Google Pixel WiFi Problem (Fails to download videos, apps, etc. and goes offline) - Google Pixel Questions & Answers

Wondering if anyone has run into the following issue with their Pixel. My phone is an international model (G-2PW4200) and I bought it exactly a month ago.
The issue is this: I seem to never be able to download any decent size file (e.g. a video on social media sites or apps like Facebook, YouTube, Whatsapp, etc., or to download any app on the Google Play store) via WiFi without the download getting "stuck" half way, sometimes not even at 10%. The download would get stuck indefinitely, and only resume once I disable WiFi and start downloading via LTE. Sometimes it also comes back if I just disable WiFi and enable it again. Another problem I have is that my phone seems to go offline when it's not being used for extended periods of time (that being in the 5-10 minute range given I look at it almost every 10 minutes) despite having WiFi during sleep set to be always on. I can tell this because when I try to log in to something like Whatsapp Web it complains that my phone is offline, and this is a problem that never happened with me with my previous phone in the same setting.
A few points to keep in mind:
1- I have "Keep WiFi on during Sleep" set to "Always"
2- This happens everywhere (at home, work, friends', public WiFi, etc.) so it's not related to just my router's setup, and it happens every single day and almost every single time.
4- System is "up to date" and I have the latest update installed (Android 7.1.1, build NOF26V)
3- I'm still able to browse web pages (via Chrome), and browse apps like Facebook, Whatsapp, etc. without getting interruptions or showing any signs of disconnect. It's only the above two issues that I see when downloading big chunks of data, and for some reason my phone appearing to be offline during sleep when it shouldn't be.
Any idea what may be wrong here and how I can fix this? I really would like to keep this phone, but this is really becoming frustrating.

Have you factory reset?

mngdew said:
Have you factory reset?
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Yes. And ironically enough I ran into the same problem immediately while restoring my backup as the phone was trying to redownload the previously installed apps. It would get stuck not downloading anything but not complain about a lost connection until I disable WiFi and switch to cellular data.
This reminded me that the first time I ran into the problem was also the very first time I used the phone when also downloading my apps.

contact google and get warranty service

can you test your wifi performance with another device?
and also try some download manager like ADM and check download with it.

Geeks Empire said:
can you test your wifi performance with another device?
and also try some download manager like ADM and check download with it.
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Given that this happens everywhere, not just with my home WiFi, I know the issue is specific to my Pixel. Unfortunately no one at work has a Pixel to try it, but all other devices connected to the same WiFi spots are fine.
I was told by someone that disabling LTE and sticking to 3G cellular data will fix my WiFi issues. Will be trying that at work today.


Loving htc hd2 but.........

ive owned this phone now for a few months and while i think its great it sometimes is just a massive pain in the arse.
i need some advice as technically im pretty good but i have to get my head round the problem 1st.
1- ive just decided that i want to use my home router as internet access on my phone so ive set up the connection, which the phone finds, entered the encription key and i get the little wifi icon on the top of the screen. all good......
but when i connect to a website the data connection (orange) appears as well. is there a setting to use one or the other?
2- adobe flash player. a right pain the backside. many sites including youtube require new updates of the player but when i click on the download and get the status bar it seems to freeze. and when it looks like it finishes (rarely) i get the same message on screen that i need to download the latest version!
3- automatic connection. still not sure if my provider charges me for constant connection. whether it is downloading data constantly or not but it seems strange that the phone, although there is nothing running in task manager will connect itself. ive woken up in the morning to find its been connected for 10 hours! is it updating? if it needs to connect why cant it disconnect itself?
4- the irritating freeze. mostly if its been on all night doing nothing. then i unlock it (without passcode as this seems to make it worse) it freezes. then needs a hard reset to function again
apologies for the rant and long 1st post but i really dont want this nice phone ending up like the last and being thrown about as it doesnt work as well as it should.
many thanks
Hi Friend, try HTC's website they have several hotfixes for your phone (some reason only available on europe portal but might point you in right direction.
As for using phone as modem I only recommend if BROWSING web only, not downloading, as yes it has DSL speed but it is ILLEGAL on all phone plans and they will cut you off after a limit (normally 10GB) and then they give a call and ask "Whatcha doing?" so only use as back-up browsing only.

