Question Family link [TB-J617F] - Lenovo P11

Hi all,
I've been trying to get family link working as my daughter uses this tablet. When trying to add her account the setup gets stuck in an endless loop never competing. Having read various threads from other devices, I think it's probably something to do with play services not having certain permissions. I would consider unlocking, installing twrp, magisk etc if required to fix, but I don't want to loose widevine.
The long and short is I can't use her account on the device at all as she's part of the family group - her account won't work at all without family link.
I wondered if anyone here had either tried this, or come across other odd behaviours relating to play services?
I'm running the Chinese ROM ziu 13.
Appreciate any thoughts.
Cheers Matt

Few things I have tried (and eventually got it to work) across 2x Lenovo P11 Plus (J616F)'s:
1st one was a factory reset and then instead of using my home WiFi, setup the device using a 4G hotspot from my phone. (Not a clue why, but my Home Wifi (Unifi Access Points) takes upwards of 2 minutes to get internet with the Lenovo's, even though all other devices are fine).
Second method:
factory reset and setup the device as "Offline" (i.e. dont input any WiFi details, button down bottom right saying "Setup as Offline")
Once gone through initial steps, connect to your WiFi, give it 10 minutes to update a few bits.
Open Play Store (DO NOT SIGN IN!), and press the three dots at the top right and goto updates
Let the device update all apps
When complete, try adding the childs Google Account (again, if this fails, try using a 4G hotspot from another device (disabling Wifi on that device first))
Hope that helps

Ok, that sounds pretty strange but I might give it a go. I just set her up a new Google account as nothing I could do could get the old one logged in. Thanks for your advice.
I suspect your unifi is running a shared ssid and your 5ghz is on an inaccessible band, are you always connecting at 2.4ghz? I had to change the 5g band on mine to even see it!

mdurkin said:
Ok, that sounds pretty strange but I might give it a go. I just set her up a new Google account as nothing I could do could get the old one logged in. Thanks for your advice.
I suspect your unifi is running a shared ssid and your 5ghz is on an inaccessible band, are you always connecting at 2.4ghz? I had to change the 5g band on mine to even see it!
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Only have my 5Ghz on normal bands (i.e. non DFS), even tried a separate 2.4Ghz Guest network, disabled WPA3, all to no avail. Not got a clue what caused it, my ISP doesn't block anything either (Zen UK)
Any other device was fine over WiFi (have setup much older Samsung tablets, newer kids phones) all with Family Link, it was just the Lenovo's that was stuck in a loop saying I needed to remove and re-add the account.
Just couldn't figure it out, and had already spent a few hours trying. Hoped the newest firmware would fix, but that didn't help either.
Hope it helps and good luck

Just playing around on the tablet and it appears that it struggles with IPv6 - could be that my hotspot is IPv4 only. Could be related to the loop it gets stuck in?
Not sure why it doesn't like IPv6 though as all other devices are fine with it...

I've just gone through full reset, then tried using 4g hotspot as you suggested. I have to use Lenovo app centre to get play store, then use play store with no login to update. That all works fine. Then add my daughters account. Then I get stuck in the same loop of not being able to register the device with family link.
In my case, I don't think this relates to internet access, I think there's something going wrong with the software / permissions on the device. It's genuinely very frustrating as I imagine it's probably not terribly difficult for the Lenovo Devs to fix.


[Q] Sites Accessible via Wifi, Not Cellular (Intermittent)

Hi All, I have a question I'm hoping someone might be able to help me with.
I have a Nexus S i9020A running CM 7.0.2 on AT&T. I've noticed something strange lately and can't quite pinpoint the problem.
I'm running a server at my house with a no-ip address to access my tv show downloads. I'm able to access this from the browser (any browser) while connected to wireless (in my network, or out) but only intermittently while on cellular data. When it isn't working it simply keeps trying to connect until it times out. I haven't yet recognized a pattern of when it works vs when it doesn't.
I thought for a bit it might be a DNS issue, but even with the straight IP address it won't load. Funny thing is, I'm still able to SSH into my router using ConnectBot, so I know the address is correct and the phone can see it. Other apps like RDP won't work either while I'm having this issue.
It's not the end of the world, but it sure is annoying. I'd like for it to work whenever I need it. Any ideas?! I'm stumped.
Thanks everybody!
I know nothing about networking, just so you know. It sounds like you know much more. I will offer a guess. With some other phones than the ns, sprint has multimedia proxies set for when you are on their network. Streaming music works on wifi but not cell. Use the msl to get into settings, ##data# is the code for sprint phones, and I forget what they are called but there's two proxy addresses and ports that need to be zeroed out then reboot in order to get streaming to work. This is probably not a solution for you but I thought I'd offer something since nobody else has chimed in yet for suggestions.
RS something or another. The other setting is always right next to the first one and generally at the bottom of the list of settings. It could be in advanced or multimedia. Different places for different phones. It would be wise to write down the default addresses and ports before changing them in case it doesn't work or breaks something. It usually doesn't though.
Hey herb, thanks for the response. I see what you're saying, but I don't think it applies here. I know I made it sound like I was streaming or downloading music through the mistake. What I actually meant was that I'm accessing a web site running from my house to control my home machine downloading music. It's nothing complicated, I'm just sure I'm explaining it terribly.
But, essentially it's just a regular old web page. It's just very strange that it would work wireless and not over cellular. They do run on funky ports, so that they're blocking or redirecting some stuff is very possible. Annoying...

