So the specs were released for the Samsung Nexus S and I am very disappointed.
1GHz Cortex A8 (Hummingbird) processor
16GB iNAND flash memory
The AMOLED Screen should be nice, the only thing that is nice about this phone.
It is basically a Galaxy S with Gingerbread ROM. More internal memory.
It will be a nice phone, but I expected a dual core processor.
I hate non physical buttons as my N1 had lots of issues with them.
I honestly don't see myself upgrading to this phone...
No 4G, No Front Face Camera, and a Samsung built phone.
I will stick with my MyTouch4G and I think the rumors of developing for the G2/MT4G were gonna stop when the Nexus S was released were just that rumors. There will be development for it... but it will be to set up CM7 (Gingerbread) for older phones.
It has a front facing camera and has capabilities to run HSDPA
It does have the FFC, but no hsdpa+. I still think it fails. STILL NO LED NOTIFICATIONS EITHER!!
It does have a front facing camera. I was holding out on getting the MyTouch 4G for this phone. Now I'm still pretty torn on which I should get. This is really unsettling!
VDubLife said:
It has a front facing camera and has capabilities to run HSDPA
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Ya I was wrong about the FFC but still no HSPA+.... that sucks...
I am very disappointed in this phone, and in Gingerbread. I was expecting a lot of wow in both and I don't see it. I'm not saying it won't have major speed improvements, but I thought GB was supposed to be a UI gangster =D. Oh well there's always next year (HoneyComb).
The Nexus S is simply a US version of the Euro Galaxy S with stock Android on board, NFC chipset, downgraded Bluetooth connectivity, no 720p video capture and no removable storage (no SD card). Compared to the MT4G it has less RAM (mt4g = 768mb nexus = 512mb), no hspa+ capability. So in my opinion the only upside to the nexus S is stock Android w/ up to date OS upgrades from Google, and 16gb of on board storage.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
I really don't get why they fingered Samsung to build the Next Nexus device. Maybe because they build phones like Apple.... With trendy advertisement and the illusion of awe. Lol. Only Apple can sell millions of people a 10 in pad that does nothing more than the average smart phone out there..
Avatar helped, didn't it? HTC makes great devices and they opt for "Quietly Brilliant".
sicdroid said:
I really don't get why they fingered Samsung to build the Next Nexus device. Maybe because they build phones like Apple.... With trendy advertisement and the illusion of awe. Lol. Only Apple can sell millions of people a 10 in pad that does nothing more than the average smart phone out there..
Avatar helped, didn't it? HTC makes great devices and they opt for "Quietly Brilliant".
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I think they went with samsung cuz of the near field chip. Google is said to be pretty excited about it.
itmustbejj said:
I think they went with samsung cuz of the near field chip. Google is said to be pretty excited about it.
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Yeah, NFC is a nice piece of tech and an advancement for sure... I wish them luck, but I know there is going to be a lot of pissed developers, modders, and just plain device users not having an SD Card. The whole point of Android and Googles revolution is the open freedom. What is next???? A Unremovable battery?
sicdroid said:
I really don't get why they fingered Samsung to build the Next Nexus device. Maybe because they build phones like Apple.... With trendy advertisement and the illusion of awe. Lol. Only Apple can sell millions of people a 10 in pad that does nothing more than the average smart phone out there..
Avatar helped, didn't it? HTC makes great devices and they opt for "Quietly Brilliant".
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Most big business transactions are done via a sealed bid process. It's quite possible that Samsung had the lowest bid and won the contract.
kgbkny said:
Most big business transactions are done via a sealed bid process. It's quite possible that Samsung had the lowest bid and won the contract.
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No doubt money was the motivation, which does surprise me. Google is not afraid to spend money. You would think as open as google is with their VERY FAT wallet, they would have not chosen the cheaply made plastic device as opposed to the metal and durable devices for their very own Nexus Series. I guess I just dream of the solid build of metal and glass we ask love on our MT4G, with a 4.3 screen, and no physical buttons.
I understand their reasons for the choice, I just don't understand the reasons of their choices. Lol.
sicdroid said:
No doubt money was the motivation, which does surprise me. Google is not afraid to spend money. You would think as open as google is with their VERY FAT wallet, they would have not chosen the cheaply made plastic device as opposed to the metal and durable devices for their very own Nexus Series. I guess I just dream of the solid build of metal and glass we ask love on our MT4G, with a 4.3 screen, and no physical buttons.
I understand their reasons for the choice, I just don't understand the reasons of their choices. Lol.
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It's quite possible that Samsung used the success of the Galaxy S series to seal the deal with Google. We all know about the serious issues with Galaxy S phones. However, they sold millions of units worldwide and have established brand recognition. I'm certain that Google took that into consideration when awarding Samsung the Nexus contract.
