[Q] Provisioning to Page Plus - Verizon Samsung Galaxy S III

I ported my phone to Page Plus and I have been trying to provision/configure it for over a day now. I verified the MIN and SID with Page Plus and have tried so many things for so many different guides that I'm almost on the verge of insanity. It shows that I have a good reception and isn't showing roaming or anything out of the ordinary. When I have programmed (and reprogrammed) the PRLs it asks me to go into global mode (which I ok because otherwise it shows no signal and asks again a minute later). The HA and AAA are blank (which worries me). I hope someone can provide some quick information to help me figure out at least the phone side of things because I had no phone until I do.


Loving htc hd2 but.........

ive owned this phone now for a few months and while i think its great it sometimes is just a massive pain in the arse.
i need some advice as technically im pretty good but i have to get my head round the problem 1st.
1- ive just decided that i want to use my home router as internet access on my phone so ive set up the connection, which the phone finds, entered the encription key and i get the little wifi icon on the top of the screen. all good......
but when i connect to a website the data connection (orange) appears as well. is there a setting to use one or the other?
2- adobe flash player. a right pain the backside. many sites including youtube require new updates of the player but when i click on the download and get the status bar it seems to freeze. and when it looks like it finishes (rarely) i get the same message on screen that i need to download the latest version!
3- automatic connection. still not sure if my provider charges me for constant connection. whether it is downloading data constantly or not but it seems strange that the phone, although there is nothing running in task manager will connect itself. ive woken up in the morning to find its been connected for 10 hours! is it updating? if it needs to connect why cant it disconnect itself?
4- the irritating freeze. mostly if its been on all night doing nothing. then i unlock it (without passcode as this seems to make it worse) it freezes. then needs a hard reset to function again
apologies for the rant and long 1st post but i really dont want this nice phone ending up like the last and being thrown about as it doesnt work as well as it should.
many thanks
Hi Friend, try HTC's website they have several hotfixes for your phone (some reason only available on europe portal but might point you in right direction.
As for using phone as modem I only recommend if BROWSING web only, not downloading, as yes it has DSL speed but it is ILLEGAL on all phone plans and they will cut you off after a limit (normally 10GB) and then they give a call and ask "Whatcha doing?" so only use as back-up browsing only.

