Explanation for the Delays from Engadget - Thunderbolt General

Apparently a few sources that "are familiar with these things" have said the reason for the delays (the reason the release date has been pushed back) is because horrible battery issues and signal problems. Most likely interconnected (much like the Evo at launch). Apparently (it's in the article) people that are using the internet connection at all are draining their batteries from full to dead in only 2-3 hours.
The update says the release date has actually been pushed back 6 times already because of this issue. That means the phone probably would have launched in late December or January if it were working the way it was intended.

Lies, the phone is shipped out already. There is no delay
Just was originally going to be released in march
Sent from my Incredible using XDA Premium App

I've mentioned before that it was a huge battery hog, but it's nothing that was described by those sources "in the know." It went gold in early January.

superchilpil said:
Lies, the phone is shipped out already. There is no delay
Just was originally going to be released in march
Sent from my Incredible using XDA Premium App
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Yeah you sure? I have $20 that your source is just as reliable and workign on conjecture just like everyone else out there right now.

newalker91 said:
The phones are locked in a cage under the counter at my local Best Buy. I watched the manager open the cage to count how many were set aside for preorders so he could tell me how many are up for sale as soon as the ball drops.
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The local Best Buy manager let me look at a box, although I was not allowed to open it and play wth the phone. He said he has no idea when he can sell them, but he has them. A couple of dozen is what I saw.
I saw them Monday or Tuesday. So they could have gone on sale this week it seems.
That said, Engadget mentioned a new firmware may be coming, as a day 1 patch or what? Would the sales people have to do the update before letting customers walk out with it? Supposedly to fix a radio/battery issue.

Its always "People familiar with the matter" how about those people grow a pair and come out on the record, simple because its easier to spread rumor than go on record without proof.

RaptorMD said:
Its always "People familiar with the matter" how about those people grow a pair and come out on the record, simple because its easier to spread rumor than go on record without proof.
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Can't speak for everyone, but that's not happening when you are under an NDA. The companies actually strategically leak out info themselves, so why the **** am I signing this again? Regardless, I've witnessed people getting into serious trouble with their jobs, just so they could be another internet sensation. This is why I'm amazed when BMX, and other "insiders" are publicly known for it, yet still have their jobs.

popular nobody said:
Can't speak for everyone, but that's not happening when you are under an NDA. The companies actually strategically leak out info themselves, so why the **** am I signing this again? Regardless, I've witnessed people getting into serious trouble with their jobs, just so they could be another internet sensation. This is why I'm amazed when BMX, and other "insiders" are publicly known for it, yet still have their jobs.
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I guess you haven't heard of astroturfing? Just because they claim to be insiders and "leaks" doesn't mean the company doesn't secretly condone or support it. What better way to get easy publicity than to have an employee claim to be acting on their own releasing rumors or "inside information" instead of a stuffy corporate press release.

andydumi said:
The local Best Buy manager let me look at a box, although I was not allowed to open it and play wth the phone. He said he has no idea when he can sell them, but he has them. A couple of dozen is what I saw.
I saw them Monday or Tuesday. So they could have gone on sale this week it seems.
That said, Engadget mentioned a new firmware may be coming, as a day 1 patch or what? Would the sales people have to do the update before letting customers walk out with it? Supposedly to fix a radio/battery issue.
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So, I work at a BB. Neither my store nor any other of the 15 or so stores in our district has these things in stock yet. This isn't the first I've seen of people saying that stores are sitting on them, but knowing for a fact that a good chunk of stores really DON'T have them has me wondering about the legitimacy of people claiming to have seen them...

AMDman18 said:
So, I work at a BB. Neither my store nor any other of the 15 or so stores in our district has these things in stock yet. This isn't the first I've seen of people saying that stores are sitting on them, but knowing for a fact that a good chunk of stores really DON'T have them has me wondering about the legitimacy of people claiming to have seen them...
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One fellow employee to another, same thing here. System says 0 for all the districts in my area which includes most of the east coast.

can i have a job at BB? please? i know stuff

newalker91 said:
You don't want to work there. They pay you about $0.25/hour over minimum wage with no commission or bonuses, then expect you to meet metrics similar to a commission sales job with no incentive. There's a reason why only morons work for BB.
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dude my cousin is pretty smart,, works at bb and another job while he goes to school so thats pretty ****ty to say about people

newalker91 said:
He wouldn't have to work two jobs if he didn't pick minimum wage employment. Either way there are always exceptions to everything. There are intelligent people working at Walmart as well, but put that in the spectrum of all the employees. If someone wants a real career in electronics, then they need to seek out a management position or get into an actual company for a rep position.
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there isnt alot of well payin jobs where he is at right now ,, so he took up two jobs to make up the difference ,, til he is done

newalker91 said:
You don't want to work there. They pay you about $0.25/hour over minimum wage with no commission or bonuses, then expect you to meet metrics similar to a commission sales job with no incentive. There's a reason why only morons work for BB.
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Ermm, when I worked at Best Buy Mobile I got $11/hour plus bonuses (BBM department gets monthly bonuses). My monthly average worked out to about $12.50-14.00 an hour. Considering all the benefits (discounts from manufacturers and $20/month cell phone plans) it's not a bad racket.
Your last sentence makes you seem unnecessarily bitter.

exactly where i knew it was going
best buy (as alluded to above) is good for one thing; going to see the product in person (if they carry the actual matching model, and not an exclusive model) then go to buy it on the internets.
i have held seminars (as a walk-in customer) with their PC and HT departments explaining technologies (the manager just gathers everyone around so he didnt have to be held accountable for not remembering what HDMI stood for, or the contrast between an analog and digital signal, or actually didnt have the sophistication to do so).
yes there are always outliers, but majority reigns @ bb "here is an average boy, see this line just under that, that is your boy, mrs. gump"
if there were no evil in this world, would we want any good?

newalker91 said:
You don't want to work there. They pay you about $0.25/hour over minimum wage with no commission or bonuses, then expect you to meet metrics similar to a commission sales job with no incentive. There's a reason why only morons work for BB.
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Couldn't be any further from the truth.
There's a difference between someone getting paid .25 over minimum and someone who knows how to negotiate pay.
I was hired by Best Buy in September 2007 at a starting pay of $10.25 an hour. That was $2.25 above minimum wage that year in California. Maybe you missed the 2 in your figure? After my 90 day evaluation, I was making $11.00. Basically, I outsold everyone on the sales floor, sold PSP's (they're called Black Tie Protection now), counter service, on-site service, accessories and built relationships with local shoppers. When they offered me a 25 cent raise at my 90 day, I said "I want $11 or I walk..." they didn't want to make up the numbers they'd lose from me.
By the time I quit in February 2009, I was making $12.00 an hour. If I stayed, I would've been promoted to a senior and been above $15-18 an hour at least.
I'm also a UCSD undergraduate studying Chemical Engineering in my sophomore/junior year. I wasn't the highest paying lower level employee I knew either. My friend is a comp sci major working at Best Buy and his starting wage was $2.50 higher per hour than some of the seniors in his department. They don't know about it.
Managers want the ignorant employees to think wages are equal and everyone gets paid garbage. The truth is, NBA isn't the only place some people make more money than their coworkers.
SO let's not jump to conclusions about what type of people work at Best Buy. I agree with people who dislike BB's practices, but let's not insult the employees.

