firmware 1.5 (cupcake) for non-rooted G1's - G1 Android Development

Hey when will the non rooted G1 users be able to get the 1.5 cupcake update?

dont be scared root!

as soon as it is released?

gospeed.racer said:
as soon as it is released?
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have they announced any specific dates?

sometime in may
The only official release window mentioned has been from the UK T-Mobile website. Even then all it said was "May." UK users have been reporting OTA updates but so far there hasn't been any confirmed reports of it in the states. I'm just as anxious to get my hands on it as anyone else; my wife won't let me root her phone but won't stop bothering me about 1.5. So sit tight, it can't be long now till it shows up in the states. And you can be sure that it will be posted here as soon as its available. I have to agree with the previous post though, follow the easy to read guides and give rooting a chance. You'll be amazed at how easy and fun it is.

isolated_epidemic said:
The only official release window mentioned has been from the UK T-Mobile website. Even then all it said was "May." UK users have been reporting OTA updates but so far there hasn't been any confirmed reports of it in the states. I'm just as anxious to get my hands on it as anyone else; my wife won't let me root her phone but won't stop bothering me about 1.5. So sit tight, it can't be long now till it shows up in the states. And you can be sure that it will be posted here as soon as its available. I have to agree with the previous post though, follow the easy to read guides and give rooting a chance. You'll be amazed at how easy and fun it is.
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i would but i dont want to take any chances of voiding any warranties and screwing up my phone, i mean i really just use it as an everyday typical phone (web,email,aim,text) the only purpose i would see for me rooting my phone would be to tether wifi, and i wish they had some sort of WEP cracker for it too, than id do it in a heartbeat lol

Seems like it might never come

Root your phone and download it!


Power of Twitter and the 2.0.1 update.

It seems that a lot of companies are really taking advantage of twitter to communicate with customers at large. Some examples are Verizon and HTC announcing the Eris OS update, Sprint has announced items via twitter. Lot's of people follow these companies and I am sure that these companies search twitter for references to there name.
So I propose that we use the power of twitter to send a clear message to Sprint that we would like an Android 2.0.1 update and that we would like some sort of news confirming it. We don't need exact deadlines but just knowing that it's coming would be great news for the community. It would also benefit Sprint in the long run because potential and current customers would have a little bit more faith in buying a Hero at 179.99 knowing that it will be getting an update.
I am going to post this to a few other Sprint/Hero related forums. Everyone can start twitting now or we can try to get some clear defined message written out that we can all retweet. Please post any thoughts, inputs or messages that you have twitted @Sprint.
My twitter ID is kennyidaho.
You do know that HTC announced we would be getting 2.x on Twitter about a month ago, right?
Flipz beat me to it.
I was googling for the article where HTC Confirmed it. They wouldn't bother with the update for CDMA Hero if Sprint wasn't going to give it to us. It costs them too much money to build an OS/Rom for a phone just in case Sprint ever asks for it.
Yes but nobody knows for sure if this applies to CDMA Hero's (we do know that it applies to GSM Hero's because of the leaked ROM - is there any proof a CDMA rom has been created?). HTC control's the update process on GMS Hero's, however Sprint has to request and push an update to Sprint Hero's. HTC is primarily a GSM manufacture and will cater to those devices first.
Assuming that HTC's announcement regarding Android 2.0 applies to carrier branded devices is as naive as assuming that the successor to the Hero (to be announced in February) applies to Sprints Hero.
Trust me I would like to hope it's true. Having Sprint and HTC devices in the past I know that just because HTC updates it's GSM equivalent it does not always indicate CDMA devices will receive the update (or will be updated in a timely manner).
Well if its been confirmed well what's the harm of twittering Sprint
No harm...
Just seems like a waste, one way or another we will have a 2.1 update.
Kcarpenter said:
No harm...
Just seems like a waste, one way or another we will have a 2.1 update.
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Myself and I am sure many others grow tired of the waiting game with these devices. In the end the main goal really is to see sprint open up a little bit.
If Sprint has ordered the update, if it's in testing and is slated to be released sometime first quarter 2010 then what's the harm in telling us? Verizon can notify it's customers that their Droid Eris, which is basically the same phone as the Hero, is getting updated - Sprint can take that risk too!
Right now Verizon is blitzing the media with Droid this Droid that, update this update that. What's sprint doing? A 5 second mention on a commercial also advertising the Pre and Tour?
Kcarpenter said:
No harm...
Just seems like a waste, one way or another we will have a 2.1 update.
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just saying, in the time it took you to type that out and post it here, you could just as easily have tweeted something to sprint about getting the update.
how are you so absolutely positive that we'll get it? do you know something the rest of us don't?
all i'm saying is that it's not a waste to tell them what you want, whether or not you already know you're going to get it.
I agree totaly. We make huge investments in these devices, especially those of us who don't get them by signing a new contract. Personally I have to have the coolest gadget on the market, its my kryptonite. To that note also, Sprint does have the best service converage and price in my area. So I can't afford necessarrily to go else where. Damned if you do Damned if you don't. We are at the mercy of the phone company and until we get the portablity openness in the U.S. that our European counterparts have, we are stuck with what we get.
That being said, the Devs on this forum and else where make the phone what its worth, not Sprint. Luckily in our case, "There is always someone smarter than you". Meaning Sprint can hold out all they want, we will get ours eventually. I am sure we can yell and scream and cause a fuss, but I don't see the merit behind it. Kind of like getting upset with the Customer Serivce reps at sprint when we call to ask the status of the update, you can yell at them all day long and nothing will get accomplished other than making them pissed and ruining their day.
Just Twitter don't be upset just ask nicely, what id they respond back with next week. Then the debate can hold off on thief build and relax
Gah, I even went out and made a twitter account for you guys. Now knowing I have a twitter account gives me the chills... I feel like a 'myspace' person now.
@sprint and @htc right???
Kcarpenter said:
Gah, I even went out and made a twitter account for you guys. Now knowing I have a twitter account gives me the chills... I feel like a 'myspace' person now.
@sprint and @htc right???
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Hey Twitter is nothing like having a MySpace account, granted most people mis use by updating about nothing. I follow cnn, some journalist that I like and some online stores and ESPN plus a couple sports teams. Which has Me do less surfing cause all the info comes straight to me
If u decide to give Twitter a try may I suggest if you find someone intresting follow them and check out who they are following
I don't see any harm in this... I'm going to twitter Sprint here in a few
I was being slightly facetious.
Well HTC posted a response nothing from sprint

