Would you take ~$100 to trade in Captivate? - Captivate General

Assuming you're a current Captivate owner as most of us are in this forum. And you were fed up with lack of firmware updates, non-functional GPS, quirky third party ROMs (though, THANK YOU for making life with my Captivate tolerable!) and were interested in a Motorola Atrix...
Would you take ~$100 for a Captivate as a trade-in towards the Atrix? If not, what would you do with it?

LOL no...
Maybe in a year or two I would take $100, but I would be using the money for a good phone, not that Atrix or whatever...thing looks designed to make money off of add-ons...for example look at the console market...remember the 32X? add-on. remember the Sega CD? Add-on. Did not work so well in the console market, splitting up the demographic is never a good thing. And it wont work here either.

90% of the captivates listed on Craigslist in my area are 250$, if I needed to get rid of mine I'd put it up for 200 and I'm certain it would be gone in a day.

Well i guess there's a few factors involved in that decision. What did you pay for it? Are you happy with the captivate? How badly do you want an atrix? Do you care if you loose money? In the end it's your decision and most people have already made up their mind even before asking these type of questions.
Me? I'm only out of pocket $50 with the captivate. But i'm happy with it now that I'm on a great rom, so i see no difference in the latest and greatest device. It's a never ending cycle that will make you broke!

Samsung may have terrible support for their phones, but due to this phone being the first solid android on AT&T, it has fantastic support from the dev community.
Motorola has a long history of locking their phones down, and making it near impossible to switch the kernal. Samsung may be lazy, but Moto hates its customers actively.
I will never own another moto phone.

OK, good points. I guess it's a very low amount of money at this point to consider as a trade-in. I'm definitely going to be losing money, the question is how much and the trade-in would have softened the blow a bit. I guess I could resell but I hate dealing with things like eBay and Craig's.
Regarding phone mods - Well, they're great but what I really want is simply a phone that works. I don't want to have to flash a phone to get a marginally better GPS or an Android release that isn't two steps behind. I think Motorola does have a better track record in supporting their front lines phones.
Yeah, the Atrix is an accessory platform. Though it's neat I can't really understand the utility of the laptop dock. Text messaging with a real keyboard is nice though. One of things I miss about not having a Nokia with their PC software.

There are several wifi/usb apps that let you use your pc keyboard to type on an Android phone. You don't need anything from the manufacturer.

gibson3659 said:
There are several wifi/usb apps that let you use your pc keyboard to type on an Android phone. You don't need anything from the manufacturer.
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I completely overlooked this. I just paired my PS3 Bluetooth keyboard with my phone and it works great - even with mouse. Not exactly portable but if I want/need to use it I can. Great option.

Hell No
There is no way I would accept 100$ for this amazing piece of hardware... unless that hundred dollars was taken off the 200$ price of the atrix and I was able to purchase it without waiting the 13 remaining months I have on my contract and now early termination fees.
If you are selling your captivate for a 100$ though, I'd be happy to buy it from you

The only thing the Atrix has over the SGS is the dual core proc, which it can't even use running Froyo. I don't even know that Gingerbread enables dual core, you may have to wait until honeycomb to get the full power out of the phone. Top that off with the locked bootloader and support that rivals samsung in ineptitude, and I think I'll pass. By the time my contract is up with AT&T they'll have quad-core phones out anyway, and with lagfix, CM7, and overclocking I think we'll find the Captivate to be a powerhouse well into the future.

After coming from an Iphone 3G where I had to jailbreak to receive any kind of functionality I would not take $100 for the phone. The sheer openess to mod the phone to how it fits me and not how Stevie thinks it should fit makes it worth far more than $100

I sold my wife's captivate the other day on ebay for $330...

To chorus in... no. I would not take a $100 trade in for an Atrix... unless included in that deal someone was taking over my AT&T contract and I was going to a better carrier.

i will bid 110 on the phone i like it better then any phone out there because i can do stuff with the phone with this site dev . you know the grass is always greener on the other side

I have a better offer. How about I pay you $125 for your Captivate+shipping and we call it a day? =D
I see Captivate's selling for at least $200, so if your goal to sell and buy an Atrix I would highly recommend you sell it yourself through ebay, craigs, friends, etc before you take the lazy way out and lose $100 bucks for convienence.

Yeah, gonna have to say no.. Bought this thing off contract cause my iphone sucked so hard. Now if I could give them my cappy and $100 for an Atrix I'm all in!

I sold mine for 200. I could have gotten more, but I was happy with the deal.

Like most everyone else, NO I would not give up my Captivate for $100. After I flashed it with an awesome ROM (Paragon) it runs the way I suspect Samsung dreamed it might. I now get great battery life and a working GPS. The Captivate also enjoys great support here on XDA.

Not really worried about firmware updates..as the devs here on xda make the roms better then any!!!...plus i love the cappy screen...maybe a nexus s but think i will hold out on the atrix as i jumped on the android bandwagon for att when the backflip came out....since att finnaly got a android but really not impressed with motoblur as it took them for ever to get 2.1
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA App

I'll agree with the others. I wouldn't take $250 for my Captivate.
Matter of fact, if you're as anal retentive as I am , and have the box and everything it came with, and took SUPER GOOD care of it, you could probably get around $325-350 on fleaBay - check the completed auctions!
That's if you want to maximize the $$ you get out of it.


