Vanilla Android on Galaxy Devices. Why would you purposely ruin the experience? - Android General

I am new to the forums. In fact I have owned only two Android phones (J5 and Moto G) in the past. After I unboxed my Samsung phone, I noticed something, At about 200$ compared to Apple , Samsung was offering some really great cheap hardware. Can't say the same about Motorola but it was slightly cheaper so that was fine I guess. However once I set up my device, the Samsung software was just pure garbage. Its almost like they were forcing cheap phone buyers to use good hardware but give them terrible experience. On the other hand the nearly vanilla android on Moto G was a great experience. Everything just worked. But when it came to design and hardware, the Moto G felt cheaper than Galaxy J5. I also have used for a short period an S3, S6, Note4, and S8 plus. The Samsung hardware is actually decent. The cameras are good, phones are sleek, batteries are replaceable many times, dual sim and MicroSD cards are a bonus.
Now I was just wondering, I agree that Samsung have had in the past success with selling crappy TouchWiz flavoured Android, so phones slow down over time, lose updates and people upgrade the hardware. But in 2018 I believe this strategy is hurting their sales. The Pixel Phones have caught up, manufacturers like OnePlus in flagship market are offering good value and in the low end Google is making an effort for Chinese manufacturers to come up with low end smartphones with snappier Android thats almost vanilla (work in progress I believe). So when Samsung launches their flagship S9 and S9+ people want something thats just an overall great experience. I don't think people believe TouchWiz is anything unique anymore and Bixby and Siri are just a joke. Instead of spending money on developing and maintaining crappy software that only hurts sales, why doesn't Samsung spend the same money on improving the experience by using things like Machine Learning to improve camera performance, more hardware chips (AI chips in Pixel are an example) and overall the experience in a more sensible way. Samsung phones used to have the best camera in Flagship but the pixel nailed it this time. And that was a result of that AI chip along with better ML for sure.
And not to mention the fact that in countries like India, Samsung has quickly lost its market share. People still consider Samsung in these countries before buying because of past positive experience with hardware and wide service support throughout the country but the software has let down today and so Xiaomi and Vivo and Oppo are considered since they get slightly better hardware at the same cost.
Any idea how Samsung plans to up its game? I would really love to see a Galaxy phone in the 200$ range that runs vanilla Android and is significantly better than Oppo and Vivo and Xiaomi where people would just go with the big brand instead.



Googlroa is in a very awkward position all moto's pre acusition phones are trough the pipes, now its their show. I don't see a way that they can produce their own hardware and not edge out competition.
Their track record with the nexus is impressive. How are they supposed to make their own phones and not directly compete with the other Android OEMs? They can't purposely produce sub par phones or over price them? The price of the nexus will have to increase or they will be competing with themselves. Yes another OEM manufacturers the phone but the concensus is that the nexus is subsidized so can will they continue to do this just to throw them a bone, if so how long can they afford to do this?
So am i to believe that they will continue to sell nexus in the 350 range unlocked but as Googlroa it's carrier bs as usual yes at first they may have to play ball a little but but how long can Sammy maintain a larger market share.
As they grow to Sammy's size they can wield power like Sammy and eventually like apple. This i believe will happen relatively quickly because of the trust they inherent from the nexus program. I can trust i will receive updates in a timely manner I can trust that my phone will be supported for a reasonable amount of time I can trust my flagship will have the latest specs.
I personally have faith in Googlroa because of the nexus. The question I'm really asking how can Google differentiate moto phones from nexus phones other than price (of course design but it's a relatively small consideration I think the S3 feels kinda cheap and plasticity to be a flagship phone and it isn't really pleasing to the eye)?
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Edit: readability
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[Q] How much of a threat is Tizen to Android?

People say that Tizen is 5 years too late and that it will never succeed.
Sales data are now public. The Samsung Z1 sold 500,000+ units in India and was the best selling smartphone model in Bangladesh for Q1 2015.
