[Q] How much of a threat is Tizen to Android? - General Questions and Answers

People say that Tizen is 5 years too late and that it will never succeed.
Sales data are now public. The Samsung Z1 sold 500,000+ units in India and was the best selling smartphone model in Bangladesh for Q1 2015.
I don't think anyone was expecting these sales volumes. Quite impressive for a phone harboring a brand new OS.
Because Samsung focused on optimization when developing Tizen, Tizen phones are significantly faster and more efficient than Android phones. The Samsung Z1 is smooth as butter for a phone with a mere 768 MB of RAM.
What say you, XDA? Is Tizen a threat to Android?

Tizen is a Linux Foundation OS: I don't see it as a "threat" - it's great to have alternatives.
We certainly don't need a Google monopoly on mobile. Apple/Google is a fifty/fifty situation in rich countries but Android is close to a monopoly everywhere else.
So all alternatives are welcome imo

Tizen is good for low spec phones but it will never be a fully featured OS. Samsung is terrible at UX design, too.
The reason it sells well is because in developing countries where it's being rolled out heavily most people can't afford a 600-800 USD Galaxy S. If they had the choice between what is basically a feature phone and a flagship without regard to price then Tizen would only be bought by curious hackers and unlucky people who accidentally bought the wrong phone.

Gtnaoaki said:
Tizen is good for low spec phones but it will never be a fully featured OS. Samsung is terrible at UX design, too.
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And why wouldn't it be a fully-featured OS? The only thing it's missing are apps, which it will get in a bit more years. Also, I don't know see why the Z1's ugly UI design will influence your decision to purchase a future Tizen phone with a much better UI design. Is bad UI design contagious?
I agree that the UI on the Z1 looks bad, but UI design can be changed easily. Android's architectural flaw, on the other hand, can't be fixed, else google risks breaking all app compatibility. I prefer Samsung's situation. They can just hire a better UI designer. Google is stuck and can't improve their buggy Android platform.
The reason it sells well is because in developing countries where it's being rolled out heavily most people can't afford a 600-800 USD Galaxy S. If they had the choice between what is basically a feature phone and a flagship without regard to price then Tizen would only be bought by curious hackers and unlucky people who accidentally bought the wrong phone.
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The Samsung Z1's price is relatively high compared to similarly specced Android phones.
The Z1's price started at $92, though it's probably down to around $80 now.
In a country like Bangladesh, where the GDP Per Capita is $1,100, $92 is a very hefty pricetag.
The 2nd best-selling smartphone in Bangladesh was some Symphony Android phone that cost $60 and had very similar specs to the Z1, meaning the Z1 was priced more than 150% of the 2nd best-selling phone's price while having identical hardware. Despite the $30 premium, which is very high for Bengalis, the Z1 stomped the 2nd best-selling phone in sales.
Also, I wouldn't say the people who bought the Z1 are "unlucky". Many of them will be pleasantly surprised by Tizen's smoothness, speed and efficiency. In fact, I think the only reason why the Z1 did so well in both India and Bangladesh is because the first customers were so pleased with the device that they recommended it to their friends, family and colleagues.
Remember, with the rising Korean Won, Samsung can't afford to compete with companies in countries with deflated currencies, which is why Samsung is concentrating so much on software optimization. The only way Samsung can make a profit now is if they charge a premium for the hardware they're packing into their products. That's why Tizen is so important to Samsung. They can stomp Android with its superior performance and battery life even with far inferior hardware.