[Q] Why is my phone using 3MB of bandwidth while idle?

So, I realized that my SABnzbd downloads had slowed down substantially, and when I looked into the reason, it seems my phone is using about 3MB of bandwidth while sitting and doing nothing.
I uninstalled a few apps I thought might be responsible, and restarted the phone. I've not touched it since it booted up, and my router shows me that I'm currently using 375KB/s on this phone.
I have no idea what could be doing this, but it seriously concerns me.
I'm running Purity ROM, and will soon factory reset and try a different ROM, but thought I would ask about this before I do anything else.
Go into WiFi advanced settings and turn off scanning. You could also turn WiFi off when screen is off. I just turned off scanning. PS it helps save power while idle
Sent from my Nexus 5
whozilla said:
Go into WiFi advanced settings and turn off scanning. You could also turn WiFi off when screen is off. I just turned off scanning. PS it helps save power while idle
Sent from my Nexus 5
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Even if the phone wifi is 'scanning' for a signal (it's actually connected, so it's not scanning for anything), it should not be actively downloading at almost 375 KB/s. It should not be downloading anything.
What else could it be?
JustinChase said:
Even if the phone wifi is 'scanning' for a signal (it's actually connected, so it's not scanning for anything), it should not be actively downloading at almost 375 KB/s. It should not be downloading anything.
What else could it be?
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Is it a one time event or does it continues all the time? If it's a one file event it's probably simmering syncing.
jd1639 said:
Is it a one time event or does it continues all the time? If it's a one file event it's probably simmering syncing.
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Whenever the phone is on, for the last few days. I suspect it's an app causing it, but I can't find any indication of which one. I think I'm going to wipe and install fresh, and probably try another ROM for a while. I'll install apps one at a time until/if the situation happens again.
There are apps to check data usage of each app. Can't name one. Never needed them. I always just accepted its the NSA and I try to stay away from my phone while in ze nude, as our German friends would put it.
Sent from my Nexus 5
JustinChase said:
Whenever the phone is on, for the last few days. I suspect it's an app causing it, but I can't find any indication of which one. I think I'm going to wipe and install fresh, and probably try another ROM for a while. I'll install apps one at a time until/if the situation happens again.
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That's what I'd do to. But I'm a little paranoid when stuff like that happens
Install this to find out what app is causing it. I'm betting one of the google apps. Play services loves to use data for no reason.
My Data Manager
theesotericone said:
Install this to find out what app is causing it. I'm betting one of the google apps. Play services loves to use data for no reason.
My Data Manager
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Thanks. That's telling me "Downloads" has used 66MB since being installed 4 minutes ago.
I'm not intentionally downloading anything, and when I checked the Play store, it doesn't seem to be downloading anything either. When I checked the downloads folder, there is one jpg (623KB) and the Amazon app store apk (4.99MB), and both have been there for weeks.
There is nothing else in this folder, nor any other indication of what is causing "Downloads" to be downloading. In the 2 minutes it's taken to write this, the amount has risen to 124MB, which is 98.1% of what's been dowloaded.
Very weird to me.
So the app is using DL's. DL's doesn't do anything by itself that I've ever seen. Try force stopping it then freezing it. That might make the app show up that's causing the issue. Might being the key word here. Weird indeed.
Please Restore Your Wifi Setting..

