Quick Question - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario ROM Development

I have an 8525 but my IT guy at the office has an 8125/wizard. Anyway, he does not have the data plan through cingy so he is wondering if he can use wifi instead. If so, how do I set that up for him? Thanks

swtaltima said:
I have an 8525 but my IT guy at the office has an 8125/wizard. Anyway, he does not have the data plan through cingy so he is wondering if he can use wifi instead. If so, how do I set that up for him? Thanks
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Your IT guy doesn't know how to turn on wifi?!?!
That's pretty bad. Anyhow, you just open up the COMM manager and turn on wifi. When it finds an AP, or whatever, it'll bring it up and you tap on it and it take you through the brief and easy setup process. That should do it.
P.S. Time to get a new IT guy

Yeah, lol we got that far but like with my 8525 it lets me choose during the mail set up how I want to retrieve my mail i.e. work, internet, ISP, Media net etc... Just wondering if there is something like this for the wizard. Thanks by the way.

I dont think there is a way to set up your email that way. Only if he connects manually to wifi and then retrieve. The email will not connect automatically thru wifi unless you just stay connected i believe. And yeah i second that motion on getting a new IT guy.

Well, its not just turning on WiFi, its disabling GPRS so he doesn't get hit with big data charges. You can try this tweak: http://www.pocketpctweaks.com/pocketpc_tweaks/Disable_GPRS
Hopefully this will work for him.
BTW, things are pretty much the same on the Hermes as on the Wizard, it just depends on the rom you're running.
Good luck,


Internet Sharing with the at&t rom

I feel like a newb asking this question, but the Tilt doesn't have Internet Sharing like the roms for the 8525. The Wireless Modem utility doesn't work worth a chit. I've search for an hour to find a cab for installing Internet Sharing but I can't find it. Surely some of the masters here has come up with one.
Or could I just grab the exe file off my 8525 and run it with any "installing"?
Check out this link:
Better yet, post #24.
What advantage does Internet Sharing have?
Back up
Can someone please direct me to the back up tool
Neonwheels said:
Check out this link:
Better yet, post #24.
What advantage does Internet Sharing have?
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SWEET! Thanks!!
Advantage? So far it is the best option for tethering my laptop. PDANet worked like a charm, but with Internet Sharing it's not need anymore.
I was trying to get the Tilt to work like a modem for a couple hours last night and it would disconnect every time it got to "Registering computer on network". I saw that Internet Connection Sharing (post 30) and gave it a go. Tethered like a charm, 768kbit down ~125ms latency.
The file \Windows\Internet Sharing.lnk contains this text:
And I just copied it to \Windows\Start Menu\Programs and can run it from there or the shortcut I created in the HTC Home plugin. You don't have to do anything on the PC to use it either, except have ActiveSync (I think it requires even less because activesync automatically disconnects when this is in use).
I cant get ICS to work on the Tilt. I get "cannot connect for unknown reason" error in ICS window. Any ideas?
Is your "Network Connection" set to MEdia Net? I have two things on my list, that and "AT&T ISP GPRS". If I try that one, it tries to connect a bunch of times then dies with the unknown reason thing.
It gave me that same message if I end-tasked ActiveSync on the PC, so I'd say make sure they both say connected before trying to connect the internet sharing.
Yes, its set to Medianet. Do I need to be connected to my laptop for this to work? I didnt think so.
swweeet i got it working thanks everyone
lansa said:
Yes, its set to Medianet. Do I need to be connected to my laptop for this to work? I didnt think so.
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It won't work if it isn't connected to the laptop. that is what it is for!
help with tethering
Hello everyone I did some of the applications last night on trying to setup my tether to my tilt but its not connecting. I could not find internet sharing to change those setting on download needed cab for it. My phone is set media net and have the correct ip and subnet gateway so what am I missing??
It seems AT&T was pretty successful in killing Tilt Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) with the introduction of 6.1. It was seamless until the upgrade, now it is not. Lotsa complicated workarounds been posted here for the past year and a half. I wish someone who is doing it successfully would post a set of step by step instructions. We novices keep sorting through all these posts on the subject and if there is light at the end of the tunnel, it needs a new bulb!! With data plans getting more and more lucrative for the carriers, tethering is getting more and more important, anyone got a simple answer?

How to stop GPRS??

