iOS is less stable than Android - General Topics

Now, the reasons for these app crashes are numerous. Everything from iOS 5 being new to the market, problems with hardware, internet connectivity, language support, or just plain ‘ol poorly coded apps. It can even be argued that because there are so many more iOS devices than Andr– oh, wait. I almost forgot. There isn’t.
Even with this newly released data, I almost still don’t believe it. Android. With all the talks of fragmentation, force closes and incompatible apps, could somehow turn out to be more stable than iOS? Well, slap my momma and call me Sally. Who’d-a-thunkit. Now, I’m sure this will come off as the flames of an Android fanboy but I assure you, I’m not hating. Just found this information interesting and felt like sharing. Did this data surprise any of you?
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That's definitely something, considering iPhone has a "strict" marketplace, where only select apps are approved.

This is interesting, I would have expected them to be roughly even with android slightly ahead with the crashes considering all the variables, I am pleased to be wrong. I just hope at least some iusers see this before they go off spouting nonsense as they usually do about how totally stable ios is and how it "Just works"

For the record, that shouldn't be iOS is less stable than Android, it should be iOS Apps are less stable than Android Apps. They're not measuring OS crashes.
I get that the OS affects how and how well apps run. But so do a lot of other factors... e.g. devs fixing bugs in the code, etc.
That said, I also know that for the user, the experience itself matters, not the reason(s) for it.

I remember myself having someone with a ipod touch others with iphone having crashes so much, and running the early version of teamhacksung's ICS on my cappy has had very little crashes.. A lot less then I seen in a week of this ios crap :/
It is funny how hard the owners of ios devices try to say they are better, but you always know that's never going to be true with iOS being more unstable, out of date, and non open source..

How ironic that the apps must be approved by apple first before it goes into the app store.
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I had an iPhone 3GS but was never an i-sheep. I'm very happy in the Android camp. Innovation, tweaking and customizing are all good things that we do here.
And to the Dev community for making that happen, big up yuself!
Sent from my SPH-D710 using XDA App

Oneiricl said:
For the record, that shouldn't be iOS is less stable than Android, it should be iOS Apps are less stable than Android Apps. They're not measuring OS crashes.
I get that the OS affects how and how well apps run. But so do a lot of other factors... e.g. devs fixing bugs in the code, etc.
That said, I also know that for the user, the experience itself matters, not the reason(s) for it.
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I think it might have something to do with how easy it is to get your code compatible with iOS and the system being able to handle it.. The apps prob crash because the system is crap but I don't really know.. all I know from experience is that iPhones are cheap, boring to use, and ios has a LOT of issues..
Apple just likes to make it as cheap as they can and release it for a high price and people buy it because they hear about this "wonderful apple stuff"

I, too, would expect iOS apps to be far more stable, but it's nice to be wrong about that

very interesting article, never would have though of that, considering how Apple is so arrogant and control freak is about their "quality"

andrewxiu said:
That article is completely false. Just another ploy by Android.
Sent from my iPhone 4s using Tapatalk
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Something tells me its not..... I really can't go by that :/ I think its real, but I don't have a iPhone xD
I have seen myself how unstable it is.. so that is pretty good evidence that this article is right.

I've had both iOS and andriod phones. In my opinion Andriod is far superior then iOS and Im glad there is research done now backing this up. The general public just likes simple and pretty so thats why iOS has a better repution but its just a matter of time as Andriod starts to shine in ICS.

In fairness, it does sound a bit fanboy to me. You can't really measure this in a real-world situation unless every single app crash is reported, and the reasons why it crashed was then analysed.
I root for Android (see what I did there?), but I'd rather something I believed over something I'd like.

I'm not a fanboy or anything iPhones tend to crash a lot when the os doesn't kill off background apps. Apps usually crash at the start up screen so many people won't be able to notice it. I'm currently using an iPhone 3GS since my galaxy s is broken.

Intriguing and believable but I wold also like to see more in depth information about which apps crash and what leads to a crash. Compatibility with a new OS version is part of the equation.
What I take from this is that all code monkeys are human and nothing is perfect. Apple's line about how iOS 'just works,' is where they wants us to believe that they are better than human and are not prone to mistakes.
Believe what you will.

