Loving htc hd2 but......... - General Questions and Answers

ive owned this phone now for a few months and while i think its great it sometimes is just a massive pain in the arse.
i need some advice as technically im pretty good but i have to get my head round the problem 1st.
1- ive just decided that i want to use my home router as internet access on my phone so ive set up the connection, which the phone finds, entered the encription key and i get the little wifi icon on the top of the screen. all good......
but when i connect to a website the data connection (orange) appears as well. is there a setting to use one or the other?
2- adobe flash player. a right pain the backside. many sites including youtube require new updates of the player but when i click on the download and get the status bar it seems to freeze. and when it looks like it finishes (rarely) i get the same message on screen that i need to download the latest version!
3- automatic connection. still not sure if my provider charges me for constant connection. whether it is downloading data constantly or not but it seems strange that the phone, although there is nothing running in task manager will connect itself. ive woken up in the morning to find its been connected for 10 hours! is it updating? if it needs to connect why cant it disconnect itself?
4- the irritating freeze. mostly if its been on all night doing nothing. then i unlock it (without passcode as this seems to make it worse) it freezes. then needs a hard reset to function again
apologies for the rant and long 1st post but i really dont want this nice phone ending up like the last and being thrown about as it doesnt work as well as it should.
many thanks

Hi Friend, try HTC's website they have several hotfixes for your phone (some reason only available on europe portal but might point you in right direction.
As for using phone as modem I only recommend if BROWSING web only, not downloading, as yes it has DSL speed but it is ILLEGAL on all phone plans and they will cut you off after a limit (normally 10GB) and then they give a call and ask "Whatcha doing?" so only use as back-up browsing only.


Vox crashing when using internet connection

In the last week or so, my VOX has become very unstable when I use applications that access the internet. I thought it was just some new apps that I installed making it unstable, but I removed all the recent apps and it still shuts down between 1 minute and 5 minutes of using the internet.
Apps that use the internet vary from pocket IE to Viigo to PodcastReady. I have not yet seen it crash when I use apps like Live Search, but I suspect that it would if I used it enough. I know there's trouble when pocket IE causes a shut-down -- it's an out-of-the-box app that isn't really prone to crashes like other 3rd party tools might be (Viigo and PodcastReady are beta, after all).
But I've never had my phone just shut down before -- not even with beta software.
One thing that I will say that I've recently been fiddling with my proxy settings and "work" "internet" "pass-through" types of connections in "Settings > Connections" in an effort to get my phone to access the web while connected via USB to my work laptop.
But I believe I've gone in and reset all the changes I've made. Plus, should those types of changes cause a crash??
I'm using the latest ROM from HTC (the 2008 update). I'm seriously considering upgrading to a 6.1 ROM to help resolve, but if it's hardware-related, then taking the time to upgrade (and re-install everything I've done) will be a waste of time.
Any info/insights into what's going on??
Phone Just Quit
I had a similar problem with my S710; tried all the ROMs, added, deleted software, tried all kinds of things, removed some programs, etc. Even went back to the HTC ROM. The only thing that solved my problem was to replace my battery. After putting in a new one, I've not had a single lockup in weeks. Before I was having them daily.
OK, that is weird. How could it be battery related? Was it the OEM battery?
I have to say, my battery level seems kind of erratic lately. It goes from 32% to "shut down" almost instantly...

so far I haven't seen a Touch Pro that will show webpages!

