Ok so I had a temp phone before I got my Tilt. Had unlimited internet on it and everything and when I switched to the Tilt I upgraded my internet plan to the $29.99.
Well seems like it didnt actually get onto the plan. My internet got cut off today and I called to figure out what was going on and it was because my bill was too much....i had racked up almost $3,200 in per kb internet usage.
Everything is being taken care of and I will not have to pay that, but I just figured I would just inform yall. If you have the incorrect internet plan you will get charged per kb used and AT&T will not contact you.
They really should contact you if anything on your plan is changed. It makes no sense that they do things like that and not tell you.
i got the temp phone for a week while waiting for my tmo contract to run out and when i called to get my number ported back over the lady went over everything again, plan info, add ons, etc.
thought it woulda been caught right about there...
I've been an ATT customer for 10 years and they consistently screw up billing, I have found if you call them they are pretty good about canceling additional charges.
Yeah thishas been talked about over at the kaiser forum. If you have a the 29.99 media max i beleive package you can have it as long as you dont abuse it. This will notify ATT that you are using the media max package that is not intended for PDA;s. They will then unleash gods **** on you which you will obviously fight off then buy a regular PDA package and att wins.
I must agree - I had a similar instance. They managed to cancel my original text messaging plan (1,000 for $10), and instead of putting the correct one back on (it wasn't offered anymore), they gave me whatever was close to it.
I logged in to check my status one night and noticed it. Turns out some idiot at the store changed my number by mistake, then realized it. They switched my plan back for me, as well as gave me a credit on my account, which gave me about 2 months free.
That's a couple of billing errors in that post. Data overages are capped at $99 and should in no way reach as high as $3,000 as long as you stay in the country.
Seriously, guys (and ladies if any in this thread)
There's something called personal responsibility and why you would think that a mere $30 media net plan which is intended for non-PDA phones would suffice your PDAs needs is ridiculous. If you read the literature, it is more than evident and more than clear.
APAB said:
Seriously, guys (and ladies if any in this thread)
There's something called personal responsibility and why you would think that a mere $30 media net plan which is intended for non-PDA phones would suffice your PDAs needs is ridiculous. If you read the literature, it is more than evident and more than clear.
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I'm not so sure the average person gets the difference between PDA plans and MEdiaNET plans. In fact, if you go to a Premiere site and read the descripion for the Fuze, Samsung Blackjack II, and several otehr "PDA" phones it states in the description under Software and Connectivity "MEdia Net -- Wireless Internet access (designed for mobile devices)*" so why on earth would the average person believe that these devices cannot be used with MEdiaNET Unlimited plans? For thaty matter, why would you beluieve that it could not be used with an Unlimited MEdiaNET plan? What is it in the description that you understand that the rest of us do not that we are being "ridiculous" to think that these plans were intended for our Fuze?
To make things more confusing, AT&T began offering MEdiaNET unlimited plans (starting at $15) for devices with full keyboards including the Samsung Propel, Pantech Matrix and Slate. So is the average consumer suppose to understand that the price is tied to the underlying operating system? Windows Smartphone Edition is $15, WM6/6.1 is $30, Symbian is $15, Apple is $30, where does the insanity end?
ok, i'm confused now. The offical data plan for the fuze is the $30 plan. What happened with me is that i havent fully decided between the fuze and my e71, so i called in and added the e71 back to my account and added the $15 medianet unlimited plan. i've been switching between the phones (more time in my fuze now) and when i check online, it shows the fuze as my phone and the $15 medianet plan is added to it... should i be scared? do they check regularly? if they do catch it, will they just put me on the $30 plan or would they charge me pay per use? thanks
omaralt said:
fuze as my phone and the $15 medianet plan is added to it... should i be scared?
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I've been using Medianet for about a month now, coming off of using it on a blackberry, and I haven't had any problems. I check my online account regularly to make sure there aren't any changes in the data plan.
So you are saying that I can use my Fuze with the $15/month media net package instead of the $30 one?
can you? yes. is it the correct plan? no. are you going to get caught? probably not. do i need to stop answering my own questions? yes
Here we go again, I guess I have wasted over 180 posts regardind this SAME situation. I have explained in great detail over and over again how and why this happens. Maybe the mods need to modify the search button to 100pt font.
I don't think that I understood your other posts regarding Media Net on my pda...can you please elaborate? So can I use Media Net on my pda?
HAHAHAHAHAHAH mviana, no you didnt! ROFLLL!!! poor kd8
systoxity said:
HAHAHAHAHAHAH mviana, no you didnt! ROFLLL!!! poor kd8
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Before you start were you have no clue, read the facts.....
1. As far as AT&T is concerned, for a PDA you must have PDA personal 30.00
2. You can get away with media net 15.00, but you need to trick AT&T.
3. As far as the Op's post goes, he must have had a idiot change his account.
4. Whenever a "upgrade" is performed the system WILL NOT allow media net to be carried over or placed on to a PDA.
So if you want to say "poor kd8" I will say to you... When you have worked with SBC>>>AMERITECH>>>CINGULAR>>>AT&T, and know every aspect of the system and how to trick it, and even publish that info for all the users here to save some cash, once you have done that and become what I have with AT&T, then talk SHI* to me, until then DONT. For those interested on how to trick the system SEARCH "kd8dns media net" if you still dont understand P.M. me.
And of course if you don't have any data plan on your account you will be charged PPU "pay per use" and that is 1c per KB.
There is a difference between PDA PERSONAL and MEDIA MAX
MEDIA MAX---Regular non PDA devices---15.00
PDA PERSONAL---PDA devices--------30.00
As most know I can answer any question regarding AT&T.
If it regards your bill or feature's, P.M. me
I can explain all the tips and tricks.
