I have already posted these bootanimation's in the One X forum and now I bring them to the One S, too.
How to flash the bootanimation.zip
CWM Flasher
Just download the CWM flasher, copy the bootanimation you want to use into the folder /system/customize/resource with 7zip or Winrar.
Make sure to name it into hTC_bootup_one!
Now flash it with the CWM!
Download CWM Flasher
Install the Android SDK!
Make sure that the bootanimation.zip is in the same folder as the adb.exe and this stuff (should be platform-tools)
For example:
adb push c:\sdk\platform-tools\hTC_bootup_one.zip /system/customize/resource
Make sure to name it into hTC_bootup_one!
Root Explorer
It's the same, just copy the .zip there.
Make sure to name it into hTC_bootup_one!
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Download Dropbox
Download Dropbox
Download Dropbox
Download Dropbox
Download Dropbox
Download on Dropbox
More will follow!
Download Dropbox
Download Dropbox
reserved again
Wow they're amazing!
I chose the first one and it almost looks threedimensional
I love it, too
I always change mine after one week
I dont understand, i push the bootanimation.zip file in /data/local and i still have the old bootanimation, same with the /system/media folder.
Thanks for your help and you work in advance!
And you did a reboot after it again?
Did you use Root Explorer or adb?
Try it again, it must work!
I used adb and with root explorer i checked /data/local and file is there. I rebooted but nothing still the old boot animation. I try deleting and placing the file again, hope it will fix.
Thanks for ur help btw.
Inviato dal mio HTC One S con Tapatalk 2
Still nothing, cleaned /data/local and /system/media from the bootanimation.zip files, then copied with root explorer the bootanimation.zip file in /data/local as you can see from the screenshot, tried 2 reboots but still nothing. I'll try again with /system/media but something say me that it ain't gonna work :/
I tried with the /system/media folder too but nothing.
It's an easy operation to do, i mean, copy -> paste a file in a folder ain't so hard to do :/ i really dont understand what isn't working.
Hope you can figure out what is wrong.
Inviato dal mio HTC One S con Tapatalk 2
And you mounted?
What you mean with mounted? I mounted the partition with write permissions to be able to copy the file in there, and as you can see the file is in the folder.
Am I missing something?
Inviato dal mio HTC One S con Tapatalk 2
The Root Explorer has a little button at the top, there you can mount and unmount.
Have you tried another Bootanimation?
HTC with tapatalk
Yes i mounted it correctly in r+w mode and not read only.
And yes i tried another boot animation file but still nothing.
Inviato dal mio HTC One S con Tapatalk 2
Try to name it to "hTC_bootup_one.zip" and try it again.
Still nothing.
Inviato dal mio HTC One S con Tapatalk 2
Then push it to /system/customize/resource even if it won't work
I don't know why it's not working :/
HTC with tapatalk
With bootanimation.zip name?
Noone else is having this issues?
Inviato dal mio HTC One S con Tapatalk 2
Strange, hopefully it's not a general problem
Btw i have ur custom bootanimation.zip installed since i flashed your rom. There is a mode to flash the bootanimation.zip like a rom? Maybe it will work.
Inviato dal mio HTC One S con Tapatalk 2
Yes you can make yourself a CWM flashable zip.
It's not difficult, just take any meta-inf folder, modify the updater-script so only the package will be extracted and in /system you should delete all folder's and just copy the bootanimation into customize/resource
Basic explanation of this bootanimation. Part0, first part of boot animation starts with N E X U S O N E being spelled out top and bottom, then flying multiple N E X U S O N E letters move from outside to inside being consumed by the "fire" in the middle. Then NEXUS ONE is morphed and twisted into the Image you see below. Second part is Red Flame edition of standard bootanimation. Refined this quite a bit to get the colors to really pop off on the N1 screen.
bootanimation.zip push to /system/media and reboot
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Nice work!!
Thanks man, Now I'm looking for a guide to make it into live wallpaper.