Forced to sell :\

Hi guys.
So on friday my car broke down, and is going to need almost £500 worth of work doing to get it up and running again. That, coupled with my daughter's first Christmas coming up, means I'm going to have to sell my Galaxy S. I put her on ebay last night .
I've only had it about 2 months, and it's easily the best phone I've ever had. Gutted to be going back to my crappy iPhone 3G again.
Just wanted to thank-you guys for all the info etc on the site. I found I didn't even need to post many of my own questions as they'd all been answered before.
Thanks again, hopefully il get myself another Android phone sooner rather than later.
Why don't you sell the iCrap?
At the end of the day, you have a kid and I assume you have a wife. So that means you are an adult and there are things that matter more than a cell phone and its features. So like my grandfather always said, "be happy with what you have and be thankful".
On a side note though. If you really want another android phone get on Craigs List and place an ad. Put your IPhone on there FOR TRADE. List the phones you would be interested in trading for mainly and then put, "open to other phone trades, let me know what you have". You should have no problem trading that phone for an HD2, Nexus One or something like that. There are a lot of people out there that hate the IPhone (that will change when these people an get one through their own carriers) but there are still a lot of people that want them also. I've seen hundreds of ads on Craigs List where people are wanting to trade an Android phone for an IPhone. If nothing else, I've sold all of my 3G 8gb IPhones for $250 each without a problem and never took longer than 2 days to sell them on there. $250 is more than enough to get you just about anything Android USED. People get upgrades and then sell the phones without even using them a lot of the time.
Yup, definitely more important things than a phone, hence me selling it. I'd rather be able to fix my car and still give my daughter an awesome first Christmas, which is why there was no real decision to be made. Doesn't mean I'm not sad to have to get rid of my favourite gadget though.
The only real point of this thread was to thank you guys for the work you put in and the help you gave me.
I can't sell the ****ty iPhone cos its pretty screwed up and has a cracked screen - worth very little to anyone.
My Fiance's upgrade is due in March...got my eye on a shiny new android device then if she isn't too fussed .

Tegra II Gtab users...who is getting a Motorla Atrix?