EroticCreep said:
And why wouldn't it be a fully-featured OS? The only thing it's missing are apps, which it will get in a bit more years. Also, I don't know see why the Z1's ugly UI design will influence your decision to purchase a future Tizen phone with a much better UI design. Is bad UI design contagious?
I agree that the UI on the Z1 looks bad, but UI design can be changed easily. Android's architectural flaw, on the other hand, can't be fixed, else google risks breaking all app compatibility. I prefer Samsung's situation. They can just hire a better UI designer. Google is stuck and can't improve their buggy Android platform.
The Samsung Z1's price is relatively high compared to similarly specced Android phones.
The Z1's price started at $92, though it's probably down to around $80 now.
In a country like Bangladesh, where the GDP Per Capita is $1,100, $92 is a very hefty pricetag.
The 2nd best-selling smartphone in Bangladesh was some Symphony Android phone that cost $60 and had very similar specs to the Z1, meaning the Z1 was priced more than 150% of the 2nd best-selling phone's price while having identical hardware. Despite the $30 premium, which is very high for Bengalis, the Z1 stomped the 2nd best-selling phone in sales.
Also, I wouldn't say the people who bought the Z1 are "unlucky". Many of them will be pleasantly surprised by Tizen's smoothness, speed and efficiency. In fact, I think the only reason why the Z1 did so well in both India and Bangladesh is because the first customers were so pleased with the device that they recommended it to their friends, family and colleagues.
Remember, with the rising Korean Won, Samsung can't afford to compete with companies in countries with deflated currencies, which is why Samsung is concentrating so much on software optimization. The only way Samsung can make a profit now is if they charge a premium for the hardware they're packing into their products. That's why Tizen is so important to Samsung. They can stomp Android with its superior performance and battery life even with far inferior hardware.
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Tizen cannot be viewed as as "threat" to Android.. But yes it will be a very good alternative once it improves it UX, upgrade its app store... Its good to have options.. Also if it can bring some brilliant customization options and at the same time sustain battery life then it can certainly announce itself..



Googlroa is in a very awkward position all moto's pre acusition phones are trough the pipes, now its their show. I don't see a way that they can produce their own hardware and not edge out competition.
Their track record with the nexus is impressive. How are they supposed to make their own phones and not directly compete with the other Android OEMs? They can't purposely produce sub par phones or over price them? The price of the nexus will have to increase or they will be competing with themselves. Yes another OEM manufacturers the phone but the concensus is that the nexus is subsidized so can will they continue to do this just to throw them a bone, if so how long can they afford to do this?
So am i to believe that they will continue to sell nexus in the 350 range unlocked but as Googlroa it's carrier bs as usual yes at first they may have to play ball a little but but how long can Sammy maintain a larger market share.
As they grow to Sammy's size they can wield power like Sammy and eventually like apple. This i believe will happen relatively quickly because of the trust they inherent from the nexus program. I can trust i will receive updates in a timely manner I can trust that my phone will be supported for a reasonable amount of time I can trust my flagship will have the latest specs.
I personally have faith in Googlroa because of the nexus. The question I'm really asking how can Google differentiate moto phones from nexus phones other than price (of course design but it's a relatively small consideration I think the S3 feels kinda cheap and plasticity to be a flagship phone and it isn't really pleasing to the eye)?
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Edit: readability
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Will Motorola X on Google I\O hang S4 sales?

