HTC CM Wifi Internet Sharing - Question... - General Questions and Answers

Hello everyone,
Forgive me if this has already been asked, but after searching and searching thoroughly I was unable to find a solution.
I have the T Mobile HTC HD2, the phone is better than any iPhone I ever owned. (Just had to get that out... )
I have a question concerning the HTC CM Wifi Internet Sharing. I installed the app, ran it without any issues. The signal was picked up by one of my laptops. I was able to connect and surf the web over 3G, pretty quick I must say...
The issue I am having is, since connecting that one time, I have not been able to see the phone as a router since. When I run the app and choose T-Mobile data, the 3G pops up. The wireless antenna icon pops up and the app says it is ready to receive incoming connections. BUT, I am unable to see this from any of my wireless devices.
My questions are, is there any specific procedure to get this to run correct? Do I have to disable wireless on the HD2? Is there some WinMo 6.5 firewall running? I know others have experienced this, but I am unable to track down a solution.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,

Are you running the app through Settings-All Settings-Connections-Wifi Internet Sharing? Or running the WifiRouter app?

SxyCupcake said:
Are you running the app through Settings-All Settings-Connections-Wifi Internet Sharing? Or running the WifiRouter app?
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I am running the app through Settings-All Settings-Connections-Wifi Internet Sharing
After i installed the cab, this is the only place I could find a way to launch the app.
Why is there another way?

I downloaded a random wifi sharing app and had the same problem, then found XDA-Tom_Codom CM Wifi Internet Sharing VGA. Worked like a charm. I would uninstall and try that one.

SxyCupcake, thanks for the suggestion.
I uninstalled, then installed the XDA-Tom_Codon CM Wifi Internet Sharing you suggested. I get the same result. I am rebooting right now to see if that may help...
After rebooting, I get the same thing. It almost seems like something is blocking the WiFi Transmit antenna signal or maybe it is not activating correctly... Might be a registry setting or something.
I may have fudged up some setting using BsB Tweaks or XT Hack Beta2... I might wind up just doing a complete restore and start from scratch.
Still doesn't work. I will check back often and post a solution if I figure it out.
Thank you,
Q: My PC or Laptop is not seeing the SSID.
A: For the people having trouble seeing the network, make sure your pc displays adhoc connections and not just access points.
Now it is working...

Moved as not software release.


SDA wifi and internet problem

Hi all,
I've been searching countless forums for a solution to my problem, and I was not able to find a solution.
I purchased a T-Mobile SDA(USA, aka: HTC Tornado) with the belief that I will be able to connect to my hiome WIFI.
I tried connecting with original rom(T-mo SW and I was able to connect to my access point, and I aquired an IP address, and everything, but internet explorer and Opera Mini browser was not able to connect to the internet. IExplorer keeps on "locating" then times out.
I am able to connect to a HotSpot location through wifi and also my G (GPRS) indicator is always on.
My guess is that TCP/IP use is somehow blocked for anything but T-mobiles HotSpots, and otherwise it tries GPRS(I do not have data plan.)
What I mean is that they restrict me to connect to GPRS or Edge in general, unless there is a HotSpot operated by T-Mobile.
Anyways if someone has an idea, please help me out, since I've spent countless of hours(not quite countless, but more than 48 hours for sure) on this, with no luck.
Please, anything, idea, reg hack, I accept anything.
Thank you.
PS: Now I'm running an iMate sp5m rom (i-mate_SP5m_WWE_1.6.331.6.exe) and nothing changed....
I'm sure this has come up before (try searching) but make sure your internet explorer isn't set to use WAP Network only.
Thanks for your reply...really appreciate it.
I was on a trip in NYC and I had a variety of WIFI spots, and to my very surprise I was able to get online through WIFI.
It seems that I still needed the iMate Rom, but my problem is my home wifi network.
It's weird since I enter my key and I get an IP, yet the connection is still not the correct one.
My next step is to look for a list of access points which have issues with SDAs, and if mine passes I'll start changing settings on my access point and go from there.
Thanks again, and if someone has a link to the list, I would appreciate it if it will post it.
And also if someone knows how to get rid of the GPRS indicator....
JosephKnecht said:
Thanks for your reply...really appreciate it.
I was on a trip in NYC and I had a variety of WIFI spots, and to my very surprise I was able to get online through WIFI.
It seems that I still needed the iMate Rom, but my problem is my home wifi network.
It's weird since I enter my key and I get an IP, yet the connection is still not the correct one.
My next step is to look for a list of access points which have issues with SDAs, and if mine passes I'll start changing settings on my access point and go from there.
Thanks again, and if someone has a link to the list, I would appreciate it if it will post it.
And also if someone knows how to get rid of the GPRS indicator....
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If you're on WiFi, you should not be getting the G indicator; in fact, change it to E as it should be if on an Edge network (Cingular); look for a RegEdit to do that.
Re: your home connection not working. Are you sure you are on YOUR WiFi network, not a neighbors somewhere? If you have not changed your WiFi name to something that makes sense to you, I suggest you do that to be sure you are trying to connect to YOUR network. I have neighbors that have not changed their LinkSys names to something else, and there is no way for me to tell if I'm on theirs or mine unless my name is something unique to me and that I know.