As far as overage ALL ALL ALL data overage is supposed to be capped at 200.00
but this also depends on if the correct device's IMEI is updated on your AT&T account. Your online account is CRAP, it means nothing. The only thing that is accurate about it, is the fact it can tell what LOCKED AT&T device you are using. DONT TRUST IT EVER!!!!!
And yes, you can use 15.00 media net on a FUZE, I have personally set this up for at least 40 members here!
Thank you for all of the info KD8DNS. if possible could you PM me? I would like to know more about setting up my Fuze on the $15/month plan. I already flashed my ROM to Da_G's ROM.
Here is how ya do it (AGAIN)
1. place sim in a non pda device.
2. Power on, dial *#06#,
3. Wright the imei number on paper.
4. Call customer care and tell them you lost your pda and need to update your account.
5. Have them remove PDA Personal, and add Media Net Unlim (15.00)
6. Say Thank you, and hang up.
7. Place sim back in PDA and don't use more than 3gb a month.
8. You can even tether with this. Just don't go crazy.
Any other question's FEEL FREE to p.m. me, As I am here to help.
I was reading about Data lags on the sensation but never noticed it on mine (Tmobile US) but I did notice that my "4G" speeds were incredibly slow and went through all the troubleshooting "Ciphering off/on radio off/on" "airplane mode on/off" "hard reset" "new sim card" ect.
Using the SpeedTest.Net App, I was getting about 1MB download and less than 1MB Upload. Sometimes I'd get 500KB Download. I called Tmobile Customer Service and they said that my current android plan "$35 Unlimited Data and Text" (even though my phone constantly shows 4G at the top) does not include 4G and I'd have to update to the new plan which includes 4G for $30 5GB Unlimited (wtf?) Data and $15 Unlimited Text" I changed it....2 hours later....
I'm still getting the same speed. <1MB Download <800KB Upload...
Any help guys? Did I pretty much just get ripped off? I'm on Tmobile US, in a 4G coverage area. --- What speeds are you guys getting?
Toeeknee said:
I was reading about Data lags on the sensation but never noticed it on mine (Tmobile US) but I did notice that my "4G" speeds were incredibly slow and went through all the troubleshooting "Ciphering off/on radio off/on" "airplane mode on/off" "hard reset" "new sim card" ect.
Using the SpeedTest.Net App, I was getting about 1MB download and less than 1MB Upload. Sometimes I'd get 500KB Download. I called Tmobile Customer Service and they said that my current android plan "$35 Unlimited Data and Text" (even though my phone constantly shows 4G at the top) does not include 4G and I'd have to update to the new plan which includes 4G for $30 5GB Unlimited (wtf?) Data and $15 Unlimited Text" I changed it....2 hours later....
I'm still getting the same speed. <1MB Download <800KB Upload...
Any help guys? Did I pretty much just get ripped off? I'm on Tmobile US, in a 4G coverage area. --- What speeds are you guys getting?
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Did you go over your limit? They will throttle you if you go above the 2gb/5gb/10gb
I'm currently throttled and only getting .5mbps down. sucks but I got throttled one week before my new cycle so hopefully it will go back up next week
Nope. Got the phone last week and Its been slow like that since. I called tmobile to check and see and they said I was well below my usage.
You shouldn't have changed your plan. There might be something wrong with the phone or the area you live in.
That's what I asked them, I said what if it's the phone and not my data plan. I told her that Tech Support doesn't know what the problem is but they just think that the plan is old and that's why its not on 4G, I asked if I still get the same problem can I change my plan back to the grandfathered plan, The rep said that she had a problem like that before and she switched her plan and she got fast speeds but if it doesn't get resolved she will note the account so that "special accounts care" MIGHT switch me back to my old plan.
Still slow speeds.
The feature your taking about, $30 for the 5G data is a Required feature if your on an old plan. You can switch to the $79.99 even more plan and that gives you unlimited talk text and 2GB web each month. if you choose to remain on the old plan, the 5GB $30 plan is the data plan we can add in the store.
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA App
My thing is, I had a plan for $35 Unlimited Data and Text but they said that doesn't support 4G so I changed the plan to $30 5GB and $15 Unlimited Text plan but the speeds are STILL the same.
I was wondering what everyone else's speed is and if I just got ripped off going into a new more expensive data plan yet receiving the same speed as my old cheaper plan.
It could be in the area your in, but just to be sure, go into your tmobile store and try speedtest while your there and also check the sensation they have in the store.
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA App
good idea checking the speed on theirs. But as far as area wise, I don't think its that. I live in Garland, Texas but go out all over the place for fun. So I go to Dallas, Rockwall, Fort Worth, and all these big cities and still, slow speeds.
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
they lied to you.
I am getting 6mb down on the unlimited G1 plan. I did switch sim cards and used the one in the box, but did a web chat to activate so I encountered no BS.
Real sorry about that...
ask for a floor manager, then ask the floor manager for their supervisor, don't stop until you get you plan back.
I got unlimited loyalty minutes $69 for 2 lines and $30 for unlimited text and data. mine data tally never shows any usage, it just says unlimited, doesn't show an amount just 0% used.
I was on the phone for 3 hours though showing my backside a couple years ago.
I got lucky I think, maybe I just feel lucky and have the same deal as the rest of the customers who were around back in the voicestream days before the tmobile buyoiut;
point is though, be nice and cool but persistent and keep asking for managers and supervisors until you get your plan back.
always ask them to place a note on your profile saying what ever they promise.
good luck
and I'm out...
I have a feeling it is something with your phone.
I'm on the grandfathered $25 unlimited Android Data plan (5GB of 4G) and below are speeds I've gotten with 3-4 bars of 4G.