Let's make some predictions:
- End April\May is when stores begin to receive first-S4's
- Past 15 days, on 15May is google I\0 where it is expected be presented the Motorola X
In July is expected to begin sells of Motorola X
Assuming that some main specifications expected to be realized on Motorola X:
- Snapdragon 800 2.3GHz
- 4000mah Battery
- Display Shapphire Glass 3
- Carbon Materials
My point is, for consumers who are confused whether they should buy the S4\S600 or S4\Exynos, knowing S4's that only be for sale at the same time the expected presentation of Motorola X, culd be in doubt to what extent Motorola X will not give up their tendencies to S4.
Then we still have to rely on consumers who will wait another 1-2 months for the current S4 price calm down a bit.
As I said earlier, Samsung made ​​a serious mistake in launching two S4 variants totally different, and with aggravating circumstance of not be clear whether the question if will have a variant with LTE Exynos or not.
So if the Motorola X is indeed presented at Google I\0 and have specs which are expected might slightly spoil the S4 sales.
AW: Will Motorola X on Google I\O hang S4 sales?
If it comes without sd card slot and fixed battery - > NO CONTEST!
Sent from my GT I9300
harise100 said:
If it comes without sd card slot and fixed battery - > NO CONTEST!
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If it comes with 4000mAh can consider that are equal, will do well for a full day of heavy use ..... Although it is also important to know if future replacement is easy.
SD slot for me is not so important if comes at least with 32GB.
The most important is S800, which is expected spend much less battery.
harise100 said:
If it comes without sd card slot and fixed battery - > NO CONTEST!
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A few months ago I would have said the same then I got my n4 as a spare phone, temporarily my main, and realised that for me it wasn't necessary, that's not to diss your view in anyway just carrying on the conversation.
To the question I hope so, it'll be good for Android and the consumer plus Samsung should pay a price for this release.
Honestly only people who frequent sites and forums like this care about anything you just mentioned. I'd be surprised if 10% of Galaxy S4 buyers even knew whether their phone has a Snapdragon or Exynos processor, and appreciated the difference. The S4 is going to have a monster advertising campaign behind it, and it's going to break sales records, certainly for an Android phone and possibly for smartphones period. If Google wants its X Phone to do well it's going to need a similarly strong marketing effort, and features that can grab the attention of a mainstream consumer (air gestures! eye scrolling!). Simply sticking some upgraded hardware specs in it is not going to do the trick in today's smartphone market.
AW: Will Motorola X on Google I\O hang S4 sales?
The extra battery is necessary because I tend to forget charging my phone. Fortunately there is a full battery in the charger on my desk
I like to have my personal data on a physically separate partition, so I can carelessly do a wipe every now and then.
Sent from my GT I9300
It could, but it really depends. Being competitive on the technical front is only the first part. Though there will probably be fairly comparably specced phones out later this year and maybe even as early as summer (maybe).
Marketing the sucker is the second. Samsung has done a good job in making Galaxy the go to name for android phones... even surpassing Droid marketing imo. The amount of Galaxy related ads I see is several times that of what I see from the Nexus line.
snapple232 said:
Honestly only people who frequent sites and forums like this care about anything you just mentioned. I'd be surprised if 10% of Galaxy S4 buyers even knew whether their phone has a Snapdragon or Exynos processor, and appreciated the difference. The S4 is going to have a monster advertising campaign behind it, and it's going to break sales records, certainly for an Android phone and possibly for smartphones period. If Google wants its X Phone to do well it's going to need a similarly strong marketing effort, and features that can grab the attention of a mainstream consumer (air gestures! eye scrolling!). Simply sticking some upgraded hardware specs in it is not going to do the trick in today's smartphone market.
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Yes to ordinary consumer will not make any difference, i was referring more to people like us who always want the best.
harise100 said:
The extra battery is necessary because I tend to forget charging my phone. Fortunately there is a full battery in the charger on my desk
I like to have my personal data on a physically separate partition, so I can carelessly do a wipe every now and then.
Sent from my GT I9300
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Yes, it is precisely the fact that the S4 have removable battery that is on my options.
But we must also agree if Motorola X comes with 4000mAh is a lot of energy, and the fact don't comes with removable battery is no longer so important.
Now if one day we have to change it, if disassembly is like ONE that is really terrible. I would never buy a phone like this, that can't disassemble it to put a new battery. The ONE disappointed me greatly in this respect is all glued....arrhhhhh
Zaegun said:
It could, but it really depends. Being competitive on the technical front is only the first part. Though there will probably be fairly comparably specced phones out later this year and maybe even as early as summer (maybe).
Marketing the sucker is the second. Samsung has done a good job in making Galaxy the go to name for android phones... even surpassing Droid marketing imo. The amount of Galaxy related ads I see is several times that of what I see from the Nexus line.
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If S4 had already come with the Exynos with LTE i even not would place this question ...... the problem is that comes two versions and the better one dont have LTE.
So if gona wait, other options like Motorola X will appear soon.
Man even if Google came out with a killer X phone they don't know how to distribute it and market it properly, just look at the N4 ...
On the other hand, since Samsung doesn't give a damn about what Google tells them to do with phones, UI etc, i think Google will probably try to get a killer out at a lower price point.
But they won't be able, nor will they want to, market it as much as samsung will with the S4. I mean samsung got it all right when they launched the S1 when the iphone was crushing competition --> mass mass mass marketing, it just works when the device follows up. two/three years later look where they are...
Lot of speculation, nothing final. And wait till we have the final product. X-phone name doesn't mean it's made for X-men!
And google/motorola are yet to prove that they can handle distribution and sales properly. None of their previous products have sold close to what iPhones/Galaxies sell. A good product isn't enough to be a blockbuster hit in present market.
X-phone/Nexus just doesn't have even even the 10% brand recognition of iPhone and Galaxy S. Marketing and promotion is something which only Apple and Samsung is able to do at this moment. Let's wait and see.
harise100 said:
If it comes without sd card slot and fixed battery - > NO CONTEST!
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If the battery is massive I wouldn't mind and it needs at least 32GB and USB OTG and then that is fine
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Most of these specs are fantasies. Sapphire Glass is insanely expensive and there wont be a massive battery either
The truth is Samsung doesn't put us THE S4 on the table. What Sam brought was a S4 Poll and many doubts about LTE Exynos. Some countries have one anothers other, and some both.
These threads were not supposed to exist after S4 public presentation:
As for X users informed as we just have to wait 15 days after we actually can buy one S4 to know what is.
The leaked /rumored specs are impressive but will it have smart stay, smart scroll, air gesture, ir, etc etc etc? No... Never
《posted from s3》
Based on a quick google search the motorla x doesn't seem to be a super phone anymore and that those super hardware specs are being saved for the next nexus...
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AW: Will Motorola X on Google I\O hang S4 sales?
bala_gamer said:
The leaked /rumored specs are impressive but will it have smart stay, smart scroll, air gesture, ir, etc etc etc? No... Never
《posted from s3》
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I hope you are so wrong! :banghead:
I want to have "Multi windows" and a pen for my Nexus 7 or it's successors.
Sent from my GT I9300
pack21 said:
My point is, for consumers who are confused whether they should buy the S4\S600 or S4\Exynos, knowing S4's that only be for sale at the same time the expected presentation of Motorola X, culd be in doubt to what extent Motorola X will not give up their tendencies to S4.
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I guess it all comes down to what consumers want. Nexus/AOSP phones have appealed more to enthusiasts than the mainstream consumer (the GN only sold 750K units when sold alongside the SGS2/3) when offered at the same price. So with Samsung going even further over the top with s/w on the SGS4 it'll be interesting to see how they react to a "pure Google" Motorola phone. Google wants consumers to think "pure" is better but based on how well phones with overlays sell in comparison you have to wonder what consumer's think. If Motorola was smart they'd offer Phone X as a dual-boot in to either AOSP or an overlay that's got features like Samsung and LG are both pushing. That would at least hedge their bets. My prediction is if the Phone X is AOSP it's not going to dent the SGS4 because Samsung's trained people that s/w features are important (even if they're not).
AW: Will Motorola X on Google I\O hang S4 sales?
I really like AOSP.
You can have the best Android device. Because the S3 and coming S4 ROMs will never be 100% bug free.
On my Nexus 7 I am not aware of any bug in Android. The ROM developers fixed what google forgot.
The hardware sucks for a phone. :banghead:
Sent from my GT I9300
harise100 said:
On my Nexus 7 I am not aware of any bug in Android. The ROM developers fixed what google forgot.
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Nothing is perfect. I will say that nothing is even close to perfect.
It will be business as usual for the average joe as people savage for the S4.
But sales will halt for Enthusiasts like us as we await Google I/O.
There's no doubt KLP will be released.
However, I have a feeling that there will definitely be a new high-end phone here
and Google keeping the Nexus 4 as a low cost alternative.