I love my gtab but i can see how it might get semi-replaced right off the bat with this Motorla Atrix. Similiar specs and the ports that include laptop key board style usability combined with one for Media outputs will be readily available and easy to find....
My Iphone 3gs contract is up and i am seriously considering this device.
I know there is probably a seperate forum for this phone already but i wanted to see what GTAB users thought about it.
Here is a link fort those in the dark.
It has the Tegra processor, a laptop style doc, a multimedia style doc, and a car doc. Android 2.2.
I wont be getting any locked devices. If Motorola locks the bootloader then I'll wait for something else
I will be getting the Atrix and the docks, this is going to be one bad-azz phone. I am tired of my Iphone after using the Gtab, I have seen the light...
Then again, after reading around about Motorola philosophy of lock down "buy elsewhere" attitude...i may get the Samsung Infuse instead.
Honestly....if i wanted the locked down "buy elsewhere" attitude, why the frack wouldnt i just get the iphone 4 or iphone 5...that attitude kinda DEFEATS the WHOLE purpose of andorid..
No thanks. I'll pass for these reasons:
1. It's a phone, and I have one of those already. I also like to cost of the data plan I'm tied to at the moment.
2. Screen size - I got the G-tablet because I wanted the 10" screen for book/web/whatever reading.
3. If it's going to be locked down like Motorola says it will be, no thanks.
4. AT&T. Plain and simple - I've had way too many bad experiences with them to make me EVER go back.
It's an interesting concept, and if an open alternative which follows that model (specialized docks, etc.) is developed in the future, I may consider moving when I am ready to boot my phone. But at this moment, I'm not seeing anything that's giving me that "I have to have it" wow factor.
BigJohn89 said:
No thanks. I'll pass for these reasons:
1. It's a phone, and I have one of those already. I also like to cost of the data plan I'm tied to at the moment.
2. Screen size - I got the G-tablet because I wanted the 10" screen for book/web/whatever reading.
3. If it's going to be locked down like Motorola says it will be, no thanks.
4. AT&T. Plain and simple - I've had way too many bad experiences with them to make me EVER go back.
It's an interesting concept, and if an open alternative which follows that model (specialized docks, etc.) is developed in the future, I may consider moving when I am ready to boot my phone. But at this moment, I'm not seeing anything that's giving me that "I have to have it" wow factor.
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Like large?
Try this!
To each his own. My experiences with Verizon will make me NEVER go back...EVER.
Years ago i bought a phone with a shared line family plan for me and my wife with verizon...each month the second phone was billed outside of the plan, each month Verizon admitted their mistake, said they would correct the issue and apologized, then the next month..SAME THING ALL OVER AGAIN. After 8 months of that i told them to f*k off and have NEVER been back since.
AT&T on the other hand..i go over my minutes, i call them ask for a new plan...they up the plan and then TAKE OFF THE EXTRA CHARGES...EVERY TIME. Want to drop a line a few months early? No problem...done..no early cancellation fee. They shipped me a bad phone once..no problem..new one sent and old one mailed back, no charge. Battery died a little early once..no problem, service girl in store gave me a free one swapped out of a demo unit..NO CHARGE...the list goes on forever like this. Seriously, their customer service is Five star...its good enough that i am willing to accept the dead zones on I20 in a 4 mile area between augusta and atlanta and one in mid columbia thats about 2 miles long...
Just saying..for every "i hate AT&T" story....i have ones about how Verizon has the WORST customer service in the HISTORY of cell phones when it comes to needing something done. (and not come back the VERY next month..until you LOSE IT and go PSYCHO after 2/3rds of a year...)
OH and coverage? We have all seen the commercials right..the maps? I have traveled with my AT&T to cincinatti, NYC, Richmond, Charlotte, Winston Salem, Columbia, Greensboro, Atlanta, Valdosta, Northen LA, Asheville, Pigeon Forge, Gatlinberg, Savanna, Chaleston, Myrtle beach, Hilton Head, DC, Va Beach, North Kentucky, etc...
Zero problems..
My sister and mothers house in Pleasant Graden NC...NO VERIZON coverage...AT&T phone works fine there..no problems.
Maybe i just have bizzaro luck..or maybe the commercials about Verizons coverage are over-hyped??
I dont know...personal experience versus commercials..im going to go with my actual experience
Nuff said.
The G-tab has a 10" screen. These are two completely different products. There's no way I would consider going smaller unless it is as a complimentary device, not a replacement.
1. AT&T Fail
2. Not 10" screen
3. Not a tablet
4. Better products will be out soon enough
I won't be buying it.
At&t 3G coverage as terrible unless in larger city areas. Not as bad as Tmo, but neither are in the same league for 3G as VZW.
Bionic seems interesting, but no buy if the bootloader is locked. I may be keeping my Inc a LOT longer than planned
It works great with gTablet for tethering, so okay with me
BTW, 4.3" seems big (for a phone it is), but try a 4.3" display for about 15 minutes and then try the gTablet. The 4.3" is functionally no better than than a 3.7" in comparison.
I believe a phone that docks into everything is that future, but the atrix isn't quite there yet.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
sanvara said:
The G-tab has a 10" screen. These are two completely different products. There's no way I would consider going smaller unless it is as a complimentary device, not a replacement.
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Well regarding the Atrix it has a VERY small screen...but the orginal post was referring to the ability to use a keyboard 15inch screen laptop as a PORT!
Complimentary device maybe...but with the right phone i might use the gtab...less than i do now.
The iphone is DEFINATELY going...
What new phone style products are coming that might be better options?
rushless said:
BTW, 4.3" seems big (for a phone it is), but try a 4.3" display for about 15 minutes and then try the gTablet. The 4.3" is functionally no better than than a 3.7" in comparison.
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The infuse has a 4.5 inch screen..that thing almost seems like a small tablet compared the years i have spent surfing o my 3GS.
Regarding AT&Ts service..you might be on to somehting there. 99% of my travel is to LARGE cities. For the last 4 years namely its been NYC and Atlanta. When i go home though..in the TINY city of lexington SC from my home....3G service works great. At my girl friends home in Augusta GA, 3G service works great. Usually when i am in a small town though, i am at someones house who has wi-fi hooked up (including mine).
To each his own but Verizons customer serivce is so horrible..i wouldnt care if they had 10G service i would not use them. I might feel different if my luck with always having a 3G or wi-fi signal wasnt so good all the time though.
My gtab mainly does duty as a light alternative to my lap top for when im in the bed surfing the net or want to watch a movie on something in bed or on an airplane etc. I use it as a newsreader from a book stand on my desk at work also through out the day and it makes a great orginizer from same position. I have COMPLETELY stopped using it to type on or try to create any content though...couldnt handle the touch screen keyboard, its worse than using both the lap top and the iphone. It also works great to watch movies on long car trips and for quick "let me check on that" type of internet tasks from home when i am too inpatient to wait for the lap top to boot up.
Truthfully all these devices have their role but i initially posted about the Atrix as it seemed possibly capable of crossing into multiple roles.
One more thing to consider regarding carriers and then i will drop it.
This is a HUGE one.
AT&T has grandfathered all of its users who had smart phones prior to June of 2010 in so that they will continue to get UNLIMITED data for $29.00 a month regardless of how many times they renew or change phones.
Verizon may offer that for one time only introductory rate only, but everyone else (and when your contract is up) you will be locked into only getting 2G per month at a rate only $5.00 cheaper a month.
Now in 2013 rolls around ill be able to get 5G or more in data a month using the SAME technology verizon has, for probably HALF the cost (verizon charges I think $20 extra per G over the 2G) while retaining superior customer service.
5G from Verizon=$25+$20+$20=$65.00
5G from AT&T grandfathered customers=$29.00
This will be the reality by the time i get around to my next cell phone contract (after the one im about to start) as AT&T will have its LTE network up by then in the larger cities..
So there is that...
Allenfx said:
Like large?
Try this!
To each his own. My experiences with Verizon will make me NEVER go back...EVER.
(Excess text of AT&T vs Verizon rant removed by BJ89)
My sister and mothers house in Pleasant Graden NC...NO VERIZON coverage...AT&T phone works fine there..no problems.
Maybe i just have bizzaro luck..or maybe the commercials about Verizons coverage are over-hyped??
I dont know...personal experience versus commercials..im going to go with my actual experience
Nuff said.
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Actually, I find it quite funny about how you totally ignored the meaning of my post and turned the whole thing into an evangelism for AT&T - all while assuming I use Verizon.
The purpose of my post was to state that I bought the G-tab because I wanted a large-screened tablet for reading/web surfing/similar tasks. I already have a phone with a data plan, and I do not want another. I also didn't go with an iPad or a Galaxy tab for the same reason - to get one at a price point similar to the G-tab, I would have to go with one that is subsidized by a carrier. Which means another data plan to pay for.
BTW, comparing the Atrix and the G-Tab is a waste of time as most people will treat them as two separate products with different purposes.
The Samsung phone you linked to was nice, but you glossed over the fact that I said that I didn't want another phone at this time - or in the near future.
Regarding the whole AT&T vs Verizon thing - I have had bad experiences with AT&T for quite a long time; even going as far back to before AT&T took over Cingular. It wasn't a one-time incident, and eventually I gave up dealing with them. It's my choice not to deal with them as much as it's your choice to use them.
I know there are plenty of people that have had bad customer service issues with my carrier of choice as well - which, by the way, is Sprint and not Verizon.
Various blogs have reported that Motorola is leaving the bootloader unlocked.
I read the reviews and it seams the laptop dock is pretty much just a gimmick and not all that useful. Sweet phone though. If I was going to spend a ton of cash on a phone and or a new plan anyways I might consider it. Happy with my gTab and HD2 for now though.
I'm def. not.
599/499 for a phone and a dock with a screen? I think not. It's essentially still just a phone. Some people change their phones every year or 2. So you're either locking yourself into an expensive short term investment or willing to hold on to older tech for longer, in which case maybe it would be worth it. You're also locked into a data contract for 2 years - inflating the cost of the package drastically.
Option 2 is a tablet for 379/399, a $40 wireless mouse/kb bundle from logitech or ms and a $50 hdmi dock, then hook it up to your LCD TV or monitor and voila, similar effect albeit not as mobile as the atrix lapdock, but if you're willing to carry that around in a bag, why not just buy a more powerful netbook or laptop for $300 upfront and let that be that? It just doesn't make much sense at the current price point.
It's a gimmick, imho.
If the entire dock were maybe $100-150 then it might pass as worthwhile. That would essentially give you a phone and 'netbook' transformer for $350 which is around the cost of a netbook/laptop/tablet. At 299/399 with/without a rebate for the dock alone and that's not including the cost of being locked into a contract for 2 years....whereas the VS is 399 off the bat, no catch, it's not really for me. To each his own though. I'm sure there are reasons to get it.

upgrade phone for $150.

