LG G2X and Simple Mobile - General Questions and Answers

I'm new to dealing with phones or doing anything advanced with them. My last one was a samsung code that I used at metropcs. I've upgraded to the LG G2X and have an active account with Simple Mobile. I have a problem that I am hoping some one here can help me with.
I cannot use data. No web or mms. Of course according to the instructions on their site for android phones, you have to edit or creat a new APN for use on their network. However, when I try to edit the default T-Mobile US apn it just says, "Default APN cannot be modified." and I can't change any of the settings.
Now what I can do is create ANOTHER APN but after creating on according to the instructions on their site and saving it. I can see the newly created APN but it doesn't look to be active. The T-Mobile US apn has a green dot next to it showing it is active but not the new apn that I created. I thought about a setting to make the new one the default or activating it in addition to the tmobile one but I cannot find a way to do that. HELP. Thanks in advance.

oceandographer said:
I'm new to dealing with phones or doing anything advanced with them. My last one was a samsung code that I used at metropcs. I've upgraded to the LG G2X and have an active account with Simple Mobile. I have a problem that I am hoping some one here can help me with.
I cannot use data. No web or mms. Of course according to the instructions on their site for android phones, you have to edit or creat a new APN for use on their network. However, when I try to edit the default T-Mobile US apn it just says, "Default APN cannot be modified." and I can't change any of the settings.
Now what I can do is create ANOTHER APN but after creating on according to the instructions on their site and saving it. I can see the newly created APN but it doesn't look to be active. The T-Mobile US apn has a green dot next to it showing it is active but not the new apn that I created. I thought about a setting to make the new one the default or activating it in addition to the tmobile one but I cannot find a way to do that. HELP. Thanks in advance.
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You should just be able to tap your new APN that you've set up and get the green dot to show. I'm not sure how locked down the G2x is, but it sounds strange you can't even edit the APN.

Well the settings from their site were correct. The android configuration is what was needed. It's not obvious how you activate the APN though. The technical support rep helped me figure it out but even he was like, "You have to get the green dot on that new APN. Try to drag it or just touch it.." Well you have to touch the radial button where the green dot should go, however, that is not good enough. You have to hold it down for awhile. Just the button. Then you get the green activation dot. There you have it.
Thanks for the help. You were correct, as was my assumption.
g2x activation at simple mobile.
Simple Mobile website--> Enter in Android config on a new APN--> Save and hold down the radial button long enough for it to turn green. From there, internet, gps, mms, etc. all work.

oceandographer said:
Well the settings from their site were correct. The android configuration is what was needed. It's not obvious though how you activate the APN though. The technical support rep helped me figure it out but even he was like, "You have to get the green dot on that new APN. Try to drag it or just touch it.." Well you have to touch the radial button where the green dot should go, however, that is not good enough. You have to hold it down for awhile. Just the button. Then you get the green activation dot. There you have it.
Thanks for the help. You were correct, as was my assumption.
g2x activation at simple mobile.
Simple Mobile website--> Enter in Android config on a new APN--> Save and hold down the radial button long enough for it to turn green. From there, internet, gps, mms, etc. all works.
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Good job mate, now go and enjoy it!

Hit the thanks button for ya. Your insight was much appreciated. This phone is light years ahead of my old samsung code. I've been meaning to obtain an android cell phone for awhile, I'm glad I got this one. The gps functions on these things are absolutely incredible. The web browsing on it is so nice. The only thing I can hope for now is RF radio reception. I've been checking the net periodically (which leads me back to this forum often) to see if there's progress. That would be a nifty function as everyone carries there cell with them. If you want tunes, being able to grab it from your cell is very convenient. <----(I imagine I'm getting a little off topic here lol). Well, see you later. Thanks again.

oceandographer said:
Hit the thanks button for ya. Your insight was much appreciated. This phone is light years ahead of my old samsung code. I've been meaning to obtain an android cell phone for awhile, I'm glad I got this one. The gps functions on these things are absolutely incredible. The web browsing on it is so nice. The only thing I can hope for now is RF radio reception. I've been checking the net periodically (which leads me back to this forum often) to see if there's progress. That would be a nifty function as everyone carries there cell with them. If you want tunes, being able to grab it from your cell is very convenient. <----(I imagine I'm getting a little off topic here lol). Well, see you later. Thanks again.
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You've certainly picked a winner. LG aren't exactly known for their build quality but they've put together a nice package in the G2x. Also, I love that it runs stock Android and doesn't have a Skin/Launcher over the top. Means you'll get updates quicker and you're free to do whatever you like. I am pretty sure it has an FM radio built in, you just have to plug in the headphones to work as an antenna.
Many thanks for the 'thanks' too, good of you
Enjoy mate, feel free to hit me up if you think I can help.
Oh and PS, welcome to XDA

I was trying to hold this button or just click this button and it turns grenn. But what happens is I reboot, then I'm trying to use internet, browser opening one page (sometimes not even that), I'm going to apn settings again and seeing that the green button back to t-mobile again.... For some reason it is automatically switching back to original settings. I do have a new apn saved in there too.....