[Q] Wi-Fi won't stay off

I am quite given up with this issue in my phone; my Wi-Fi connection won't stay off. I want to manually activate/deactivate it, but it seems to have a life of its own.
This is apparently a very recurrent issue among Android phones, but the fix that applies to most doesn't apply to my phone. Most phones come with a Smart Wi-Fi, or in Xperia L's case, Location-based Wi-Fi, which you can disable and hopefully never have Wi-Fi respawn against command again.
In other phones you just have to disable notifications of present Wi-Fi networks, and the Wi-Fi can sleep tight until awoken.
However, I have disabled both modes, and my Wi-Fi still goes back on, no matter what. Can somebody shed some light?
wolterh said:
I am quite given up with this issue in my phone; my Wi-Fi connection won't stay off. I want to manually activate/deactivate it, but it seems to have a life of its own.
This is apparently a very recurrent issue among Android phones, but the fix that applies to most doesn't apply to my phone. Most phones come with a Smart Wi-Fi, or in Xperia L's case, Location-based Wi-Fi, which you can disable and hopefully never have Wi-Fi respawn against command again.
In other phones you just have to disable notifications of present Wi-Fi networks, and the Wi-Fi can sleep tight until awoken.
However, I have disabled both modes, and my Wi-Fi still goes back on, no matter what. Can somebody shed some light?
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You can try set wifi turn on only when charge throu advance setting in wifi tab..
Or use battery doctor app
faizalotai said:
You can try set wifi turn on only when charge throu advance setting in wifi tab..
Or use battery doctor app
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I was looking for a fix rather than a workaround, but I will follow up on that Battery Doctor app, it may well relieve my headaches with this meanwhile.
However, how can I get some kind of debug log about the Wi-Fi activity (like events that trigger it on)?
I found a way to access debugging messages and these 3 messages appear on separate occasions but repeatedly:
Start proc for broadcast
Process has died
D/WifiService( 776): setWifiEnabled: true pid=991, uid=10133
These are the only messages with relevant information about the wifi business. And 2 of these 3 seem to mention the "Location Based WiFi" service, which needless to say, was set to OFF in the Power Management Settings. However, this process has been rendered quite rebelious.
So, what I am trying now is to disable the "Location Based WiFi" built-in app from the Apps Settings (after having forcefully stopped it, of course) and waiting on to see if this application is the culprit.
Did you tried to disable (in Settings/Applications) wifi display mirroring and throw settings?
I have kicked off SomcWifiDisplay.apk and problem has gone. Of course my phone is rooted, if yours is not try to disable application in apps list.
id202 said:
Did you tried to disable (in Settings/Applications) wifi display mirroring and throw settings?
I have kicked off SomcWifiDisplay.apk and problem has gone. Of course my phone is rooted, if yours is not try to disable application in apps list.
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Hmm, my phone is not rooted so that last suggestion is not an option, however I have searched for the mirroring and throw settings in the Apps settings and have only found "Screen mirroring", which I disabled as an application.
The problem seems to have become a lot less present. Yesterday I went almost through the whole day without it occurring once, but just as I plugged in the phone to charge it, the Wi-Fi turned on.
I have posted a similar thread to Sony's own forum, and they're telling me to repair my phone software with the PC Companion. I'm going to see how that goes and I'll report back to the community.
wolterh said:
Hmm, my phone is not rooted so that last suggestion is not an option, however I have searched for the mirroring and throw settings in the Apps settings and have only found "Screen mirroring", which I disabled as an application.
The problem seems to have become a lot less present. Yesterday I went almost through the whole day without it occurring once, but just as I plugged in the phone to charge it, the Wi-Fi turned on.
I have posted a similar thread to Sony's own forum, and they're telling me to repair my phone software with the PC Companion. I'm going to see how that goes and I'll report back to the community.
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Tried that with repair already and problem in original untouched firmware disappeared for ... 2 days
Try to clear data of Smart connect, looks like misbehaving of Smart Connect (or at least this is less hurting decision).
id202 said:
Tried that with repair already and problem in original untouched firmware disappeared for ... 2 days
Try to clear data of Smart connect, looks like misbehaving of Smart Connect (or at least this is less hurting decision).
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Up to now I've had the problem virtually disappear; I had disabled the applications Location Based Wi-Fi and Screen Mirroring. Since I did it, my Wi-Fi only turned on once against my will when I connected my phone to the charger *—I didn't sweat it.
I am going to try your solution, and to be honest I'm quite offput by Sony's solution suggestion; I don't even use Windows/Mac plus I'd have to install the PC Companion.
Data cleared. Let's wait and see. :cyclops:
wolterh said:
Up to now I've had the problem virtually disappear; I had disabled the applications Location Based Wi-Fi and Screen Mirroring. Since I did it, my Wi-Fi only turned on once against my will when I connected my phone to the charger *—I didn't sweat it.
I am going to try your solution, and to be honest I'm quite offput by Sony's solution suggestion; I don't even use Windows/Mac plus I'd have to install the PC Companion.
Data cleared. Let's wait and see. :cyclops:
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I am still hoping that your problem has gone. I do not have any more aces in my pockets beyond this. All my suggestions were based on my previous experiments.
Just clearing the Smart Connect's application data did not work for me. I enabled all Sony applications previously disabled and cleared the data of said application, but the problem returned. I have gone back to my workaround of disabling Location Based WiFi, Screen Mirroring and I have also disabled Smart Connect because these autoconnections have been all but smart.

