General Tethering Question - General Topics

I have a few questions concerning tethering in general. I searched the forums and the majority are for specific phones or are years olds. I’m old school Android since the G1 (2 of them) but I can’t seem to find an answer. Google or here.
Why is RNDIS tethering so much faster than, wait for it, Apple Mobile Ethernet? Other than the difference in addresses I don’t see much difference. Had to download drivers for a fresh install of windows 7 and with no cable or internet, I always tether. I connected my girls LG android since I didn’t have the Apple drivers and the damn thing ran at 426Mbps vs 100Mbps for Apple. Why the huge difference ? We’re both on t-mobile with unlimited plans but until my jailbreak got screwed from a bad Cydia app I was able to hide all my tethering. Not anymore. I still have about 10 phones, 3 of them Android and a Nexus 7 Tablet.
Would running through a VPN hide it from TMO ? Mine or hers ? We each have a 7GB hotspot limit but with all the Chromcasting we do, it adds up. Over 50GB total data last month for me alone. The ol’ Lady won’t let me root her phone.
My next new phone will be another Android after this crap with iPhone, I’ve owned 3, but I’m just sick of the walled garden. The only reason I ever owned one was the jailbreak. Now that there hasn’t been a good one in over a year, I’m done.
I’m not a traitor, but I was looking for a new, challenge?!
When I get on the Androids, it’s like I’m home.
I have the FoxFi app saved, PDAnet, with about 1800 other APK’s but are there any better tethering apps out there ?
And a suggestion for a new top of the line phone ? I’m thinking a Sony but from what I’ve read, can be a pain to root. I know Samsung but I’ve owned 2 and would like a change.
Sorry for the long rant.
Really curious about the RNDIS thing.
Mods: please move if needed.


Droid does

Don't know if anyone caught this, but Verizon has launched an anti-iphone/anti-AT&T campaign, for the upcoming motorola droid. One of the commercials lists some of the things that the iphone doesn't do, but that their phone will do. Couldn't help but notice that a lot of these things the HTC dream already does. And a lot of other HTC winmo phones do. Plus I gotta say the anti-iphone angle made me smile.
Here's the ad:
Saw it today
I just saw that commercial too. Now I'm in a dilemma as to whether to wait for the Droid and see how it is, or go ahead and upgrade my Touch Pro to the Pro 2...
LMFAO That was great!
I don't want this to turn into a commercial for the iphone but....
After being a loyal Verizon customer and windows mobile user for about 7 years, I finally got fed up with verizon and windows mobile cr*p..
1) Charging about $20/month more than anyone else
2) Constantly nickle and dimeing me about this fee and that
3) Locking my gps and me in their walled garden
4) Waiting in huge lines just to talk to one of their techs
I now own an iphone 3g on tmobile (jailbroken and unlocked). I pay ..get this $30 less a month for comparable minutes, unlimited internet.
Windows Mobile:
One could trick out the windows mobile devices by using great programs like Wisbar Advanced Desktop (WAD), etc...but in the end, the windows mobile device was a hodge podge of desparate looking interfaces, installing this and that to make things work.
On the iphone everything works and it is slick - no fussing.
The browser is AWESOME. It seems Google and Yahoo worked with Apple to get their apps working great on the iphone.
It is about twice as fast in response time compared to the omnia running WAD.
I can finally get ALL my email in one place (two yahoo accounts, gmail, verizon) using IMAP on the iphone. It was simple to set up!!
The iphone is also relatively easy to repair/take apart. I replaced the screen..2 screws, 3 connectors, and a little prying.
We'll see what Verizon does with the Droid phone. They'll probably lock the GPS and charge $100/month for it. At this point, I think the Apple/Google boat has left the port with Microsoft still on the dock. Where in the world is windows mobile 7?
Sorry for the Rant
speechman said:
I don't want this to turn into a commercial for the iphone but....
After being a loyal Verizon customer and windows mobile user for about 7 years, I finally got fed up with verizon and windows mobile cr*p..