I think I know what you're saying here. In other words, you are using the APN that you set up to work with Simple Mobile but it keeps switching back to the T-Mobile APN right? If so, I'm having the same problem--a lot of people are. It started happening right after the update to 2.3 Gingerbread. What someone ought to do is, make something so that the stock T-Mobile APN can just be edited.

By the logic that is the only way. Probably to do that we need to root the phone and make changes in APN folder.... But that's on the paper.

Is there any way out of this issue?? I really love the G2x but its almost impossible to use data as it keeps switching T-mobile APN.. Can we delete the T-mobile APN if we Root the phone??

I'm not sure if there's a way to edit the apn or delete it for that matter. Here's what I've done as a work around. It's pretty generic but it's working. I simply reboot my phone only every several days; when I do, I switch it back to the simplemobile apn, then I use all kinds of stuff like:gps, internet, etc. It will at times, switch on me 2-4 times but once it stays, it stays as long as I don't reboot.
Otherwise I think this is happening to other android cell phones as well. I bet they'll provide a fix for it. It's something related to this edition of the OS if you ask me, else it would have done this on other versions as well.

oceandographer said:
Well the settings from their site were correct. The android configuration is what was needed. It's not obvious how you activate the APN though. The technical support rep helped me figure it out but even he was like, "You have to get the green dot on that new APN. Try to drag it or just touch it.." Well you have to touch the radial button where the green dot should go, however, that is not good enough. You have to hold it down for awhile. Just the button. Then you get the green activation dot. There you have it.
Thanks for the help. You were correct, as was my assumption.
g2x activation at simple mobile.
Simple Mobile website--> Enter in Android config on a new APN--> Save and hold down the radial button long enough for it to turn green. From there, internet, gps, mms, etc. all work.
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Ocean .. you are AWESOME. it worked like a charm , i kept searching around until i found your post, i'm gonna post this in another thread on here about the same issue if you don't mind. i'm sure many people are experiencing this issue
glad i didn't have to root ..why? my name says it all

Thanks for that compliment. Great choice in phone btw. Mine is doing everything that I need it to do and more. Emailing works, gps works, texting works, surfing the web works etc. It's like having a tiny little laptop at your constant disposal
If you like some of the games that can be played on these things, try Dragon Fly. You can find it at the android market for free. I've been having a blast with it. I'm ranked number two in 90650 zip code

Thanks for the tip about holding down the button until it turns green. Indeed it worked for me too. I actually think I had to just keep pushing it rather than hold it. It also takes a minute while the system resets the services. I rebooted for the heck of it too.
Another tip: Someone in a thread says "APN Manager" app fixes any problems for rooted users who have Gingerbread. Some custom roms don't need it though. More solutions are discussed here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=18842276&posted=1#post18842276
I'm sticking to Froyo for now because of this. Just tested GPS and Internet walking around the block. A+++!

Yeah, the phone is pretty darn good. It's got a good size screen, great graphics, and it's not TOO big. I've seen some phones and they're borderline tablet lol. Would have been good for them to not have made the apn uneditable, and it would have been a good idea for them to have included the FM radio. The European cousin has the FM radio capability but I guess when it was released for america, they purposely kept that disconnected . Bummer! Oh well, folks will just consume all kinds of bandwidth by using a radio ap

LG G2X on simple mobile
Could someone please make a video of how to make the g2x work on simple mobile

Easy step by step instruction on how to fix the APN issue on the G2X
No Root required No Flashing required . . .
---------- Post added at 08:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:02 PM ----------
Easy step by step instruction on how to fix the APN issue on the G2X
No Root required No Flashing required . . .


