Internet Connection Settings? - HTC Tornado

I have re-flashed my Cingular 2125 with the latest Radio and 6.5 ROM, just to keep it in my laptop bag as a spare. (My TP2 crashed on my last trip, and I realized I should keep a second phone with me).
The phone seems to be working properly after the flash--I can make and receive calls, and the "E" is displayed in the taskbar (which I assume means it's connecting to the Edge network since I use AT&T), but when I open IE, I can't get to any pages becuase it says my connection isn't setup properly. Any ideas what settings I need to change?
Thanks for the help!

Just giving this a bump, hoping for some help. Thanks!

Most probably you will have to set this manually for the GPRS connection. If you are lucky, then the HTC connection Setup (search the forum) may set it up for you. It is tedious to do though...

Thanks for the help. The HTC Connection Setup tool didn't work, but it got me on the right track and I found what I needed. Good to go now!

BigWopHH said:
Thanks for the help. The HTC Connection Setup tool didn't work, but it got me on the right track and I found what I needed. Good to go now!
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can you tell what you got it from ?
in here much better


Quick Question

I have an 8525 but my IT guy at the office has an 8125/wizard. Anyway, he does not have the data plan through cingy so he is wondering if he can use wifi instead. If so, how do I set that up for him? Thanks
swtaltima said:
I have an 8525 but my IT guy at the office has an 8125/wizard. Anyway, he does not have the data plan through cingy so he is wondering if he can use wifi instead. If so, how do I set that up for him? Thanks
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Your IT guy doesn't know how to turn on wifi?!?!
That's pretty bad. Anyhow, you just open up the COMM manager and turn on wifi. When it finds an AP, or whatever, it'll bring it up and you tap on it and it take you through the brief and easy setup process. That should do it.
P.S. Time to get a new IT guy
Yeah, lol we got that far but like with my 8525 it lets me choose during the mail set up how I want to retrieve my mail i.e. work, internet, ISP, Media net etc... Just wondering if there is something like this for the wizard. Thanks by the way.
I dont think there is a way to set up your email that way. Only if he connects manually to wifi and then retrieve. The email will not connect automatically thru wifi unless you just stay connected i believe. And yeah i second that motion on getting a new IT guy.
Well, its not just turning on WiFi, its disabling GPRS so he doesn't get hit with big data charges. You can try this tweak:
Hopefully this will work for him.
BTW, things are pretty much the same on the Hermes as on the Wizard, it just depends on the rom you're running.
Good luck,

No Data Connection in the US?

I recently received my Touch Pro, and transferred everything from my other phone over. I also copied the GPRS/EDGE settings (T-Mobile USA) present on the other phone, in an attempt to get internet without the Wi-Fi over. Unfortunately, for some reason, no matter how I set it (I looked up 3 different ways to do it online) it returns an error.
I thought it might be a radio band issue, so I flashed Hard SPL and the Cingular radio stack. Even more unfortunately, after doing so, it was impossible to turn on the Data Connection at all. I backtracked and located the problem as the Hard SPL, since when I flashed the radio stack back to stock, the problem was still present, and when I flashed Stock SPL back, everything went back to working fine.
Since I'm new to the scene, I wasn't really sure what was going on, so I don't really understand what the problem is.
Anyone have anything to say about either of those problems (constructive advice)?
Thanks in advance.
How about the T-Mobile Wireless Configurizationalator?
i've tried that, using several different windows mobile devices listed under the HTC menu, but each different configuration that they offer yields the same results.
I don't know where you're based in, but I just had that problem too here in downtown Chicago. I tried it with my Hermes, and it didn't work either. I called T-Mobile and they said something about a "global disruption" to their data network. Not sure what exactly that meant but it works here in the Gold Coast, about 15 minutes north of downtown.
oh, i see.
well i guess i'll give them a call tomorrow, and see if i can get it to work with their help. thanks for the info, now i'm kind of relieved it's not something broken on my end. haha.
aymonius said:
oh, i see.
well i guess i'll give them a call tomorrow, and see if i can get it to work with their help. thanks for the info, now i'm kind of relieved it's not something broken on my end. haha.
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Depending on what data plan you have ($5.99 T-Zones or $19.99 Total Internet) you may need to change your server and/or proxy settings. By default, the HTC Connection Wizard sets the "T-mobile Data" connection to, so you may need to change that.
Log in to your and check your services to see which one you're using. Then do a search here on XDA for your service (T-Zones or Total Internet) and you'll find the settings you need.
thanks. i looked all that up and it turns out that i was supposed to soft reset it after i set things up, which i did not know about, so i didn't do. i also found a cab file for the t-zone settings, which might have helped too. for some reason weather doesn't update with the edge network though, and i don't know why. any clue?
thanks again.

