[Q] Some app like Photo Booth? - Xoom Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Im Looking for something like the app of the ipad2, Photo Booth...
Im refering to this:
Do you know where i can find something like that?
Is there any chance to port it to the xoom?

There is no "porting" of iphone apps to android. The only way to get one over is to rewrite it from scratch. But there are several camera apps in the market that apply different filters and such to photos.



Was looking through Yahoo today and found an article where someone had their computer stolen and was able to take pictures of the thief through an app.
The name of the app is called Hidden. It's for a Mac.
My question is this. Is there an app like that for PC users and Android phones?
If so, what is this app called?
If there is no such app, definately a chance to make tons of money if one of you dev's want to jump on that. throw me a bone when you make your first million .

suggestion on sercurity app?

A budy showed me a neat iphone app that lets your front facing camera take a secret pic when someone incorrectly enters your lock password. Does anyone know a good android one?
I tried searching the play store but some security apps sound sketchy.
That sounds like an interesting app. Is this an offical app from the App Store or is the iPhone jail broken?
Haven't seen anything similar for Android devices.
My friend showed me the app on his iPhone too.The app is locked and you can open it by the pattern you set,like the lockscreen pattern on Android.And if you fail it takes the picture from front camera.And you don´t have to have jailbreak because he don´t have it.
yeah that was the app. i was wondering if android had anything similar.
An Android version of this is called "Gotya". I use this on my NS4g. It takes a picture and emails it to you. It does the usual stuff, locates, locks, etc. Gotta it from the market.
I Love The Smell Of Burnt Rubber Anytime

[Q] iPhone convert: confused about Gallery

I've been fairly successful in making the transition from iPhone (since 2007) to Android. I have one "issue" that I can't quite get my head around yet.
On the iPhone every picture you take or save (regardless of the app) ends up in the Pictures app in one big list (which I like).
On my Samsung S3 (running 4.1) every camera or photo app ends up getting it's own album/folder in Gallery. I know some might like this arrangement, I find it confusing, since I end up with a whole bunch of albums with only 2-3 pictures.
Is there a way to view all the pics (rather than by album) in the native app? Alternatively, is there an alternative app that might do this?
Try Quickpic from the Google Play store.
Its free and I like it very much.
Sent from my shooteru using xda premium

Showing photos on an exposition

Hey guys,
I'm a photographer, and soon ill show some of my work on an exposition. I would like to show some pictures on a tablet and create the possibility for the audience to slide trough a selection of photos.
Basically, im looking for an app or website that restricts the user in all actions besides sliding between photos fullscreen, also no enchancing and stuff if possible. Best case scenario it would be possible to completely lock the tablet and not give anyone the possibility to quit the app. I already checked a lot of presentation or photo frame app, but none of them really fits the job.
Ideas will be greaty appreciated.
Im working with a kobo arc 10 HD tablet with root, android 4.2.2

Is it possible to make this app?

I'm not asking anyone to try and make an app I'm just curious if something like this is even possible. Is there anyway to view the gear 360 camera live on Android Wear watches(I have a Moto)? I have no idea how apps are made (I'm pretty sure the app stork brings them) I'm strictly end user so if sounds wildly far fetched its only out of sheer ignorance. Anyway thank you anyone who responds.