I don't think anyone was expecting these sales volumes. Quite impressive for a phone harboring a brand new OS.
Because Samsung focused on optimization when developing Tizen, Tizen phones are significantly faster and more efficient than Android phones. The Samsung Z1 is smooth as butter for a phone with a mere 768 MB of RAM.
What say you, XDA? Is Tizen a threat to Android?
Tizen is a Linux Foundation OS: I don't see it as a "threat" - it's great to have alternatives.
We certainly don't need a Google monopoly on mobile. Apple/Google is a fifty/fifty situation in rich countries but Android is close to a monopoly everywhere else.
So all alternatives are welcome imo
Tizen is good for low spec phones but it will never be a fully featured OS. Samsung is terrible at UX design, too.
The reason it sells well is because in developing countries where it's being rolled out heavily most people can't afford a 600-800 USD Galaxy S. If they had the choice between what is basically a feature phone and a flagship without regard to price then Tizen would only be bought by curious hackers and unlucky people who accidentally bought the wrong phone.
Gtnaoaki said:
Tizen is good for low spec phones but it will never be a fully featured OS. Samsung is terrible at UX design, too.
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And why wouldn't it be a fully-featured OS? The only thing it's missing are apps, which it will get in a bit more years. Also, I don't know see why the Z1's ugly UI design will influence your decision to purchase a future Tizen phone with a much better UI design. Is bad UI design contagious?
I agree that the UI on the Z1 looks bad, but UI design can be changed easily. Android's architectural flaw, on the other hand, can't be fixed, else google risks breaking all app compatibility. I prefer Samsung's situation. They can just hire a better UI designer. Google is stuck and can't improve their buggy Android platform.
The reason it sells well is because in developing countries where it's being rolled out heavily most people can't afford a 600-800 USD Galaxy S. If they had the choice between what is basically a feature phone and a flagship without regard to price then Tizen would only be bought by curious hackers and unlucky people who accidentally bought the wrong phone.
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The Samsung Z1's price is relatively high compared to similarly specced Android phones.
The Z1's price started at $92, though it's probably down to around $80 now.
In a country like Bangladesh, where the GDP Per Capita is $1,100, $92 is a very hefty pricetag.
The 2nd best-selling smartphone in Bangladesh was some Symphony Android phone that cost $60 and had very similar specs to the Z1, meaning the Z1 was priced more than 150% of the 2nd best-selling phone's price while having identical hardware. Despite the $30 premium, which is very high for Bengalis, the Z1 stomped the 2nd best-selling phone in sales.
Also, I wouldn't say the people who bought the Z1 are "unlucky". Many of them will be pleasantly surprised by Tizen's smoothness, speed and efficiency. In fact, I think the only reason why the Z1 did so well in both India and Bangladesh is because the first customers were so pleased with the device that they recommended it to their friends, family and colleagues.
Remember, with the rising Korean Won, Samsung can't afford to compete with companies in countries with deflated currencies, which is why Samsung is concentrating so much on software optimization. The only way Samsung can make a profit now is if they charge a premium for the hardware they're packing into their products. That's why Tizen is so important to Samsung. They can stomp Android with its superior performance and battery life even with far inferior hardware.
EroticCreep said:
And why wouldn't it be a fully-featured OS? The only thing it's missing are apps, which it will get in a bit more years. Also, I don't know see why the Z1's ugly UI design will influence your decision to purchase a future Tizen phone with a much better UI design. Is bad UI design contagious?
I agree that the UI on the Z1 looks bad, but UI design can be changed easily. Android's architectural flaw, on the other hand, can't be fixed, else google risks breaking all app compatibility. I prefer Samsung's situation. They can just hire a better UI designer. Google is stuck and can't improve their buggy Android platform.
The Samsung Z1's price is relatively high compared to similarly specced Android phones.
The Z1's price started at $92, though it's probably down to around $80 now.