Am I the only bored by Android this year?

I've heard many said 2016 was the worst year of releases of Android devices. I just feel like nothing has really been exciting, it's kind of like the same ole same ole this year. Many may laugh, but the Nextbit Robin has been the most exciting release for me this year. Reasoning being is they actually did something to differentiate themselves by not just focusing on the same ole same ole hardware specs battle (Though I do believe they need to make some improvements for their sucessors), but using software to advance their smartphone and its experience. There have been many improvements made to it, the gallery app, camera app, some upcoming cloud updates like battery life, etc.
I however was impressed by the OnePlus 3 this year, and I thought the Axon 7 is a great smartphone (though I'm not too keen on the camera quality). Other than that, I'm kind of meh this year. People debated on who's the top at times, but honestly, I prefer a smartphone company to just do something great that's unique. I kind of hope Blackberry doesn't die off with their smartphone line. I think they still have something unique and different that the can bring to their own line of smartphones.
Any thoughts?
Any smartphone anyone else has been excited for this year that have already been released or that will be releasing before this year's end?
I think that 2015 was more boring. Marshmallow that was released last year was just Lollipop with like 5 new features, and the phones from last were are pretty boring as far as innovation went. At least the Iphone 7 (2016) was more full of innovation than the 2015 Iphone 6S. And this year we got much more interesting devices. The LG G5 and Moto Z series are one of them. They are both modular and completely redesigned from their successors. Sony as well. They are also redefining their smartphone designs. And as for Nougat that was released this year, Nougat brought a lot of new changes. Such as somewhat a redesigned look, Multi-Window, Vulkan API. And at the end of the year, we will also see the new Pixel phones, and perhaps the Daydream VR as well. In conclusion, 2016 wasn't really boring. i would say that 2015 and even 2014 were much more boring than 2016 is.
I don't think devices are any less exciting, people are not getting excited because the phones have gotten so good that it takes a lot longer to make major improvements or breakthroughs anymore.
I'm not sure what's so innovative about the iPhone 7? I'm not about to give up the headphone jack. When I get stuck inside the office for the day sometimes, i have my phone plugged into the computer speakers all day long and plug it in at times.

Vanilla Android on Galaxy Devices. Why would you purposely ruin the experience?

I am new to the forums. In fact I have owned only two Android phones (J5 and Moto G) in the past. After I unboxed my Samsung phone, I noticed something, At about 200$ compared to Apple , Samsung was offering some really great cheap hardware. Can't say the same about Motorola but it was slightly cheaper so that was fine I guess. However once I set up my device, the Samsung software was just pure garbage. Its almost like they were forcing cheap phone buyers to use good hardware but give them terrible experience. On the other hand the nearly vanilla android on Moto G was a great experience. Everything just worked. But when it came to design and hardware, the Moto G felt cheaper than Galaxy J5. I also have used for a short period an S3, S6, Note4, and S8 plus. The Samsung hardware is actually decent. The cameras are good, phones are sleek, batteries are replaceable many times, dual sim and MicroSD cards are a bonus.
Now I was just wondering, I agree that Samsung have had in the past success with selling crappy TouchWiz flavoured Android, so phones slow down over time, lose updates and people upgrade the hardware. But in 2018 I believe this strategy is hurting their sales. The Pixel Phones have caught up, manufacturers like OnePlus in flagship market are offering good value and in the low end Google is making an effort for Chinese manufacturers to come up with low end smartphones with snappier Android thats almost vanilla (work in progress I believe). So when Samsung launches their flagship S9 and S9+ people want something thats just an overall great experience. I don't think people believe TouchWiz is anything unique anymore and Bixby and Siri are just a joke. Instead of spending money on developing and maintaining crappy software that only hurts sales, why doesn't Samsung spend the same money on improving the experience by using things like Machine Learning to improve camera performance, more hardware chips (AI chips in Pixel are an example) and overall the experience in a more sensible way. Samsung phones used to have the best camera in Flagship but the pixel nailed it this time. And that was a result of that AI chip along with better ML for sure.
And not to mention the fact that in countries like India, Samsung has quickly lost its market share. People still consider Samsung in these countries before buying because of past positive experience with hardware and wide service support throughout the country but the software has let down today and so Xiaomi and Vivo and Oppo are considered since they get slightly better hardware at the same cost.
Any idea how Samsung plans to up its game? I would really love to see a Galaxy phone in the 200$ range that runs vanilla Android and is significantly better than Oppo and Vivo and Xiaomi where people would just go with the big brand instead.

