[Q] Looking for a Recognized Developer to interview! - General Questions and Answers

Hi there. I've been a member of XDA for a few years, brought here to learn how to muck about with my old first-generation Galaxy S. The experience has been extremely educational and I've learned lots of things about mobile devices, how they work and the various miscellany related to the industry.
Partially because of my experiences here on XDA, I decided to come here and seek data! For a school project I'm working on a look at the state of open-source on mobile devices, which Android will naturally be a prominent part of. As a part of this project--which spans across several essays that will eventually be posted to a blog--I need to interview an expert in the field of whatever it is I'm researching.
To that end I'd like to get in touch with a Recognized Developer here on XDA for an interview, preferably over Skype or some other instant messaging client, so I can easily record the conversation and implement the interview into my articles and essays.
The requirements for the interview are pretty simple--it just needs to be a short interview with an expert in the field focused on by my research topic. The questions I intend to ask range from overall broad questions about the state of open-source on mobile devices and more specific questions about Android, rooted app development and/or ROM development and things of that nature.
Anyway if anyone's interested in doing something like this please let me know, either by replying to this thread or by sending me a PM.


Starting a Podcast

I've been a fairly long user of XDA Developers (Not a big poster.. ill admit) and I'm starting a pod cast. I need 2 people that are on the pulse, id like at least one of them to be a regular Xda developers member as from experience i know its a pretty obsessive (in a good way ) intelligent community.
The podcast is planned to be an in depth discussion of the weeks events in the mobile tech world. Everyone as part of the podcast will have equal say as to what topics are covered and virtually all other aspects (just because I'm provoking the creation of the cast.. doesn't mean I'm going to dictate )
I'm really looking for someone who's equally as obsessed as i am
Any questions just reply to the post
*bump* no replys?

[Poll] New "Android only" forum?

These past weeks I've noticed an increase of irrelevant threads and clutter being made in regards to Android development in the HTC Dream forum and every other Android development forum on xda. A lot of Android devices out on the market now are not made by HTC. This of course is causing a problem since this forum is for HTC devices only.
Maybe it would be a good idea if a new forum was created that accounts for all native Android devices (Motorola Droid/Milestone, Motorola Cliq/Dext, Samsung Galaxy, etc...). That way, a lot of the clutter would surely be resolved and a considerate load would be taken off of this server (Gotta hate the horrible load on xda these days...).
I'm sure there are quiet a few people on here that have an HTC device and are fully satisfied with it (Me included!). That doesn't mean that everyone else has to feel the same way. People that choose to go with Samsung, Motorola, etc. for their next Android device should not be left out. That's why I believe there should definitely be a forum that serves everyone.
To put up a new forum specifically for this matter takes no time at all, but it does take participation. So if you feel like this is something you would like to see, please feel free to leave a comment.
What are you're opinions on this matter? Agree? Disagree?
If there's enough people interested in this project, would there be anyone willing to help getting things started in terms of hosting space or something similar?
Sorry, I misunderstood "a new forum was created that accounts for all native Android devices" to mean that a new subforum on XDA should be made, so I voted no. Upon reading it again, I realized you meant to create an independant Android specific site, which I would actually be in favor of. So while I can't change my vote officially, you should know that one of the "No" votes should actually be considered a "Yes" vote.
Yea, sorry. I meant that there should be a completly new forum for all android devices (not a subforum on xda). Thanks for your vote!
Like I mentioned before, there are definitely more people who agree than those who disagree. Only problem will be to spread the word I guess.
I think XDA-Developers needs to be divided into a Windows Mobile and an Android section and those need to be further divided into HTC and non-HTC ones.
With more and more Android devices, and rising competition for HTC from Samsung, Motorola, Sony Ericsson etc., XDA-Developers cannot stay WM-focused and HTC-only without becoming irrelevant and losing its no.1 status for everything concerning WM and Android development.