In a country like Bangladesh, where the GDP Per Capita is $1,100, $92 is a very hefty pricetag.
The 2nd best-selling smartphone in Bangladesh was some Symphony Android phone that cost $60 and had very similar specs to the Z1, meaning the Z1 was priced more than 150% of the 2nd best-selling phone's price while having identical hardware. Despite the $30 premium, which is very high for Bengalis, the Z1 stomped the 2nd best-selling phone in sales.
Also, I wouldn't say the people who bought the Z1 are "unlucky". Many of them will be pleasantly surprised by Tizen's smoothness, speed and efficiency. In fact, I think the only reason why the Z1 did so well in both India and Bangladesh is because the first customers were so pleased with the device that they recommended it to their friends, family and colleagues.
Remember, with the rising Korean Won, Samsung can't afford to compete with companies in countries with deflated currencies, which is why Samsung is concentrating so much on software optimization. The only way Samsung can make a profit now is if they charge a premium for the hardware they're packing into their products. That's why Tizen is so important to Samsung. They can stomp Android with its superior performance and battery life even with far inferior hardware.
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Tizen cannot be viewed as as "threat" to Android.. But yes it will be a very good alternative once it improves it UX, upgrade its app store... Its good to have options.. Also if it can bring some brilliant customization options and at the same time sustain battery life then it can certainly announce itself..

The truth about s6? please help me to figure out

Hi guys, i'm writing here because i think that only experienced users and developers like the ones here in Xda can help me to figure out, and understand if what i think is right or wrong. I'm an addicted, i follow, read, watch videos about smartphones from most important sources and no-one has said anything clearly like the statements i'm writing in next lines.
1) It's clear that the s6, out of the box, with Android 5.0.2 was a great phone. Some bugs yes, but a great step further for Touchwiz and it was enjoyable. With recent updates (and please don't say me to factory reset after or before update, because i tried all possible combinations) they messed up the system. It's unacceptable, the scrolling lags i'm noticing even in the BOG8 version of firmware are the worst thing in my opinion, they ruin the experience. I'm asking to developers: HOW can a company like Samsung, with thousand of million dollars in their "pocket", push out a firmware with those bugs? Are the coders in Samusung STUPID? Why, people with his own life, here, can in the spare time push out great Roms that works far better than original stock firmware? Don't say me it's lollipop, because you can buy with 200 dollars a moto G with crappy hardware compared to S6 and it works smooth even with Android 5.1.1.
2) I love audio, listening music with my phone with a good pair of headphones. I'm asking myself why all phones i tested (HTC one m8, m9, Samsung s6, Nexus 5,6, Moto G, Xiaomi Mi note, Xiaomi mi4....) have a so low audio output. The quality for instance on my s6 is good, but the output volume is too low compared to Iphones. Don't say me that S6 is doing its best, because you can flash the Viper4Android and check with your ears that the volume output (dB) in the stock phone is castrated without motivation. Is that made for avoiding problems with some kind of law?
3) A general statement that involves also S6. I'm writing from Italy, but i'm pretty sure that what i'm saying it's the same in many other countries (EU and USA). If we analyse the market, it is saturated. Each one of us, has at least one smartphones that performs not bad. So if a company would sell us a new phone, they should make an awesome phone with a lots of improvements. I think that Samsung, like other companies are making smartphones paying attention too much at quantity of models instead of quality. See HTC One m9, a flop... a phone that also a blind would judge stupid. See S6, they have made a phone without pointing to excellence and here are the results: sales are the worst of last years. In italy they are refunding 150€ for each new S6 bought, in order to sell all the remaining pieces. Don't you think that WE are nurturing this bad habit of making new phones even if they are nonsense phones, buying them without being critic? It's incredible how youtubers and respected web-sites are negligent about completely wrong projects, like HTC one m9, and they move forward when they have to show the public the problems of flagship phones.
Thanks for your opinions!
You'll probably be happy with the latest Nexus.