LG G2X and Simple Mobile

I'm new to dealing with phones or doing anything advanced with them. My last one was a samsung code that I used at metropcs. I've upgraded to the LG G2X and have an active account with Simple Mobile. I have a problem that I am hoping some one here can help me with.
I cannot use data. No web or mms. Of course according to the instructions on their site for android phones, you have to edit or creat a new APN for use on their network. However, when I try to edit the default T-Mobile US apn it just says, "Default APN cannot be modified." and I can't change any of the settings.
Now what I can do is create ANOTHER APN but after creating on according to the instructions on their site and saving it. I can see the newly created APN but it doesn't look to be active. The T-Mobile US apn has a green dot next to it showing it is active but not the new apn that I created. I thought about a setting to make the new one the default or activating it in addition to the tmobile one but I cannot find a way to do that. HELP. Thanks in advance.
oceandographer said:
I'm new to dealing with phones or doing anything advanced with them. My last one was a samsung code that I used at metropcs. I've upgraded to the LG G2X and have an active account with Simple Mobile. I have a problem that I am hoping some one here can help me with.
I cannot use data. No web or mms. Of course according to the instructions on their site for android phones, you have to edit or creat a new APN for use on their network. However, when I try to edit the default T-Mobile US apn it just says, "Default APN cannot be modified." and I can't change any of the settings.
Now what I can do is create ANOTHER APN but after creating on according to the instructions on their site and saving it. I can see the newly created APN but it doesn't look to be active. The T-Mobile US apn has a green dot next to it showing it is active but not the new apn that I created. I thought about a setting to make the new one the default or activating it in addition to the tmobile one but I cannot find a way to do that. HELP. Thanks in advance.
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You should just be able to tap your new APN that you've set up and get the green dot to show. I'm not sure how locked down the G2x is, but it sounds strange you can't even edit the APN.
Well the settings from their site were correct. The android configuration is what was needed. It's not obvious how you activate the APN though. The technical support rep helped me figure it out but even he was like, "You have to get the green dot on that new APN. Try to drag it or just touch it.." Well you have to touch the radial button where the green dot should go, however, that is not good enough. You have to hold it down for awhile. Just the button. Then you get the green activation dot. There you have it.
Thanks for the help. You were correct, as was my assumption.
g2x activation at simple mobile.
Simple Mobile website--> Enter in Android config on a new APN--> Save and hold down the radial button long enough for it to turn green. From there, internet, gps, mms, etc. all work.
oceandographer said:
Well the settings from their site were correct. The android configuration is what was needed. It's not obvious though how you activate the APN though. The technical support rep helped me figure it out but even he was like, "You have to get the green dot on that new APN. Try to drag it or just touch it.." Well you have to touch the radial button where the green dot should go, however, that is not good enough. You have to hold it down for awhile. Just the button. Then you get the green activation dot. There you have it.
Thanks for the help. You were correct, as was my assumption.
g2x activation at simple mobile.
Simple Mobile website--> Enter in Android config on a new APN--> Save and hold down the radial button long enough for it to turn green. From there, internet, gps, mms, etc. all works.
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Good job mate, now go and enjoy it!
Hit the thanks button for ya. Your insight was much appreciated. This phone is light years ahead of my old samsung code. I've been meaning to obtain an android cell phone for awhile, I'm glad I got this one. The gps functions on these things are absolutely incredible. The web browsing on it is so nice. The only thing I can hope for now is RF radio reception. I've been checking the net periodically (which leads me back to this forum often) to see if there's progress. That would be a nifty function as everyone carries there cell with them. If you want tunes, being able to grab it from your cell is very convenient. <----(I imagine I'm getting a little off topic here lol). Well, see you later. Thanks again.
oceandographer said:
Hit the thanks button for ya. Your insight was much appreciated. This phone is light years ahead of my old samsung code. I've been meaning to obtain an android cell phone for awhile, I'm glad I got this one. The gps functions on these things are absolutely incredible. The web browsing on it is so nice. The only thing I can hope for now is RF radio reception. I've been checking the net periodically (which leads me back to this forum often) to see if there's progress. That would be a nifty function as everyone carries there cell with them. If you want tunes, being able to grab it from your cell is very convenient. <----(I imagine I'm getting a little off topic here lol). Well, see you later. Thanks again.