EDIT: OR make independent, but linked together, sites for WM and Android and for different manufacturers.
maati said:
EDIT: OR make independent, but linked together, sites for WM and Android and for different manufacturers.
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That's what I'm thinking as well.
I forsee good things to come from this. Or the thread just being closed.
There needs to be a WinMo forum and Android Forum that are both linked from the home page.
I would be all for this, and would be more than happy to fund the project. Hosting, domain fees, coding ect..
I agree completely. It's also annoying to see various large Android Community sites popping up, which deal with everything android, including all models, which includes HTC models... because they are invading the "mindshare", if you will, of "where does one go to get best development and mod info for android OS phones?" ... When the first Android devices were only HTC, this was not an issue, as HTC was correctly housed here and had Android devices forums added.
But yes, the whole touchscreen marketplace has erupted and fractured in the last 6 months, and it would be a bad thing, in my view, if XDA were to become relegated to a "boutique" site, that was great with SOME andorid devices, but AWOL on others.. And as the original poster notes, there is only bound to be more and more cross-device discussion and innovation developments for the whole android platform.
my 3 cents...
maati said:
I think XDA-Developers needs to be divided into a Windows Mobile and an Android section and those need to be further divided into HTC and non-HTC ones.
With more and more Android devices, and rising competition for HTC from Samsung, Motorola, Sony Ericsson etc., XDA-Developers cannot stay WM-focused and HTC-only without becoming irrelevant and losing its no.1 status for everything concerning WM and Android development.
EDIT: OR make independent, but linked together, sites for WM and Android and for different manufacturers.
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So are most of you in favor that an independent site for Android-only devices should be made (WinMo-only devices could also be added later on to another section).
Or do you think that xda should try to change their forum around so that it will fulfill our needs?
Bavilo said:
So are most of you in favor that an independent site for Android-only devices should be made (WinMo-only devices could also be added later on to another section).
Or do you think that xda should try to change their forum around so that it will fulfill our needs?
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I'm totally new to Android; have not even purchased my HERO yet. So take this with a grain of salt... but to me, I think the train already left the station... In the past three weeks as I have investigated HTC Hero, I have encountered 4 or 5 rather substantial communities already built around Android.... I will just list a few of them. Being truthful, there have been very few poll participants here... and it may well be the case that what you are envisioning as a resource already exists -- it's just not here.
So, to me, you either have to (A) turn the whole mothership around (XDA-devs) and try to make a case for why non-HTC devices should fit in more officially here (they are already accomodated "unofficially" and have been for quite some time on the WinMo side -- with tons of questions asked in many a forum about "What about the Omnia? can you release that for Omnia?" and same for Sony Xperia, as just two examples....
or (B) bridge-out to one or more of the communities already developed around modding Android phones... (but again, I am prob the wrong person to comment since I am brand new to Android... )
To me, most of those sites just feel like user communities but not any real development like here at XDA.
narunetto said:
To me, most of those sites just feel like user communities but not any real development like here at XDA.
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That's exactly what I want to change. And thanks to Craiger22 this might be possible very soon!
I do think this site needs to drop it's HTC bias to be honest. It makes choosing a new handset quite horrible. On one hand HTC devices get software support on this forum (which is still the best out there). But on the other hand there are some very nice non-HTC devices coming up. It makes choosing a handset a lot harder.
Fair enough if there's some sort of official affiliation with HTC, I can understand that. But is it not just some nostalgic bias relating to the origins of this site? That's the way I understand it anyway.
Personally there's no HTC hardware I want right now and I think that it's a shame that when I replace my X1 I will (if the HTC hardware situation remains similar to how it is now) wind up leaving this community.

The atmosphere of XDA has changed

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE this forum. I respect the true developers that push out groundbreaking work and invest their time and talents into what they do, but I have noticed something that does make me a bit disappointed.