1) Charging about $20/month more than anyone else
2) Constantly nickle and dimeing me about this fee and that
3) Locking my gps and me in their walled garden
4) Waiting in huge lines just to talk to one of their techs
I now own an iphone 3g on tmobile (jailbroken and unlocked). I pay ..get this $30 less a month for comparable minutes, unlimited internet.
Windows Mobile:
One could trick out the windows mobile devices by using great programs like Wisbar Advanced Desktop (WAD), etc...but in the end, the windows mobile device was a hodge podge of desparate looking interfaces, installing this and that to make things work.
On the iphone everything works and it is slick - no fussing.
The browser is AWESOME. It seems Google and Yahoo worked with Apple to get their apps working great on the iphone.
It is about twice as fast in response time compared to the omnia running WAD.
I can finally get ALL my email in one place (two yahoo accounts, gmail, verizon) using IMAP on the iphone. It was simple to set up!!
The iphone is also relatively easy to repair/take apart. I replaced the screen..2 screws, 3 connectors, and a little prying.
We'll see what Verizon does with the Droid phone. They'll probably lock the GPS and charge $100/month for it. At this point, I think the Apple/Google boat has left the port with Microsoft still on the dock. Where in the world is windows mobile 7?
Sorry for the Rant
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Well, Welcom over to T-mobile...the best bang for your buck. $56 dollars for unlimited data, 300min with free my faves, and 1500 messages! Seems to me that most your problems were with Verizon and not WinMo. All I have to say is you'll be back. I know all too many a people who switches to the iphone only to be dissapointed and come back. They were as excited as you are.
I can get all my email on my TD2 with easy setup on a Mobile Web Data Plan... No full web for me... and yet Opera still works fully and great..... And yes the iphone is simple to repair. I've fixed 3 for my freinds. But it is no easier to me than repairing and of my other phones. I plan on changing out my TD2 housing soon since it's all beat up. 4 screws and a couple connectors. Very easy.
Atleast your on T-Mobile where I can safely compare edge to Sprint and AT&Ts 3G at moments. Thats Denver for you.
But back on topic..... Android will be the top OS in the next few years. Not specifically this Moto Droid but the OS because it woks. and unlike the iphone is available in a variety of flavors and people can individualize themselves.... oh and the software too. I know I got tired of my Ipod touch in a week. Bought it off ebay with a broken touch screen. Fixed and jailbroke it and gave it to my sister.
I thought this was an Android ad when I first saw it until I went to the website. Funny it doesn't show the phone and bears no mention of Verizon. There's nothing anti-AT&T about it though. It's about time someone attacked the iPhone on its many Achilles heels. The only one before was the Pre on multitasking.
Wilhelm said:
I thought this was an Android ad when I first saw it until I went to the website. Funny it doesn't show the phone and bears no mention of Verizon. There's nothing anti-AT&T about it though. It's about time someone attacked the iPhone on its many Achilles heels. The only one before was the Pre on multitasking.
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The iphone is on AT&T so it's a stab at them also. What about the "there's a map for that" commercial Verizon has out? That one still takes the cake.

Android vs Windows Mobile..which is better/differences, pros and cons?

In your opinion (keep it short please) what is the difference between win mobile and android and pros and cons please?
Android pros:
Open source
Huge market proliferation (ensuring compatability and development)
Huge app market
Stable faster linux kernel
Winmobile pro:
More compatable with windows
Wifi router (until froyo)
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I have 2 Windows phones and 2 Android phones and I can't think of a single thing the Windows phones do better than the Android phones.
Well, when I got my phone at T mobile today (I was tired of att and verizon, long story..) I asked for an android phone and I get home and see it's a windows phone...?
Mind you, I'm not surprised considering they didn't even know what GSM is when I asked if t mobile was gsm.
I LIKE the fact that it acts as a hot spot so what is FROYO?
I also thing I'l like droid better so here's the question, do they make the HD2 for android and is it available for t mobile?
Also, the navigation on the windows hd2 I have seems totally retarded...
Yes, the droid (I had the 8183) was much better.
Does it mean I liked the 8183? Nope and whoever the idiot is that wrote the software that only lets you use a FRACTION of the big a$$ screen to display info, phone numbers, names and such should be shot, SLOWLY!
