Motorola Edge - Sudden, Very Inconsistent Phone/5G/Text Service - General Questions and Answers

Hello. I'm a newb. I don't root, or jailbreak, or use roms. I just want to make and take calls like a normal person, and I dunno what's wrong. I posted the following on reddit. This site seems more sophisticated.
Having major issues with my 2 year old Edge (1st gen, I believe, XT2063-2). It happened very abruptly and out-of-the-blue two weeks ago. I hesitate to take it to a store, because I have a feeling they will very quickly rule out any manner of repair in order to sell me a replacement (which I know is quite possibly necessary, but I still want an informed opinion on what happened anyway).
Wi-Fi seems to be fine, but whatever you call the extraterrestrial antenna, it seems to only work sporadically, and it needs to be cajoled into working regularly. First it was texts that wouldn't go through. Then a restart seemed to fix that, or at least, give me a short window. The next day, I had zero bars almost everywhere, and when I would try to make a call anywhere, it said "Call Failed" or "cell network not available for voice calls". Obviously, like this I cannot receive calls or texts (or get 5G data) reliably - only when I prepare for a few minutes ahead of time, doing things which I'll get into.
I have tried removing/reinserting the sim card to mixed effects, but always short lived. Even if no other apps are open after restart, the phone antenna always seems to doze off after an hour or two. I can get it back by making calls from AND TO my cell phone (using google voice), and sending texts to and from in a similar way. My Wi-Fi calling feature never seemed to get past "enabling...." even when I first set it up, so I'm pretty sure I'm not using it.
Strangely, there are times when I have FULL bars (all in the same location, my house which usually has decent service - T-Mobile if it's relevant, but I am in the greater NYC metro area, so I'm sure it's all the same towers... there is one half a mile away), and it still can't connect to network (even in settings, it'll say disconnected). So for the last two weeks, when I need to use two factor authentication for work, I have discovered a little ritual that seems to work (usually/eventually), so I can get the texts and calls in to my phone. I would think that would help diagnose the problem (There are plenty of times when reinserting the sim card and/or restarting the phone don't help at all). But even using the phone like this, I don't ever think I'll be able to use google maps (or get calls) reliably away from home, and that is a big problem.
Anyone have any thoughts as to how this happened, what exactly is on the fritz, and what I should do?
Many Thanks.
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The only response asked me to use *#*#4636#*#* to try it with and without 5G. Well, as soon as I hit the final asterisk , the dialer disappears and nothing happens. This happens on all codes that end in asterisks. I found other codes on sites, and some of the ones that end in # seem to trigger some code search (provided I click CALL). It tells me it's searching for a USSD code, then invalid MMI code. Anyway, I just thought lack of access to codes like *#*#4636#*#* might help hone in to the problem. I'd hate to factory reset, but I'm out of ideas. I'm a sad panda.


so far I haven't seen a Touch Pro that will show webpages!