I first started coming to XDA early last year when I got me a G1... And while I am not a big contributor, I do adore reading through the wealth of knowledge and advice here. Early on it seems the feel of the board was so much more accepting and pleasant. It was one of the Biggest reasons I stuck with my G1 and felt it would be the big thing to come.
But it seems as of recent, the tone of some areas of this forum have went sour and south. I understand things happen, such as multiple posts about questions that have been answered or goofy comments. And these things get irritating. But they happen. When did the better than you, don't question us, and without warning "snaps" start happening.
I LOVE Android, and I am Very proud to be part of the Android wave since G1, but the bigger we get the more iPhone-fanatical and holier than thou the atmosphere is seemingly becoming.
Why should we treat new comers to the system with such venom or even older members. I have seen high post count members help in some posts and call new members "idiots" or the like, in others. I see threads getting squashed before the ink has dried regarding items of interest that - while a search could be beneficial - the problem may be slightly different or something completely different, if only the ones snapping off at the "member" would read them. I see people defending certain aspects with careless abandon of rationality. Same goes for new users that have a tech problem and get angry when the first response doesn't help. When did entitlement to instant answers come into the picture?
These are not highly common issues that are here - and all forums have such irritations - but they are still here and in much higher velocity the more expanded Android becomes.
I guess with great power comes great responsibility. And when the under dog becomes the big dog, he finds it necessary to bite all the other dogs in retribution.
I don't know, it just saddens me to see such actions here, and I guess I do kinda miss being the underdog a bit and enjoying the camaraderie that came with it.
EDIT: I want to stress that my intended meaning here is not that XDA has become some completely nasty, demented, angry beast. I love this forum. I am merely comparing today to the early days and how the recent breakout of Android and the aspect of being the top dog has changed some tones slightly.
Oh yes. The rudeness over in the Vibrant section is unacceptable.
We invite you to help us by reporting bad behavior, it´s impossible for us to look all the threads in all the sections, so we count a lot with the help of all members to make this more than 3 million great forum called XDA better.
I in no way meant this to mean it's the fault of the Moderators of XDA. Orb is absolutely correct. We readers and commenters are the front line to help remedy this. I am simply remarking on the state and tone of the masses, as we advance from small groups with pioneer devices to the majority of the mobile smart phone community.
Android is pure, its open... as well our arms and responses should be - in a respectful manner. To all questions big, small or redundant. To all comparisons and technological oppositions.
I say that as merely a comment of how we should hold our honor under this platform and as a community. Not as a indictment in any way. This should be the basis of Android and its adopters young and old in places like XDA that are one of the faces of our brand. It's what makes us great. All accepting and all helping. Coming from the small humble steps of Google slightly more than 10 years ago, to the pillars of might which they have now become, I guess this is what I initially meant to express....The original sight and humble nature should not be lost and above all negativity should be hindered.
And as Orb stated, we the readers are the best hope to help remedy such actions, and as such, we such be steadfast in keeping the tone positive and not condemning all things seemingly redundant or in opposition to Android.
Keep up the great work XDA. There are no villains here, merely a young and VERY inspired and dedicated community with a great future. Let's make sure that when the legend is written, that it's written with the proper feelings in place.
So very sorry to jump on a soap box.. I am just very proud to be a part of this community. And my pride spurs very much from the positive nature of this forum and the Android world in general. I never want to lose that rare gem.
They need to hire more Moderators
Proud to be XDA member!
Fantastic words!
recasper said:
All accepting and all helping
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No need to be sorry, I can get your feeling and share it as well!!
Just adding: Not only Android...We have the father of all touch screen OS devices: Windows Mobile, also Windows Phone 7 and even iPhone all come together in XDA!! (and perhaps more to come in the future!)
recasper said:
So very sorry to jump on a soap box.. I am just very proud to be a part of this community. And my pride spurs very much from the positive nature of this forum and the Android world in general. I never want to lose that rare gem.