newalker91 said:
You don't want to work there. They pay you about $0.25/hour over minimum wage with no commission or bonuses, then expect you to meet metrics similar to a commission sales job with no incentive. There's a reason why only morons work for BB.
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This forum would be a much better place if there wasn't people like this that think they are smarter than everyone else and like to put people down for absolutely no reason.
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

Whoever that guy is saying people at bestbuy make minimum wage is a moron, I work for mobile myself and make in the teens for hourly rate, aswell as being bonus eligible, its not a bad setup for a fulltime college student
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App

I worked for best buy ( once upon a very dark time ).... and it is correct that they do lie to their employees about pay... it didn't used to be this way.. back in '05 -'06 best buy was an ok place to work... morals were high... and they had competition ( circuit city, comp usa ).. and they paid their employed well.
For example I was a DCI ( geek squad sup ) making $22hr.
But once circut closed and they had no more major competition ( I wont state frys ele as a competition bcuz they are not national ) they changed their policies... downsized their staff and everyone took a pay cut or got laid off.
So now bby thinks they are untouchable ( which they allmost are ) and can get away with low pay beacuse the economy sucks and people are willing to do anything to get by.
And yes.... not everyone who works for best buy is an idiot... just most of them.
Now.... im an I.T. admin / web developer making 3x what I did at bby...
So the moral of the story is... if you want to get ahead in life... don't work retail.... get a degree and use it!
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App


The FCC wants public opinion on ATT acquisition of Tmobile!

The FCC is opening its ears to public opinions on this whole takeover going down. Check out this article!
and here is the link where you can speak your mind, it is also linked in the article above!
While the article states some more phone technical difficulties and how poorly ATT treats the android community, they also need to realize some equally bigger and some effects that will be instantly impacting everyone. The acquisition will leave ATT with too many stores and they will and have already stated that they will have to cut back the work force, I would speculate a good percentage, around 15-20% of the total workforce after they acquire Tmobile. This is going to be an instant loss in THOUSANDS of jobs across the US. Great, lets lay smore people off in this already ****ty economy, **** you ATT.
Imagine if ATT did not find a way to immediately integrate the current tmobile network into the current ATT network. This would mean all sorts of issues starting with new phones, many of the 34 million customers tmobile has will be forced to buy new phones. ATT just spent 39 billion dollars on a new company do you really think they are going to give everyone new phones of equal value to the ones they currently have? I would guess maybe similar deals to what are currently on the market if you sign a new contract and maybe an additional 50-100 dollars if you sign a new contract coming from tmobile. Not only that but how is the new network going to handle the instant surge of traffic into their network, an almost 40% instant increase in traffic! They can hardly handle their own traffic currently!
ATT is ultimately buying what they cannot earn or achieve on its own and a more liberal and customer friendly business model is threatening to what ATT wants. ATT continuously gets horrible reviews on their customer service where as Tmobile is continuously receiving outstanding reviews on theirs, again tmobile buying a model to maybe improve their own or just ultimately stomp out the competition so they don't look as bad. People cannot hate them if after 5 years of no tmobile they dont remember how the good days were.
ATT has slower and poorer network coverage than Tmobile, especially when it comes to "4g" and I use 4g loosely because it is not true 4g, however it is vastly further along than ATT's equivalent model for growth. Again, ATT cannot keep up so they are buying up.
Tmobile caters to android and the development of google's open OS model. Google has released all of their officially branded phones to work with tmobile's network because tmobile continues to support google, it has been a great mutual relationship. I owned a nexus one phone for tmobile and I remember the release of an ATT radio banded nexus one and it was like a whole other world for ATT users to be on a stock android device that was not locked down by the carrier at all.
These were just the first points that popped into my head... people rarely look past anything other than the phone and network incompatibility because that will effect them personally.
"The FCC works towards six goals in the areas of broadband, competition, the spectrum, the media, public safety and homeland security, and modernizing the FCC." The FCC does have to take into account large scale effects on the country such as tens of thousands of jobs going away as a result of the merger. Competition is a big factor in this because if ultimately this turns into a monopoly setting for ATT then the FCC looks like assholes in letting this go through and they will be in the middle of a huge judicial matter down the road. If the FCC feels that millions of customers will face a headache or extra financial burden by the merger than this falls under the public safety, protecting us from damages.
I encourage that if you do say something about the merger, be academic about it. 10 million people chiming in about ATT's ****ty customer service will not get anything done, the FCC does not give a rats ass about quality customer service or high dropped call rates, they are going to be focused on business model, economical impact in the present and future and ultimately the immediate effect on customers and any unnecessary financial burdens. This is a selfish act by ATT and they are covering it up with their bull**** about how they want to expand their network for the benefit of everyone.
147 comment/complaints!
i have made mine lets take advantage of our rights and tell the FCC how we REALLY FEEL!
nate420 said:
147 comment/complaints!
i have made mine lets take advantage of our rights and tell the FCC how we REALLY FEEL!
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no problem man! this issue is bigger than, omg i dont want to deal with ATT, their ****ty customer service and ****ty phones...
What is the "proceeding number" and "filing number"?
What does my Front Facing Camera care about AT&T's acquisition of T-Mobile?
v8dreaming said:
What is the "proceeding number" and "filing number"?
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11-65 is the proceeding number
read the andriodpolice link and then go to the fcc link!
MWBehr said:
What does my Front Facing Camera care about AT&T's acquisition of T-Mobile?
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LOL @ the topic name
@ op can you edit the topic tittle to FCC not FFC lol
Thank you for this thread! I've posted my misgivings and although I'm sure it doesn't meet their request for it to be 'brief', it certainly outlined my biggest issues w/this travesty!
I also liked both this page and the article itself in Stumbleupon. I had thought about like the FCC page, but w/o an explanation, I know ppl wouldn't know what it was about.
If this unholy union takes place, all I can say is I hope they send me some lipstick, because as Cartman said, "... I like to look pretty before I get*bleeped*!"
nate420 said:
11-65 is the proceeding number
read the andriodpolice link and then go to the fcc link!
LOL @ the topic name
@ op can you edit the topic tittle to FCC not FFC lol
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LOL wow i totally did not even notice this either... proofreadfail
Voiced my disapproval of the deal.
I think I agree with the OP's statements on this matter. Especially his last paragraph. They want to get an idea of what their getting into before they make a final choice. If everyone just tells them how much they hate Att and how crappy their CS is, then your just wasting your time. They will prolly make it through the first sentence and discard your message. I would suggest being mature, direct - and by direct I do not mean demanding. Focus on the big picture rather than just how it effects yourself. They wanna make sure that they arent going to regret this, they dont want to be the ones that hurt thousands of hard working americans in such a wounded economy. With gas prices, real estate and tons of material costs and not to mention food prices raising more and more, the last thing they want is to screw the cellular economy also. I would suggest reading the whole original post and thinking before you hit the send button. Because I think these emails will have an impact on their decision, I would send one, but I am not a true t-mobile customer, although I will be shortly. I honestly hope this doesnt go through, I really dont like Att either, but also dont know t-mobile enough to give an honest, informed opinion. Good luck to us all. . .