I live about 25 minutes outside of Milwaukee, WI.
5.5 - 10 Mbps download and .6 - 2.2 Mbps Upload
Daddyroot said:
they lied to you.
I am getting 6mb down on the unlimited G1 plan. I did switch sim cards and used the one in the box, but did a web chat to activate so I encountered no BS.
Real sorry about that...
ask for a floor manager, then ask the floor manager for their supervisor, don't stop until you get you plan back.
I got unlimited loyalty minutes $69 for 2 lines and $30 for unlimited text and data. mine data tally never shows any usage, it just says unlimited, doesn't show an amount just 0% used.
I was on the phone for 3 hours though showing my backside a couple years ago.
I got lucky I think, maybe I just feel lucky and have the same deal as the rest of the customers who were around back in the voicestream days before the tmobile buyoiut;
point is though, be nice and cool but persistent and keep asking for managers and supervisors until you get your plan back.
always ask them to place a note on your profile saying what ever they promise.
good luck
and I'm out...
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Your unlimited loyalty plan is 5GB . Also, customer care can get you back on your old plan, the guy I'm quoting makes it seem like they are cutting diamonds lol.
Just call and tell the rep you speak to that your account was changed in error and you do not want your data plan changed. If you are questioning the phone, get it replaced.
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA App
called tmobile again, talked to them and troubleshooted for about an hour, turning phone on and off, refreshing network ect. and still low speeds 600kbps download and 32 kbps upload. Asked if it could just be my phone and they said no. The tech is opening up a trouble shoot ticket, saying its probably a network error and I should wait up to 72 hours for a technician to come out to the area.
guess I'm waiting.
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
I will add to the confirmations that the plan or SIM doesn't matter. I use the $25 MyTouch 3g plan and I have an older "2g" SIM card in my Sensation. I average 6-7 Mbs bandwidth with max 10 Mbs seen so far.
digiholic said:
I will add to the confirmations that the plan or SIM doesn't matter. I use the $25 MyTouch 3g plan and I have an older "2g" SIM card in my Sensation. I average 6-7 Mbs bandwidth with max 10 Mbs seen so far.
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I have to humbly disagree with you there...kinda.
I know some here have the same plan and situation you have and granted it works in your case, it is not really fair to say it works for all.
I came from a nexus one and simply changed my sim card over to the sensation on June 9. It worked fine until day 3. I think you have responded to a couple of my threads asking about the "android" vs grandfathered plans on the sensation but I do not recall what was said. Beside that, I was connected fine with my grandfathered data plan which I used with my old SE Xperia x1. It was called a 'smartphone' data plan, which cost 24.99/mo with 400 data texts. I have since replaced the sim that came with the box, made sure the IMEI's matched to their systems (which I think was the reason for the data cutoff) and now have a coded "android" plan.
From day 3, I have been on here asking people's opinions on, "data is data so our grandfathered plans should work no problem"....and to talking with tmobile cs, opening a trouble ticket because it came at the same time there was a problem outtage in my area (San Antonio, TX). I was told that the trouble ticket takes about 3 days to be addressed/resolved.
BUT on day 4 (day 2 of the trouble ticket), I called tmo cs again and got to the second level tech dept and had an in depth troubleshooting call with the extremely nice tech. Turned out she has an android device too so that helped things along.....The tech checked my trouble ticket but had a feeling that she could fix it so we agreed to go for the gusto. Upon tweaking the apn's and other settings, nothing worked even though I have the 4g icon up on my notification bar, just no data transfer. Before hanging up, I asked her about my grandfathered plan and was weary of getting the "suggested" android plans out there because there was nothing comparable to my grandfathered plan. She then went to her senior manager who is also nice and explained my situation. The rep came back to me and said I was right, the old grandfathered plans DO NOT work and any IMEI's that come back with incompatible data plans get disconnected.
So she and her manager saw that I was also a long time member of tmo for over 10 years and agreed to set me right and not have me pay more for a plan that I am getting less features on. The manager went and recoded my grandfathered plan to read Android instead of smartphone. (I am guessing this unlimited wording is 5gb and then throttles me but I am on wifi most of the time so it doesn't bother me) Two seconds later I got a sms from tmo welcoming to the android data plan.
About an hour later I found that my data was flowing again. So I must stress that even though your grandfathered plans may still work, do not be surprised if tmo disco's your data connection. You'll still make and receive calls, but data will be disco'ed.
But to the OP with slow data issues, have you changed the Sim card at all? I would advise against calling tmo and asking them to check the IMEI they have on file because I think that is what flagged my phone to begin with. And as for the data plan issue, you will need to come to grips with what works for you.
This may not be common, but I had to get a new SIM card for my N1 when they rolled out their HSDPA stuff locally I couldn't get any 3G at my apartment after they did; an updated/new SIM card fixed that issue.
As far as the plan, they tried to get me on the same gimmick; said that I should upgrade to the 4G plan etc etc...I politely refused it and im getting 6mbps here in Blue Bell, PA
kpjimmy said:
BUT on day 4 (day 2 of the trouble ticket), I called tmo cs again and got to the second level tech dept and had an in depth troubleshooting call with the extremely nice tech. Turned out she has an android device too so that helped things along.....The tech checked my trouble ticket but had a feeling that she could fix it so we agreed to go for the gusto. Upon tweaking the apn's and other settings, nothing worked even though I have the 4g icon up on my notification bar, just no data transfer. Before hanging up, I asked her about my grandfathered plan and was weary of getting the "suggested" android plans out there because there was nothing comparable to my grandfathered plan. She then went to her senior manager who is also nice and explained my situation. The rep came back to me and said I was right, the old grandfathered plans DO NOT work and any IMEI's that come back with incompatible data plans get disconnected.