Google will not post a live link to android 2.3.3 because it's not out?

I think that the update/ota has not been pushed out yet. We are all just lab rats to test this update floating around XDA, so that when the update is pushed out two or three weeks from now, they can fix what we complain about until then. What do you all think?
Here is a link to Google forums I started about the sick color of the screen.
jalyn02 said:
I think that the update/ota has not been pushed out yet. We are all just lab rats to test this update floating around XDA, so that when the update is pushed out two or three weeks from now, they can fix what we complain about until then. What do you all think?
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Google has not posted links to OTA's historically - so I don't see where that factors in.
I think you can take the fact that Google announced it was rolling out and that end user devices are receiving it (not just google employees and media units) to be a pretty good sign that it's the final OTA. As well as the fact that there are several upgrade paths provided.
On the Nexus One several "leaked" OTAs were available but they only went to google employees and media devices and provided only 1 upgrade path, from the base T-Mo version - and then only incremental upgrades for each version thereafter. The AT&T rev was left out in the cold until the final OTA at which point an OTA package was made available for every build to the final (including the leaked OTAs).
This isn't to say they won't release something in the coming weeks if they feel there are some real issues with the OTA, but given the way they've done OTAs in the past, this looks to be the OTA for 2.3.3
jalyn02 said:
I think that the update/ota has not been pushed out yet. We are all just lab rats to test this update floating around XDA, so that when the update is pushed out two or three weeks from now, they can fix what we complain about until then. What do you all think?
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I think this thread is unnecessary and you just like to complain.
There is a new link out there are 3 different updates out floating around in forum
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
Well that's your opinion. here's my opinion, I have had 6 unlocked android phones and each of them had issues the Vibrant/Nuxus One/Nexus S/Evo 4G/Mytouch 3G/T-Mobile G2...Did i mention that the only one that ever rebooted on me in important phone calls was the Nexus S. I'm sorry if I can't hold my breath anymore,I guess i'm not the only one because you just trolled/flamed 2 of my threads.
kenvan19 said:
I think this thread is unnecessary and you just like to complain.
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charlieb620 said:
There is a new link out there are 3 different updates out floating around in forum
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
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whats the difference between them?
If that is the case, you bought a dev phone. Why would you be suprised?
Well, dev phones should not be sold to the public, and not sold for almost 600 big one's.
tekkitan said:
If that is the case, you bought a dev phone. Why would you be suprised?
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jalyn02 said:
Well, dev phones should not be sold to the public, and not sold for almost 600 big one's.
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you had the choice,you chosen the nexus S.
google didnt force you!
every phone has isue's
doesn't matter what OS is on it.
so live with it.
and get 2.3.3!! it got fixed okey?
people like you are getting really irritating for advance nexus user's
accept the pakage you bought.
they didnt force you.
I am a nexus s owner and i am happy that the update has fixed my issues with the phone not being able to make calls for the first month i had it, i love the device and am relieved i got to keep it,
I do however find the comment above wholy unjustified, rude and ignorant!
Never once have i seen this branded as "the dev phone" the only place ive seen that mentioned is ...well ...on xda the DEVELOPER forum.
I love the phone, i love this site, but are retarded unempathic rants at people who have clearly been mis-sold a device not to their preference actually appropriate? i think not!
Lovely device, sooooo glad i didnt have to take it back (i spent the first month thinking i may have to do just that).
Now try be a little more kind to people that have bought a handset they expected to act as one from the start. there is no mention of dev or test phone on tha packaging so i am sure trading standards would side with the customer with problems rather than some jumped up little dev who thinks he knows best (that let's down all them lovely kind and considerate dev's in the proccess).
Rant over sorry (really hate seeing people be so obnocious)
Loving this lil device