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this is a very well put together comment. It sort of makes me feel bad of the few,very few times thay I had been rude. Not intentionally but just having a bad day and escaping to the forums for relaxation and ease then being rude in some of my comments. This certainly will make me be gratuous for such a great forum and for the help that I have gotten. I will definetly think twice of all my post from here on out.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
In my rant I completely neglected to keep in mind that XDA is not only the developmental face of Android but so many others. I kind of fell into tunnel vision as I jumped upon my soap box. All other OS platforms should absolutely be acknowledged and thank you Orb for correcting me.
I guess I was focusing more on the Android section of this site due to its weight here and the fact I spend all my time in these sections. Seeing negativity in the areas where there is an assumed open and welcoming nature of Android and its community, tweaked me and inspired me to post this. After thinking about it, this is to say, my thoughts aren't 100% specifically toward the Android section and not to be dismissing the likes of Win7, WinMobile, iPhone and of course (and well stated, Orb) all others to come. I see myself as more of a member of the Android section than any other, but the general feel of my comments are to span all forum sections. Respect, thats what is important.
Thank you, caguirr4, and any following posters with such thoughts. That was my exact intention here. For us all to reanalyze our responses and comments, even when we have had a bad day or feel irritable for redundancy or what some may see as surface ignorance. And to understand that not all readers are developers or highly computer savvy. But merely wanting to get a foothold in this complex area and most are doing what they can. We should open our arms, as we do our code, and allow them safe passage. Especially without the fear of receiving a scathing reply to a post simply reaching for help or personal expression.
And above all thank you ALL for what you do in this incredibly innovative, inspiring and all around wonderful forum.
I shall now step down from this podium and stop wasting everyones time. haha
I know I've personally been rude a few times and I see your point. I was once just as lost with android as some of the new members coming here. Each thread should be treated as important and relevant and if something as simple as a search would suffice then a link to the topic with the answer could be provided and instead of "omg search n00b" a more friendly "Here is the link, please search a bit more carefully next time" could be placed. I know some would still take that as hostile even when it's not meant to be but it is less aggressive and if the person is new maybe even throw in a "and welcome to the forums". I don't really contribute that much in terms of development (I'm not sure you'd even really call my thread development or not) but I, like you, love this community and the amazing things that can be done when we join together. I know some of us just get a bit annoyed at seeing the same question a few hundred times over and there's always that one "straw that breaks the camel's back" and as we learn more ourselves some answers may seem obvious to us when they're not so obvious to others. Thank you for posting this and making us all think about not only our own posts in response to others, but what we really want this community to be and what its potential is.
Thank you OP for the feedback. We will certainly keep this in mind and try to get better.
Over the past few months we have grown enormously, we have added numerous non-hTC devices, plus we have openly started adding all android devices which come out compared to previously only Windows mobile OS devices. Which has lead to a huge influx of new members.
XDA is a convergence of numerous types of people some know it all, some are really knew, some understand english really well, and some not so well.. This is what leads to frustrations, and hence rude-ness over the forums. Eventually as people mature on XDA, they hopefully do learn the manners of posting on a board such as XDA.
And those who don't we moderators are always their to deal with them.
Thank you again for the feedback, it has been noted and we will surely try to make XDA a more welcoming and friendlier place.
Any issues/suggestions/comments feel free to contact me.

Can someone please recommend another good forum?

I've been an XDA user for a few years now, and for the most part I have found it to be a great source of help and information across a wide range of devices and platforms... up until recently.
I have always had a strong interest in mobile phones/devices. And when I got my first smart phone in 2008 my interest was piqued further. I am not a developer, and I don’t intend on becoming one. I am a user. I love customization, apps, games and everything about smart phones (started on Winows Mobile, and I now use Android).
The way I understand it… XDA was started as a developer’s site/forum… for developers. Over the years it began to evolve into a non-exclusive community. Anyone could ask for help on any range of smart phone topics – which I thought was great.