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Yeah they were trying to be nice & all, but seriously, Tmobile blocked all Sensation IMEIs that weren't on their newer plans to force you to "upgrade". It's not the CS reps fault though, but tmobile's & their wanting everyone on a tiered data plan. Your old plan was fine, even worked for a few days (like mine did) until tmobile flipped that lovely IMEI blocking switch.
Toeeknee said:
Nope. Got the phone last week and Its been slow like that since. I called tmobile to check and see and they said I was well below my usage.
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Lets take a step back. What speeds were you seeing before with your old 3G phone? It's possible that you're just an area with slow speeds. If that's the case call and demand your old data plan back.
T-Mobile has done a lot of cleaning of data usage on their end.
Their new phones and systems are made with code that specifically disregard older data plan coding.
Basically this allows them to say that your old data coding is incompatible with the newer system they're using.
Just looking for you to pay more for less. ( T-Mobile loves AT&T )
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA Premium App
xnifex said:
Tmobile blocked all Sensation IMEIs that weren't on their newer plans to force you to "upgrade". It's not the CS reps fault though, but tmobile's & their wanting everyone on a tiered data plan. Your old plan was fine, even worked for a few days (like mine did) until tmobile flipped that lovely IMEI blocking switch.
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I'm using a Sensation with an older Android plan ($24.99 + 400 Texts) and i'm also using a sim card from 2005. I have "4G" speeds. What everyone needs to realize is the technology is the same across the board. There is technically no such thing as 4G on the t-mobile network. If your old "3G" phone worked in your area, then your new "fake 4G" phone will work. If it doesn't then demand to talk to someone else until they fix it. T-mobile shouldn't be tricking anyone into upgrading to a 4G plan by saying it wont work, because that's 100% untrue. All t-mobile did was increase the bandwidth that their old cell-sites would operate at. If your device can handle the faster speeds then it will benefit from the bandwidth upgrade. If the device can't handle the extra bandwidth then it will connect at the fastest speed that it is physically capable of.
I can see T-Mobile's argument if their 4G was LTE or WiMax, but it's not. If T-Mobile wants to argue about 4G speeds then demand to keep your plan at 3G speeds. Their 3G devices would theoretically reach 7.2Mbs which i've only managed to beat once with this new phone, and that speed was 7.7Mbs.
Sorry for the long post. In short, don't give in and fight with them. They'll fix it. Keep escalating the issue until you reach their CIO if you have to.
* I have 2 lines on Family Plan, both with "smartphone exclusion"
* On 1st line, I had Samsung Jack with Medianet Unlimited Plan for 2 years without any problems. Loved the unlimited data for $15 bucks w/ light WIFI and USB tethering, never exceeded 2-3 GB/month.
* On 2nd line, I had a dumb phone
Recently, I upgraded the dumb-phone to Infuse 4G at Best Buy, came home and switched the SIM back into a dumb-phone, called ATT, and had them take the data plan off. I understand that at this point I have lost "smartphone exclusion" on this line because I have upgraded.
Now I took the SIM from my 1st phone (Samsung Jack) and inserted in my Infuse. I used it for happy 3 weeks, no sms from ATT, unlimited data plan stayed on just fine. My billing cycle starts on the 4th; so, today I can see that my unlimited medianet data has been removed, but no data plan has been added (I think smartphone exclusion saved me), but when I look under usage, I can see
and then for my data usage, I see:
11.62 MB of 2048 MB
My interpretation is that technically if I wanted to, I could just disable data on my phone, and I wouldn't be forced into a data plan, but they are making sure I can't take advantage of the MediaNet plan either. Any thoughts?
I'm thinking of selling the Infuse and getting a non-ATT smartphone.
Any insightful comments would be appreciated. Please don't bother posting if you don't know what 'smartphone exclusion" is. Or, please don't make a reference to ATT TOC. Thanks!
sumeet909 said:
* I have 2 lines on Family Plan, both with "smartphone exclusion"
* On 1st line, I had Samsung Jack with Medianet Unlimited Plan for 2 years without any problems. Loved the unlimited data for $15 bucks w/ light WIFI and USB tethering, never exceeded 2-3 GB/month.
* On 2nd line, I had a dumb phone
Recently, I upgraded the dumb-phone to Infuse 4G at Best Buy, came home and switched the SIM back into a dumb-phone, called ATT, and had them take the data plan off. I understand that at this point I have lost "smartphone exclusion" on this line because I have upgraded.
Now I took the SIM from my 1st phone (Samsung Jack) and inserted in my Infuse. I used it for happy 3 weeks, no sms from ATT, unlimited data plan stayed on just fine. My billing cycle starts on the 4th; so, today I can see that my unlimited medianet data has been removed, but no data plan has been added (I think smartphone exclusion saved me), but when I look under usage, I can see
and then for my data usage, I see:
11.62 MB of 2048 MB
My interpretation is that technically if I wanted to, I could just disable data on my phone, and I wouldn't be forced into a data plan, but they are making sure I can't take advantage of the MediaNet plan either. Any thoughts?
I'm thinking of selling the Infuse and getting a non-ATT smartphone.
Any insightful comments would be appreciated. Please don't bother posting if you don't know what 'smartphone exclusion" is. Or, please don't make a reference to ATT TOC. Thanks!
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More than likely eventually they will get you on the Infuse for the regular Smartphone data plan when the system realized the IMEI is from an Infuse.
MisterEdF said:
More than likely eventually they will get you on the Infuse for the regular Smartphone data plan when the system realized the IMEI is from an Infuse.
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OK, then the remaining option is to get unlimited plan via iPhone 2g route, correct?