[Q] background data issue

i am having an issue that i cannot figure out and i am hoping someone can help. i have a galaxy s6 through Bell and it is completely stock and i have not modified it in any way. i am having an issue where some apps, but not others, will not download data unless i am on wifi. i do have some apps that have background data restricted but i am having issues when the apps are in the foreground and are actively being used. i have checked to make sure that there are no data limits or restrictions blocking data, i have full lte signal and i have tried toggling between lte and 3g with the same results.
i have used the phone for 5 weeks at least and for the first 3 weeks all was good until this issue crept up and i had to do a hard reset. i started from scratch and reset the phone and all was good for another 2 weeks and now it is an issue again. as an example, i open the play store app and it loads up the icons and i can use lte and load all info and pics,etc, but when i try to download a new app or update an existing one it will indicate that it is trying to download but nothing happens. i can switch to the browser and it will open pages but when i switch back to the play store it says that background data is disabled when it is actually not.
today i have also had issues with google music where it will allow me to play radio stations over lte just fine sometimes and other times the icons will be greyed out and it will not allow the radio stream to open unless i switch to wifi. the settings are set up to allow me to stream over data, etc so it should be working.
i have had many android devices in the past and am usually able to figure this stuff out but i am stumped on this one. i tried searching and did not find anything. any help would be appreciated.
hondaguy said:
i am having an issue that i cannot figure out and i am hoping someone can help. i have a galaxy s6 through Bell and it is completely stock and i have not modified it in any way. i am having an issue where some apps, but not others, will not download data unless i am on wifi. i do have some apps that have background data restricted but i am having issues when the apps are in the foreground and are actively being used. i have checked to make sure that there are no data limits or restrictions blocking data, i have full lte signal and i have tried toggling between lte and 3g with the same results.
i have used the phone for 5 weeks at least and for the first 3 weeks all was good until this issue crept up and i had to do a hard reset. i started from scratch and reset the phone and all was good for another 2 weeks and now it is an issue again. as an example, i open the play store app and it loads up the icons and i can use lte and load all info and pics,etc, but when i try to download a new app or update an existing one it will indicate that it is trying to download but nothing happens. i can switch to the browser and it will open pages but when i switch back to the play store it says that background data is disabled when it is actually not.
today i have also had issues with google music where it will allow me to play radio stations over lte just fine sometimes and other times the icons will be greyed out and it will not allow the radio stream to open unless i switch to wifi. the settings are set up to allow me to stream over data, etc so it should be working.
i have had many android devices in the past and am usually able to figure this stuff out but i am stumped on this one. i tried searching and did not find anything. any help would be appreciated.
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Did you check to see if power saver is set to on? Turn it off
If it's not that, check under settings > data usage and make sure "set mobile data limit" is OFF
Thanks but neither of those is the issue. Some apps will work while others will not. Gmail will get push email but I cannot download apps or stream music in play music. Frustrating
Disabling background data will simply stop the app using mobile data to do things in the background. I'd imagine the app recognises streaming as "background data".
I would turn off disable background data on the effected apps as the setting does not improve battery and has very little effect on data used.
I will try that and see. What confuses me is that the phone has been great for a few weeks and suddenly this issue comes back and I have not changed any settings from one day to the next