Finally G2X class action lawsuit!

http://www.law360.com/technology/articles/258771/lg-struck-with-class-action-over-smartphone-defects . credit to brooklyng2x over on lgforum for finding it.
Would be nice if you didn't have to sign up with a website in order to get on board with the CAL.
The link isn't working for me
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA Premium App
how about this pdf? http://articles.law360.s3.amazonaws...um-6-dm_id-5305026-doc_num-1-pdf_header-2.pdf
He is right! Somebody had to do it! LG deserves it!
Well now LG won't give us GB at all lol they're probably saying, "Well here's the lawsuit, now we don't have to work on GB anymore."
this needed to be done, this isnt the first time lg has had a class action lawsuit. They have had one for their refrigerators.
nyyankees3511 said:
how about this pdf? http://articles.law360.s3.amazonaws...um-6-dm_id-5305026-doc_num-1-pdf_header-2.pdf
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Thank you kind sir!
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA Premium App
A class action lawsuit is a total and complete waste of time and a mis-use of a system that is already corrupt. Rather than attempt to get your share of $4.30 which is what the end result will be for participants just ride it out and either flash a working ROM or wait for the update.
I KNOW...WE HAVE ALL HEARD THE WHINING AND CRYING BEFORE.....I shouldn't have to flash a custom ROM, It's been since April blah blah blah...Ever heard the saying Buyer Beware. If you purchase the first run of damn near ANYTHING other than food or clothing there will ALMOST always be some type of bug to be worked out. And I don't wanna hear "Well I bought mine in June so it's not first run". IT IS!
Deal with it, grow up and let our courts handle more pressing issues other than your cell phone wont work. Hell, I flashed a custom ROM and then out of the blue am having re-boot issues. Maybe I should call Barry Obama and see if he can get me a replacement.
Have a great day!
I think more of us are pissed at the run around, lack of communication, broken promises, and now dead silence. Im sure none of us are looking for the end settlement but hoping this wakes lg up and keeps them in touch with us and not feed us BS.
nyyankees3511 said:
I think more of us are pissed at the run around, lack of communication, broken promises, and now dead silence. Im sure none of us are looking for the end settlement but hoping this wakes lg up and keeps them in touch with us and not feed us BS.
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well said.
Like I said in other thread: Some people can't see past their own nose.
I knew I held onto my G2X for a reason...
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA Premium App
mahgninnuc93 said:
A class action lawsuit is a total and complete waste of time and a mis-use of a system that is already corrupt. Rather than attempt to get your share of $4.30 which is what the end result will be for participants just ride it out and either flash a working ROM or wait for the update.
I KNOW...WE HAVE ALL HEARD THE WHINING AND CRYING BEFORE.....I shouldn't have to flash a custom ROM, It's been since April blah blah blah...Ever heard the saying Buyer Beware. If you purchase the first run of damn near ANYTHING other than food or clothing there will ALMOST always be some type of bug to be worked out. And I don't wanna hear "Well I bought mine in June so it's not first run". IT IS!
Deal with it, grow up and let our courts handle more pressing issues other than your cell phone wont work. Hell, I flashed a custom ROM and then out of the blue am having re-boot issues. Maybe I should call Barry Obama and see if he can get me a replacement.
Have a great day!
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What exactly was this the "first run" of? A smartphone? Definitely not. A smartphone running Android? Not that either. A device with a nvidia Tegra 2 processor? Nope. I'll admit that there are a lot of devices and products that have problems with them at first -- almost all of them actually. This is beyond normal though, and there's no denying that. As far as the court system goes, the whole world is corrupt, get used to it.
nyyankees3511 said:
I think more of us are pissed at the run around, lack of communication, broken promises, and now dead silence. Im sure none of us are looking for the end settlement but hoping this wakes lg up and keeps them in touch with us and not feed us BS.
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I appreciate that. But the bottom line in something like this is, now that a suit has been filed it only leads them to want to drag their feet.
I appreciate the frustration by the lack of communication. I am there as well. But I guess some of us look as the glass half full rather than the glass half empty
baldwinguy77 said:
What exactly was this the "first run" of? A smartphone? Definitely not. A smartphone running Android? Not that either. A device with a nvidia Tegra 2 processor? Nope. I'll admit that there are a lot of devices and products that have problems with them at first -- almost all of them actually. This is beyond normal though, and there's no denying that. As far as the court system goes, the whole world is corrupt, get used to it.
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It's the first run of this phone is it not? Yep sure is. I went through these issues with the original iPhone release as well. Since it was the only phone Apple released they were able to focus resources on it solely. LG, like most companies is chasing the $$ and therefore spreading themselves way too thin. I"m not making excuses but it's the reality of it all.
And yep, I know about the corruptness of the system. My brother is a personal injury attorney, I see it all the time.
mahgninnuc93 said:
I appreciate that. But the bottom line in something like this is, now that a suit has been filed it only leads them to want to drag their feet.
I appreciate the frustration by the lack of communication. I am there as well. But I guess some of us look as the glass half full rather than the glass half empty
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I think you give this more credit than it actually has. LG won't even notice something like this until it makes the run of the legal system waiting periods, response times, etc.
At best, you might see a more controlled response publicly from LG. You might see information dry up on support forums, from LG as they control responses and limit anything that could be used against them. But for development, the biggest hurdle in GB was not bugs on the G2x. As you saw recently, LG released or will soon release 2 GB handsets. This was most likely the biggest hurdle in G2x updates. Having a single LG wide GB story, then customize to individual handset. It makes no sense to think that LG would customize GB for a released handset, prior to insuring the GB release for new handsets was in place.
The day a finalized version of a LG GB os was in place company wide, thats when the porting to G2x, with any fixes, started. The work became integrating the fixes in to the GB update.
Remember, these guys are into making money, not updating for free.
I've read somewhere on this forum about speculation about LG pulling the G2x over marketing concerns in competition with the SEnsation. This does make some sense. LG will never outsell HTC. But in an end of summer market, post Sensation, a GB G2x might make a bigger splash NONE of the signs point to abandonment. Legally they can't do that. But signs do point to repositioning of a product.
I think in the rush to market to be the first Dual Core handset, LG lost, by being first.
just my opinion...
Well, as I just posted at LGs forum, I just want a new sealed updated phone. That's been one of my biggest gripes, I never get a working phone and my end result is a used scratched refurbished one without a matching box? Still with no update to boot. And I'm in WAY better shape than some customers, 'cause I have one that works.....for now.
Patently unfair.
mahgninnuc93 said:
A class action lawsuit is a total and complete waste of time and a mis-use of a system that is already corrupt. Rather than attempt to get your share of $4.30 which is what the end result will be for participants just ride it out and either flash a working ROM or wait for the update.
I KNOW...WE HAVE ALL HEARD THE WHINING AND CRYING BEFORE.....I shouldn't have to flash a custom ROM, It's been since April blah blah blah...Ever heard the saying Buyer Beware. If you purchase the first run of damn near ANYTHING other than food or clothing there will ALMOST always be some type of bug to be worked out. And I don't wanna hear "Well I bought mine in June so it's not first run". IT IS!
Deal with it, grow up and let our courts handle more pressing issues other than your cell phone wont work. Hell, I flashed a custom ROM and then out of the blue am having re-boot issues. Maybe I should call Barry Obama and see if he can get me a replacement.
Have a great day!
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The problem is people's willingness to accept the nonsense. If the consumer doesn't complant about these issues, these companies will just get away with it. I don't know about you, but I am tried of just getting defective phones, I exchange it three times and same problem, then politely ask them for a full refund and was refused, saying all they can do is repair it or exchange it for the same model then wrote a letter to their head corporate offices and haven't heard back. LG don't care, they made their money.
jrwingate6 said:
I knew I held onto my G2X for a reason...
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA Premium App
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You don't have to own the phone anymore, you just have to have owned it during the period outlined in complaint. Maybe I'll recoup some of my costs for moving to AT&T.
This is great news.
My view is a bit different. There are defects about a phone I can deal with (ie. backlight bleeding, gps/wifi) but when a phone can't operate as a phone, that draws the line.
The random reboots are the most annoying thing, and some of which don't ever reboot (requires a battery pull to get it working again).
This purchase has given me a very sour taste in my mouth for not only LG and their future products but also T-mobile's sub-par involvement in assisting customers.
I'm beyond the point of going to another carrier, since plans like the one I'm on no longer exist for this price. So unless T-mobile pulls through, I'll say screw the cell-phone market altogether.