Hey all,
I noticed that sometimes when I am on MSN or something and my Wifi stops that he connects using GPRS.
So, well who knows how to stop it? I dont even need GPRS at all so is there a way to completely stop it..?
Search no NODATA here and you can use that to toggle your data connection.
I suppose you could remove your EDGE/GPRS settings all together to disable it.
And, THANK you again! =)
Umm, when I did start it..
But, well I get a Error.
Umm, I'll start searching how to fix
Anyhow, ur a guru.. ^^
i dont use gprs at all after my provider stung with with a big bill for playing with my vox!
just called them and had gprs access turned off so i cant dial up by mistake-i just hookup with wifi now

Exchange Server on TP2.. not being pushed automatically....

Sprint Touch PRO2
Stock ROM
I use the exchange server. my email is not being pushed in real time. on the TP1 i had no issues with this and the mail would come in "as items arrive" which is how i prefer it.
if i do a manual sync it will connect and download any email..
if i set it to a predetermined number to sync in the drop down list it DOES those intervals with no issues..
data switch is ON and data works. i am just not getting the "as items arrive". adjusting the peak times does nothing...
are there any reg entries i need to look at?anything i can check? ive deleted and re-installed the exchange server but when set to "as items arrive" it will not fetch. it WILL fetch if i have the phone connected to ASync on the computer (either via BT or USB).
would appreciate any response from others who use an Exchange... could it be an issue on the company Exchange server side? i dont see how as i was getting the email just fine using "as items arrive" on the TP1. i no longer have the TP1 so cant check anything there...
I used to have an HTC Sprint Mogul, now have TP2. When I first got the Mogul 2 yrs ago, I could connect to my company's exchange server from the phone but direct push didn't work. Same issues as you described. I double checked all my settings.
I got a free mail2web account and deleted my comany's server to set it up (can only have one exchange server which is dumb). From the mail2web server, direct push worked perfectly every time.
To me that said there was a config problem with the server. I brought this to the attention of my company mail server admin. who was not impressed. He said his winmo phone gets push mail from the co server no problem so that was that.
A few months later, direct push started working. I didn't change any setting on my phone.
You could try mail2web free trial and see if that works.
I have the same server set up with my Sprint TP2 an so far DP works fine. Stock ROM.
You wouldn't happen to be using the Gmail push, would you? Many people have been having problems with Google's rollout of the new feature. My push email works sporadically, and attachments won't download if the file name is too long/complicated.
thank you for your response! i will contact them and see if i can get some more info.. this is a blackberry company FIRST! well it seems that it may lie on the company end... thx again and if i get some response back ill respond here...
ok i have been thru 3 sprint touch PROs now and this new one still can not hold onto the Async connection wirelessly.
a few times after a soft reset it will connect wirelessly but after some time it will just close the connection. im always in a good signal area and i have not installed any programs to alter the outlook ordata in any way. in fact the only programs i have are resco photo view, pocket mechanic, and resco registry editor.
can any sprint users comment on if they are able to KEEP their exchange running WIRELESSLY on their phone and have it set to "as items arrive" with no issues? i can set it to those preset fetch times in the drop down box but i dont want to do that and thats not PUSH email as im used to with the PRO1.
any help/opinions appreciated....
are there any reg entries i can look in to see what may be the issue?
Hi, I'm trying to sort out a similiar issue using FlexMail.
Flexmail is the best software I could find to receive mails instantly. It works great with Gmail and Exchange servers. Right now, I have 2 accounts configured (Gmail and Exchange).
In my TYTN II (which I don't have anymore) flexmail worked great. Mail got pushed 5-20 seconds after being send.
Now that I have Touch Pro 2, everything seems to work fine but somehow, when the device is sleep, the connection will eventually drop and I won't receive any mails until I wake up the device.
When I wake up my device, GPRS connection is still there. I don't know if it's related but I also configured my device to download weather every 1 hour and that doesn't happen if the device is asleep: I mean, when I wake up in the morning I can still see the moon in TF3D wheather tab.
I'm using latest official HTC ROM and everything seems to be fine in the registry settings.
I'll probably try a different ROM, but I'm pretty sure this can be solved digging a little more in the registry.
Another big difference is windows mobile version. TYTN II uses 6.1 while TP2 uses 6.5. I could try installing the official 6.1 rom and see what happens.
Marctronixx are you still having issues with Push Mail?
hey there, yes its still hit or miss with exchange on the TP2 (sprint). i also have a htc hero with exchange and it gets the email pushed instantly as it should with no issues... even while sleeping... others state they dont have this issue with exchange on their PRO2 on sprint but i am having it.. sometimes the connection will stay up even after the phone is sleep (Screen off) then it will eventually just disconnect.. no rhyme or reason as to why... didnt mean to vent! LOL but yeah issue is still there...
I can confirm Flexmail works ok with HTC Official ROM (WinMo 6.1). This is the ROM I'm using right now: RUU_Rhodium_hTC_Asia_HK_WWE_1.19.721.3_Radio_Rhodium_3.44.25.27_Signed_Ship