Moreover, it appears that Samsung used a different GPS antenna in the Nexus S than in the Galaxy S, and got rid of the RFS system. It's quite possible that Google had a lot of say in it. In fact, the replacement of the GPS antenna clearly suggests that the faulty GPS in the Galaxy S phones is a hardware defect.
kgbkny said:
It's quite possible that Samsung used the success of the Galaxy S series to seal the deal with Google. We all know about the serious issues with Galaxy S phones. However, they sold millions of units worldwide and have established brand recognition. I'm certain that Google took that into consideration when awarding Samsung the Nexus contract.
Moreover, it appears that Samsung used a different GPS antenna in the Nexus S than in the Galaxy S, and got rid of the RFS system. It's quite possible that Google had a lot of say in it. In fact, the replacement of the GPS antenna clearly suggests that the faulty GPS in the Galaxy S phones is a hardware defect.
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Samsung has established brand recognition within the android community...and it is not good. Specifically within the developer crowd, so it seems counterproductive to make a developer phone from a company that most developers have sworn to stay away from.
I think I made a right decision getting MT4 after I heard NS won't have memory card support and AMOLED.
Not Having a SD will make it difficult to MOD/Hack
I'm sorry but I love Google I've had every developer phone hated to sell my nexus one but the Nexus S is not spiking my interest at all. It is lacking toooooo much. Plus the MT4G has been upgrading pretty quickly it's already rooted and I know CM won't let us down on Gingerbread GO ANDROID
itmustbejj said:
Samsung has established brand recognition within the android community...and it is not good. Specifically within the developer crowd, so it seems counterproductive to make a developer phone from a company that most developers have sworn to stay away from.
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Agreed. Chalk me up as a member of the Android community who will not be buying any more Samsung phones. However, money definitely talks, and I'm sure that factor definitely came into play.
Samsung is a powerful consumer name so there's "cred" there. Also, Google may well not have wanted to put too many eggs in the HTC basket. You get a LOT better support from your vendors if they know they are not single source. So it may have had a lot less to do with unit cost and a lot more to do with reminding HTC they are not the only game in town (my opinions differ but I have to use the device, not write contracts with the vendor).
Overall the Nexus S is better than I would have expected from Samsung. Their "cred" comes with a lot of "consumer grade" baggage; I generally avoid their products. It is probably unfair at this point to call Samsung "cheap junk", but no one is going to accuse them of building high end equipment either.
Comparison wise: I waited about 7 months for project emerald, driving everyone around me only somewhat more crazy than normal in the process. I got the Glacier on the release date and cannot say a single bad thing about it. It is a worthy example of the ultra-high quality I expect from HTC.
I bought a behold the day it came out and dealt with its problems. I had a stock vibrant for 4 days when it started with its problems. I will never buy samsung again. Can't believe google allowed a company known for defects to produce their next flagship. Ill stick to my mt4g till something that actually beats it comes out.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
The Nexus S is very ugly, average specs, Samsung made and I'm not happy. I will keep my Nexus One, never sell it and guess I'll keep the MyTouch 4G.
PS - No SD card, no HSPA+, I can not believe no sd card. I always rave about the Nexus One to anyone who will listen, because of that I wanted the Nexus S real bad but I am a real nut when it comes to cell phones. I will probably figure some way of buying that damn thing anyways.
Wow this is so soon for a new S line phone
Sent from Vzw Galaxy SIII running CleanROM 2.0 w/CleanKERNEL
So who's gonna make another bounty bootloeader unlock for that device?
I'm willing to bet its gonna be locked on verizon only again.....
Any themes available for this phone yet? When can we expect an update? What kernel should I use to OC and UV?
You don't expect them to start designing the next phone a month or two before it is released do you?
It's not like it is being released then
The mockup in that picture is awful - a Galaxy iPhone 5, essentially. And, the info is generic, too.
Happy with my phone, regardless of unsubstantiated rumors for the next generation.
- ooofest
I like this mockup better. LOL!
I'm pretty sure they'd just be announcing it. Not releasing it in february.
Noooooo Just bought the S3 and now I'm locked into a 2-year contract.
My Smartphone addiction must be getting bad as I cant wait for another new phone already
Bring on the S4 sammy.
my hopes for the S4:
Flexable OLED 1080p screen (no pentile) possibly the addition of a Yellow sub pixel
quad core with beefed up GPU
32/64GB with expandable SD
better speaker with Bose style wave guide technology (let me dream people)
no buttons
Ear piece using bone vibration technology (may be a little much)
f1.8 12MP camera with glass optics and 12,800 ISO with dedicated noise reduction plus 120fps high speed recording
(this phone should focus on camera and screen technology)
less rounded edges so the screen can reach the corners better
guess i could go on for a while but these were my top picks
All I want is my hardware keyboard back. Not having it makes using the device a chore I grow less and less fond of each time.
For as wildly obsessed with android I became, the S3 is fast dragging me to the point of not even wanting to charge my android.
No hate on the S3 specifically, just happens to be the first smartphone i've had without keyboard shortcuts and is my introduction to this on-screen keyboard mess.
Just not for me...