You guys have NO idea how many countless hours I've spent in frustration, trying to find a way to SEE things on the screen with my $hitty eyesight and all because some moron is too stupid to figure out that MAYBE they should start with making the BASICS work on the phone.
You know, kinda like the iPhone. It was great, EXCEPT at being a friggin' PHONE! Let's see, iPHONE, what part of phone didn't you understand?
Sadly enough, ALL these idiots make more money at what they do than I do
guiri_too said:
In your opinion (keep it short please) what is the difference between win mobile and android and pros and cons please?
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xda-developers > Android Development and Hacking > Android Apps and Games
rpimps said:
I have 2 Windows phones and 2 Android phones and I can't think of a single thing the Windows phones do better than the Android phones.
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Well, I loved MyPhone on Windows Mobile. And I just have my Android for 3 days, but I haven't found something as good and for free yet.
Next to that, I can't think of anything I missed yet. Even eBuddy managed to easily fulfill my needs of MSN/WLM. Even with offline messaging.
There are two things i don't like about android:
First, there isn't only one good videoplayer(ffmpeg is a must have!) EDIT: Rockplayer is a nice start, but the fps is ~100% lower than the ones i get with coreplayer
And i havent found something like Audiobooster.
Try both and take the OS which you prefer
Android Cons:
Windows Mobile Cons (based on my experience with 6.1 Buisness):
Too hard to install games and apps
Not enough games and apps
Not user friendly
Too slow response
Android pros:
huge application
Google serious to maintain the android development
Android Cons:
No Wifi proxy support
hard to copy paste beetwen app
Winmobile cons:
too late microsoft your windows mobile is dying. your development team is slow
Old win 6.5 kernel..
windows phone 7 is too late to release...your market app is not working...
all developer moving to another platform
No multitasking support for windows 7...thats shame
Search for rockbase player for videos. Funambol or mybackup pro for closest to myphone off the top of my head.
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there's a lot of things to look at but the best way to choose is this.
if you are running an app and it has issues or require a bit of memory, window will lock up and then you have to reset the phone.
with android you'll get a force close notification which you just ok it and keep using it with out having to reset.
Android FTW
User friendly
great multitasking
many apps and great games
works better on slow phones
user driven market
horrible performance, only WM phone with good performance is the hd2
bad multitasking, but happily arkswitch makes it easier
almost no 3d games, marketplace is not worth a ****
OK, As a windows Fanboy turned android here is the main thing Windows does better than android: Multimedia!!
Android is still new to the game and in my opinion hasn't really got a good video and music player. There are some ones that can pass but compared to Windows and iphone they are not that great. On the flip side I plan on developing my own music player which counts for the openness of android. WinMo is arguably just as open BUT with them going a different direction with WM7 I had to jump ship. As for Androids advantages......everything else is just as good if not better than windows (except how they manage the SD card)
Well, the few minutes I've spent with the windows platform already makes me hate it. Whoever did the software for the HD2 is totally retarded. I couldn't even get myself out of whatever app happened to come on last night and I was about ready to throw this big piece of $hit out the window.
I now know what Froyo is and if I'm not mistaken, it'll have a wifi proxy which I guess it to be is that it acts like a hot spot which should put a damper on some of the greedy phone companies (IF it is released on their phones) like ATT who charges you another 30 bucks extra for connecting to your laptop.
That to me is bull**** and greed and IS costing them customers.
Verizon is better with that but I hate their support AND I think their coverage in my area is worse. The support is TOTALLY useless and I left them once because of it and I will AGAIN leave them I think and yes, mainly because of it.
I'll try the t mobile service out for a week or so and if the coverage is good, I'll return this locked piece of $hit and get me one of the unlocked phones from NEgri Electronics. If anyone hasn't heard of them yet (which kinda would surprise me) here they are...
I mean, seriously, in order NOT to pay the full price at t mobile, I have to sign up for two years AND the phone is locked which means I can't use proggies like this one which I NEED!