Nuenjin; said:
Apple's line about how iOS 'just works,' is where they wants us to believe that they are better than human and are not prone to mistakes.
Believe what you will.
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That's why exposure like this is good. Even if the report said ios was even with android in crashes or even if it said it had less app crashes, it helps to educate that ios does have problems just like everything else and that people who purchased ios because it didn't have bugs or problems like android should reconsider their stance. For many people "it just works" is a major selling point for apple, and its wrong.
Sent from my HTC EVO 3D X515m using xda premium

What exposure?
What I find most surprising is that the tech media has not picked up on this story that was started on I don't see it mentioned on engadget, macrumors, not even cnet. Yet the verizon galaxy nexus not receiving support has been reported everywhere only to be debunked an hour later.
I'm beginning to really think that the media has a pro-Apple bias.

bleach168 said:
What exposure? .....I'm beginning to really think that the media has a pro-Apple bias.
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Perhaps. Thus far it has been easy to dismiss and criticize Android on so many levels. i.e. -It's 'fragmented' and no minimum hardware specs means one sees the 'incompatible with your device' message. It has been easy to publish mal-ware and other junk on the Android market (Bouncer is long overdue).
These and other reasons can lead journalists and others who can only focus on the present to see Android as unorganized.

bleach168 said:
What exposure?
What I find most surprising is that the tech media has not picked up on this story that was started on I don't see it mentioned on engadget, macrumors, not even cnet. Yet the verizon galaxy nexus not receiving support has been reported everywhere only to be debunked an hour later.
I'm beginning to really think that the media has a pro-Apple bias.
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I remember watching a morning show on either CBS or NBC(I can't quite remember) one morning where they were doing a tech review.
the tech reviewer was talking to the anchor about just coming out(at the time) Galaxy Nexus and the new Android OS, ICS.
10 seconds into the review the anchor cuts the reviewer off, starts talking about his iPhone and the Apple store down the street from the studio, and the conversation became about Apple from then on.
no other mention of Android products after that.
This is how the media is and has been playing it for sometime.
it's been blasted, talked about everywhere in the media, and basically jammed down our throats that the iPhone just works and (basically) nothing else matters.
it's sad and funny at the same time since even without media support Android has gained the bigger market share.

after all those applers bragging with their iphones, im happy to read that ...
iphone this, iphone that... Take that M*t*e*f*c*e*s