has anyone talked to luca chase who got a sensation and NEW DATE FOR UPDATE(maybe)

so i am extremely mad at Tmobile right now. I got a call from their executive office and i was speaking to luca or lusha or somthing like that. basically she told me i was unable to be given a sensation. I then told her that i would be filing a complaint with the Better Business Bureau because the people who did on XDA were given Sensations. she then told me she handled all of the Better Business claims and that no one had been given a sensation. but i know for a fact that people on here have been given one. So my question to the community is who offered you a sensation when you called the executive office? i am going to call and ask to speak to them.
Also she told me that at 2:24 today T-mobile received a message saying a software update would come sometime next week. I then asked if it would be gingerbread or just a bug fix. Her response, " Do you know what a software update is? that pissed me of to no end. our conversation ended when she asked me for 20 dollars for a new G2x. i told her she was out of her ****ing mind and told her to be ready for my better business complaint
Then I called corporate so i could file a complaint on lucha or whatever her name was. the lady who answered told me that isn't possible so i asked for the name of the person i was speaking to and she hung up on me. I kept calling back and i kept getting redirected to the desk of luca chase (still not sure how to say or spell her name) and that just royally pissed me off.
i am so mad right now. All i can do is file a complaint. i never expected to be treated this badly.
slowpig38 said:
so i am extremely mad at Tmobile right now. I got a call from their executive office and i was speaking to luca or lusha or somthing like that. basically she told me i was unable to be given a sensation. I then told her that i would be filing a complaint with the Better Business Bureau because the people who did on XDA were given Sensations. she then told me she handled all of the Better Business claims and that no one had been given a sensation. but i know for a fact that people on here have been given one. So my question to the community is who offered you a sensation when you called the executive office? i am going to call and ask to speak to them.
Also she told me that at 2:24 today T-mobile received a message saying a software update would come sometime next week. I then asked if it would be gingerbread or just a bug fix. Her response, " Do you know what a software update is? that pissed me of to no end. our conversation ended when she asked me for 20 dollars for a new G2x. i told her she was out of her ****ing mind and told her to be ready for my better business complaint
Then I called corporate so i could file a complaint on lucha or whatever her name was. the lady who answered told me that isn't possible so i asked for the name of the person i was speaking to and she hung up on me. I kept calling back and i kept getting redirected to the desk of luca chase (still not sure how to say or spell her name) and that just royally pissed me off.
i am so mad right now. All i can do is file a complaint. i never expected to be treated this badly.
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This is the problem I see with all the whiners and complainers on this forum. There's a way to communicate, if you lose your cool then you'll get screwed.
Especially in America, people think they're "entitled" to get what they want because of supposed laws or it's in writing, but I tell you this, unless you know the laws to the "T" and you're willing to invest your time, energy, money and so on and so forth, you'll just make it more inconvenient for others, because then the company, even if they're in the wrong, will implement protocols to make it harder for others that come in with the same complaint just because some shmuck didn't know how to communicate without threatening the company.
I'm putting this out because all these complaints will do more harm to us consumers, by making Tmobile or anyother company that feels they're being attacked put up a wall of defenses that will make it less forthcoming for us to do pleasant business with the company, because now we're all looked upon as the enemy.
i only lost my cool after she made it clear that she wouldnt give me a sensation. this was my 3rd time talking to her.
I have a friend that works as a manager at T-mobile who exchanges my phone for a new one everytime a new one I like comes out ... you should also get a friend that manages a store @ tmo ... winning
Seems like a lot of work for one person to handle all of these claims!
Complaint Type Total Closed Complaints
Advertising / Sales Issues 1734
Billing / Collection Issues 9544
Delivery Issues 393
Guarantee / Warranty Issues 478
Other 460
Problems with Product / Service 13784
Total Closed Complaints 26393
Thanks for dragging XDA's name into the mud while *****ing about tmo not giving you **** for free...
Sent from my LG G2x
+1 yeah, no crap. Whiner. Just because others have done it and succeeded and you failed doesn't entitle you to run around and ruin it for everybody else.
jacob808 said:
This is the problem I see with all the whiners and complainers on this forum. There's a way to communicate, if you lose your cool then you'll get screwed.
Especially in America, people think they're "entitled" to get what they want because of supposed laws or it's in writing, but I tell you this, unless you know the laws to the "T" and you're willing to invest your time, energy, money and so on and so forth, you'll just make it more inconvenient for others, because then the company, even if they're in the wrong, will implement protocols to make it harder for others that come in with the same complaint just because some shmuck didn't know how to communicate without threatening the company.
I'm putting this out because all these complaints will do more harm to us consumers, by making Tmobile or anyother company that feels they're being attacked put up a wall of defenses that will make it less forthcoming for us to do pleasant business with the company, because now we're all looked upon as the enemy.
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While i agree that the poster did not handle this right at all. i am fed up with my paycheck being **** paying for all the entitlement programs in this country. BUT we are entitiled to a working phone or a refund. not sure why people want the sensation i have no care for it. the use of entitlment here is not correct since he is entitled to a working phone .
and your last paragraph. the reason people are so pissed off is because of the lack of communication and forthcoming(still believe its out of stock d/t sales)
they already put up the great wall of china and posted it with lies and misleading attempts to get people to hang on to the phone past the 2 weeks.
in no way am i saying that the OP was in the right. but you sounded just as bad.
now lets start spreading this next week date. comeone we need at least 20 threads on it
No $#it man "he got it why can't I" you would probably sell everyone out!!
Faux123 for Dev!!!
Ever hear the saying one bad apple spoils it for the bunch. Well you're the bad apple. You don't get something by demanding it. I really don't think anyone who called really called to get one. We just wanted a phone that works.
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA Premium App
TJBunch1228 said:
Thanks for dragging XDA's name into the mud while *****ing about tmo not giving you **** for free...
Sent from my LG G2x
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G2x with CM7 and faux kernel. NONSENSE!!!!
This won't lead to nothing. On that note, thread closed.