Been thinking about getting a Touch Pro but my buddy has a Fuze and it won't show web pages in Opera or IE. It gives an error exactly like what this guy is experiencing,
I went to the AT&T store and both of the display models do the same thing. Went to the Sprint store and there display model does the same thing! The Touch Diamond sitting next to the Touch Pro at the Sprint store worked just fine. I tried the trick that apparently worked for some people in that thread on my buddies phone of holding down the hangup/disconnect button for 3+ seconds, the little colorful spinny ball comes on screen and then goes away but still can't get to the internet, same error. Same thing with the phone in the Sprint store.
What gives? How can all these TPs be having this problem but few others are complaining about it?
I dont know whats wrong with all of the Touch Pros you have used but mine is great... always shows any webpage the only complaint is the pages take a few seconds to render when you scroll
yeah mine works great and has since the beginning he probably hasnt set up his data correctly and usually display models dont do anything
never had a problem on mine. and i use opera, ie, opera mini, skyfire, iris
Yes, I have the same problem! After 16+ hours, email/weather in TF3D etc. are all working but browsers/google maps cannot access internet.
I have to switch off/on my data and everything starts working again.
I have AT&T Fuze with stock rom and radio.
Another thing, whenever I restart my phone, it asks for the password to connect to, I have leave it blank, check save password and hit ok everytime.
ashu9uf said:
Another thing, whenever I restart my phone, it asks for the password to connect to, I have leave it blank, check save password and hit ok everytime.
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this happened to me after i went into the connection settings page in settings. it's a pain in the ass so i just dont go back when i hard reset...
lbhocky19 said:
yeah mine works great and has since the beginning he probably hasnt set up his data correctly and usually display models dont do anything
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no, these are fully working phones, not just the dummy phones, the Samsung next to one of them at the AT&T store worked fine, the Blackberry next to the other one worked fine, but both Fuzes couldn't load webpages but otherwise worked, like I could launch apps and everything. The guys at the AT&T store couldn't figure out why it wasn't working either, said something about his manager had to call tech support to get it working since it was a store phone and he wasn't authorized to call tech support for it.
and like I said at the sprint store the diamond sitting next to the touch pro worked just fine but the touch pro coudlnt' get to webpages.
My buddies phone I think works for e-mail, think he has exchange setup.
ashu9uf said:
Yes, I have the same problem! After 16+ hours, email/weather in TF3D etc. are all working but browsers/google maps cannot access internet.
I have to switch off/on my data and everything starts working again.
I have AT&T Fuze with stock rom and radio.
Another thing, whenever I restart my phone, it asks for the password to connect to, I have leave it blank, check save password and hit ok everytime.
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how do you switch it off an one?
I've never had a problem with it. Full web pages using opera. But I don't use my phone for that very often. If I want to get on the web I just tether, it's faster and easier.
MrbLOB9000 said:
how do you switch it off an one?
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You can go to settings, communications, and then switch off data connection. Or Start-menu, settings, network, wireless manager.
MrbLOB9000 said:
Been thinking about getting a Touch Pro but my buddy has a Fuze and it won't show web pages in Opera or IE. It gives an error exactly like what this guy is experiencing,
I went to the AT&T store and both of the display models do the same thing. Went to the Sprint store and there display model does the same thing! The Touch Diamond sitting next to the Touch Pro at the Sprint store worked just fine. I tried the trick that apparently worked for some people in that thread on my buddies phone of holding down the hangup/disconnect button for 3+ seconds, the little colorful spinny ball comes on screen and then goes away but still can't get to the internet, same error. Same thing with the phone in the Sprint store.
What gives? How can all these TPs be having this problem but few others are complaining about it?
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did you actually try making a phone call with it to see if the phone was active? seems like a stupid question but might be a simple solution...
nhshah7 said:
did you actually try making a phone call with it to see if the phone was active? seems like a stupid question but might be a simple solution...
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yes, phone also works fine, apart from mail/sms etc. It is just the browsers and the apps that cannot connect.
Did you try disable or enable hidden proxy? I've been having a weird problem with a custom ROM that I made and after a hard reset I have to use one or the other to get the internet to work again.
ashu9uf said:
yes, phone also works fine, apart from mail/sms etc. It is just the browsers and the apps that cannot connect.
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maybe you just have bad luck and got duds every time?
I have worked in a couple ATT stores, and been in LOTS of cell phone stores (tmobile, verizon, sprint), and I have never seen a display model that had service. Most of them are not even real phones....
nhshah7 said:
did you actually try making a phone call with it to see if the phone was active? seems like a stupid question but might be a simple solution...
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my buddies phone definitely works for making calls, and works for e-mail but browser is a no go.
Reefermattness said:
I have worked in a couple ATT stores, and been in LOTS of cell phone stores (tmobile, verizon, sprint), and I have never seen a display model that had service. Most of them are not even real phones....
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all the other phones in the Sprint and AT&T stores are real phones and work fine, I went to the internet on the HTC Touch Diamond sitting two feet away and a Samsung Instinct accross the store at Sprint, and went to the web on a Motorla (or something) phone sitting next to the Fuze at the AT&T store. Best Buy has fake phones out so obviously couldn't check there.
dcelluser said:
Did you try disable or enable hidden proxy? I've been having a weird problem with a custom ROM that I made and after a hard reset I have to use one or the other to get the internet to work again.
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how do I do that? I tried to click disable on the proxy in opera:config but it seems to autoenable it's self again.
I have this problem, too! I thought it was just my account on AT&T that has this problem (my MeidaNet page also does not work) but it might be a bigger problem in AT&Ts network. It isn't just the FUZE that does this, my Tilt did it, too. I do not remember if my Black Jack did or not.
This happens to me EXACTLY when my data connection time goes over 24 hours. I have to close my data connection to fix it. Not a HUGE issue, but would be nice if it was resolved. I think default end key hold behavior is to end the data connection, so that's why it works.
If my data connection sits idle for too long something like that happens occasionally for me...
but nothing a quick 'disable/enable data' cant fix.
I also dont use stock roms, I had the Fuze stock ROM for 2 days before i flashed it (wanted to do my research on flashing before I did it, also wanted a 'control' for when i swapped phones)

[Q] Sprint Galaxy S Epic 4G GPS problem: Gingerbread

I upgraded from Froyo to Gingerbread through Sprint's "push" during November. Since then, I've been experiencing problems with GPS in Google Maps, which "bleed over" to Google Navigation as well as Sprint's TeleNav app (they can't locate me, much less give me routing).
Example: I recently drove from Arlington up to Denton, TX, about 60 miles, with GPS on (didn't actually need it), turned it off, then drove back down to Fort Worth. When I got there, I wanted to see a map of the area where I was, turned on GPS, and Maps insisted that I was still 40 miles away in Denton. Had similar problems in other towns with Maps telling me I was where I'd been before.
Depending upon whom you talk to at Sprint, it either is or isn't a known issue. The only solutions I've found are to (1) cover the GPS antenna with thin cardboard (e.g., business card scrap), and (2) to root the phone and use a fix (which I'm loathe to do since it voids warranty).
Today, a seemingly knowledgeable Sprint rep said that they have "no reports" of such problems on this phone, tho' there are threads upon threads on the Sprint Community about this. Their only suggestion is to retrograde the phone to Froyo, which necessarily involves wiping the phone of apps and data. I'm not concerned so much about the data (I can back most of it up), but it takes a couple of days to get the phone back to where it was (multiple email accounts in different apps, etc., not to mention re-downloading everything).
I've also done a forced stop of Maps and removed all updates and data, but don't get any better or consistent results using either the "factory" Maps or after re-installing updates.
Does anyone have a clue about this? It's been going on for more than a month and I'm getting rather frustrated.
I have this problem. The GPS indicator stays on, but no position info gets updated. A power-off restart is required - it then works for 1 minute to 1 week... very frustrating when you are lost and relying on your GPS.

[Q] Data Connection Time-outs

I've been having data connection issues for as long as I've had an activated Straight Talk SIM in the phone (about a week). Here's what's happening:
When I open an app or program that needs an active data connection, more often than not, data takes a while to start flowing. Often more than long enough for my screen to time-out before it connects. I have moderate signal strength, generally 2-3 bars, and the little H+ icon is there, so I'm assuming it's not a signal issue. Once data actually kicks in, it generally works fine for whatever time I'm actively using it. However, once i stop using it, and let the phone go back to sleep, it's a crap-shoot as to whether or not it'll connect quickly next time I need it to.
It doesn't seem to be a ROM-specific occurance, although it did seem a bit less likely to time-out when running stock Froyo. I've tried several different costom ROMs, a handful of different modems, and it never seems to make any real difference. I've also tried slight variations in the APN settings, to no apparent avail. Toggling airplane mode and/or rebooting don't seem to have any definite effect either. Sometimes data will connect quickly after a toggle/reboot, sometimes it makes no difference. It's like the phone just doesn't seem to 'know' that it's supposed to be transferring data.
Im having the same issue.My first month with ST was great really fast of course I went well over 2 GB so it slowed me down towards the end of the first month.Well I paid my next bill and still slow.They seem to be clueless when I call them oh your using an Infuse well I ordered the correct sim from there site they still clueless.Ive have tried about every rom out there just to see whats up and still the same issue.Hopefully someone here has the fix.
Im having the same issue nothin seems to work.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using xda premium
Turns out we're not the only ones..not by a long shot:!
Since it's a frustrating exercise in futility to actually call and hope to get one of their script-reading robots that can speak some semblance of comprehensible English, I emailed them on their FB support page and started a claim ticket. Got the usual runaround about removing the SIM card and battery, do a hard reset, clear cache and cookies from browser, blah blah blah. It's kinda funny how I linked the CS rep to that thread on HoFo, and she's still not acknowledging that there's any type of widespread issue. SSDD with Straight Talk.
I just registered over on HoFo and was looking around their Straight Talk forum. I think someone may have found the answer to some of our data connectivity woes. It may be as simple as having to make a DNS change to compensate for an overly-crowded network. I downloaded DNS Changer from the Play Store, and changed my DNS settings to OpenDNS. It's a bit too early to tell if it's just random coincidence, or a real fix, but I AM getting much better connectivity so far. For some reason, it seems to work a little better if you actually use the ST proxy in your APN settings.
ApexPredatorBoids said:
I just registered over on HoFo and was looking around their Straight Talk forum. I think someone may have found the answer to some of our data connectivity woes. It may be as simple as having to make a DNS change to compensate for an overly-crowded network. I downloaded DNS Changer from the Play Store, and changed my DNS settings to OpenDNS. It's a bit too early to tell if it's just random coincidence, or a real fix, but I AM getting much better connectivity so far. For some reason, it seems to work a little better if you actually use the ST proxy in your APN settings.
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I download DNS changer too it does seem to help changed to open.Thanks for the tip.
Sent from my SGH-I997 using xda premium
This issue was driving me nuts, it started as soon as I switched to Jelly Bean, I was convinced JB was interfering with my data, installed DNS changer and immediately my internet issues went away. Thanks for the tip! :highfive:

[Q] Provisioning to Page Plus

I ported my phone to Page Plus and I have been trying to provision/configure it for over a day now. I verified the MIN and SID with Page Plus and have tried so many things for so many different guides that I'm almost on the verge of insanity. It shows that I have a good reception and isn't showing roaming or anything out of the ordinary. When I have programmed (and reprogrammed) the PRLs it asks me to go into global mode (which I ok because otherwise it shows no signal and asks again a minute later). The HA and AAA are blank (which worries me). I hope someone can provide some quick information to help me figure out at least the phone side of things because I had no phone until I do.

Notification delays, orange icons, and poor data connection

My apologies if this has been posted elsewhere. I found a loosely related thread on google's support forum, but nothing here.
Bought a Nexus 5 and I've been trying out Straight Talk ATT and I've been noticing these problems, most likely all related:
I've been getting notification delays for push data services. Namely, my work email(exchange) and gmail. Sometimes the notification won't even come through. I'm up to a half hour on my last one, still waiting on it. SMS works just fine. Haven't tested MMS, particularly because I don't get many of those. The data connections does work though. I can manually load pages just fine, if a bit slow at first like the ping is astronomical. Almost makes me think it's establishing a connection each time.
When I check the color of the wifi or cellular connection icon, it's frequently orange. Most of the time it will quickly resolve itself to white in the few seconds it takes to check it. From what I understand, orange means it's having trouble talking to google services? This shouldn't affect exchange notifications.
I'm getting poorer connections quality than I expected. I live in Ithaca and while my home has poor Verizon connection(so I expected similar from ATT), I've barely found any place at work or the mall that can hold ANY LTE signal or a decent HSPA signal. HSPA speed tests give me under 0.5mbps up/down, while the only LTE test I've been able to run gave me 2.5/1 up/down.
The aforementioned thread on google's forums mentioned flashing 4.4.0's radio apk, has anyone else tried this?
Which APN setting affects the data part of the connection? Is it just the APN type?
I'm starting to wonder if my problem is exacerbated by my current postpaid VZW phone getting data notifications much quicker. I'm suspecting that Straight Talk has a lower priority on ATT towers, thus why my data notifications take up to minutes sometimes. Anyone know of a way to confirm this?
Always On Push Notifications android app
I am not sure if anyone is following this thread anymore, but I switched to StraightTalk about a month ago, and have been experiencing huge delays in my google voice notifications as well (among other things). I've tried several different apps to get this resolved, but none have worked for me... so I decided to write my own. It was published to the google play store this morning (Android 2.3+ currently). If anyone sees this, please try it out, and let me know what you think.
It's called "Always On Push Notifications". I can't post a link right now because this is my first post on these forums though.
maucer said:
I am not sure if anyone is following this thread anymore, but I switched to StraightTalk about a month ago, and have been experiencing huge delays in my google voice notifications as well (among other things). I've tried several different apps to get this resolved, but none have worked for me... so I decided to write my own. It was published to the google play store this morning (Android 2.3+ currently). If anyone sees this, please try it out, and let me know what you think.
It's called "Always On Push Notifications". I can't post a link right now because this is my first post on these forums though.
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What fixed it? I find I have to archive my old messages/call logs for it to not lag.
MrObvious said:
What fixed it? I find I have to archive my old messages/call logs for it to not lag.
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I am not sure what you mean, but I was noticing similar issues with my Nexus 5 on ST using ATT towers. While on LTE at the office, my connection was always great, but if I wasn't actively using my phone, my cell signal would go orange, and all of my notifications were significantly delayed. Furthermore, even trying to browse the internet with an orange signal would just idle and sometimes would not complete at all.
The app I wrote attempts to prevent this by simply keeping your connection active. It does this by manually sending out a heartbeat using the Google Cloud Messaging service approximately every interval that you define in the app. This helps keep your notifications flowing. On top of that, the application will also make a very small data request (~60 bytes), to help prevent the APN from timing out your connection.
I have found that those two things are enough to fix the issues I have had with StraightTalk.
maucer said:
I am not sure what you mean, but I was noticing similar issues with my Nexus 5 on ST using ATT towers. While on LTE at the office, my connection was always great, but if I wasn't actively using my phone, my cell signal would go orange, and all of my notifications were significantly delayed. Furthermore, even trying to browse the internet with an orange signal would just idle and sometimes would not complete at all.
The app I wrote attempts to prevent this by simply keeping your connection active. It does this by manually sending out a heartbeat using the Google Cloud Messaging service approximately every interval that you define in the app. This helps keep your notifications flowing. On top of that, the application will also make a very small data request (~60 bytes), to help prevent the APN from timing out your connection.
I have found that those two things are enough to fix the issues I have had with StraightTalk.
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That answered it. It must be a StraightTalk thing. Weird.
New observation on this problem:
- GMail notifications not arriving
- When I check I see that the WiFi icon is orange
- Phone is still connected to the internet, I can browse, but icon remains orange and no notifications arrive
- Only when I disconnect/reconnect Wifi does it recover
I also discovered that the WiFi icon actually turns orange at the moment that Google tries to send me a notification. It can be fine for hours before that.
It turned out that this only happens when I have the cellular radio turned off, by turning on Airplane Mode and then turning WiFi back on. With the cellular radio on and connected to the network, even with Mobile Data turned off, everything is fine with WiFi.
I think it's an authentication bug with Google Services. Somewhere in the message notification sequence it tries to either authenticate your phone or perhaps locate it via the cellular network, and if it fails then the connection to Google Services is flagged as faulty. The failure could be caused by having the cellular radio off, or perhaps by being in a bad reception area.