Possible method of disabling 4G

On my Evo, I have tried a number of different things to conserve battery. One of the issues that someone suggested related to a possible bug in the way that the phone interacted with the Sprint network- it apparently continued to search for CDMA even if connected to Sprint CDMA (please forgive my lack of specificity about this- I have absolutely no understanding of how CDMA networks operate).
Anyway, on the Evo boards, an app was recommended that allowed the user to specify the type of networks that a phone would use- called (appropriately enough) "Network". It's hard to find in the market; I think you have to search by the dev name- which is "mangelow". I used the app to set "CDMA only" instead of "CDMA PRL", which supposedly addressed the problem; by my own rough estimation, battery life improved (although slightly).
The app downloaded to my TB when I first logged into the market, so I thought I'd give it a try. It shows different options since it's on Verizon (which makes sense), the default being "CDMA+LTE/EVDO Auto"; there's also a "CDMA only" mode. I selected "CDMA only" in a known LTE location (my office) about 2 hours ago; yesterday at the office the phone was in LTE mode all day, as it was this morning before I switched modes, but since switching, it's stayed in 3G mode constantly.
I'll leave it to the smarter types to confirm my hypothesis, but I thought I'd toss it out there because it seems to work so far. There's not a widget or anything for this- you have to use the app to make the adjustments each time you want to change, but it's at least more than we have currently.
I suppose a disclaimer is appropriate, since I'm recommending someone else's app- I have nothing to do with the development of the app, and it wasn't my idea. If this works, any credit should go to the developer, not me.
doublehoya said:
On my Evo, I have tried a number of different things to conserve battery. One of the issues that someone suggested related to a possible bug in the way that the phone interacted with the Sprint network- it apparently continued to search for CDMA even if connected to Sprint CDMA (please forgive my lack of specificity about this- I have absolutely no understanding of how CDMA networks operate).
Anyway, on the Evo boards, an app was recommended that allowed the user to specify the type of networks that a phone would use- called (appropriately enough) "Network". It's hard to find in the market; I think you have to search by the dev name- which is "mangelow". I used the app to set "CDMA only" instead of "CDMA PRL", which supposedly addressed the problem; by my own rough estimation, battery life improved (although slightly).
The app downloaded to my TB when I first logged into the market, so I thought I'd give it a try. It shows different options since it's on Verizon (which makes sense), the default being "CDMA+LTE/EVDO Auto"; there's also a "CDMA only" mode. I selected "CDMA only" in a known LTE location (my office) about 2 hours ago; yesterday at the office the phone was in LTE mode all day, as it was this morning before I switched modes, but since switching, it's stayed in 3G mode constantly.
I'll leave it to the smarter types to confirm my hypothesis, but I thought I'd toss it out there because it seems to work so far. There's not a widget or anything for this- you have to use the app to make the adjustments each time you want to change, but it's at least more than we have currently.
I suppose a disclaimer is appropriate, since I'm recommending someone else's app- I have nothing to do with the development of the app, and it wasn't my idea. If this works, any credit should go to the developer, not me.
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not that we don't appreciate this, but there have already been a few threads about this, and there are actually a few apps that do this, also there is a number you can type in the dialer that allows you to do the same thing.
Apologies- didn't realize that. I had tried to search, but must have missed it. Please disregard.
nosympathy said:
not that we don't appreciate this, but there have already been a few threads about this, and there are actually a few apps that do this, also there is a number you can type in the dialer that allows you to do the same thing.
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I know this has been talked about already, but are there any widgets that can do this quick swap for you? My wife's TB arrives today and I want to disable 4G for her (but have it EASY for her to turn it back on if wanted/needed with a simple press of ONE button via a widget). I disable my 3G on my AT&T Captivate, but do it through the settings menu with several different button presses to get it done. This saves a HUGE amount of my battery on my Cappy and I imagine that it will on the TB too.
nosympathy said:
not that we don't appreciate this, but there have already been a few threads about this, and there are actually a few apps that do this, also there is a number you can type in the dialer that allows you to do the same thing.
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Yes you can also dial *#*#4636#*#* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OcY52pRRhwM
ElCamino said:
Yes you can also dial *#*#4636#*#* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OcY52pRRhwM
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I'm talking easier and quicker....the TB will be my wifes phone and I need to "wife proof"the process! ;-)
Is there a one click widget for this??
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA Premium App
Here you go. There is an app for that...
Is anyone else having trouble getting the phone to switch back to 4G? Sometimes it switches right away for me and others it won't. I make sure the CDMA + LTE option is checked but nothing happens and if I reboot my sometimes it will be back on 4G and others it will have switched back to CDMA auto and then I have to try toggling the switch and rebooting again.