I get the following message when trying to adb push:
"c:\android\tools>adb push bootanimation.zip /system/media
failed to copy 'bootanimation.zip' to '/system/media/bootanimation.zip': Read-on
ly file system"
Anything to do about that so i have write permissions to /system/media??
d0nnie said:
I get the following message when trying to adb push:
"c:\android\tools>adb push bootanimation.zip /system/media
failed to copy 'bootanimation.zip' to '/system/media/bootanimation.zip': Read-on
ly file system"
Anything to do about that so i have write permissions to /system/media??
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Adb remount
mounts system as rw
kaotikking said:
Adb remount
mounts system as rw
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Thanks! That did it
d0nnie said:
I get the following message when trying to adb push:
"c:\android\tools>adb push bootanimation.zip /system/media
failed to copy 'bootanimation.zip' to '/system/media/bootanimation.zip': Read-on
ly file system"
Anything to do about that so i have write permissions to /system/media??
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Why not just put it in /data/local the boot animation binary looks there first and you don't have to remove your old boot animation.
either/or good point.
digging on this. cheers!
just pushed file WOW!!!!!!!! didnt think it would be that cool but tried it and its BADASS> thanks man
TheDudeOfLife said:
Why not just put it in /data/local the boot animation binary looks there first and you don't have to remove your old boot animation.
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Cause i didnt knew about it ofc
But the push worked as well...
kamikazimonky said:
just pushed file WOW!!!!!!!! didnt think it would be that cool but tried it and its BADASS> thanks man
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Much appreciated. I'm thinking of making the same thing..but with a deep blue instead of the red...
This is cool looking and for me blue would be even cooler
power boot!
this is one powerful boot dude... thumbs up!!! +1
limkoksoon said:
this is one powerful boot dude... thumbs up!!! +1
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Thanks. Going to finish up the Blue version in next few days...will update first post when its done.
How would I go about pushing the file? I have the option to unzip but it saves it on the SD card. Am I doing something wrong?
TheDudeOfLife said:
Why not just put it in /data/local the boot animation binary looks there first and you don't have to remove your old boot animation.
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I second this as I referred to this forum as to where to delete my custom boot animation from and ended up deleting the original one, (and the entire media folder.... i was drunk) but pushed it all back with the latest update (unzip vanilla update.zip and extract /system/media then in the same folder in cmd go: adb push media /system/media)
What`s with the blue version?
Is there anyway to create a ZIP file that will work as upgrade to add the bootanimation? I'm at work, without my microsd cable... Would like to just download from dropbox.
honestly.. when i saw the screenshot i just thought "ugly...".. then i installed it cause my current boot animation is worse lol
now.. i think: Awesome! Great work, really, looks perfect.
flashed CM 7 yesterday, I was wanting to change to a custom boot animation, but my regular one is under system/media and I tried using root explorer to give full perms, but no matter what I can't seem to get it to work, any ideas?
The Chosen Bum said:
flashed CM 7 yesterday, I was wanting to change to a custom boot animation, but my regular one is under system/media and I tried using root explorer to give full perms, but no matter what I can't seem to get it to work, any ideas?
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You shouldn't have to mess with permissions. Just put your bootanimation.zip in /system/media just like the one that's already there and replace it.
^ Shift Faced
Don't forget to rename it the same as the one you are replacing. you can just pu old in the name of the original and leave it there and when the phone boots it will recognize the new bootanimation.zip. Abd if it doesn't work for some reason you can change the name back and you should be back to normal.
The problem I'm having is that every time if I try to place it there I get a system is read only folder error
The Chosen Bum said:
The problem I'm having is that every time if I try to place it there I get a system is read only folder error
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Are you using root explorer? If you are when you have that file open at the top of the screen in a little box it says mount R/W tap that ,then try to paste the file in that folder.
it worked that time, thanks for the help
The Chosen Bum said:
it worked that time, thanks for the help
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Not a prob let us know if ya need anything else.