Vivo NexS most underrated phone of 2018

Some renders of the Oneplus 7 are floating around the internet and OnePlus fans are having orgasms over the possible design having a pop-up camera and full-screen. However, the Oneplus won't have a headphone jack like ours. I'm laughing to myself since we already own one.
I have a simple theory as to why this awesome phone flew under the radar last year but is being copied more and more. When it came out people rushed to buy immediately and reviewers rushed to review it too. But it was the Chinese version and 95% of reviews online are for the Chinese version only. The early buyers (including here) and reviewers had all sorts of complaints because they didn't wait for the Global version to be released. The early reviewers also didn't go back and review the Global version either, therefore it was stuck with inaccurate reviews for potential buyers to see.
I've been following the announcement and release of various phones over the last few months and I honestly don't see anything that surpasses my NexS overall. In other words, I don't see any compelling reason to replace my NexS in the near future. It still easily holds it's own hardware and design wise so far in 2019.
My toughts exactly....
Twotems said:
Some renders of the Oneplus 7 are floating around the internet and OnePlus fans are having orgasms over the possible design having a pop-up camera and full-screen. However, the Oneplus won't have a headphone jack like ours. I'm laughing to myself since we already own one.
I have a simple theory as to why this awesome phone flew under the radar last year but is being copied more and more. When it came out people rushed to buy immediately and reviewers rushed to review it too. But it was the Chinese version and 95% of reviews online are for the Chinese version only. The early buyers (including here) and reviewers had all sorts of complaints because they didn't wait for the Global version to be released. The early reviewers also didn't go back and review the Global version either, therefore it was stuck with inaccurate reviews for potential buyers to see.
I've been following the announcement and release of various phones over the last few months and I honestly don't see anything that surpasses my NexS overall. In other words, I don't see any compelling reason to replace my NexS in the near future. It still easily holds it's own hardware and design wise so far in 2019.
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Exactly this! That was the problem and almost all of the complains in the chinese version that people had in the reviews are non-existent in the global version...but vivo could have pushed to send them the global version to re-review...
Aggre most of the parts with observation above but the main issue with Vivo smartphone is that.
1.Lacking landing to western markets.
2.Lacking or not good enough marketing strategy.
3.No developers friendly(if not win the hard-core user base how will you win the majority of users who don't know even the existing of Vivo as OEM smartphone maker)
4.People in western world don't like that IOS hevelly inspired Fantouch OS skin just like any kind ios skin by others OEM even being under global rom umbrella.
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Yep, without a doubt one of the phones of the year. I really love my Nex S.
paatha13 said:
Aggre most of the parts with observation above but the main issue with Vivo smartphone is that.
1.Lacking landing to western markets.
2.Lacking or not good enough marketing strategy.
3.No developers friendly(if not win the hard-core user base how will you win the majority of users who don't know even the existing of Vivo as OEM smartphone maker)
4.People in western world don't like that IOS hevelly inspired Fantouch OS skin just like any kind ios skin by others OEM even being under global rom umbrella.
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I agree with 1 & 2 but not 3 & 4.
The modding community is less than one-tenth of one percent in the mobile phone world.
I would say that if the phone is outstanding enough then the skin doesn't matter. The iPhone is a good example. It sells well despite mediocre software features and a locked down OS. Personally I changed my launcher immediately.
Twotems said:
I agree with 1 & 2 but not 3 & 4.
The modding community is less than one-tenth of one percent in the mobile phone world.
I would say that if the phone is outstanding enough then the skin doesn't matter. The iPhone is a good example. It sells well despite mediocre software features and a locked down OS. Personally I changed my launcher immediately.
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Personal talking don't have any issue with Fantouch skin as UI aspects.
Just 2-3 missing software features that's all who are indipended from Fantouch but has to do with stupid decision made by them.
But most of people in western countries does not like at all hevelly ios inspired android skin.
Even global rom is not enough they must adopt more stock android UI elements.
Look for example Oneplus within 5 years manage to gain respect and hugely adoption from western hemisphere by just following near stock Android UI.
They're fifth place among OEM for selling device within 5-6 biggest European countries.
In India they're third place.
Without any kind marketing strategy without any retailers partnership,without any advertising with exception last 1.5 year that corporate with Amazon for selling their device and most of all with the hugely support by hard core user base even being vastly minority BUT their contributions for oneplus rapidly growing is huge without any doubt.
Vivo has no luck at all in western hemisphere if they don't adopt near stock android UI despite you and me and others few that don't have issues with Fantouch.
We are minority.
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