I think they could not put me on data plan, but they've put me on some kind of "pay per use" data plan with 2GB/$25 to start of. If I don't use any data, I don't pay anything, but if I use even just 1MB, they charge me $25 that month. Smart move by ATT. So, the medianet option is over.
Unlimited Data Grandfathered
AT&Ts Policy is ,"If they squal loud enough,let them keep their data" I have an Inspire & an Iphone 4 both with 30.00 per month Unlimited Data,Rooted for no Additional Cost for Internet Tethering & Hotspot Use, I came from Blackjack and Palm SMartphones ,said I was leaving for another carrier after I was told I could have a 200mb or 2 gig Data Plan with Overage fees after my Limits were reached,Supervisor was questioned by AT&T Operator and Data was Grandfathered,I have since added a 3rd Line with the Infuse and have Unlimited on that and never even had a 3rd line on the old Plan. SQUEAL LIKE A PIG!!
don't know what smartphone exclusion is but i'm still going to post and ask what is it?
and to my knowledge, when you bought the infuse 4g, the data plan is bounded by the contract for 2 years, how did you tell them to take it off?
Want an unreasonable request granted write the oop.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using XDA App
seeing how i am a sales rep with at&t i will chime in with some thoughts to your question... your old medianet plan isn't compatible with the 4g phone vs wap.cingular apn the new 4G android phones use. So for starters with out modification your internet never would have worked without adding new apn's to the phone.
What happened was, you were correct when your said, your line was grandfathered with smartphone exclusion but that was only for the IMEI of the device that code was added to your account with. The second you changed that data device on that line to another data device, I am willing to bet that code was removed from your line as you lost your grandfather clause by changing device type / IMEI. Thus your plan was changed.
What happened was now since you put your other lines sim card in the phone, it also saw the IMEI didn't match the data plan you had. Removed it, and added the standard 2GB 4G phone data plan to your line. It is not pay per use, you are now most likely being charged $25/month for 2GB of data, the next plan down is $15 for 200MB of data per month, the next plan up is $45 for 4GB of data w/mobile hotspot feature.
Unless you go back to your old phone you can not get your old plan back, that is if you can even get that old plan back as it isn't in the system anymore to my knowledge unless you get a rep with grandfathered plan access over the phone.
You maybe able to call and get a lucky rep to get you on a $30 unlimited plan as you had unlimited before, but they will most likely reject it as it was a different phone/data plan type, otherwise it would have carried over as a $30 unlimited plan automatically when the system changed it.
This is just my 2 cents. I hoped this answered your question without getting in to the TOS as you stated lol
Disclaimer: These thoughts are my own, and don't represent those of at&t.
sumeet909 said:
OK, then the remaining option is to get unlimited plan via iPhone 2g route, correct?
I think they could not put me on data plan, but they've put me on some kind of "pay per use" data plan with 2GB/$25 to start of. If I don't use any data, I don't pay anything, but if I use even just 1MB, they charge me $25 that month. Smart move by ATT. So, the medianet option is over.
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You're not on "pay Per Use" you are on the $25/month 2gig plan unless this is some new secret plan they have. Yes, you probably could do the "iPhone 2G trick
and get unlimited for $30/month.
Hate to be blunt, but you fubared it. The only way to do what you want to is buy an unlocked non att phone with the right gsm radio, and use a feature phone, get the ten dollar unlimited plan, then switch sim to unbranded phone setup apn for att. Not That I've ever done it but a lot of people do. There is also straight talk. 50$a month unlimited everything, but only two of Their phones have the necessary unlocked sim at200$.
CM7, Nightly. Captivate
Vegaslightsss said:
AT&Ts Policy is ,"If they squal loud enough,let them keep their data" I have an Inspire & an Iphone 4 both with 30.00 per month Unlimited Data,Rooted for no Additional Cost for Internet Tethering & Hotspot Use, I came from Blackjack and Palm SMartphones ,said I was leaving for another carrier after I was told I could have a 200mb or 2 gig Data Plan with Overage fees after my Limits were reached,Supervisor was questioned by AT&T Operator and Data was Grandfathered,I have since added a 3rd Line with the Infuse and have Unlimited on that and never even had a 3rd line on the old Plan. SQUEAL LIKE A PIG!!
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Thanks! I can do this since I am well within the return policy and other 2 lines have no contract.
shadow65781 said:
Hate to be blunt, but you fubared it. The only way to do what you want to is buy an unlocked non att phone with the right gsm radio, and use a feature phone, get the ten dollar unlimited plan, then switch sim to unbranded phone setup apn for att. Not That I've ever done it but a lot of people do. There is also straight talk. 50$a month unlimited everything, but only two of Their phones have the necessary unlocked sim at200$.
CM7, Nightly. Captivate
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Agreed. Let me ask you another question then, could I ebay the Infuse, buy an unlocked Galaxy S2 (International version), call them and give them IMEI of dumb phone and get the $15 plan? I did mess it up, but I'm within the 30 day return policy window to fix it; just need to find best way out.
AEDan1977 said:
seeing how i am a sales rep with at&t i will chime in with some thoughts to your question... your old medianet plan isn't compatible with the 4g phone vs wap.cingular apn the new 4G android phones use. So for starters with out modification your internet never would have worked without adding new apn's to the phone.
What happened was, you were correct when your said, your line was grandfathered with smartphone exclusion but that was only for the IMEI of the device that code was added to your account with. The second you changed that data device on that line to another data device, I am willing to bet that code was removed from your line as you lost your grandfather clause by changing device type / IMEI. Thus your plan was changed.