Sorry guys. Iphone 4 > Captivate

I just bought my wife an iPhone 4 (she previously had the 3G then 3GS). I gotta say the iPhone 4 is definitely much better than Captivate even before jailbreak. Dont get me wrong, I love the Captivate. Its my first Android phone. The iPhone 4 battery life is insane. Screen is SHARP. And you know what else? The iPhone apps have much better quality. I can download 2 of the same apps made for each OS by the same developer and the iOS one almost always have a better quality.
I love the fact that the Captivate is not made by Apple. Android is definitely a true iOS contender. But is it better? No. It will probably get there though.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
Obvious troll is obvious
Have you tried both phone? Care to explain why you think im a troll?
Because you're on XDA on the Captivate forums creating a new thread just to say how much better another phone is than the Captivate?
I have both the iPhone 4 and the Captivate and find myself using the Captivate much more often than the iPhone. The iPhone is fine for people who are tech illiterate, much like how Macs are fine for people who can't take care of a normal PC.
I don't even understand why people keep bringing up a iPhone v. some Android phone debate. You like red and I like blue. Both are great phones, but coming into a place specifically for Winmo/Android devices to preach about an iPhone is pointless. There should a a filter on new threads that prevents anything with iPhone in the title or body (good or bad) from being created. It's getting old.
when will people realize WE DONT CARE if the iphone is better....i would be willing to be 95 percent of the people on the captivate section has used an iphone 4. We are still here...if we wanted an iphone (or wanted to read about it) we would have gone elsewhere.
THAT is why you are a troll. have a great day
The iPhone is a joke.
Moving on.
vinunleaded182 said:
Have you tried both phone? Care to explain why you think im a troll?
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Captivate is an AT&T phone....majority of smartphone users who moved to a Captivate did so from an iphone after the contract ended.
Everybody is entitled to their favorites and thats a good thing. However, its almost meaningless to go into the captivate thread and say:
"Hey guys, i hate iphone, i bought android, but now i realize i actually prefer iphone"...... people will bag you out, call you a troll etc as no one wants to be told, sorry, you bought a ticket on the wrong train.
Its your view if you dont like apple but admire their well-thought out system/structure but things on android dont change overnight.
Its oft discussed how android apps still feel like beta, but give it time and like you said, it'll balance out. Just have a look at the change from android 1.6 to 2.2
I suspect these two things (below) may change the situation as well:
Hmmm ok big deal iphone so yesterday...
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vinunleaded182 said:
I just bought my wife an iPhone 4 (she previously had the 3G then 3GS). I gotta say the iPhone 4 is definitely much better than Captivate even before jailbreak. Dont get me wrong, I love the Captivate. Its my first Android phone. The iPhone 4 battery life is insane. Screen is SHARP. And you know what else? The iPhone apps have much better quality. I can download 2 of the same apps made for each OS by the same developer and the iOS one almost always have a better quality.
I love the fact that the Captivate is not made by Apple. Android is definitely a true iOS contender. But is it better? No. It will probably get there though.
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I admit the iPhone is easier - it is made so simple that anyone can use it - that is some of its appeal. If the designer only gives one way to access an app or do something then there is no confusion. Simplicity equals success.
Other then it being designed for the average person, i see little in your explanation to make it superior. The screen is higher density, but i prefer the deeper blacks of the AMOLED. The battery life is better in some tests and worse in others (Captivate did better in rated talk time, iPhone worse). Go to apple's forums and there are just as many people complaining about bad battery life as good - it all goes back to which apps are sucking down juice and the the iPhone has plenty of offenders.
As for app quality; the iPhone app world is more mature so there are more games; but of the 20 apps I use, they all look identical on my iPhone 3G as they do on my Android. BTW, where are all the widgets for the iPhone?
Everyone has different tastes - the iPhone is a fine for people that want it, but consider this:
1. iPhone 4 has a serious design flaw with the antenna - Apple made the decision to embrace form over function. Even Consumer Reports gave it a "do not buy rating" and they loved all past iPhones.
2. For enhanced functionality you must jailbreak - and then you are months behind OS updates waiting on developer updates
3. Re-jailbreaking every few months gets old fast
4. You are locked into the apple model. iTunes is required, no using drives as mass storage, limited to syncing with one PC/Mac, etc.
The iPhone is different, but I would not say it is better. It is made for the simple minded and it does that well.
Iphone 4 > Captivate FOR NOOBS!
Just be careful with that iphone screen... It scratches as easily as the droid incredible.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
"I are has iPhone 4G and it are better than phone than all other has. I have posting onto android forum to prove I are know bester phone than are all you. You has impressed."
I have both.
Captivate is superior, in my opinion... iPhone4 is just more user friendly.
A Honda Civic is more user-friendly than a Leerjet... that doesn't make the Civic better.
I do believe that each phone has it's userbase, like a previous post, the iPhone are for people who like to be told how and what to do with their device. If you want to do any customization, good luck. You want to develop for the phone? You need to shell out cash for a Mac, if you don't already have one.
The Android platform is much more open, sure you have to root/sideload to accomplish things but most carriers lock phones just because they want to avoid any piracy problems. The phone is very customizable and open source, the SDK is free and multiplatform, meaning you can write apps on Windows, OSX and even Linux. So yeah.. before touting how great the iPhone is just because of the bigger screen and the thousands of fart apps you can download from the app store, you might want to do some research.
It must be troll season, everyone get a license. Is there a limit on trolls?
You will find an equal amount of people that say the iPhone is better, compared to the amount that says android is better. Its a preference.
Its obvious both are successful, and both have an audience.
The phone OS scene isn't crowded, there's room for more. Webos has potential, BB may get with the program eventually, and windows phone looks to be the next big thing.
I'm glad you're happy with your iPhone, I couldn't be happier since I put mine down.
How many "Captivates suck" posts does the Captivate forum need?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
Speaking as a former Mac Genius at the Fort Worth Apple Store, I can tell you unequivocally that the iPhone has multiple issues. It's not just the 4 with it's known antenna and proximity sensor issues.
Just LOL at fail troll. LOL.
I have had every iPhone version... 8GB, 3G, 3GS, and 4. I returned the 4 because I don't think a free s****y case is a fix for a device that is defective and costs me over 1400 dollars. (subsidized purchase price+ two year contract) Fix the device. That is what set me over the edge.
And I couldn't be happier. I have yet to drop a single call with my Captivate. Every 3G based iPhone I have has dropped calls, usually in the same places. Like my house. The Captivate does not. Even with all the different ROM's and kernels I have loaded on it, it is still trucking along like a champ.
I got my iPhone 3G replaced 4 times in one year. 3GS 6 times. The 4 I had from launch day til late July. I'm still on the original Captivate.
I wouldn't go back.
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Wow look at all the nerd rage lol. Im new to this General forum and Ive seen several iPHone VS Android threads so I thought it was okay to discuss about the iPhone here too. All I see is people attacking the iPhone because they have some personal problem with Steve Jobs or AT&T. I kinda expected nerd rage but damn I tried so hard to be neutral in the OP. I thought I'd make a thread where people with unbiased opinions can discuss about the iPhone and Captivate.
If you look at the iPhone 4 objectively, with no bias. The device is a beautiful piece of technology in our generation. Despite some flaw like iTunes (grrr), stupid nerd politics and the antenna issue which is a non-issue to us. Were not fat and dont grip the **** out of our phones when we talk.
But anyway, If I offended any nerd here I apologize, kind of. Its really not entirely my fault you are mentally weak and cant handle different views

Are you still happy with your Nexus-S ?