Ok, been talking to Verizon for weeks now, trying to dump this clunker of a phone. They absolutely refused to give me an early upgrade. But yesterday i did get a woman who gave me great advice i wanted to share.
She said even if she did the early upgrade, I would have to accept another 2 year contract, pay $299 for the phone, and the $350 termination fee that goes with it. She said that I should go to ebay and get a New or nearly new Droid Razr which sells for $350 at times. I could sell my charge for up to $200 and my upgrade will cost me $150 without the termination fee. so I'm basically saving $800 by not having them 'upgrade me'.
So that's what i did. I actually paid $375 for an auction with free shipping and saw the charge sold regularly for about $170-190. Still, I can always sell the razr later on and get something new with no penalties from here on.
don't flame me if you love the charge. It's just been problematic for me. Too little memory for my needs. between scrabble, Words with Friends, all my other apps which have 5 meg resident notifiers, my phone crashes often.
why would the $350 early termination fee come into play if they "gave" you an early upgrade....that sounds like cancelling your account and opening a new one...slight miscalculation I would say
she said based on how long i've had phones with Verizion (8 months for the fascinate, and 6 months with the charge), if in another 6 months i were to want another new phone outside of verizon. I'm only getting the Razr because i'm still on the hook for the term fee. I would get the nexus galaxy on tmobile's $30 plan if not for the term fee. By doing this, i will be out by August and can move on freely to any phone and any other non-contract plan. Can even stay on Verizon month to month.
I already moved my wife and son to Tmobile's $30 4G plan and they love it. In August, i will move there most likely if they still offer it.
You really didn't get an upgrade offer it seems, right?
I was on the phone with someone last week who told me I should look on eBay for a new phone since they won't give me any deal. The guy told me I could sell my phone for $200 easy, but I'm not in the market to be playing that game and dealing with idiots on ebay/CL.
I'm actually surprised a bit with Verizon that they wont give early upgrades. When I was with AT&T I got one in 5 months because my phone was stolen and smashed. I got $150 credit towards $$ off the iPhone and extended my contract for 2 more years.
orateam said:
I already moved my wife and son to Tmobile's $30 4G plan and they love it. In August, i will move there most likely if they still offer it.
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Don't do this. Verizon is expensive but they actually use that money to upgrade their cell sites and make new ones. It is hands-down the best wireless carrier in the US, and in my opinion, worth it unless you spend your whole life in downtown Chicago for example.
When I had my HTC Thunderbolt 4G, I sold that for $150 and used the money to get a Droid Charge from Craiglist for $300, no contact extension whatsoever.
But I was negative $150, but considering how much I hate the thunderbolt, it's really worth it.
Droid RAZR? That would be a downgrade! Locked bootloader, super-wide unpractical bezel, terrible screen (pentile), worse camera. Total gimmick phone that sells due to the huge marketing blitz on Verizons behalf
adrenaline_rush said:
Droid RAZR? That would be a downgrade! Locked bootloader, super-wide unpractical bezel, terrible screen (pentile), worse camera. Total gimmick phone that sells due to the huge marketing blitz on Verizons behalf
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That's your opinion, not fact, and your opinions are incidentally not shared by the overwhelming majority of people who review phones for a living:
http://reviews.cnet.com/smartphones/motorola-droid-razr-black/4505-6452_7-35033947.html ("4.5/5 With its razor-thin design, jam-packed features, and blazing speed, the Motorola Droid Razr is easily one of the year's top Android smartphones.")
http://www.bgr.com/2011/11/07/motorola-droid-razr-review/ ("The Motorola DROID RAZR has replaced Samsung’s Galaxy S II as the best Android device I’ve ever used.")
http://www.anandtech.com/show/5198/motorola-droid-razr-review-a-better-clad-bionic/ ("The RAZR is honestly some of the best Android hardware I’ve seen in a long time.")
http://pocketnow.com/android/motorola-droid-razr-review (4.5/5 "It's thin, lightweight, durable, fast, and has a beautiful screen.")
Just because it's not as good as the Galaxy Nexus -- though the latter's lead will narrow once the Razr gets ICS -- doesn't mean it's not a very good device.
Falcyn said:
That's your opinion, not fact, and your opinions are incidentally not shared by the overwhelming majority of people who review phones for a living:
http://reviews.cnet.com/smartphones/motorola-droid-razr-black/4505-6452_7-35033947.html ("4.5/5 With its razor-thin design, jam-packed features, and blazing speed, the Motorola Droid Razr is easily one of the year's top Android smartphones.")
http://www.bgr.com/2011/11/07/motorola-droid-razr-review/ ("The Motorola DROID RAZR has replaced Samsung’s Galaxy S II as the best Android device I’ve ever used.")
http://www.anandtech.com/show/5198/motorola-droid-razr-review-a-better-clad-bionic/ ("The RAZR is honestly some of the best Android hardware I’ve seen in a long time.")
http://pocketnow.com/android/motorola-droid-razr-review (4.5/5 "It's thin, lightweight, durable, fast, and has a beautiful screen.")
Just because it's not as good as the Galaxy Nexus -- though the latter's lead will narrow once the Razr gets ICS -- doesn't mean it's not a very good device.
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I'm not gonna say its a bad phone but the locked bootloader and blur (in general, not really just on the razr) will keep me away from any moto phone for the time being... if they put out an unlocked relatively bloat/skin free (read: nexus) phone I'd give it some thought
my .02
Android central just picked it as the phone of the year over the nexus.
Fact is that the Motoblur, HTC sense, Touchwiz , all are there because AOSP is just plain. Right now, everyone loves ICS because it's different and adds alot of features over froyo. But how happy would you be with stock froyo or gingerbread. That is pretty much what you will get on Nexus, stock. I like HTC sense, Moto and touchwiz. I prefer to have a phone with ICS and sweet touches. What's funny is that the RAZR is getting the nod over the Nexus while it's still on gingerbread with moto. I can only imagine how cool the phone will be on ICS with MOTO and custom roms.
I looked at the nexus, but ebay has them running for $550. That's a $200 premium. If i don't like the RAZR, which i doubt, i can always sell it a few months out and get the Nexus when the sticker shock price comes down. In the meantime, i'll have a phone that is leagues ahead of the charge and it's 200 megs or RAM that keeps crashing on me.
JihadSquad said:
Don't do this. Verizon is expensive but they actually use that money to upgrade their cell sites and make new ones. It is hands-down the best wireless carrier in the US, and in my opinion, worth it unless you spend your whole life in downtown Chicago for example.
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I love Verizon. But $30 bucks is alot cheaper than any other 4g Unlimited plan. Hell, its the same price as what others charge for 2GB data plans.
Verizon could have done an early upgrade for me and got me for another 2 years. I would have sent them $300 for the RAZR and they would have been way better off. It's their fault that are not doing early upgrades. If I were them, i would do early upgrades as soon as i recouped my profit for the phone which is usually less than 6 months of service depending on options. I can tell the employees i've dealt with at verizon wanted to do it for me, they knew holding onto a customer for 2 more years plus paying $300 for a phone they probably got for $300 is the best way to keep customers. Just a big corporate company not allowing it.