For a buck fitty (not fifty, fitty, like fitty cents) I can get this proggy which could fix my problem but I can't do it on a locked phone. Well, they can ki$$ my ass then with all the restrictions. I'll get this one for example , get me a monthly account instead and I can put anything I want on it. Now how the hell can I go wrong with that, AND, they're easier to sell should you want to get rid of them.
Put some of this stuff on it and some silicone case on it and you can sell it years later looking brand new which is what I did with my iPhone.
I'm going to wait for a week or so and decide if I like tmobile and if I do, I'll tell verizon where they can stick their phone.
Would you believe I had to make THREE attempts to get them to port my att number over and meanwhile, I'm paying ATT for the account. I even called and talked to VERIZON people to make sure it got done right and in BOTH cases, they screwed it up. I finally got it done the right IN The store, a WEEK after!
After all this crap AND a busted phone that was only two weeks old, I tried to get a free charging cable from one of the store manager, NOT a charger or the ac adapter thingie, just the stinkin' cable and he wouldn't even give me that. Now that is tacky and petty. Oh, the reason I wanted another cable was so I could keep one in the car cause that piece of $hit pre wouldn't hold a charge over 5-6 hours and let's not talk about TALKING time. This was a LITTLE talking and lots of stand by.
What a damn joke.
I like the pre platform and concept in general and I have several PDA's that are PALM but the PRE phone, they kinda dropped the ball on a little.
No on screen keyboard (now how hard is that to figure out), the actual keyboard should have been horizontal for size and the damn thing is a gas guzzler, AND, I don't see an option to keep the damn notifications from coming up and crowding your screen when you turn it on. Also, it's slow as $hit from when you click that you want the keypad till it finally opens up.
NO Predictive dialing and you can't get the beautiful HUGE clock to stay on top that I know of. Again, how hard is that to figure out? Does this take so long to program into the software? I mean, they almost went belly up. You'd think they had the TIME and STAFF to do things right. Sheesh!
Anyway, enough bitc*in'
guiri_too said:
Again, how hard is that to figure out? Does this take so long to program into the software? I mean, they almost went belly up. You'd think they had the TIME and STAFF to do things right. Sheesh!
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That's not how business works. Any phone advertised on TV (like the Pre) is designed for general consumers (people who don't care about the things you're talking about). It would be a terrible business decision to spend more time and money incorporating things that 99% of their target market don't care about or don't even know they're missing. If you're posting on XDA you're probably a lot more tech savvy than the average consumer, thus phones marketed towards the average consumer won't have 100% of the features you request. I always like to buy phones that are rarer and not advertised, mainly because I like having stuff that other people don't have, but also because they usually end up being a cut above the rest of the phones on the market.
Thread moved to General.
If I were you guiri_too, and can afford it, I'd order the Nexus One unlocked and as soon as it arrives, root the thing, put Froyo on it (if I could find it) and take that winblows phone back to T-Mobile. I can't believe they gave you that after asking for an Android phone. That has to be one of the dumbest salesmen ever! Or if you want to stay with T-Mobile and happen to like Sense (Espresso Sense), pick up the the MyTouch Slide. It has a keyboard, MS Exchange support and is pretty snappy to boot (speaking of boot, it only takes about a minute from hitting the power button to making a call). If you need a more business-like phone, I would suggest the Sprint Evo 4G. It's the same size as the HD2, 4.3", but it's Android. The UI looks like the HD2 as well (Sense), but it's a lot quicker and more stable. A friend of mine picked this up after having the Sprint Hero, which he got after the TouchPro (winmo) and couldn't be happier.
As far as the original question, I can only give you an anecdote; when I got my G1, my wife had a Wing which she hated. After a few months of watching me play with my phone all the time, and her Wing being replaced twice, she bought hers and was instantly hooked. We have been android fans ever since. So the advantages of Android for me are awesome stability, openness and apps, of which you don't have to use the market for (unless you get an ATT android).
Let me try to address the replies in one window.
First as for being tech savvy, yeah, I guess I am and I've been around long enough to be picky, HOWEVER, my BASIC needs are a phone I can HEAR and SEE. How come Nextel have speakers that you can hear clear across the next state and this thing I got, the HD2 I can barely hear with the fans in the car running despite them telling me it was really loud...?