I have to say I am still pretty happy with my Nexus-S 4G. I am loving the stock/vanilla Android OS, after trying many different ROM's and launchers, I always seem to go back to the "pure" launcher and style. I do have the Oxygen ROM which is the base Android OS just tweaked and stripped to be very fast with good battery life.
I was tempted to get the Sprint Galaxy S2, while it is a great phone, probably the best Android device for sale right now, it just did not seem night and day radically better than my Nexus-S. The S II still runs Gingerbread and looks so similar to my Nexus I don't see the need to get that phone right now. And my Nexus is not slow by any means. I am eagerly waiting for the reveal of the next Nexus-Three device with "Ice Cream", that would be the first to tempt me away, or at least get Ice Cream running stock on my Nexus-S.
If there is any beef with this phone, it is the radio/network, and Sprint's poor 3G service lately. Hopefully we get good news next month when the CEO of Sprint discusses the future network plans on Oct 7th.
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Yeah I'm not complaining at all about it. I was running Pete's bb rom before this and his rooted stock before that. Now, I'm running miui. I thought, coming from the preference of vanilla ui, that who in the hell would want a rom that's a cross bastardized version of ios and touchwiz? I am/was under the thought that ios was very limited on what could be done with it.
Miui is really starting to grow on me. I'm almost ashamed to admit I'm getting the itch to get a new phone after my ns4g and it being the iPhone. I definitely want the nexus 3 too but those phones will probably be released very close to each other.
Unfortunately, I will have to deal with the looks and comments from my old lady, whenever I get a new phone. I will not give my ns4g to her because I see how she treats phones. I suppose one thing that would keep her quiet is if I got her an iPhone too. About 1500 for two new phones, full price, not eligible for upgrades yet. Sigh, it's only money right?
I plan to run this phone til the wheels come off.
Sent from the future to put right what once went wrong.
bedalus said:
I plan to run this phone til the wheels come off.
Sent from the future to put right what once went wrong.
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+1 x 10 = hell yeaaaaa.
I came from the g2x and can never be happier with this ns4g
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA Premium App
nexus s is my first smartphone and i would not try another the next time ...
FlatEric0074 said:
nexus s is my first smartphone and i would not try another the next time ...
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Nexus s is my first REAL smartphone
I've had or used extensively a mt3g, epic 4g, evo 4g, evo shift 4g, Droid x, huawei ascend 2 and an iPhone 3gs and of those I like my nexus the best. However, my mother in law just got a sensation 4g and if I'm honest, I think I'd enjoy that better.
Sent from my Nexus S MV from the XDA Premium app.
So I take it you prefer android over iPhone? Care to share your reasons for liking one and not liking the other?
oscarthegrouch said:
So I take it you prefer android over iPhone? Care to share your reasons for liking one and not liking the other?
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Open source. Multitasking. Variety. Google. Etc.
Edit: scratch that. Nexus S 4G.
Sent from my Google Nexus S 4G via XDA Premium
IMO, Nexus S is a piece of outdated hardware, since day 1, when it was release last year December 2010, at that very same time its brothers/cousins have been having way much better spec than it does.
the pure Android experience was not as fun as promised by the Nexus One hyped owners promised
So my next device will most definitely not be Nexus 3, which is yet another outdated antique, its SGS2 brothers/cousins has waaaaaaaaay better hardware than it does.
and we all know by now that support across Samsung devices is thriving like CM7 and all the countless of customized kernels and mods that you can find
The 2nd reason why i picked Nexus S, was simply because it was unlocked and works on AWS signal
there was nothing at the time, else i'd have most likely gone for a better phone
the lack of the SD slot is a major drawback, can't do things as i used to, i'm not having fun as i used to, all because of the missing space, the phone is just a phone right now, can't enjoy it as it ran out of space all the time, no matter how much stuff i send up to the clouds, there is never enough space for me
clouds is not cheap either if you don't have an unlimited internet for the phone
and the 3G speed is not that great to send up and down 500 meg of data whenever you feel like playing another game, or watching another movie
i'm sure this phone is more than enough or even great for most people, but i'm not most people
oscarthegrouch said:
So I take it you prefer android over iPhone? Care to share your reasons for liking one and not liking the other?