Lately it seems that XDA has been trying to get back to their roots… that is to say, they are trying to make the forums more developer exclusive. I can only say that is a bad thing from a selfish stand point. Of course if I were a developer I might take issue with my forums being flooded with non-developer related (and therefore… irrelevant) threads and posts. I am in no position to criticize the site managers about what type of site they wish to run and how they want to run it. But XDA is becoming useless to me. It is becoming increasingly difficult to find help on non-development related topics.
So… Can someone please recommend another (more user-orientated) site? I like to ask questions on a range of topics; some device specific, some about how to use apps, some game hints, some general android queries, app recommendations, etc. Is there a better forum for a user like me?
Thanks for any help.
I used to frequent http://www.teambamf.net/ when I had my HTC Thunderbolt, Yea, it was my first smart phone.
They do a lot with Samsung phones, you might want to take a look and see what they have to offer.
CharlesTheMan is willing to help anyone who asks, they're good guys.
If you can't find what you want there, just ask, they can tell you what you need to do and recommend where to go if they can't answer your questions.
It always pays to search for different alternatives, I work in an IT department as a programmer, systems network analyst and a webmaster.
Don't always use the same search engine, change up, use Bing or Dogpile or many others to find what you need.
I can spend hours researching for what I need, there is so much out there now you just need to learn "Where To Look", per say.
Good luck and remember, if you don't find what you are looking for, look somewhere else!!
Hi G,
Thanks for taking the time to reply. I almost always do a pretty extensive google search before coming hear to post. I rarely use bing or anyother search engine before coming here to ask... will certainly give it a go.
Thanks again.
I don't think there's another forum as great as XDA
but if you could be more specific or if you like MIUI rom, you can find everything about it here miuiandroid[dot]com
retslagoon said:
I don't think there's another forum as great as XDA
but if you could be more specific or if you like MIUI rom, you can find everything about it here miuiandroid[dot]com
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hi retslagoon,
I do not have any particular question at this time. But thanks for your reply.
One issue I have with 'being specific' (and I think I might find this hard to explain) is that I can spend quite a bit of time typing out a questing/post (and trying to be clear and specific), while wording correctly; only to have it be ignored - for whatever reason. So the entire exercise ends up being a waste of time.
I do not know why so many simple questions get ignored on these forums, there could be a range of reasons (either because people don't know the answers to them, or because people don't bother to read them; I also wonder if it is due to the fact that some of these unanswered questions are not at all development related and therefor are intentionally ignored to teach the poster a lesson about posting on a development forum).
Eitherway, XDA is not satisfying my search for help/advice and information.
Thanks again.
[email protected] said:
hi retslagoon,
I do not have any particular question at this time. But thanks for your reply.
One issue I have with 'being specific' (and I think I might find this hard to explain) is that I can spend quite a bit of time typing out a questing/post (and trying to be clear and specific), while wording correctly; only to have it be ignored - for whatever reason. So the entire exercise ends up being a waste of time.
I do not know why so many simple questions get ignored on these forums, there could be a range of reasons (either because people don't know the answers to them, or because people don't bother to read them; I also wonder if it is due to the fact that some of these unanswered questions are not at all development related and therefor are intentionally ignored to teach the poster a lesson about posting on a development forum).
Eitherway, XDA is not satisfying my search for help/advice and information.
Thanks again.
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My experience is that often threads are unnecessarily started: A quick Google-search before in most cases would have given the answer(s) requested. At least if the issue(s) is/are device independent. So you must not wonder a post istn't replied.