Blue6IX said:
All I want is my hardware keyboard back. Not having it makes using the device a chore I grow less and less fond of each time.
For as wildly obsessed with android I became, the S3 is fast dragging me to the point of not even wanting to charge my android.
No hate on the S3 specifically, just happens to be the first smartphone i've had without keyboard shortcuts and is my introduction to this on-screen keyboard mess.
Just not for me...
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Then switch to the Droid 1-2-3-4 line...not sure why you have this phone if you hate on-screen keyboards...
Blue6IX said:
All I want is my hardware keyboard back. Not having it makes using the device a chore I grow less and less fond of each time.
For as wildly obsessed with android I became, the S3 is fast dragging me to the point of not even wanting to charge my android.
No hate on the S3 specifically, just happens to be the first smartphone i've had without keyboard shortcuts and is my introduction to this on-screen keyboard mess.
Just not for me...
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The thing is, hardware keyboards are going the way of the dinosaur. Best available is the photon q which compared to flagships is not that great. (Still great though)
About the S4 in February rumor... probably not true. That's way too soon to announce or release it
Sent from my DROID2 using xda premium
I kinda like that lock screen.
If it looks like that, im buying it
EternalNexus said:
Noooooo Just bought the S3 and now I'm locked into a 2-year contract.
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Well if you would have waited till the S4 came out, when the next new thing comes out 30 seconds later you would be saying the same thing. You have to just be happy with what you have.
i would love to see a 6mm thick phone with less edges next to the screen. i hope the shape will be a little different from the galaxy s series, although they look great so far
Sent from my SCH-I535 using XDA Premium HD app
Lets be honest guys. Samsung is a publicly traded company, and as such their value is dictated by people's opinions of them, and anything they sell is really just gravy. Announcements come fast and furious, because its really the only way to stay above water, especially when it comes to technology.
Picture this, you just sold 20 million units and still boast one of the most sought after products in the market. Yet people are more concerned that Apple, your largest rival, just took a billion dollars out of your pocket. More so, this 20 million unit jewel is currently being targeted for discontinuation by the company that won this judgement. Whats the best way to keep your value up? Announce a replacement of course!
I'll concede that anyone who bought this phone on release will probably have to sit out the s4 if they refuse to pay full price for a phone, but to say its going to be on shelves anytime before the s3 drops off the top selling units page is just bat crazy. Its just bad business, and Samsung is way too smart a company for that.
This is about the 20th thread about this on XDA already
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
iPhone S4
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda premium
Let's make some predictions:
- End April\May is when stores begin to receive first-S4's
- Past 15 days, on 15May is google I\0 where it is expected be presented the Motorola X
In July is expected to begin sells of Motorola X
Assuming that some main specifications expected to be realized on Motorola X:
- Snapdragon 800 2.3GHz
- 4000mah Battery
- Display Shapphire Glass 3
- Carbon Materials
My point is, for consumers who are confused whether they should buy the S4\S600 or S4\Exynos, knowing S4's that only be for sale at the same time the expected presentation of Motorola X, culd be in doubt to what extent Motorola X will not give up their tendencies to S4.
Then we still have to rely on consumers who will wait another 1-2 months for the current S4 price calm down a bit.
As I said earlier, Samsung made a serious mistake in launching two S4 variants totally different, and with aggravating circumstance of not be clear whether the question if will have a variant with LTE Exynos or not.
So if the Motorola X is indeed presented at Google I\0 and have specs which are expected might slightly spoil the S4 sales.
AW: Will Motorola X on Google I\O hang S4 sales?
If it comes without sd card slot and fixed battery - > NO CONTEST!
Sent from my GT I9300
harise100 said:
If it comes without sd card slot and fixed battery - > NO CONTEST!
Sent from my GT I9300
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If it comes with 4000mAh can consider that are equal, will do well for a full day of heavy use ..... Although it is also important to know if future replacement is easy.
SD slot for me is not so important if comes at least with 32GB.
The most important is S800, which is expected spend much less battery.
harise100 said:
If it comes without sd card slot and fixed battery - > NO CONTEST!
Sent from my GT I9300
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A few months ago I would have said the same then I got my n4 as a spare phone, temporarily my main, and realised that for me it wasn't necessary, that's not to diss your view in anyway just carrying on the conversation.
To the question I hope so, it'll be good for Android and the consumer plus Samsung should pay a price for this release.
Honestly only people who frequent sites and forums like this care about anything you just mentioned. I'd be surprised if 10% of Galaxy S4 buyers even knew whether their phone has a Snapdragon or Exynos processor, and appreciated the difference. The S4 is going to have a monster advertising campaign behind it, and it's going to break sales records, certainly for an Android phone and possibly for smartphones period. If Google wants its X Phone to do well it's going to need a similarly strong marketing effort, and features that can grab the attention of a mainstream consumer (air gestures! eye scrolling!). Simply sticking some upgraded hardware specs in it is not going to do the trick in today's smartphone market.
AW: Will Motorola X on Google I\O hang S4 sales?
