Help in Mexico and htc u11 has ghost touch like issues - General Questions and Answers

First of all I have trolled this site for years and years and you’ve help me fix a ton of problems. I had to join today not because I’m a developer, but because I love my android phone and it’s acting up and I’m in the middle of Mexico & I have no idea what to do.
I first noticed it with my camera when the focusing circle would show up randomly the screen will get brighter and darker or dark and brighter and I couldn’t take a picture while this is happening. Then I would notice of menus are close automatically or then the cascading screens would close or even the voice to text which shut down or the keyboard would close and the phone is become basically useless. I’m not sure if this is related but all of my contacts from exchange account also disappeared. I got those bad my uninstalling and reinstalling the exchange account.
I have among other things deleted all updates and restored, did all the tests on the sensors the screen and everything else I can find the systems test, I have removed any program that was running in the background that I didn’t need, I have turned off battery optimization for just about everything, I have cleaned and re-cleaned the device, I’ve taken off the case, and some of these things of the numerous times, I got rid of all of my apps for text, email, dialing that we’re not stock apps and I’m still stuck. I’m even having to use an iPhone to send this it wasn’t possible to send this from my droid.
Please be nice I’ve done my best searching and I haven’t found any answers when I’m in the middle of Mexico with only spotty Wi-Fi. Sprint is my care I’ll be checking this to 11 o’clock now for the next couple hours in hopes of response so I can use my phone tomorrow, thanks advance for your help


Using Blackberry Connect on Fuze could be ...

I think there is a need for deeper discussion on Blackberry connect on Fuze. I have used BB for corporate emails for past 2 years and have thoroughly enjoyed the ease and reliability of BB for this purpose. When my contract was up for renewal, I decided to go with Fuze since it supports BB and has a much cooler look. And then the problems started.
I am using the "unbloated" version of Fuze
I have attempted all performance and battery life updates available on xda
I have used this phone for over a month
I have BB Connect installed via and have BES plan for it
Battery life - I am ready to return this phone for this sole reason. I am out of battery by mid-day (no exageration). I think BB connect has something to do with it since I have not seen as much frustration on the battery life as I would imagine with half a day of battery life.
Phone locking - sometimes the phone just locks up. I cannot do anything. I believe BB Connect has something to do with it since it is constantly syncing emails
BB functionality - there are certain functions that were easily doable in BB are not so easy or not feasible in Fuze. e.g. 'Reply to all' is 2 steps instead of one, search functionality is virtually non existant, email lookup on corporate directory is 2 to 3 steps.
I use my phone via my left hand (especially when I am driving, I know I am not supposed to do that but lets be real, we all do it). This makes it extremely difficult to hit the 'x' button on the top right hand corner and invariably causes 2 to 3 misses before getting it right.
Power button not functioning on occasssions. I have had instances where I cannot turn my screen off at all (needed to save battery life). I have to restart in those instances which is annoying if you want to make a quick phone call. This has happened to some other folks in my company as well.
I think would be beneficial to hear others experience and concerns and hence a new thread for BB Connect users for Fuze.
I had a similar battery issue until I flashed to the ROMeOS rom and flashed the .28 radio rom. Now I get 2 days use with push email (using exchange admittedly) enabled. This really does make a difference.
As for the close button, using something like AEButton you can set the back button to close and the home button to jump back to the today screen etc. This really does make the phone 1 hand friendly.
I have not used Blackberry connect before and so sadly cant help with the reply to all etc
I would seriously recommend flashing to one of the cooked ROMs of which in my experience the ROMeOS is a seriously stable, no nonsense and fast ROM. Make sure you do the radio as well and I think you will find yourself a happy punter!
Yours aye,
Few more issues
thx for the suggestion. i was trying to stay away from flashing my phone but if there is no other alternative, i might have to do that.
Couple of other BB related issues that i forgot earlier and would like suggestions on are-
I cannot install BB messenger on it. It gives an error on all browsers I tried i.e. Opera, Skyfire, IE, BB Browser
Earlier (in physical BB) if I filed my emails in folders or deleted them from BB, it did that on the server and thereby on the client/ laptop. But with Fuze, it does not do that or I have not configured it correctly.
any help is appreciated.
There is no blackberry messenger in blackberry connect.
Check your settings in the CMIME service, Synchronication tab when you click the Blackberry icon.
I am running BB Connect on the Fuze and do not seem to have your battery issues. It does not seem to drain any faster than it did before I installed BB Connect. I have run into both the phone locking issue and the power button issues you note. I have no solution, but can just confirm that I have had similar issues.
I have also found these three issues with BB Connect on the Fuze (I checked with my company's tech folks on 1 and 2, who say these can't be fixed, but I am not so sure):
1. I cannot open attachments that come through BB Connect in anything other than the BB Viewer. So I don't get the benefit of Word Mobile, etc... I also cannot save the attachment to the phone and then open in the right application. If I need to get to the attachment, I have to forward the e-mail to my Gmail account, and then I can open it in the right application, but that is a hassle.
2. I can't view html e-mails. Again, if I want to see them in html format I have to forward them to my Gmail account and view them there.
3. Sometimes the Blackberry e-mails just stop coming, even though the Gmail account is still working fine. If I soft reset, they start coming again. No explanation.
I wonder if others have these same issues, or if anyone has resolved them. By the way, I am still happy that I have the Fuze instead of a Blackberry.
I too am unable to download attachments.
I am able to see that the email has an attachment in the "inbox" window. When I open the email, there is no attachment to download or view.
I just posted on another thread, but it appears that this is a more appropriate thread (didn't search long enough...) Anyway, I just noticed this week about the email attachment problem. I was on travel and a buddy sent me some files that i wanted to save to by device (Fuze) but was unable. I also have a problem attaching files from my phone. any ideas or work arounds?