I don't feel the need of getting the next samsung device, what are your opinions?

Its all the same, nevertheless. I find nexus 6P more elegant and unique, thus the reason buying it because theres so many people with samsung devices, even low class people which just filters out its uniqueness and its price tag making it look worthless outside. What are your opinions? If your on Samsung S6/Edge/+, would you have the need to upgrade to an device such as Samsung S7?
I've posted an explanation as to what low class in this instance means. forgive me if it had you in any way, i was never trying to make any of you owners sad, its just that for so many, they have this phone and it just gets rid of its status 'elegant'. Elegant is ment to be beautiful, stylish. But when everyone has this 'elegant' phone, where does the definition exist of being stylish?
I love the samsung edge because its invention of curve screen. I've even had friends give them to me to try for an hour or so. The thing is that, i don't like people having the same phone as me. I was about to get the nexus 5x but one of my friends got it, so i went ahead with nexus 6p. But that doesnt mean that i would get another new phone if someone else has the same phone as me because that would be regarded as wasting money.
I agree I'm in a bond my Samsung smartphone if I should get the new one must have something waw and cool and interesting
I got my Galaxy S phone to be different from everybody else.
Then I got my Galaxy S4/S5 because they were simply the best.
Samsung is neither unique or the best anymore so...
Nexus6p stands strong in Android market . I hope Samsung won't compete to beat n6P with bloatware and bla bla. Hail nexus6p
After living with the LG G4 for a couple weeks, I'll be sticking with Samsung, if for no other reason that I FAR prefer the Home/capacative buttons that Samsung offers compared to the on screen buttons that all the other major makers use. Plus, I like Samsung's screens the best, & they are always at or near the top in camera, performance, etc. Custom ROMs take care of the bloat. Now, Samsung isn't perfect, & I am very disappointed by their removal of SD & replaceable battery, which is why I'm still hanging in there with my S4, which I had planned to replace with the S6. It looks like the SD is coming back, which will be probably be enough for me to go with the S7. If the S7 had replaceable battery, it would be a slam dunk for me. Despite the G4 having those features, it's size & button arrangement (including the power & volume) made it an overall less preferable unit to me than my aging S4.
I agree with the OP, my next device will be a Nexus one.
Not going to upgrade/downgrade from the note 4. But it will interesting to see if Samsung has learned something and if they will put the removable battery and a micro sd card back into their phones.
But yeah real buttons will always beat out in screen ones
So no one have an issue with this person stating even "low class" people have a Samsung?...Obviously not.
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If you can afford it buy Galaxy S7 or just buy some chinese Android phone.
But I definitely like to have microSD card back on Galaxy S7
You sound pretentious and terrible. Just because a company sells their product successfully does not make them worse. They're still using top of the line, listening to consumers by reinstating the microSD slot. You're not special because you have money to buy better products. If you wanna be so "different" go buy an iPhone. You have the same mindset as an apple fanboy.
Like most phones, upgrading every year isn't very appealing because there's only so much that can be improved. I wouldn't upgrade from a Galaxy S6. But I certainly will from my S5 Sport!
II-DJ-Messiah-II said:
even low class people
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Really, low class? Well you are the Messiah so I guess everyone is low class to you.
I agree with some of you, I don't seen the point of upgrading every year, there isn't a big enough difference between each years models. I don't mind iPhone once they are jailbroken, I have an iPhone 4 that has been through hell and back with me and still kicking. I have been through a kyocera slide I got stuck in boot loop and bricked a HTC desire. Now have an LG G3 that I love and haven't had any problems. If your going from a device that that is a couple models older and is going obsolete then upgrade, but most of us don't have the money laying around to to by a new phone every year.
Have they even set a release date for the Galaxy D7 yet?
