[Q] background data issue - Galaxy S6 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

i am having an issue that i cannot figure out and i am hoping someone can help. i have a galaxy s6 through Bell and it is completely stock and i have not modified it in any way. i am having an issue where some apps, but not others, will not download data unless i am on wifi. i do have some apps that have background data restricted but i am having issues when the apps are in the foreground and are actively being used. i have checked to make sure that there are no data limits or restrictions blocking data, i have full lte signal and i have tried toggling between lte and 3g with the same results.
i have used the phone for 5 weeks at least and for the first 3 weeks all was good until this issue crept up and i had to do a hard reset. i started from scratch and reset the phone and all was good for another 2 weeks and now it is an issue again. as an example, i open the play store app and it loads up the icons and i can use lte and load all info and pics,etc, but when i try to download a new app or update an existing one it will indicate that it is trying to download but nothing happens. i can switch to the browser and it will open pages but when i switch back to the play store it says that background data is disabled when it is actually not.
today i have also had issues with google music where it will allow me to play radio stations over lte just fine sometimes and other times the icons will be greyed out and it will not allow the radio stream to open unless i switch to wifi. the settings are set up to allow me to stream over data, etc so it should be working.
i have had many android devices in the past and am usually able to figure this stuff out but i am stumped on this one. i tried searching and did not find anything. any help would be appreciated.

hondaguy said:
i am having an issue that i cannot figure out and i am hoping someone can help. i have a galaxy s6 through Bell and it is completely stock and i have not modified it in any way. i am having an issue where some apps, but not others, will not download data unless i am on wifi. i do have some apps that have background data restricted but i am having issues when the apps are in the foreground and are actively being used. i have checked to make sure that there are no data limits or restrictions blocking data, i have full lte signal and i have tried toggling between lte and 3g with the same results.
i have used the phone for 5 weeks at least and for the first 3 weeks all was good until this issue crept up and i had to do a hard reset. i started from scratch and reset the phone and all was good for another 2 weeks and now it is an issue again. as an example, i open the play store app and it loads up the icons and i can use lte and load all info and pics,etc, but when i try to download a new app or update an existing one it will indicate that it is trying to download but nothing happens. i can switch to the browser and it will open pages but when i switch back to the play store it says that background data is disabled when it is actually not.
today i have also had issues with google music where it will allow me to play radio stations over lte just fine sometimes and other times the icons will be greyed out and it will not allow the radio stream to open unless i switch to wifi. the settings are set up to allow me to stream over data, etc so it should be working.
i have had many android devices in the past and am usually able to figure this stuff out but i am stumped on this one. i tried searching and did not find anything. any help would be appreciated.
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Did you check to see if power saver is set to on? Turn it off
If it's not that, check under settings > data usage and make sure "set mobile data limit" is OFF

Thanks but neither of those is the issue. Some apps will work while others will not. Gmail will get push email but I cannot download apps or stream music in play music. Frustrating

Disabling background data will simply stop the app using mobile data to do things in the background. I'd imagine the app recognises streaming as "background data".
I would turn off disable background data on the effected apps as the setting does not improve battery and has very little effect on data used.

I will try that and see. What confuses me is that the phone has been great for a few weeks and suddenly this issue comes back and I have not changed any settings from one day to the next


Nexus 5 Issues with YouTube, Play Store, Hangouts, & Drive While Using Cellular Data

Nexus 5 Issues with YouTube, Play Store, Hangouts, & Drive While Using Cellular Data
Hello All, I bought a Nexus 5 while on a recent trip to the States (I work in Nigeria but spend a lot of time in the States) and I was able to use it with no issues for the 2+ weeks I was there, regardless of whether I was on LTE or WiFi. Since I returned to Nigeria and popped in my local SIM card (Etisalat) I've noticed that YouTube and the Play Store have perpetual connection issues while on HSPA+. YouTube is extremely slow and often fails to connect but if I hit the retry button enough times I am able to browse and watch videos, albeit after enduring a ton of frustration.
On the other hand, the Play Store is essentially non-responsive: the loading circle is all I see when opening the app, and spamming the retry button does nothing unlike with the YouTube app; every app I try to install from the Web Play Store fails, using Chrome on the device or on my laptop; I get update notifications and can't act on them; etc.
I've popped the same SIM onto my HTC One Dev Edition and none of these issues occur, in fact the data connection seems snappier. When tethering my N5 to my One or using the N5 on wifi the issues also disappear. I am able to download/update apps from the Web or Play Store app, and watch YouTube videos with no issues.
I called Google Play customer support and the rep told me I needed to update my physical address to reflect my current location despite the fact that the cards tied to the account are based in the US and I've never had these issues using my One, Nexus 4, Note II, or any of the other Android devices I've owned over the past 2+ years. I'm hoping someone out there has a solution because my N5 enthusiasm is fading fast. Any helpful info will be greatly appreciated!
PS - I also noticed that Hangout messages are sent/received much faster over wifi than HSPA+. Also Drive documents can't be saved over HSPA+ because I get the "offline: not connected to the internet" message even though the status bar and quick settings menu show that I am connected to the Internet and Google services (cell data quick settings tell is white, not orange). I have tried wiping data/cache in the offending apps (after Force-stopping the apps), to no avail. I have also toggled the network mode between LTE/3G/2G and the issues were not resolved.