WiFi internet issue on WM6

I`ve got a T-Mobile MDA with WM6 and I cannot access the internet through WiFi. The access point that I connect to is working cause I am able to access the net fine on my laptop. I made sure that my network cards are set to connecte to the internet. I even did a softreset after I made the changes.
My internet explorer just sits there on locating. I am not sure if its just my WiFi card configured incorrectly within WM6 or if its a reg setting that isn't set right.
If anyone had this issue before and got it fixed let me know or give me some direction to start.. thanks in advance for your help.
This is a fairly common problem. For me disabling the Wireless G option in the registry did the trick:
Key: dot11SupportedRateMaskG
Value: 1
so I diabled it, soft restet, verified that the reg change sticked, which it did. I tried to access the net again with no go.
me too
I have the exact same problem.
Not much discussion about this
I tried the G fix. Didn't work. Funny thing. It started when I installed MB. Downgrading DIDN'T fix it.
Try setting the the Network Card to connect to "The Internet" instead of "Work"
they are set to that..
That actually worked for me. (The Internet instead of work fix) I also made sure that all the boxes for "Server assigned IP address were checked. I could have sworn I tried that already. I wonder if it will stay "fixed". I'm due for a soft reset...seems to be working. I've been thinking all along it was some stupid setting.
EclipsedMotions said:
they are set to that..
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check the change your dns to and this may fix your problem
Changing to Internet and setting the DNS doesn't seem to help. Funny thing is, GMail via Midlet Manager seems to work (maybe its doing GPRS?). But IE just spins at Locating...
wifi internet issue on wm6
although i have the older version of t-mobiles' mda (wm5), i had similar issues connecting to the net even it sees a lot of wireless aps. either i cannot hold a steady connection or cannot connect at all. the solution i had was changing the channel on my wireless ap and updating my mda's parameters for my local wireless security. now i can go to the web using my mda even with poor signal quality. It is possible that you have several wireless ap's at your location sharing the same channel. hopefully changing the channel solves your problem.
simple possible solution, but check the proxy settings? I know with cingular, many people had trouble browsing the internet due to the MediaNet proxy settings. they removed the proxy settings and everything was fine then.
There is a known issue with your rom your running...there has been a new release. check the MB thread and you will see a recent listing about a 6 and 4 mb page pool, the wifi has been fixed.
mfrazzz said:
Changing to Internet and setting the DNS doesn't seem to help. Funny thing is, GMail via Midlet Manager seems to work (maybe its doing GPRS?). But IE just spins at Locating...
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I have the original MB edition and I do not have any wireless problems. I know he had to fix the re-released versions as the wifi did not work with them initially, but I was unaware of a wifi problem with the initial release.
WIFI problem don't even see networks
Hey everybody, still loving this phone and its diversity, but have flashed this little piece of hardware with the mb 4mb/6mb wm6 rom only to find that WIFI can't even be turned on!. And yes I've downed the fixed versions from a certain forum. When I turn on WIFI, It just gives the symbol in the top straight away. It just can't find the networks. I even manually added a network, it then tries to find it, but simply can't. WEIRD hey.
Is there a solution for this problem, cause I really, like the look and feel of the wm6 roms over the wm5 roms.
bye all and thanks in advance for the kind replies.
Did you try using WiFiFoFum at all to see if it can find networks? I have not had any issues with WiFi with the Most Beautiful edition whatsoever. Only thing I notice is that when the machine first turns on or right after a soft reset that I need to click the comm manager icon for wifi twice before wifi will turn on. Otherwise it finds and connects to networks perfect.
Problem with MIE
i have no problem to connect to my homenetwork with WIFI, but i cannot access the internet with the internet explorer. but it works perfect with the opera browser!
It's weird...
I never access the internet with the internet explorer even my wifi was connected successfully while I brushed wm6 rom.
A miracle has happened Today.
I install a WIFI Device for WM5, that one is simple Chinese language.
I tried to turn on the wifi but not work.
Then I uninstall it -> restar....
Then I tried one more time to turn on wifi, ok, it's work to connect but still can't open the web page.
I check the wireless lan, switch the power save mode to best performance.
Then....I can open web page????
Wow~~ I don't know it work cause the wifi device change something or just swtich to best performance.
Maybe you guys can try.
(Sorry to reading my poor English)
thomas.iseli said:
i have no problem to connect to my homenetwork with WIFI, but i cannot access the internet with the internet explorer. but it works perfect with the opera browser!
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Same exact issue. Pocket IE doesn't work, Opera does. Did you figure it out or get it corrected yet?
oops, double-posted

