Forced to sell :\ - General Topics

Hi guys.
So on friday my car broke down, and is going to need almost £500 worth of work doing to get it up and running again. That, coupled with my daughter's first Christmas coming up, means I'm going to have to sell my Galaxy S. I put her on ebay last night .
I've only had it about 2 months, and it's easily the best phone I've ever had. Gutted to be going back to my crappy iPhone 3G again.
Just wanted to thank-you guys for all the info etc on the site. I found I didn't even need to post many of my own questions as they'd all been answered before.
Thanks again, hopefully il get myself another Android phone sooner rather than later.

Why don't you sell the iCrap?

At the end of the day, you have a kid and I assume you have a wife. So that means you are an adult and there are things that matter more than a cell phone and its features. So like my grandfather always said, "be happy with what you have and be thankful".
On a side note though. If you really want another android phone get on Craigs List and place an ad. Put your IPhone on there FOR TRADE. List the phones you would be interested in trading for mainly and then put, "open to other phone trades, let me know what you have". You should have no problem trading that phone for an HD2, Nexus One or something like that. There are a lot of people out there that hate the IPhone (that will change when these people an get one through their own carriers) but there are still a lot of people that want them also. I've seen hundreds of ads on Craigs List where people are wanting to trade an Android phone for an IPhone. If nothing else, I've sold all of my 3G 8gb IPhones for $250 each without a problem and never took longer than 2 days to sell them on there. $250 is more than enough to get you just about anything Android USED. People get upgrades and then sell the phones without even using them a lot of the time.

Yup, definitely more important things than a phone, hence me selling it. I'd rather be able to fix my car and still give my daughter an awesome first Christmas, which is why there was no real decision to be made. Doesn't mean I'm not sad to have to get rid of my favourite gadget though.
The only real point of this thread was to thank you guys for the work you put in and the help you gave me.
I can't sell the ****ty iPhone cos its pretty screwed up and has a cracked screen - worth very little to anyone.
My Fiance's upgrade is due in my eye on a shiny new android device then if she isn't too fussed .


Who is picking up a MT4G tomorrow?

I will be at a T-Mobile store tomorrow morning to pick up this phone. Sold my Vibrant on Ebay Sunday, GF did the same. She will go pick hers up after work tomorrow. Pretty excited about the phone, not because I think it's leaps and bounds ahead of the competition but gives me the features I wanted that the Vibrant did not have, ffc (I know you can install one but they are still working out issues and I like native support), led notification, flash, and hopefully it doesnt pick up the exhaust noise of my car so i can actually talk in my car. Ive been using my backup, a sony ericsson K810i for the last couple days and wow, i cant believe I had this phone for 1.5 years, Im on day 3 and am going crazy!
PolishDude said:
I will be at a T-Mobile store tomorrow morning to pick up this phone. Sold my Vibrant on Ebay Sunday, GF did the same. She will go pick hers up after work tomorrow. Pretty excited about the phone, not because I think it's leaps and bounds ahead of the competition but gives me the features I wanted that the Vibrant did not have, ffc (I know you can install one but they are still working out issues and I like native support), led notification, flash, and hopefully it doesnt pick up the exhaust noise of my car so i can actually talk in my car. Ive been using my backup, a sony ericsson K810i for the last couple days and wow, i cant believe I had this phone for 1.5 years, Im on day 3 and am going crazy!
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Haha.. I'm still on the G2 but I'm exchanging it for the Mt4g tomorrow as well.. what I'm trying to decide on is red or black?????
Sent from my T-Mobile G2
Red FTW!!! I am currently using my daughters mt3g cause my HD2 took a dump it was mine for 8 months when it first came out (I'm dying on this small of a screen. It's like moving into a studio apartment from a mansion). I had the G2 for 2 weeks but didn't like how thick it was. I'm really excited about this phone. Love the actual buttons on the front, and the ded cam button is a huge plus over my HD2. I will be picking this up in the morning.
I'll be picking one up as well. I returned my vibrant last week in anticipation for it. I'm going to call later today and see if they can sell it early like the G2.