[Q] Live Mail Sync Error 800C0069

Is anyone else getting problems with synching email on the WP7 device at the moment. I get the above error code on my HD7, and it can't receive or send email for my main live account. When I go into the email tile, no emails are displayed at all. It was working fine yesterday, but today it's gone completely. No matter what I do, I can't get it to work.
I've tried the suggestions found on some of the MSDN forums etc... such as changing your region language, unchecking the sync email option, but nothing works. The only other suggestion I've found is to hard-reset the phone, but that's something that I REALLY don't want to do, and don't think I should have to do either!
Any ideas out there. This is the first time that WP7 has really let me down, I think it's a great OS with masses of promise, but something like this could be a total deal breaker. What's more, MS don't seem to be taking it at all seriously, even though it seems the problem is quite widespread.
I'm facing this problem sometimes using Wi-Fi, but never happened when using cellular 3G. You dont need to hard reset device, just check when you have better connection.
Not connected to good or bad signal - get the problem no matter whether on wifi, or with full HSDPA signal.
Eventually managed to get it sorted - by changing the sytem locale, rather than display language, it seems to have started synching again, let's hope it doesn't go tits up again!

[Q] The Curious Case of the Missing Text Messages. Please help.

The Problem:
Sometime last week, several--but not all--of my text messages disappeared from both Google Hangouts and my native SMS app. Only recent texts went missing, while past messages from those same people were visible in the Contact History. I noticed for two reasons: 1) my incoming messages after last Monday all were basically new threads and the previous texts with those individuals/groups were gone, and 2) I needed to keep a record of a particular thread with my ex who became abusive in the case that I would need to file a restraining order. He is bright, but borderline which means he's unstable. I am anxious about having lost those texts with him and also insatiably curious, which is why I'm posting here.
Sidenote: Yes, I have heard of SMS Backup & Restore. No, I did not use it before. Yes, I plan to use it in the future.
My Phone Details:
Samsung Galaxy S3 (SGH-T999L)
Android version 4.3
Baseband version T999LUVUBNF4
Sidenote: I know missing texts is a known issue with this phone, so if that is what you think it is after reading this, please tell me. However, it's bothersome to me because all threads before 3/23 disappeared from my SMS app, BUT I can still see *some* (but not all!) texts by looking through my contact history. Also bothersome is that on 3/20, I told my ex (by text) that if he did not stop contacting me, I would file a restraining order. Of course this mysterious loss of data could be completely coincidental, too.
What I've Tried So Far
1. I tried to use Dr.Fone software to find the lost messages. It got stuck at the "Analyzing Device" screen, so no luck there.
2. Yesterday, I rooted my phone after poring over this website for several hours. I used CF Autoroot. Although I was unsuccessful at using adb commands on both my phone (Terminal Emulator) and computer (SDK), I was able to navigate the root directories using ROM Toolbox Pro (Hallelujah! That process was driving me crazy!).
3. I looked at all the "mmssms.db" databases (/databases/ - no luck. It only contained the recent messages that are visible in the SMS app.
4. I discovered that I could see older text messages by looking through the Contact History (View Contact > History). Many threads were deleted all the way back to 2014, but 1 thread still had texts from 3/22/15. So, I went on the hunt and discovered "logs.db" (/databases/
5. In logs.db, I could see up to 1000 rows with the names of people, including those people whose threads were deleted. Their names and numbers are all present and accounted for, but when I view the M_Content column, I see a bunch of blank spaces where text content should be, all the way back until April of 2014 (with the exception of the thread with 2 texts on 3/22/15).
Other Strange Happenings
This could be selective memory, but in the last week my phone has been acting very strangely, turning off spontaneously, even when charged, and getting lots of error messages (Sorry, X App must close).
The Chicken Or The Egg
What do you think? Is my phone glitching and therefore I lost the data, or did I lose the data, perhaps by some nefarious means, and therefore my phone is glitching? Does this sound like a typical data loss situation to you?
Final Caveats
Please use layman's terms. I am not an expert by any stretch, so the more jargon used to advise, the more hours I will spend trying to discern what you are trying to tell me.
Thank you in advance for your help.