By low class, you have to understand that i am not defining those who have samsung as lower class. its your choice to have it or not. but the thing is that wherever i go, everywhere! people have got either samsung or apple in their hands and to me it feels like its just too many. it just destroys its elegancy and its price tag. i don't know how to explain but I hope i cleared some misconceptions
Not usually one to post, but you're not helping yourself any with your explanation. You still come off as elitist, shallow, and rather petty to be honest.
Who cares how many people have a phone? Are you going to tell me an iPhone isn't nice because millions of people have one? Or that the Galaxy series is suddenly not one of the best phones, simply because more people have it?
I dunno if this is going to be breaking news to you, but with contract subsidies and pricing offers and various discounts, even the most expensive of smartphones are a relatively cheap luxury item. With the modern reliance on cellphones, and mobile data, of course having a good phone is going to be something most people will spend a few extra dollars on. Is it really a newsflash that people want the best? Or did you not consider that most people are flocking to the Galaxy series, and the iPhone lineup, because they have a longstanding legacy of being two of the best, powerhouse smartphones available.
Furthermore.. elegance? Really? They're phones, not watches. They're consumption devices that have increasingly more and more uses.. not just little gadgets people get, to show off how rich or awesome they are. Only the geekiest of the geeks have a nerdgasm about how much more elegant their phone is than the average person. The rest of us standard model geeks would rather just enjoy our phones as the tools that they are, and try to find the one that works best for us.
Well done, ThePheonixChameleon. I totally agree, although what do I know, I'm an inelegant, low-class owner of a Galaxy S4, no less.
There is no need to get a Samsung devuce, because there is OnePlus out there...
I was a great fan of Samsung devices, and I'm still are. But now I have two OnePlus devices and I'm very satisfied with them. So I won't get any other device for now and the near future. :beer:
hella356 said:
Well done, ThePheonixChameleon. I totally agree, although what do I know, I'm an inelegant, low-class owner of a Galaxy S4, no less.
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Ehh, I just picked up my fourth rooted Galaxy S3 off Swappa. Still clinging to that antique, cliche phone.. with it's plastic case and inelegant awesomeness that made it the only phone anyone wanted of it's generation.
I currently own a Galaxy S5 Sport. Great phone, but the first thing I did was flash CM12.1, waiting for CM13. Touchwiz is a piece of ****. Samsung phones are so much better than one would think if you get rid of the garbage stock ROM. I'm not just speaking aesthetically, the performance is atrocious. It's so smooth and never hangs up now, also doesn't force close when trying to do something intensive and the RAM management is much better!
victor1g said:
'm not just speaking aesthetically, the performance is atrocious. It's so smooth and never hangs up now, also doesn't force close when trying to do something intensive and the RAM management is much better!
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Totally agree. I also had a SGS5 before I exchanged it with the OnePlus Two. I tried a lot of different Rom's. The very best I flashed on it was AICP. I was very satisfied with that Rom. Maybe you will try it out. :thumbup:

S7 worth buying in Feb 2018

Hi everyone
Is the S7 [exynos] worth buying now? I can get it for around ₹22k(330$), brand new with warranty. Or should I go for newer ones like oneplus 5T [~500$]. I'm not planning to root it & use stock rom. Hardware seems good, my other considerations being battery life, software & camera. Any suggestions are welcome..
I have just bought mine, cause now the price is good. I bought a golden S7 and I´m very happy. It´s worth buying. My previous phone was a 2y old S6. These phones rock! 4gb Ram, this back camera, ip68, this processor... u can´t go wrong!
I just got my S7 from Bestbuy At&t for $12.66/mo. love it. Good battery life, great screen, wireless charge. Not easy finding a good screen protector though.
If you plan on staying on stock, then you should focus on both device's specs:
As you can see both devices, even if they are one year apart(launching date wise) they are almost similar.
In this case, I think you are better off going for the S7. I'll always go for a Samsung first.
fast96 said:
I just got my S7 from Bestbuy At&t for $12.66/mo. love it. Good battery life, great screen, wireless charge. Not easy finding a good screen protector though.