VZW Knows, also update notification

Hey guys, long time lurker, first time post here.
I just got off the phone after a nightmare of random reboots and so on and so forth. VZW send me a text today saying an update to my phone was available. Thinking I'd find out if it was simply to disable mobile tether or not I called in. The tech was surprised, but said he did see the notes on my account that the message was sent.
He said it was NOT 2.3, but another maintenance release, approved today for push tomorrow. All of this can be dismissed, however he did say something quite interesting. He said he couldn't fully help me because my phone was rooted. Obviously I denied that, and he said look man, I know it is. I said how? He replied that he could see that I was running DASbamf 2.1, which I am. Explained that it was part of the new system for the 4g phones. Believe me or not, I just wanted to put it out there that VZW can apparently tell, his words were that more than likely, it's pulled from when the phone is activated. Has anyone else heard of either of these? This is also posted on droid forums, just putting that out these to avoid the duplicate talks.
I always thought they knew, just can't do much about it. However, if they start using that information to deny certain services, it would be a major problem.
We need one of the nifty Verizon employees that frequent here to comment on this.
that is interesting. In theory, they could use that to deny warranty claims.
or the devs could just change the listing and fake the rom info right?
Well, thats my thought / hope. He read right back to me saying I was running a custom rom. I got to talking with him and he admitted he was rooted as well, and additionally stated that as a whole VZW doesn't pursue the issue. it just tripped me out, that he read it out. He had a very "don't bull**** me" tone. haha
tricky verizon.... they are catchin on!
if their phones didn't come with so much bloatware i wouldn't feel the need to root.
The screen cap was from today, obviously. What do you guys think of that?
son0fthunder said:
The screen cap was from today, obviously. What do you guys think of that?
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i think you need to charge your phone
i think you should download that and drop it on xda early for all of us.
I agree,I believe a charge is in order
1.21 giggawatts Thunderâ„¢
nrfitchett4 said:
that is interesting. In theory, they could use that to deny warranty claims.
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Anyone dumb enough to return a rooted phone deserves to be denied.
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
Haha, all warranty-implications aside, that's pretty cool that he could tell you what rom you were running.
Jcase has said before that they can tell, a big give away is you radio/baseband version. Do they care if you're rooted? Probably not unless your stealing services ,in which they are starting to act on and try to eliminate.
I root because I like to tinker with computers, I like the customization and speed that rooting gives us.
No flame please.
Sent from my ThunderBolt using XDA Premium App
son0fthunder said:
Hey guys, long time lurker, first time post here.
I just got off the phone after a nightmare of random reboots and so on and so forth. VZW send me a text today saying an update to my phone was available. Thinking I'd find out if it was simply to disable mobile tether or not I called in. The tech was surprised, but said he did see the notes on my account that the message was sent.
He said it was NOT 2.3, but another maintenance release, approved today for push tomorrow. All of this can be dismissed, however he did say something quite interesting. He said he couldn't fully help me because my phone was rooted. Obviously I denied that, and he said look man, I know it is. I said how? He replied that he could see that I was running DASbamf 2.1, which I am. Explained that it was part of the new system for the 4g phones. Believe me or not, I just wanted to put it out there that VZW can apparently tell, his words were that more than likely, it's pulled from when the phone is activated. Has anyone else heard of either of these? This is also posted on droid forums, just putting that out these to avoid the duplicate talks.
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Hi. I just bought a Thunderbolt after having problems with Sprint. I was told the same thing and when I mentioned it in the forum from a thread I posted, I was called a liar, among other things. I was told, as you can see from my post, that they also know every site you visit and whether you are paying for the Mobile Hot Spot. Sorry to hear your story, but glad that it validates what I was told from Sprint.
Schedonnardus said:
i think you need to charge your phone
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That was a great reply!! Hilarious!
Sent from my ThunderBolt using XDA App
I do it to get rid of crapware
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
Well I'll just jump on over to Sprint if they terminate my contract! The developer support is the reason I have an Android phone. I'm sure the devs could come up with something to block this though.
Honestly... I think terminating contracts over rooted phones would be one of the dumbest moves a cellular company could make.
It takes a certain technical know-how to root a phone, even with "easy root" phones such as the Google Nexus series. These technical people are also the people that are likely to be in positions of IT buying power in major organizations. If one of these people were to loose service over the rooting their personal phone, they may make the case to organizational management to move the organizational fleet of phones away from that carrier. In turn, the termination of one contract leads to the eventual termination of an entire fleet of phones. This "Mutually Assured Destruction" scenario prevents the cellular carriers from taking any large scale averse action against rooted phones. Furthermore, these technical people frequently talk to each other through rapid dissemination means (i.e. these forums). This sets up another scenario where the cancellation of one person's service may lead to the loss of many current and future subscribers.
These two factors leads to an environment where rooting is tolerated but not encouraged by the carriers. Carriers do not want to encourage rooting because it allows people to get rid of money making applications (i.e. City ID). However, they can not take averse action against rooted phones as that would launch the "mutually assured destruction" scenario discussed above. Carriers have turned to the method of locking down the phones as much as possible to prevent casual rooting of the devices. However, once a device is rooted, it is out of the carrier's control.
I fell asleep shortly after this thread was posted, I will however post updated pics once phone is charged.