Sure, I want a lot of stuff but if you read through all my info, you'll see that some of the things i don't really care about like social networking, streaming video, mp3 player and much more. LARGE FONT! How the hell hard is that to figure out? I mean, for those here who program and considering it's even in very simple programs. IS IT THAT hard to have an option of making the font bigger?
To Heybob. Bob, the problem is that I can't try and see these phones live so to speak. ALL the phones at tmobile are dummies or at least the ones I'm interested in.
Second, to be quite honest and when I think about it, I am not sure if she did mention this one was windows but I DID tell her I prefered android. In any case, NOT knowing what GSM is or if tmobile was GSM is not something I can let slide, ESPECIALLY considering she was the manager...
Now, so far, my tmobile coverage has seemed good. Yes, the phone as in the UI is still totally retarded so the windows OS has got to go. More than likely when I return this, if I still like tmobile then, I'll get a phone from Negri that's unlocked and if I'm not mistaken, he HAS Froyo phones in stock. Hold, gonna call and check..yep, he's got Nexus One with Froyo ready to ship.
Tell'em George with the long wish list sent ya if you buy one. Not that I think I'll get any referrals but hey, it never hurts when it comes time to bug them about finding me the right phone.
Anyway, back to the phones. I do NOT like this windows UI so that one is out. I like that I have found a site with something like 80,000+ apps all in one place and although I'm not stingy, when you're TRYING apps and don't know if you'll like them or not, it helps if they're cheap or free. I got something on hte Pre I didn't like but hell ,I wasn't about to ask for a $1.50 refund.
Many of the windows apps were $15 or around there. I'm not paying it if I can't get a refund if I don't like the software and I AM picky with software too.
By the way, is there someone here that has a rooted android phone that wouldn't mind putting this font proggy on there (hell, I'll be happy to pay for it at only 2 bucks or something) and show me the different font size options?
I WAS going to do that but as you know, I didn't get a droid phone
I showed this dude on the androlib forum this proggy. He gets it, his wife likes it (he got it for her) and now he's too busy to show me some screen captures. Thanks a lot
I've owned 4 different winmo phones and I can say that android leaves those respond FOOLS in the dust.
Android is more compatible with exchange server than windows mobile solution or blackberry.
Work gets done faster and I smile a lot more now.
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Well, I just took a few pictures of the HD2 to show people what I'm facing to illustrate it a little better.
Coming right up...

Android vs Windows Mobile

Hello everyone!
I will buy a new phone this week and i want to know your opinion to decide which model should i decide for.
In relation to Operative Systems, in terms of apps, games, development, contacts, and updates, it's better to chose Android or WM?
And what models do you reccomend in the OS that you indicate?
Unless there's a specific WM application you need (which appears to be the case so far, there is some specific scientific measurement application that does not exist on Android) then I would say go to Android. That is, if you've never used either before: Android all the way.
Model? HTC Desire
Which Phone OS Should I Select?
APista said:
Hello everyone!
I will buy a new phone this week and i want to know your opinion to decide which model should i decide for.
In relation to Operative Systems, in terms of apps, games, development, contacts, and updates, it's better to chose Android or WM?
And what models do you reccomend in the OS that you indicate?
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I know that WM is on its last legs, but I still love it and the HTC phones that use the OS. But just looking at a phone is just the first step. Look at the cost, not only of the phone but of the 2 year service contract (especially with the data plan). For example, the phone may be $200 but the 2 year service may add over $2400 to that cost.
And what about service? AT&T is threatening to limit internet use. Sprint (which has the best Android phone, the Evo) may have poor coverage in your area.
Is there hidden fees? I hear that Verizon still has roaming fees within the US.
So don't just look at which OS is best, look at the whole picture. It can get very frustrating if those monthly bills keep growing or that dropped calls is an issue, or that the use of the internet is limited, especially if you are tied to a 2 year contract.
I recently switched to Android after using WM for over 4 years. I don't regret it a bit. Android is the future.