AT&T rep: "Your GS4 is slow because you did not activate it properly."

Returned my GS4 today (that's not the purpose of this thread, so don't bash me), and when the guy asked why I was returning it, I said it's kind of laggy and not enough of an upgrade over my GS3 to warrant keeping. A few minutes later he asked if I ever "activated" the phone, and I said, "I just stuck my SIM card in and it worked." He responded, "Well that is why your GS4 was slow--you did not activate it properly."
I proceeded to explain to him that I did not mean that data was slow, but that the phone itself was laggy, i.e., opening dialer, taking pictures, etc--stuff that has nothing to do with the SIM card or activation. He nevertheless argued with me and insisted that if I had properly activated it instead of just inserting my SIM card, then it would have functioned better. We argued for a minute or two and then I just gave up and said "fine, I would like to return it anyways, thanks."
Anyways, just thought I'd share. The guy clearly has no idea what he's talking about, but it was worth a laugh.
It's like when I told the att rep that I might not be purchasing tha s4 because of the locked boot loader. She proceeded to explain that you could take the back of the phone off and that it was not locked.
MrGriffdude said:
It's like when I told the att rep that I might not be purchasing tha s4 because of the locked boot loader. She proceeded to explain that you could take the back of the phone off and that it was not locked.
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Lol do these people get ZERO training?
Sent from my HTC One
MrGriffdude said:
It's like when I told the att rep that I might not be purchasing tha s4 because of the locked boot loader. She proceeded to explain that you could take the back of the phone off and that it was not locked.
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Ha. Funniest post so far today...
Ugh, this makes me so angry. These AT&T reps remind me of Best Buy employees that sell computers or phones. They are so used to being the "person that knows everything" that they can't deal with being proved wrong or won't see it any other way. For example, I wanted a Macbook Pro and I knew the onboard video card could run my favorite games at a full 60 fps.. So I asked for a sales person to get me the laptop in the cage. Instead, I was given a lecture by the sales person on why "Macs can't play games" and I should get this HP "gaming" laptop (17 inches, neon lights, etc). I tried to educate him on things like bootcamp, nVidia series numbers, and even the games themselves, but nothing got through. He was told at some point in his life that "Macs can't play games" and that's that.
It's gotten to the point where if I want to cancel a service or return a product and they ask "what was wrong?" I simply say "it wasn't the right fit for me" or "I just want to try something else". It's not worth getting in an argument about because there are no winners and you aren't going to educate anyone that gets paid to sell, sell, sell. Educate yourself ahead of time of the store's policies and if the rep tries to give you sh*t, just ask for a manager and be sure you are able to quote policy if need be.
I work for AT&T. I'm not a tech support slave, I'd like to keep my title confidential, but I will say that these people don't deserve this kind of trashtalk.
Do remember that over 90% of AT&T's subscriber base is not the type of individual that's going to browse these forums or know what a locked bootloader even is. The % of the Android community that is into modding is way smaller than you think. Why would AT&T train their tech support slaves on locked bootloaders and rooting? 99% of the time, they deal with billing issues and irate customers who are complaining about service drops.
The tech support slaves also don't have training on the internal workings of the tiered system of Android. They didn't make the phone, they can't tell you why it's slow. The only material they have to go off of, is the same material that's available to us from within the box, and the information they catch up on when people call and complain to them. They aren't programmers, they aren't Samsung. They aren't Google. They are a provider of service. I'm sure almost everyone here would agree that it's dumb to call Comcast and ask them why your computer is slow(Not your internet, but your computer). This is the exact same thing. What do you expect them to say when you say "I'm not going to get the S4 because it has a locked bootloader"? Do you expect the response to be "Well sir I can assist you with that. Please dial this 24 digit number and the pound key and your bootloader will be unlocked.", how do you expect them to fix it for you? Locked bootloaders happen for a LEGAL reason, and the bootloader has already been unlocked. Everyone on XDA is so impatient and rude anymore, it makes me not want to be a part of the degrading community.
In my opinion, the person calling AT&T to complain about their phone being slow and laggy shows less common sense than the AT&T rep who can't help them. Just because they're "Tech Support" doesn't mean they can magically give you explenations out of the nether or fix any problem you might have with the hardware that they did not manufacture. Android is an operating system. If you bought your computer from Walmart and it came with Windows installed, would you call Walmart and ask them questions about why your system isn't performing the way it's supposed to, or would you call Microsoft; the people responsible for the software on the device?
Cut these people a break. It's impossible to police the entire bug list of Android across every handset on the market. 90% of the Android user-base wouldn't even notice that the phone was performing slowly when it shouldn't. Us here at XDA are a huge minority.
When I saw this thread, I laughed, not because of what the AT&T rep said, but because the OP was expecting them to give them some detailed analysis on why their phone is lagging. Maybe AT&T should start hiring their tech support slaves directly from Google Interns, then these wambulance threads wouldn't happen.
If you had any idea how much "training" is required to work in any kind of support department for AT&T, you would think twice before crying on forums about how they didn't rifle off a fix for every little problem you have.
As to the comment above me, I will recite the same. Sales people aren't scholars of technology. He's correct that gaming on a Mac is very uncommon, considering almost every computer game in existence runs on DirectX, which is owned by Microsoft, thus not able to be efficiently included in OS X. Do you really damn the salesman for telling you that Windows has 3498230948230948x more gaming capabilities than a Mac? Because I hate to tell you this, but he's right. If I were the salesman, I would try to prevent you from grossly overpaying by 200-300% for a device that you're going to have to jump through hoops for to play an insanely large library of games. What makes it even more hilarious is that now you can install OS X on a Windows based machine, so you're literally overpaying 200-300% for a shiny white Mac because you are a sheeple. Show me any Mac, and I'll build you a Windows computer with Mac OS-X on it for a third of the price. But seriously, If you want to buy a Mac for gaming and you want them to talk to you about strictly Macs, go to an apple store. If you go to a computer store, they're going to try to talk you into Windows, because it's what 85% of the world uses. This is also not a random statistic, although the study is a few years old.
geokhentix said:
I work for AT&T. I'm not a tech support slave, I'd like to keep my title confidential, but I will say that these people don't deserve this kind of trashtalk.
Do remember that over 90% of AT&T's subscriber base is not the type of individual that's going to browse these forums or know what a locked bootloader even is. The % of the Android community that is into modding is way smaller than you think. Why would AT&T train their tech support slaves on locked bootloaders and rooting? 99% of the time, they deal with billing issues and irate customers who are complaining about service drops.