Att Fuse Problem

Hello Everyone,
I just received a ATT fuse and for the life of me I cannot seem to get the WIFI to work. I've had the tilt and the 8125 previously and I tried duplicating settings to no avail.
Are there known issues with the WIFI on this phone?
I can connect to my WEP enabled wireless router, but opera and IE fails to connect and just keeps giving me errors. This is what I have read and what I have tried:
Setting to "work" instead of "Internet"
I've tried the cab files posted in another thread to disable ATT proxy
I'm a little lost in what to check. I did follow everything I've read here that came up in "WIFI" search. I have not unlocked the phone nor flash a rom.
Could someone lend a hand?
Sign up for the att media program...its on the attwireless site
This is a bit drastic, but an easy potential fix is to flash another ROM (after flashing Hard-SPL of course). AT&T often adds a bunch of unnecessary crap to their ROMs, which may interfere with normal functions. You could always flash the AT&T ROM back if you'd like.
Hi Animexi80,
I already have a data plan. The problem isn't with Media net, it is with the phone's built in WIFI.
Really, that drastic of a step.. Do you know of a rom that fixed a WIFI problem?
TweedyPepper said:
Do you know of a rom that fixed a WIFI problem?
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Honestly, I never even gave the AT&T ROM a chance, so I was unaware of Wi-Fi issues. Pretty much any ROM should work. If you flash a Fuze-specific ROM, you may want to run the CAB that disables the hidden AT&T proxy. If you flash a generic Touch Pro ROM, you'll likely need to run a CAB that fixes the keyboard layout.
Ok, I suppose I will give it a go.
If I may ask, would you tell me which rom and radio you're running. It would help rule things out it it doesn't correct the problem.
you may want to run the CAB that disables the hidden AT&T proxy.
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What is the "hidden AT&T proxy?"
I just got an AT&T Fuze and after enableing wifi using the wireless manager, had no trouble connecting to home wireless networks with various security configurations (WEP, WPA, hidden SSID, etc.). Of course if the access point has the MAC filter enabled, the Fuze MAC address must be added to the allowed list.
TweedyPepper said:
If I may ask, would you tell me which rom and radio you're running.
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I'm running an older PROven ROM, version 1.03. I'll be upgrading soon, probably to NATF's ROM. My radio ROM is, but (1) the radio ROM doesn't control Wi-Fi, so it's moot, and (2) it has not had very good battery life, so I'll downgrade back to tonight.
rlsmith999 said:
What is the "hidden AT&T proxy?"
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It's a proxy setting, separate from the normal one under Connections, that is hidden. It's used to make things such as Cingular, er, Cellular Video work.
rlsmith999 said:
I just got an AT&T Fuze and after enableing wifi using the wireless manager, had no trouble connecting to home wireless networks with various security configurations (WEP, WPA, hidden SSID, etc.). Of course if the access point has the MAC filter enabled, the Fuze MAC address must be added to the allowed list.
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This is a bit off-topic, but FYI, anything below WPA/WPA2 cannot be considered secure. WEP can be cracked in minutes, hidden SSIDs don't make APs invisible, and MAC filtering is useless (except with WPA/WPA2) as anyone sniffing traffic can see client MAC addresses in the clear.
I have found that sometimes when I have both a "data connection" and a "wi-fi" connection that they phone seems to not lock on the wi-fi but tries to use a weak data connection so try turning off the data connection and see if that fixes the problem. Also give a soft reset a try as well.
Surprised by how few ppl are having wi-fi issues. I've tried about 6 ROMs now and have the same problem with everyone (guessing this proves its more of a hardware vs software issue)
I can locate and connect to a wi-fi network but no data transfers. I have to continually disconnect/turn off/reconnect over and over and finally I will get a connection..but if unit goes into sleep for a few minutes...I have to repeat.
Very one else is having wi-fi issues?
Hi Everyone,
Sorry I haven't reported back sooner. I wound up loading a different rom on the phone and away went the problem.
jank0023, I have no idea. I would flash the phone back to stock and return it for another if all else fails. In all my searching, here and elsewhere, there ahve been a handful of wifi problems I came across. It doesn't seem like that common of a problem afaik.
jank0023 said:
Surprised by how few ppl are having wi-fi issues. I've tried about 6 ROMs now and have the same problem with everyone (guessing this proves its more of a hardware vs software issue)
I can locate and connect to a wi-fi network but no data transfers. I have to continually disconnect/turn off/reconnect over and over and finally I will get a connection..but if unit goes into sleep for a few minutes...I have to repeat.
Very one else is having wi-fi issues?
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If its your router try another channel make sure its on a supported signal (a,b, g)... lastly ensure your router is excepting all devices. I know these are basic checklist items but sometimes these can get us. I had a laptop that would only work on channel 6 ;-).
gravesy56 said:
If its your router try another channel make sure its on a supported signal (a,b, g)... lastly ensure your router is excepting all devices. I know these are basic checklist items but sometimes these can get us. I had a laptop that would only work on channel 6 ;-).
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Thanks guys for the suggestions...I don't think its related to my network setup as I have about 4 other devices able to obtain signals with no problems using DHCP.
Issues don't seem to be as severe on some of the most recent ROMs I've used but still not perfect.