htc fuze - just arrived, can't navigate and already 3G connected

Hello everybody,
Ive just received my HTC Fuze, i was kind exited. Just taked from the box to try the 3G browsing. I introduced the access points and the l/p settings for connection. It doest connects to the 3G network, but i receive no data, can't display any information. I don't know if the Fuze is faulted or something. Any idea???? thanks in advance.
htc fuze - alreadi connected to 3G network but wont navigate
Hello everybody,
Ive just received my HTC Fuze, i was kind exited. Just taked it out from the box to try the 3G browsing. I introduced the access points and the l/p settings for connection. It does connect to the 3G network witouth problem, but i receive no data, can't display any page/information. I don't know if the Fuze is faulted or something. Any idea???? thanks in advance.
PD: weather update works, and it connects to the 3G network. but dont work in Opera/IE
there is nothing to configure with the fuze if you are on the AT&T network. all you do is put in your sim card.
I had a few issues myself. If you were using isp.cingular then it might not connect there any more unless you purchase the tethering plan. Even then, isp.cingular will only work for direct push and tethering.
rocho said:
Hello everybody,
Ive just received my HTC Fuze, i was kind exited. Just taked it out from the box to try the 3G browsing. I introduced the access points and the l/p settings for connection. It does connect to the 3G network witouth problem, but i receive no data, can't display any page/information. I don't know if the Fuze is faulted or something. Any idea???? thanks in advance.
PD: weather update works, and it connects to the 3G network. but dont work in Opera/IE
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Try this
Start>>>>Setting's>>>>Connections>>>>Connections>>>>set up my proxy server>>>un-check "this network uses a proxy server to connect to the internet"
i wound a useful thread, where you can disable some sort of hidden thing installed on device (programs>proxy tools), now IE works but still no luck with Opera, im looking forward to upgrade this factory AT&T Rom because i don't feel my Fuze very smoothly
PD: also check on what you suggested, but it was already unchecked.
Thanks for helping mate
Sleuth255 said:
I had a few issues myself. If you were using isp.cingular then it might not connect there any more unless you purchase the tethering plan. Even then, isp.cingular will only work for direct push and tethering.
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im into another network, i bought my fuze unlocked in eBay, i tried the .cab app to uninstall hidden proxy (programs>tools>proxy) and now i can browse using IE, but not into Opera.
Im looking forward to change the factory ROM because it doesn't feel too smoothly.
Any suggested ROM/Radio to install, i really don't want cooked roms with extra apps/games
thanks in advance for the help mate
rocho said:
im into another network, i bought my fuze unlocked in eBay, i tried the .cab app to uninstall hidden proxy (programs>tools>proxy) and now i can browse using IE, but not into Opera.
Im looking forward to change the factory ROM because it doesn't feel too smoothly.
Any suggested ROM/Radio to install, i really don't want cooked roms with extra apps/games
thanks in advance for the help mate
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If I remember right, the default Opera browser on the Fuze is set up to only work with the proxy, so you'll have to flash a new rom most likely (but you really should do that anyway.)
Why did you start two threads? Did you not read the rules?
htcfan78 said:
Why did you start two threads? Did you not read the rules?
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i know, my bad, because i was getting errors from server, but when i find out there was 2 topics i tried to del my post, but i couldn't do it, didn't find the option, i apologize.
To help out, I merged the two threads into this one.