I will be waiting for more user reviews before getting it, like you guys! Also need to play around with it in store. It's gonna be tough for me since I really don't want to part ways with the awesome display on the Vibrant, but since I plan to develop some apps, I gotta get a phone that has almost all the features.
Btw, how much did you guys sell your Vibrant for? Around $300?
Go pick up your Mytouch 4g!
You guys can now go to your local t-mobile store to pickup your mytouch 4g, share your first impressions and un-boxing experience
Did stores get the 'OK' to sell early?
I will never get a phone on launch day again after i did with the Vibrant. I will wait at least 2 weeks to study user reviews and possible price drops. Maybe I'll be able to hold out til black Friday. There's sure to be some great deal by then. Maybe BOGO?
The couple stores i called said they arent selling until tomorrow
Just called a couple tmobile stores and they arent selling them early, but yeah im deciding between red and black and my gf is deciding between plum and black. Im also going to see what sort of price costco gets when they get their inventory, i picked up my vibrant for 250 with no contract from them when it first came out.
XfooYen said:
I will never get a phone on launch day again after i did with the Vibrant. I will wait at least 2 weeks to study user reviews and possible price drops. Maybe I'll be able to hold out til black Friday. There's sure to be some great deal by then. Maybe BOGO?
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+1 ya youbetcha
My local store said no when asked about buying today too.
Just called like 6 stores, none of them were selling it. Great topic man.
I'll be at my local T-Mobile store around 10am to pick it up. Definitely going for the red one.
Torn between phones
So I called tmobile today.. and they told me I could swap my G2 for the MT4G. I Love my G2 but I want a FFC...but.. I'm not sold on the development of this phone. The G2 has tons of recognized developers working on it and I'm havnt seen any of the developers I fallow on twitter even mention the MT4G.. what do you guys think? I'm thinking about getting the white one too what do you guys think? I bought my G2 for $100 so I'm getting this phone for dirt cheap.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
how can you swap your G2 for it? Are u inside the remorse period?
I'd say do it if you don't need the keyboard and unless you are like a huge texter, who needs a keyboard?
Obviously if you want the newest updates, more roms, etc, keep the G2. If you like a physical keyboard, keep the G2. I doubt the mt4g will have as much developers as the G2.
For me, the front facing camera is just a novelty. I'm pretty sure it's one of those things where you play around with for a few days at most and never touch again, unless you have a specific reason to need a fcc.
The mt4g aesthetics aren't appealing to me as much as the unibody design with the G2. I am sure the mt4g will have some people working on it if you really want the fcc that much, but for now the G2 seems to be like the better phone, unless you really need the fcc. Then again I never really looked at the specs of the mt4g, but I have not heard that much amazing things about it unlike the G2.
This is just my opinion, I would just go with whichever phone you think suits you better.
Threads merged
mytouch 4g
i just sold my vibrant for 260.00 and i ordered my mt4g today early.
Going to get one tomorrow and keep at least through the remorse period.
If not happy with what I can do with temp root and installing apps, will probably let it go back. After using completely open nexas one, don't know how much I can accept being locked down again.
Also, if the other new features (besides front camera) get old, may decide to stay with the nexus anyway. It gets 3-4 mb/second download on local network, so extra speed has only small utility (as opposed to loosing hot spot tether, etc.) and having to reload everything on each reboot.

Would you take ~$100 to trade in Captivate?

Assuming you're a current Captivate owner as most of us are in this forum. And you were fed up with lack of firmware updates, non-functional GPS, quirky third party ROMs (though, THANK YOU for making life with my Captivate tolerable!) and were interested in a Motorola Atrix...
Would you take ~$100 for a Captivate as a trade-in towards the Atrix? If not, what would you do with it?
LOL no...
Maybe in a year or two I would take $100, but I would be using the money for a good phone, not that Atrix or whatever...thing looks designed to make money off of add-ons...for example look at the console market...remember the 32X? add-on. remember the Sega CD? Add-on. Did not work so well in the console market, splitting up the demographic is never a good thing. And it wont work here either.
90% of the captivates listed on Craigslist in my area are 250$, if I needed to get rid of mine I'd put it up for 200 and I'm certain it would be gone in a day.