The tech support slaves also don't have training on the internal workings of the tiered system of Android. They didn't make the phone, they can't tell you why it's slow. The only material they have to go off of, is the same material that's available to us from within the box, and the information they catch up on when people call and complain to them. They aren't programmers, they aren't Samsung. They aren't Google. They are a provider of service. I'm sure almost everyone here would agree that it's dumb to call Comcast and ask them why your computer is slow(Not your internet, but your computer). This is the exact same thing. What do you expect them to say when you say "I'm not going to get the S4 because it has a locked bootloader"? Do you expect the response to be "Well sir I can assist you with that. Please dial this 24 digit number and the pound key and your bootloader will be unlocked.", how do you expect them to fix it for you? Locked bootloaders happen for a LEGAL reason, and the bootloader has already been unlocked. Everyone on XDA is so impatient and rude anymore, it makes me not want to be a part of the degrading community.
In my opinion, the person calling AT&T to complain about their phone being slow and laggy shows less common sense than the AT&T rep who can't help them. Just because they're "Tech Support" doesn't mean they can magically give you explenations out of the nether or fix any problem you might have with the hardware that they did not manufacture. Android is an operating system. If you bought your computer from Walmart and it came with Windows installed, would you call Walmart and ask them questions about why your system isn't performing the way it's supposed to, or would you call Microsoft; the people responsible for the software on the device?
Cut these people a break. It's impossible to police the entire bug list of Android across every handset on the market. 90% of the Android user-base wouldn't even notice that the phone was performing slowly when it shouldn't. Us here at XDA are a huge minority.
When I saw this thread, I laughed, not because of what the AT&T rep said, but because the OP was expecting them to give them some detailed analysis on why their phone is lagging. Maybe AT&T should start hiring their tech support slaves directly from Google Interns, then these wambulance threads wouldn't happen.
If you had any idea how much "training" is required to work in any kind of support department for AT&T, you would think twice before crying on forums about how they didn't rifle off a fix for every little problem you have.
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It's like people expect that store (best buy, cellular ect) employees all have a BAS or MBA in computer science..
Could have read it wrong,but looks like he was returning his phone and the att rep asked him why. So he told them. what was wrong with that? He didn't take his phone to att thinking some kind of magic was going to take place and it wouldn't lag anymore. That was the att rep saying if he actavatied it he wouldn't have that problem. Again maybe I read the op wrong.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using xda premium
I'm fine with people not knowing if its that important i will usually know about it anyways. I just dislike it when I get a bull crap response in return. If I do receive one I don't make a scene and argue with them. I just thought that response was worth a chuckle or two.
atsim said:
Could have read it wrong,but looks like he was returning his phone and the att rep asked him why. So he told them. what was wrong with that? He didn't take his phone to att thinking some kind of magic was going to take place and it wouldn't lag anymore. That was the att rep saying if he actavatied it he wouldn't have that problem. Again maybe I read the op wrong.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using xda premium
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Considering the title of the thread is meant to find humor in the reps response, it doesn't really matter how it came about. If he wanted to return his phone, do it without picking fun at people who are literally paid to be treated like dirt. I have to talk to support every single day in my job, and trust me, it can be a huge headache, but I don't hold it against them because I know that when I hang up with them, 9 times out of 10, the next person that picks up the phone is going to scream at them.
Perhaps I was a little rude, I meant no offense to any of you.
geokhentix said:
I work for AT&T. I'm not a tech support slave, I'd like to keep my title confidential, but I will say that these people don't deserve this kind of trashtalk.
Do remember that over 90% of AT&T's subscriber base is not the type of individual that's going to browse these forums or know what a locked bootloader even is. The % of the Android community that is into modding is way smaller than you think. Why would AT&T train their tech support slaves on locked bootloaders and rooting? 99% of the time, they deal with billing issues and irate customers who are complaining about service drops.
The tech support slaves also don't have training on the internal workings of the tiered system of Android. They didn't make the phone, they can't tell you why it's slow. The only material they have to go off of, is the same material that's available to us from within the box, and the information they catch up on when people call and complain to them. They aren't programmers, they aren't Samsung. They aren't Google. They are a provider of service. I'm sure almost everyone here would agree that it's dumb to call Comcast and ask them why your computer is slow(Not your internet, but your computer). This is the exact same thing. What do you expect them to say when you say "I'm not going to get the S4 because it has a locked bootloader"? Do you expect the response to be "Well sir I can assist you with that. Please dial this 24 digit number and the pound key and your bootloader will be unlocked.", how do you expect them to fix it for you? Locked bootloaders happen for a LEGAL reason, and the bootloader has already been unlocked. Everyone on XDA is so impatient and rude anymore, it makes me not want to be a part of the degrading community.
In my opinion, the person calling AT&T to complain about their phone being slow and laggy shows less common sense than the AT&T rep who can't help them. Just because they're "Tech Support" doesn't mean they can magically give you explenations out of the nether or fix any problem you might have with the hardware that they did not manufacture. Android is an operating system. If you bought your computer from Walmart and it came with Windows installed, would you call Walmart and ask them questions about why your system isn't performing the way it's supposed to, or would you call Microsoft; the people responsible for the software on the device?
Cut these people a break. It's impossible to police the entire bug list of Android across every handset on the market. 90% of the Android user-base wouldn't even notice that the phone was performing slowly when it shouldn't. Us here at XDA are a huge minority.
When I saw this thread, I laughed, not because of what the AT&T rep said, but because the OP was expecting them to give them some detailed analysis on why their phone is lagging. Maybe AT&T should start hiring their tech support slaves directly from Google Interns, then these wambulance threads wouldn't happen.
If you had any idea how much "training" is required to work in any kind of support department for AT&T, you would think twice before crying on forums about how they didn't rifle off a fix for every little problem you have.