{REQ}Keep HSDPA Always On

I am having trouble with my 3G/HSDPA connection with the HD2. I have a plan with unlimited data and I am not worried about battery life. The problem is that the phone seems to disconnected after a while from the 3G+/HSDPA network and then the only way to get any connection(whether it is for a weather update, email, or internet browsing) is to close all data connections and then reopen them. I think that there might be a reg key that is timing out the connection but I am not that skilled in this. I would really appreciate if someone could help me out in figuring out this problem.
Manilla: 2.5.19211619.0
first you can try to manually select the network type (gsm or wcdma) and band frequency. for this go to comm manager. then go to connection settings - advanced and enable hsdpa only, then soft reset.
if this doesn't work try to change the radio.
as a last resort, you need to experiment different rom-radio combinations to make it work.
I had this issue also for a long time before I finally nailed it with my current configuration.
good luck mate!
Thanks, I am trying that right now. I also had kinda "nailed it" but then I was having other problems with the rom and decided to change. lol I am going to try different radio/roms if that doesnt work. btw thanks for the quick reply
I had this problem too. Check the connections right there should only be 1 connection for your regular usage. It's the multiple connections that causes the data to stop working, at least for my case.
For example, my network provides 2 connections, one direct to internet, the other has a proxy. However, the default Opera browser always uses the proxied connection for some strange reason, while the other services (Weather/Twitter/etc) uses the direct connection. When the 2 connections are active simultaneously, I find my data going dead until I disconnect the proxied connection.
To get around it, I go to the about:config page in Opera, under Network, tick the "Conn Mgr Auto Detect Network". After that it doesn't uses the proxied connection anymore....but some of the default shortcuts in Opera still do that iirc.
In short, for me, disconnecting the proxied connection makes the direct connection work fine....hope this helps ya.
hey kenkiller, if you're still having trouble with the connection try antaed's method it seems to be working for me. btw I only have 1 connection so that wasn't it for me .
hotshot646 said:
hey kenkiller, if you're still having trouble with the connection try antaed's method it seems to be working for me. btw I only have 1 connection so that wasn't it for me .
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No worries...I've already set mine to HSDPA only as I've noticed that having HSUPA on only makes the download slower...but it doesn't cut the connection off as you've said, at least for me.
Glad you solved it.
Thanks . I am just glad that there are people that care about the phones they buy and such a great website to bring them all together

HTC CM Wifi Internet Sharing - Question...

Hello everyone,
Forgive me if this has already been asked, but after searching and searching thoroughly I was unable to find a solution.
I have the T Mobile HTC HD2, the phone is better than any iPhone I ever owned. (Just had to get that out... )
I have a question concerning the HTC CM Wifi Internet Sharing. I installed the app, ran it without any issues. The signal was picked up by one of my laptops. I was able to connect and surf the web over 3G, pretty quick I must say...
The issue I am having is, since connecting that one time, I have not been able to see the phone as a router since. When I run the app and choose T-Mobile data, the 3G pops up. The wireless antenna icon pops up and the app says it is ready to receive incoming connections. BUT, I am unable to see this from any of my wireless devices.
My questions are, is there any specific procedure to get this to run correct? Do I have to disable wireless on the HD2? Is there some WinMo 6.5 firewall running? I know others have experienced this, but I am unable to track down a solution.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Are you running the app through Settings-All Settings-Connections-Wifi Internet Sharing? Or running the WifiRouter app?
SxyCupcake said:
Are you running the app through Settings-All Settings-Connections-Wifi Internet Sharing? Or running the WifiRouter app?
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I am running the app through Settings-All Settings-Connections-Wifi Internet Sharing
After i installed the cab, this is the only place I could find a way to launch the app.
Why is there another way?
I downloaded a random wifi sharing app and had the same problem, then found XDA-Tom_Codom CM Wifi Internet Sharing VGA. Worked like a charm. I would uninstall and try that one.
SxyCupcake, thanks for the suggestion.
I uninstalled, then installed the XDA-Tom_Codon CM Wifi Internet Sharing you suggested. I get the same result. I am rebooting right now to see if that may help...
After rebooting, I get the same thing. It almost seems like something is blocking the WiFi Transmit antenna signal or maybe it is not activating correctly... Might be a registry setting or something.
I may have fudged up some setting using BsB Tweaks or XT Hack Beta2... I might wind up just doing a complete restore and start from scratch.
Still doesn't work. I will check back often and post a solution if I figure it out.
Thank you,
Q: My PC or Laptop is not seeing the SSID.
A: For the people having trouble seeing the network, make sure your pc displays adhoc connections and not just access points.
Now it is working...
Moved as not software release.