[Q] Ready to Return My Transformer - Apps, Wifi Issues

OK so I have had my Transformer for 2 days now and so far it has been little more than a paper weight. I have not been able to download a single app from the market. I've tried everything suggested here (cancel/restart, reboot, etc) with no luck. I have not been able to even update Google Maps or install Flash Player, literally I have not been able to install anything. I've tried stock and rooted plus I cannot get any version of Prime to install (finally got the root and CWM installed). Lastly, since this is a Wifi only device it is important to wireless tether with my cellphone. Two days and I still cannot get it to work, will not even find the device. Only 2 days of ownership and I am completely frustrated with this thing. I really like and want the micro SD capabilities but if I can't resolve this ASAP it will need to go back to the store.
Anyone have any suggestions on what all I can try? Please help!
Sorry, I'm a little busy to look for the direct links.
Just look-for the vanilla NVFlash then add the Prime 1.5 (nvflash version). Dump them together into a folder then run the batch file. Simple !
I just helped two co-workers with their brand-new TFs getting rooted this way.
Maybe 5-10 minutes top.
Make sure you unzip the downloaded Prime file (it becomes 4 files). Read the NVFLASH post and have the USB driver ready.
Thanks man I'll give it a shot here shortly
Good luck.
And if you ever have a need to get back to stock (refund maybe ?), there is a stock-ROM (nvflash version), just as easy to get back.
hyperxguy said:
Good luck.
And if you ever have a need to get back to stock (refund maybe ?), there is a stock-ROM (nvflash version), just as easy to get back.
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You don’t have to root or flash with a custom rom to get the basic stuff like Wi-Fi. Everything works out of the box as advertised. If something doesn't then either you are doing something wrong or there is a fault with your device. Did you try connecting to a normal Wireless Router? Honeycomb can not see some types of adhoc networks without installing a patch (i.e created by Windows, this may be applicable to some phones too, however it worked fine with My Galaxy S).
Digiguest said:
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I guess you enjoy using command lines to unroot ?!
There is a nvflash package w/stock-rom available. Just double-click download.bat then wait a few minutes.
The Link is here:
Volleyholic said:
OK so I have had my Transformer for 2 days now and so far it has been little more than a paper weight. I have not been able to download a single app from the market. I've tried everything suggested here (cancel/restart, reboot, etc) with no luck. I have not been able to even update Google Maps or install Flash Player, literally I have not been able to install anything. I've tried stock and rooted plus I cannot get any version of Prime to install (finally got the root and CWM installed). Lastly, since this is a Wifi only device it is important to wireless tether with my cellphone. Two days and I still cannot get it to work, will not even find the device. Only 2 days of ownership and I am completely frustrated with this thing. I really like and want the micro SD capabilities but if I can't resolve this ASAP it will need to go back to the store.
Anyone have any suggestions on what all I can try? Please help!
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Hi, sometime the problem is in the market. not the device itself. I got similar experience with my HTC device. I've installed many ROMs but the market always screwed. So what I did was, just reset your device, when it asks the Google account, type in your email like this: [email protected] instead of just blablabla or [email protected]
Volleyholic said:
Lastly, since this is a Wifi only device it is important to wireless tether with my cellphone. Two days and I still cannot get it to work, will not even find the device.
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I guess your phone is offering up an adhoc connection, which Android doesn't support out of the box. It should work fine with phones that offer up a true infrastructure hotspot. Personally, I think adhoc networks should die a horrible death, but I appreciate their necessity if that's all your phone can do.
Search for adhoc and you should find a solution to this issue. You can also try PDAnet (tablet) too.
Maybe bad flash? try re-flash ROM again.
makec3rt said:
Maybe bad flash? try re-flash ROM again.
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Ad hoc issue appears to be most relevant.