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You've certainly picked a winner. LG aren't exactly known for their build quality but they've put together a nice package in the G2x. Also, I love that it runs stock Android and doesn't have a Skin/Launcher over the top. Means you'll get updates quicker and you're free to do whatever you like. I am pretty sure it has an FM radio built in, you just have to plug in the headphones to work as an antenna.
Many thanks for the 'thanks' too, good of you
Enjoy mate, feel free to hit me up if you think I can help.
Oh and PS, welcome to XDA
I was trying to hold this button or just click this button and it turns grenn. But what happens is I reboot, then I'm trying to use internet, browser opening one page (sometimes not even that), I'm going to apn settings again and seeing that the green button back to t-mobile again.... For some reason it is automatically switching back to original settings. I do have a new apn saved in there too.....
I think I know what you're saying here. In other words, you are using the APN that you set up to work with Simple Mobile but it keeps switching back to the T-Mobile APN right? If so, I'm having the same problem--a lot of people are. It started happening right after the update to 2.3 Gingerbread. What someone ought to do is, make something so that the stock T-Mobile APN can just be edited.
By the logic that is the only way. Probably to do that we need to root the phone and make changes in APN folder.... But that's on the paper.
Is there any way out of this issue?? I really love the G2x but its almost impossible to use data as it keeps switching T-mobile APN.. Can we delete the T-mobile APN if we Root the phone??
I'm not sure if there's a way to edit the apn or delete it for that matter. Here's what I've done as a work around. It's pretty generic but it's working. I simply reboot my phone only every several days; when I do, I switch it back to the simplemobile apn, then I use all kinds of stuff like:gps, internet, etc. It will at times, switch on me 2-4 times but once it stays, it stays as long as I don't reboot.
Otherwise I think this is happening to other android cell phones as well. I bet they'll provide a fix for it. It's something related to this edition of the OS if you ask me, else it would have done this on other versions as well.
oceandographer said:
Well the settings from their site were correct. The android configuration is what was needed. It's not obvious how you activate the APN though. The technical support rep helped me figure it out but even he was like, "You have to get the green dot on that new APN. Try to drag it or just touch it.." Well you have to touch the radial button where the green dot should go, however, that is not good enough. You have to hold it down for awhile. Just the button. Then you get the green activation dot. There you have it.
Thanks for the help. You were correct, as was my assumption.
g2x activation at simple mobile.
Simple Mobile website--> Enter in Android config on a new APN--> Save and hold down the radial button long enough for it to turn green. From there, internet, gps, mms, etc. all work.
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Ocean .. you are AWESOME. it worked like a charm , i kept searching around until i found your post, i'm gonna post this in another thread on here about the same issue if you don't mind. i'm sure many people are experiencing this issue
glad i didn't have to root ..why? my name says it all
Thanks for that compliment. Great choice in phone btw. Mine is doing everything that I need it to do and more. Emailing works, gps works, texting works, surfing the web works etc. It's like having a tiny little laptop at your constant disposal
If you like some of the games that can be played on these things, try Dragon Fly. You can find it at the android market for free. I've been having a blast with it. I'm ranked number two in 90650 zip code
Thanks for the tip about holding down the button until it turns green. Indeed it worked for me too. I actually think I had to just keep pushing it rather than hold it. It also takes a minute while the system resets the services. I rebooted for the heck of it too.
Another tip: Someone in a thread says "APN Manager" app fixes any problems for rooted users who have Gingerbread. Some custom roms don't need it though. More solutions are discussed here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=18842276&posted=1#post18842276
I'm sticking to Froyo for now because of this. Just tested GPS and Internet walking around the block. A+++!
Yeah, the phone is pretty darn good. It's got a good size screen, great graphics, and it's not TOO big. I've seen some phones and they're borderline tablet lol. Would have been good for them to not have made the apn uneditable, and it would have been a good idea for them to have included the FM radio. The European cousin has the FM radio capability but I guess when it was released for america, they purposely kept that disconnected . Bummer! Oh well, folks will just consume all kinds of bandwidth by using a radio ap
LG G2X on simple mobile
Could someone please make a video of how to make the g2x work on simple mobile
Easy step by step instruction on how to fix the APN issue on the G2X
No Root required No Flashing required . . .
---------- Post added at 08:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:02 PM ----------
Easy step by step instruction on how to fix the APN issue on the G2X
No Root required No Flashing required . . .