Time to abandon ship?

Wow! If I had the cash, I would be all over that! The only problem is the 5mp camera :/
I wonder if google is getting back into selling unlocked phones, I certainly hope so
Its not really that betterer than the mytouch and its laggy as hell and no keyyboard
Sent from my Htc Doubleshot running ICS SENSE 4.0a
Meh, prices have been dropping like rocks for the GNex
That's the problem with android phones, there's no residual value.
It's not worth it to buy the flagship phone this early. As a general rule of thumb, I only buy android phones that are a year or older. Or phones that are known to have bad resale values. All 4 of my past android phones I haven't paid more than $180 for new And they aren't exactly low end either
It is possible to find great deals on recent phones as well. You just have to look hard enough.
Includes Cliq $150>>$180 4 months later
3G Slide $180>>$215 6 months later
G2 $180>>$255 8 months later (although I think I undersold this one)
4G Slide $180>> not sold yet
Best part is, the deal I get is so great, that I can sell the phone back about 8-12 months later, and still make money off it to buy a new phone.
Great way to recycle money for phones. Been using the same $200 I started with for the past 3 years. And you get fresh phones all the time Ever since my old Nokia 5800 from 2009
Apple products however retain their value so much better, so they're much easier to flip when you're done with them
gtmaster303 said:
Meh, prices have been dropping like rocks for the GNex
That's the problem with android phones, there's no residual value.
It's not worth it to buy the flagship phone this early. As a general rule of thumb, I only buy android phones that are a year or older. Or phones that are known to have bad resale values. All 4 of my past android phones I haven't paid more than $180 for new And they aren't exactly low end either
It is possible to find great deals on recent phones as well. You just have to look hard enough.
Includes Cliq $150>>$180 4 months later
3G Slide $180>>$215 6 months later
G2 $180>>$255 8 months later (although I think I undersold this one)
4G Slide $180>> not sold yet
Best part is, the deal I get is so great, that I can sell the phone back about 8-12 months later, and still make money off it to buy a new phone.
Great way to recycle money for phones. Been using the same $200 I started with for the past 3 years. And you get fresh phones all the time Ever since my old Nokia 5800 from 2009
Apple products however retain their value so much better, so they're much easier to flip when you're done with them
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I haven't paid for an Android phone, yet. I bought my first smartphone, a T-Mobile DASH, on ebay for $50. I "jailbroke" it and had it running Win6.5 really well. Then, my ex gave me his brand new Moto Cliq (he preferred Blackberry). I kept it about a year, then it started messing up so T-Mobile traded it for a new white MyTouch 3G Slide. I kept it about a year, then decided I wanted the new MyTouch 4G Slide. I talked T-Mobile into giving me one for $50 (have been a good customer for over 8 years). Then I sold the MT3GS on ebay for $165. So, I'm happy with how my phones have been. I would love to get the GNex, but I'll wait.
Depends on what you want out of it. To some, money is immaterial.
I have quite the depth of knowledge to this phone specifically, now, and have for some time.
If i'd waited until now to get it, then i'd just be starting and playing catch up. By purchasing one of these within a few days of launch (truthfully, I had to come back the day after because the store didn't have them in yet) I was able to start learning about it a long time ago.
Someone has to break new ground, and that means picking one up around launch time. For all you that come in late to the game and have roms and how-to's, methods of doing this and that - it has to come from somewhere, and doesn't make itself.
If you want to look at just the $ part of it, and ignore anything else, fine - but don't forget what you get for that investment or the inherent value in being an early adopter.
Blue6IX said:
Depends on what you want out of it. To some, money is immaterial.
I have quite the depth of knowledge to this phone specifically, now, and have for some time.
If i'd waited until now to get it, then i'd just be starting and playing catch up. By purchasing one of these within a few days of launch (truthfully, I had to come back the day after because the store didn't have them in yet) I was able to start learning about it a long time ago.
Someone has to break new ground, and that means picking one up around launch time. For all you that come in late to the game and have roms and how-to's, methods of doing this and that - it has to come from somewhere, and doesn't make itself.
If you want to look at just the $ part of it, and ignore anything else, fine - but don't forget what you get for that investment or the inherent value in being an early adopter.
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It's not really about the money. I just love the model that I can upgrade my hardware continually without having to invest more $$$
We're all broke here, as you may already know
gtmaster303 said:
It's not really about the money. I just love the model that I can upgrade my hardware continually without having to invest more $$$
We're all broke here, as you may already know
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Amen to that
Blue6IX said:
Depends on what you want out of it. To some, money is immaterial.
I have quite the depth of knowledge to this phone specifically, now, and have for some time.
If i'd waited until now to get it, then i'd just be starting and playing catch up. By purchasing one of these within a few days of launch (truthfully, I had to come back the day after because the store didn't have them in yet) I was able to start learning about it a long time ago.
Someone has to break new ground, and that means picking one up around launch time. For all you that come in late to the game and have roms and how-to's, methods of doing this and that - it has to come from somewhere, and doesn't make itself.
If you want to look at just the $ part of it, and ignore anything else, fine - but don't forget what you get for that investment or the inherent value in being an early adopter.
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I think it all depends on your perspective. As somebody who makes a hobby out of learning a phone from the inside out, its an investment that is worth the price of early adoption.
For those who do not intend to study their phones, for whatever reasons, and whom are not likely to ever spend time developing, its better to wait to see if a particular phone will mature in development before buying it. For a user, the real value of a phone lies in its usability, making a phone with ample development much more valuable.
So for a user, a well developed phone comes at a discounted price but is far more valuable than its less developed successors.
P.S. Some might argue that the time you save waiting for cm9 to compile on a shiny new quadcore is well worth the cost of no more than 2 doubleshots!
Talk about prices dropping, ever since HTC announced they're not making keyboard phones anymore, G2 prices have been falling to no end.
You can get one in good condition for <$150 on ebay right now That's one of the biggest drops I've ever seen on a phone. I only sold mine 2 months ago for $255, granted it was in mint condition.
I'm so glad I dumped the phone when it still had value. I knew this would happen. hehe, maybe I might even buy one back, now that its lost all of it value
But definitely keyboard phones are getting rare. Diehard fans should start stockpiling now