As to the comment above me, I will recite the same. Sales people aren't scholars of technology. He's correct that gaming on a Mac is very uncommon, considering almost every computer game in existence runs on DirectX, which is owned by Microsoft, thus not able to be efficiently included in OS X. Do you really damn the salesman for telling you that Windows has 3498230948230948x more gaming capabilities than a Mac? Because I hate to tell you this, but he's right. If I were the salesman, I would try to prevent you from grossly overpaying by 200-300% for a device that you're going to have to jump through hoops for to play an insanely large library of games. What makes it even more hilarious is that now you can install OS X on a Windows based machine, so you're literally overpaying 200-300% for a shiny white Mac because you are a sheeple. Show me any Mac, and I'll build you a Windows computer with Mac OS-X on it for a third of the price. But seriously, If you want to buy a Mac for gaming and you want them to talk to you about strictly Macs, go to an apple store. If you go to a computer store, they're going to try to talk you into Windows, because it's what 85% of the world uses. This is also not a random statistic, although the study is a few years old.
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I tend to disagree. While sure, the reps may not be "informed" they still shouldn't try to talk out of their asses about something they don't understand. If anything this would shy me away from a product than entice me to get it. Imagine if you go to a restaurant and you ask the waiter/waitress about ingredients in a dish, they don't make stuff up if they don't know, they go ask.
As for this being a "degrading community" please get off this forum, as it's clearly not for you.
raqball said:
It's like people expect that store (best buy, cellular ect) employees all have a BAS or MBA in computer science..
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My only gripe is when the person you are talking to (best buy, AT&T, etc) claims that they KNOW they are right because they've had some Saturday afternoon training.
See my example above. All I did was ask for a Macbook Pro from the Best Buy rep and I was questioned on my purchase. A more recent example was the AT&T rep asking me why I cared about the release date of the Galaxy S4 because "it's not like this is an iPhone". It shouldn't matter if it's the S4, iPhone or even a dumb phone. Just answer my question and I'll be on my way.
Even when I went to the store to pick up the S4, the AT&T rep started the phone, and logged in as his own Gmail account and installed a "task killer". He had the phone behind the desk where I couldn't see and by the time I had gotten it in my hands, he had logged out of his account. I asked simply "why did you install this?" and he said "well that's so your phone doesn't run slow. Just run that every couple days and your good". I just factory reset as soon as I got in the car and went on my way.
mcmb03 said:
I tend to disagree. While sure, the reps may not be "informed" they still shouldn't try to talk out of their asses about something they don't understand. If anything this would shy me away from a product than entice me to get it. Imagine if you go to a restaurant and you ask the waiter/waitress about ingredients in a dish, they don't make stuff up if they don't know, they go ask.
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They are paid to handle your questions. That is their job. They are not allowed to say "I don't know.", or they will lose their job. If I were at a restaurant and asked a waiter about the ingredients in a dish, I would know that the restaurant obviously made this dish themselves. AT&T did not manufacture the S4. It is not their hardware. It is not their software..well, a small portion of it is. But either way, they shouldn't be held responsible for the physical malfunctions of a device that they didn't themselves produce.
"Degrading community"; go look at the bootloader unlock thread and see how many people are crying and being impatient and just downright rude because djrbliss decided not to release HIS WORK until he sees necessary, and then tell me this community isn't degrading, and if things keep going in this direction, I will find my way off this forum...Because you are right, it's not for me, because I am not an impatient troll that bites the hand that feeds me just because I don't want to wait a few weeks. I do know that this is irrelevant to this thread, but I thought I'd post it anyway. It bothers me so much. I want to punch everyone being jerks in that thread......right in the face.
No I didn't think it was rude. This is xda though people get crazy over the smallest thing. How many lag threads do we have now? Ahaha things get outta hand fast.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using xda premium
geokhentix said:
They are paid to handle your questions. That is their job. They are not allowed to say "I don't know.", or they will lose their job. If I were at a restaurant and asked a waiter about the ingredients in a dish, I would know that the restaurant obviously made this dish themselves. AT&T did not manufacture the S4. It is not their hardware. It is not their software..well, a small portion of it is. But either way, they shouldn't be held responsible for the physical malfunctions of a device that they didn't themselves produce.
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I didn't say they should say they don't know, they should go find a more well-informed rep at the store and find out, unless you condone of AT&T reps to lie to their customers.
Also I don't mean to sound harsh, it's just something that really pisses me off, and I'm not trying to flame you or anything
mcmb03 said:
I didn't say they should say they don't know, they should go find a more well-informed rep at the store and find out, unless you condone of AT&T reps to lie to their customers.
Also I don't mean to sound harsh, it's just something that really pisses me off, and I'm not trying to flame you or anything
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Hey, no worries, all in good fun right? I don't condone lying, but they aren't allowed to tell you they don't know, they'll lose their jobs if that happens too often...they're basically forced to lie if they can't give you a definite answer. Damn, if I get one bad survey, my director breathes down my neck like a dragon and threatens to send me to gitmo.
geokhentix said:
Considering the title of the thread is meant to find humor in the reps response, it doesn't really matter how it came about. If he wanted to return his phone, do it without picking fun at people who are literally paid to be treated like dirt. I have to talk to support every single day in my job, and trust me, it can be a huge headache, but I don't hold it against them because I know that when I hang up with them, 9 times out of 10, the next person that picks up the phone is going to scream at them.
Perhaps I was a little rude, I meant no offense to any of you.
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As a retail sales leader for one of the major 4 in the US I find the OP to have every right to post what he did and use the Thread title he did. The sales rep that helped him in an effing dolt. Along the same lines as the reps that tell customers that they need to condition a Lithium Ion/Lithium Polymer battery. You need to calm down bro.
mcmb03 said:
I didn't say they should say they don't know, they should go find a more well-informed rep at the store and find out, unless you condone of AT&T reps to lie to their customers.
Also I don't mean to sound harsh, it's just something that really pisses me off, and I'm not trying to flame you or anything
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Exactly making something up is worse then not knowing just tell me you don't know and be done with it. don't make something up and misinform people
MrGriffdude said:
Exactly making something up is worse then not knowing just tell me you don't know and be done with it. don't make something up and misinform people
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When my job is on the line and I have a family to feed and I have no information in front of me about the problem you're having, I'll tell you that your phone is slow because there's a small civilization of gnomes inside your device that are getting a little too sexual and overbreeding
geokhentix said:
When my job is on the line and I have a family to feed and I have no information in front of me about the problem you're having, I'll tell you that your phone is slow because there's a small civilization of gnomes inside your device that are getting a little too sexual and overbreeding
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Now that people would definitely believe!