htc fuze - just arrived, can't navigate and already 3G connected

Hello everybody,
Ive just received my HTC Fuze, i was kind exited. Just taked from the box to try the 3G browsing. I introduced the access points and the l/p settings for connection. It doest connects to the 3G network, but i receive no data, can't display any information. I don't know if the Fuze is faulted or something. Any idea???? thanks in advance.
htc fuze - alreadi connected to 3G network but wont navigate
Hello everybody,
Ive just received my HTC Fuze, i was kind exited. Just taked it out from the box to try the 3G browsing. I introduced the access points and the l/p settings for connection. It does connect to the 3G network witouth problem, but i receive no data, can't display any page/information. I don't know if the Fuze is faulted or something. Any idea???? thanks in advance.
PD: weather update works, and it connects to the 3G network. but dont work in Opera/IE
there is nothing to configure with the fuze if you are on the AT&T network. all you do is put in your sim card.
I had a few issues myself. If you were using isp.cingular then it might not connect there any more unless you purchase the tethering plan. Even then, isp.cingular will only work for direct push and tethering.
rocho said:
Hello everybody,
Ive just received my HTC Fuze, i was kind exited. Just taked it out from the box to try the 3G browsing. I introduced the access points and the l/p settings for connection. It does connect to the 3G network witouth problem, but i receive no data, can't display any page/information. I don't know if the Fuze is faulted or something. Any idea???? thanks in advance.
PD: weather update works, and it connects to the 3G network. but dont work in Opera/IE
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Try this
Start>>>>Setting's>>>>Connections>>>>Connections>>>>set up my proxy server>>>un-check "this network uses a proxy server to connect to the internet"
i wound a useful thread, where you can disable some sort of hidden thing installed on device (programs>proxy tools), now IE works but still no luck with Opera, im looking forward to upgrade this factory AT&T Rom because i don't feel my Fuze very smoothly
PD: also check on what you suggested, but it was already unchecked.
Thanks for helping mate
Sleuth255 said:
I had a few issues myself. If you were using isp.cingular then it might not connect there any more unless you purchase the tethering plan. Even then, isp.cingular will only work for direct push and tethering.
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im into another network, i bought my fuze unlocked in eBay, i tried the .cab app to uninstall hidden proxy (programs>tools>proxy) and now i can browse using IE, but not into Opera.
Im looking forward to change the factory ROM because it doesn't feel too smoothly.
Any suggested ROM/Radio to install, i really don't want cooked roms with extra apps/games
thanks in advance for the help mate
rocho said:
im into another network, i bought my fuze unlocked in eBay, i tried the .cab app to uninstall hidden proxy (programs>tools>proxy) and now i can browse using IE, but not into Opera.
Im looking forward to change the factory ROM because it doesn't feel too smoothly.
Any suggested ROM/Radio to install, i really don't want cooked roms with extra apps/games
thanks in advance for the help mate
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If I remember right, the default Opera browser on the Fuze is set up to only work with the proxy, so you'll have to flash a new rom most likely (but you really should do that anyway.)
Why did you start two threads? Did you not read the rules?
htcfan78 said:
Why did you start two threads? Did you not read the rules?
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i know, my bad, because i was getting errors from server, but when i find out there was 2 topics i tried to del my post, but i couldn't do it, didn't find the option, i apologize.
To help out, I merged the two threads into this one.