It doesn't have all the eye candy you will find with new TF3D and WinMo 6.5 but your battery should last longer and push mail should work like expected.
I don't know If I will keep this ROM. I'll have to try another windows mobile 6.5 roms to check if the problem persists with every 6.5 rom out there.
Another thing we could try is ping every 5 minutes some address in order to keep the connection alive. I think this problem has something to do with the connection closing because of inactivity, even if your device is configured to stay connected.
What do you guys think?
has nothing to do with the connection being alive or not because the data connection is always up on my device. i also have other things running in the background that uses data. out of a hard reset and only loading up the exchange credentials, it will still disconnect. its hit or miss as sometimes it will be connected.. most often it will not stay connected and it wont always connect out of a soft reset... luckily i have the htc hero so i get my items pushed... just weird... yeah i cold do the 5 minute poll but that kills battery faster. once seido gets their extended batt out i may end up doing the 5 minute poll..
My connection is also up all the time on my device, but Flexmail loses IDLE with server when the device is asleep for some time (this doesn't happen with the ROM I told you).
What other things are you running that uses data?
I could try gmail with exchange and tell you my results with different roms. What ROM are you using?
Can you try the ROM I'm using right now? (RUU_Rhodium_hTC_Asia_HK_WWE_1.19.721.3_Radio_Rhodi um_3.44.25.27_Signed_Ship)
i tried the gmail exchange early on and it was slow and didnt make a difference either... still had unreliable push service... i dont know i have wifi on with the PRO and maybe the WIFI messes with something? im going to try and remember to turn off wifi when im at the job tomorrow and see if it stay connected with wifi off.. maybe i interferes? my PRO is cleaned up nicely. i dont want to install a ROM and redo things...
...ooh the reason im late responding is i could not get on the site.. kept getting a "bad gateweay" error....
marctronixx said:
i tried the gmail exchange early on and it was slow and didnt make a difference either... still had unreliable push service... i dont know i have wifi on with the PRO and maybe the WIFI messes with something? im going to try and remember to turn off wifi when im at the job tomorrow and see if it stay connected with wifi off.. maybe i interferes? my PRO is cleaned up nicely. i dont want to install a ROM and redo things...
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Can you tell me what ROM are you using?
marctronixx said:
...ooh the reason im late responding is i could not get on the site.. kept getting a "bad gateweay" error....
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Same happened to me
ooh im using stock ROM from Sprint. i take it by looking at the link you gave me you not in the US? and as for data programs, i have the instant messengers up and running as well as 1 imap email and several pop emails...
ooh and im glad im not the only one who had the bad gateway issue...
Well, one big difference between our devices: mine is GSM and yours is CDMA. Besides that, I still think we might have a similar issue. Why? Because my TILT was working flawlessly with Flexmail and when I bought my TILT 2, using the exact same program, same SIM, same service, etc; it doesn't work like it should. And what is more, the problem for both of us is somehow related with push mail/imap idle which is the same idea (I mean, we need to get mails "as they arrive").
Right now I'm flashing another ROM. This time it's a clean AT&T ROM (without all the usual garbage).
I think I'll try Exchange connection this time with my work server and let you know how it works.
Wish me luck
thank you for updating... yes i do believe we have the same issue.. i know there is a heartbeat sent from the exchange server to the device.. kinda like how wifi devices talk to APs to let them know they are there... and somehow the device loses that. anyway, yes definitely keep me on the loop on how this new rom works out. if i may ask, do you use wifi when our home or do you just let your device stay on the cellular connection? do you let the wifi "take over" when you get home automatically or do you not use it at all? im going to turn off wifi today and see if the phone will stay connected to exchange...
Sorry for being late!! I have news
After fighting with my TILT 2 I found the perfect mixture for me.
Please remember that I don't have a CDMA device but a GSM one, don't know if ROMs and radios are different, I guess they are .
First of all, I flashed original AT&T ROM from here: http://mobilitydigest.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15639&postcount=10
Flashing that ROM brought back the original radio that came with my device which is:
After that I had to get rid of that ROM because it's full of software I don't want so I flashed this one which is an AT&T clean ROM: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=585403 (with HTC Sense 2.1 instead of AT&T Manila).
I've been using ActiveSync through Exchange for 4 days and it works flawlessly. I also installed Flexmail and it's working like a charm.
For some reason, Touch Pro 2 radio didn't work too well with my device. I have latest HardSPL.
I did a hard reset after installing my final ROM, it's always recommended to do a hard reset after flashing.
Now to answer your question: I'm always connected through data connection (3G). I don't use wifi unless I get out of my country.
welp glad all worked for you... perhaps i should look into a 3rd party ROM but i just like how mine is working , save the Async issue.....
Same Issue here
I have a unlocked sprint touch Pro2.
I have the caluklins ROM installed.
The activesync works only for the first time when I do a soft reset.
After that even if i try to do a manual syn it does not work.
Any luck so far guys?