Why downloads quickly fail on android and don't with windows and how to fix that ?

Hello, I have 2 android phones and both have the same problem: if I let them download some big files slowly for hours on sites like k2s, rg, df etc, the download is usually interrupted after a few hours/minutes while I never meet this issue on a windows 10 computer which is also in wi-fi (and which is in my bedroom, thus why I want to download with a silent phone when I'm sleeping). I guess it's mainly due to those sites being intolerant to any second where the phone is not downloading, but as I said, I don't have that problem with windows, so what is it, is android highly unreliable for downloads or what ?
You should check your Power Saving setting. Maybe you should make sure to enable some option like "Keep WLAN connection while sleeping'.
I don't have Power Saving setting, it appeared on android 5 and I have 4. All I have is "Keep Wi-Fi on during sleep" which was already on "always" and "Avoid poor connections" which I already unchecked.
I don't know, sometime download fail after 30mn sometime 10 hours, and if I download multiple files they won't even fail at the same time.
I can't accept the idea of buying a newer phone for something that simple, I mean, I had no trouble with that with a windows mobile 12 years ago, I wouldn't be sure that it would fix the problem and if after 4 versions there is still something wrong like that, it's pretty obvious that if I buy the very last android it will also still have some big bugs to which some would quickly tell me to buy an even newer phone (which would once again not be reliable and so on).
Isn't there some apps that could somehow fix that ? My only other option ironically seems to use my old HTC Universal but it would have limited memory and it would be annoying to copy paste links to it since it can't directly solve modern captchas.
rex4 said:
I don't have Power Saving setting, it appeared on android 5 and I have 4. All I have is "Keep Wi-Fi on during sleep" which was already on "always" and "Avoid poor connections" which I already unchecked.
I don't know, sometime download fail after 30mn sometime 10 hours, and if I download multiple files they won't even fail at the same time.
I can't accept the idea of buying a newer phone for something that simple, I mean, I had no trouble with that with a windows mobile 12 years ago, I wouldn't be sure that it would fix the problem and if after 4 versions there is still something wrong like that, it's pretty obvious that if I buy the very last android it will also still have some big bugs to which some would quickly tell me to buy an even newer phone (which would once again not be reliable and so on).
Isn't there some apps that could somehow fix that ? My only other option ironically seems to use my old HTC Universal but it would have limited memory and it would be annoying to copy paste links to it since it can't directly solve modern captchas.
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Maybe there is an occasional interruption in your network at some point that a PC can tolerate without timing out but at the same time android can't tolerate without timing out.
Or maybe it is a wakelock of some kind in the background of your android system that is interrupting the download.
Or maybe it is the android system's wifi re-scan interval causing an interruption that lasts too long for the download to persist.
Sent from my SM-S767VL using Tapatalk
This problem is also with windows when download from chrome or firefox or whatever but it appears more in android.
The solution is common for windows and Android both....
1.For windows, Use Internet download manager (Almost everyone use it to download any kind of files)
2.For Android, Use Adavanced Download Manager (ADM),,It is similar to IDM and works perfectly..
It can resume files by refreshing link if not normally..As i said completely similar to IDM and there is no other match for this on android as i tried many other download managers but they are not ideal
Personally,,I download big files like upto 5 GB with ADM on android...It is Great!!
Hope You are satisfied!!!!