[Tutorial] Quick Wi-Fi Fix

Hey guys,
I've been following XDA-developers for a long time, and would like to return something for all the help the community has provided. I traded my iPhone 4 for a G2X today only to find out that my BB data plan is incompatible -_-. Unwilling to wait until Memorial Day was over (611 closed), I decided to turn on Wi-Fi and tinker with it.
Unfortunately I fell victim to the phone's Wi-Fi's problems. It worked for seconds at startup, then simply stopped. Frustrated, I decided to take manners in my own hands. The evil culprit is T-Mobile's My Account program. Here is how to fix it (root and a $3.99 Market purchase required, no piracy!!)
First follow the directions in this tutorial to root your phone. Its pretty simple. ADVANCED: unrooting method.
Make sure Wi-Fi calling is turned on, as well as 3G/4G (from Mobile networks settings page)
Do a battery pull AFTER you enable the above ^. Wait 1 minute before rebooting your phone.
Wi-Fi should work on its own (although buggy) with these two enabled. If you have 3G/4G, you do not need to do this: for Wi-Fi only users, continue to reboot until you have somewhat of a stable Wi-Fi connection. It's very intermittent but eventually it will work for enough time to download Root Explorer from the market!
Go to the Market and install Root Explorer (purchase required, there may be free ways but I do not know of them and I do not advocate piracy)
Open this app. A popup from Superuser will ask you for permission. Grant it with "Allow"
From Root Explorer, navigate to /system/apps
At the top of the list box click the "Mount R/W" button
Scroll down and look for the following: MyAccount.apk and com.nuance.nmc.sihome (the latter may be named differently but it has a My Account icon)
A box will come up telling you that com.nuance.nmc.sihome has encountered an error. This box will refuse to go away. Simply do a battery pull.
YOUR WI-FI WOES SHOULD BE GONE, and your phone's stability should have improved. Enjoy!
You can download the latest version of My Account from Market now and cease to have problems.
Other safe-to-remove T-Mobile stuff:
EA Games (EAPK)
Zinio (does anyone use this?)
Need for Speed
Polaris Office
LMIRescue (an app T-Mobile can use to potentially remotely command your phone?)
yaldak said:
Hey guys,
I've been following XDA-developers for a long time, and would like to return something for all the help the community has provided. I traded my iPhone 4 for a G2X today only to find out that my BB data plan is incompatible -_-. Unwilling to wait until Memorial Day was over (611 closed), I decided to turn on Wi-Fi and tinker with it.
Unfortunately I fell victim to the phone's Wi-Fi's problems. It worked for seconds at startup, then simply stopped. Frustrated, I decided to take manners in my own hands. The evil culprit is T-Mobile's My Account program. Here is how to fix it (root and a $3.99 Market purchase required, no piracy!!)
First follow the directions in this tutorial to root your phone. Its pretty simple. ADVANCED: unrooting method.
Make sure Wi-Fi calling is turned on, as well as 3G/4G (from Mobile networks settings page)
Do a battery pull AFTER you enable the above ^. Wait 1 minute before rebooting your phone.
Wi-Fi should work on its own (although buggy) with these two enabled. If you have 3G/4G, you do not need to do this: for Wi-Fi only users, continue to reboot until you have somewhat of a stable Wi-Fi connection. It's very intermittent but eventually it will work for enough time to download Root Explorer from the market!
Go to the Market and install Root Explorer (purchase required, there may be free ways but I do not know of them and I do not advocate piracy)
Open this app. A popup from Superuser will ask you for permission. Grant it with "Allow"
From Root Explorer, navigate to /system/apps
At the top of the list box click the "Mount R/W" button
Scroll down and look for the following: MyAccount.apk and com.nuance.nmc.sihome (the latter may be named differently but it has a My Account icon)
A box will come up telling you that com.nuance.nmc.sihome has encountered an error. This box will refuse to go away. Simply do a battery pull.
YOUR WI-FI WOES SHOULD BE GONE, and your phone's stability should have improved. Enjoy!
You can download the latest version of My Account from Market now and cease to have problems.
Other safe-to-remove T-Mobile stuff:
EA Games (EAPK)
Zinio (does anyone use this?)
Need for Speed
Polaris Office
LMIRescue (an app T-Mobile can use to potentially remotely command your phone?)
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You don't need to do any of this noob stuff if your wifi doesn't connect to your home router or any router for that matter. It's unneccesary and time consuming, not to mention risky since you could "brick" your phone. All you have to do is reboot the phone, simplest way is hold power button and volume up simultaneously, then it should connect, assuming you entered the correct password if router has secure connection.
I just turn wifi off then back on. Works for me.
And stop with the noob stuff the guy just wrote he came from an iPhone to a g2x.