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I personally prefer android because of the ease of customization that can be done even without rooting. iOS devices are great, don't get me wrong. I'm not an iHater, but for me and my uses they don't work as well as Android. The reason iOS is so great is that it just works. Period. From the first boot to the last, an iOS device is going to work exactly like Apple intended it to.
The Android Vs. Apple debate is much akin to the Win Vs Mac debate. Apple builds its software to work on its hardware and it does, thats the reason I buy Mac laptops; in the 6 years I've owned them I've had three issues two of which were hardware failures and one was my wife's fault (she spilled soda on the keyboard). All three of the issues were solved on the spot by Apple with a total of 5 hours and $0.00 of my time and money lost to waiting and repairs. Five hours. When my wife's Compaq laptop got its THIRD motherboard recall in TWO years it took me three hours on the phone to find out I had found out about the recall one week late and was then told it would cost me $400 dollars and 4-6 weeks to get it. I ended up having to manually recover what data I could from her hard drive and the rest was lost.
Windows machines allow the user to do much more personal customization and give them much more choice in terms of hardware but the cost of that is a much higher level of system failure. Its the same way with android. I can't begin to account for the hours I've wasted setting up and customizing my wife's and my phones only to have issues come up and its all lost. I've lost count of the number of times I've had to run terminal commands to get my phone to even boot. If I had an iOS device, that probably wouldn't happen but I'd also not feel like my phone UI looks and runs like I want it to.
In a rather long-winded and round-a-bout way, the point I'm getting at is that if you want a phone that simply works, makes calls, gets texts, so and and so forth then iPhone is a great choice. But if you want a phone that you can hack to bits and make to be a reflection of your personality then Android is you choice. That's my opinion at least.
yes and no
leagues happier than my iphone but some what less impressed by others android phones. But hey it was free.
I don't understand everyone complaining of a lack of SD slot. It mounts so you can use it as a portable drive, it also allows a much higher I/O. There's not one thing that a removable SD card would allow me to do more than what I can do now except potentially lose a tiny piece of my phone.
sent from my nexus s on a kang from simms
the internal SD doesn't have enough space, it just as simple as that
13GB fills up in a blink of an eye
I'm still happy with it for the most part. The only serious gripe I have at this point is RAM; it doesn't have enough to deal with the number of apps that like to run in the background eating up those tiny 2-5 MB chunks these days, and it doesn't always dump them from memory efficiently enough to play memory-intensive games nicely without first going in and killing processes. Also, it just came back from its second Best Buy repair, so... a little touchy hardware-wise perhaps.
I like vanilla Google and am not a huge fan of rooting and modding, though, so I'd be reluctant to move away from the Nexus line. I just hope the next one has a lot more RAM, and keeps a larger portion of it free at any given time for gaming. And is maybe less prone to needing to be fixed. >.>
RAM is not that bad, i can manage to constantly keep 75Mb free
is hard to trip enough Widgets to make that much free RAM
and make sure to not leave any app/game running in the background
AllGamer said:
RAM is not that bad, i can manage to constantly keep 75Mb free
is hard to trip enough Widgets to make that much free RAM
and make sure to not leave any app/game running in the background
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Seriously? 75mb? Running services will always show me 240mb+ free ram.
Sent from my Google Nexus S 4G via XDA Premium
AllGamer said:
RAM is not that bad, i can manage to constantly keep 75Mb free
is hard to trip enough Widgets to make that much free RAM
and make sure to not leave any app/game running in the background
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The problem is when apps and games do run in the background, and there's no way to close them completely without going through task manager. Granted that's as much a complaint about the apps in question as about Android itself, but there will always be apps that don't behave properly in all respects. The OS should be able to handle them without user intervention.
zorak950 said:
The problem is when apps and games do run in the background, and there's no way to close them completely without going through task manager. Granted that's as much a complaint about the apps in question as about Android itself, but there will always be apps that don't behave properly in all respects. The OS should be able to handle them without user intervention.
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Every app I exit out of, I exit with the back button for an exit dialog or use the menu-exit option. Never have 'stuff running'.
Some apps have components that always run(new facebook and google+ updates), I uninstall those apps and use the browser.
I don't experience what you're describing.
Sent from my Super Optimized Google Nexus S 4G via XDA Premium