The extra battery is necessary because I tend to forget charging my phone. Fortunately there is a full battery in the charger on my desk
I like to have my personal data on a physically separate partition, so I can carelessly do a wipe every now and then.
Sent from my GT I9300
It could, but it really depends. Being competitive on the technical front is only the first part. Though there will probably be fairly comparably specced phones out later this year and maybe even as early as summer (maybe).
Marketing the sucker is the second. Samsung has done a good job in making Galaxy the go to name for android phones... even surpassing Droid marketing imo. The amount of Galaxy related ads I see is several times that of what I see from the Nexus line.
snapple232 said:
Honestly only people who frequent sites and forums like this care about anything you just mentioned. I'd be surprised if 10% of Galaxy S4 buyers even knew whether their phone has a Snapdragon or Exynos processor, and appreciated the difference. The S4 is going to have a monster advertising campaign behind it, and it's going to break sales records, certainly for an Android phone and possibly for smartphones period. If Google wants its X Phone to do well it's going to need a similarly strong marketing effort, and features that can grab the attention of a mainstream consumer (air gestures! eye scrolling!). Simply sticking some upgraded hardware specs in it is not going to do the trick in today's smartphone market.
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Yes to ordinary consumer will not make any difference, i was referring more to people like us who always want the best.
harise100 said:
The extra battery is necessary because I tend to forget charging my phone. Fortunately there is a full battery in the charger on my desk
I like to have my personal data on a physically separate partition, so I can carelessly do a wipe every now and then.
Sent from my GT I9300
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Yes, it is precisely the fact that the S4 have removable battery that is on my options.
But we must also agree if Motorola X comes with 4000mAh is a lot of energy, and the fact don't comes with removable battery is no longer so important.
Now if one day we have to change it, if disassembly is like ONE that is really terrible. I would never buy a phone like this, that can't disassemble it to put a new battery. The ONE disappointed me greatly in this respect is all glued....arrhhhhh
Zaegun said:
It could, but it really depends. Being competitive on the technical front is only the first part. Though there will probably be fairly comparably specced phones out later this year and maybe even as early as summer (maybe).
Marketing the sucker is the second. Samsung has done a good job in making Galaxy the go to name for android phones... even surpassing Droid marketing imo. The amount of Galaxy related ads I see is several times that of what I see from the Nexus line.
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If S4 had already come with the Exynos with LTE i even not would place this question ...... the problem is that comes two versions and the better one dont have LTE.
So if gona wait, other options like Motorola X will appear soon.
Man even if Google came out with a killer X phone they don't know how to distribute it and market it properly, just look at the N4 ...
On the other hand, since Samsung doesn't give a damn about what Google tells them to do with phones, UI etc, i think Google will probably try to get a killer out at a lower price point.
But they won't be able, nor will they want to, market it as much as samsung will with the S4. I mean samsung got it all right when they launched the S1 when the iphone was crushing competition --> mass mass mass marketing, it just works when the device follows up. two/three years later look where they are...
Lot of speculation, nothing final. And wait till we have the final product. X-phone name doesn't mean it's made for X-men!
And google/motorola are yet to prove that they can handle distribution and sales properly. None of their previous products have sold close to what iPhones/Galaxies sell. A good product isn't enough to be a blockbuster hit in present market.
X-phone/Nexus just doesn't have even even the 10% brand recognition of iPhone and Galaxy S. Marketing and promotion is something which only Apple and Samsung is able to do at this moment. Let's wait and see.
harise100 said:
If it comes without sd card slot and fixed battery - > NO CONTEST!
Sent from my GT I9300
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If the battery is massive I wouldn't mind and it needs at least 32GB and USB OTG and then that is fine
Sent from my C6603 using Tapatalk 2
Most of these specs are fantasies. Sapphire Glass is insanely expensive and there wont be a massive battery either
The truth is Samsung doesn't put us THE S4 on the table. What Sam brought was a S4 Poll and many doubts about LTE Exynos. Some countries have one anothers other, and some both.
These threads were not supposed to exist after S4 public presentation:
As for X users informed as we just have to wait 15 days after we actually can buy one S4 to know what is.
The leaked /rumored specs are impressive but will it have smart stay, smart scroll, air gesture, ir, etc etc etc? No... Never
《posted from s3》
Based on a quick google search the motorla x doesn't seem to be a super phone anymore and that those super hardware specs are being saved for the next nexus...
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using Tapatalk 2
AW: Will Motorola X on Google I\O hang S4 sales?
bala_gamer said:
The leaked /rumored specs are impressive but will it have smart stay, smart scroll, air gesture, ir, etc etc etc? No... Never
《posted from s3》
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I hope you are so wrong! :banghead:
I want to have "Multi windows" and a pen for my Nexus 7 or it's successors.
Sent from my GT I9300
pack21 said:
My point is, for consumers who are confused whether they should buy the S4\S600 or S4\Exynos, knowing S4's that only be for sale at the same time the expected presentation of Motorola X, culd be in doubt to what extent Motorola X will not give up their tendencies to S4.
