Phone call or map have been closed after notification pulls down - OnePlus Nord Questions & Answers

I have got a problem about phone call or map have been closed after notification pulls down. Sometimes (many times) the notification bar unexpectedly pulls down itself, it cause the call is dropped/terminated automatically. Or when I'm using Google map, the phone has shaked when driving and the notification bar is down accidentally. Then Google map is automatically closed.
I don't know what is the setting or which app causes this issue. I'm not sure who encounter this issue like me and how to resolve this issue.
It always annoys me because when I'm speaking in a call and it drops that call and the caller think I drop that call.


Atom O2 Plus Bug ? Need confirmation from other users.

I have noticed this bug on my Atom with O2 Plus and need confirmation from other users before I try to feedback to their support.
I have found that my Atom intermittently does not sound Notifications and Alarms. Couldn't figure why for awhile then I discovered this workaround :
Using O2 Plus, switch profile to Silent. You will notice speaker icon on the top bar shows muted.
Switch profile back to Normal. The icon at the top bar now shows the speaker as ON (but actually notifications and remoinders will now fail i.e. not sounding)
Go to Settings / Sounds & Notifications / Notifications
On the Event drop down, select reminders
You will see your notification alarm sound with a "test play" button.
Hit the test play button a couple of times, then wait a few seconds.
You will mysteriously see the speaker status in the top bar change to MUTE !!! Click on it, turn speaker back on, close all the windows. Your notifications will now sound correctly at the appointed alarms and calendar times.
It seems the O2 Plus profile when switching back from silent to normal does not do a full job in turning on the notification sounds, just system sound or something like that.
If you carry out this procedure everytime you switch your profile you will no longer have missing / silent notifications !
Can other users confirm this bug / phenomenon ?
Anyone able to write a simple proggy or script to do the above procedure automatically ?
Haven't noticed it before, and I haven't missed any notifications, but you're right.
yeah i noticed this!!!THANKS FOR THE FIX!
just to add.besides notifications, you also lose screen taps when switching from different profiles.this apparently is not fixed by your solution.

Can't see who's calling... (?)

Do any of you 750 owners have seen this before?
Lately (a week or so ago) I started to get calls and the "notification" popup won't come up. I hear the ring and vibrate and there is a phonecall icon on the top bar next to the data arrows but the notification is missing so I can't see who's calling.
If/when I answer I can finally see the caller information.
This doesn't happen with every call (probably with about half of them per day).
Any idea or did you hear about something similar?
Haven't had that particular problem, but I've had other issues when calls come in.
Sometimes (after I've put the device from silent to regular mode using the top slider) the phone doesn't ring and doesn't vibrate although the call notification is showing on screen. This gets fixed after one or more soft resets.
On a fair few other occasions - this is intermittent and extremely annoying - the phone doesn't react at all when someone calls me (no notification, no vibrate, no ring - nothing) but I get a audible and visible missed call notification after the caller has given up / been diverted to voicemail. This problem goes away of its own accord eventually; restarts don't seem to have any effect.
Seriously, if this device wasn't a fairly good PDA as well as a phone, I'd put it in the bin.

[Q] Dialer Switches to Conference Call

Every time I make a call the dialer automatically switches into conference calling mode and wants me to input another number or contact. I can't get out of this screen to end the call or end the call from the notification pane. Killing the dialer app causes it to retry the call when it restarts. The only way to stop this loop is to restart the device. Resetting the phone hasn't fixed the problem.
Note: Even though I typed this in the first person it's actually my friend's device. I'm just too tired to remember to keep to 3rd person and wanted coherence.
Note 2: I have witnessed the fault but I was not present for the reset so I'm not 100% certain that it was done properly.

[Q] Strange voice/sound in notification bar

Hey guys.
As you know some notifications can be expanded by swiping down. If I do this on my I9195 (running stock 4.2.2), everytime a let's say crunchy voice appears. It gets more intensively if various notifications are there. In this case it also begins to vibrate, but not like a notification vibration, more just for the time my finger lays on the screen and is moving.
The same situation appears if I briefly press the voice message button in the messenger Telegram.
I strongly believe this is due to system tunes (phone is mute btw), but I haven't found out what it's causing this. Any idea what this creates and how to fix it?

S7 edge: Can't disable 'call end tone' which fires after *every* app notification

I posted yesterday about the facebook app being unable to retain any notification sound I've set for it once the app has been stopped. Well, there is another issue on the same phone. It may be related - I'm not sure. This OS is Android 7.0 (Nougat). The symptoms are below.
Two-symptom issue:
1) The 'call end tone' (which sounds like a pingy "bloop") cannot be disabled. The toggle slider can be turned off at Dialer > Settings > Call Alerts > Call end tone, but the tone still fires after each call disconnect.
2) The 'call end tone' not only fires after every phone call disconnect. But strangely, it also fires after any notification sound from another app has fired. For example, when Tapatalk or Facebook fire off a new message alert notification sound, the call end tone fires immediately afterwards. I also notice that each time the call end tone fires, a slash mark momentarily appears through the speaker icon on the notification strip.
I've tried wiping the cache partition and, as mentioned, toggling off all call alert settings. But none of that has worked. And by the way, this is the installation of Nougat that was on my S7 edge when I received it back from Samsung's repair center a few weeks ago. I'm hoping to avoid doing a factory reset. It looks like that may be the next step, though. Any thoughts?
Okay, I was wrong. It's not the 'call end tone' that I'm hearing at all. Instead, it's the same sound that fires when you change from silent or vibrate mode to audible mode. That little "bloop" is what's firing after every notification sound. I've checked and it's the following file: /system/media/audio/ui/TW_Silent_mode_off.ogg ... I'm not rooted so I can't remove or rename it.
So that's why the 'call end tone' toggle slider under Call Alerts has no effect on the little "bloop" sound. I only thought it was the 'call end tone' because it always fires when a call disconnects. But it's apparently just doing the same thing it does when each notification sound fires. Whatever the root cause, upon each sound event it seems to send a signal to briefly mute the speaker (hence the slash mark across the speaker icon for a split-second) and then immediately un-mutes it again. But I have no clue why. I thought it might have something to do with SoundAssistant -which I installed several days ago- but uninstalling it makes no difference. So I'm stumped.
I'm open for any ideas. The 'bloop' after every notification sound and call disconnect is driving me nuts. I'll probably do a factory reset if no one can think of anything else.
I've identified the cause. It's an app that normalizes the ringtone level, called 'Disable Increasing Ring.' When I toggle off its normalization mode, the problem is gone. The reason I even installed the app is because of the forced ascending ring volume for incoming calls that's imposed by Android 7.0. In my view, there's simply no excuse for Google/Samsung not to provide users an option of whether or not they want ringtone streams to ascend from weak to a normal volume level. Forcing that sort of thing upon everyone seems ridiculous. And of course it caused this headache for me. But it's their system... so oh well.