What happened was now since you put your other lines sim card in the phone, it also saw the IMEI didn't match the data plan you had. Removed it, and added the standard 2GB 4G phone data plan to your line. It is not pay per use, you are now most likely being charged $25/month for 2GB of data, the next plan down is $15 for 200MB of data per month, the next plan up is $45 for 4GB of data w/mobile hotspot feature.
Unless you go back to your old phone you can not get your old plan back, that is if you can even get that old plan back as it isn't in the system anymore to my knowledge unless you get a rep with grandfathered plan access over the phone.
You maybe able to call and get a lucky rep to get you on a $30 unlimited plan as you had unlimited before, but they will most likely reject it as it was a different phone/data plan type, otherwise it would have carried over as a $30 unlimited plan automatically when the system changed it.
This is just my 2 cents. I hoped this answered your question without getting in to the TOS as you stated lol
Disclaimer: These thoughts are my own, and don't represent those of at&t.
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Before I started using Infuse, I did Google this APN thingy and I had setup a new APN for Infuse rather than using the default one.
2nd: Actually, "smartphone exclusion" is still there. That is the strange part, but yes, to your point, it doesn't apply after equipment change - this has been mentioned by your co-workers and I understand it now.
I just need to call them and start yelling. Technically I'm within the 30 day return policy (or is it 14?). Plus, other 2 lines are not in contract. Otherwise, T-Mobile, here we come.....
tjy8tim said:
don't know what smartphone exclusion is but i'm still going to post and ask what is it?
and to my knowledge, when you bought the infuse 4g, the data plan is bounded by the contract for 2 years, how did you tell them to take it off?
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Before Sept 2009, AT&T didn't require data plans w/ smartphones. So, After Sept 4, 2009 they required everyone to buy a data plan w/ smartphone. Customers who owned a smartphone prior to that date, were not required to purchase a smartphone and a feature was added to their accounts called "smartphone exclusion". I owned a Samsung Jack prior to that data. After I got "smartphone exclusion", I added $15 media-net and had it for about 2 years. To preserve that feature, I never upgraded my line; I actually upgraded my sister's line to get a new phone and then switched the SIM cards. Alas, that loophole has been shut. AT&T has a crawler in place that checks this and adds data plans unless you have the same equipment IMEI that you got the smartphone with.
I might need to research if IMEI spoofing is possible/legal. Otherwise, might just buy an unlocked non-ATT smartphone.
Do you have a recommendation for non-ATT smartphone that measures up to Infuse?
sumeet909 said:
Do you have a recommendation for non-ATT smartphone that measures up to Infuse?
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Galaxy s2 from Europe. Amazon carries it 600 bones and its yours, or you could get a nexus one with att radio, not sure about it but the nexus s might be unbranded.
Read something last night, after nexus s released on att they caught people who bought it prior to release. Forced them to “rip off" data plan.
CM7, Nightly. Captivate
shadow65781 said:
Galaxy s2 from Europe. Amazon carries it 600 bones and its yours, or you could get a nexus one with att radio, not sure about it but the nexus s might be unbranded.
CM7, Nightly. Captivate
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I'm getting ready to bail out Europe by approx 600. That's quite an amount, but ATT is despicable - the lag and bloatware on Infuse is unacceptable and the data restrictions just kill the experience. God save the Euro, USD are on their way.
sumeet909 said:
I'm getting ready to bail out Europe by approx 600. That's quite an amount, but ATT is despicable - the lag and bloatware on Infuse is unacceptable and the data restrictions just kill the experience. God save the Euro, USD are on their way.
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Any updates on what you did? Did you just buy the GSII and use your old $15 unlimited plan?
Infuse is on sale on Craigslist. As soon as it is sold, I will use those proceeds to order a European GS2. Strange, it is so difficult to get rid off Android products compared to Apple Snapple. If I don't get good price, I might just end up returning it since I am within 30 day return period. I was hoping to subsidize the GSII cost.
oofie said:
Any updates on what you did? Did you just buy the GSII and use your old $15 unlimited plan?
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I'm hoping that this thread ultimately will lead to a solution to throttling, but I am going to start it by saying I am really tired of all of these threads saying there is no way to defeat throttling because the provider has all of the control on their end. My rebutle to that is don't they have to know how much data you have used? I have solavei and they use T-mobile for service and data I have 4G for data at all times and after 4gb they cap. My dealer told me when I signed up they didn't have a cap and I got hit with a throttle 3 or 4 days into my service so I was stuck with dial up speeds for a month and it sucked bad.
I just can't buy into the fact that they have all of the control. there either has to be information on your sim card or phone but they have to somehow know by your device exactly when you are at your limit or the amount of data you are using. Please correct me if I'm wrong otherwise if you agree than help me find a solution.
adambomb_13 said:
I'm hoping that this thread ultimately will lead to a solution to throttling, but I am going to start it by saying I am really tired of all of these threads saying there is no way to defeat throttling because the provider has all of the control on their end. My rebutle to that is don't they have to know how much data you have used? I have solavei and they use T-mobile for service and data I have 4G for data at all times and after 4gb they cap. My dealer told me when I signed up they didn't have a cap and I got hit with a throttle 3 or 4 days into my service so I was stuck with dial up speeds for a month and it sucked bad.
I just can't buy into the fact that they have all of the control. there either has to be information on your sim card or phone but they have to somehow know by your device exactly when you are at your limit or the amount of data you are using. Please correct me if I'm wrong otherwise if you agree than help me find a solution.