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It really just depends on your interests. I have a thing for having my phone work exactly how I want it, I make lists of thing I don't like and find solutions for all of my problems. So if your a totally anal perfectionist, wm may just be your thing.
I don't have much experience with android, but my experiences were pretty positive. The only thing that bothers me is the reliance on hardware buttons to go back and home. It just seems like a bit annoying for me. But its definetly the future, there are thousands of apps and very good support across the forums.
For windows mobile, if you like touching and stuff, HD2 is definetly the way.
For android I'm not 100% sure but I hear the evo and desire are good. Personally pretty much all the android phones look pretty much the same to me.
Pretty much, if you want the smoothest, most pretty and reliable experience, go android.
If you want total customisation and be able to modify the device to suit your needs, go
On the subject of plans and whatnot, I always buy my phones outright and go prepaid since its the best option for me. But its up to you about your plans.
Android wins here. No contest.
I'm not even putting into consideration that WinMo 6.x is no longer being developed.
I'm going to assume that you've used WinMo before and have not used Android yet. If you have, you wouldn't be asking this.
You may have just flashed a new ROM on your WinMo device. You would think it's fast and snappy. But in fact, compared to even an average Android device, your tricked out WinMo device is actually still significantly slower.

Has anyone any experience with Archos Android tablets?

Hello everyone,
I just lost my HTC Desire to my sister, since her Nokia 6630 lost its live just about a day ago.
She just grab my Desire and leaving my SIM-card behind. (Stupid is, she knows my all of my password and pin numbers on that phone...I guess she was spying on me for quite some time)...well...she did play the games inside my Desire...a LOT!!
I am really stupid!
Well...She talks more than I do on the guess I have to accept that..I am busy writing my master work at this moment...and I don't wanna have a fight with her ...not at his point of time...(I assume she knew that too).
The problem is, I don't have enough money to get a good smartphone which can match my "previous" Desire. Legend, Samsung Galaxy S, Galaxy Tab, etc. are way too expensive for me right now,
and HTC Wildfire can not meet my expectation.
Well...I can still make phone calls with my ..stupid Nokia 1800...It is juts...something big is obviously missing on that pile of plastic..
Now, I am thinking of getting an Archos 70 8GB Internet tablet, which will be there soon enough.
It will cost about the same price as Wildfire, but with more capabilities (at least according to the spesification).
So..I think...perhaps, I can use that along with my (stupid) Nokia 1800 Phone.
but, the thing is...I have never used anything from Archos before.
Can anyone post your experience using Archos previous Android tablets?
Is the company any good by the customer service?
Hmmm...still no replies for days in this forum and several others, which I have posted...
Even my closest friends don't even have a single experience on Archos...
Perhaps I should rethink about getting a tablet PC from Archos.
Check out if you want to talk to people who are familiar with the brand. I had portable archos mp3/media players back before ipods became the standard, but I haven't used their products in quite a few years. The newest android tablets are interesting, especially since they're considerably less expensive than ipads and gtabs, but until I get a chance to hold one I'll refrain from any judgments.
Considering that the newer tablets coming out by Archos are Android, I would love to see xda development for them and eventually a section for Android tablets.
Get a orange san francisco, 512mb ram, 800x480 oled screen, 2.1 pre loaded and a custom 2.2 rom available, also its unlockable for less than £5.
Archos's new Android tablet line is coming out as we speak. I just received word that mine was shipped today, so it should be here tomorrow ... I pre-ordered a 101 tablet.
I hope that xda development will come on this as it takes off (apparently there were too many pre-orders made that many sites shut down the possibility)
I am a first-time buyer of their products, so i can't comment on their customer service level .. and actually not on their product quality either.
but I'll be happy to report back once I get my hands on it tomorrow
Well...finally I have a cheap Android with vodafone branding on it...
Hehehehe...I bought it and flashed it with LeeDroid 2.2e.
aaa said:
Well...finally I have a cheap Android with vodafone branding on it...
Hehehehe...I bought it and flashed it with LeeDroid 2.2e.