Been thinking about getting a Touch Pro but my buddy has a Fuze and it won't show web pages in Opera or IE. It gives an error exactly like what this guy is experiencing, http://www.htcwiki.com/thread/2214127/HTC+Fuze+Internet+fails+6-12+hours+after+soft+reset?t=anon
I went to the AT&T store and both of the display models do the same thing. Went to the Sprint store and there display model does the same thing! The Touch Diamond sitting next to the Touch Pro at the Sprint store worked just fine. I tried the trick that apparently worked for some people in that thread on my buddies phone of holding down the hangup/disconnect button for 3+ seconds, the little colorful spinny ball comes on screen and then goes away but still can't get to the internet, same error. Same thing with the phone in the Sprint store.
What gives? How can all these TPs be having this problem but few others are complaining about it?
I dont know whats wrong with all of the Touch Pros you have used but mine is great... always shows any webpage the only complaint is the pages take a few seconds to render when you scroll
yeah mine works great and has since the beginning he probably hasnt set up his data correctly and usually display models dont do anything
never had a problem on mine. and i use opera, ie, opera mini, skyfire, iris
Yes, I have the same problem! After 16+ hours, email/weather in TF3D etc. are all working but browsers/google maps cannot access internet.
I have to switch off/on my data and everything starts working again.
I have AT&T Fuze with stock rom and radio.
Another thing, whenever I restart my phone, it asks for the password to connect to media.net, I have leave it blank, check save password and hit ok everytime.
ashu9uf said:
Another thing, whenever I restart my phone, it asks for the password to connect to media.net, I have leave it blank, check save password and hit ok everytime.
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this happened to me after i went into the connection settings page in settings. it's a pain in the ass so i just dont go back when i hard reset...
lbhocky19 said:
yeah mine works great and has since the beginning he probably hasnt set up his data correctly and usually display models dont do anything
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no, these are fully working phones, not just the dummy phones, the Samsung next to one of them at the AT&T store worked fine, the Blackberry next to the other one worked fine, but both Fuzes couldn't load webpages but otherwise worked, like I could launch apps and everything. The guys at the AT&T store couldn't figure out why it wasn't working either, said something about his manager had to call tech support to get it working since it was a store phone and he wasn't authorized to call tech support for it.
and like I said at the sprint store the diamond sitting next to the touch pro worked just fine but the touch pro coudlnt' get to webpages.
My buddies phone I think works for e-mail, think he has exchange setup.
ashu9uf said:
Yes, I have the same problem! After 16+ hours, email/weather in TF3D etc. are all working but browsers/google maps cannot access internet.
I have to switch off/on my data and everything starts working again.
I have AT&T Fuze with stock rom and radio.
Another thing, whenever I restart my phone, it asks for the password to connect to media.net, I have leave it blank, check save password and hit ok everytime.
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how do you switch it off an one?
I've never had a problem with it. Full web pages using opera. But I don't use my phone for that very often. If I want to get on the web I just tether, it's faster and easier.
MrbLOB9000 said:
how do you switch it off an one?
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You can go to settings, communications, and then switch off data connection. Or Start-menu, settings, network, wireless manager.
MrbLOB9000 said:
Been thinking about getting a Touch Pro but my buddy has a Fuze and it won't show web pages in Opera or IE. It gives an error exactly like what this guy is experiencing, http://www.htcwiki.com/thread/2214127/HTC+Fuze+Internet+fails+6-12+hours+after+soft+reset?t=anon
I went to the AT&T store and both of the display models do the same thing. Went to the Sprint store and there display model does the same thing! The Touch Diamond sitting next to the Touch Pro at the Sprint store worked just fine. I tried the trick that apparently worked for some people in that thread on my buddies phone of holding down the hangup/disconnect button for 3+ seconds, the little colorful spinny ball comes on screen and then goes away but still can't get to the internet, same error. Same thing with the phone in the Sprint store.
What gives? How can all these TPs be having this problem but few others are complaining about it?
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did you actually try making a phone call with it to see if the phone was active? seems like a stupid question but might be a simple solution...
nhshah7 said:
did you actually try making a phone call with it to see if the phone was active? seems like a stupid question but might be a simple solution...
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yes, phone also works fine, apart from mail/sms etc. It is just the browsers and the apps that cannot connect.
Did you try disable or enable hidden proxy? I've been having a weird problem with a custom ROM that I made and after a hard reset I have to use one or the other to get the internet to work again.
ashu9uf said:
yes, phone also works fine, apart from mail/sms etc. It is just the browsers and the apps that cannot connect.
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maybe you just have bad luck and got duds every time?
I have worked in a couple ATT stores, and been in LOTS of cell phone stores (tmobile, verizon, sprint), and I have never seen a display model that had service. Most of them are not even real phones....
nhshah7 said:
did you actually try making a phone call with it to see if the phone was active? seems like a stupid question but might be a simple solution...
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my buddies phone definitely works for making calls, and works for e-mail but browser is a no go.
Reefermattness said:
I have worked in a couple ATT stores, and been in LOTS of cell phone stores (tmobile, verizon, sprint), and I have never seen a display model that had service. Most of them are not even real phones....
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all the other phones in the Sprint and AT&T stores are real phones and work fine, I went to the internet on the HTC Touch Diamond sitting two feet away and a Samsung Instinct accross the store at Sprint, and went to the web on a Motorla (or something) phone sitting next to the Fuze at the AT&T store. Best Buy has fake phones out so obviously couldn't check there.
dcelluser said:
Did you try disable or enable hidden proxy? I've been having a weird problem with a custom ROM that I made and after a hard reset I have to use one or the other to get the internet to work again.
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how do I do that? I tried to click disable on the proxy in opera:config but it seems to autoenable it's self again.
I have this problem, too! I thought it was just my account on AT&T that has this problem (my MeidaNet page also does not work) but it might be a bigger problem in AT&Ts network. It isn't just the FUZE that does this, my Tilt did it, too. I do not remember if my Black Jack did or not.
This happens to me EXACTLY when my data connection time goes over 24 hours. I have to close my data connection to fix it. Not a HUGE issue, but would be nice if it was resolved. I think default end key hold behavior is to end the data connection, so that's why it works.
If my data connection sits idle for too long something like that happens occasionally for me...
but nothing a quick 'disable/enable data' cant fix.
I also dont use stock roms, I had the Fuze stock ROM for 2 days before i flashed it (wanted to do my research on flashing before I did it, also wanted a 'control' for when i swapped phones)