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Data throttles come from the provider, your device's logs aren't what they read because that would be too easy to spoof. Best you can do is connect to Wi-Fi as often as possible to keep from hitting the throttle so early
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Data usage is measured at their servers end they simply use your phone number as the identifier and log usage. There really is nothing you can do
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
You can save your bandwidth using opera as it compresses any page like if it is 3 mb page you would get 1 mb page after compression same goes for downloading
I know this may seem strange given that Verizon is not allowed to throttle the 700 MHz c block according to the FCC, but today I spoke with a lady who was a higher tier tech support (not sure if it was 2 or 3) who claimed the reason I was having data issues is because they are having system issues where people using large amounts of data are being throttled when using LTE.
She stated that normally this should only happen on 3G but confirmed she has spoke to multiple people with this issue and that it is a nationwide problem that has been effecting some people since march 23rd. This also wasn't something she spoke lightly or timid about rather she was bold and confident that was the issue I was having.
Strangely the problem seem to go away when I switched to Global mode but that could have been a coincidence and more related to network congestion on that particular tower. Has anyone else been experiencing these issues?
I'm also wondering if this is related to the LTE advanced tower upgrades they are doing but can't find any info on when or if they have upgraded the Austin, Texas area.
LOL, might be coincidence but I'm going through the same thing in MD. My post should be a few down from here but I get perfect 3G, absolutely no 4G signal. Replaced SIM card, Verizon set it up and I had 4G. Within 5 minutes after the activation, the signal went to zero, then restarted and I was at 3G again. I'm heading to Verizon store in a bit to get this taken care of.
Samutd45 said:
I know this may seem strange given that Verizon is not allowed to throttle the 700 MHz c block according to the FCC, but today I spoke with a lady who was a higher tier tech support (not sure if it was 2 or 3) who claimed the reason I was having data issues is because they are having system issues where people using large amounts of data are being throttled when using LTE.
She stated that normally this should only happen on 3G but confirmed she has spoke to multiple people with this issue and that it is a nationwide problem that has been effecting some people since march 23rd. This also wasn't something she spoke lightly or timid about rather she was bold and confident that was the issue I was having.
Strangely the problem seem to go away when I switched to Global mode but that could have been a coincidence and more related to network congestion on that particular tower. Has anyone else been experiencing these issues?
I'm also wondering if this is related to the LTE advanced tower upgrades they are doing but can't find any info on when or if they have upgraded the Austin, Texas area.
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I'm doubtful that you'll be able to get much done on the store level. Your best bet is to call tech support and the first call will be long as well as tedious just humor them. The second call back they will ask if your calling about the same issue say yes. This is when you will get transferred to a higher tier or higher authority where they can actually report the issue to the field techs and then possibly get a fix in the works.
How much data do you use?
The second person told me I had used over 100gb last month but that was not a justified reason for me to be throttled on 4G, it would be if I was on 3G.
I also find it curious that we both have a s3, I did a search and couldn't find any similar posts which makes me wonder if its because we don't have the LTE advanced functionality. I wish we knew where they are upgrading the towers.
Samutd45 said:
I know this may seem strange given that Verizon is not allowed to throttle the 700 MHz c block according to the FCC, but today I spoke with a lady who was a higher tier tech support (not sure if it was 2 or 3) who claimed the reason I was having data issues is because they are having system issues where people using large amounts of data are being throttled when using LTE.
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They are if you're on unlimited. The throttling isn't allowed if you're on a tiered data plan - but unlimited plans weren't covered by the FCC's ruling, IIRC. was my sim card. Apparently the one I purchased online is an older version. They replaced it with a new sim, rebooted and I sat there waiting. After a couple of minutes, the no data signal came back so got the sales rep and signal came back, to 4G like a champ. I can't honestly tell the difference between the sim they had and the one I purchased online. She did she throttling is a possibly for next year, but no plans this year but take it for what it's worth. It was no charge for me to get the sim card and took no time.
carngeX said:
They are if you're on unlimited. The throttling isn't allowed if you're on a tiered data plan - but unlimited plans weren't covered by the FCC's ruling, IIRC.
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I just wanted to confirm that this issue has been resolved by Verizon, I believe it was network issue that was fixed within one day of me calling tech support.
carngeX said:
They are if you're on unlimited. The throttling isn't allowed if you're on a tiered data plan - but unlimited plans weren't covered by the FCC's ruling, IIRC.
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There is no real distinction from the FCC of tiered vs unlimited. The only possible reason verizon could is by using the excuse of trying to protect vulnerabilities on their network.
Samutd45 said:
There is no real distinction from the FCC of tiered vs unlimited. The only possible reason verizon could is by using the excuse of trying to protect vulnerabilities on their network.
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It's saying it can't restrict (throttle) users who pay for the service. Tether wasn't included in Unlimited data plans (it was a separate plan on plans when Unlimited was around). Tethering is included in tiered data, therefore they cannot throttle users tethering on the tiered data plans.
carngeX said:
It's saying it can't restrict (throttle) users who pay for the service. Tether wasn't included in Unlimited data plans (it was a separate plan on plans when Unlimited was around). Tethering is included in tiered data, therefore they cannot throttle users tethering on the tiered data plans.
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carngeX said:
It's saying it can't restrict (throttle) users who pay for the service. Tether wasn't included in Unlimited data plans (it was a separate plan on plans when Unlimited was around). Tethering is included in tiered data, therefore they cannot throttle users tethering on the tiered data plans.
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From my experience I have specifically found this to be untrue but I could certainly see how one would interpret it that way. There really is no one true answer to this question but I will say the higher tier tech confirmed on the phone with me that it was perfectly within my right to have 100 gb or more per month of unthrottled 4g lte use. They don't track whether you are tethering or not...can they? They certainly can especially if you use the my verizon app as they are able to see certain diagnostics and also they can see specifically which applications are running on your phone. The tech actually told me I was running an excessive amount of apps which was true at the time and she specifically told me which apps were running. This proves the point that they know I'm tethering without paying the $20 per month service charge, they are not charging me for it.