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Dont forget to share your experience
Hmm...experience...LeeDroid you mean?
My impression until now :
Somehow faster than stock ROM, apps are installable to SDCard (most important), Desire proc become OC-able (not doing it), stable, slight improvement in battery live, still has Sense (third important), DSP manager become available (second important), performance gain for 3D games (fourth important) .
I like also the Desire HD rom (RCMixHD), but too bad that the camera is not working and I went back to LeeDroid.
I wanna try several other roms but I will play with LeeDroid for the time being first.
I can only speak on Archos as a brand.
They are fantastic. THEY not Apple are the leaders in multimedia portables and have been for a decade. Mp3,Portable vide,tablets etc. Archos always has a product in the top 3 in each category the last decade.
I cant speak on tablets though. But Ive owned and purchased for others numerous Archos products. Love them.
xManMythLegend said:
I can only speak on Archos as a brand.
They are fantastic. THEY not Apple are the leaders in multimedia portables and have been for a decade. Mp3,Portable vide,tablets etc. Archos always has a product in the top 3 in each category the last decade.
I cant speak on tablets though. But Ive owned and purchased for others numerous Archos products. Love them.
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Too Late!
I already got myself an HTC Desire
aaa said:
Too Late!
I already got myself an HTC Desire
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well a phone is not a tablet and vice versa. in fact, a good android phone and an archos tab pair very well together, with wireless/Bt tether.
I have an HTC evo, and an Archos 70it (new Gen8).... froyo should be on the archos within days which will then give me exactly what i want in terms of portability and technology.
smart phone -> tablet -> laptop -> desktop ... a tool for every job, and a home server that serves media and files to all of them, wired and wireless, anywhere in the house.
sry... bit OT, but simply loving my tablet and it is a great addition. froyo will perfect it.
Considering that you have the EVO and the Archos, are you using the built in hotspot or wifi teetering or pdanet?
actually neither yet - i'm blanketed with wifi so it's not a necessity. i will be testing for fun tonight but have had some other things take priority.
planning to just do the wireless tether. rooted the evo here and used wireless tether with my laptop about a month ago, figured the same would be fine for the AIT...
i also read about BT tether available, may try that but idk the pros/cons yet...
edit: I'm in NY as well, not the city though - in the Adirondacks.
havnet played with it yet :/
digibucc said:
actually neither yet - i'm blanketed with wifi so it's not a necessity. i will be testing for fun tonight but have had some other things take priority.
planning to just do the wireless tether. rooted the evo here and used wireless tether with my laptop about a month ago, figured the same would be fine for the AIT...
i also read about BT tether available, may try that but idk the pros/cons yet...
edit: I'm in NY as well, not the city though - in the Adirondacks.
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The archos doesn't support ad-hoc wifi networks, so just make sure if your device creates an "ad-hoc" network, then it can't connect
However bluetooth tether works (I still have a g1 and I'm bluetooth tethering to my A70)
I have an HTC EVO also and I got an Archos 10.1. I had a previous Archos MP3/Video player from way back. Can you tell me since my phone is not rooted is there anyway I can tether. Goling to Vegas in a couple weeks and room doesn't have wifi. They have free internet but no wifi. I need to tether with Archos off EVO and Vegas has 4G which I don't have yet. Thanks,
digibucc said:
well a phone is not a tablet and vice versa. in fact, a good android phone and an archos tab pair very well together, with wireless/Bt tether.
I have an HTC evo, and an Archos 70it (new Gen8).... froyo should be on the archos within days which will then give me exactly what i want in terms of portability and technology.
smart phone -> tablet -> laptop -> desktop ... a tool for every job, and a home server that serves media and files to all of them, wired and wireless, anywhere in the house.
sry... bit OT, but simply loving my tablet and it is a great addition. froyo will perfect it.
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I was told PDA Net didn't do Android to Android but I heard there is some free wireless tether for non rooted phones but I don't know if it will work Archos to EVO. I replied to a post above and didn't finish reading where someone kind of asked the same thing. Sorry!
twospirits said:
Considering that you have the EVO and the Archos, are you using the built in hotspot or wifi teetering or pdanet?