Sent from my PG06100 using xda premium
Ok replaced it, and for some reason it still doesn't show up
The Chosen Bum said:
Ok replaced it, and for some reason it still doesn't show up
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Got permissions set right? Got it named right?
Sent from My Strapped Turbo Charged v4
And it looks just like this?
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All lower case and everything?
mine's --xrwxr-x instead of rw-r--r-, could that be it?
The Chosen Bum said:
mine's --xrwxr-x instead of rw-r--r-, could that be it?
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Probably. I've never had to change the permissions myself. If you're using Root Explorer then mount r/w then long press on the file and choose Permissions. Change them to match below:
Let us know if that fixes it.
turns out the one I was trying to use wouldn't work, I just used another one instead, thanks for the help though!
Does anyone know how to do down animations on this phone??? I tried adb and root explorer, but I keep getting a black screen for shut down.
phreshy said:
Does anyone know how to do down animations on this phone??? I tried adb and root explorer, but I keep getting a black screen for shut down.
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I actually just literally changed my boot animation back to the BIOS one after upgrading to CM7.1
Hook the Shift up to your computer with USB Debugging on
Have the boot animation you want on the root of the SD card called bootanimation.zip
Open up CMD, cd to where you have adb set up
From there do this
adb devices
adb remount
adb push bootanimation.zip /system/media
To test it: adb shell bootanimation
Works for me everytime
Nexus One Retail Boot Animation - (ICS) Revised
What is it?
This is a modified CM5 boot animation, which itself is a modified version of the stock boot animation that the retail Nexus One devices have been shipped with.
What i changed?
To match my idea of an ICS version of the stock animation, i removed the CM Logo from the CM5 boot animation and made slightly changes to the base color to match the correct blue used in ICS.
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How does it look?
Basically this is a stock Nexus One boot animation - with a touch of Ice Cream Sandwich.
Part0 of Boot animation:
Part1 of Boot animation (actual loop):
How to use?
To use it, use ADB to push the attached ZIP onto your device as follows:
Backup original
adb pull /system/media/bootanimation.zip
Push new
adb remount
adb push /local/path/to/bootanimation_passion_ics.zip /system/media/bootanimation.zip
adb reboot
If you use a file explorer to copy files, or type in the commands (instead of c+p), make sure you change the name of the ZIP from bootanimation_passion_ics.zip to bootanimation.zip! The boot script is looking for /system/media/bootanimation.zip. If you have /system/media/bootanimation_passion_ics.zip (or anything else) it won't work!
At request i created a mtz version of the boot animation. I've never used MIUI and never came accross this mtz file format before. All i did was following the suggestion i found here on XDA; Open an existing mtz file with 7zip and replacing the zip. I did not tested that version. Please let me know if it works.
Very cool! How long did that take you?
JoshX said:
Very cool! How long did that take you?
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all together, round about half an hour
Very nice thanks.
I tried this last night and it didn't work
I downloaded the file, I used RootExplorer to removed the stock boot animation from the folder you suggested (running ICS ROM) and then I placed the new zip you created into the said folder.
When I reboot, my new boot animation (it did change) is a simple "Android" that has a silver "flash" look as if its shimmering.
Any suggestions?
uoY_redruM said:
I tried this last night and it didn't work
I downloaded the file, I used RootExplorer to removed the stock boot animation from the folder you suggested (running ICS ROM) and then I placed the new zip you created into the said folder.
When I reboot, my new boot animation (it did change) is a simple "Android" that has a silver "flash" look as if its shimmering.
Any suggestions?
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First idea: Have you changed the name of the ZIP from bootanimation_passion_ics.zip to bootanimation.zip (maybe you forgot it, as you used a root explorer rather than copy the commands)? The boot script is looking for /system/media/bootanimation.zip. If you have /system/media/bootanimation_passion_ics.zip (or anything else) it won't work.
