I have made three Russian ROM from Damped ROM v. 1.22.411.1
The first contains:
- OS without changes
- Black mainsplash
- radio from Arabian ROM
The second contains:
- Completely changed the screen of loading
- Has replaced the standard calculator on CalcOne.
- Has removed unnecessary pictures, etc.
The third same as the second, without Office and Windows Live
To establish only after updating USPL
Finaly someone made it!!
I was trying to do my own cooked rom but I fail. I was trying to get OS.nb from Part02.raw from dump (from other rom), but during process of converting, packages are lost and when I flash device with that I get plain vanilla rom without ANY customization. Simply, none of .provxml files are procesed during cold boot. That`s not what I want.
Any idea what went wrong?
Anyway, I see that you used Htc rom tool by Dark Simpson with Excalibur option to get .nbh file, is that correct??
anyone try and flash yet?
i would like to try but i don't want to brick my Vox.
Elisha said:
anyone try and flash yet?
i would like to try but i don't want to brick my Vox.
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I just made some tests and will risk saying, yes it`s safe to flash it.
But before flashing, run VOX_USPL <----- It`s very important, even if your device is SuperCIDed, just to be safer.
the rom is 1.22 and the USPL is 1.16?
is there any major improvements over 1.15?
is it even worth flashing?
my VOX is factory unlocked btw.
Elisha said:
the rom is 1.22 and the USPL is 1.16?
is there any major improvements over 1.15?
is it even worth flashing?
my VOX is factory unlocked btw.
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Read this: Vox USPL
i know of that question is that that didn't look like it gave much of a benefit.
and since my phone is factory unlocked again.....what does this 1.22 ROM offer?
Elisha said:
i know of that question is that that didn't look like it gave much of a benefit.
and since my phone is factory unlocked again.....what does this 1.22 ROM offer?
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More stable, and I think nothing more. I`m sure, your phone is sim-lock factory unlocked, but not a cid unlocked. None of providers or htc provide cid unlock phones.
is it more efficient in the sense that i will have more available free memory at startup?
i have about 23mb usable and fresh startup now!
does this rom have english language? i'm asking because i'm not russian so i don't understand cyrilic, hence i wouldn't understand anything ;P ...and one other question, because i've never flashed my vox: can i, for any reason, flash my vox with another rom, of a previous version than this rom, if i choose to??
This ROM contains two languages: Russian and English.
You can flashing any ROM after flashing VOX USPL.
ok thank you very much for elucidating me
one other question: i've flashed with your rom, but now i have an issue: my qwerty keyboard as a different layout than the one the rom keyboard as the dot next to the P...this layout as the dot next to the Q...consequently the first line of the keyboard is one position shifted to the right...what can i do about it? is there some key in the registry taht i could change?
never mind i already solved my problem...but jesus what i had to do to get through it :S
to anybody that could have been through the same issue as i did:
and change it acordingly with your language code (check the second link for the code)
Really QWERTY keyboards in Russian and English devices differ.
Try to replace a file T9.Libra.russian.0409.kmap.txt in \Windows, on what I apply.
I do not guarantee, that it will solve a problem.
Look also here and here.
Thank you for your rom. My orange sp e650 is really faster when accessing programs and there is more storage left on the phone I like it
And thanks goes to carrots99 too for pointing to this excellent article from Menneisyys. It really helped me putting french language back but I still had to do a lot of editing in the txt file.
Any chance of some screen shots?
Sure. What screenshots would you like ?
I have a small request also. It seems that this rom doesn't support custom animated splash screens in HKLM\Software\HTC\Startup (or \Shutdown)
Could someone please give me the values listed here ? I think a dll was registered here ...
for the animated startup and shutdown screens you have to check the registry for this:
you need also to check if you have that dll file in windows folder
That's it ! This dll is not included in this rom. My only complaint actually. Any chance you could upload it for me ?
I've recently got a wizard G4, and wasn't impressed with the default O2 OS that came with it. I quite liked the look of the slim edition v2.2 ROM (link below)
WM6.1 Slim Edition v2.2 - as fast as it gets
However after reading the G4 flashing tutorials, I was made aware of the fact that any ROM with IPL/SPL included is unsuitable for G4.
G4 users must be very careful with the ROM they select. The ROM has to be "G4 Safe", in other words contain only the OS, Radio, or Splash Screens. If you flash a ROM that contains IPL/SPL information, your device will become bricked(unless you flash the IPL/SPL using SoftSPL first --See Removing HardSPL tutorial below). If you're not sure if a given ROM is G4 safe, ask.
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The Slim Edition ROM has some bundled software, but I'm not sure if thats IPL/ISL. Could anyone tell me if its suitable for a G4, and if not, if theres any chance of modifying it to become suitable?
Thanks in advance!