Market download issues =software issues not hardware. If you do not have any other wifi option then go to McDonald's or Starbucks and try it on their wifi.
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA Premium App
Don't know if this helps, But I just discovered that the Transformer doesn't seem to like hidden SSID.
Mine connects fine if the SSID is shown, but once I hide the SSID it said out of range.
My EVO 3D, iPod, TV all work with it hidden.
Does someone know if you can setup the TF to connect with hidden SSID?
Thanks for the advice all. I don't have a custom ROM on it yet, just rooted. I can't get the zips to work. Says cannot open (bad). Will try re-downloading for a 5th time and see how goes it. I did figure out the wifi issue on my phone - it was ad hoc as stated and it recognizes my phone now but still won't download apps (says it's downloading but never does). Tried cancelling and restarting several times as well as factory resetting the device. Does the same thing when I connect to my home network as well.
Darrell1965 said:
Don't know if this helps, But I just discovered that the Transformer doesn't seem to like hidden SSID.
Mine connects fine if the SSID is shown, but once I hide the SSID it said out of range.
My EVO 3D, iPod, TV all work with it hidden.
Does someone know if you can setup the TF to connect with hidden SSID?
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My Wifi network is hidden and I had no issue connecting my TF.
What type of router and what settings does it have?
I am using a NetGear WNDR3700 (802.11-g,n). The TF connects to the 2.4 GHz section over 802.11n.
Is it wise to be playing with recovery images and custom ROMS, if you can't get basic market functionality working?
Clearly before changing your TF from stock, get the market working, this is almost certainly a probem with your Wifi router...
The only problem I am aware of with the Transformers Wifi, is sometimes it does not getting a DHCP address when coming back from sleep (use Static IP), the TW release has this fixed, but the WW does not for some reason, i'm guessing they know 3.2 is incoming soon.
Follow these steps to get the market working:
I don't exactly know what the problem is, but I've had it on a couple of phones before. I do NOT have a googlemail account, so that wasn't the problem.
I deleted all cache/data from the following programs: Market, MarketUpdater, Downloads, Download manager, googleapps (anything that seems relevant)
now first go on a computer, open your gmail via, send a mail, edit some contacts, just make sure you do something! Now reboot your eee pad, accept the market policies and see if it works....
If this doesn't fix it, then I have no options left
Update: I ultimately returned my TF (I had already suspected that I didn't receive a new device due to other issues and packaging). I received the new TF yesterday (A+ to The new TF was 1000x better. Loaded right up, connected, market apps loaded easily, quickly and on the first try. All in all I am pleased. And the root and ROM installs worked flawlessly. Actually enjoying my TF now. Thanks all for the advice and help!
Darrell1965 said:
Don't know if this helps, But I just discovered that the Transformer doesn't seem to like hidden SSID.
Mine connects fine if the SSID is shown, but once I hide the SSID it said out of range.
My EVO 3D, iPod, TV all work with it hidden.
Does someone know if you can setup the TF to connect with hidden SSID?
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All the WiFi at my work are hidden and there at least 8 people with TFs here. Mostly Prime but some stock. None of us EVER had problem with hidden SSID.
At home my two WiFi are hidden. No problem.
jerrykur said:
My Wifi network is hidden and I had no issue connecting my TF.
What type of router and what settings does it have?
I am using a NetGear WNDR3700 (802.11-g,n). The TF connects to the 2.4 GHz section over 802.11n.
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I am running a Belkin N750DB, (WPA2 encryption)
Every other thing in my house works fine, hidden. I changed from a ASUS 300N router that was running same encryption WPA2 with no problem on the TF. I have check and doubled checked settings.
Also have it set on 2.4 GHz over 802.11n
I also had a issue with the wifi connection on my first unit. Its would pause/stall all the time in the interent browser and market would give me connection error messages. Now Im on my third one and it has a bright stop on the screen but the internet works great.

Got my GT7+ yesterday and have a couple questions. Brightness? WiFi?