Bexton said:
First idea: Have you changed the name of the ZIP from bootanimation_passion_ics.zip to bootanimation.zip (maybe you forgot it, as you used a root explorer rather than copy the commands)? The boot script is looking for /system/media/bootanimation.zip. If you have /system/media/bootanimation_passion_ics.zip (or anything else) it won't work.
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...aaaaand I feel stupid, lol. That's what it was.
@ Bexton.
Hi. Jus downloaded ur bootanimation and renamed it using ES file explorer as u sed.in my phone I didnt find bootanimation in /system/media, instead was in /system/bin. So i removed that and placed ur bootanimation in that place. Nw when i rebooted i jus see X and no animation while booting.
Wat am i doing wrong.
Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
n1newbie said:
@ Bexton.
Hi. Jus downloaded ur bootanimation and renamed it using ES file explorer as u sed.in my phone I didnt find bootanimation in /system/media, instead was in /system/bin. So i removed that and placed ur bootanimation in that place. Nw when i rebooted i jus see X and no animation while booting.
Wat am i doing wrong.
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A) What phone model is it?
B) Have you tried to place the zip into /system/media anyway? And if not, what happens when you try that?
Bexton said:
A) What phone model is it?
B) Have you tried to place the zip into /system/media anyway? And if not, what happens when you try that?
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A. Nexus one (ch3ky's oxygen1mod)
B. Yea i placed it /system/media . Still its the same. No animations.
I tried it in /system/bin. No change again.
PS: The default bootanimation that i removed from /system/bin had no extension. I even tried to place it back as it was originally. Still the same mate
Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
n1newbie said:
A. Nexus one (ch3ky's oxygen1mod)
B. Yea i placed it /system/media . Still its the same. No animations.
I tried it in /system/bin. No change again.
PS: The default bootanimation that i removed from /system/bin had no extension. I even tried to place it back as it was originally. Still the same mate
Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
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I can't find the oxygen1mod sources right away. but some roms will need the file in /local/data/bootanimation So you could try:
adb shell mkdir /data/local/bootanimation
adb push bootanimation_passion_ics.zip /data/local/bootanimation
adb reboot
Alternatively i found this thread, that might help (your ROM needs init.d support for that solution!) http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=641189
Tried as u sed. But still the same.
Dev asked to jus place it in /system/media. No effect for that aswell.
While trying for this i once removed the bootanimation file from /system/bin and placed it later. Could that be the issue???
Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
Thnx looks awesome with my ICS
Sent from my Frosty Ice Cream Sandwiched Mesmerize
Looks awesome! Any chance you can make a .mtz version of it?
DeathlySpectator said:
Looks awesome! Any chance you can make a .mtz version of it?
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I've updated 1st post: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=21054340&postcount=1
Works perfectly for me, thank you !
That's exactly what I was looking for!! Thanks! ... I dont like the boot animation that comes with my actual ROM....
@Bexton: Thank you for the animation file. I did hit the Thanks button . I assume that I will have to push the revised bootanimation every time I flashed a new ROM, right?
Very very nice thank u
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
taodan said:
I assume that I will have to push the revised bootanimation every time I flashed a new ROM, right?
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This icon has bugged forever... and I finally took care of it...
I couldn't find this for Sensation 4G... so I took from Galaxy SII forum and with a little guidance from XDA member KaneHusky got it done
So if you are on T-Mobile, and rely on wifi calling like I do, and want an ICS syle icon that is always in upper left corner... this is for you
(I am running CM9 RC1)
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1. Use root explorer to copy wifi calling .apk from system\app to root of sd card
(In CM9 file is: HTC-PYRTM-ICS-4.0.1-2.3-49986-4.3.apk)
2. Mount to PC and use 7-Zip to explore .apk (dont extract or mess with anything, just explore)
3. Explore to the folder: res\drawable-hdpi\
4. make sure icons are saved and renamed accordingly:
blue: "ic_status_notify.png"
green: "status_icon_incall.png"
5. Right-click drag to Copy the two attached icon files into the folder (they will overwrite ugly ass icons)
6. Copy over original .apk in system\app (backup original to be safe)
reboot into recovery, wipe cache, (i also fixed permissions although I don't think it's necessary) then reboot and enjoy the cleaner look
Sorry Everyone.... didn't realize the attached images are renamed when inserted into a thread...
which makes my whole post meaningless as they will only overwrite the proper icons if named the same.
the step by step above has been elaborated on to hopefully alleviate this issue.