Well i guess there's a few factors involved in that decision. What did you pay for it? Are you happy with the captivate? How badly do you want an atrix? Do you care if you loose money? In the end it's your decision and most people have already made up their mind even before asking these type of questions.
Me? I'm only out of pocket $50 with the captivate. But i'm happy with it now that I'm on a great rom, so i see no difference in the latest and greatest device. It's a never ending cycle that will make you broke!
Samsung may have terrible support for their phones, but due to this phone being the first solid android on AT&T, it has fantastic support from the dev community.
Motorola has a long history of locking their phones down, and making it near impossible to switch the kernal. Samsung may be lazy, but Moto hates its customers actively.
I will never own another moto phone.
OK, good points. I guess it's a very low amount of money at this point to consider as a trade-in. I'm definitely going to be losing money, the question is how much and the trade-in would have softened the blow a bit. I guess I could resell but I hate dealing with things like eBay and Craig's.
Regarding phone mods - Well, they're great but what I really want is simply a phone that works. I don't want to have to flash a phone to get a marginally better GPS or an Android release that isn't two steps behind. I think Motorola does have a better track record in supporting their front lines phones.
Yeah, the Atrix is an accessory platform. Though it's neat I can't really understand the utility of the laptop dock. Text messaging with a real keyboard is nice though. One of things I miss about not having a Nokia with their PC software.
There are several wifi/usb apps that let you use your pc keyboard to type on an Android phone. You don't need anything from the manufacturer.
gibson3659 said:
There are several wifi/usb apps that let you use your pc keyboard to type on an Android phone. You don't need anything from the manufacturer.
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I completely overlooked this. I just paired my PS3 Bluetooth keyboard with my phone and it works great - even with mouse. Not exactly portable but if I want/need to use it I can. Great option.
Hell No
There is no way I would accept 100$ for this amazing piece of hardware... unless that hundred dollars was taken off the 200$ price of the atrix and I was able to purchase it without waiting the 13 remaining months I have on my contract and now early termination fees.
If you are selling your captivate for a 100$ though, I'd be happy to buy it from you
The only thing the Atrix has over the SGS is the dual core proc, which it can't even use running Froyo. I don't even know that Gingerbread enables dual core, you may have to wait until honeycomb to get the full power out of the phone. Top that off with the locked bootloader and support that rivals samsung in ineptitude, and I think I'll pass. By the time my contract is up with AT&T they'll have quad-core phones out anyway, and with lagfix, CM7, and overclocking I think we'll find the Captivate to be a powerhouse well into the future.
After coming from an Iphone 3G where I had to jailbreak to receive any kind of functionality I would not take $100 for the phone. The sheer openess to mod the phone to how it fits me and not how Stevie thinks it should fit makes it worth far more than $100
I sold my wife's captivate the other day on ebay for $330...
To chorus in... no. I would not take a $100 trade in for an Atrix... unless included in that deal someone was taking over my AT&T contract and I was going to a better carrier.
i will bid 110 on the phone i like it better then any phone out there because i can do stuff with the phone with this site dev . you know the grass is always greener on the other side
I have a better offer. How about I pay you $125 for your Captivate+shipping and we call it a day? =D
I see Captivate's selling for at least $200, so if your goal to sell and buy an Atrix I would highly recommend you sell it yourself through ebay, craigs, friends, etc before you take the lazy way out and lose $100 bucks for convienence.
Yeah, gonna have to say no.. Bought this thing off contract cause my iphone sucked so hard. Now if I could give them my cappy and $100 for an Atrix I'm all in!
I sold mine for 200. I could have gotten more, but I was happy with the deal.
Like most everyone else, NO I would not give up my Captivate for $100. After I flashed it with an awesome ROM (Paragon) it runs the way I suspect Samsung dreamed it might. I now get great battery life and a working GPS. The Captivate also enjoys great support here on XDA.
Not really worried about firmware the devs here on xda make the roms better then any!!! i love the cappy screen...maybe a nexus s but think i will hold out on the atrix as i jumped on the android bandwagon for att when the backflip came out....since att finnaly got a android but really not impressed with motoblur as it took them for ever to get 2.1
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA App
I'll agree with the others. I wouldn't take $250 for my Captivate.
