Leaving Foster Family After 7 Years, I don't want to leave my friends - General Questions and Answers

This will probably be long a story so strap yourself in, it's going to be a bumpy ride.
My name is Ian, I have just turned 15 this Christmas and I have been in long term foster care for 8 years now and have been with the same family in the same village the whole time. I have 2 of the greatest friends I have ever had in my life. But for the past year I have begun to lose one of them to drugs. His name is Chris, his sister is called Eloise and I have been in love with her for the last three years I have known Chris. And for the past 4/5 months we have had been going out, now Eloise has anxiety and depression which I love about her because I wanted to impact her and help her to overcome these mental illnesses. I hate to see her cry so I always tried to make her smile by telling her funny stories or stupid jokes. Eloise's family do not have much money at the moment and her brother Chris used to joke about them being poor so to make Eloise smile I used to do this to but it really upset her which I was not aware of as I do not think before I speak. Things like this have been building up, me not being aware that I'm being rude towards her family when I'm trying to make her smile and tonight she broke up with me.
Recently it has been decided that I am to move foster homes as it is not working anymore and I'm not bored about leaving the family behind, I'm bothered about leaving my friends behind, they are the only people that get me and I don't want to leave Eloise behind either as my heart feels so connected to her still as we are still close friends. I cannot bring myself to leave all of this behind and I leave in a week.
Does anyone know what to do or has anyone gone through any similar situations and could give me some advice that would help me mentally as I feel like trash. I'm also a cutter so I may have to resort back to that if I'm not feeling better, I felt like I needed to get this out.
Thank you for reading this, if you read this all thank you. And if you can give any advice on how to cope through this then that would be very much appreciated thank you.


In the Sh$tter

I new that one day it would happen...
Several close calls over the years, but yesterday my G2x did a swan dive out of my shirt pocket into the crapper.
The phone thought that the headphone jack was plugged in for about 2 hours, but finally cleared...
that's awesome.
such great news! lets hope everyone else is just as lucky as you if our phones drop in the toilet!
I just love this post because earlier today at work, we were discussing different ways we had lost our phones over the years and this was probably one of the most common, one of the things I had brought up was how much an insurance replacement was for this phn and how it would be the most expensive visit to the john I had ever made!
I hope I never have to find out for myself, but if the porcelain gods ever frown on me and demand a phone sacrifice, I can laugh in their faces, after, of course, I thoroughly disinfect both myself and my phone after retrieval.


I was so happy with my G2x, not only did I invest in a hundred dollar battery, screen protector, headphones etc. and just updated to ginger bread, I was so enthusiastic to go out and play with my gadget, then bam! While looking at the screen under the sunlight, there our was, starting me in the face, a tiny white speck of dust under the screen! Aaaaaarrrrrggghhhh! FML.
I'm at church now....more important things in life...God please give me peace.
And if your eyes are anything like my eyes, it's probably 18'" across! Feelin' your pain bro!
I wonder if it is worth getting a can of compressed air from a camera shop? It got in, maybe you can force it out or away from the screen?
Hmmm...that would give me precisely the excuse I needed to embark on this mission: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=15538625#post15538625
But then again, I'm kinda crazy.
Ok mass just finished, and coincidentally the sermon from the priest was what is your treasure? The priest is a professor at Loyola university, and he told a story about how his students treasured material things. Really strange because the moral of the story was all this is temporary.
I'm enjoy this g2x for the time I have it, flaws and all.
"Better to rule in hell than serve in heaven... " muwahahaha...
Seriously though, 100$ for a battery? ?? Is you crazy? Hope that thing gives good head to.
Personally I'm leary of afermarket batteries but hey more power to ya.
So its like a 5k mah?? What could possibly make this bat worth a hundo?
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA Premium App
maybe god is punishing you LOOLOLO
then again some dont have one to be punished by!