official 4.3 update att l337

spoke to supervisor at att and said 4.3 is att and is n testin and will b released this week comin up about 500 to 600 mb download so get ready .ps those will get notified thru text for upgrade and others will get it the next day so there wont b no errors n the download and no overloadin the system yadaya...and more bloatware aswell from att but hey we get wat we pay for so get ure phone prepared and clean it good so u wont miss any files or uno
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using xda app-developers app
If there is going to be an update, we all should be prepared to see its affects on rooting and recoveries, I don't want another MF3 nightmare- again.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 (SGH-i337) via Tapatalk 4
I will not trust too much AT&T guys! From my experience they are not too many people knowing when the update will be release. Well lets keep the hopes up and freeze the update to not lose the root!
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
The Canadians haven't received it yet (though it is slated for October) and you expect people to believe AT&T will be releasing it this week? I guess it could happen, but I've yet to see any convincing evidence. Anyone working at AT&T should not be considered a good source for anything. Regardless, don't touch it until it is checked out by those that know what they are doing. Of course, the same "challenged" people that screwed up with MF3 (and continue to do so) will do the same with 4.3 no matter what kind of warnings people post. Some people just don't know how to read and never learn from their mistakes.
scott14719 said:
The Canadians haven't received it yet (though it is slated for October) and you expect people to believe AT&T will be releasing it this week? I guess it could happen, but I've yet to see any convincing evidence. Anyone working at AT&T should not be considered a good source for anything. Regardless, don't touch it until it is checked out by those that know what they are doing. Of course, the same "challenged" people that screwed up with MF3 (and continue to do so) will do the same with 4.3 no matter what kind of warnings people post. Some people just don't know how to read and never learn from their mistakes.
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Well my phone auto updated, so not everyone who upgraded to MF3 did it on their own, it just happened with mine, now I know to freeze those processes with titanium backup
Kingo root might still work for it. It worked for mf3 baseband with one-click root.
Sent from my SGH-I337 using xda app-developers app
It'll be locked down tighter than mf3. Each new version will patch the previous versions vulnerabilities.
ACardAttack said:
Well my phone auto updated, so not everyone who upgraded to MF3 did it on their own, it just happened with mine, now I know to freeze those processes with titanium backup
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It was posted several times well before MF3 was ever released:
A. Do not take the MF3 update until it was checked out (unless you don't care about modding).
B. A couple of ways to prevent the update, automatic or not.
It was then reported / posted several times directly after MF3 started pushing (within 1 day) that it would auto-update and exact instructions were provided on how to keep it from doing so.
There are no excuses, just lack of reading.
Like I said, if you don't care about changing or modding your phone than it doesn't matter, but if you are here at XDA in the first place, it means you DO want to do things to your phone and therefore, there is no excuse for not knowing about the updates, what to do or not to do with them, and how to prevent them if needed. The only reason for this is not reading.
Personally, I don't care. I know what to do for my phone because I search, learn, and read. However, the dozens and dozens of people that come running here crying for help when they should have helped themselves is annoying. It's sad when people take the time to provide information in an informative and easily understandable way and others just ignore it and then want to blame others because they did so. And that is exactly what happens...again, no excuses.
If people would read THIS, I am telling them NOT to update before the update is checked out to see what it changes and effects. The thread title is, "OFFICIAL 4.3 UPDATE AT&T I337". That is all the information that is needed for a search here at XDA, on Google, or even a simple visual search. If anyone puts ANY minimal effort into it, they can see what I have posted here. But, that is the problem, people are too lazy and to entitled to do anything on their own to take responsibility for what they do to their phones. They would rather call the people that follow XDA rules and take responsibility for what they do names like "****" or "Condescending" when it is pointed out to them where to learn about what they want to do and what they should have done to begin with.
So, here it is if you want to ever MOD your phone again in any way:
If you do, it is your own damn fault...take responsibility for it!
jd1639 said:
It'll be locked down tighter than mf3. Each new version will patch the previous versions vulnerabilities.
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Sigh... so true. That's why I will never outright buy a phone from AT&T again.
Will be getting a GPE phone if I go with another Galaxy.
To keep it on topic, I'm with the others on this, I don't put my faith in employees at AT&T. Sure it's possible the update could drop this week... but either way I won't be updating any time soon.
scott14719 said:
It was posted several times well before MF3 was ever released:
There are no excuses, just lack of reading.
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No excuses you know, unless you don't frequent forums like this and it just happened....
ACardAttack said:
No excuses you know, unless you don't frequent forums like this and it just happened....
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scott14719 said:
Like I said, if you don't care about changing or modding your phone than it doesn't matter, but if you are here at XDA in the first place, it means you DO want to do things to your phone and therefore, there is no excuse for not knowing about the updates, what to do or not to do with them, and how to prevent them if needed. The only reason for this is not reading.
...take responsibility for it!
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scott14719 said:
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I come here once and awhile, not in my wildest dreams did I expect a forced over the air update to come, even apple doesn't pull people who like to have a rooted phone does not mean they frequent this site often
ACardAttack said:
I come here once and awhile, not in my wildest dreams did I expect a forced over the air update to come, even apple doesn't pull people who like to have a rooted phone does not mean they frequent this site often
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I agree that it is a crappy tactic from AT&T, but the fact that your phone updated is completely your fault. The XDA rules state, "To search before you post". That is the first thing you should do when coming here for any information. The second thing is to read the "pinned" threads in the General and Q & A sections. It doesn't matter if you come here for something once or 100 times, it is still your responsibility to do so. What happens to your phone is ONLY your responsibility. Some things can not be fixed, changed, or controlled. The phone updating is not one of those things. Your phone auto- updated because you did not learn about it being able to do so. If you signed any paperwork with AT&T I guarantee you signed a waver that said they can and will modify your software at any time with or without any further consent. It's your fault if you didn't read it.