PS. I know this probably doesn't deserve its' own thread, but I didn't really get a reply when I asked on the official thread. Also, sorry if I'm asking stuff thats been asked lots before, I am new to this, and have done my best to read up on this.
Worked fine on my G4 wizard...
on my G4 it worked fine too
Remove the IPL/SPL, if any.
Thanks a lot for the quick replies, I'll have a go at flashing it...
More Problems
I have got HardSPL (the warranty's run out) flashed, however, the actual WM6.1 ROM update tool returns error 300, saying it cannot update my PDA, a newer utility is required (I can't remember exact text).
Could this be to do with me using ActiveSync, which loses the connection when the phone restarts?
Uploaded are the Wizard Service info log and the error
Thanks for any help!
Finally, got it to work using the 2.5 version of RUU...
i went through the rom cooking tutorials (they were great actually), but where i am stuck is on the question that do we need the oem packages in case i am only reconstructng an old rom? Say for example, I use dutty's rom (only for an example, no offense please) and want to add some new packages to it, do i still need all the packages and other stuff from the kitchen or just the dutty's rom and the new package will do? Also what will happen if i just want to update an old package, can i do it easily? i didnt get these answers in the you know if they are already there?
Well what can I say?
I tried everything for finding a ROM that allows my Herald using wm6 istead wm5 but i did not find anything including htc eclub, various forums (where i simply got lost )
is there anyone who can show me where i can find this ROM and tell me how install it on my Herald?
Well what can I say?
I tried everything for finding a ROM that allows my Herald using wm6 istead wm5 but i did not find anything including htc eclub, various forums (where i simply got lost )
is there anyone who can show me where i can find this ROM and tell me how install it on my Herald?
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1. This forum is for MAKING ROMs not finding ROMs.
2. You want 6.0, not 6.1 or 6.5?
3. You want something official?
4. Third part ROMs are better. There are a BUNCH on this forum. Search for them.
5. If you really just want a stock one, why didn't you just search "Herald stock 6.0 rom"
6. Since you have wm5.0, it must mean that you have an IPL/SPL lower than 4.0. Do NOT HardSPL or use USPL. READ READ READ. If you can't flash the STOCK 6.0 (which upgrades your IPL/SPL) then create goldcard to let you flash it. Flash that FIRST to get your IPL and SPL upgraded. Search on how to do that. It's all in the forum.
Anything you want I'll do it.​
Choose the build,
Choose the device (i.e. Herald/Wing keyboard structure),
Software (choose whatever you want in your ROM),
Choose SD or RUU (whether or not it flashed via SD/RUU),
Choose base ROM (Manila2D, Nothing/Light, Shell, Titanium).
EDIT: List of completed Requests :
[[email protected]]
[poliye- 3rd]
In accordance of the XDA Rule#12, I here by state that all applications that are being used in my ROMs are not created by me. And as it is, all tools used to create said ROMs are only used by me, not created. Thank you too all who have created apps for free usage.
Hi Trib,
I have a request:
Build: 6.5.5 (23563)
Device: Wing
Software: None
Flash Via: SD
ROM: Light
Light = Standard Items from OS no third party apps like Oxios. 1 Standard OS icon I don't need is the Screen lock so if possible you can leave that out as well.
This way I can add my apps to your great ROM with the newest versions.
guardian1969 said:
Hi Trib,
I have a request:
Build: 6.5.5 (23563)
Device: Wing
Software: None
Flash Via: SD
ROM: Light
Light = Standard Items from OS no third party apps like Oxios. 1 Standard OS icon I don't need is the Screen lock so if possible you can leave that out as well.
This way I can add my apps to your great ROM with the newest versions.
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Do you want a Comm Manager installed?
Do you want the new Mobile IE with flash installed?
Do you want a calculator installed?
And lastly, do you want the boot animations installed?
Tribulattifather said:
Do you want a Comm Manager installed?
Do you want the new Mobile IE with flash installed?
Do you want a calculator installed?
And lastly, do you want the boot animations installed?
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Do you want a Comm Manager installed? Yes
Do you want the new Mobile IE with flash installed? Yes
Do you want a calculator installed? Yes
And lastly, do you want the boot animations installed? No
Okay, give me 20 minutes.
10 to build (not even, lol)
5 to flash on my device and test
5 to upload.
Ok havent been here for a while and find it difficult to find my way through now.
Trib, i wasn't able to get to a german 6.5.5 ROM for the HTC Herald thus far. I've seen u writing about it in that other thread of urs, so i was hoping u might have gotten all the nessecary files together by now.
Could u possibly cook a "germanized" Herald ROM pretty much the way SJK had them done in his German ROM Thread?
That'd be a real treat mate.