Edit: This is the Galaxy Tab 7 Plus 4G w/ TMobile...
So far I am loving it. I have had a plethora of Android tablets, including the Galaxy Tab 10.1 (until yesterday), and the original 7" Tab. Here is an issue I have not run into thus far...
Issue 1: I like my brightness settings to be %100 all the time. I always (almost) have a power cable with me, so I'm not worried about the drain. I have the auto setting turned off as to keep it from adjusting on it's own. However, everytime I open the status menu with the brightness slider, it is down to about %90-%95. I can't get it to stay on full. Also, and even more annoying, every time I open the browser, the brightness drops to like %30'ish and I have to open the status menu and slide it back up. The browser is where I REALLY need the full brightness the most, and it's the biggest issue.
I noticed this out of the box, adjusted settings, nogo, so I factory reset, and same issue. This is leading me to believe this is just a setting or something I am missing. Any ideas?
Issue 2 (THE BIG ONE): This Tab 7+ can't see my work wifi. It connects to my wifi at home just fine (did last night at least), which is also WPA, but it doesn't even see the one at work. It acts like it isn't there. In fact, and this is probably important, it is not seeing any networks up here, and there are at least 10-15 that should be visible from my location in the building (all but a couple from other companies). My G2x (Android 2.3) is connected to my work wifi just fine, and it sees all the others around us, the the Tab 7+ right next to it sees none. I also turned on the wifi router on my phone, it will not see that one either. I've verified the wireless is enabled, as well as turning it off and on multiple times and many reboots, nogo... I need it to hit the wifi at work and home so it isn't sucking my 4G data, so this is a big issue for me.Any ideas? I'm at a loss...
Also, to answer before it's asked: Nope, it's not rooted. I may do this at some point (as I do most of my devices), but for the moment I want to leave it stock and not mess with it. These issues seem like they should be resolved/nonexistant in the stock ROM, so I shouldn't have to root to fix them. Please tell me if this is incorrect...
Thanks for any help, sorry for the long post...
(pardon typos, I'm at work and multitasking, no time to proofread)
on the brightness broweer tip. use a different browser. its a known issue that the stock browser automaticaly dims the screen.
otamctech said:
on the brightness broweer tip. use a different browser. its a known issue that the stock browser automaticaly dims the screen.
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Thank you... You're right, it doesn't happen in Dolphin, however I am one of those weird people the really prefers the stock browser...
The biggest issue is the wifi not showing up. I am updating that issue with more info now...
what channel is the wireless network on? i had a similar problem on my windows laptop, it cannot see the wifi.. turned out that my wireless card(the driver actually) cannot see any wireless network beyond channel 12.. who knows you're having the same problem, might worth checking.
gingerboy92 said:
what channel is the wireless network on? i had a similar problem on my windows laptop, it cannot see the wifi.. turned out that my wireless card(the driver actually) cannot see any wireless network beyond channel 12.. who knows you're having the same problem, might worth checking.
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Ours is on 6... Thanks though
for me it was the opposite, it could see my home wifi, but not my work.
only was to solve it was to setup a static ip at work for the GT7...
I called samsung, they said its a problem with some routers. No eta on fix other than static IP.
Shftup said:
for me it was the opposite, it could see my home wifi, but not my work.
only was to solve it was to setup a static ip at work for the GT7...
I called samsung, they said its a problem with some routers. No eta on fix other than static IP.
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Just to chime in - I also have the same problem connecting to my work wireless network but I think because it uses a SEPARATE authentication scheme.
The way my office WLAN work is like this:
1). Connect to the WLAN with SSID "Office", no encryption password required
2). Once the Tab is connected, it WILL receive an IP address
3). Open up a browser (Dolphin, etc.) and try to go to any website (Google, etc.)
4). Instead of going to the website I typed in in no. 3, an authentication page will show up
5). I need to enter my Windows AD account and password
6). If its successful, then I can start browsing the Internet (but not going to the Internal network, that requires VPN access).
Step 3 is where the Tab FAILED to do so. It just doesn't want to get redirected to the authentication page.
lanwarrior said:
Just to chime in - I also have the same problem connecting to my work wireless network but I think because it uses a SEPARATE authentication scheme.
The way my office WLAN work is like this:
1). Connect to the WLAN with SSID "Office", no encryption password required
2). Once the Tab is connected, it WILL receive an IP address
3). Open up a browser (Dolphin, etc.) and try to go to any website (Google, etc.)
4). Instead of going to the website I typed in in no. 3, an authentication page will show up
5). I need to enter my Windows AD account and password
6). If its successful, then I can start browsing the Internet (but not going to the Internal network, that requires VPN access).
Step 3 is where the Tab FAILED to do so. It just doesn't want to get redirected to the authentication page.
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Yep, same way for me at work. OP did you try to manually add the wireless info vs letting the tab "find" the access point?
lanwarrior said:
Just to chime in - I also have the same problem connecting to my work wireless network but I think because it uses a SEPARATE authentication scheme.
The way my office WLAN work is like this:
1). Connect to the WLAN with SSID "Office", no encryption password required
2). Once the Tab is connected, it WILL receive an IP address
3). Open up a browser (Dolphin, etc.) and try to go to any website (Google, etc.)
4). Instead of going to the website I typed in in no. 3, an authentication page will show up
5). I need to enter my Windows AD account and password
6). If its successful, then I can start browsing the Internet (but not going to the Internal network, that requires VPN access).
Step 3 is where the Tab FAILED to do so. It just doesn't want to get redirected to the authentication page.
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One of the ones we have at work is the same, but not the one I primarily use. That is my backup lol...
otamctech said:
Yep, same way for me at work. OP did you try to manually add the wireless info vs letting the tab "find" the access point?
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I did, nogo...
Also, here is a strange thing. About 2 hours ago it notified me there were wireless networks in range, and then showed me 2 random networks from another office. Suddenly, it saw nothing again. Then about 5 minutes ago, while I was in the bathroom ( ), it suddenly showed me ALL of the surrounding networks. Yay! I tried to connect to the one I use, it took my password, but never even attempted to connect. Then, they are gone. Now it doesn't see them.
What. The. Fuuuudge.

