htc fuze - just arrived, can't navigate and already 3G connected - Touch Pro, Fuze General

Hello everybody,
Ive just received my HTC Fuze, i was kind exited. Just taked from the box to try the 3G browsing. I introduced the access points and the l/p settings for connection. It doest connects to the 3G network, but i receive no data, can't display any information. I don't know if the Fuze is faulted or something. Any idea???? thanks in advance.

htc fuze - alreadi connected to 3G network but wont navigate
Hello everybody,
Ive just received my HTC Fuze, i was kind exited. Just taked it out from the box to try the 3G browsing. I introduced the access points and the l/p settings for connection. It does connect to the 3G network witouth problem, but i receive no data, can't display any page/information. I don't know if the Fuze is faulted or something. Any idea???? thanks in advance.
PD: weather update works, and it connects to the 3G network. but dont work in Opera/IE

there is nothing to configure with the fuze if you are on the AT&T network. all you do is put in your sim card.

I had a few issues myself. If you were using isp.cingular then it might not connect there any more unless you purchase the tethering plan. Even then, isp.cingular will only work for direct push and tethering.

rocho said:
Hello everybody,
Ive just received my HTC Fuze, i was kind exited. Just taked it out from the box to try the 3G browsing. I introduced the access points and the l/p settings for connection. It does connect to the 3G network witouth problem, but i receive no data, can't display any page/information. I don't know if the Fuze is faulted or something. Any idea???? thanks in advance.
PD: weather update works, and it connects to the 3G network. but dont work in Opera/IE
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Try this
Start>>>>Setting's>>>>Connections>>>>Connections>>>>set up my proxy server>>>un-check "this network uses a proxy server to connect to the internet"

i wound a useful thread, where you can disable some sort of hidden thing installed on device (programs>proxy tools), now IE works but still no luck with Opera, im looking forward to upgrade this factory AT&T Rom because i don't feel my Fuze very smoothly
PD: also check on what you suggested, but it was already unchecked.
Thanks for helping mate

Sleuth255 said:
I had a few issues myself. If you were using isp.cingular then it might not connect there any more unless you purchase the tethering plan. Even then, isp.cingular will only work for direct push and tethering.
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im into another network, i bought my fuze unlocked in eBay, i tried the .cab app to uninstall hidden proxy (programs>tools>proxy) and now i can browse using IE, but not into Opera.
Im looking forward to change the factory ROM because it doesn't feel too smoothly.
Any suggested ROM/Radio to install, i really don't want cooked roms with extra apps/games
thanks in advance for the help mate

rocho said:
im into another network, i bought my fuze unlocked in eBay, i tried the .cab app to uninstall hidden proxy (programs>tools>proxy) and now i can browse using IE, but not into Opera.
Im looking forward to change the factory ROM because it doesn't feel too smoothly.
Any suggested ROM/Radio to install, i really don't want cooked roms with extra apps/games
thanks in advance for the help mate
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If I remember right, the default Opera browser on the Fuze is set up to only work with the proxy, so you'll have to flash a new rom most likely (but you really should do that anyway.)

Why did you start two threads? Did you not read the rules?

htcfan78 said:
Why did you start two threads? Did you not read the rules?
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i know, my bad, because i was getting errors from server, but when i find out there was 2 topics i tried to del my post, but i couldn't do it, didn't find the option, i apologize.

To help out, I merged the two threads into this one.


HTC Touch Cruise config problems

Hi, I just bought a HTC Touch Cruise on ebay and I'm using on AT&T US (Minnesota). There's so many things I CAN'T do with the phone right now...
I have an unlimited data plan with AT&T, but for some reason I can't connect to gmail to download my messages. I also can't download weather forecast for my city or any other city. The weird thing is that I can access the internet with internet explorer and the Opera browser with no problems (Except the opera does not open google sites).
On top of all, everything I described above works perfectly with my WI-FI home network. I assume it's a problem with my AT&T configuration.
Can anyone please help?
Thanks in advance
It would help if you tell us what the config settings you have in your Cruise are right now. Did you use the connection setup wizard?
I did use de wizard for the AT&T connection. I also used the wizard for my e-mail account. I tried diferent settings with my mail too. Nothing that uses my data plan works besides the internet, but everything works fine with wi-fi. I'm really sad that I have this amazing phone and most of the features does not work. Please anyone help!!
i am from australia and I do not know alot about US carriers but, maybe they use proxies? maybe they block some sites. I think either your setting in the phone are wrong or the block sites. maybe give them a call and get there settings the could even be on there website.
Oh my God, I feel so stupid...
I fixed the date and time and everything works now.
What an idiot mistake to make. Anyway, thanks for the replies.
Now I can enjoy my phone!