Matter of fact, if you're as anal retentive as I am , and have the box and everything it came with, and took SUPER GOOD care of it, you could probably get around $325-350 on fleaBay - check the completed auctions!
That's if you want to maximize the $$ you get out of it.

[Q] Black Tie Program on Broken Inspire

Ok so heres my situation... I bought the inspire from best buy about 20 days ago on an upgrade, I decided to not get their black tie plan because I did not cause any physical damage to my old captivate so I thought I would be alright to pass on it this time. Until today that is... I had the phone in my back pocket and when I sat down I must have applied some extra pressure to the front and in result the screen in mostly shattered.
So I have decided to come to you guys in search for a few solutions. I noticed that you can add the black tie on up to 30 days from the purchase of your phone but I am doubting whether or not I could convince them to put it on my phone even though the phone is already broken but I was wondering if anyone here has ever had any luck getting this plan on after the damage had been done?
I would hate to think the best buy would really be so ignorant as to make me keep a phone with a shattered screen for the remaining 2 years that is on my contract (granted it is my fault it broke), I would like to think they would help someone in my position out to keep me happy and wanting to return back to their stores.
If there is no chance for this, then what would you guys recommend I do to get this fixed for as little cost as possible.
I just took a captivate that wouldn't turn on and they replaced it with an inspire. So I think they're pretty good about exchanging phones. Unless I just got lucky haha
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA Premium App
The way these employees can be,especially at bestbuy,seems unlikely. But give it a shot hello y not
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
Neathawk49 said:
Ok so heres my situation... I bought the inspire from best buy about 20 days ago on an upgrade, I decided to not get their black tie plan because I did not cause any physical damage to my old captivate so I thought I would be alright to pass on it this time. Until today that is... I had the phone in my back pocket and when I sat down I must have applied some extra pressure to the front and in result the screen in mostly shattered.
So I have decided to come to you guys in search for a few solutions. I noticed that you can add the black tie on up to 30 days from the purchase of your phone but I am doubting whether or not I could convince them to put it on my phone even though the phone is already broken but I was wondering if anyone here has ever had any luck getting this plan on after the damage had been done?
I would hate to think the best buy would really be so ignorant as to make me keep a phone with a shattered screen for the remaining 2 years that is on my contract (granted it is my fault it broke), I would like to think they would help someone in my position out to keep me happy and wanting to return back to their stores.
If there is no chance for this, then what would you guys recommend I do to get this fixed for as little cost as possible.
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With a phone that unquestionably has suffered physical damage, I don't think it's reasonable to expect them to go that far in wanting to keep their customers happy.
Unless this "black tie" thing pretty much effectively says "sure, throw your phone off a cliff, drive over it with a semi, we want you happy, so we'll keep giving you phones," then I wouldn't get your hopes up.
But like Matt said, you got nothin' to lose and everything to gain at this point...
You never know what they will do. In December I upgraded to an Aria for $0.01, I did get the black tie coverage. There was a slight issue with the earspeaker and I took it somewhere local so I wouldn't be without my phone for a matter of weeks. Needles to say, that was a mistake. The repair place screwed it up. I took it to best buy and long story short, after sending it off for repair 4 times they have me an Inspire.
I think it is a very good thing to get to know the ppl that work in mobile and not be one of those customers they hate to see come into the store. They all knew me by my first They have me my choice of phones and I chose the Inspire and have never looked back!
BB its usually quite eager to please the customer, they know if you are happy with their mobile dept. you may buy your next tv there also.
Sent from my stock HTC Inspire 4G
Perseids said:
You never know what they will do. In December I upgraded to an Aria for $0.01, I did get the black tie coverage. There was a slight issue with the earspeaker and I took it somewhere local so I wouldn't be without my phone for a matter of weeks. Needles to say, that was a mistake. The repair place screwed it up. I took it to best buy and long story short, after sending it off for repair 4 times they have me an Inspire.