There are plenty of people around here that were born with the same knowledge about phones, and Android, and Modding that you and I were born with. But those people (and myself) took the time to learn about their phones and took responsibility for what they wanted to do to their phones. They didn't come to XDA, ignore all of the rules, and make a user account just to ask a question about something they did wrong to start with. Instead, they came here, read the rules, agreed to them, made a user account, and proceeded to search, read, and learn about their device. Many of them then went on to start modifying and developing so others could benefit from their time and actions. Not everyone achieves that level of knowledge but everyone IS expected to follow the rules, search, read, and learn. In other words, like I said, there are no excuses. Everything involving what has or will happen to your phone is your (and only your) responsibility. Just like it is for everyone else and their phone.
one of the first things I do after rooting a device is to freeze all the bloat AND any ota or updates. when an update starts to come , immediately hit airplane mode and don't disable it until figuring out how to kill the update.
don't play the modding game without fully understanding what you're doing.
Russ77 said:
one of the first things I do after rooting a device is to freeze all the bloat AND any ota or updates. when an update starts to come , immediately hit airplane mode and don't disable it until figuring out how to kill the update.
don't play the modding game without fully understanding what you're doing.
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With the MF3 update.. It seems the 3 Required apps to freeze the OTA are not all there. 1 Of them has a different name under my phone. It seems to be now listed as AllShare Cast Dongle S/W. Can someone confirm that this is indeed the third piece of the puzzle to freeze updates? Has this any affect to AllShare feature?
I tried searching around, but everything seems to point to only blocking the update prior to MF3. Nothing notes the new changes. And I guess is there any real point in stopping the next update? Seeing as LOKI is the only real(no limitations) solution to the bootloader lock?
Is there anyone working on the bootloader for MF3?
scott14719 said:
I agree that it is a crappy tactic from AT&T, but the fact that your phone updated is completely your fault. The XDA rules state, "To search before you post". That is the first thing you should do when coming here for any information. The second thing is to read the "pinned" threads in the General and Q & A sections. It doesn't matter if you come here for something once or 100 times, it is still your responsibility to do so. What happens to your phone is ONLY your responsibility. Some things can not be fixed, changed, or controlled. The phone updating is not one of those things. Your phone auto- updated because you did not learn about it being able to do so. If you signed any paperwork with AT&T I guarantee you signed a waver that said they can and will modify your software at any time with or without any further consent. It's your fault if you didn't read it.
There are plenty of people around here that were born with the same knowledge about phones, and Android, and Modding that you and I were born with. But those people (and myself) took the time to learn about their phones and took responsibility for what they wanted to do to their phones. They didn't come to XDA, ignore all of the rules, and make a user account just to ask a question about something they did wrong to start with. Instead, they came here, read the rules, agreed to them, made a user account, and proceeded to search, read, and learn about their device. Many of them then went on to start modifying and developing so others could benefit from their time and actions. Not everyone achieves that level of knowledge but everyone IS expected to follow the rules, search, read, and learn. In other words, like I said, there are no excuses. Everything involving what has or will happen to your phone is your (and only your) responsibility. Just like it is for everyone else and their phone.
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I disagree it is the users fault. Mine did the same thing. By the time I left the store mine was already updating on its own. It's not like you can root while you are at the store. I have rooted every Android I have owned but never had a device update on its own until this S4.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk now Free
jdog_12345 said:
I disagree it is the users fault. Mine did the same thing. By the time I left the store mine was already updating on its own. It's not like you can root while you are at the store. I have rooted every Android I have owned but never had a device update on its own until this S4.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk now Free
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It's difficult to predict a phone updating before you leave the store you bought it at. That is probably one of the few excuses that would be legitimate. It's still your responsibility to research the phone before you buy to see what it might or might not do, but even then it's difficult to do anything about it that quickly. It was posted several times to not put the sim card into the phone before you could take steps to prevent the update but sometimes it's just not possible. Blaming it on "other" phones you have had not auto-updating is just an excuse. This isn't those other phones and it is / was still your responsibility to research and learn about THIS phone before you took ownership. It is simply no one else's fault that you didn't read and learn. You might feel like you didn't need to or shouldn't have to but that doesn't change the fact that the information was out there, you just didn't seek it. However, like I said, even if you would have, it still might have been difficult to stop it in your particular situation.
Most people (99.9%) of people that throw around excuses are solely to blame for the phone updating (or anything else that happens to it). It is completely their responsibility, they just want to blame someone or something else. Using, "I didn't know" or ,"Who would expect the phone to do that", as an excuse when as much information exists about it as does, is just an attempt at not taking responsibility. Some people take responsibility for their actions and have no trouble stepping up and admitting something happened because of their actions or lack there-of. Others, always want to blame someone else.
If anyone is keeping score I am one of the (apparently rare) folks who reads this forum but has no intention of rooting or modding or hacking etc my phone.
But thanks to this forum I learned which of the att and Samsung apps I could safely disable.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using xda app-developers app
scott14719 said:
Most people (99.9%) of people that throw around excuses are solely to blame for the phone updating (or anything else that happens to it). It is completely their responsibility, they just want to blame someone or something else. Using, "I didn't know" or ,"Who would expect the phone to do that", as an excuse when as much information exists about it as does, is just an attempt at not taking responsibility. Some people take responsibility for their actions and have no trouble stepping up and admitting something happened because of their actions or lack there-of. Others, always want to blame someone else.
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Its not like an iphone where you have to tell it to update, it just happened, I had an iphone for 4 years, never once did I update until there was a jailbreak and I know I can't be the only one, I rooted, tried a few custom roms, didnt like them and never came back to this site until my phone updated itself. So I'd just get off your high horse because well putting down people to make one feel better isn't a great trait to have.
There will be NO 4.3 update for ATT before the INTL peeps get it, I am telling you now, att will not have one till way after the 1st of the year....
That ATT rep is full of .....need I say more...

