Is there such an app? - Transformer TF300T Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello everybody! I was hoping someone could help me find an app that is a local web server for asp files that I can view on the tablet's browser for testing.(I need this for college)
I've snooped around on Google and found absolutely nothing of this sort; perhaps I am just not searching right.


PIE Questions

I cant get video`s to work on video google, they dont show up when the page loads, plus i hit the download button and theres no response, also when i go to play an internet flash game, the message comes up "PLEASE NOTE : To view this page properly, please enable Javascript and update your flash player.
Now as far as i know i have the latest flash player, so where do i enable javascript, didnt find it anywhere in IE options? I jsut assumed this sort of stuff would just work onm WM5..
Sorry to disappoint you, but this kind of stuff - namely JavaScript - does not work even on WM5. It simply isn't there and to the best of my knowledge there is no way to add it.
So for now any site that uses JavaScript (I suspect you have the same problem with google videos) is off limits for PIE.
Bit of a bummer then ..
Any chance it`ll be dev`d in the future, seems like a bit of a gaping hole if you ask me
Many thanks..
i'd sugest looking into another browser then PIE
ms dont have much compatition left in their eyes
and they dident invent javascripts so they are not
likely to promote and support it unless they have to
any suggestions please?
I tried Minimo to no avail..

[Q] Android HTTP web server app required

Dear all,
I am looking for a light weight app that will run a http server. I would prefer https, and cgi-bin support but not a big deal it it cannot. It should at least be secure. Configuration can be done via either a GUI or the CLI. Preferably both. I googled (well, Yahooed in my case), and looked on Android Freeware and the Market but saw nought.
Does any one of you know of one?
I have seen this one, but not any reviews of it:
/EDIT - There are no download links for this server there or on so no joy there.
Any ideas?
Regards, f.
A little more yahooing found me these:

WP7 Mobile sites not showing up?

So I try to access some sites and it sends me directly to a wap site or desktop version. Perfect example was Old and ugly, someone on xda had mentioned What a world of a difference. Does anyone else have any other sites like this?
Another question. Engadget, kotaku, ext.... I use their mobile sites and it wont show the comment sections. I have to direct my self to the desktop version just to see it... Anyone know a work around to this? Thanks in advance.
Not sure if this is what you're asking, but I just leave my phone in desktop mode pretty constantly - the few sites that I wish were in mobile mode can be switched easily enough, and the number of sites which are broken in mobile mode seems to be greater than the number that are broken in desktop mode.
A good example of a site that just does *not* work right on WP7, due to the server over-sealously sniffing the user-agent (recognizing the phone browser even when IE is set to "Desktop" mode), is Gmail. The mobile site is buggy, and there's no way that I've found to force it to actually use the desktop site... so I end up using the plain HTML view if I have to use Gmail for anything beyond accessing my psersonal mail account (which is synced). There are a few other similarly poory-behaved sites.
One would hope that sites with a touch-optimized UI (as opposed to mobile-optimized, which typically just means minimal bandwidth and extremely dumbed-down code), such as, would auto-detect WP7 and send it to that site instead (especially if the user-agent is not set to Desktop mode).
queefinout said:
So I try to access some sites and it sends me directly to a wap site or desktop version. Perfect example was Old and ugly, someone on xda had mentioned What a world of a difference. Does anyone else have any other sites like this?
Another question. Engadget, kotaku, ext.... I use their mobile sites and it wont show the comment sections. I have to direct my self to the desktop version just to see it... Anyone know a work around to this? Thanks in advance.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
well for engadget there is an app supports comments

syslog listener and viewer

Hey guys,
I am looking for a simple app to receive and view in realtime syslogs which
I forward from my pc to my android device.
I have searched and searched and searched and cam across a few servermonitoring tools
and nxlog. But those ar far to complicated or overdone for what i want.
Simply listen on udp port 1514 for example and watch the received messages directly on screen.
No need to write to disk, simply watch the de messages.
I couldnt find anything or I am searching with the wrong keywords.
Alternative would be following the logfiles which ar written on my pc, sort of baretail for android lol.
I hope anyone can put me in the right direction.
Thanks .

Writting NFC tags using Android web browser

I know that if you launch a web browser and there is, for example, a button to write a NFC tag on that web page that Android can do it but I cannot find the specs or details about it...
Would anyone here happen to know?