I think it is a very good thing to get to know the ppl that work in mobile and not be one of those customers they hate to see come into the store. They all knew me by my first They have me my choice of phones and I chose the Inspire and have never looked back!
BB its usually quite eager to please the customer, they know if you are happy with their mobile dept. you may buy your next tv there also.
Sent from my stock HTC Inspire 4G
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Well, there's a teeny tiny bit of difference between a bad ear speaker and a "mostly shattered" screen, but, who knows...
brick it ..... That is the only solution O.O. I remember while back best buy told me if I bought their protection plan, I could walk out side drive my car over my phone bring it back in and get a new one/ fixed, never tested it though.
Obviously don't buy the Black Tie plan and then immediately whip the phone out of your pocket.... If it was me, I'd take the receipt in and say that I decided to go with the black tie plan after all. Then I'd take it in the next day, or the day after that. It might still look suspicious, but not as.
I took the black tie protection for my laptop and TV. Laptop got its hdd replaced twice, without a question. He opened it, took the old one out, put in the new one, and gave the old one back to me.
In my opinion, its worth the trouble/hassle for 3 years.
Thanks for your help and suggestions guys, I will hopefully go up there tomorrow and basiclly beg thats what I get for not adding it on when I got the phone, just my luck. Btw, I wasnt trying to say that they owed it to anyone to replace it, I was just saying would be a kind gesture to someone,who messed up. All they would have to do is change the screen then sell it refurbished for about 50dollars less than a new one.
Also, why do they allow you to add the black tie within the first 30 days but your excluded if you have already broken it then your not allowed to have it anymore. Just my thoughts on it, please pardon my ramblings..
Thanks again for taking the time to respond though!
mudknot2005 said:
brick it ..... That is the only solution O.O. I remember while back best buy told me if I bought their protection plan, I could walk out side drive my car over my phone bring it back in and get a new one/ fixed, never tested it though.
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Well that's actually encouraging for the op, then. Unless of course they were exaggerating for purposes of selling the program.
I guess the only thing that would concern me is the amount of time the op takes between signing up for the program, and "cashing" in on it, so to speak.
I also don't know if they would require physical inspection of the phone when signing up, if done after the initial sale, when of course the brand new phone is there in front of them...
Just a quick update, I took it in today and they were very kind and helping and because I had the protection plan on my old phone they said they could add it back and and say that the person who sold me the new phone had forgotten to transfer the plan to the new phone.
They told me to wait 2-3 before I bring it back in for repairs because they are usually not allowed to do this to an already broken phone but the manager gave the approval.
Just thought that I would poke back so anyone in this situation in the future will have a bit of hope. And that this is another reason why I continue to get my phones at best buy... great customer service (most of the time) and a protection plan that is too good to pass up.
Neathawk49 said:
Just a quick update, I took it in today and they were very kind and helping and because I had the protection plan on my old phone they said they could add it back and and say that the person who sold me the new phone had forgotten to transfer the plan to the new phone.
They told me to wait 2-3 before I bring it back in for repairs because they are usually not allowed to do this to an already broken phone but the manager gave the approval.
Just thought that I would poke back so anyone in this situation in the future will have a bit of hope. And that this is another reason why I continue to get my phones at best buy... great customer service (most of the time) and a protection plan that is too good to pass up.
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Congrats. Great news for you.
Try not to shatter the screen on the next one, will ya?
And thanks for posting back. It's always good to hear how these things play out.
Put it this way its like buying a car with out "protection" and just that one day after the 30 days you run into a wall.. Take the car back and say hey I would like to get the protection plan. 99.99% they will ask let me see the car. Just as in example. Its a business. But I have the Black tie and the buy back on my phone because just in case I do drop it its cover, I had it on my last phone they sent it out for a repair go it back in like a week brand new could not even tell. Rather then going through att paying 5$s on it if it get stolen and having to pay a delectable. Heck I even got water on my phone and it was covered. So its worth it to me. On the phones think about its your MOBILE phone you have it on you all the time rather it be in your pocket in case or in case on a belt clip you always have that chance of missing your pocket and your phone slips. and BOOM broken screen. And then your like AHH!! FML! lol
I would like to post one last time just to say Fallout 3/New Vegas FTW (i know off topic but had to give a shout out to a fellow vault dweller!)