Notification delays, orange icons, and poor data connection

My apologies if this has been posted elsewhere. I found a loosely related thread on google's support forum, but nothing here.
Bought a Nexus 5 and I've been trying out Straight Talk ATT and I've been noticing these problems, most likely all related:
I've been getting notification delays for push data services. Namely, my work email(exchange) and gmail. Sometimes the notification won't even come through. I'm up to a half hour on my last one, still waiting on it. SMS works just fine. Haven't tested MMS, particularly because I don't get many of those. The data connections does work though. I can manually load pages just fine, if a bit slow at first like the ping is astronomical. Almost makes me think it's establishing a connection each time.
When I check the color of the wifi or cellular connection icon, it's frequently orange. Most of the time it will quickly resolve itself to white in the few seconds it takes to check it. From what I understand, orange means it's having trouble talking to google services? This shouldn't affect exchange notifications.
I'm getting poorer connections quality than I expected. I live in Ithaca and while my home has poor Verizon connection(so I expected similar from ATT), I've barely found any place at work or the mall that can hold ANY LTE signal or a decent HSPA signal. HSPA speed tests give me under 0.5mbps up/down, while the only LTE test I've been able to run gave me 2.5/1 up/down.
The aforementioned thread on google's forums mentioned flashing 4.4.0's radio apk, has anyone else tried this?
Which APN setting affects the data part of the connection? Is it just the APN type?
I'm starting to wonder if my problem is exacerbated by my current postpaid VZW phone getting data notifications much quicker. I'm suspecting that Straight Talk has a lower priority on ATT towers, thus why my data notifications take up to minutes sometimes. Anyone know of a way to confirm this?
Always On Push Notifications android app
I am not sure if anyone is following this thread anymore, but I switched to StraightTalk about a month ago, and have been experiencing huge delays in my google voice notifications as well (among other things). I've tried several different apps to get this resolved, but none have worked for me... so I decided to write my own. It was published to the google play store this morning (Android 2.3+ currently). If anyone sees this, please try it out, and let me know what you think.
It's called "Always On Push Notifications". I can't post a link right now because this is my first post on these forums though.
maucer said:
I am not sure if anyone is following this thread anymore, but I switched to StraightTalk about a month ago, and have been experiencing huge delays in my google voice notifications as well (among other things). I've tried several different apps to get this resolved, but none have worked for me... so I decided to write my own. It was published to the google play store this morning (Android 2.3+ currently). If anyone sees this, please try it out, and let me know what you think.
It's called "Always On Push Notifications". I can't post a link right now because this is my first post on these forums though.
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What fixed it? I find I have to archive my old messages/call logs for it to not lag.
MrObvious said:
What fixed it? I find I have to archive my old messages/call logs for it to not lag.
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I am not sure what you mean, but I was noticing similar issues with my Nexus 5 on ST using ATT towers. While on LTE at the office, my connection was always great, but if I wasn't actively using my phone, my cell signal would go orange, and all of my notifications were significantly delayed. Furthermore, even trying to browse the internet with an orange signal would just idle and sometimes would not complete at all.
The app I wrote attempts to prevent this by simply keeping your connection active. It does this by manually sending out a heartbeat using the Google Cloud Messaging service approximately every interval that you define in the app. This helps keep your notifications flowing. On top of that, the application will also make a very small data request (~60 bytes), to help prevent the APN from timing out your connection.
I have found that those two things are enough to fix the issues I have had with StraightTalk.
maucer said:
I am not sure what you mean, but I was noticing similar issues with my Nexus 5 on ST using ATT towers. While on LTE at the office, my connection was always great, but if I wasn't actively using my phone, my cell signal would go orange, and all of my notifications were significantly delayed. Furthermore, even trying to browse the internet with an orange signal would just idle and sometimes would not complete at all.
The app I wrote attempts to prevent this by simply keeping your connection active. It does this by manually sending out a heartbeat using the Google Cloud Messaging service approximately every interval that you define in the app. This helps keep your notifications flowing. On top of that, the application will also make a very small data request (~60 bytes), to help prevent the APN from timing out your connection.
I have found that those two things are enough to fix the issues I have had with StraightTalk.
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That answered it. It must be a StraightTalk thing. Weird.
New observation on this problem:
- GMail notifications not arriving
- When I check I see that the WiFi icon is orange
- Phone is still connected to the internet, I can browse, but icon remains orange and no notifications arrive
- Only when I disconnect/reconnect Wifi does it recover
I also discovered that the WiFi icon actually turns orange at the moment that Google tries to send me a notification. It can be fine for hours before that.
It turned out that this only happens when I have the cellular radio turned off, by turning on Airplane Mode and then turning WiFi back on. With the cellular radio on and connected to the network, even with Mobile Data turned off, everything is fine with WiFi.
I think it's an authentication bug with Google Services. Somewhere in the message notification sequence it tries to either authenticate your phone or perhaps locate it via the cellular network, and if it fails then the connection to Google Services is flagged as faulty. The failure could be caused by having the cellular radio off, or perhaps by being in a bad reception area.

