Dual (Multi) Screen Not Working - Asus Transformer TF700

TF 700t (with a dock) running KatKiss 7.1.2. The multi screen capability suddenly stopped working. All else works fine: Open Gapps; mail; kitkat browser; USB mouse and so forth. The 3 shapes (triangle; circle and square) are at the bottom the screen. Only the triangle (back) works.
Power off & power on does not help.
Any help appreciated.


[Q] Quantaray 7" Tablet Screen Inverted - NEED HELP!

My sister just bought a Quantaray 7" Tablet from a co-worker. The biggest problem was that he forgot his pattern lock, so using the tablet was quite difficult. There was also a problem with it not wanting to DL directly from the marketplace. Screen was working perfectly.
In order to correct these problems, I did a factory reset and wiped cache via bootloader mode. That fixed the above problems, but made it so now the screen calibrations are inverted. Meaning that if I want to press the "1" button on the keyboard, I have to touch the "0", or touch "q" to register "p". In other words, (while being held vertically) I need to press the bottom right of the screen to hit a button on bottom left. I've tried completing the screen calibration during initial setup, but it won't allow me because its so far off.
Running; Android 2.1-Update1 and Kernel 2.6.29 root(at)localhost #154
TL;DR - Touch screen inverted after factory reset (touch on left to press button on right). Need solution.
sorry for the bump, but I'm hoping that someone could still help

[HELP] onda vi10 - cyanogenmod10 - touch screen problem

Hello guys,
I try neoficial Cyanogenmod 10 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1821398 with my Tablet OndaVi10 v2.
Tablet crash and I had to use Livesuit and install any firmware. I do not know if the correct version.
From the second tablet (same type-original without modifications) I did that backup (use ClockworkMod recovery) and recorded this backup to crash tablet.
Tablet running ok now, BUT I have a big problem with touch screen.
Touch screen senses the bad touch (in a horizontal position). I tap on the upper edge of the display, touch screen but it reacts in the lower edge of the display. In vertical position it works properly.
Where is a problem? Any idea how it fix? Another firmware?
Help me, please Thanks!

Problem with CleanROM Inheritance 3.4.6 please help

Hi everyone!
Please be gentle as i am new to all this My problem is that i'm using CleanROM Inheritance 3.4.6 rom (which is amazing thankyou) with stock kernel but when I restart/reboot my asus tf300t with power supply plugged in i lose the ability to use my notifications/quick toggle menu (which is stock) until i restart my device without power supply.
EDIT: Just realised this only happens when i have my tablet upside down with screen rotation set correct way for viewing upside down and auto-rotate switched off? I use my tablet a lot upside down when plugged in because the power cable then sits on top of tablet allowing me to rest tablet on my chest and use tablet stand.
I now know it's only a small bug but still would like any suggestions on how to fix
Thankyou Richard
richjenks said:
Hi everyone!
Please be gentle as i am new to all this My problem is that i'm using CleanROM Inheritance 3.4.6 rom (which is amazing thankyou) with stock kernel but when I restart/reboot my asus tf300t with power supply plugged in i lose the ability to use my notifications/quick toggle menu (which is stock) until i restart my device without power supply.
EDIT: Just realised this only happens when i have my tablet upside down with screen rotation set correct way for viewing upside down and auto-rotate switched off? I use my tablet a lot upside down when plugged in because the power cable then sits on top of tablet allowing me to rest tablet on my chest and use tablet stand.
I now know it's only a small bug but still would like any suggestions on how to fix
Thankyou Richard
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Maybe the bottom of your screen isn't as sensitive anymore?
I thought the same but i checked the screen with a multi-touch test app and it's working fine also when the notification/quick toggle doesn't work my sdcard and full!screen icon dissappears? Weird? If someone with the same rom and stock kernel could check on there's and tell me if it's a problem with my tablet alone i would much appreciate it.
My rom is cleanrom inheritance 3.4.6 with everything set to stock within the rom
To clarify i need someone to turn tablet upside down let screen rotate right way then turn off auto rotate, connect charger then restart tablet. This is when my notifications stop working? (Restarting tablet without charger fixes it)
Many thanks

[Q] screen touches do the opposite

just flashed the stock RUU back on to the phone... had issues going through the initial setup until i noticed what is going on, when i press on the left side of the screen the icon/app on the opposite responds. so for example in my keyboard, pressing q types p, caps does backspace, same goes for icons on the home screen, when i pull down notification screen and want to open settings i have to press on the clock on the opposite side. the 3 bottom buttons do work as expected.
- i restarted the deivce
- i turned it all the way off and back on
- i disabled Sense keyboard (via apps)
issue persists
anyone any ideas? help a dude out please... thanks in advance!
re-flashed stock ROM... issue persists.
nobody has seen this before?

[Q][XOOM 1] Motorola Xoom tablet OS 4.1.2 stuck in physical keyboard mode

I don't have a physical keyboard attached (Bluetooth is off, no OTG dongle attached) to this tablet but for some reason it is permanently stuck in physical keyboard mode. When I bring up the keyboard icon from the drawer it allows me to change 'Physical keyboard' from ON to OFF, but it lies. Bringing it up again stubbornly shows it back to ON.
The first time I rebooted after installing XposedFreeInput, tapping into an input text field brought the on screen keyboard up right away and I almost fell out of my chair. I thought I was hallucinating. So I rebooted again just to make sure and now... it's again locked in physical keyboard mode. Previously I tried the Disable Desk Dock xposed module but that didn't help.
I realize XposedFreeInput was originally created to solve a Samsung problem ("[Q] Bluetooth keyboard switches input method", ...showthread.php?t=2216329), and Disable Desk Dock for a Sony.
Anyone have any idea why XposedFreeInput would only work the one time, and how can I get it to work again?
Edit: Rooted stock 4.1.2.