He will figure it out as he goes.
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA Premium App
mr.orange303 said:
He will figure it out as he goes.
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I see two band-aid solutions, a reboot, and a restart...gosh that is advanced.
Verse a solution to fully resolve the problem, and keep it gone. More importantly a possible isolation of the cause.
These super duper pro android interlopers are unapproachable on their savvy solutions. Ummm no
Since the OP says its linked to My account program, and I know on first run it says a newer copy is available, I am going to wonder that many users don't touch it.
So since I am already freshly on a complete reset of everything (erase all date, or hold down volume and power) I am going to try.
1. Full erase reset
2. First thing upadate new version of My Account.
3 Hard restart.
4. See how it reacts
My wifi is decent except sometimes it does clog up and I have to clear buffers and shut down programs to get it to kick up. Start and stop wifi solves nothing on mine.
Anyways its about 10 minutes of time to do, since my phone already is in near out of the box setup.
Sorry but I'm not here to post "noob" stuff. Of course restarting the phone or its wifi radio were part of my first efforts. But the phone's stock software has a bug in which the default My Account program a) causes a DNS issue and b) displays itself twice in Manage Applications. Things work great if you have a working data connection from tmo but if not you will notice that wifi refuses to work on its own. I'm not dumb and by no means am I a noob. I've been following XDA since the days of the Wizard. By the way rooting and deleting useless carrier garbage like the buggy and persistent MyAccount.apk will not brick your phone unless you are careless.
"My Account" from tmo has been nothing but a pain in the ass for me. I froze it using Antek App Manager (a free app). I used the same software to freeze the other garbage that came installed by tmo, and battery and booting issues have greatly improved. Just my 2 cents.
Other stuff I froze include: Car Home, ea games, Zinio reader, AppPack, T-Mobile TV, and wifi calling.
Of course some are big fans of wifi calling but I don't need or use it.
yaldak said:
Sorry but I'm not here to post "noon" stuff. Of course restarting the phone or its wifi radio were part of my first efforts. But the phone's stock software has a bug in which the default My Account program a) causes a DNS issue and b) displays itself twice in Manage Applications. Things work great if you have a working data connection from tmo but if not you will notice that wifi refuses to work on its own. I'm not dumb and by no means am I a noob. I've been following XDA since the days of the Wizard. By the way rooting and deleting useless carrier garbage like the buggy and persistent MyAccount.apk will not brick your phone unless you are careless.
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News flash....The MyAccount app isn't causing the DNS issue. Do some fact checking before posting.
LOL... man u guys are harsh
LG is sending out a fix. What does that tell you? Only can manage till then.
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA Premium App
prettyboy85712 said:
News flash....The MyAccount app isn't causing the DNS issue. Do some fact checking before posting.
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Okay sorry, it causes the HSPA / Wi-Fi switching issue. Could you be any more polite about correcting me? FYI I haven't found any SOLID proof of this. Immediately after removing MyAccount and all of its derivatives from the phone DNS requests worked flawlessly; It's been 9 hours of constant wi-fi only use without issues (NO radio turned on). Prior to removing the app, only IP addresses would be resolved by the browser.
LOL... man u guys are harsh
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Seriously are, I was only trying to make a helpful post to those users or viewers who are not very tech-literate but possess the ability to root a phone and forget about it to fix an irritating issue with the phone.
dude dont worry about it....good job
Thanks for trying to help with this problem. Its threads like this that help to get to the bottom of these things.
Seems some people here would rather everyone be so afraid to post bad information that there is none at all. But we know better right?
sl0play said:
Thanks for trying to help with this problem. Its threads like this that help to get to the bottom of these things.
Seems some people here would rather everyone be so afraid to post bad information that there is none at all. But we know better right?
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No..Those people you're referring to would rather have people search before posting. This so called "fix" has been posted many times. No need to start a new thread.
I tried this and got no error lol. What I did was reinstalling MyAccount with the MyAccount.apk in system\app and now my wifi actually works with the Market.