[GUIDE]Coming from iOS to Android(All Things People should know)

If you are moving from iOS to Android there are certain things to Know:
-No need Of any software to copy files to and forth on your Device.
-Open-Source Means anyone can customize the OS to their needs. (Main Reason people shift from iOS to Android!
-Ports made by developers can help ALOT! Like some features of other devices can be brought to another *DIFFERENT* Device.
-Odin=Program used to flash official ROMS.
-CWM(ClockWorkMod Recovery)= A built-in Function on CUSTOM roms that helps you flash roms from your device!
- Mainly iOS supports one Home Button on front but Android enhances the Experience from 2 to 4 Buttons on Front. +1
Functions of these Buttons vary from Device to Device but HOME, Back and OPTIONS are on every Android Device(That I Know off)
- You can change ringtones without hassle even for messages!
Donations for me till now are Thanks! Always Appreciated!
You forgot the menu and back buttons
Archer said:
You forgot the menu and back buttons
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Info Added!
You sacrifice speed, stability, fluidity, and a plethora of great games and apps.
z33dev33l said:
You sacrifice speed, stability, fluidity, and a plethora of great games and apps.
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Is that a Plus for iOS or Android.?
z33dev33l said:
You sacrifice speed, stability, fluidity, and a plethora of great games and apps.
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Not necesarly. New android smartphones are as fast as an iphone and can run those games just as fine as an iphone(excepyt Infinity blade 2).
- You can change ringtones without hassle even for messages!
It's a negative for android. Until gpu acceleration is implemented, it won't be as smooth. This is the main reason I can't drop wp7 for android. The lag kills me, even on the phones where its pretty minimal.
Maybe xda should have some kind of database trigger to automatically post this at relevant times...
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z33dev33l said:
It's a negative for android. Until gpu acceleration is implemented, it won't be as smooth. This is the main reason I can't drop wp7 for android. The lag kills me, even on the phones where its pretty minimal.
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You say in many threads that android has no gpu ui acceleration and I posted links in one showing it has gpu acceleration.
I know you replied in one that it said cpu but it says gpu, will you please stop saying it has none when even wikipedia page and googles page on sdk for 4.0 show it does?
If not at least provide some evidence your claim is right and googles is not.
Sent from my LG P920 using Tapatalk
He doesn't have to prove himself. He's z33dev33l.
Archer said:
He doesn't have to prove himself. He's z33dev33l.
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Lol. Well if he is right I would like to know as if so I am mistaken but if android does as claimed have gpu ui acceleration then its misleading people to carry on saying it does not.
Sent from my LG P920 using Tapatalk
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you can bluetooth files to any other phone
If he thinks IOS is smoother then Android ill let him play with my kids old 3gs and my Inspire and he will see that it is not really true.
iOS and Android
I found the iOS more stable.....I had 5 of the best android smartphones on the market...and just one iPhone.. the iPhone4 which I jailbreaked after two days.....fantastic!!!! Now I have just two phones. Two weeks ago I got the Htc Sensation Xe...great phone without doubt! but I prefer the iPhone 4...still my the end of the day it's just question of taste and what you need the device for. I'm not an Apple fan boys..I started many years ago with Nokia and Windows Mobiles then I started to Love Android...I didn't like the iPhone until iP4 came out....It is on another planet.
francomur99 said:
I found the iOS more stable.....I had 5 of the best android smartphones on the market...and just one iPhone.. the iPhone4 which I jailbreaked after two days.....fantastic!!!! Now I have just two phones. Two weeks ago I got the Htc Sensation Xe...great phone without doubt! but I prefer the iPhone 4...still my the end of the day it's just question of taste and what you need the device for. I'm not an Apple fan boys..I started many years ago with Nokia and Windows Mobiles then I started to Love Android...I didn't like the iPhone until iP4 came out....It is on another planet.
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Sorry I've thanked you accidently
You are right Iphone is on the planet of crap! It rules there!
I have stated my opinion on an other thread, no need to do it again! I am still using the iPhone only as a second device.. Mostly just for a flashlight! yeah and even for this it isn't good enough!:-D It just is a really bad experience for android users! For the common mortal it could be the best out there but for android freaks its a big step back in technology! And that's for real! ;-)
Sent from beneath my cloak of magic
z33dev33l said:
It's a negative for android. Until gpu acceleration is implemented, it won't be as smooth. This is the main reason I can't drop wp7 for android. The lag kills me, even on the phones where its pretty minimal.
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Ice Cream Sandwich implements hardware gui acceleration.
learning2livelyf said:
Ice Cream Sandwich implements hardware gui acceleration.
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It does but for some reason people sometimes don't realise it.
Sent from my LG P920 using Tapatalk
One thing is that iOS doesn't support flash, small display. Other things (though I didn't search) look similar in term of games and apps.
Another thing it's about price. I'm using Arc S just bought a week ago @ 380 USD, while iPhone 4s 32Gb (850+ USD) 64Gb (950+ USD). So expensive! Teenagers show off their fashion with it..
However, it comes to me that iPhone hardware maybe last very longer than my Arc S.