AT&T Fuze and Rogers Wireless - What's needed?

Is there anything that needs to be done for the Fuze to work with Rogers?
Can I simply put the Rogers simcard in and all will work fine?
Does it need to be unlocked, or flashed with a different ROM?
Is it better to wait until Rogers gets something very similar?
Any ideas what would be best to do?
Thanks in advance for your input/advice.
Slingbox said:
Is there anything that needs to be done for the Fuze to work with Rogers?
Can I simply put the Rogers simcard in and all will work fine?
Does it need to be unlocked, or flashed with a different ROM?
Is it better to wait until Rogers gets something very similar?
Any ideas what would be best to do?
Thanks in advance for your input/advice.
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you need to unlock the phone first of course. you can find the relevant information on this forum if you search for it. You don't necessarily have to flash it, but you prob don't want all the AT&T bloatware.
As far as I know, Telus is going to be the only carrier with Touch Pro, so you're better off buying a Fuze from the states and "smuggle" it across border (or you can always pay the tax at border )
Unlocking the Fuze
SlingPlayer Mobile is installed on the Fuze...
However, despite the 3G symbol being there, "Cannot Connect" shows up.
It leads to Settings for Connections.
Rogers Wireless 3G settings...Is there a tutorial?
Is there a step-by-step tutorial on setting up the Fuze with Rogers Wireless so that SlingPlayer Mobile works with 3G, instead of getting "Cannot Connect"?
not exactly but its really simple, first off, what have you done to your phone thus far? are you using a stock rom or custom rom? etc
I am also going to assume you have entered your slingbox info into the application.
I am using fuse on rogers network with NATF rom with Dara Plan, and nothing realy needed after i poped the sim in, it found anything there is to be found, and Ta-Da! It's working flawlessly so far.
What I did so far....
First of all, I have a stock ROM unlocked Fuze...I have a warranty on it for 1 year, so I really don't wanna mess with the ROM just yet.
1. I went Start, Settings, Connections Tab, Connections Icon, My ISP and Add a new modem connection.
2. Name: Rogers Wireless
Modem: Cellular Line (GPRS, 3G)
Access... :
User... : wapuser1
Password: wap
Domain: left it blank
Now SlingPlayer Mobile and Weather works.
However, Internet browsing, E-mail, Messages...all don't work
I found info here:
but those cabs do not work properly with the FUZE.
There's other settings posted there too...trying to figure it out. No success so far.
If there can be one made specifically for the FUZE and Rogers Wireless, it would be sweet.
Anyway, any kind of help is very much appreciated. If anyone knows what to do specifically,
please advise or point to where the information is.
Slingbox said:
First of all, I have a stock ROM unlocked Fuze...I have a warranty on it for 1 year, so I really don't wanna mess with the ROM just yet.
1. I went Start, Settings, Connections Tab, Connections Icon, My ISP and Add a new modem connection.
2. Name: Rogers Wireless
Modem: Cellular Line (GPRS, 3G)
Access... :
User... : wapuser1
Password: wap
Domain: left it blank
Now SlingPlayer Mobile and Weather works.
However, Internet browsing, E-mail, Messages...all don't work
I found info here:
but those cabs do not work properly with the FUZE.
There's other settings posted there too...trying to figure it out. No success so far.
If there can be one made specifically for the FUZE and Rogers Wireless, it would be sweet.
Anyway, any kind of help is very much appreciated. If anyone knows what to do specifically,
please advise or point to where the information is.
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Nice you found lurch's cab. install it anyways so you have mms working. I thought auto configuration was installed on the fuze by default, but it was a while ago. for internet you need to disable the proxy that is on the fuze (set up for AT&T users)
First on the overall end with the disable proxy cab
and then you need to do it in opera, since you clearly have made a decent attempt at using the search function, i will just attach the cabs here, let me know if it works
Slingbox said:
First of all, I have a stock ROM unlocked Fuze...I have a warranty on it for 1 year, so I really don't wanna mess with the ROM just yet.
1. I went Start, Settings, Connections Tab, Connections Icon, My ISP and Add a new modem connection.
2. Name: Rogers Wireless
Modem: Cellular Line (GPRS, 3G)
Access... :
User... : wapuser1
Password: wap
Domain: left it blank
Now SlingPlayer Mobile and Weather works.
However, Internet browsing, E-mail, Messages...all don't work
I found info here:
but those cabs do not work properly with the FUZE.
There's other settings posted there too...trying to figure it out. No success so far.
If there can be one made specifically for the FUZE and Rogers Wireless, it would be sweet.
Anyway, any kind of help is very much appreciated. If anyone knows what to do specifically,
please advise or point to where the information is.
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depending on how you unlocked the phone, you may have already lost the warranty. if that's the case, flash away~
oh...and even after you flash it, you can always reflash it back to stock rom
OK...first, about the warranty, the place I bought it from unlocked it and said 7 day replacement, 1 year servicing. I've never used the HardSPL, etc...I think I want to wait before I go that way until after the year is up.
Progress report:
Good news! Installing only "" (and not the VPN one) plus the two posted earlier in this thread did the trick. Everything works.
Next, learning how "Microsoft Direct Push" and "hotmail" work, and if they can work together. I got my hotmail addy working, but I have to go in and "Send and Receive" to get it to show new e-mails. I want it to do that automatically. Then, to get "Messenger" (IM) working. It just keeps saying "Signing in..."
I want to thank all who have been helpful thus far. It's a sweet phone to play with. Thanks
did you ever have any luck with getting Messenger to work, and hotmail to be pushed? I just got my Fuze today but it didn't come with a USB, so theres no way to get the cab file to my phone . I also now have to wait to flash the ROM, boo lol