Gold_C DFT Error reporting

Hey all;
I saw some DFT clutter on some other ROM threads. It was suggested to make a new thread. I have permission from Mwang to make an error reporting thread so... here it is. Also... for all those who don't have DFT's ROM for the Gold_C you can PM Mwang for download instructions. I am working on getting permission to put links and dl instructions on this thread as well so look for updates. Thank you.
Has a newer version of the DFT rom for GOLD_C been released? One major bug is that wifi mac address changes with every reboot.
Still a badass rom!
N_ZzZ said:
Hey all;
I saw some DFT clutter on some other ROM threads. It was suggested to make a new thread. I have permission from Mwang to make an error reporting thread so... here it is. Also... for all those who don't have DFT's ROM for the Gold_C you can PM Mwang for download instructions. I am working on getting permission to put links and dl instructions on this thread as well so look for updates. Thank you.
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-Some programs you cant see well unless you have the theme on dark, I think I read somewhere that it was a common bug in his wp7 roms.
-Maybe not a bug but an issue (If Mwang used sprints rom as a base) the sms bug that limits you to 160 characters per text is present like in the sprint rom
It is soo much better than the the official sprint rom tho
I have been having data connection issues. I will have full service and my data connection on and apps will say I have no connection. I have tried to update my network connection and prl and this continues to be an issue. For whatever reason I can usually go into internet explorer and go to a website and that will work and then return to an app I was having issues with and then the connection works. Seems really strange to me. Anybody else else having similar problems? Any solutions out there?
Sent from my PC93100 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
I can't connect with zune anymore. Two hard resets and two reflashes later my phone is still not recognized by zune software.
I've been having issues sending MMS quite often. To fix it every time I have to go to Settings -> Cellular -> Change Network Profile & Change PRL. That and I have had a handful of random freezes occur all while in the Messaging Hub.
Zero9930 said:
I've been having issues sending MMS quite often. To fix it every time I have to go to Settings -> Cellular -> Change Network Profile & Change PRL. That and I have had a handful of random freezes occur all while in the Messaging Hub.
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I had issues with mms too a hard reset resolved those
Is a newer version coming out soon for the Gold C that corrects the wifi mac issue?
N_ZzZ said:
I have been having data connection issues. I will have full service and my data connection on and apps will say I have no connection. I have tried to update my network connection and prl and this continues to be an issue. For whatever reason I can usually go into internet explorer and go to a website and that will work and then return to an app I was having issues with and then the connection works. Seems really strange to me. Anybody else else having similar problems? Any solutions out there?
Sent from my PC93100 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
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I have had something similar, although I've found that the internet is working still but incredibly slow, even when connected to Wi-fi, it seems like even with Wi-fi on, the phone prefers to use the network connection. I've found that turning on airplane mode and then using Wi-fi makes the internet work fine and quick, but with both on it seems to go much slower (but not always). Other than that it seems to be working fine
HTC Arrive ROM ???/Issues
I love this ROM, much better then stock but when I am on a call and the computer voice says" press 1 for xxx press 2 for yyy" I press the buttons but the system doesn;t respond like I didn't press anything at all. Also the Speaker volume seems to be 1/2 as loud. Last but not least is there a GPS program I can d/l? I used navigator all the time but since this ROM doesn't come with it I don't know what to use.
Thanks for your time!
quantum3 said:
I love this ROM, much better then stock but when I am on a call and the computer voice says" press 1 for xxx press 2 for yyy" I press the buttons but the system doesn;t respond like I didn't press anything at all. Also the Speaker volume seems to be 1/2 as loud. Last but not least is there a GPS program I can d/l? I used navigator all the time but since this ROM doesn't come with it I don't know what to use.
Thanks for your time!
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you can search for "TeleNav" in the market, "Waze" in the Bazaar, or you can search online for "Nokia Drive" xap where you would have to deploy from your computer. I'm not going to link to the Nokia Drive as I don't know how legal it is to do so.
quantum3 said:
I love this ROM, much better then stock but when I am on a call and the computer voice says" press 1 for xxx press 2 for yyy" I press the buttons but the system doesn;t respond like I didn't press anything at all. Also the Speaker volume seems to be 1/2 as loud. Last but not least is there a GPS program I can d/l? I used navigator all the time but since this ROM doesn't come with it I don't know what to use.
Thanks for your time!
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If you didn't yet, try a hard reset. That solved all my issues. I should have remembered that from the TP2 days...
I too am having issues with the internet speeds. My phone is constantly going into 1x. i can have full bars and it still goes 1x. even with Wifi on the phone still tries to use the cellular data and if that says 1x well its slow as hell. I have re flashed the rom and also done hard resets a few times, it didn't fix it for me, i mean it works great for a little while than the same problems persist.
According to what people are saying in ansar rom, it has the same problem with the connectivity. Hopefully there will be an update to fix this.
Another bug is that picture mail fails 95% of the time. i found that if you switch wifi off and than do a reset it usually works for a few times.
I wonder if we can fix our DATA issue if we input the APN settings into the rom. I used to run droid on my tp2 and we had to configure the APN for things to work as expected. I have searched around google and such and cannot find any working APN settings. Does anyone know of any that will work or have tried it?
Hey guys first off happy Easter to everyone! Secondly, I think I might have found a workaround for the WiFi cutting out on DFT sprint rom for the arrive. If you are on this rom and you have sprint well than you probably noticed the phone always going into 1x and than the WiFi taking forever to load. I had seen a post about shutting off cellular data and that was suppose to help. Well, I tried that and it worked for a little bit but than it stopped.
What I found is that if you change the network setting from automatic to home only that the WiFi no longer cuts out. The phone still says 1x but my WiFi hasn't cut one time and beforehand it was constantly working slow and or not working at all. Also, every picture mail that I have tried to send has went through without a single fail which it was a real pain in the butt to get one to send before. I haven't done too much testing as to whether the phone works better when not in WiFi but since I'm always in the office or at home, I'm always connected. But at least now it's working much much better!
Reg Settings for EVDO (3g is slow)
I have, like others, had similar issues. Also, after updating to the rom i noticed that the 3G speeds have dropped significantly (WIFI off).
I am clocking in at ~300k as opposed to 1.2Mb before even though the phone has 5 bars and EV.
I am not sure if this will provide any insight, or if I am even on the right track/know what i am talkin about, but if i browse the registry to
There are settings for only 1xEVDO. Is this right?
What about EVDO rev A?
Thanks in advance for any input!
microfirmz said:
I have, like others, had similar issues. Also, after updating to the rom i noticed that the 3G speeds have dropped significantly (WIFI off).
I am clocking in at ~300k as opposed to 1.2Mb before even though the phone has 5 bars and EV.
I am not sure if this will provide any insight, or if I am even on the right track/know what i am talkin about, but if i browse the registry to
There are settings for only 1xEVDO. Is this right?
What about EVDO rev A?
Thanks in advance for any input!
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Doesn't seem like that's what that key is for according to this thread:

- work around for tmobile tethering upsell -

Above is my original post when I first encountered the upsell popup. After contacting T-Mobile, they really had no answer for me as they said I was the first to approach them about it. The rep. checked through his notes and found nothing. He agreed to follow up with me to see if any changes and when he called I suggested my theory. I found that if you have "View desktop pages" checked (in the stock browser app press the menu key and you should see this option), you will recieve this popup. By un-checking that option, you will not receive the popup BUT, now you will more than likely end up on a mobile site rather than the desktop site. I still have found out how to work around having the option selected but not receiving the popup. Any ideas??? Please share!!
jordin1128 said:
Above is my original post when I first encountered the upsell popup. After contacting T-Mobile, they really had no answer for me as they said I was the first to approach them about it. The rep. checked through his notes and found nothing. He agreed to follow up with me to see if any changes and when he called I suggested my theory. I found that if you have "View desktop pages" checked (in the stock browser app press the menu key and you should see this option), you will recieve this popup. By un-checking that option, you will not receive the popup BUT, now you will more than likely end up on a mobile site rather than the desktop site. I still have found out how to work around having the option selected but not receiving the popup. Any ideas??? Please share!!
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that would make sense since t-mobile detects your browser's user agent string to determine if you are wifi tethering. we just have to wait for either chrome to change their UA string or for t-mobile to stop detect wifi tethering like that
c19932 said:
that would make sense since t-mobile detects your browser's user agent string to determine if you are wifi tethering. we just have to wait for either chrome to change their UA string or for t-mobile to stop detect wifi tethering like that
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Read again... OP states he was using the stock browser! I was afraid of (but hoping for) this.
If they start blocking people from full web pages then they may have to re-think their approach to charging for tethering!
GROGG88 said:
Read again... OP states he was using the stock browser! I was afraid of (but hoping for) this.
If they start blocking people from full web pages then they may have to re-think their approach to charging for tethering!
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+1 this can most definitely run off customers. I hate mobile views of websites.
That would be a deal breaker!!!
Oh for sure! Would those of us at tmo who are on custom rooms still be blocked from full web sites? This is taking it too far! Ridiculous! Come on what else will they do? I hate mobile versions.now I'm reconsidering my provider, I'm tmo but after my contract who knows? This control has gone too far,
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using xda premium
T-Mobile Smartphone Mobile HotSpot? ICS. This has been discussed on this older thread..
I figured out how to make it work for a different, but related problem I had.
This was my solution:
The way I got it to work:
1. Selected Default T-Mobile Data APN
2. Delete all of the information from the APN type
3. Reboot Phone
arjuna_ said:
I figured out how to make it work for a different, but related problem I had.
This was my solution:
The way I got it to work:
1. Selected Default T-Mobile Data APN
2. Delete all of the information from the APN type
3. Reboot Phone
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Good suggestion, one caveat, you should be advising folks to back up or at the least, write down the APN info in case they have problems.
jleon1320 said:
Good suggestion, one caveat, you should be advising folks to back up or at the least, write down the APN info in case they have problems.
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Yeah backing up is always a smart thing to do just in case. However there is an option to revert back to default settings when you press the menu so there shouldn't be too much to worry about. Good suggestion nevertheless!
Revert back to default is one of my favorite setting!
So I don't know if this was expected since it was only a tempfix but i can't access it on any apn now even after rebooting...
Guess I need to look to upgrade to a Galaxy Nexus now...
Anyone had success in finding a new fix?