Gold_C DFT Error reporting

Hey all;
I saw some DFT clutter on some other ROM threads. It was suggested to make a new thread. I have permission from Mwang to make an error reporting thread so... here it is. Also... for all those who don't have DFT's ROM for the Gold_C you can PM Mwang for download instructions. I am working on getting permission to put links and dl instructions on this thread as well so look for updates. Thank you.
Has a newer version of the DFT rom for GOLD_C been released? One major bug is that wifi mac address changes with every reboot.
Still a badass rom!
N_ZzZ said:
Hey all;
I saw some DFT clutter on some other ROM threads. It was suggested to make a new thread. I have permission from Mwang to make an error reporting thread so... here it is. Also... for all those who don't have DFT's ROM for the Gold_C you can PM Mwang for download instructions. I am working on getting permission to put links and dl instructions on this thread as well so look for updates. Thank you.
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-Some programs you cant see well unless you have the theme on dark, I think I read somewhere that it was a common bug in his wp7 roms.
-Maybe not a bug but an issue (If Mwang used sprints rom as a base) the sms bug that limits you to 160 characters per text is present like in the sprint rom
It is soo much better than the the official sprint rom tho
I have been having data connection issues. I will have full service and my data connection on and apps will say I have no connection. I have tried to update my network connection and prl and this continues to be an issue. For whatever reason I can usually go into internet explorer and go to a website and that will work and then return to an app I was having issues with and then the connection works. Seems really strange to me. Anybody else else having similar problems? Any solutions out there?
Sent from my PC93100 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
I can't connect with zune anymore. Two hard resets and two reflashes later my phone is still not recognized by zune software.
I've been having issues sending MMS quite often. To fix it every time I have to go to Settings -> Cellular -> Change Network Profile & Change PRL. That and I have had a handful of random freezes occur all while in the Messaging Hub.
Zero9930 said:
I've been having issues sending MMS quite often. To fix it every time I have to go to Settings -> Cellular -> Change Network Profile & Change PRL. That and I have had a handful of random freezes occur all while in the Messaging Hub.
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I had issues with mms too a hard reset resolved those
Is a newer version coming out soon for the Gold C that corrects the wifi mac issue?
N_ZzZ said:
I have been having data connection issues. I will have full service and my data connection on and apps will say I have no connection. I have tried to update my network connection and prl and this continues to be an issue. For whatever reason I can usually go into internet explorer and go to a website and that will work and then return to an app I was having issues with and then the connection works. Seems really strange to me. Anybody else else having similar problems? Any solutions out there?
Sent from my PC93100 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
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I have had something similar, although I've found that the internet is working still but incredibly slow, even when connected to Wi-fi, it seems like even with Wi-fi on, the phone prefers to use the network connection. I've found that turning on airplane mode and then using Wi-fi makes the internet work fine and quick, but with both on it seems to go much slower (but not always). Other than that it seems to be working fine
HTC Arrive ROM ???/Issues
I love this ROM, much better then stock but when I am on a call and the computer voice says" press 1 for xxx press 2 for yyy" I press the buttons but the system doesn;t respond like I didn't press anything at all. Also the Speaker volume seems to be 1/2 as loud. Last but not least is there a GPS program I can d/l? I used navigator all the time but since this ROM doesn't come with it I don't know what to use.
Thanks for your time!
quantum3 said:
I love this ROM, much better then stock but when I am on a call and the computer voice says" press 1 for xxx press 2 for yyy" I press the buttons but the system doesn;t respond like I didn't press anything at all. Also the Speaker volume seems to be 1/2 as loud. Last but not least is there a GPS program I can d/l? I used navigator all the time but since this ROM doesn't come with it I don't know what to use.
Thanks for your time!
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you can search for "TeleNav" in the market, "Waze" in the Bazaar, or you can search online for "Nokia Drive" xap where you would have to deploy from your computer. I'm not going to link to the Nokia Drive as I don't know how legal it is to do so.
quantum3 said:
I love this ROM, much better then stock but when I am on a call and the computer voice says" press 1 for xxx press 2 for yyy" I press the buttons but the system doesn;t respond like I didn't press anything at all. Also the Speaker volume seems to be 1/2 as loud. Last but not least is there a GPS program I can d/l? I used navigator all the time but since this ROM doesn't come with it I don't know what to use.
Thanks for your time!
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If you didn't yet, try a hard reset. That solved all my issues. I should have remembered that from the TP2 days...
I too am having issues with the internet speeds. My phone is constantly going into 1x. i can have full bars and it still goes 1x. even with Wifi on the phone still tries to use the cellular data and if that says 1x well its slow as hell. I have re flashed the rom and also done hard resets a few times, it didn't fix it for me, i mean it works great for a little while than the same problems persist.
According to what people are saying in ansar rom, it has the same problem with the connectivity. Hopefully there will be an update to fix this.
Another bug is that picture mail fails 95% of the time. i found that if you switch wifi off and than do a reset it usually works for a few times.
I wonder if we can fix our DATA issue if we input the APN settings into the rom. I used to run droid on my tp2 and we had to configure the APN for things to work as expected. I have searched around google and such and cannot find any working APN settings. Does anyone know of any that will work or have tried it?
Hey guys first off happy Easter to everyone! Secondly, I think I might have found a workaround for the WiFi cutting out on DFT sprint rom for the arrive. If you are on this rom and you have sprint well than you probably noticed the phone always going into 1x and than the WiFi taking forever to load. I had seen a post about shutting off cellular data and that was suppose to help. Well, I tried that and it worked for a little bit but than it stopped.
What I found is that if you change the network setting from automatic to home only that the WiFi no longer cuts out. The phone still says 1x but my WiFi hasn't cut one time and beforehand it was constantly working slow and or not working at all. Also, every picture mail that I have tried to send has went through without a single fail which it was a real pain in the butt to get one to send before. I haven't done too much testing as to whether the phone works better when not in WiFi but since I'm always in the office or at home, I'm always connected. But at least now it's working much much better!
Reg Settings for EVDO (3g is slow)
I have, like others, had similar issues. Also, after updating to the rom i noticed that the 3G speeds have dropped significantly (WIFI off).
I am clocking in at ~300k as opposed to 1.2Mb before even though the phone has 5 bars and EV.
I am not sure if this will provide any insight, or if I am even on the right track/know what i am talkin about, but if i browse the registry to
There are settings for only 1xEVDO. Is this right?
What about EVDO rev A?
Thanks in advance for any input!
microfirmz said:
I have, like others, had similar issues. Also, after updating to the rom i noticed that the 3G speeds have dropped significantly (WIFI off).
I am clocking in at ~300k as opposed to 1.2Mb before even though the phone has 5 bars and EV.
I am not sure if this will provide any insight, or if I am even on the right track/know what i am talkin about, but if i browse the registry to
There are settings for only 1xEVDO. Is this right?
What about EVDO rev A?
Thanks in advance for any input!
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Doesn't seem like that's what that key is for according to this thread:

[Q] How to use public (open) WiFi everywhere EXCEPT at home?

Dear community, please help me. I'm going insane over this issue...
In my town there are several free & open WiFi spots to which you can connect without password. My problem is that this free WiFi is also within reach from my apartment and I want to make my phone & tablet to prefer my domestic closed&encrypted WiFi. I'm perfectly aware of the possibility to set WiFi-priorities. Problem is: those are only used when searching for a new connection. If my devices are connected to the public WiFi, they will never switch to my private one unless the connection breaks or I disable & enable WiFi in Android.
Right now, my rather silly "workaround" is to always delete the public WiFi from the list of known WiFis when I'm at home and re-add it when I go outside. But this procedure is getting quite annoying. I want Android to use this WiFi, just not when I'm at home...
I can't be the only one with this problem. Is there any way? Root and/or Xposed based solutions would be okay too....
I already tried the app "WiFi Prioritizer" from Google Play and it came pretty close to what I was looking for, unfortunately its background process was killing my battery.
What version of Android your phone and what the tablet has?
Στάλθηκε από το GT-I8190 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk
Currently my Samsung i9100 runs AOSP NeatROM (Kitkat 4.4.4) and my Nexus 7 (2013) runs CleanROM (Lollipop 5.0.2).
It shouldn't matter though. I'm looking for some kind of universal solution that could work on any Android version... :-/
From what I have read and understood, your problem is that when you want to connect to a specific network (your home network) you can't because your device scans and connects to the '' free'' ones simply because you were connected to them before or you are still connected to one. From what I know and also have worked for me, is to simply tap on the network you want to connect each time(an analogue should pop up and ask whether to ''forget' the tapped network or to connect to it if you are already connected to another one.). Also I don't know if a module exists for this purpose on xposed framework.
Maybe there's another way to do it, but since I don't have bought the app (it's called IF BY IFTTT) I can't tell if it does or doesn't do what you want. What it does is that makes selected actions automatically by running in the background. I think that it can do almost ''anything'' (like to upload the latest photo you took from gallery to Instagram without your actions).
I hope I helped
No no, I can connect to my home network manually, that's not the problem.
My problem is that Android doesn't do it automatically, when it is within reach and the phone is still connected to another (the free) network.
What Android SCHOULD do is automatically drop the connection to the open Wifi, as soon as my higher priority home network is within reach.
I didn't said that you can't connect to your home network, I simply said that it doesn't seems to do it automatic. I have also prioritised my network preferences and still my phone doesn't connect to the first one if it is not disconnect from the other (by the way the two networks I have tried it to are my home ones). In conclusion in my opinion this option is where you want to connect first, not for changing the connection automatically based on the received signal(although it does if you completely lost the signal to the connected source). Probably in your case the free Wi-Fi is close enough to you and your phone or tablet doesn't disconnect from it which in my opinion is perfectly fine since my phone does exactly the same.
Oh sorry, maybe I misunderstood you before.
But yes, you summarized it completely correct. Only that this behavior is not perfectly fine for me, as I'm sick and tired of being connected to open, slow and unencrypted connection at home
I have the impression that Android's WiFi management is pretty bad
You can try the app that I mentioned earlier but I am not sure if will do what you want. I suggest get in touch with the developer and ask him. I am happy I helped.
PS.1 If I helped don't forget to use the thanks button as it helps me and lets community know that I have contributed.
PS.2 I don't take credit for the app, I just suggest it because I think it may work.
Have fun
Thanks for your help, I will try the app later today, it sure looks interesting. My only fear is that it will be a battery killer.
EDIT: This app didn't really do the trick for my needs... I'm back to always deleting the open WiFi out of the list of known WiFis... Too bad that there doesn't seem to be a good way to do what I need