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I guess it all comes down to what consumers want. Nexus/AOSP phones have appealed more to enthusiasts than the mainstream consumer (the GN only sold 750K units when sold alongside the SGS2/3) when offered at the same price. So with Samsung going even further over the top with s/w on the SGS4 it'll be interesting to see how they react to a "pure Google" Motorola phone. Google wants consumers to think "pure" is better but based on how well phones with overlays sell in comparison you have to wonder what consumer's think. If Motorola was smart they'd offer Phone X as a dual-boot in to either AOSP or an overlay that's got features like Samsung and LG are both pushing. That would at least hedge their bets. My prediction is if the Phone X is AOSP it's not going to dent the SGS4 because Samsung's trained people that s/w features are important (even if they're not).
AW: Will Motorola X on Google I\O hang S4 sales?
I really like AOSP.
You can have the best Android device. Because the S3 and coming S4 ROMs will never be 100% bug free.
On my Nexus 7 I am not aware of any bug in Android. The ROM developers fixed what google forgot.
The hardware sucks for a phone. :banghead:
Sent from my GT I9300
harise100 said:
On my Nexus 7 I am not aware of any bug in Android. The ROM developers fixed what google forgot.
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Nothing is perfect. I will say that nothing is even close to perfect.
It will be business as usual for the average joe as people savage for the S4.
But sales will halt for Enthusiasts like us as we await Google I/O.
There's no doubt KLP will be released.
However, I have a feeling that there will definitely be a new high-end phone here
and Google keeping the Nexus 4 as a low cost alternative.
With iPhones beginning to show its age, and Android phones coming out with faster processors, more PPI, and more premium materials, I think Android is in a prime position to take the crown here. But with this fierce competition, I'm starting to notice more and more quality control issues, weird design decisions, and what seems to be less-than-thorough testing before release.
Take the HTC One and Galaxy S4 for example. Both are getting high praises from reviewers, and people are generally happy with these devices. But looking at the forums here, the problems that people have about these phone are glaring and very noticeable but at the same time not necessary/innate, meaning that it could have been easily avoided by both manufactures with just a bit more attention to detail, better testing, and better quality control. The shear number of people who have dead pixels on their HTC One is mind boggling for example, where they have to go through exchange after exchange in order to get one without dead pixels. Looking at one of the poles, 60% reported at least one defective pixel! The lack of a menu button, or an out-of-the box option to long press for menu baffles me even more. Yes, you can root/unlock and mod the phone (and maybe lose your warranty or brick it), but how about that person who is switching from an iPhone to an HTC One who has no desire to modify their phone? Are they not going to be turned off by that ugly black box taking up an appreciable portion of their screen real estate? Then there are many people who are turned off by the gaps in HTC claimed "zero" gap design. Again doing exchange, after exchange in order to get a "good one".
Same story with the S4 with its lags, screen smearing, the always-on red pixels.....and now they are trying to fix these issues with firmware updates. These are problems that are apparent straight out of the box. Its not like HTC or Samsung could not have noticed them during testing. Someone didn't complain to HTC about that black box during testing? HTC couldn't require that a majority of its LCDs be free of pixel defect? Samsung didn't notice the ugly smearing in their menus, or the burgundy tinted blacks before release? None of the testers reported to Samsung about their god-awful Dialer app? (I'm talking about the ATT version, not sure about the international version here). No one noticed the glaring lag in at least some of the tested devices?
I mean, why shoot yourself in the foot with these easily avoidable problems? These phones are close to perfection, and in a strange way, it makes these kind of problems even harder to swallow. Why have all this great hardware under the hood, and then handicap it in the worst way with some stupid design decision, QC problems, or an obvious lack of usability testing prior to release?
Part of the problem might be that we are demanding more for our money. The 1080p LCD/AMOLED isn't cheap, machining a piece of aluminum isnt cheap, the Snapdraon 600 isn't cheap, Gorilla Glass 3 isnt maybe Samsung/ HTC skimp on testing prior to release or demanding less from quality control. But is that what we want going forward? We all love new toys, but the joy and excitement of having a new gadget fades away quickly after you take it out of the box. Having to wait for firmware updates, or holding off to buy in hopes of a new stock, just makes the novelty fade away even quicker.
I for one would like cellphone manufacturers to take more of my money but give me a better product out of the box. Charge me more, but don't knowingly skimp somewhere. The more I think about it, the more I realize how cheap cellphones really are considering all the bells whistle they come with. I rarely use my laptop anymore unless I need to type up a paper or to do photo/video editing. I'm a gadget junky, through and through. Like many of you, I spend a good amount of my hard earned cash on newer and better TVs, cameras, game consoles, PC components, laptops, etc etc. But I must say, none of those have required more exchanges, more returns, and more DOH!s than cellphones.