Hopes & Dreams

Is it silly to hope this update will provide a pathway to re-unlocking the boot loader?
If so, I'll update, if not, I'll hold off. *le sigh*
It has been stated over and over again that the security hole was patched. 4.4 is even more secure. People need to stop asking about unlocking, it's getting old.
Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Tapatalk
RikRong said:
It has been stated over and over again that the security hole was patched. 4.4 is even more secure. People need to stop asking about unlocking, it's getting old.
Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Tapatalk
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So, thanks for your asinine, non responsive reply. The question was whether the update could provide a pathway to unlocking. I assure you I am more familiar with the situation of the boot loader than you are. Acceptable answers would include
1. Yes
2. Yes because blah blah blah
3. No
4. No because blah blah blah
It has already been debated that the update could possibly include a change to the boot loader that could be exploited. Since there are those that are more knowledgeable than me and are able to give actual answers, I shall ask you to have a good day, sir.
brownrt said:
So, thanks for your asinine, non responsive reply. The question was whether the update could provide a pathway to unlocking. I assure you I am more familiar with the situation of the boot loader than you are. Acceptable answers would include
1. Yes
2. Yes because blah blah blah
3. No
4. No because blah blah blah
It has already been debated that the update could possibly include a change to the boot loader that could be exploited. Since there are those that are more knowledgeable than me and are able to give actual answers, I shall ask you to have a good day, sir.
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It's just because this question gets asked over and over and over again. A little bit of searching will pretty much explain how this was an exploit, not an actual path to unlocking the bootloader. Once this was patched and fixed, the hopes of finding another exploit to unlock the bootloader on a phone that was not meant to have it's bootloader unlocked, were pretty much gone. Dan, who found the exploit, had done a LOT of exploring that took a lot of time, trial and error, etc. It wasn't an easy exploit that just showed up all of a sudden. The same goes for getting root. It's not an easy thing to get. As each patch comes out for Android, more and more exploits are patched. it's just part of the business to make the OS more secure.
Going to KK, as explained in the previous posters comments, pretty much makes it possible only if pigs fly. KK is more secure than JB and as each iteration of Android comes to being, it means it becomes more and more secure, which means less exploits to find to gain root. This also means, unless they reintroduce a new exploit (highly unlikely), then don't hold your breath for an unlocked bootloader as well.
If you're more aware of the situation than I, why did you ask about it? I meant no disrespect, but it has been frustrating seeing many people come in and asking about the BL, almost a year after the OTA was released to lock it back up. If you think KK will offer you a path to unlocking, then I invite you to go through the Moto X and S5 forums and see how much trouble they're having even attaining root.
iBolski said:
It's just because this question gets asked over and over and over again. A little bit of searching will pretty much explain how this was an exploit, not an actual path to unlocking the bootloader. Once this was patched and fixed, the hopes of finding another exploit to unlock the bootloader on a phone that was not meant to have it's bootloader unlocked, were pretty much gone. Dan, who found the exploit, had done a LOT of exploring that took a lot of time, trial and error, etc. It wasn't an easy exploit that just showed up all of a sudden. The same goes for getting root. It's not an easy thing to get. As each patch comes out for Android, more and more exploits are patched. it's just part of the business to make the OS more secure.
Going to KK, as explained in the previous posters comments, pretty much makes it possible only if pigs fly. KK is more secure than JB and as each iteration of Android comes to being, it means it becomes more and more secure, which means less exploits to find to gain root. This also means, unless they reintroduce a new exploit (highly unlikely), then don't hold your breath for an unlocked bootloader as well.
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I don't see no pigs flying.
RikRong said:
It has been stated over and over again that the security hole was patched. 4.4 is even more secure. People need to stop asking about unlocking, it's getting old.
Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Tapatalk
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See how asinine you were now?
brownrt said:
See how asinine you were now?
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just run and do it they were helping you to the best of there knowledge at the time
billycar11 said:
just run and do it they were helping you to the best of there knowledge at the time
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Feel free to explain to me what was helpful about their replies to the OP?
brownrt said:
Feel free to explain to me what was helpful about their replies to the OP?
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they were right at the time and now things have changed the community as a whole was just really annoyed about getting the same question so much so they were frustrated and i know users who missed out were even more frustrated with not being able to do what they want with there phones so don't take your frustration out on people who were trying to tell you the right answer at the time , take it out on your boot loader and unlock it yayayayay
brownrt said:
Feel free to explain to me what was helpful about their replies to the OP?
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Feel free to explain to me what was helpful about your posts?