WiFi problem

Im havin a problem. In my office my HTC Prophet detects a Wifi signal and it connects to it very easily. But there is no browsing available.
Ive talked with our IT Department, they said they placed no restriction on use of WiFi and ours is an unsecure network. I gave a proxy in settings but still in vain.
My Rom details are in my signature.
Im looking forward to your help
Have you tried connecting to any other wifi network?
Delete the settings from your prophet and try again.
Ive never had problems with wifi browsing with that rom. Does the connection work for any other apps that need internet, like weather?
Proxy settings shouldnt be needed using wifi??
Thats a good idea, ill try it on another network
Ive deleted all the settings n tried again i-e even mms and gprs settings
I gave proxy but it was in vain
sulehri said:
Thats a good idea, ill try it on another network
Ive deleted all the settings n tried again i-e even mms and gprs settings
I gave proxy but it was in vain
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yh dont even bother with proxy, its not needed for wifi, same for deletin mms and gprs settings lol... are u sure its not secured? That seems pretty slack for a company wifi lol.
Yup, its slack
Ive deleted all my settings and still no use
My colleague is running Wifi & browsing net with his nokia E-60, this means there isnt any problem with the wifi.
Yup it isnt secure, but im still unable to access it
can you update the weather using your wifi?
Did you look at Vincents thread for the rom to see if there are any problems?
No, weather doesnt update
Ive seen his thread whose link is in my signature, but no use!
ok asking the obvious now but just to check, did you hard reset after your flash? Did wifi ever work using your current rom?
Might be worth trying a reflash, backing up first of course
Yup, I did hard reset and WiFi worked after I installed this ROM on my Prophet
I think this must mean that there is a software clash with an app you have added, or registry is messed up. Have you tried deleting cookies etc in your browser? Your using Internet Explorerer yes? have you tried Skyfire out of interest?
Might be time for a hard reset...
sulehri said:
Im havin a problem. In my office my HTC Prophet detects a Wifi signal and it connects to it very easily. But there is no browsing available.
Ive talked with our IT Department, they said they placed no restriction on use of WiFi and ours is an unsecure network. I gave a proxy in settings but still in vain.
My Rom details are in my signature.
Im looking forward to your help
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Do you have your device connected with a cable to charge or sync ? It might be you did not check the box in AS to allow wireless connection while connected to a cable...
I havent tried deleting cookies and skyfire
Now ill try all of the above and report back!