My question to tech junkies and laymans alike is, where do you stand? would be willing to pay more than that ubiquitous $200 for a high-tiered subsidized phone, if you knew it was "Muaaaaaaaaaa" *kisses fingertips* out-of-the box and not have to wait for a firmware update? Would you pay more If you knew you wouldn't have to exchange it countless times in order to get a "good one"? How much more? .....or you could just say "Sam, you are an ass for typing all this"
$200?! What?!
The S4 is 649 euro's....
And you're asking if I'd be willing to pay even more?! What the hell do you expect us to pay, 1200 euros?!
Send From My Samsung Galaxy S3 Using Tapatalk 2
Pat. said:
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In response to your unedited post....the whole point is to not have to wait for these glaring bugs and QC issues to be fixed. By that time newer phones will be out.
ShadowLea said:
$200?! What?!
The S4 is 649 euro's....
And you're asking if I'd be willing to pay even more?! What the hell do you expect us to pay, 1200 euros?!
Send From My Samsung Galaxy S3 Using Tapatalk 2
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LOL No, no i wasnt suggesting anything that drastic. Maybe a 50 dollars/euros increase.
PC compenent manufacturers do something similar with their "binned" versions of hardware; where they cherry pick chips/ram/vrm/controllers and sell the finished product at a slightly higher price. im not saying we should necessarily have a "binned" and regular versions of phones, but what Im hoping for is for phone manufacturers to do better inspection, better testing, and hold higher standards for what they release out in the market, even if the price goes slightly above what the consumers are use to be paying
: D
yea fair enough, I just thought "Ass" was funnier.
Sent from my GT-N7105 using xda app-developers app
I'm with you, except I disagree with paying more. If these companies want to lead the market, they HAVE to test them thoroughly before they sell them. I will say that I think Google's level of testing is very high. For that reason, I think I'm only going to get Nexus phones until they give me a reason not to.
I would pay more for a phone if everything worked and was good quality. i mostly do development with my phones and the phone i have right now has always had gps issues with none of the fixes ive ever found to help. quality damnit!
Ecksera said:
I would pay more for a phone if everything worked and was good quality. i mostly do development with my phones and the phone i have right now has always had gps issues with none of the fixes ive ever found to help. quality damnit!
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I'm with you! You can change software but not quality hardware
very long article. i would like to pay more only if i found it is worth , for example the hardwarequality , antishock , and more
I think the biggest problem is not in the price pressure, but in the time pressure. We want more and more quickly. The time it takes for device development (both hardware and software) is getting shorter. This means that engineers have less time to polish the device and hence the initial releases can be at most considered early beta releases.
Of course you can try to leverage that by employing more engineers, but this won't buy you much time.
So instead of offering more money for a phone I'd rather suggest giving the manufacturers more time to thoroughly develop and test their toys before launching them.
Mitt Romney jr, is that you?
KrissN said:
I think the biggest problem is not in the price pressure, but in the time pressure. We want more and more quickly. The time it takes for device development (both hardware and software) is getting shorter. This means that engineers have less time to polish the device and hence the initial releases can be at most considered early beta releases.
Of course you can try to leverage that by employing more engineers, but this won't buy you much time.
So instead of offering more money for a phone I'd rather suggest giving the manufacturers more time to thoroughly develop and test their toys before launching them.
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I agree. I think the manufacturers know how to make good hardware and software they are just rushed to release a new phone before their competitor releases theirs. Maybe phones could be released like cars. Then we could all wonder what the "2014's will look like".
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
JustLiveIt said:
I agree. I think the manufacturers know how to make good hardware and software they are just rushed to release a new phone before their competitor releases theirs. Maybe phones could be released like cars. Then we could all wonder what the "2014's will look like".
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
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I think we're reaching that point now, actually, or not far from it. This new x phone that leaked it a great example. Last year's hardware, but the idea is probably going to be more about good battery life or something like that.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
lol if someone if switching from Apple, it tends to be for better reason than never-modding or some stock FW aesthetic.
Honestly, ~$600-850 for new phones that are marginally better than last quarter's is already asking quite a bit, so even more and I'll just go back to old brick phones for all the right reasons.
Also our US carriers butchering hardware for god knows what purpose into clunky excuses for what originals were supposed to be.
I'm not really all that happy with the whole smartphone boom over the past 4 years. I quite enjoyed when these toys required proper owners who even knew of their existence.
I DO NOT want to pay more for a phone.
Why ?
Because the $600 or $700 tag already is several hundred dollars over material cost. Yes, they need to account for labour, shipping, and profit but take a look at Google and the Nexus line. Is it because Google can afford to take a loss on the hardware knowing that by using it you'll drive their revenue ? I don't think they would sell at a loss, but I'm open to being moderately surprised if that is the case. I'd guess they're breaking even.
There's no point in paying more for things that could be improved at the same price-point and still drive profit.
What WOULD help ?
Stop signing contracts that screw you for a subsidized phone. They have no incentive to make those phones as perfect as they can - they need some reason for you to keep re-signing that contract two years from now - they WANT you to be wanting to get rid of that phone. Why would they keep updating the firmware when they don't even want you to be using it two years from now ? Why not just have you keep paying them high monthly fees so you can get a "newer and better" phone for cheap (a cost they'll recover from you and then some) ?