Google Pixel WiFi Problem (Fails to download videos, apps, etc. and goes offline)

Wondering if anyone has run into the following issue with their Pixel. My phone is an international model (G-2PW4200) and I bought it exactly a month ago.
The issue is this: I seem to never be able to download any decent size file (e.g. a video on social media sites or apps like Facebook, YouTube, Whatsapp, etc., or to download any app on the Google Play store) via WiFi without the download getting "stuck" half way, sometimes not even at 10%. The download would get stuck indefinitely, and only resume once I disable WiFi and start downloading via LTE. Sometimes it also comes back if I just disable WiFi and enable it again. Another problem I have is that my phone seems to go offline when it's not being used for extended periods of time (that being in the 5-10 minute range given I look at it almost every 10 minutes) despite having WiFi during sleep set to be always on. I can tell this because when I try to log in to something like Whatsapp Web it complains that my phone is offline, and this is a problem that never happened with me with my previous phone in the same setting.
A few points to keep in mind:
1- I have "Keep WiFi on during Sleep" set to "Always"
2- This happens everywhere (at home, work, friends', public WiFi, etc.) so it's not related to just my router's setup, and it happens every single day and almost every single time.
4- System is "up to date" and I have the latest update installed (Android 7.1.1, build NOF26V)
3- I'm still able to browse web pages (via Chrome), and browse apps like Facebook, Whatsapp, etc. without getting interruptions or showing any signs of disconnect. It's only the above two issues that I see when downloading big chunks of data, and for some reason my phone appearing to be offline during sleep when it shouldn't be.
Any idea what may be wrong here and how I can fix this? I really would like to keep this phone, but this is really becoming frustrating.
Have you factory reset?
mngdew said:
Have you factory reset?
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Yes. And ironically enough I ran into the same problem immediately while restoring my backup as the phone was trying to redownload the previously installed apps. It would get stuck not downloading anything but not complain about a lost connection until I disable WiFi and switch to cellular data.
This reminded me that the first time I ran into the problem was also the very first time I used the phone when also downloading my apps.
contact google and get warranty service
can you test your wifi performance with another device?
and also try some download manager like ADM and check download with it.
Geeks Empire said:
can you test your wifi performance with another device?
and also try some download manager like ADM and check download with it.
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Given that this happens everywhere, not just with my home WiFi, I know the issue is specific to my Pixel. Unfortunately no one at work has a Pixel to try it, but all other devices connected to the same WiFi spots are fine.
I was told by someone that disabling LTE and sticking to 3G cellular data will fix my WiFi issues. Will be trying that at work today.