[Q] disabled mobile data, data still going through

So I've been playing Coin Dozer for a while, and I simply can't imagine how a game like this is using more than 50mb of data per day. Being pissed off, I turned off data and started playing the game again.
Needless to say, during this no-data period, ads still show in the game, messages are still being received in both whatsapp and Line, etc. I just tested youtube and yep, videos still play.
I've been searching around and only find one thread with the same problem but on a different phone. Solution for that person seems to be "disable 4G."
Does anyone know how to fix this problem for G flex 2? Or at least how to disable 4G so I could try whether that works for this phone?
Connection Optimizer
If I had to take a wild guess, I would say try to turn off the connections optimizer if it is not already. Then use a startup manager and disable this app from starting on boot. I used "Startup Manager (Free)". The optimizer, even if you turn off Wifi, will automatically turn it back on and keep searching for hotspots. I assume it is the same with mobile data.

Google Pixel WiFi Problem (Fails to download videos, apps, etc. and goes offline)

Wondering if anyone has run into the following issue with their Pixel. My phone is an international model (G-2PW4200) and I bought it exactly a month ago.
The issue is this: I seem to never be able to download any decent size file (e.g. a video on social media sites or apps like Facebook, YouTube, Whatsapp, etc., or to download any app on the Google Play store) via WiFi without the download getting "stuck" half way, sometimes not even at 10%. The download would get stuck indefinitely, and only resume once I disable WiFi and start downloading via LTE. Sometimes it also comes back if I just disable WiFi and enable it again. Another problem I have is that my phone seems to go offline when it's not being used for extended periods of time (that being in the 5-10 minute range given I look at it almost every 10 minutes) despite having WiFi during sleep set to be always on. I can tell this because when I try to log in to something like Whatsapp Web it complains that my phone is offline, and this is a problem that never happened with me with my previous phone in the same setting.
A few points to keep in mind:
1- I have "Keep WiFi on during Sleep" set to "Always"
2- This happens everywhere (at home, work, friends', public WiFi, etc.) so it's not related to just my router's setup, and it happens every single day and almost every single time.
4- System is "up to date" and I have the latest update installed (Android 7.1.1, build NOF26V)
3- I'm still able to browse web pages (via Chrome), and browse apps like Facebook, Whatsapp, etc. without getting interruptions or showing any signs of disconnect. It's only the above two issues that I see when downloading big chunks of data, and for some reason my phone appearing to be offline during sleep when it shouldn't be.
Any idea what may be wrong here and how I can fix this? I really would like to keep this phone, but this is really becoming frustrating.
Have you factory reset?
mngdew said:
Have you factory reset?
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Yes. And ironically enough I ran into the same problem immediately while restoring my backup as the phone was trying to redownload the previously installed apps. It would get stuck not downloading anything but not complain about a lost connection until I disable WiFi and switch to cellular data.
This reminded me that the first time I ran into the problem was also the very first time I used the phone when also downloading my apps.
contact google and get warranty service
can you test your wifi performance with another device?
and also try some download manager like ADM and check download with it.
Geeks Empire said:
can you test your wifi performance with another device?
and also try some download manager like ADM and check download with it.
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Given that this happens everywhere, not just with my home WiFi, I know the issue is specific to my Pixel. Unfortunately no one at work has a Pixel to try it, but all other devices connected to the same WiFi spots are fine.
I was told by someone that disabling LTE and sticking to 3G cellular data will fix my WiFi issues. Will be trying that at work today.

LG v50 ThinQ Korean variant Data issue on google apps

I recently bought a second hand LG v50 Korean Variant V500N30b.
I am at Philippines on GOMO network.
I tried using Mobile Data. On other apps like messenger, mobile data works good.
But for Google Apps, like Play Store, Chrome, etc. the mobile data does not work at first try, and I need to turn it on and off while the app is active for the data to work. Here is what I tried
1. turning on data, opening chrome -> no internet
2. turning on data, opening chrome, turning off data then turning data on -> internet works
This has to be done everytime I launch chrome/playstore the first time or after force stopping.
Anyone have an idea how to fix this?
Just. Wow. After trying to find solution for a day, I found it just now,right after posting here. This is the second time this happened haha. `^_^
It turns out, the default apn is wrong. It is initially "myGlobe Connect" but should be myGlobe Internet"
For those who might face this issue, you may try this as well.
I won't dive deeper on my end as it has been resolved, but for additional info here are differences of the apn as well on the attachment so if anyone encounters this and has a different set of apns, you may try and find some pattern.