U kno, just pretty simple basic ROM with nuffin much just titanium style gui and some basic **** like com manager, pretty much O2 stock ROM like.
Could u b doin summert like that?
cheers bro.
Sneakyghost said:
Ok havent been here for a while and find it difficult to find my way through now.
Trib, i wasn't able to get to a german 6.5.5 ROM thus far. I've seen u writing about it in that other thread of urs, so i was hoping u might have gotten all the nessecary files together by now.
Could u possibly cook a "germanized" ROM pretty much the way SJK had them done in his German ROM Thread?
That'd be a real treat mate.
U kno, just pretty simple basic ROM with nuffin much just titanium style gui and some basic **** like com manager, pretty much O2 stock ROM like.
Could u b doin summert like that?
cheers bro.
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I am working on it now; it's a bit difficult for me because this is only the second time ever I have create a ROM in a different language.
It's like putting a puzzle together with the pieces upside-down to put it to an analogy.
EDIT: German ROM wasn't flashable.
Ok Trib,
Thanks for the ROM. Bricked my Phone tho. Must figure why tho, can't really tell yet. It's still booting the CanonYang HSPL Screen and sometimes says "boot up failed due to sudden loss of Power" and then reboots after confirmed with yes.
Probably unstable USB con.
**** happens. Got my Leo yesterday so it doesnt really matter that much
Cheers for the work anyhow mate.
Ah I'm sorry I couldn't figure it out, to fix that problem you're having right now, just go to the bootloader screen (the Red/Blue/Green/White screen) and then load any other ROM on it and it will work fine.
Alright Trib,
was able to recover Phone by using a Stock RUU without the SPL.nbh.
could not recover with any previously working custom ROM. Weird. SPL somehow corrupt now?
I recommend u take down the Link to that german custom ROM. It seems not to work. Sorry mate.
Okay, now that you're on stock ROM you can HardSPL again.
Once you HardSPL you can flash custom ROMs.
Tribulattifather said:
Okay, give me 20 minutes.
10 to build (not even, lol)
5 to flash on my device and test
5 to upload.
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Thanks for the custom ROM seems to be working very well. One question is there anything to be done to get more memory out of this build? Or would I need to switch over to one of the other OS versions to get like the 26MB Prog Memory?
Thanks again for all the hard work.
Yeah, But then there would be absolutely nothing on it. Do you want me to make you a ROM that has nothing on it?
EDIT: Hell, lol, I'll make it for you and you can see if you like it ^>^
And don't forget, I get those memory readings after I use oxios close apps and oxiox hybernate that are on my SD card..
Also, don't forget, I don't install .NetCF on there as well, so you'll see that my memory readings are before installing that as well.
The farthest I've ever pushed the Wing was 27MB free Program Memory.
Yes I know you leave out .NetCF and that those readings are after the use of Oxios. I use those as well I just use a version that has been tweaked so the popup box does not come up each time I run it. That way I do not have to close out the box every time. And sure if you are willing to build another I will give it a try just trying to get more back into the 18 to 19 range with my installed apps where the current is more like 15 to 16. Been using your ROMs for awhile now and love what you do, and I thank you for all the hard work. Just wanted to see what was possible to squeeze out of the newest version.
Thanks again.
guardian1969 said:
Yes I know you leave out .NetCF and that those readings are after the use of Oxios. I use those as well I just use a version that has been tweaked so the popup box does not come up each time I run it. That way I do not have to close out the box every time. And sure if you are willing to build another I will give it a try just trying to get more back into the 18 to 19 range with my installed apps where the current is more like 15 to 16. Been using your ROMs for awhile now and love what you do, and I thank you for all the hard work. Just wanted to see what was possible to squeeze out of the newest version.
Thanks again.
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I've outdone myself ^>^ I was able to get 28.11MB of free program memory and 74.17MB of free storage memory.
I ran oxios about 3 to 4 times intermittently with hibernate to get that reading.
And thank you for your patronage and for being a long time user of my ROMs :1
Sneakyghost said:
Alright Trib,
was able to recover Phone by using a Stock RUU without the SPL.nbh.
could not recover with any previously working custom ROM. Weird. SPL somehow corrupt now?
I recommend u take down the Link to that german custom ROM. It seems not to work. Sorry mate.
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I just flashed that ROM I made you and it actually worked on my Wing.. Were you HardSPL'd before flashing?
I was actually hard SPL'd with CanonYang but i ran that again since u recommended it.
It doesnt make any diff. The Herald dies once it got ur ROM on it. Sorry mate. Everytime again, tried it around 10 times.
Its also not possible to recover with a custom ROM, only with a stock one where i took out the SPL.nbh.
Dunno what to think of that weird crap.
Not sure at all why it works for me. I am going to try to make you one more and see what happens.
I'm making you a new one, Sneaky..