Trouble with data connection when mobile

Hi all,
Starting to get frustrated with my 3a and looking for avenues to address difficulty in maintaining a data connection when on the move. In all other ways this phone has been great.
When I am on the move - on the train, or in a car - my phone seems to lose data connectivity after a period of minutes. It seems to be an issue with maintaining a data connection when switching from tower to tower (at a guess). The phone does maintain mobile reception and I can be on a call without dropouts, but if for example watching a video, the video will stop, and eventually I will get the little cross in the reception icon to indicate no data connection.
No issues when not moving about, but am currently doing a lot of work on the fly, so hotspotting or conference calls are near impossible. This didn't always seem to be a problem, but due to Covid (and not moving around for a while), not sure exactly when it started. Have done some googling and tried a new sim card + changing private DNS settings with no luck. On the latest available update.
Is this a known issue with this phone? Any way I can diagnose or fix? Or am I looking at a new phone at this point?
Have rooted and switched ROMs on many previous phones, so quite happy to go down that path if need be.
I understand you say this only happens when you are moving but I would recommend checking with whatever carrier anyway maybe look on your carrier help site and write your same post here there and see if anyone else experiences the same. I would also save everything to USB or PC and flash factory image via fastboot and let it wipe not removing the fastboot -w in the./flash-all.sh. You could use an app like LTE discovery and set it to where you know exactly what it's doing and when it does it because you can set a small beep sound or wherever. What carrier do you use? Maybe update roaming , prl and profile, if you use a CDMA carrier. Also what type of case are you using? Just a few things that I thought of after reading your post here. You've probably already done all this but if not that's definitely what I would do. And last but certainly not least, are you using a custom rom or stock? Maybe check your/apns-conf.xml/ aka your apns and make sure they're correct and all for your carrier. I don't think you have to worry about apns unless you are using a custom rom in which case I would definitely check it out because sometimes they can be not right. I use Metro by T-Mobile and I'm located in the USA.
If you are on a custom rom you could try the old apn fix and just see if it's apn related... Wouldn't hurt anything.. Just save your current /apns-conf.xml/ and delete the apns-conf.xml file in your /system/etc/ and in /system/product/etc/ and replace the one in /system/product/etc/ with the one i link here and set permissions on it to 0644, then go to settings on your phone /networks and internet/ mobile networks/ scroll to bottom there and select access point names. Should be a lil three dot thing in top right and when you hit that select "reset to default" or "reset to default apn" and wait another 60 seconds or so then reboot. That will replace your apn configuration file. My file is recently copied from my last custom rom where everything worked fine and I had no issues. If this somehow is related to an apn outa wack then this will fix it. I learned this back years ago on another device forum from spaceminer here on xda. I've used this many times since and it's always worked. Again you don't need to do this on stock , only if you are using a custom rom. I believe stock is good.
my apns-conf.xml: is.gd/2MPL8W

Question Family link [TB-J617F]

Hi all,
I've been trying to get family link working as my daughter uses this tablet. When trying to add her account the setup gets stuck in an endless loop never competing. Having read various threads from other devices, I think it's probably something to do with play services not having certain permissions. I would consider unlocking, installing twrp, magisk etc if required to fix, but I don't want to loose widevine.
The long and short is I can't use her account on the device at all as she's part of the family group - her account won't work at all without family link.
I wondered if anyone here had either tried this, or come across other odd behaviours relating to play services?
I'm running the Chinese ROM ziu 13.
Appreciate any thoughts.
Cheers Matt
Few things I have tried (and eventually got it to work) across 2x Lenovo P11 Plus (J616F)'s:
1st one was a factory reset and then instead of using my home WiFi, setup the device using a 4G hotspot from my phone. (Not a clue why, but my Home Wifi (Unifi Access Points) takes upwards of 2 minutes to get internet with the Lenovo's, even though all other devices are fine).
Second method:
factory reset and setup the device as "Offline" (i.e. dont input any WiFi details, button down bottom right saying "Setup as Offline")
Once gone through initial steps, connect to your WiFi, give it 10 minutes to update a few bits.
Open Play Store (DO NOT SIGN IN!), and press the three dots at the top right and goto updates
Let the device update all apps
When complete, try adding the childs Google Account (again, if this fails, try using a 4G hotspot from another device (disabling Wifi on that device first))
Hope that helps
Ok, that sounds pretty strange but I might give it a go. I just set her up a new Google account as nothing I could do could get the old one logged in. Thanks for your advice.
I suspect your unifi is running a shared ssid and your 5ghz is on an inaccessible band, are you always connecting at 2.4ghz? I had to change the 5g band on mine to even see it!
mdurkin said:
Ok, that sounds pretty strange but I might give it a go. I just set her up a new Google account as nothing I could do could get the old one logged in. Thanks for your advice.
I suspect your unifi is running a shared ssid and your 5ghz is on an inaccessible band, are you always connecting at 2.4ghz? I had to change the 5g band on mine to even see it!
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Only have my 5Ghz on normal bands (i.e. non DFS), even tried a separate 2.4Ghz Guest network, disabled WPA3, all to no avail. Not got a clue what caused it, my ISP doesn't block anything either (Zen UK)
Any other device was fine over WiFi (have setup much older Samsung tablets, newer kids phones) all with Family Link, it was just the Lenovo's that was stuck in a loop saying I needed to remove and re-add the account.
Just couldn't figure it out, and had already spent a few hours trying. Hoped the newest firmware would fix, but that didn't help either.
Hope it helps and good luck
Just playing around on the tablet and it appears that it struggles with IPv6 - could be that my hotspot is IPv4 only. Could be related to the loop it gets stuck in?
Not sure why it doesn't like IPv6 though as all other devices are fine with it...
I've just gone through full reset, then tried using 4g hotspot as you suggested. I have to use Lenovo app centre to get play store, then use play store with no login to update. That all works fine. Then add my daughters account. Then I get stuck in the same loop of not being able to register the device with family link.
In my case, I don't think this relates to internet access, I think there's something going wrong with the software / permissions on the device. It's genuinely very frustrating as I imagine it's probably not terribly difficult for the Lenovo Devs to fix.