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Try Skinomi protectors, I've used them in various phone and they really good.
I purchased it on 7th Feb 2018
I just bought mine yesterday from Flipkart!
got it for Rs 23,000.
The only good options were (according to price range of Rs. 25,000)
Moto x4 , Honor 8 pro, Moto z1, Galaxy s7
I choose this because of
1. Super Amoled 2k display
2. Camera (having dual pixel technology)
3. Guaranteed update to oreo by April 2018
As you know It has all the ingredients of a everyday smartphone, i.e 4GB ram , top of line processing power, 32gb storage, Hybrid sim slot.
For me the screen and camera are the main reasons
I have installed google camera app v4 and it has significant improvement over the photos clicked.
Hope this helps
Super_Commando said:
Hi everyone
Is the S7 [exynos] worth buying now? I can get it for around ₹22k(330$), brand new with warranty. Or should I go for newer ones like oneplus 5T [~500$]. I'm not planning to root it & use stock rom. Hardware seems good, my other considerations being battery life, software & camera. Any suggestions are welcome..
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Definitely no. This device is now 2 years old. Just wait a few months, there would be tons of better devices in this price range.
ZeroCGTI said:
Definitely no. This device is now 2 years old. Just wait a few months, there would be tons of better devices in this price range.
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There's always going to be a better phone coming out in a "few months" and you'll end up waiting forever. I initially thought about waiting as well, but I ran out of patience and got mine at a great price. And I have no issues whatsoever. Innovation on mobile has plateaued so there's no point waiting. My only complaint is that we might not get Android P or even 8.1.
ZeroCGTI said:
Definitely no. This device is now 2 years old. Just wait a few months, there would be tons of better devices in this price range.
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Any suggestions for upcoming better devices..
Sent from my Moto MAXX using XDA-Developers Legacy app
Still the only phone out there that's "small" and has wireless charging, ip68, enough ram, large battery, microsd, amoled, and no curved edge. Not a single other phone! if mine broke I would have to buy another S7
buy it after s9 is announced this month end, should see another price drop on the s7.
Is it worth buying is not the question; the question is more WHERE is it worth buying. As a US S7 (Snapdragon) owner with an MVNO, the answer is equivocal for two reasons:
1. An Exnyos-based S7 has no warranty support in the US; technically, it's a "gray market" phone (only Snapdragon-based S7s are permissible (per Samsung USA). If you want US warranty support, stick with Snapdragon-based S7 series. While you lose out on the wider support of the AOSP and TWRP features with a Snapdragon-based S7, S7+, or S7edge, you are not dead in the water - there ARE fusion firmwares available (stang5litre running an MM fusion firmwarew, and Project L - a Nougat-based fusion firmware). I am running L myself, and it's not any harder to install than an AOSP ROM is on phones that permit them (I came from AOSP on the Galaxy Nexus - which is now my alternate). I'm with Tracfone, the largest MVNO in the US, and can choose between Verizon Wireless and T-Mobile under normal circumstances (I went with T-Mobile, because my IMEI is blacklisted on VZW due to the phone's previous owner)
2. Naturally, outside of the US, your situation is different - which I get. However, all the S7 models will get Oreo; the weird part is that it was announced for older model phones (S6 series) first - which has resulted in much scratchage of heads and chins. The issue therefore is patience (ours).
i would wait till the s9 comes so that the s8 gets cheaper... i like the s8 more due to the battery having more output after a year. on the s7 you will get like 70% battery after a year use and with the s8 you will get around 95%
i bought it as it was the cheapest phone for max price of 300 USD.The Honor 8 was on the fritz plus its getting oreo.Could not beat that price
I purchased a s7 from flipkart yesterday, i paid 23k for it n i am very happy with it, i preferred s7 over moto x4, z2play and iphone se because of these reasons:
1) S7 is a flagship product from 2016, and its worth buying a flagship product over some mid range phone, it gives u a premium feeling.