brownrt said:
I don't see no pigs flying.
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brownrt said:
See how asinine you were now?
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Past has shown that as old as these phones are, a new root exploit, when all others have been patched, never occurs.
What just happened was luck:
Someone was working on a root exploit not specific to this phone AND you got lucky that it worked for the RAZR HD/MAXX/M.
You got REAL lucky with Motorola basically screwing up and re-introducing the bootloader unlock exploit. This was patched with version 9.18 last year and has been unavailable since then. THIS was dumb luck, period. Well, dumb on the part of Motorola for somehow falling back to the old code that is located on a protected zone of the phone. This was the ONLY way it could have be re-introduced and this RARELY happens, so again, dumb luck.
However, there is another OTA coming (I was just emailed asking to participate in it yesterday). I'm pretty sure it will fix the Towelroot exploit (all 2013 phones running 4.4.2 as well as any 4.4.2 kernel whose date is >= 6/3/2014 disallow the Towelroot exploit) as well as the bootloader exploit.
So, now is your chance to root and unlock the bootloader and it's high time everyone takes advantage of this because we will get the same questions, over and over again when the next OTA comes out.
Our main point, as has been stated, was if people would just search and read, rather than being lazy and just asking the same question that has already been asked a hundred times before, they would find their answer a lot quicker and the rest of us who have been helping so many other people would not feel we would have to rehash the same answer again. It's like being in class, the teacher explains something, and then 10 other people raise their hand and ask the teacher about the exact thing the teacher just went over, so now the teacher has to stop class, explain it again, and then 10 more kids raise their hands and ask the same, exact question. It pollutes the forums with the same questions and then the same answers.
We weren't being mean about saying no root, but what just happened was pure luck, especially with the bootloader unlock.
BTW, I think I did see a pig fly in Minecraft yesterday, so I guess they did fly which makes sense. :laugh:
In the end, we are all very happy for those that have locked bootloaders because now, they can root and then unlock this phone. But, they need to do it NOW before the next OTA comes out. And I can guarantee you that those who fail to do it will be back on here asking the same question over and over again. So, let's spread the word and beg and plead that these people root their phones now and unlock the bootloader so that when the next OTA comes out in the next couple of weeks, they won't have to worry about another root exploit, if at all.
Again, those with locked bootloaders got real lucky.
As far as warranty goes, who cares. The phone is old (18+ months) and most people who have turned in their locked phones for warranty have gotten their replacement without having to pay anything, so the company will accept them and they don't charge for it. Besides, would you rather have an unlocked phone knowing you can have root no matter what the next OTA does or do you want to wait and have to do an exploit? Sideloading is SO much easier and just requires a reboot into a custom recovery (like TWRP) and then you do an "adb sideload" and you reboot and your done. Pretty easy, no muss, no fuss.
billycar11 said:
they were right at the time and now things have changed the community as a whole was just really annoyed about getting the same question so much so they were frustrated and i know users who missed out were even more frustrated with not being able to do what they want with there phones so don't take your frustration out on people who were trying to tell you the right answer at the time , take it out on your boot loader and unlock it yayayayay
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Being annoyed by the question is not the same as the quest. In fact the question had not been asked before.
killrhythm09 said:
Feel free to explain to me what was helpful about your posts?
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It wasn't a post. It was a question. Questions are not meant to help anyone but the asker. Being that I was the asker and people that had no idea about actual development decided to answer, I am in fact the best person do judge whether or not they were helpful.
iBolski said:
Past has shown that as old as these phones are, a new root exploit, when all others have been patched, never occurs.
What just happened was luck:
Someone was working on a root exploit not specific to this phone AND you got lucky that it worked for the RAZR HD/MAXX/M.
You got REAL lucky with Motorola basically screwing up and re-introducing the bootloader unlock exploit. This was patched with version 9.18 last year and has been unavailable since then. THIS was dumb luck, period. Well, dumb on the part of Motorola for somehow falling back to the old code that is located on a protected zone of the phone. This was the ONLY way it could have be re-introduced and this RARELY happens, so again, dumb luck.
However, there is another OTA coming (I was just emailed asking to participate in it yesterday). I'm pretty sure it will fix the Towelroot exploit (all 2013 phones running 4.4.2 as well as any 4.4.2 kernel whose date is >= 6/3/2014 disallow the Towelroot exploit) as well as the bootloader exploit.
So, now is your chance to root and unlock the bootloader and it's high time everyone takes advantage of this because we will get the same questions, over and over again when the next OTA comes out.
Our main point, as has been stated, was if people would just search and read, rather than being lazy and just asking the same question that has already been asked a hundred times before, they would find their answer a lot quicker and the rest of us who have been helping so many other people would not feel we would have to rehash the same answer again. It's like being in class, the teacher explains something, and then 10 other people raise their hand and ask the teacher about the exact thing the teacher just went over, so now the teacher has to stop class, explain it again, and then 10 more kids raise their hands and ask the same, exact question. It pollutes the forums with the same questions and then the same answers.
