on my mtcd by mistake. Now i'm trying to Flash the right Firmware on my erisin 4046 but i always get this error. I made a boot sd card with sd Firmware tool.
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Try to reformat the SD card and place the image on it again. It says can not find the image or invalid. But the recovery looks ok. Just make sure you have the mtcD image and don't do mcu
Sent from my SM-G920T using XDA-Developers mobile app
I made a boot sd card with sd_Firmware tool because i can't get by the normal way into recovery mode. When i Power on the Radio i just have a black screen. With sd Boot it starts the Radio by itself and fails with Update.
Sent from my HTC One M8s using XDA-Developers mobile app
I'm not sure if the file name is the problem. It sd Firmware tool renames the Image file to sdupdate
Sent from my HTC One M8s using XDA-Developers mobile app
Has anybody an idea?
Sent from my HTC One M8s using XDA-Developers mobile app
You don't have to make a boot sd card.
You should try to get into the recovery and flash the normal file just copied on the sd card.
Flockrock said:
You don't have to make a boot sd card.
You should try to get into the recovery and flash the normal file just copied on the sd card.
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He said he can't get into recovery without the boot card.
Robi93 said:
I'm not sure if the file name is the problem. It sd Firmware tool renames the Image file to sdupdate
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I think your problem is the filename. I installed Malaysk's custom firmware yesterday and I would get the same error until I renamed the firmware file to "update.img" not sdupdate.img. Try putting 2 copies of the file on the card, one with each name.
Hope that helps.
hadeone said:
He said he can't get into recovery without the boot card.
I think your problem is the filename. I installed Malaysk's custom firmware yesterday and I would get the same error until I renamed the firmware file to "update.img" not sdupdate.img. Try putting 2 copies of the file on the card, one with each name.
Hope that helps.
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Thank you for your idea, i will try it
Sent from my HTC One M8s using XDA-Developers mobile app
hadeone said:
He said he can't get into recovery without the boot card.
I think your problem is the filename. I installed Malaysk's custom firmware yesterday and I would get the same error until I renamed the firmware file to "update.img" not sdupdate.img. Try putting 2 copies of the file on the card, one with each name.
Hope that helps.
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That would be in the error message, look at the attachment, I had the same problem first.
There is always a way to come into the recovery if the recovery isn't broken.
Try this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=67351829&postcount=131
Or boot with the boot card into the recovery and change the sd card with the dupdate.img & update.img once you are in the recovery
I did it thank you! I made a boot sd card and i put dupdate and Update Image on usb, than it failed with sd and with the recovery mode i Updated with usb
Sent from my HTC One M8s using XDA-Developers mobile app
Failed to mount e
My mtcd unit firmware is Kd-1.82.2 before, after I upgrade malayse rom and want to flash back to factory rom, it error occour. "Failed to mount e". I try flash many verion of Kd ,still cannot work. Anyone can help me?
Kent9018 said:
My mtcd unit firmware is Kd-1.82.2 before, after I upgrade malayse rom and want to flash back to factory rom, it error occour. "Failed to mount e". I try flash many verion of Kd ,still cannot work. Anyone can help me?
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I had the same issue in my KD.
I procedeed in this way:
1. Downloaded a iso image of my unit (KD): dmcu e dupdate;
2. Created a bootable as card with sd.flashfirmware and boot in recovery (if you'll have an error, don't worry).
3. Removed sd card and flashed dmcu and then dupdate
Try this way
Inviato dal mio Redmi Note 3 utilizzando Tapatalk
I already tried try this method,but still have prolem
What wrong? Please help
---------- Post added at 01:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:44 PM ----------
does anybody know why I get this error every time when I tick "SD Boot"? My device is bricked and it doesn't enter recovery mode. Therefore I tried this. Creating the firmware SD without ticking "SD Boot" works fine.
Started the tool as an administrator, on a win7.
Thx in advance!
Proceed unticking "sd boot" and "upgrade firmware", create sd card, put it into gps slot and boot.
After the error message, remove sd card and proceed with booting via usb flash.
Inviato dal mio Redmi Note 3 utilizzando Tapatalk
colostro said:
Proceed unticking "sd boot" and "upgrade firmware", create sd card, put it into gps slot and boot.
After the error message, remove sd card and proceed with booting via usb flash.
Inviato dal mio Redmi Note 3 utilizzando Tapatalk
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If I untick sd boot (although all tutorials say it should be ticked as it needs to make the SD bootable), I can indeed create it, but the HU doesn't boot from the SD. I start the HU and nothing happens. Are there any buttons to be pressed? I still need there has to be a solution to make it "bootable"
I ticked sd boot, After error message, unticked sd boot and create sd card...
Put into hu and it goes in recovery mode
Inviato dal mio Redmi Note 3 utilizzando Tapatalk