2) S7 has THE best smartphone screen, its 2k and an insane 577ppi, which is in fact more than that of iphone x,note 8 and s8
3)Out of the box, it has android 6.0 but its upgradable to 7 and 8 as well, but we have to wait till April.
4)This Phone rocks a 4gb ram, it has a sd card slot, ip68 water resistance,12 mp camera and even ois,octa core cpu, fast charge,otg,heart rate sensor and so on
In short we can never call s7 an obsolete device, it meets all the standards of 2018 mobiles and in most cases it surpasses them, it still gives a tough challenge to todays flagships like iphone x, note 8, s8, nokia 8, one plus 5t and so on. So if ur budget howers around 20-23k i would highly recommend buying this beast, u will never regret ur purchase
Absolutely it is worth buying. I have a s8 (exynos) with a s7 (exynos) as a backup. If the s8 didn't exist or I didn't want to spend s8 money on a phone, the only phones on the market in Feb 2018 I would consider would be the S7 and XZ1 Compact. The S7 has the highest DPI screen on the market (STILL) and the smallest body (excluding the XZ1 Compact) with a high end processor. It has a high screen/body ratio for a 16:9 phone, made better by hardware buttons. It has strong development support for custom roms including the ability to run both S8 and N8 roms. It has a camera only slightly worse than the S8.
Go for the S7. You will not regret it. I have been the owener of one S7 for almost one year, and I dont regret it. This phone is the best in his price range.
The S7 is better than any budget/mid phone of 2017-2018 and even some current flagships,it's the best phone i've ever had, got mine on late september 2017, fast, amazing screen, great camera,4gb of RAM,ip68,sd card slot and so on. This phone is a beast, one small detail is that battery life could have been a "little bit better" but no big deal it gets me trought the day with 50% left sometimes more, for me the S7 is still worth in 2018 and even 2019, it's one of the best devices ever made if you ask me, reminds me of the days i had the LG G2 it was my favourite device, now it's the S7 i just love it.
Having owned most of the Samsung S-line phones since day one (missing only S6 and S8) many would probably call me a fanboy. And since you asked this in the S7 section, odds are that most of the other replies are from fans as well.
I really like the S7. Yes, battery life could have been better but that's almost the only beef I have with it. However, for a new buyer, particularly one interested in camera performance and unwilling to install custom roms, I'd give this warning:
The S7 is nearing the end of its support cycle. We will get android 8 and maybe 8.1 if we're lucky, but after that odds are we'll not get any android updates and I have my doubts as to how long Samsung will keep supplying security updates (maybe 2 more years, but could be less). I know many people do not consider this particularly important, but anybody should ask themselves, how much sensitive information they have stored on or have access to through their phones. As soon as those updates stop, you quickly become easy prey for an attack. Despite the awesome hardware of the phone, I would consider buying something else, even at a premium, to avoid this risk.
---------- Post added at 04:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:26 PM ----------
Having owned most of the Samsung S-line phones since day one (missing only S6 and S8) many would probably call me a fanboy. And since you asked this in the S7 section, odds are that most of the other replies are from fans as well.
I really like the S7. Yes, battery life could have been better but that's almost the only beef I have with it. However, for a new buyer, particularly one interested in camera performance and unwilling to install custom roms, I'd give this warning:
The S7 is nearing the end of its support cycle. We will get android 8 and maybe 8.1 if we're lucky, but after that odds are we'll not get any android updates and I have my doubts as to how long Samsung will keep supplying security updates (maybe 2 more years, but could be less). I know many people do not consider this particularly important, but anybody should ask themselves, how much sensitive information they have stored on or have access to through their phones. As soon as those updates stop, you quickly become easy prey for an attack. Despite the awesome hardware of the phone, I would consider buying something else, even at a premium, to avoid this risk.
Best phone in cheap price range. I think phones perfect. It's as good/better than the iPhone 7. Basically a small/one hand use phone and quite powerful.