How to get mail for WinMo over WiFi without constant connection

I am not sure if this has been discussed before but searching didn't help much as I am not sure what keyword to use.
I have a Fuze (Touch Pro) without the data service and would like the phone to periodically get the mails over WiFi. I am posting it here assuming this would apply to all WinMo devices. If not, please enlighten me.
In default settings, the phone disconnects WiFi as soon as it goes to sleep. I used Advanced Config to enable WiFi even in sleep, but now it stays connected all the time even though Pocket Outlook is configured to run every 15 minutes. For last several months it has been working this way but it drains the battery very quickly unlike my iPhone, which lasts the more than a day because it connects only to check mails when inactive.
I know with 3G service I don't have worry about it but wondering if there is any utility or setting in registry that would connect periodically for a minute or two so that PO can check for new messages.
How to update at intervals
generally there is an option in the email program you are using. check these options
powersupplyzzzz said:
generally there is an option in the email program you are using. check these options
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Thanks powersupplyzzzz. The interval is already configured in ActiveSync/Pocket Outlook, but it doesn't connect to the WiFi unless it's already connected. Does it work for others? I mean does it connect to WiFi automatically when ActiveSync is ready to sync?
Wondering if I posted in the wrong forum or I am asking for something not possible on WM at the moment ...
rexian said:
Thanks powersupplyzzzz. The interval is already configured in ActiveSync/Pocket Outlook, but it doesn't connect to the WiFi unless it's already connected. Does it work for others? I mean does it connect to WiFi automatically when ActiveSync is ready to sync?
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AFAIK what you are asking is not possible, unless you ask someone to write you a script or there is an app that does this, but i havent come across one.
Thanks timmymarsh, this is what I was afraid of. I guess the old iPhone still has some use for this advantage.
rexian said:
Thanks timmymarsh, this is what I was afraid of. I guess the old iPhone still has some use for this advantage.
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What you need is a car battery that you can strap to your back which will boost your battery when required
I'll have a fish around for a real solution.

Internet Connection Settings?

I have re-flashed my Cingular 2125 with the latest Radio and 6.5 ROM, just to keep it in my laptop bag as a spare. (My TP2 crashed on my last trip, and I realized I should keep a second phone with me).
The phone seems to be working properly after the flash--I can make and receive calls, and the "E" is displayed in the taskbar (which I assume means it's connecting to the Edge network since I use AT&T), but when I open IE, I can't get to any pages becuase it says my connection isn't setup properly. Any ideas what settings I need to change?
Thanks for the help!
Just giving this a bump, hoping for some help. Thanks!
Most probably you will have to set this manually for the GPRS connection. If you are lucky, then the HTC connection Setup (search the forum) may set it up for you. It is tedious to do though...
Thanks for the help. The HTC Connection Setup tool didn't work, but it got me on the right track and I found what I needed. Good to go now!
BigWopHH said:
Thanks for the help. The HTC Connection Setup tool didn't work, but it got me on the right track and I found what I needed. Good to go now!
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can you tell what you got it from ?
in here much better