What weather widget you using. Looks awesome
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using xda app-developers app
Thanks... Beautiful Widgets - Super clock with Vanilla ICS skin and full alpha transparency
i must be doing something wrong , i open apk file in 7zip (open archive) then i copy icon files but when i right click on drawable-hdpi, i doesnt give me option to paste???
Try Ctrl-v when inside the folder
Sent from my Sensation 4G running CM9
The icons attached in the op save as attachment.php
not working for me??? oh well looks nice.
What rom are you using?
cooljoe226 said:
What rom are you using?
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arhd 1.2
Thanks for sharing.
see my update
derekny said:
not working for me??? oh well looks nice.
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I didn't realize the file names were changed when linking to dropbox
see update...
some images of me trying to do this????
derekny said:
some images of me trying to do this????
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Open the 'drawable-hdpi' folder in 7Zip so you can see all of the png files.
then right-click drag the new icons into that open folder and you should see this:
much thanks for all the help!
Updated APK
Thanks first to Da_Sheezy for making this, I really like the new icons.
In the spirit of making things easier and the implied approval of Da_Sheezy, I am attaching the modified apk, so people don't have to do the whole 7zip thing.
In short, here are the steps:
1. Turn off Wifi in your phone, this is just a precaution.
2. Download the attached file.
3. Save it to root directory of SD card.
4. With Root Explorer, [/B]copy original apk (for backup purposes) anywhere in the SD card, but the root directory.[/B]
5. Now, copy the downloaded file to system/app, it will ask you if you want to replace the file, say yes. You phone will freeze for a couple of seconds and reboot automatically.
6. After rebooting, go back to system/app using Root Explorer and change permissions to rw-r--r--
7. Reboot your phone one more time and you are done.
I hope that this helps some people. I am currently running CM9 RC2 and it is working like a charm.
Thanks again to the OP for this.
cgjjaf said:
Thanks first to Da_Sheezy for making this, I really like the new icons.
In the spirit of making things easier and the implied approval of Da_Sheezy, I am attaching the modified apk, so people don't have to do the whole 7zip thing.
In short, here are the steps:
1. Turn off Wifi in your phone, this is just a precaution.
2. Download the attached file.
3. Save it to root directory of SD card.
4. With Root Explorer, [/B]copy original apk (for backup purposes) anywhere in the SD card, but the root directory.[/B]
5. Now, copy the downloaded file to system/app, it will ask you if you want to replace the file, say yes. You phone will freeze for a couple of seconds and reboot automatically.
6. After rebooting, go back to system/app using Root Explorer and change permissions to rw-r--r--
7. Reboot your phone one more time and you are done.
I hope that this helps some people. I am currently running CM9 RC2 and it is working like a charm.
Thanks again to the OP for this.
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How dare you imply my approval!...
JK... solid work!
I just flashed RC2 myself and had to do this all over again...
and I am glad I kept my upgraded APK...
only had to do what you explained above.
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Tutorials by Team MagioROM
All mods are specifically made for MagioROM but can easily be adapted to fit other sense5 roms with minimal changes. I will
continue to add more tutorials as I find the time and as I learn more.
Tutorial #1: Flashable boot animations.
What you will need to complete this tutorial:
1. 7zip or any file compression tool that is able to zip files without compressing them. I use 7zip.