[WELCOME]Hello iPhone Users, Quick message for you fellow "old" XDA users

Hi there new user​This website isn't familiar with you, is it? Well let me introduce it to you my little fellow, this is xda-developpers.com, a forum where -previously android enthusiasts, now smartphone enthusiasts- share content, ask questions, give advices and answers, in order to customize our phone expirience. XDA has been a home for small project before they became very successful, one of the best examples is @zx2c4 's WireGuard, that has been integrated into the linux kernel now and will be available natively in Android 12 (source). zx2c4 has been developing this project in its early days for Android and ROM integration here at XDA. All of that to say, XDA is great, because of the community, and also the Moderation team that work their asses off to maintain XDA as spam free as possible. (am a mod now lol)
You know, I had the feeling that you'd come here first and start frenetically posting about how you feel, but there are some RULES (ta da) that you'll have to follow before posting about why you only buy product red iPhones in a 100 lines post. Here are some useful links to learn how to properly use and post on XDA.
Before reading them tho, finish this post first (there's a surprise down there),and go check out this one minute video to understand what xda is all about.
Read tha RuleS
You know the rules, and so do I
Welcome to XDA
you can use the report button, it's not snitching, it's asking for help
how to properly name and write a post
Your "career" as XDA forum user
The rest of the link are here​
Now that I got your attention with the surprise thing, keep reading. I perfectly know that you will click on the first link and read half of it, because those are really long reads, but trust me it's worth it in the end. I'll make a summary of what you absolutely need to know before doing anything:
1-Questions about iPhones belongs here, xda has to keep the forum organised, every sections has a title that needs to be respected, for example "Android Q'n'A" is for Q'n'A related to ANDROID, do not post pictures of di.. I mean dogs, or questions about iPhones or about your Roomba not working. This is the most common problem with newbies on XDA. If you post properly, you won't get bashed by experimented users.
2-Press that frickin thank button
each time someone helps you, it's very important (you can give 8 thanks per day)unlimited now
3-Don't discuss anything else than android, in android forums. This means NO POLITICAL DISCUTION
3bis-You can't sell anything on XDA, and for paid software, there are strict rules before promoting them on XDA. Read THIS
4-You need at least to read the rules, I know this isn't funny and stuff, but you have to. And follow the rules! Otherwise you'll feel how hard the ban hammer in the hands of a powerful user (@T.C.Stockdale, @coal686, @xanthrax, and much more fearless hammer wielders)
5-You can't change your username once you chose it, so choose wisely (also you can ask @MikeChannon through PMs to change it, so please stop asking)
6-Be nice, even if some users are kinda bashing you because you're a n00b, and don't worry, if you read this you won't be a n00b anymore, but a new user, and I'll have a talk with these users after that (it's the "Quick message for you fellow "old" XDA users" in the title)
7-Enjoy the forums, there's so much to learn here! Although it's android only for the moment, new developers from the iPhone community will come (hopefully) and share content with you, so you can enjoy
Here is the surprise: ?, you deserved it, now you're a little more aware of what you're doing
Now for experimented iPhone users, hello there !​You may know already everything I've said above because I guess you're coming from another forum to check if xda is just garbage or if it's great, and since you're experimented, you've had the curiosity to read all of this until there. Well let me tell you things that you'll be interested in. First XDA is kind of an old forum (if you want the full story: part 1, part 2). This interface isn't 2020, in fact it's has been designed and applied in 2015 (not so recently lol). And this forum uses vBulletin right now. So if you know what I'm talking about, it sounds like xda is outdated, but don't worry, it's now time for Xenforo and XDA 2020 interface (check this out). You're the core of the iPhone community, and you know it. As you make mods, find jailbreak exploits and other cool stuff, you allow other users to enjoy for free (most of the time lol) your content. XDA is all about sharing knowledge, content, etc... and has a huge community, so your work will be taken to a whole new dimension since you'll now be able to be directly in touch with a huge part of the community. I'm sure that you had your own favourite forum, but try out xda, it can only better the experience, because if YOU come, other developers will too, and make iPhone and Android Developers cooperate to make, who knows, one of the greatest piece of software ever created. I can't wait to see what is going to come out of this!