We should all hit Motorola hard across the face for this....

So not only is our phone being pushed aside by a new phone that does not completely reign above it in tech specs, but it's coming out this Sunday for $99.....
I'm hitting them by never giving them my business or recommending them to any of my clients. I own a small delivery company and have a PC sales and repair business on the side.so I talk to alot of people during the day and get asked for my opinion on phones often.
Motorola lied and I'm still locked mb865
Just go buy the SGS 3 I promise you will be so much happier... go sell your A2 on Ebay for 200 while you still can (before the next atrix HD is out), and put that toward an SGS 3 off contract....
It will stick to moto, by not buying another phone from them, and make you much happier... I promise the SGS 3 is not like anyother Galaxy yet. It it sturdy and does not feel cheap, and I am getting about 20 hours of heavy use on the battery before a charge. I am putting it on the charger every night at bedtime, and it still has about 35-40% left on it... so...
jimbridgman said:
Just go buy the SGS 3 I promise you will be so much happier... go sell your A2 on Ebay for 200 while you still can (before the next atrix HD is out), and put that toward an SGS 3 off contract....
It will stick to moto, by not buying another phone from them, and make you much happier... I promise the SGS 3 is not like anyother Galaxy yet. It it sturdy and does not feel cheap, and I am getting about 20 hours of heavy use on the battery before a charge. I am putting on the charger every night at bedtime, and it still has about 35-40% left on it... so...
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I have always gotten a feeling of cheaply made hardware from Samsung, though (including the Galaxy S3 as I played with one in-depth at an AT&T store recently). Also, my full upgrade eligibility date is around the end of September which isn't all that far off...plus if I upgrade through Best Buy Mobile before the end of the year they'll give me a $50 gift card on the spot for doing so (they had a promo earlier in the year that you could sign up for).
MagicXB said:
I have always gotten a feeling of cheaply made hardware from Samsung, though (including the Galaxy S3 as I played with one in-depth at an AT&T store recently). Also, my full upgrade eligibility date is around the end of September which isn't all that far off...plus if I upgrade through Best Buy Mobile before the end of the year they'll give me a $50 gift card on the spot for doing so (they had a promo earlier in the year that you could sign up for).
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I have always thought the same thing about Samsung Galaxy hardware, but this is the first one that I have not thought that about, and it is really a HUGE step forward for hardware in a phone. It has LTE, NFC, HD display a dual core 1.5 GHZ CPU that can overclock stable to 1.9 GHZ, and it is butter smooth even with out JB on it... so when JB comes with CM 10, it will be just crazy!!! And the Dev support is nothing short of amazing, and it has only been in peoples hands a little less than a month.
Just like with the A2 I can't say enough good things about it. Don't discount it, I promise it will not disappoint, and it does not have ANYTHING locked down.
When you come up for your upgrade in sept. think about it, and give it a shot.
MagicXB said:
So not only is our phone being pushed aside by a new phone that does not completely reign above it in tech specs, but it's coming out this Sunday for $99.....
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it actually reminds me of the crap M$ pulled with the Zune...
Yes, I bought a Gen2 Zune back then because I am anti-Apple...before Android was a thing... and M$ pushed it aside and made the Zune HD, with little to no support or upgrades on the original two generations and their loyal buyers.
OOPS, WE SCREWED THAT ONE UP, LETS START OVER. You just know behind the scenes there are ****ty programmers and even ****tier managers making poor decisions.
If I had the money, the Nexus would be my choice, but I have kids to feed.
jimbridgman said:
I have always thought the same thing about Samsung Galaxy hardware, but this is the first one that I have not thought that about, and it is really a HUGE step forward for hardware in a phone. It has LTE, NFC, HD display a dual core 1.5 GHZ CPU that can overclock stable to 1.9 GHZ, and it is butter smooth even with out JB on it... so when JB comes with CM 10, it will be just crazy!!! And the Dev support is nothing short of amazing, and it has only been in peoples hands a little less than a month.
Just like with the A2 I can't say enough good things about it. Don't discount it, I promise it will not disappoint, and it does not have ANYTHING locked down.
When you come up for your upgrade in sept. think about it, and give it a shot.
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Hmm...we'll see. At $199 though, I can't pull the trigger.
MagicXB said:
Hmm...we'll see. At $199 though, I can't pull the trigger.
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GO to best buy, and trade the A2 in toward the SGS 3, and use the $50 credit, and you might have to pay 50 bucks... heck I traded my inspire in at BB and I only payed 99 for it, and they gave me 100 for it, and gave me a $50 gift card, so I got the phone for free plus a case and a 32GB SDcard all with out having to pay 1 dollar for the A2....
Just something to think about.
If this phone is locked down to AT&T like our A2 was it will be another epic fail for MOTO!!! Funny how Samsung doesn't bow down to AT&T but MOTO caters to their every whelm. Which goes back to the finger pointing, MOTO says it's up to the carriers and the carriers say it's up to the manufacturer.
I want the SG3... something fierce. I've tried to sell my girlfriend's A2 on eBay and Craig's List -to no avail. She upgraded to it from the first A4G, but doesn't care either way about it. To her, its a phone, and just a phone! Listed at about the sane price as would be the $199.00 new two year contract price.
Question: I see this "feedback" deal here on XDA on my profile and others. So, is that for 1) people selling old or unused devices, and 2) would there be audience here that would prove to have more interested parties to buy other than eBay or Craigslist?
Sent from my MB865 using xda's premium carrier pigeon service
Apex_Strider said:
I want the SG3... something fierce. I've tried to sell my girlfriend's A2 on eBay and Craig's List -to no avail. She upgraded to it from the first A4G, but doesn't care either way about it. To her, its a phone, and just a phone! Listed at about the sane price as would be the $199.00 new two year contract price.
Question: I see this "feedback" deal here on XDA on my profile and others. So, is that for 1) people selling old or unused devices, and 2) would there be audience here that would prove to have more interested parties to buy other than eBay or Craigslist?
Sent from my MB865 using xda's premium carrier pigeon service
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Go to Best buy and get the $50, gift certificate, and do the phone buy back, they should give you 100-150 as a buy back for the A2 even if Craigslist and ebay don't get you a sale.
Just something to go try!
---------- Post added at 03:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:35 PM ----------
JRW 28 said:
If this phone is locked down to AT&T like our A2 was it will be another epic fail for MOTO!!! Funny how Samsung doesn't bow down to AT&T but MOTO caters to their every whelm. Which goes back to the finger pointing, MOTO says it's up to the carriers and the carriers say it's up to the manufacturer.
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It will be business as usual for moto... heck, they just re-locked the bootloader on the OG Atrix with the last updated... so...
I would assume the worst here.
Apex_Strider said:
I want the SG3... something fierce. I've tried to sell my girlfriend's A2 on eBay and Craig's List -to no avail. She upgraded to it from the first A4G, but doesn't care either way about it. To her, its a phone, and just a phone! Listed at about the sane price as would be the $199.00 new two year contract price.
Question: I see this "feedback" deal here on XDA on my profile and others. So, is that for 1) people selling old or unused devices, and 2) would there be audience here that would prove to have more interested parties to buy other than eBay or Craigslist?
Sent from my MB865 using xda's premium carrier pigeon service
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You can trade in mobile phones for gift cards at Best Buy...you could trade in the Atrix 2 for $150 in good condition - I just checked.
MagicXB said:
You can trade in mobile phones for gift cards at Best Buy...you could trade in the Atrix 2 for $150 in good condition - I just checked.
