syslog listener and viewer - Android Apps and Games

Hey guys,
I am looking for a simple app to receive and view in realtime syslogs which
I forward from my pc to my android device.
I have searched and searched and searched and cam across a few servermonitoring tools
and nxlog. But those ar far to complicated or overdone for what i want.
Simply listen on udp port 1514 for example and watch the received messages directly on screen.
No need to write to disk, simply watch the de messages.
I couldnt find anything or I am searching with the wrong keywords.
Alternative would be following the logfiles which ar written on my pc, sort of baretail for android lol.
I hope anyone can put me in the right direction.
Thanks .


Help finding file search application

I would be very happy this xmas if I can find an application like I describe below.
My request is simple, so simple I cannot find it anywhere! I've searched and searched and wasted hours online trying to find it to no avail.
I would like to find a file explorer application with an interface like the Search Today plugin that will search locally in the main memory and sd card but not only web pages; an application like the type-to-search function found in Initiate for Palm devices.
It can be either a plugin or a button-assignable application (even better!).
I want to be able to start typing a word in the Today screen (or anywhere else by pressing a button) and the application will look through EVERYTHING in the phone and show all the instances of that word/phase narrowing it down as I type, and once I find what I am after and click on it, if it is an application it will open it, if it is a file it will open an application by file association, if it is a phone number it will open the phone application, if it is a video file it will play it, and so on.
I'm not after skins or pretty intefaces that flip and turn or anything of the sort, I don't need any of that because I want to use my phone efficiently, because for me it is a tool not a show-off thingy to beat the iPhone. I want an efficient, plain and simple "search and you shall find" kind of application, with a small footprint, preferably.
Cubes are very nice to look at and some people spent heaps of time honing their skills in developing it but at times they bore me, sorry.
Is there anything available that will do what I need? Please?
I'm searching for the same thing! I know one but its exclusive to sierra voq smartphone: it's called myvoq
I sort of knew that it was not going to be easy to find but I am still hopeful that the great brains out there would have come up with something.
wovens said:
I sort of knew that it was not going to be easy to find but I am still hopeful that the great brains out there would have come up with something.
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I have a wm2k3 rom from the Sierra VOQ which has the myVOQ in it... But I can't dump it... I get some "can't load compressor dll" when dumping it...
philocritus said:
I have a wm2k3 rom from the Sierra VOQ which has the myVOQ in it... But I can't dump it... I get some "can't load compressor dll" when dumping it...
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Thank you but I think even if you managed to dump your ROM or copy the dll it probably would not have worked because I think the phone is a smartphone, i.e., no touch screen, am I right? I believe software made for smartphones cannot be made to work on touchscreen-phones.
But thanks for trying.
I discovered the correct terminology for what I am after: "Predictive on-device Search" - see article here. But still no concrete results.
wovens said:
I discovered the correct terminology for what I am after: "Predictive on-device Search" - see article here. But still no concrete results.
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I've found a few but only for s60 symbian phones...
not one for windows mobile.

Updated 12-26: Making progress, calling all DEV for help

Hey devs, still working on making it so that HTC Messaging will handle incoming SMSs from Google Voice. At first I was starting with trying to change HTCMessaging to connect via web instead of SMSC, but that has proven to be a big circular pain, so now I'm trying a different route. I'm tweaking some code that is very similar functionally to OneDialer that will accept the incoming SMS and also send out via packet data, but what I'm trying to do is have it insert the contents of that message directly into whereever HTCMessaging stores SMS(and also activate Notification even), but I can't find it. Any help getting pointed in the right direction would be greatly appreciated, It'd be nice to have free SMS from Google Voice show up in the gorgeous Messaging tab.
Bump...and small update: 1.) I have found and analyzed the dll that handles all the SMS commands with IDA Pro, but past that I'm basically looking at a massive amount of code I could definitely use help sorting through, and 2.) I know that SMS are stored in cemail.vol which obviously is edb format, and I don't know if I can find the code in right applications, like Microsoft My Phone, in order to write to that file.
So right now I'm at a crossroads, with two routes I think I could take:
- I could tweak HTC Messaging to pull from a file of my own making
- I could create a program that is able to write to cemail.vol, while this method would simplify everything after that part of the process, and create the most desirable results, it would be very difficult to unlock the file in the first place because it is locked by the very messaging client I want to read from it.
I would GREATLY appreciate the help of any devs out there who are smarter than me, because I'm sure a lot of people are going to want this app once it is finished.