Problem with GPRS in India

I hail from Karnataka, India and I own an HTC P3350 since 8 months. There is a problem with GPRS for HTC in India (some compatibility issue between HTC and network providers in India, I heard.) The GPRS never works but yet i get charged for the kb i download and it even shows up on the SPB GPRS Monitor. That's really ridiculous.
Does anyone else face the same problem? Or is it just a problem with my handset? If its a common prob, does anyone have any solution to it??
Would appreciate any inputs..
Thanks in advance..
alphaditya said:
I hail from Karnataka, India and I own an HTC P3350 since 8 months. There is a problem with GPRS for HTC in India (some compatibility issue between HTC and network providers in India, I heard.) The GPRS never works but yet i get charged for the kb i download and it even shows up on the SPB GPRS Monitor. That's really ridiculous.
Does anyone else face the same problem? Or is it just a problem with my handset? If its a common prob, does anyone have any solution to it??
Would appreciate any inputs..
Thanks in advance..
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You "Heard" wrong.
it would be best if you would describe your problem in detail.
My exact simple problem is that the GPRS just wont connect. When i start something like internet explorer, it attempts to connect and ends up with the error message 'Cannot connect with current connection settings. To change your connection settings, tap Settings.' I tapped Settings and tapped everything i could! But the result is the same.IT NEVER CONNECTS!
My network is Vodafone. I tried searching xda forums and came up with these threads -
Everyone seems to be having the same problem but the solutions offered are only for Airtel Live. I have Vodafone. Can you suggest some settings/reg changes/ANYTHING to make GPRS work on my cell phone. I tried changing the portal name, etc which was mentioned in above linked threads. But none were for any use.
Would appreciate any insight...
alphaditya said:
My exact simple problem is that the GPRS just wont connect. When i start something like internet explorer, it attempts to connect and ends up with the error message 'Cannot connect with current connection settings. To change your connection settings, tap Settings.' I tapped Settings and tapped everything i could! But the result is the same.IT NEVER CONNECTS!
My network is Vodafone. I tried searching xda forums and came up with these threads -
Everyone seems to be having the same problem but the solutions offered are only for Airtel Live. I have Vodafone. Can you suggest some settings/reg changes/ANYTHING to make GPRS work on my cell phone. I tried changing the portal name, etc which was mentioned in above linked threads. But none were for any use.
Would appreciate any insight...
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Sorry, But you have failed to mention Which WM version you are on.
i'll Assume you are on 6.0 and above and try to help you.
You will have to follow the steps in the Airtel Live Thread to Configure your settings.
(Proxy Setting)
IMPORTANT- After you configure your proxy settings you will NOT be able to use Internet through WIFI untill you delete the Proxy Server.
In Settings > Connection > Advanced Setting you will see an option similar to "When an application request to connect to internet, use this" change it to the second option, after this you might have to reconfigure your "Vodafone GPRS" Settings. (Sorry for being so vague, but i dont use my WinMo phone anymore, however these are the Settings i needed to change to Use GPRS on it.
Even after doing this, not all applications will work.
Poke around, and if you are still getting stuck somewhere, i'll charge my phone and give you the exact procedure.
thanks so much.. i'll try it out n get back.. btw ya my version is 6.0..

HTC CM Wifi Internet Sharing - Question...

Hello everyone,
Forgive me if this has already been asked, but after searching and searching thoroughly I was unable to find a solution.
I have the T Mobile HTC HD2, the phone is better than any iPhone I ever owned. (Just had to get that out... )
I have a question concerning the HTC CM Wifi Internet Sharing. I installed the app, ran it without any issues. The signal was picked up by one of my laptops. I was able to connect and surf the web over 3G, pretty quick I must say...
The issue I am having is, since connecting that one time, I have not been able to see the phone as a router since. When I run the app and choose T-Mobile data, the 3G pops up. The wireless antenna icon pops up and the app says it is ready to receive incoming connections. BUT, I am unable to see this from any of my wireless devices.
My questions are, is there any specific procedure to get this to run correct? Do I have to disable wireless on the HD2? Is there some WinMo 6.5 firewall running? I know others have experienced this, but I am unable to track down a solution.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Are you running the app through Settings-All Settings-Connections-Wifi Internet Sharing? Or running the WifiRouter app?
SxyCupcake said:
Are you running the app through Settings-All Settings-Connections-Wifi Internet Sharing? Or running the WifiRouter app?
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I am running the app through Settings-All Settings-Connections-Wifi Internet Sharing
After i installed the cab, this is the only place I could find a way to launch the app.
Why is there another way?
I downloaded a random wifi sharing app and had the same problem, then found XDA-Tom_Codom CM Wifi Internet Sharing VGA. Worked like a charm. I would uninstall and try that one.
SxyCupcake, thanks for the suggestion.
I uninstalled, then installed the XDA-Tom_Codon CM Wifi Internet Sharing you suggested. I get the same result. I am rebooting right now to see if that may help...
After rebooting, I get the same thing. It almost seems like something is blocking the WiFi Transmit antenna signal or maybe it is not activating correctly... Might be a registry setting or something.
I may have fudged up some setting using BsB Tweaks or XT Hack Beta2... I might wind up just doing a complete restore and start from scratch.
Still doesn't work. I will check back often and post a solution if I figure it out.
Thank you,
Q: My PC or Laptop is not seeing the SSID.
A: For the people having trouble seeing the network, make sure your pc displays adhoc connections and not just access points.
Now it is working...
Moved as not software release.