Neathawk49 said:
I would like to post one last time just to say Fallout 3/New Vegas FTW (i know off topic but had to give a shout out to a fellow vault dweller!)
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Hell yeah man Im thanking you for just that my friend.. FTW man! PC/Console
sorry of topic I think Ill start a game thread about something like this if its not already start.. thanks your way
I work at Best Buy. The plan is accidental coverage. I walked into a freaking lazy river at Six Flags with my old iPhone and it was replaced rapidly.
tribestros said:
I work at Best Buy. The plan is accidental coverage. I walked into a freaking lazy river at Six Flags with my old iPhone and it was replaced rapidly.
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I dont know about rapidly, but they have always been good about replacing my damaged phones. I went through 2 captivates (both took a swim) and they replaced them both, but the process took over 2 weeks. And on my last captivate they let me switch to the Inspire since the Captivate was out of stock.
Here is my update, I took it in a few days after I got the plan added and the guy who helped was very nice. They said that they were doing to do a rapid exchange (still not quite sure what that means but I think it is something along the lines of receiving a refurbished phone) and that they would get my "new" phone in within the next few days which is better than the 27 days I waited to receive my Captivate from being fixed a while back.
What sucks is that I am using my miserably slow iphone 3g until I get the new phone in.
One last question, if I am on the best buy reward zone silver level, does the extended 45 day return policy apply to cell phones? And if so, would I be able to exchange the refurbished inspire for the infuse and pay the difference even though they would have technically given me a refurbished phone?

Should i buy it if i have no option to exchange it?

So i wanna order the sensation, but from reading all those issues it has which can maybe happen to me, im worried. The reason is that the sensation is not being officially sold in my country so i will have to order it from the UK (handtec), and if i get the phone and it has one of those issues that people are exchanging the phone because of them (like dead pixel, dust, creaky back cover, responsive screen issue, overheating etc) then im kind of screwed cuz then i have to start dealing with shipping the phone back to htc and all that hassle.
What do you think? should i just order it and pray to the good lord that i wont be one of the unlucky people who has one of those issues which require a device exchange?
You're on a Sensation forum asking people if you should buy the phone....
All phones have major issues to some people.... No exceptions.
If you want superphone.....its the risk ya take.
It's one of the best devices on the planet right now.
Some people in here love to *****....don't listen to em. Majority of people love it as do I....
Just fyi
mazinya said:
So i wanna order the sensation, but from reading all those issues it has which can maybe happen to me, im worried. The reason is that the sensation is not being officially sold in my country so i will have to order it from the UK (handtec), and if i get the phone and it has one of those issues that people are exchanging the phone because of them (like dead pixel, dust, creaky back cover, responsive screen issue etc) then im kind of screwed cuz then i have to start dealing with shipping the phone back to htc and all that hassle.
What do you think? should i just order it and pray to the good lord that i wont be one of the unlucky people who has one of those issues which require a device exchange?
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I was in the same boat and have had the sensation from its release in the UK, but here in Australia.. I shelled out some hard cash for the previllage and to be honest i never looked back.. it WHIPS the iphone 3GS even with jailbreaks a$$ by a long shot.. yes i do have the wifi issue (we all do and maybe with s-off there can be some tweaking), yes i have a hashing bars in some of my widgets at times (with s-off that can again be tweaked) but with this phone i have had the freedom i always wanted with my iphone (2 year contracts are way too long otherwise i would have upgraded many moons ago)... but as i said i would never go back.. i cant return or refund i just read carefully everything before i do it as to not brick it
The creaky back cover isn't an issue - it's to be expected. As the housing comes away from the internals there is always going to be a degree of give. Don't worry about it, it's a non-issue
I did my research too before purchasing mine, and yes reading all the probs scared me. But if returning it is gonna be a hassle I'd personnaly wait for the bootloader to hit then order it. On the other hand, I've had mine for 12 days now and I guess I got lucky, no probs to speak of for now(still got my fingers and toes crossed I don't jinx myself here).