We weren't being mean about saying no root, but what just happened was pure luck, especially with the bootloader unlock.
BTW, I think I did see a pig fly in Minecraft yesterday, so I guess they did fly which makes sense. :laugh:
In the end, we are all very happy for those that have locked bootloaders because now, they can root and then unlock this phone. But, they need to do it NOW before the next OTA comes out. And I can guarantee you that those who fail to do it will be back on here asking the same question over and over again. So, let's spread the word and beg and plead that these people root their phones now and unlock the bootloader so that when the next OTA comes out in the next couple of weeks, they won't have to worry about another root exploit, if at all.
Again, those with locked bootloaders got real lucky.
As far as warranty goes, who cares. The phone is old (18+ months) and most people who have turned in their locked phones for warranty have gotten their replacement without having to pay anything, so the company will accept them and they don't charge for it. Besides, would you rather have an unlocked phone knowing you can have root no matter what the next OTA does or do you want to wait and have to do an exploit? Sideloading is SO much easier and just requires a reboot into a custom recovery (like TWRP) and then you do an "adb sideload" and you reboot and your done. Pretty easy, no muss, no fuss.
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First off, my phone was an insurance replacement, not a **** up "oops I accidentally updated"
But I have to ask you, when you decided to answer originally, did you actual contemplate the question? Or did you assume that it was the same that had been asked before? I assure you that if you had thought about it, you would have considered the plausibility of an answer other than no. (yes and maybe being the alternatives). The post didn't ask you how to do it. And also, EXACTLY what would the OP search for to find an answer. KitKat was still in Soak Test at the time of the OP, but the all knowing non developers seemed to have the answer (this seems unacceptable). I think if the question had been pondered by the respondents they would have realized the question had not been asked before.
1. Historically, new root an boot loader exploits have been found AFTER an update has been released.
2. Historically there has not been a phone that jumped an entire cycle of updates to a new release. And that is hundreds of phones over many OSs over many iterations.
3. The idea that it was plausible should have been at the forefront of peoples minds, because the boot loader was required to be changed. There have been many posts about the nature of root being changed in kitkat. So the jump would absolutely open up risk to exploit.
4. Google wants devices to be open. Did no one think it was plausible that the exploit would be reintroduced after the hand off to Lenovo?
So I ask again, the present situation not withstanding, do you honestly think that anyone answered my question? A bunch of people tired of reading a similar question, giving the answer to a different question. As a member and contributor to the xda community for quite a while now, I've learned that it's important to actually answer the question that's actually asked and not assume the OP is not fully aware of the question they are asking. Especially if the qualify the question in the first place to differentiate it from the question he knows responders are going to assume the OP is asking. Cheers.
P.S. The idea that any of you were actually being "helpful" is cockypop.
brownrt said:
P.S. The idea that any of you were actually being "helpful" is cockypop.
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I apologize if it came off gruff, but we have been helpful before, it just gets aggravating when it appears as if someone didn't do their due diligence in doing actual research, especially if when we've answered the same question numerous times.
In the future, I'll work at being more helpful and if it's the same question that I've already answered, maybe instead of going off, I can just wait for someone else to answer, especially if I've already typed the same answer numerous times to other people.
In any case, whether you think it's poppycock or not, we are genuinely happy for everyone that has now had a second chance at unlocking the bootloader with this "mistake" from Motorola. I just hope everyone takes advantage of it.
^^^I won't apologize for appearing "gruff."
brownrt said:
See how asinine you were now?
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I don't feel asinine, in the least bit. What happened was pure, dumb luck (or someone at Moto "accidentally" putting the TZ back into the KK update). You all also got lucky when someone decided to try out Motopocalypse just for the hell of it. At the time, there was no "path" to the unlock and every experienced dev (I'm no dev) was under the notion this would never happen. Thanks for bringing this up, I always enjoy a good discussion. I was wrong, the devs were wrong, the experts were wrong.
ill just leave this here
im not getting involved in this bickering, ill just say this:
-it took Dan (a security expert by trade) a long time to find the BL unlock. so when he says "it will never happen again", i tend to belive him. therefore "the never going to happen" post by others.
-i highly doubt moto forgot on purpose to apply the known exploit patches, or let us have it back on purpose, so someone over there is probably fired right about now.
-had geohot not found a blanket root, something that is quite rare, there still would be no root as no one is actively trying.
so, however it may have not been worded in the best manner, the assumptions at the time of the op were accurate.
that will be all, as you were....