Trouble with data connection when mobile

Hi all,
Starting to get frustrated with my 3a and looking for avenues to address difficulty in maintaining a data connection when on the move. In all other ways this phone has been great.
When I am on the move - on the train, or in a car - my phone seems to lose data connectivity after a period of minutes. It seems to be an issue with maintaining a data connection when switching from tower to tower (at a guess). The phone does maintain mobile reception and I can be on a call without dropouts, but if for example watching a video, the video will stop, and eventually I will get the little cross in the reception icon to indicate no data connection.
No issues when not moving about, but am currently doing a lot of work on the fly, so hotspotting or conference calls are near impossible. This didn't always seem to be a problem, but due to Covid (and not moving around for a while), not sure exactly when it started. Have done some googling and tried a new sim card + changing private DNS settings with no luck. On the latest available update.
Is this a known issue with this phone? Any way I can diagnose or fix? Or am I looking at a new phone at this point?
Have rooted and switched ROMs on many previous phones, so quite happy to go down that path if need be.
I understand you say this only happens when you are moving but I would recommend checking with whatever carrier anyway maybe look on your carrier help site and write your same post here there and see if anyone else experiences the same. I would also save everything to USB or PC and flash factory image via fastboot and let it wipe not removing the fastboot -w in the./flash-all.sh. You could use an app like LTE discovery and set it to where you know exactly what it's doing and when it does it because you can set a small beep sound or wherever. What carrier do you use? Maybe update roaming , prl and profile, if you use a CDMA carrier. Also what type of case are you using? Just a few things that I thought of after reading your post here. You've probably already done all this but if not that's definitely what I would do. And last but certainly not least, are you using a custom rom or stock? Maybe check your/apns-conf.xml/ aka your apns and make sure they're correct and all for your carrier. I don't think you have to worry about apns unless you are using a custom rom in which case I would definitely check it out because sometimes they can be not right. I use Metro by T-Mobile and I'm located in the USA.
If you are on a custom rom you could try the old apn fix and just see if it's apn related... Wouldn't hurt anything.. Just save your current /apns-conf.xml/ and delete the apns-conf.xml file in your /system/etc/ and in /system/product/etc/ and replace the one in /system/product/etc/ with the one i link here and set permissions on it to 0644, then go to settings on your phone /networks and internet/ mobile networks/ scroll to bottom there and select access point names. Should be a lil three dot thing in top right and when you hit that select "reset to default" or "reset to default apn" and wait another 60 seconds or so then reboot. That will replace your apn configuration file. My file is recently copied from my last custom rom where everything worked fine and I had no issues. If this somehow is related to an apn outa wack then this will fix it. I learned this back years ago on another device forum from spaceminer here on xda. I've used this many times since and it's always worked. Again you don't need to do this on stock , only if you are using a custom rom. I believe stock is good.
my apns-conf.xml: is.gd/2MPL8W