I am personally blown away by this phone and all it can do. I was an advocate of Blackberry for a long time, now that i've tasted Android I can't get enough. I'm not a "heavy heavy user"(I don't think), but when I'm on my phone or using it's capabilities I want them to work. And I can say with confidence this phone is worth it(my personal opinion).
So far so good with my Sensation. I'm just waiting for the S-OFF to come out. It's been running like a dream for me.
Thanks for the replys.
Some of you didnt understand me.. im not asking IF the sensation is a good enough phone to buy. i know its an amazing phone and thats why i wanna buy. My point was that, most of you people buy it at a store next to your house and if the phone has some problem you can go and exchange it for a new device. I wont have that privilege since i live in the middle east and would have to order it from the uk so if i would be one of the unlucky people, it means i have to ship the phone to HTC to fix/replace it and that is going to cost me shipping fees, not to mention that if HTC will decide to give me a brand new unit, i will have to pay custom fees again.
The sensation is a good phone, although at the moment it's nowhere near as fast as a desire hd running one of the custom rom's with a supped up kernel, this is because it's still at stock, but when you unleash that dual core and high res screen, it's going to be a different story (can't wait for that)
All phones have their achillies heel, not just the sensation, all phones.
The Hd's battery, the iphone death grip (and apple overall) the atrix's crap OS, the LG 2x's power down and 5 minute lag etc etc etc ...... the list is endless, so it's up to you.
If your worried about the sensation then don't get it, get an evo 3d : ) I know i want one.
But then again, you'll probably be plagued with some other issue
Up to you pal.
PS: As regards, to the fees, just look at it like insurance, seeing as you'll be buying the phone, your probably not going to be insuring it? So just imagine how much you would have spent on insurance over that year (and possible excess) and that will rationalize your spending if you have to send it back to HTC.
OK then... i have made an order via handtec and i will pray for the good lord that my device wont have any of the major defects that cant be fixed
btw, which 16gb memory card would you recommend me to buy from ebay?

Time to abandon ship?
Wow! If I had the cash, I would be all over that! The only problem is the 5mp camera :/
I wonder if google is getting back into selling unlocked phones, I certainly hope so
Its not really that betterer than the mytouch and its laggy as hell and no keyyboard
Sent from my Htc Doubleshot running ICS SENSE 4.0a
Meh, prices have been dropping like rocks for the GNex
That's the problem with android phones, there's no residual value.
It's not worth it to buy the flagship phone this early. As a general rule of thumb, I only buy android phones that are a year or older. Or phones that are known to have bad resale values. All 4 of my past android phones I haven't paid more than $180 for new And they aren't exactly low end either
It is possible to find great deals on recent phones as well. You just have to look hard enough.
Includes Cliq $150>>$180 4 months later
3G Slide $180>>$215 6 months later
G2 $180>>$255 8 months later (although I think I undersold this one)
4G Slide $180>> not sold yet
Best part is, the deal I get is so great, that I can sell the phone back about 8-12 months later, and still make money off it to buy a new phone.
Great way to recycle money for phones. Been using the same $200 I started with for the past 3 years. And you get fresh phones all the time Ever since my old Nokia 5800 from 2009
Apple products however retain their value so much better, so they're much easier to flip when you're done with them
gtmaster303 said:
Meh, prices have been dropping like rocks for the GNex
That's the problem with android phones, there's no residual value.
It's not worth it to buy the flagship phone this early. As a general rule of thumb, I only buy android phones that are a year or older. Or phones that are known to have bad resale values. All 4 of my past android phones I haven't paid more than $180 for new And they aren't exactly low end either
It is possible to find great deals on recent phones as well. You just have to look hard enough.
Includes Cliq $150>>$180 4 months later
3G Slide $180>>$215 6 months later
G2 $180>>$255 8 months later (although I think I undersold this one)
4G Slide $180>> not sold yet
Best part is, the deal I get is so great, that I can sell the phone back about 8-12 months later, and still make money off it to buy a new phone.
Great way to recycle money for phones. Been using the same $200 I started with for the past 3 years. And you get fresh phones all the time Ever since my old Nokia 5800 from 2009
Apple products however retain their value so much better, so they're much easier to flip when you're done with them
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I haven't paid for an Android phone, yet. I bought my first smartphone, a T-Mobile DASH, on ebay for $50. I "jailbroke" it and had it running Win6.5 really well. Then, my ex gave me his brand new Moto Cliq (he preferred Blackberry). I kept it about a year, then it started messing up so T-Mobile traded it for a new white MyTouch 3G Slide. I kept it about a year, then decided I wanted the new MyTouch 4G Slide. I talked T-Mobile into giving me one for $50 (have been a good customer for over 8 years). Then I sold the MT3GS on ebay for $165. So, I'm happy with how my phones have been. I would love to get the GNex, but I'll wait.
Depends on what you want out of it. To some, money is immaterial.
I have quite the depth of knowledge to this phone specifically, now, and have for some time.
If i'd waited until now to get it, then i'd just be starting and playing catch up. By purchasing one of these within a few days of launch (truthfully, I had to come back the day after because the store didn't have them in yet) I was able to start learning about it a long time ago.
Someone has to break new ground, and that means picking one up around launch time. For all you that come in late to the game and have roms and how-to's, methods of doing this and that - it has to come from somewhere, and doesn't make itself.
If you want to look at just the $ part of it, and ignore anything else, fine - but don't forget what you get for that investment or the inherent value in being an early adopter.
Blue6IX said:
Depends on what you want out of it. To some, money is immaterial.
I have quite the depth of knowledge to this phone specifically, now, and have for some time.
If i'd waited until now to get it, then i'd just be starting and playing catch up. By purchasing one of these within a few days of launch (truthfully, I had to come back the day after because the store didn't have them in yet) I was able to start learning about it a long time ago.
Someone has to break new ground, and that means picking one up around launch time. For all you that come in late to the game and have roms and how-to's, methods of doing this and that - it has to come from somewhere, and doesn't make itself.
If you want to look at just the $ part of it, and ignore anything else, fine - but don't forget what you get for that investment or the inherent value in being an early adopter.
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It's not really about the money. I just love the model that I can upgrade my hardware continually without having to invest more $$$
We're all broke here, as you may already know
gtmaster303 said:
It's not really about the money. I just love the model that I can upgrade my hardware continually without having to invest more $$$
We're all broke here, as you may already know
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Amen to that
Blue6IX said:
Depends on what you want out of it. To some, money is immaterial.
I have quite the depth of knowledge to this phone specifically, now, and have for some time.
If i'd waited until now to get it, then i'd just be starting and playing catch up. By purchasing one of these within a few days of launch (truthfully, I had to come back the day after because the store didn't have them in yet) I was able to start learning about it a long time ago.
Someone has to break new ground, and that means picking one up around launch time. For all you that come in late to the game and have roms and how-to's, methods of doing this and that - it has to come from somewhere, and doesn't make itself.
If you want to look at just the $ part of it, and ignore anything else, fine - but don't forget what you get for that investment or the inherent value in being an early adopter.
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I think it all depends on your perspective. As somebody who makes a hobby out of learning a phone from the inside out, its an investment that is worth the price of early adoption.
For those who do not intend to study their phones, for whatever reasons, and whom are not likely to ever spend time developing, its better to wait to see if a particular phone will mature in development before buying it. For a user, the real value of a phone lies in its usability, making a phone with ample development much more valuable.
So for a user, a well developed phone comes at a discounted price but is far more valuable than its less developed successors.
P.S. Some might argue that the time you save waiting for cm9 to compile on a shiny new quadcore is well worth the cost of no more than 2 doubleshots!
Talk about prices dropping, ever since HTC announced they're not making keyboard phones anymore, G2 prices have been falling to no end.
You can get one in good condition for <$150 on ebay right now That's one of the biggest drops I've ever seen on a phone. I only sold mine 2 months ago for $255, granted it was in mint condition.
I'm so glad I dumped the phone when it still had value. I knew this would happen. hehe, maybe I might even buy one back, now that its lost all of it value
But definitely keyboard phones are getting rare. Diehard fans should start stockpiling now