[Q] Moved 30 miles away, router from that home still thinks its there?!!?

I've got a screwy situation I'm desperately seeking a resolution to... simply put, we moved, and since then my Galaxy S2 (AT&T) pulls location from wifi when connected to it, everything within the phone keeps showing up that we're still back home, 30 miles away in a different state! But simply turn wifi off and then use 3G for location, and from the same spot in the new house, everything begins to work normally...
Now here's the twist - only on certain roms does this happen. Right now, I'm running MIUI 2.3.7, build MIUI-203090. Right now, on THIS rom, everything is working as it should... wifi is on, phone connected, showing all the correct information for the correct area... by changing roms, with all the same settings selected, the phone begins showing up back in the former location, and I begin to boil. I've reset the router back to factory defaults, and the same problem exists... I'm convinced it's a router issue.... I have an HTC Inspire that I had until 2 weeks ago when I made the upgrade... I broke it out and used it to test... and I can confirm that, on certain roms, even with a totally different phone, the SAME problem results because its connecting wirelessly to the same router....
Any ideas??
I assume that you are using the same router as previously?.. A router does not necessarily re-ping its location on a regular basis and so you may very well need to update your location in the skyhook database..
Midnight1970 said:
I've got a screwy situation I'm desperately seeking a resolution to... simply put, we moved, and since then my Galaxy S2 (AT&T) pulls location from wifi when connected to it, everything within the phone keeps showing up that we're still back home, 30 miles away in a different state! But simply turn wifi off and then use 3G for location, and from the same spot in the new house, everything begins to work normally...
Now here's the twist - only on certain roms does this happen. Right now, I'm running MIUI 2.3.7, build MIUI-203090. Right now, on THIS rom, everything is working as it should... wifi is on, phone connected, showing all the correct information for the correct area... by changing roms, with all the same settings selected, the phone begins showing up back in the former location, and I begin to boil. I've reset the router back to factory defaults, and the same problem exists... I'm convinced it's a router issue.... I have an HTC Inspire that I had until 2 weeks ago when I made the upgrade... I broke it out and used it to test... and I can confirm that, on certain roms, even with a totally different phone, the SAME problem results because its connecting wirelessly to the same router....
Any ideas??
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Never heard of this before - will try it...
If you have Google location checked it may be using the known location when it was first detected.
Change your router wifi name. Then it may not know anything except through GPS.
Sent from my DROID RAZR using xda premium
I tried the skyhook option, but it's not real clear - either it could take affect or could take up to 7 days - ?!??
The router's wifi name has been changed - and even went as far as to restore it back to factory defaults... STILL the same result... I'm absolutely confused.
this issue is not uncommon.. eg. my mobile hotspot shows me at home no matter where i am in the USA... a router is part of infrastructure and so is a fixed location... if not then the skyhook database would not even be required.
For any changes to take affect you will need to power cycle the router... and yes, a free service may take time to resolve itself.
you're welcome
p.s. nowhere anywhere on the web is a router referred to by name.. it has a unique mac is this address that is tied to your location so change all you want.. but until the db is updated you will live 30 miles away
Midnight1970 said:
I tried the skyhook option, but it's not real clear - either it could take affect or could take up to 7 days - ?!??
The router's wifi name has been changed - and even went as far as to restore it back to factory defaults... STILL the same result... I'm absolutely confused.
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Mystic38 said:
For any changes to take affect you will need to power cycle the router... and yes, a free service may take time to resolve itself.
p.s. nowhere anywhere on the web is a router referred to by name.. it has a unique mac is this address that is tied to your location so change all you want.. but until the db is updated you will live 30 miles away
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"until the db is updated?" - I'm sorry, can you be more specific?
I have a Belkin n450+ router... how would I accomplish this?
I had been powered off all during the move, well over 24 hours - I'm confused about how to go about "clearing the db" -
if you have reported the location change to the skyhook server, you will have to wait for them to update their database (db..sorry)..
You have tried a reset, the only other suggestion other than to wait is to restore the factory firmware to factory settings.. you may need to update firmware after this and will need to reset and configure your network, but its an idea..
Midnight1970 said:
I had been powered off all during the move, well over 24 hours - I'm confused about how to go about "clearing the db" -
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Just did a search for this problem and found this thread. Is this still the best solution?
Google uses many methods for its location, WiFi, GPS and Cell towers.
Remember that Google Street View car that travels around. It also tracks location and if it sees a WiFi signal it records the broadcasted name and location. If you use a Google service, phone or PC Google tracks the WiFi access point name. If it has a record of that name if knows your location. Otherwise it only knows your IP address is within a certain area of a city.
So, Google knows your WiFi routers name is at a particular address/location, then you move. Google doesn't know you moved so it continues thinking you're at your old address.
Changing the Routers WiFi name and a new IP address forces Google to relocate you by using GPS and other WiFi Hotspots it sees near you on your phone. It will then associate your new WiFi router name with your new location.
Basically but more complex than that.