Now, a message to all fellow "before iPhone forums" XDA users:​If you're really old, you may remember this video, I got a flashback when seeing this forum opened lol.
This is crazy, I'd never have thought XDA would open iPhone forums, yet they did.
I use both Android and iOS, and to be honest, I've tried iOS, and it's way less "featureful" than Android, the design language is appealing, but having a phone with which you can't even access internal storage is kind of a joke to me.
But each of us have our own opinions, right ?
The thing that'll really change here is the community. I think that the Portal team and XDA admins thought this decision through for a long time. Because since XDA is well known around tech enthusiasts (Android or Apple), Apple enthusiasts will eventually popularize XDA among the more unexperimented iOS users seeking for a way to have [MOD INFINITE VBUCKS FORTNITE LEGIT 1000% WORKING read the description], and that's what I wanted to talk about.
More seriously, it'll bring some of the very experimented users that will eventually provide this forum with very useful guides and Mods, but it will also bring A LOT of newbies. XDA was also known in the past for n00b bashing Android beginners, and now it's the Apple ones...
I know that sometimes it's hard to hear the same questions over and over again and not being infuriated and upset, but I'll ask you, please, to don't bash the crap out of iPhone newbies, if they become developers who knows how they'll improve our experience with maybe cross-plateform development. I know what I say isn't something that you didn't heard before, but please be patient with them, I mean they're not so weak that they're scared by the first critic that hits them, but if we can keep this clean and have a good relationship with them, maybe our two communities will finally end this war that has lasted for eons before us.
Well thank you for reading this until the end, you're very brave. My teachers always said I couldn't be concise when saying something, well they were damn right. Hope you have a good day.
Edit #1: Typos, a lot of them !
Edit #2: Updating color for dark mode user of XDA 2021, the look changed, the rules are the same !
Edit #3: Removing cringy poll
Edit #4: Updating some link here and there
Raiz said:
4-You need at least to read the rules, I know this isn't funny and stuff, but you have to. And follow the rules! Otherwise you'll feel how hard the ban hammer in the hands of a powerful user (@T.C.Stockdale, @coal686, @xanthrax, and much more fearless hammer wielders)
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Thank you for mentioning me with these other two great guys. I prefer not to use the ban hammer; the carrot is better than the stick.
Welcome iPhone users! We hope we can get some good iPhone discussion and development going on here. :good:
On behalf of the portal team and the wider leadership team behind XDA as a whole, thanks for this message! It sums up everything really well and we're excited to see how these iPhone forums go.
If anyone has questions about the iPhone 12, feel free to ask (I am using one right now)!
I am now using the iPhone 12 pro max as my main phone and something said go check out xda. Glad to know there’s somewhat of an iphone section. I’m sure I’m not the only one that realized there’s an iPhone developers site but it’s dead.
aarongotgame said:
I am now using the iPhone 12 pro max as my main phone and something said go check out xda. Glad to know there’s somewhat of an iphone section. I’m sure I’m not the only one that realized there’s an iPhone developers site but it’s dead.
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Are you talking about that oooold website ?
It was the first attempt to make an iPhone forum.
* Nostalgic music playing in the background*
There are still some relevant pieces of infos there.
Check out this section for basic "what is jailbreak" guides http://iphone-developers.com/page/iphone-jailbreak-guides-resources/
And this one for instant nostalgia:
Raiz said:
Are you talking about that oooold website ?
It was the first attempt to make an iPhone forum.
* Nostalgic music playing in the background*
There are still some relevant pieces of infos there.
Check out this section for basic "what is jailbreak" guides http://iphone-developers.com/page/iphone-jailbreak-guides-resources/
And this one for instant nostalgia:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes lol I was like Wow. I went to the jailbreak wizard. That was nice that an attempt was made to even start a full independent developers site.
@Raiz Rules link in op is old
old: https://forum.xda-developers.com/announcement.php?a=81
new: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/xda-developers-forum-rules.4200559/