What would help is people moving to buying their phones outright and demanding more for what they are paying - driving the market by where they're willing to spend money.
I don't think the components of a smartphone are "not cheap". They kind of are since the material cost is only $2-300. That's less than a decent desktop PC. Yes, it's a decent chunk of change but we're talking smartphones here, they're nice to have but still a luxury good (although I'd agree that a regular cell phone is not a luxury in this day and age). Many people pay more than $300 for a pair of shoes - a pair of Allen Edmonds is $350 ffs and that's $350 on some leather and stitching that people get romantic about - not an electronic device that can pinpoint your location by GPS, holy your music library, and play Netflix. A smartphone is a tiny computer, I would expect it to be priced as such.
So, no, please don't "charge me more" when there is no reason to. Please just have some quality control, although I don't really think it's a big deal because I'm not picky I guess. O well.
The theory behind what you're saying makes sense, but in reality at least here in Canada the prices have already increased a lot the past 3 years.
HTC desire came out almost 3 years ago here in Canada and it was the flagship phone. Full price no contract was $449.99. Then the HTC desire HD came out as its predecessor and it was $499. The desire z was also 499 launching around that time too.
The HTC one s was I think $550 and the one x $599 but dont quote me on that.
Now the HTC one is $650 and others from Samsung are $700. Iphones have always been more but I'm pretty sure they have been increasing steadily as well. So really how much do you want them to increase it? I take it you're very wealthy. Lol
Sent from my Desire HD using xda app-developers app
You're paying for the brand most of the time.. not actual quality
KrissN said:
I think the biggest problem is not in the price pressure, but in the time pressure. We want more and more quickly. The time it takes for device development (both hardware and software) is getting shorter. This means that engineers have less time to polish the device and hence the initial releases can be at most considered early beta releases.
Of course you can try to leverage that by employing more engineers, but this won't buy you much time.
So instead of offering more money for a phone I'd rather suggest giving the manufacturers more time to thoroughly develop and test their toys before launching them.
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I'd agree with that.. I honestly don't see it as as price issue. The life cycles of new phones currently is ridiculous. It seem like by the time one concept is finalized they move on to "the next big thing" and try to mass produce as many of the currently "new" product before next version is released, sometimes in less than a year.
I' m good with mine...
To be completely honest, I got my phone for.99 cents and have never been happier...I don't need multi window nonsense on it and with dev ROMs on here I am fixing to get 4.2.2. So for that price who cares if it burns up but my first and only one is bug free and fast after the OC kernel soooo....
sent from my SGH-I577/Slimbean/1.5oc LZ kernel
I'm not sure how much benefit a manufacturer has to gain from creating a premium smartphone.
Such a project will cost untold amounts of resources with no real promise of consumer acceptance.
Apple pretty much set the precedent for competitive pricing with the $200 subsidized price tag. It has become the main reference point when consumers consider their purchases. New Android phone, specs x, y, and z for $300. Well, the immediate thought is going to be... "so what makes this so great that it is $100 above the iPhone's price tag?"
That is why I think the smartphone market does not have room for a "high end", because the $200 range is already a high end.
Its all the same, nevertheless. I find nexus 6P more elegant and unique, thus the reason buying it because theres so many people with samsung devices, even low class people which just filters out its uniqueness and its price tag making it look worthless outside. What are your opinions? If your on Samsung S6/Edge/+, would you have the need to upgrade to an device such as Samsung S7?
I've posted an explanation as to what low class in this instance means. forgive me if it had you in any way, i was never trying to make any of you owners sad, its just that for so many, they have this phone and it just gets rid of its status 'elegant'. Elegant is ment to be beautiful, stylish. But when everyone has this 'elegant' phone, where does the definition exist of being stylish?
I love the samsung edge because its invention of curve screen. I've even had friends give them to me to try for an hour or so. The thing is that, i don't like people having the same phone as me. I was about to get the nexus 5x but one of my friends got it, so i went ahead with nexus 6p. But that doesnt mean that i would get another new phone if someone else has the same phone as me because that would be regarded as wasting money.
I agree I'm in a bond my Samsung smartphone if I should get the new one must have something waw and cool and interesting
I got my Galaxy S phone to be different from everybody else.
Then I got my Galaxy S4/S5 because they were simply the best.
Samsung is neither unique or the best anymore so...
Nexus6p stands strong in Android market . I hope Samsung won't compete to beat n6P with bloatware and bla bla. Hail nexus6p
After living with the LG G4 for a couple weeks, I'll be sticking with Samsung, if for no other reason that I FAR prefer the Home/capacative buttons that Samsung offers compared to the on screen buttons that all the other major makers use. Plus, I like Samsung's screens the best, & they are always at or near the top in camera, performance, etc. Custom ROMs take care of the bloat. Now, Samsung isn't perfect, & I am very disappointed by their removal of SD & replaceable battery, which is why I'm still hanging in there with my S4, which I had planned to replace with the S6. It looks like the SD is coming back, which will be probably be enough for me to go with the S7. If the S7 had replaceable battery, it would be a slam dunk for me. Despite the G4 having those features, it's size & button arrangement (including the power & volume) made it an overall less preferable unit to me than my aging S4.