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That's $150 for basically a mint-condition Atrix 2 without a single blemish or nick on the surface/body of the phone anywhere, with the original box, original paperwork, USB charger and cable, etc... now, while a lot of folks keep all that stuff around, not everyone does. I got my Atrix 2 from a pawn shop and while it's in great shape (just a tiny nick on the back side where the plastic surrounding the camera lens is), I don't have any of the other contents so I'd be looking at $50-90 tops, sadly.
Can sell it on craigslist for $125 cash in a few hours more than likely... been considering it based on a) the infamous locked bootloader fiasco and b) AT&T taking their sweet freakin' time with ICS even if Motorola has it ready to go (they probably do at this point, who knows).
I hate companies that make great products then do something stupid with them like the bootloader crap. Sony, ruined years ago. Motorola, getting worse by the day. And don't even get me started on Apple.
I sense that the battery is going to really suck on that new atrix hd.... think about it, the battery is approximately 1700 Mah (like our atrix 2) with a bigger screen, higher resolution and Lte , hopefully the snapdragon wont be a drainer but its still clocked higher than the current atrix 2....
its gonna be problematic like the droid razr...
Go for the Razr Maxx or the upcoming Razr Hd that's the one I'm gonna go for, switching to Verizon when that comes out!
Sent from my Motorola Atrix 2 with AT&T 4G
br0adband said:
That's $150 for basically a mint-condition Atrix 2 without a single blemish or nick on the surface/body of the phone anywhere, with the original box, original paperwork, USB charger and cable, etc... now, while a lot of folks keep all that stuff around, not everyone does. I got my Atrix 2 from a pawn shop and while it's in great shape (just a tiny nick on the back side where the plastic surrounding the camera lens is), I don't have any of the other contents so I'd be looking at $50-90 tops, sadly.
Can sell it on craigslist for $125 cash in a few hours more than likely... been considering it based on a) the infamous locked bootloader fiasco and b) AT&T taking their sweet freakin' time with ICS even if Motorola has it ready to go (they probably do at this point, who knows).
I hate companies that make great products then do something stupid with them like the bootloader crap. Sony, ruined years ago. Motorola, getting worse by the day. And don't even get me started on Apple.
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Luckily all of my phones are kept in mint condition with the box and stuff.
br0adband said:
That's $150 for basically a mint-condition Atrix 2 without a single blemish or nick on the surface/body of the phone anywhere, with the original box, original paperwork, USB charger and cable, etc... now, while a lot of folks keep all that stuff around, not everyone does. I got my Atrix 2 from a pawn shop and while it's in great shape (just a tiny nick on the back side where the plastic surrounding the camera lens is), I don't have any of the other contents so I'd be looking at $50-90 tops, sadly.
Can sell it on craigslist for $125 cash in a few hours more than likely... been considering it based on a) the infamous locked bootloader fiasco and b) AT&T taking their sweet freakin' time with ICS even if Motorola has it ready to go (they probably do at this point, who knows).
I hate companies that make great products then do something stupid with them like the bootloader crap. Sony, ruined years ago. Motorola, getting worse by the day. And don't even get me started on Apple.
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That is not totally true... I sold back my inspire 4G to BB when I got the A2, and they gave me 100 gift car for it, and I only paid 99 for it new... and I did not have the box the usb cable or the charger... it was just the phone, heck I even had CM9 rooted and running on it... they told me they did not care, and they even waited while I wiped my data off the phone. They are just going to recycle it, and re-sell it to you as a refurb, or use it as a replacement for thier BB "geak squad" protection.
Might have to look into that with my own Atrix 2 then, but I think in the long run I'd still rather have cold hard cash in the hand than some damned gift certificate/card, especially at Worst Buy. Sorry, had to say it as I've dealt with their crap over the years and still do whenever someone brings me a laptop to fix/optimize/repair and the first words from the client are "I took it to Geek Squad and..." or I spot the stupid little pink sticker on the bottom that confirms yes they did get it hosed/looked over at some Best Buy location.
I'm really disappointed in Motorola at this point. The Atrix 2 is one very nice piece of hardware start to finish, but it's hamstrung by these stupid restrictions. It's more than capable of running Jelly Bean even in spite of missing a few features (no NFC, no "recommended" quad core CPU, etc) but we'll never ever see it and the phone is barely 9 months old.
Seems like the "cycle of obsolescence" is just increased, like Moore's Law I suppose. A few years ago you could count on a solid up within a given period of time (and 9 months to get ICS is ridiculous, period, it just is any way you slice it) and now it looks like companies are literally taking the track of producing somewhat high-end smartphone hardware and 6 months later it's effectively given the heave ho and dismissed for the next big thing.
This is a really sad way of doing things and making the "disposable society" that much worse, every minute that passes.
br0adband said:
Might have to look into that with my own Atrix 2 then, but I think in the long run I'd still rather have cold hard cash in the hand than some damned gift certificate/card, especially at Worst Buy. Sorry, had to say it as I've dealt with their crap over the years and still do whenever someone brings me a laptop to fix/optimize/repair and the first words from the client are "I took it to Geek Squad and..." or I spot the stupid little pink sticker on the bottom that confirms yes they did get it hosed/looked over at some Best Buy location.
I'm really disappointed in Motorola at this point. The Atrix 2 is one very nice piece of hardware start to finish, but it's hamstrung by these stupid restrictions. It's more than capable of running Jelly Bean even in spite of missing a few features (no NFC, no "recommended" quad core CPU, etc) but we'll never ever see it and the phone is barely 9 months old.
Seems like the "cycle of obsolescence" is just increased, like Moore's Law I suppose. A few years ago you could count on a solid up within a given period of time (and 9 months to get ICS is ridiculous, period, it just is any way you slice it) and now it looks like companies are literally taking the track of producing somewhat high-end smartphone hardware and 6 months later it's effectively given the heave ho and dismissed for the next big thing.
This is a really sad way of doing things and making the "disposable society" that much worse, every minute that passes.
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Yeah I gotta say BB is worst buy... they really do suck... The only reason I got my A2 from them was the trade in, I hated the Inspire and had to get rid of it and I could not give it away and AT&T does not buy back, so... they really are the only game if you intend to trade your old phone back in for a new one.
And the customer service at BB is absolute crap. I fried my A2s bootloader 31 days of owning it, and BB threw the 30 day policy at me... I went literally across the street to the AT&T corp store and walked out with a replacement phone.
But again if you want to trade the A2 for any other phone go to BB and get the 100-150 bucks for it, before it drops lower.
If I had the money (and the good credit) I'd be all over a Galaxy Note right now but, that's a wish that'll never come true so...
Ain't nothing at Best Buy I want to be honest, the Wife still wants a Nook Color/Tablet but, it's just slightly out of our price range for the present/foreseeable future, still on the wish list (but that might actually be doable).
But I can honestly say I'll never directly purchased another Motorola phone unless it's a) branded as a Google Nexus product and b) it has an unlocked bootloader or can be unlocked as easily as "fastboot oem unlock" - I'm just not going to compromise from now on.
Honestly I think a lot of people are moving towards only Nexus-branded hardware. I had a Nexus S recently for a short period of time and it was a blast to own, great piece of hardware and now I find myself wishing I still had it in some respects more than this Atrix 2.
Atrix 2 with Jelly Bean native... that would be a great piece of hardware to own, wouldn't it? It's a crying shame, really.
seedoubleyou said:
If I had the money, the Nexus would be my choice, but I have kids to feed.
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This is the truth. These are my sentiments exactly. I really hope Google lets Moto do the next Nexus...