Motorola Edge - Sudden, Very Inconsistent Phone/5G/Text Service

Hello. I'm a newb. I don't root, or jailbreak, or use roms. I just want to make and take calls like a normal person, and I dunno what's wrong. I posted the following on reddit. This site seems more sophisticated.
Having major issues with my 2 year old Edge (1st gen, I believe, XT2063-2). It happened very abruptly and out-of-the-blue two weeks ago. I hesitate to take it to a store, because I have a feeling they will very quickly rule out any manner of repair in order to sell me a replacement (which I know is quite possibly necessary, but I still want an informed opinion on what happened anyway).
Wi-Fi seems to be fine, but whatever you call the extraterrestrial antenna, it seems to only work sporadically, and it needs to be cajoled into working regularly. First it was texts that wouldn't go through. Then a restart seemed to fix that, or at least, give me a short window. The next day, I had zero bars almost everywhere, and when I would try to make a call anywhere, it said "Call Failed" or "cell network not available for voice calls". Obviously, like this I cannot receive calls or texts (or get 5G data) reliably - only when I prepare for a few minutes ahead of time, doing things which I'll get into.
I have tried removing/reinserting the sim card to mixed effects, but always short lived. Even if no other apps are open after restart, the phone antenna always seems to doze off after an hour or two. I can get it back by making calls from AND TO my cell phone (using google voice), and sending texts to and from in a similar way. My Wi-Fi calling feature never seemed to get past "enabling...." even when I first set it up, so I'm pretty sure I'm not using it.
Strangely, there are times when I have FULL bars (all in the same location, my house which usually has decent service - T-Mobile if it's relevant, but I am in the greater NYC metro area, so I'm sure it's all the same towers... there is one half a mile away), and it still can't connect to network (even in settings, it'll say disconnected). So for the last two weeks, when I need to use two factor authentication for work, I have discovered a little ritual that seems to work (usually/eventually), so I can get the texts and calls in to my phone. I would think that would help diagnose the problem (There are plenty of times when reinserting the sim card and/or restarting the phone don't help at all). But even using the phone like this, I don't ever think I'll be able to use google maps (or get calls) reliably away from home, and that is a big problem.
Anyone have any thoughts as to how this happened, what exactly is on the fritz, and what I should do?
Many Thanks.
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The only response asked me to use *#*#4636#*#* to try it with and without 5G. Well, as soon as I hit the final asterisk , the dialer disappears and nothing happens. This happens on all codes that end in asterisks. I found other codes on sites, and some of the ones that end in # seem to trigger some code search (provided I click CALL). It tells me it's searching for a USSD code, then invalid MMI code. Anyway, I just thought lack of access to codes like *#*#4636#*#* might help hone in to the problem. I'd hate to factory reset, but I'm out of ideas. I'm a sad panda.