Reasons Not to buy an iPhone

So in what ways you think than Android is better than IOS
Heres what i got
iPhones have:
Smaller screens
Slower Data Speeds
Lower Durability
Slower prosseser
Very Boring UI
No Flash
No download support from Browser
No themes/Launcher (Unless its Jailbroken)
Anything to add here?
Camera can't compare to the Amaze
no video chat over mobile data
no third party music player or video player
no way to install apps other than through app store
no expandable memory
cant replace/remove battery
alx294 said:
Camera can't compare to the Amaze
no video chat over mobile data
no third party music player or video player
no way to install apps other than through app store
cant replace/remove battery
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Does Installous count
Lame ass apps, that are very unstable, eg. Infinity blade (from my own experience). Veeerryy low ram for standards that android phones have set these days. And a ui that hasn't changed for years
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Sent from my HTC Vision using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5
It's Apple
Chuck Norris can but Walker Texas Ranger can't.
-the fact that Apple releases so called "improved" iphone every year with barely any changes
-no widgets
-sometimes a hassle to update the software
UI, and Screens are just your opinions. not really facts; not nececarilly a bad thing. the processor of the 4s isnt slow, but its pointless in the iphone. other than that im with you! i could never use a screen that small lol
1-boring UI
2-using iOS is like living in a cage
3-its a dream phone for kids,cheerleader,*****,chloe kardashian
kecikhebat said:
1-boring UI
2-using iOS is like living in a cage
3-its a dream phone for kids,cheerleader,*****,chloe kardashian, justin bieber
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fixed what you said
It's the epitome of complacency
Custom keyboards!
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using XDA
Well atleast u get software updates on iphone ...
the only bad thing id have to say about IOS is the lack of custimizability, some poeple like the simplicity of iOS nto everyone wants to flash ... but the most important thing for me was Unlockability. Amaze > and the camera ofcourse which is one of the best out there. but i did like the weight and shape of iphone 4 and battery life was not bad either
Double0EK said:
It's Apple
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This is the main reason.
Honestly my main reason is "boring"
Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G using XDA
I honestly think IOS is better and would get one for the wife if it was on T-Mobile. I can manage with Android since it allows me to do a little more than I would be able to if I had an IOS device. WHat I like about IOS is the apps are of much higher quality.
For someone like my wife the iphone would be better. She complains about the random reboots, apps crashing and some of the other annoyances that come with Android so I know she would love the iphone.
O just don't like ios too mainstream
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using XDA
95% of Apple iPhone users I have met all have been complete and utter morons that would follow their precious phones if it was thrown off a cliff.
Being 110% cereal too! I even let people know that are decent that I am utter shock they own an iPhone, lol!
I am no follower. Hell I used BB for 6 years....
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Tapatalk
iOS is smoother than Android and handles most things better. Android wasn't meant to have a touch interface since it was first made to compete with Blackberry and other systems that used a trackball/keyboard rather than a touchscreen slate. So as a result, they didn't bother starting from scratch and decided to just implement touchscreen onto their existing revisions... Not saying Android is bad by any means, but there are things that iOS does properly that Android does not. For example, the touch delay that exists in every Android device will most likely never be solved due to the architecture of the OS - to see this delay, go play Fruit Ninja or something and you'll notice that the sword trail is always lagging behind your finger and is never directly under your finger while you're moving.
However, I despise Apple with a passion. Their products are great, but they are also immensely overpriced and restrictive. They market their products in a dishonest way to trick the common consumer into thinking that it's the greatest thing on the planet. However, they do tend to take care of their customers in terms of updates, unlike Android because even the iPhone 3GS got their latest iOS 5 update while we're still waiting for an ICS update.
These 2 videos say it all eventhough it's slightly biased.
adslee said:
iOS is smoother than Android and handles most things better. Android wasn't meant to have a touch interface since it was first made to compete with Blackberry and other systems that used a trackball/keyboard rather than a touchscreen slate. So as a result, they didn't bother starting from scratch and decided to just implement touchscreen onto their existing revisions... Not saying Android is bad by any means, but there are things that iOS does properly that Android does not. For example, the touch delay that exists in every Android device will most likely never be solved due to the architecture of the OS - to see this delay, go play Fruit Ninja or something and you'll notice that the sword trail is always lagging behind your finger and is never directly under your finger while you're moving.
However, I despise Apple with a passion. Their products are great, but they are also immensely overpriced and restrictive. They market their products in a dishonest way to trick the common consumer into thinking that it's the greatest thing on the planet. However, they do tend to take care of their customers in terms of updates, unlike Android because even the iPhone 3GS got their latest iOS 5 update while we're still waiting for an ICS update.
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+1. Example of smoothness - open web browser in both iPhone and a high end android phone like amaze, open a webpage and trying scrolling - you will see iPhone is significantly smoother than amaze. Any improvements in hardware (you can have quad core processor and a 4 gb of ram) won't make up for a not-so-good architecture. OS update is another big issue with all android manufacturers. If I buy a phone on a 2 year contract, I should get updates for 2 years. Apple provides updates for older devices as long as old hardware can handle it and look at the android world - mytouch4g slide is more than capable of running ICS but HTC/TMO won't provide update and indirectly force customers to buy new device with little to no hardware improvement long before their contract is over. Having said that, I still like my amaze for a couple extra features and data service that tmo provides.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium

Swapping back and forth between OSes.