Sprint touch pro 2 tethering problem

hello, I recently purchased the tp2 and love it so far. I have done a number of tweaks to the phone with no issues except for the tethering one. I followed the instructions that are given to tether which included deleting and editing some registry entries but i am having an odd problem. When i go the the internet sharing program and i hit the connect button, nothing happens. the "connect" button goes gray for a couple of second the returns to white for me to press it again. the status says disconnected and never changes.
I tried a number of things such as:
1.soft reset
2.reinstalled the internet sharing and edited the reg again
3.opened a connection with my web browser first
from what i understand is that the next step after "connect" would be a prompt that says "connect your usb cable" or something like that.
Has anybody run into this problem? Can anybody give me any advise?
Im using mine right now but Ive also had a few issues
Make sure your Data connection is active( in connections under settings) before you try to tether
Quote: "I followed the instructions that are given to tether which included deleting and editing some registry entries"
Question....where can I find these instructions....iv'e looked and can't find....THANKS!
HOW can I get Internet Sharing to work on my TP2
tp2 tethering
you dont need to make any registry changes for tethering to work. sprint doesn't see the data any differently(i have been streaming netflix through my phone to my laptop for a while). try a hard reset. with phone off hold power send call and end call buttons simultaneously until reset screen appears. follow instructions on the screen. also are you selecting phone as modem or sprint for the connection? be sure it is set to sprint. i ran into a similar issue and needed to call sprint to have them reset my data connection password and i updated profile afterwards and it worked fine. hope this helps.
I posted my tethering experience with Mogul and TP2 here.
the phone shutting down
I have tried the reg edit and it works for a while and then the phone will just power off like a soft reset.Has anyone have this issue and anyone have solutions
Thank you
I found it easiest to use the XDA-Tom Codon wifi cab for tethering. It enables you to use your phone as a wireless router for your computer and Sprint cannot see it. It works very well for me and its very fast, the only downfall is it runs your battery down considerably.....
jmt3z4 said:
I found it easiest to use the XDA-Tom Codon wifi cab for tethering. It enables you to use your phone as a wireless router for your computer and Sprint cannot see it. It works very well for me and its very fast, the only downfall is it runs your battery down considerably.....
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i installed that cab and couldn't find anywhere to turn it on or set anything. where did u find it after installing?
EDIT: oops, found it by pressing the "all settings" softkey to get to the real WM control panel rather than the prettified touchflo interface.
Tethering vs WIFI use
Hi All,
First time poster here.
I have a new HTC TP2 on Sprint and love the phone. But when it comes to tethering, I have a few questions.
I finally got "Internet Sharing FIX" to work. It took a few connects of the cable to start it working.
When I installed "XDA-Tom_Codon CM Wifi Internet Sharing VGA" it seems to work but the data connection keeps dropping. Soft resets do nothing. A hard reset worked. But again after install the Internet Shareing FIX then Tom's WIFI sharing, the issue reappeared again.
It seems like these 2 cannot exist together on the phone. Is this true?
try this
install these: in order as posted make sure to soft reset after each cab
my bad here you go:
i2nd2none said:
my bad here you go:
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Thanks i2nd2none. I'll give that a try.
I was using
1. Internet Sharing
2. XDA-Tom_Codon CM Wifi Internet Sharing
in that order.
ur welcome let me know if it worked..
osiris12 said:
Thanks i2nd2none. I'll give that a try.
I was using
1. Internet Sharing
2. XDA-Tom_Codon CM Wifi Internet Sharing
in that order.
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Which rom are you using? With a custom rom, does one experience these problems? I'd like to tether directly rather than wifi sharing. Does one do this with a custom rom and the above applications installed?
I am current using WiFi sharing on my TP2 with no problems from my home computer or iPod Touch but it doesn't work with my work computer due to it being locked down. :-(
If In install these three programs witll it allow me to direct connect via a USB cable?
I'm able to use ICS on windows vista via USB connection, but not for windows 7. Does the above fix solve the problem? (i'm using mightymike's rom)