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Why is this forum dead.. This phone is...

This phone is amazing. Very surprised by the poor sales of WP7? I mean why wouldn't anyone want it! Previous iOS and Android user. Love WP7... Don't think ill go back... Maybe EVO 3D just to stay on top of tech untill newer WP7 Sprint phone
I agree, Love WP7 despite the lack of Mango. I guess it's a multiple reason situation. Recent report of sales reps steering customers away from the OS. Users that can't live without tethering. Others who are addicted to customising WinMo who have transitioned to Android. Maybe some don't like the size,weight,keyboard. Doesn't help either that on Sprint we only have one choice so far. I like it so far that I am willing to wait it all out.
I like the phone too. However WP7 is just not functional enough for me. To be honest I bought the hardware only and I am trying to figure out a way to change the OS. I need a vpn client with certificate support, full exchange support and good JAVA. Unfortunately this device supports nothing out of the box. No VPN, no Exchange sync via wifi ... Just that the JAVA is native, but I do not need it as I cannot connect to my corp system without VPN.
Further music and videos are pain in the ars as the most common formats are not supported.
Please review my questions in the Android on HTC arrive thread in this section if you have some extensive knowledge and if you are willing to help me run something different on this device.
No idea, friend. I had to forgo 4G to get this phone but WP7 was so compelling that there are now 2 gleeful Arrive users in my household. We love these things to pieces and Mango is going to make them even more excellent. I can seriously say that MS has knocked it out of the park with this one and I stand behind the platform all the way.
drelisimo said:
I like the phone too. However WP7 is just not functional enough for me. To be honest I bought the hardware only and I am trying to figure out a way to change the OS. I need a vpn client with certificate support, full exchange support and good JAVA. Unfortunately this device supports nothing out of the box. No VPN, no Exchange sync via wifi ... Just that the JAVA is native, but I do not need it as I cannot connect to my corp system without VPN.
Further music and videos are pain in the ars as the most common formats are not supported.
Please review my questions in the Android on HTC arrive thread in this section if you have some extensive knowledge and if you are willing to help me run something different on this device.
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Sorry drelisimo, but I think that you are mistaken. WP7 certainly does support exchange sync over Wifi. I have done it on 4 different WP7 devices MANY times.
I agree that java and VPN are another matter, but then if you had done your homework before buying the device, you wouldn't have had any nasty suprises.
As I said I bought hardware with the idea to tackle the OS later somehow. I did my homework and I am not surprized.
Anyway, would you please tell me how did you sync your exchange over wifi? It always tells me that I need my data connections to be turned on.
as stated, probably the largest reason Windows Phone 7 sales are so slow is because sales representatives aren't pushing the products.
an example article found here --> You Can't Buy A Windows Phone If They Won't Sell You One.
currently, there is a sales offer where i can get the 7 Pro for half the price, is it worth?
DAyellow said:
currently, there is a sales offer where i can get the 7 Pro for half the price, is it worth?
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The only 2 things its missing is tethering and downloading files straight to the phone.
If I had these two features there would be no doubt that this phone was huge upgrade from the tp1
Hopefully we'll get tethering figured out in the next few weeks and hopefully someone smarter than me is working on a way to download files to the phone
(did that all the time with mp3s on my tp1)
jaygriggs said:
The only 2 things its missing is tethering and downloading files straight to the phone.
If I had these two features there would be no doubt that this phone was huge upgrade from the tp1
Hopefully we'll get tethering figured out in the next few weeks and hopefully someone smarter than me is working on a way to download files to the phone
(did that all the time with mp3s on my tp1)
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I would say that the two biggest gaps are tethering and 3G-only. That being said, I love the device so much that I easily overlook those features.
I actually am fine with 3g. Almost everywhere I go has wifi. 4g kills battery life. 3g is pretty fast for most everything I do.
Mango will address every complaint I have, but until then, I am still a very happy camper.
I have not received the info, but after further research I just understood that I am asking stupid things.
Otherwise ... the phone is maybe the best piece of mobile hardware I have ever acquired.