Keep getting old texts back. It replays the conversation as if it was new texts

I have a Google Pixel 4A 5G with CalyxOS. Also tried Graphene OS. The stock texting app in those OSes does not support group chats which I use a lot with family, so I ended up installing QKSMS as it's the only app I can find that does support group chats and that works decently.
However, randomly I will start getting old texts back, it's super annoying. It basically replays a past conversation and I just get all the same texts. At one point it got so bad I had to just switch back to my old phone because I was being bombarded with old texts. Now it happens maybe once a day, where it replays the conversation from a week ago. But it's random, sometimes it's a conversation from a day ago.
I also tried an experiment, when it started to happen I put it in airplane mode to see if it continues and it stopped, and when I took it out of airplane mode it started again. So it's like if the phone is actually queering the server to retrieve the messages again. Is there a way to make this stop? I just want to get the texts once. Or is there a way I can troubleshoot this, like some kind of logging I can check to see why it's doing this?
Also open to trying another texting app if it's related to this particular app, I just have not found any in the Fdroid store that seem to do group chats, and it's hard to test this feature without trying it and it annoys people when I do it.
Just bumping... really hoping someone can know how to make this stop.
I tried switching to Signal (still SMS/MMS since that's what everyone I know uses) and it's still doing it. So this is not an issue with the specific texting app...
I really don't know what to do anymore, this is so annoying. I may give in and go back to stock android but I really hate all the spying crap it does.

Keep re-receiving old texts, how do I make this stop?

Basically what happens is I get old texts from previous conversations as if they were new. They will come in randomly but tend to follow the sequence of the conversation, so it basically replays the conversation but slowly over the day. Seems to affect group chats more. It makes following conversations very hard since they are full of old texts that are not relevant but they show up as new. Also annoying to keep getting notifications when I'm actually waiting for a text only to see that it's an old text that I got days ago.
Current phone is Google Pixel 4A with CalyxOS, but I've also tried Graphene OS and had the same issue. I've tried the stock app as well as QKSMS. I did not get the issue with Signal (using as SMS client) but they dropped support for SMS, so this started back again as soon as I switched off Signal. I even tried putting the sim card in my old phone (stock android) and it's still doing it! This part is strange to me because when this problem first surfaced, doing this did fix the problem.
How do I make this stop or begin troubleshooting this? Nobody in my contacts is having this issue so trying to convince them to switch to another messaging system is kind of futile, this is my problem. I am starting to wonder if I should just get an iphone like everyone else because it just works, but I really hate the closed nature of apple ecosystem.
I was thinking of looking into how to do app development and modify an existing open source client so that it ignores texts that have a send date older than 24h, but before I do that, is there already a text client for Android available in the F droid store or as an APK that would have such a feature?
So this is not just group chats like I thought. Starting to get old texts I got from single conversations now. Even pictures get resent. These show up as new texts, though they still have the original send date. This will at least make it easier to filter these out.
Anyone have an ideas how to make this stop? Driving me insane. I really don't want to have to write my own app.
Anyone? This problem is driving me insane. It started happening with a vengeonce again. I am being bombarded by old texts that I already got days ago. It's just playing out the entire conversation over the course of a few days. Have to put the phone in airplane mode to make it stop otherwise the phone is just lit up non stop with old texts coming in.
At very least is there some kind of logging of sorts I can enable that would help me better troubleshoot this?
Inreally dont know but i Remember this happened to me sometime ,maybe Just try a factory reset or change rom , i dont know
I tried several roms, resets etc. While it was happening I even put the sim card in another phone and it started doing it on that phone too. It's also not a carrier issue since I'm the only person having this issue. I've also tried all sorts of text apps. The only one it didn't do it with was Signal but they dropped SMS support, which really sucks.