Modding is about to become illegal

So about ten days ago, the text of the TPP got finalised, and it's really bad for us and the rest of the Internet. Here's an excerpt taken from FFTF:
- Compel ISPs to take down websites without any sort of court order, just like SOPA. (Appendix Section I)
- Extend the US’s copyright regime to require copyrights stand for life plus 70 years, preventing anyone from using works that belong in the public domain. (Article QQ.G.6)
- Criminalize whistleblowing by extending trade secrets laws without any mandatory exemptions for whistleblowers or investigative journalists. (QQ.H.8)
- End anonymity online by forcing every domain name to be associated with a real name and address. (Article QQ.C.12)
- Make it illegal to unlock, modify, or generally tinker with a device you own. (Article QQ.G.10)
- Export the US’s broken copyright policies to the rest of the world without expanding any of the free speech protections, like fair use. (Article QQ.G.17)
The worst part is that this is just one of the TPP’s 30 chapters.
A link to do something about it: https://www.fightthetpp.org/
I didn't read anything about any of this..... And I can see carriers having some say if you got your device on a contract.... And even trying to enforce people not modify it....
But.... There's no way anyone has or will have control over what we do to a device we've paid for and own outright.
Sorry... But I smell conspiracy theory. When I own something, 100%....its mine. I can do what I please with it.
Nothing to fear here.
Edit: What I'm saying is that none of this will ever become reality. :good:
I found this article, which explains a bit on what the TPP will do.
While I could see this come to be. Good luck on them enforcing it. Other then locking the devices completely down they could never enforce it completely
Sure, they won't be able to control what you do to your device once you buy it. It's yours. You bought it. You can modify it to be the world's most expensive paperweight if you'd like.
But what they can do is limit whether your device can connect to their services and what it can and cannot do with those services. Want to hack your device 6 ways to Sunday? Go right ahead. But want it to be able to work on so and so's network? That's another story.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
ssenemosewa said:
Sure, they won't be able to control what you do to your device once you buy it. It's yours. You bought it. You can modify it to be the world's most expensive paperweight if you'd like.
But what they can do is limit whether your device can connect to their services and what it can and cannot do with those services. Want to hack your device 6 ways to Sunday? Go right ahead. But want it to be able to work on so and so's network? That's another story.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
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And that is what XDA is all about.... We'll find a way.
Darth said:
And that is what XDA is all about.... We'll find a way.
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Amen to that, Brother!
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
DecentM said:
So about ten days ago, the text of the TPP got finalised, and it's really bad for us and the rest of the Internet. Here's an excerpt taken from FFTF:
- Compel ISPs to take down websites without any sort of court order, just like SOPA. (Appendix Section I)
- Extend the US’s copyright regime to require copyrights stand for life plus 70 years, preventing anyone from using works that belong in the public domain. (Article QQ.G.6)
- Criminalize whistleblowing by extending trade secrets laws without any mandatory exemptions for whistleblowers or investigative journalists. (QQ.H.8)
- End anonymity online by forcing every domain name to be associated with a real name and address. (Article QQ.C.12)
- Make it illegal to unlock, modify, or generally tinker with a device you own. (Article QQ.G.10)
- Export the US’s broken copyright policies to the rest of the world without expanding any of the free speech protections, like fair use. (Article QQ.G.17)
The worst part is that this is just one of the TPP’s 30 chapters.
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this sounds like the premises for a super villain movie.. if this is a thing, why isn't it all over the news?
soraxd said:
if this is a thing, why isn't it all over the news?
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Because American media outlets and the people trying to push this bill don't want you to know about it. Look at every screwed up bill that's passed in the last few years and what was going on around that timeframe. Obama's administration passed a law saying a citizen could be held indefinitely and without cause at any sign of a respiratory illness, did you see that on the news? No. The media spotlight was focused on doctors in Africa catching Ebola. The Brady Bill was re-enacted, was that covered? Nope, instead they focused on Gay Marriage.
They aren't stupid, they know that if they give Americans a hot-button topic to argue over (gay marriage, immigration, etc...) they can sneak things through congress without so much as a whimper from the public. Add to that the fact that they use these "outbreaks" and media sensations to scare people and we literally ask them to remove our rights.
The news, like science, is bought and paid for by these outlets, industries and governments. They are all in bed with each other and it's all for monetary gain. Example: The FDA gets millions of dollars in "fees" with the submission of every new medicine/vaccine that is submitted. There is no fee associated with the submission of these items. Curiously though, they get pushed through. Big Pharm has a chicken pox vaccine, it lasts 10 years (approximately) and is in the list of required shots (which has more than quadrupled in length in the last decade). Chicken pox is now being touted as some horrible, deadly disease. It's a childhood disease that by itself doesn't cause any real harm, and grants you life-long immunity if you catch it, so why is a vaccine needed, especially if it only lasts for 10 years? Answer - $$$
Take measles for example. An "outbreak" of 60 cases, not a single one fatal, and your right to religious exemption from vaccination is taken away. This is so unconstitutional it's not even funny. Your basic human rights and the rights that were the founding premise of this country are being taken away from you daily, yet people question if this would ever come to fruition because it's not on the news...
People only get to see and know what they want them to see and know. So someone with money and a bone to pick decides that modding your phone is not good for their agenda, guess what? It'll be illegal and you probably won't know until it's too late and you're being penalized for it.
So true
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