GRRRRR Stolen phone

Well I had my phone stolen last night gutted to say the least. I used PlanB to track it down, but it went straight to the mafia district here in Vietnam! Trust me that's a place you don't want to be going at night, so I let it go!
Sadly the police here are a waste of time too, so that's bye-bye phone!
Luckily I guess there was nothing on the phone that I can't replace aside from my sms\txt messages but I can live without that. Everything else is backed up bar one or two recent photos. I hadn't even rooted it yet.
So I'm gonna be buying a new phone at the end of the month and now the dilemma is to replace with another sensation or look at the alternatives. EVO3D, maybe look at the galaxy but I'm not a real fan of Samsung, but it's a viable option.
Or see what else is coming REAL soon.
oh well some shopping to do I guess.
laidbackfreak said:
Trust me that's a place you don't want to be going at night, so I let it go!
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So... go in the day with a gun?
Flippy125 said:
So... go in the day with a gun?
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...and leave in a body bag, or just plain disappear completely
as for getting a new phone, i recommend another sensation, as the prices have dropped just a bit...or get a janky POS phone to hold you of till nov/dec when the hercules or holiday come out
POST 420! too bad im at work
How exactly did it get stolen? Just curious...
Picked my pocket by two very cute girls who did a great distraction job on me, they walked into me and dropped some stuff. I stopped helped them pick it up and when I turned round I noticed a distinct lack of weight where phone had been. Realised what had happened immediately turned round to confront them only to see them climbing on a motorbike being ridden by another accomplice and take off sharpish!
Could've been worse just found out my CEO father in-law had his iphone snatched from his hand last evening as he was on the phone leaning against a wall. Two guys rode up, one jumped off pushed him and harrased him to grab the phone and rode off sharpish. Luckily he's not hurt.
PS the idea of taking a gun into mafia district is highly appealing, but just not worth it in the end. Outnumbered to say the least and as a westerner living here I'd be picked up within hours.
Friend of mine who's been here longer than me has lost 8 phones in 4years!
PPS ahhh 420... at the 420 in 'dam I miss them days...
I guess it would make sense to make all calls via a BT headset and keep the phone taped to your crotch or something.
GideonX said:
I guess it would make sense to make all calls via a BT headset and keep the phone taped to your crotch or something.
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Hahahahaha lol they might try to steal that aswell (the headset or ummm ur crotch ) lol jk
Damn Charlie robbed you...... Did those girl say.....me so horny, me luv you long time..... Haha
Sorry to hear that just goto mafia district and make a suicidal bomber vest with c4 and hold a grenade without the pin on the trigger and threaten everyone to surrender all the cellphones drugs and cash n weapons
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA App
I heard vietnam is not a save country. Even for tourism. Their goverment should do something especially at the mafia area. We live in a melenium year, not 40s or 60s anymore!!
Sorry to hear what happen to you. And as for new phone, I think you definately not to use expensive phone over there. Better use plain old chip phone in such danger and high crime area.
gijoe69 said:
Damn Charlie robbed you...... Did those girl say.....me so horny, me luv you long time..... Haha
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That's just corny in this day and age.
TBH crime here isn't that bad and certainly no worse than London or other major cities I've been too. Majority of the time I feel pretty safe and as long as your aware of what's going on it's no biggie.
I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and got suckered by some fluttering eyes
but bonus time i bought the phone on my credit card (well paid off now) but means it's insured I had two days before it was out !!

Random little "thank you" thread.

This is kinda random and weird but I don't care.
I was about to smash my phone (the sidekick, of course) into a wall multiple times before throwing it off the top of the empire state building and burning the pieces I could find, and then blowing up samsung for being annoying to no end.
I just wanted to say thanks to all the people who have been working hard at Sidekick 4G development. I didn't end up doing the above because a)I wouldn't have a phone after that, and b)If I don't have enough money to pay for a lawyer after the last part, then I most definitely don't have enough money to pay for a new phone. So I just said "oh well, gotta make the best of it". Obviously that's way easier said than done, but with the help of you guys my phone coolness rate (and patients) went from -50 to about 5,000,000,000,000,000,000.
I'm not sure if I can tag people or whatever in a thread, but whoever is a part of the dev in any way, thank you very much. If I won the lottery, I would give you guys half the money. I would probably also buy a new phone, but that's besides the point. It sounds like this phone is frustrating at (a lot) of times, to say the least, but you guys keep working and it is highly appreciated. Without you I would have no phone, and would probably be in jail for the rest of my life.
Thank you again!!!
P.S. Some things in this thread were a little bit dramatized. Although I am almost sure a lot of you have had the same disturbing thoughts, I just wanna say that I am in no way responsible if anyone gets any ideas and goes crazy blowing crap up.
Thanks for reading. Remember to vote up there.
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It was a good run

Well, it has come time to finally say good by to my beloved V20. I must say, there have been a lot of up's and down's with this phone. First when I bought the phone, I went into the purchase not knowing if we would ever get root, much less a custom ROM. I feel very greatful for @x86cpu for keeping us up to date and relevant with Leneage, @Omar-Avelar for the beautifully smooth kernel, @me2151 for bringing us root during Christmas via Dirty Santa while my little one was in the hospital post-op heart surgery. I'm sad to say goodbye to the V20 scene, but my poor phone has gone through enough, it has been dropped, stepped on, thrown by little one's hands, took a 40 foot falls from a roller-coaster, and just abused about as much as a phone can. Yes, I have rebuilt the phone multiple times, but it has finally take it last breath and the CPU has just about had it with all the pubg mobile it can take. I say farewell to those that are still on this endeavor and hope to see you in another forum.
Thank you all,