I think your misunderstanding is that you are incorrectly correlating tethering to throttling as these two things appear to be mutually exclusive. In other words verizon doesn't really treat you differently if you are on tiered vs non tiered as far as throttling goes.
Please read the following portion taken from the referenced article on android police, it's at the very bottom:
"Finally, we'll talk about tethering and Block C.
Much hoop-lah has been made of the following provision, as related to the legality of charging for wireless tethering on Verizon:
(c)(1)... The potential for excessive bandwidth demand alone shall not constitute grounds for denying, limiting or restricting access to the network. 47 CFR §27.16
The key issue is that this provision says nothing about limiting access on the basis of contractual obligations - it only applies when a carrier is limiting, restricting, or denying access to data services it has promised on the basis that a user is "congesting" the network. Verizon is still very much within its right to assert that it has the authority to prevent users from stealing access to a service it charges for, namely, tethering. Opponents say this is traffic discrimination and money-grabbing, Verizon says it's a perfectly legitimate usage-based access fee that it doesn't want users to circumvent.
There is absolutely nothing in the text of 27.16 suggesting carriers must provide unlimited data to users on networks operated on the 700MHz Block C frequencies. All (c)(1) is saying is that, once users have paid for a given service, carriers cannot discriminate against their traffic on the basis of bandwidth usage (eg, they can't throttle you) - but there's nothing to stop them from charging your more for using more. This is why Verizon's throttling only affects the top 5% of 3G, rather than 4G, users. I'm not sure if I explained that clearly, so I hope the distinction got across.
Of course, in matters involving regulatory authority, there's always going to be some wiggle room for discretion.
The FCC is unpredictable. There is no way to know if the agency will change its interpretation of its own rules, or if it will decide Verizon's particular actions aren't reasonable. This is all evaluated on a case by case basis. However, the agency's interpretation of reasonable network management in the past has tended to favor service providers in all but the most extreme cases (such as content-based throttling by Comcast), so it's hard for me to see them suddenly adopting a more demanding standard in regard to "reasonable network management.""
Can confirm this, grandfathered in unlimited. I use around 180gb a month. They hate me and any day that I am downloading continuously for more than 1 hour or sometimes less, I immediately start getting throttled. I know this because I have friends right beside me who have verizon and they will be pulling down 10-15mbps around 20ms and I will be getting .7-2 mbps. As soon as I take a small break from downloading (usually an hour) my speeds resume as normal. It is total BS that I pay for unlimited LTE and they claim they don't throttle. And anytime I call them to complain, magically my speeds go back after they tell me to try "rebooting my phone".
EDIT: I'm from the Canton, OH region and this happened frequently. I recently moved to the Tampa Bay area and have not had a problem. I suspect the network isn't as congested (although technically does LTE have bandwidth limitations? I read in an article that It should not). Also Florida happens to be flatter than Ohio, so they have less towers I'm assuming that cover a greater area with stronger coverage.
From the snippet you just posted:
There is absolutely nothing in the text of 27.16 suggesting carriers must provide unlimited data to users on networks operated on the 700MHz Block C frequencies. All (c)(1) is saying is that, once users have paid for a given service, carriers cannot discriminate against their traffic on the basis of bandwidth usage (eg, they can't throttle you) - but there's nothing to stop them from charging your more for using more. This is why Verizon's throttling only affects the top 5% of 3G, rather than 4G, users. I'm not sure if I explained that clearly, so I hope the distinction got across.
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Which backs up what I was saying. If you're on a grandfathered in unlimited plan... they have the legal right to throttle you because you're not paying for the tethering service, because it was not included in their non-tier plans. Will they? Most likely not unless you're using tons and tons of data - it's all up to VZW if they decide to start throttling or not. Although I've seen people in the Rezound forums post data usage screenshots, and some people have upwards around 1TB of data usage in a month, and nothing ever was done to them or their service.
carngeX said:
From the snippet you just posted:
Which backs up what I was saying. If you're on a grandfathered in unlimited plan... they have the legal right to throttle you because you're not paying for the tethering service, because it was not included in their non-tier plans. Will they? Most likely not unless you're using tons and tons of data - it's all up to VZW if they decide to start throttling or not. Although I've seen people in the Rezound forums post data usage screenshots, and some people have upwards around 1TB of data usage in a month, and nothing ever was done to them or their service.
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How do they know if you are tethering or not? Can they see that? Is high data usage synonymous with tethering in their minds?
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
ErikFry said:
How do they know if you are tethering or not? Can they see that? Is high data usage synonymous with tethering in their minds?
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
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Well ask yourself how do websites know you are on a mobile device. yes verizon knows you are tethering unless you use a tether app that hides it or if you use a vpn (highly recomended). I have used 300 gigabytes of data a few months ago without being throttled so it all depends on how well you cover your tracks.
---------- Post added at 04:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:50 PM ----------
I usually use between 2 - 5 so I am not a repeat offender. That might be why I have never been throttled.
ThePagel said:
Well ask yourself how do websites know you are on a mobile device. yes verizon knows you are tethering unless you use a tether app that hides it or if you use a vpn (highly recomended). I have used 300 gigabytes of data a few months ago without being throttled so it all depends on how well you cover your tracks.
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I see, I use the built in AOSP hotspot toggle. What could I use to hide the connection automagically every time I toggle it on? Thank you for your advice.
ErikFry said:
I see, I use the built in AOSP hotspot toggle. What could I use to hide the connection automagically every time I toggle it on? Thank you for your advice.
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I'm not sure if there is a solution for WiFi tether. I know USB tether apps can. Your best bet for WiFi tether is a cheap or free VPN.