Lost all old wifi ssids after install of new rom

Hello all,
While going through the initial set up stage of a new rom on my Galaxy S2 I wasn't able to connect to my wifi, the rom simply didn't see any wifi points so I carried on and skipped the Google account bit as I didn't want any settings or apps being downloaded over 3G.
Once the rom was set up I was able to connect to my home wifi and then entered my Google account details. I then downloaded all my apps but my list of previously connected wifi ssids has disappeared. Any other time I have installed a rom, and that is many on quite a few phones, the list of wifi connections is always downloaded from Google along with all my other settings but I assume due to not connecting to wifi at the start of set up I haven't got any of my old wifi connections back. This includes my work wifi which is to say the least a pain to get set up.
Short of reinstalling the rom and hoping I can connect to wifi this time is there a way of downloading my old wifi connection details?
Sewrizer said:
ok. this is quite simple IF you restored the old rom.
enter recovery mode, go in backup and restore, choose restore then restore the rom in which you had all the SSIDs.
now go in play store and download "WiFi Pass Recovery & Backup"(free software). it will tell you all the passwords from the networks you connected to in the past. just write them down on a paper or in notepad, re-flash the desired rom and when you are in the area of any network you can connect using the password you wrote down. i can't think of another method. hit thanks if this helped.
good luck:laugh:
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Yeah I had thought of that method but was hoping for something a little simpler! LOL. Thanks anyway, this looks like the only way to do this.
Better alternative!
Sewrizer said:
...go in play store and download "WiFi Pass Recovery & Backup"(free software). it will tell you all the passwords from the networks you connected to in the past
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This works but TrustGo Inc. Antivirus & Mobile Security tells me that it may collect privacy information like IMEI, device model and email account.
Better use this one without security issues: WiFi Key Recovery :good:
Problem solved. I reinstalled the rom but instead of selecting "Reboot" at the end of the install I held the power button in until the phone then went back into recovery. I then installed the latest Dorimanx kernel and rebooted. Dori 9.12 seems to have problems picking up wifi whereas 9.13 has no problems. My home wifi was picked up at the start of the set up and from then on Google reinstalled apps and settings. Or at least is in the process of doing so!
I was a little worried as skipping the wifi set up at the start of my first install meant that there was no email address in the Backup and Restore field within Settings so although the backup and restore boxes were ticked without an email account they may as well have been unticked.. No way to add an email address either.
Thanks for the suggestions, as ever very helpful folks on XDA!