[Q] Share/Send recorded sound

i used an existing sound recorder and implmed, one by myselft.
There are some samples form MS, how to do sound recording too.
Now i want to send the recorded sound to another user's android phone.
Should be simple
- Send as email attachment
- Send via bluetooth
I did not find a program on the marketplace and trying to implent this by myself i found no example, how to do this. In this forum and on other resources, i read, that it currenty is not possible, to send email attachments programatically.
Is there really no way, to do such a simple task, as sending/sharing an audio file (after converting the recorded byte-array to .wav format) to another phone via email or bluetooth ?!
E-Mail attachment shouldnt be hard but WP7 does not support bluetooth file transport
Forget about bluetooth (until MS releases some kind of BT API). As for email attachment, you have a two options:
- implement smtp/exchange client by yourself;
- use (create) http "proxy" service on the external server (you sending audio data and additional parameters, and service forms the message with attachment).
Both ways a really not easy and expensive.
Send me a PM and I'll write something and upload it to the marketplace tonight.
MJCS said:
E-Mail attachment shouldnt be hard but WP7 does not support bluetooth file transport
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The problem is: An email attachment in fact IS hard (impossible), without using some external service.
sensboston said:
- implement smtp/exchange client by yourself;
- use (create) http "proxy" service on the external server (you sending audio data and additional parameters, and service forms the message with attachment).
Both ways a really not easy and expensive.
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Thank your for your response!
This is quiete the same, what i found out too. It is possible (i am a developer and i can host such a sevice on my domain) but that's not the way i like to do it.
I play in a band and recorded some demo with the phone and now want to send this recording to my band colleagues but it was not possible to do this.
This should be as simple as "open a bluetooth connection" + send.
On a windows phone, store it in the "media collection", on other phones, store it on a selectable location on the file system.
This is really anoying.
I like the platform and like developing for it but not beeing able to do such simple's hard to argue, why WP is better than f.e. android.
MJCS said:
Send me a PM and I'll write something and upload it to the marketplace tonight.
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I think, i don't get the point of your reply.
What do you want to write - a program, that does does recording audio + email it to other users?
I am searching for a solution, how to develop this by myself, not for a program on the marketplace.
HannesB said:
I think, i don't get the point of your reply.
What do you want to write - a program, that does does recording audio + email it to other users?
I am searching for a solution, how to develop this by myself, not for a program on the marketplace.
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Oh...and I had already started programming it. Oh well. Basically do this:
Upload to SkyDrive using the API or...
Create a WCF Service that allows you to send a file stream
Have the files stream get written to the server as a GUID
Return link to file
Send link via e-mail
Have file expire after 24/hrs or something
thank you, for your response.
...and starting programming on it so fast.
(if you really started programming it - put it on marketplace, i am sure, many people would like souch a tool)
The "problem" with this approach (and email too) is:
- i need an internet connection to upload
- the people that want to download the file, need an internet connection
- there are still people, that don't have an internet flatrate for their phone or any internet connection (or have to use roming, if not at home) and jus say "..hey, you recorded it - send it to me via bluetooth".
Seem's, the steps you discribed, are the only option, to do it. The phone i used 5 year ago, could send pictures and audio recording via bluetooth and since the mango update is currently released and doest not contain an api for bluetooth access, i think it will not be released soon, if ever.
In another posting i read: "I take a picture with me and my friends and i can't send them over the bluetooth. They have cheap dumbphones and I have Omnia 7 and I'm embarrassed. Bluetooth filetransfer is essencial feature."
Ok, this is "offtopic" now, sorry but anyway thank you for your responses.
The steps you explained are possible for sure, but in my opinion a bit "much work", for simply sending some data != text.
HannesB, I agree with you, it's kinda annoying. But, probably, MS will open some new APIs in future (WP7 is based on WinCE so it's not such a big deal, code/drivers are already exists for that platform). Don't forget - WP7 platform is still too new.
I have an app called CopyCat. It will let you do recordings (and change the playback as well).
It will let you store to the Public folder of your DropBox account.
As previously mentioned, unfortunately there is no way to attach WAV files to an email currently.
Hope this can be of help.
Why are you guys complaining about a function that you can have with evernote you can record sound and save it on your evernote account over your windows phone

Is there such an app?

Hello everybody! I was hoping someone could help me find an app that is a local web server for asp files that I can view on the tablet's browser for testing.(I need this for college)
I've snooped around on Google and found absolutely nothing of this sort; perhaps I am just not searching right.

Help with dementia coffeemaker app.

I am working on a coffeemaker that helps people diagnosed with dementia getting a bit of there independence back. It has to show the directions of the coffee making process. The coffeemaker has some sensors placed on it to register what steps have already been completed and has a arduino + bluetooth module for communication. I would like to build an app that makes it possible to show a particular page of the app>res>layout depending on what number it gets from the arduino. So basicly it should whent receives like a 4 from the arduino it should set the contentview to r.layout.4. I am a absolute noob at android programming and I have no clue where to start. I even cant get the Bluetooth connection to work. The arduino code is working so when I am using a android Bluetooth serial terminal I can communicate with the arduino.
So it has to fetch the data of the incoming bluetooth (serial) data and according to that data view a page on the app.
I am also able to create the layoutfiles with the desired text and pictures.
Do you guys have some tips and like a good tutorial for me or some help/advice?
I have looked at the android development pages but I simply cant get it to work.
Thank you in advance,