First of all, I'm a die hard WP7 user through and through. Social interaction, stability, and quick gaming, as well as a good ecosystem of interconnected services are what I'm after in a phone, and so it's the ideal option for me. That said, I try to be as fair as possible in my judgment of other devices. I recently picked up a Nokia N9 and an Xperia play as alternate phones to my Lumia 800 (which has since been upgraded to the Lumia 900) for comparison purposes. The first thing I tested on these two devices, since it's the one thing I miss on WP7, is emulation. Honestly, despite the perfect controls on the xperia, I kept going back to the more "pure" Linux experience of meego for emulation. This was due primarily to the app emumaster which has all your basic emulators cooked into one app with great developer support and outstanding framework. The xperia's controls are awesome, but the low quality of the ps1 emulators I could find left a lot to be desired. The feature that Android really stole the show with, was the market. I left android October of 2010 for the most part aside from picking up random great deals on Craigslist. I most recently tried the Gnex, and it seemed to have a lot of the issues that put me on the prowl in the first place still, so I was not smitten. However, the progression of the app market is phenomenal, a far cry from the doldrum mess that I was forced to search through in my time with android. The new Google Play point is great and feels a lot less like a beta test than it did before. While I'll always prefer WP7's dynamic UI, I much preferred Meego's to android's. There are no "official" widgets yet, but even without, the three home screens have all the info you need and the lock screen is great. It offers a, "sleeping clock" feature where even when the phone is asleep, the clock is still displayed, as well as your notifications. After double tapping on that, you have more specific notifications over a background pic of your choosing, you can swipe on any of these to open the app direct, or just swipe the whole homescreen off which leads to the homescreens, one has all your apps complete with folders. The next, shows all the apps you have currently running. True multi-tasking an astonishing 19 apps and no real hiccups. Amazing. Then, there's your notifications tab, it keeps your notifications as well as a list of your social network mews feed on hand. Everything just feels easy and intuitive. Android, sadly, still felt pretty much the same, I guess if it's not broke, don't fix it, but there's better UI options. Overall, the xperia Play got the least play, not because it's a bad device, but it's just not what I need. The N9 is great, but suffers some of the same issues android does. It is, however, a good meeting point between android and WP7 and was abandoned far too early. Neither pulled me from WP7, but unfortunately, I now try to double-tap my 900 to unlock it.
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85gallon said:
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Not sure what the point of this post is.
E; oh, text wall. It looks like copying it misconstrued my formatting.
That should've stuck with Meego. That would've been a real 4th OS.
Nokia can't shine with Wp7.
Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 2
vetvito said:
That should've stuck with Meego. That would've been a real 4th OS.
Nokia can't shine with Wp7.
Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 2
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The Lumia 900 seems to be doing quite well for itself, replacing the iPhone as ATT's hero device. I can't wait to see what the 610 does in India.
I read somewhere that at&t associates doin a disservice for customers. It seems iPhone is still the hero device, salespeople still pushing the iPhone and not giving the lumia900 a chance.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
They sell what they know, unfortunately most att reps know little about phones.
wendellc said:
I read somewhere that at&t associates doin a disservice for customers. It seems iPhone is still the hero device, salespeople still pushing the iPhone and not giving the lumia900 a chance.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
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Yh my mum went to the store and I went with her as I know more about phones than the actual sales reps.she told them,I need a high end device,they told her don't look at anything else but an iPhone 4 s,I told them y? Answer: "because its an iPhone,hazzz market,better touch screen and its an.....iPhone etc u get the point." I just loled
bartoloandre98 said:
Yh my mum went to the store and I went with her as I know more about phones than the actual sales reps.she told them,I need a high end device,they told her don't look at anything else but an iPhone 4 s,I told them y? Answer: "because its an iPhone,hazzz market,better touch screen and its an.....iPhone etc u get the point." I just loled
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Wow for them just to say that I will say one thing well a couple.
1st smart phone - w as iPhone 3GS 16gb. Loved it..... When I had it.
2 nd smart phone - htc hd7. Was okay not many apps. Hated metro tiles.
3rd smart phone -galaxy s2 i9100- LOVE IT MORE THEN ANYTHING. Awesome phone. Went to go get a iPhone 4s . But I thought and my friend said u have to try andriod. Now he was right not goin to any other Os ever again.
For her to say iPhone as a high end device is funny.