2.Download this file to use as a template.Bootanimation.zip
Download the bootanimation.zip posted above. Extract this zip into whatever directory you like. There should be two folders: one called META-INF and another called "system". You do not want to touch the meta-inf folder. The files you are interested in editing are in system/customize/rescource and system/customize/CID.
Firstly we will edit the files in "rescource" folder. THere are two files in the rescoures folder one called "hTC_bootup_one.zip" and "hTC_downanimation.zip" Extract the "bootup" file into whatever directory you want. Inside you will find a file called desc.txt and a folder called android. Again dont touch the desc.txt file. The boot animaition images are in the android folder and are named in sequence: bootup_htc_one_00000.png,bootup_htc_one_00001.png,bootup_htc_one_00002.png........and so on.
You can then delete all images in the android folder and then copy whatever images (they must be in png format) you want to be your bootanimation into the folder. Rename your sequence of images, beginning with the first one in the exact naming sequence they were in before: bootup_htc_one_00000.png, bootup_htc_one_00001.png,bootup_htc_one_00002.png........and so on.
After all the images are renamed and everything is how you want it open 7zip and navigate to the folder where you extracted the boot animation. Select both the desc.txt file and android folder and click "add" in the 7zip toolbar. In the menu that pops up select compression level and choose "store". You can rename the file whatever you like and then hit "OK" After it is done rezipping you can copy the file file back to the bootanimation/system/customize/rescource folder overwriting the orginal "hTC_bootup_one.zip" with your new one, or if you changed the name, be sure to delete the original bootup.zip. IF you decided to change the name( most developers do and don't overwrite the original "hTC_bootup_one.zip") then navigate to the system/customize/CID folder. Open the "default.xml" file and scroll down till you find this line:
<BootAnimation animation="/system/customize/resource/hTC_bootup_one.zip" audio="/system/customize/resource/Startup_3_Sekunden_4.mp3" audiostart="TMO" />
Change the "hTC_bootup_one.zip" to whatever name you decided to name you zip or if you didn't change the name you can leave it like it is. After making your edits you can save the file and close it. Afterwards you may rezip system and META-INF folders with 7zip and remember to change the compression level back to normal. Copy the bootanimation.zip to your phone and flash through twrp.
Congratulations you have made your very first flashable bootanimation!!
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If any of my directions aren't clear just post your question in thread and Ill try my best to clear your confusion up. I dont consider myself to good at giving directions but Ill do my best LOL
Very much appreciated......:thumbup:
Swyped from T3DRO1CS RedHoXence
Just installed the new sense 5 toolbox and checked all the cleanbeam icons by vomer and all icons changed except the Bluetooth and the mobile data icons! Still the normal 4g icon appears! Is there a fix for this?
Sent from my HTC One XL using Tapatalk 4
spyrobiskinis said:
Just installed the new sense 5 toolbox and checked all the cleanbeam icons by vomer and all icons changed except the Bluetooth and the mobile data icons! Still the normal 4g icon appears! Is there a fix for this?
Sent from my HTC One XL using Tapatalk 4
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I think you might have your threads confused, the q&a thread is here. That's something you'd have to take up with the Sense 5 Toolbox dev anyway.
Sent from my Evita
ted77usa said:
Very much appreciated......:thumbup:
Swyped from T3DRO1CS RedHoXence
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bro your signature literally fills my browser window
timmaaa said:
I think you might have your threads confused, the q&a thread is here. That's something you'd have to take up with the Sense 5 Toolbox dev anyway.
Sent from my Evita
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You are right! I actually wanted to post this in the tweaks and mods thread!
Sent from my HTC One XL using Tapatalk 4
mistertim said:
bro your signature literally fills my browser window
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Sorry that's was more than one year ago.....don't have computer access to change it yet......two of my laptops kinda messed up .....
Swyped from T3DRO1CS RedHoXence
I was intending to write a lot more of these but my phone broke down and I got busy with a lot of other things not related to android. I hope to have some more soon though.