I agree with the OP, my next device will be a Nexus one.
Not going to upgrade/downgrade from the note 4. But it will interesting to see if Samsung has learned something and if they will put the removable battery and a micro sd card back into their phones.
But yeah real buttons will always beat out in screen ones
So no one have an issue with this person stating even "low class" people have a Samsung?...Obviously not.
Sent from my Z10 using xda premium
If you can afford it buy Galaxy S7 or just buy some chinese Android phone.
But I definitely like to have microSD card back on Galaxy S7
You sound pretentious and terrible. Just because a company sells their product successfully does not make them worse. They're still using top of the line, listening to consumers by reinstating the microSD slot. You're not special because you have money to buy better products. If you wanna be so "different" go buy an iPhone. You have the same mindset as an apple fanboy.
Like most phones, upgrading every year isn't very appealing because there's only so much that can be improved. I wouldn't upgrade from a Galaxy S6. But I certainly will from my S5 Sport!
II-DJ-Messiah-II said:
even low class people
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Really, low class? Well you are the Messiah so I guess everyone is low class to you.
I agree with some of you, I don't seen the point of upgrading every year, there isn't a big enough difference between each years models. I don't mind iPhone once they are jailbroken, I have an iPhone 4 that has been through hell and back with me and still kicking. I have been through a kyocera slide I got stuck in boot loop and bricked a HTC desire. Now have an LG G3 that I love and haven't had any problems. If your going from a device that that is a couple models older and is going obsolete then upgrade, but most of us don't have the money laying around to to by a new phone every year.
Have they even set a release date for the Galaxy D7 yet?
By low class, you have to understand that i am not defining those who have samsung as lower class. its your choice to have it or not. but the thing is that wherever i go, everywhere! people have got either samsung or apple in their hands and to me it feels like its just too many. it just destroys its elegancy and its price tag. i don't know how to explain but I hope i cleared some misconceptions
Not usually one to post, but you're not helping yourself any with your explanation. You still come off as elitist, shallow, and rather petty to be honest.
Who cares how many people have a phone? Are you going to tell me an iPhone isn't nice because millions of people have one? Or that the Galaxy series is suddenly not one of the best phones, simply because more people have it?
I dunno if this is going to be breaking news to you, but with contract subsidies and pricing offers and various discounts, even the most expensive of smartphones are a relatively cheap luxury item. With the modern reliance on cellphones, and mobile data, of course having a good phone is going to be something most people will spend a few extra dollars on. Is it really a newsflash that people want the best? Or did you not consider that most people are flocking to the Galaxy series, and the iPhone lineup, because they have a longstanding legacy of being two of the best, powerhouse smartphones available.
Furthermore.. elegance? Really? They're phones, not watches. They're consumption devices that have increasingly more and more uses.. not just little gadgets people get, to show off how rich or awesome they are. Only the geekiest of the geeks have a nerdgasm about how much more elegant their phone is than the average person. The rest of us standard model geeks would rather just enjoy our phones as the tools that they are, and try to find the one that works best for us.
Well done, ThePheonixChameleon. I totally agree, although what do I know, I'm an inelegant, low-class owner of a Galaxy S4, no less.
There is no need to get a Samsung devuce, because there is OnePlus out there...
I was a great fan of Samsung devices, and I'm still are. But now I have two OnePlus devices and I'm very satisfied with them. So I won't get any other device for now and the near future. :beer:
hella356 said:
Well done, ThePheonixChameleon. I totally agree, although what do I know, I'm an inelegant, low-class owner of a Galaxy S4, no less.
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Ehh, I just picked up my fourth rooted Galaxy S3 off Swappa. Still clinging to that antique, cliche phone.. with it's plastic case and inelegant awesomeness that made it the only phone anyone wanted of it's generation.
I currently own a Galaxy S5 Sport. Great phone, but the first thing I did was flash CM12.1, waiting for CM13. Touchwiz is a piece of ****. Samsung phones are so much better than one would think if you get rid of the garbage stock ROM. I'm not just speaking aesthetically, the performance is atrocious. It's so smooth and never hangs up now, also doesn't force close when trying to do something intensive and the RAM management is much better!
victor1g said:
'm not just speaking aesthetically, the performance is atrocious. It's so smooth and never hangs up now, also doesn't force close when trying to do something intensive and the RAM management is much better!
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Totally agree. I also had a SGS5 before I exchanged it with the OnePlus Two. I tried a lot of different Rom's. The very best I flashed on it was AICP. I was very satisfied with that Rom. Maybe you will try it out. :thumbup: