simples tips and tricks to make this device awesome right now - Lenovo P2 Guides, News, & Discussion

with stuff we got :angel:
Here are mines, mostly based on personnal/subjective stuff, but I spent quite some time digging this out for me so let's share.
Whats the best custom ROM LOLOLOL ?
AICP might be
Provided you want those extra shiny custom things built over Lineage.
This is to my knowledge the only custom ROM here receiving OTA updates (correct me if I'm wrong). Nightly updates.
RR feels more polished, but no updates since second release and issues updating Magisk. (Well some had, other didn't, I know I did).
On a side note RR can go MicroG way using those scripts for more privacy and battery related interests
Haven't tried with AICP yet.
This is a subject on his own, so tell me if you're interested. Otherwise go OpenGapps ARM64/7.1 (I suggest Pico then you install everything else you might need from google on the playstore).
Mandatory custom Rom stuff
1- No Volte.
2- No Volte, at least for a long long time.
3- Stop asking.
4- No fingerprint back button. 3rd party app might do the trick, but everyone should use the mighty copied but never surpassed pie ... And never need anything else again to control their phone.
4- If you experience idle battery drain reported as usb related by good monitor apps like Better Battery Stats, just remember to plug and unplug AC after each reboot. Not too tedious.
5- Use this mehod to get LED notification back
-This got people confused: LED codes are to be entered in each Notification events, and it doens't matter if the main LED controller indicate it's grey, it wont be cause you're using the other one.
-Light Flow is acually awesome and doesn't drain any noticeable amount of juice contrary to what I red.
-If you want to get rid of the perma notif (works as well for LMT pie), don't use legacy version, just block the notification from android by longpressing on them. I will then work without trouble. Don't battery optimize it though.
6- Fast charge should works as expected, although not notified on lockscreen (but the timer will give you a hint).
7- "Battery life is not as good as it is on stock". I haven't made extensive tests being allergic to stock looks and lack of custom-ability, but I can tell you battery life on Aicp is STELLAR with a few tricks:
- battery optimize google play service. Oh yes ! It will works as usual.
Then choose carefully what apps absolutly needs to be left alone on that matter, they are few.
No need for greenify anything anymore unless you have some really "rogue" app (and in that case they should be disinstalled anyway).
- perma-run on data saving mode even in wifi (add your usual wifi at the bottom of the page).
You don't need anyone phoning home on your back anyway, only authorize the apps that absolutly can't do without internet.
Along those one are google contacts and agenda sync (not the apps themselves, another satellites ones). If you use google sync that is to say.
- Disable this 90% of your apps that don't need to run in background or at boot into the advanced mode of the privacy menu.
- Bonus round: manually sync everything including markets, disable all those apps that want to notify or check about things you don't care, get a nice black substratum theme like Flux, maybe make use of the suspend action function (incuded in Aicp and RR) that switch data and gps when screen is off.
Battery might even looks like it recharges itself now what a phone on that matter.
On the contrary speaking about where it falls short:
Sound sucks
Well, it's not that good, not Audiophile one bit. As a music addict I felt really bothered. Highly subjective matter, but after trying many many things I finally got my butt kicked trough my hear with this combination only: Ahrion Dolby + Ainur Audio
Procedure to install them both was a bit tricky:
-distinstalling Dolby with provided .zip
-installing Sauron (disinstall/install as OP says)
-disinstall Audiomod in Magisk
-re-install Dolby. Wich re-installs Audiomod.
Then sonic bliss !
More to come.

duck from space said:
With stuff we got :angel:
Here are mines, based on personnal/suggestive stuff, but I spent quite some time digging this out for me so let's share.
Whats the best custom ROM LOLOLOL ?
AICP might be
Provided you want those extra shiny custom things built over Lineage.
This is to my knowledge the only custom ROM here receiving OTA updates (correct if wrong I know you will). Nightly updates.
RR feels more polished, but no updates since second release and issues updating Magisk. (Well some had, other didn't, I know I did).
On a side note RR can go MicroG way using those scripts for more privacy and battery related interests
Haven't tried with AICP yet.
This is a subject on his own, so tell me if you're interested. Otherwise go OpenGapps ARM64/7.1 (I suggest Pico then you install everything else you might need from google on the playstore).
Mandatory custom Rom stuff
1- No Volte.
2- No Volte, at least for a long long time.
3- Stop asking.
4- No fingerprint back button. 3rd party app might do the trick, but everyone should use the mighty copied but never surpassed pie ... And never need anything else again to control their phone.
4- If you experience idle battery drain reported as usb related by good monitor apps like Better Battery Stats, just remember to plug and unplug AC after each reboot. Not to tedious.
5- Use this mehod to get LED notification back
-This got people confused: LED codes are to be entered in each Notification events, and it doens't matter if the main LED controller indicate it's grey, it wont be cause you're using the other one.
-Light Flow is acually awesome and doesn't drain any noticeable amount of juice contrary to what I red.
-If you want to get rid of the perma notif (works as well for LMT pie), don't use legacy version, just block the notification from android by longpressing on them. I will then work without trouble. Don't battery optimize it though.
6- Fast charge should works as expected, although not notified on lockscreen (but the timer will give you a hint).
7- "Battery life is not as good as it is on stock". I haven't made extensive tests being allergic to stock looks and lack of custom-ability, but I can tell you battery life on Aicp is STELLAR with a few tricks:
- battery optimize google play service. Oh yes ! It will works as usual.
Then choose carefully what apps absolutly needs to be left alone on that matter, they are few.
No need for greenify anything anymore unless you have some really "rogue" app (and in that case they should be disinstalled anyway).
- perma-run on data saving mode even in wifi (add your usual wifi at the bottom of the page).
You don't need anyone phoning home on your back anyway, only authorize the apps that absolutly can't do without internet.
Along those one are google contacts and agenda sync (not the apps themselves, another satellites ones). If you use google sync that is to say.
- Disable this 90% of your apps that don't need to run in background or at boot into the advanced mode of the privacy menu.
- Bonus round: manually sync everything including markets, disable all those apps that want to notify or check about things you don't care, get a nice black substratum theme like Flux, maybe make use of the suspend action function (incuded in Aicp and RR) that switch data and gps when screen is off.
Battery might even looks like it recharges itself now what a phone on that matter.
On the contrary speaking about where it falls short:
Sound sucks
Well, it's not that good, not Audiophile one bit. As a music addict I felt really bothered. Highly subjective matter, but after trying many many things I finally got my butt kicked trough my hear with this combination only: Ahrion Dolby + Ainur Audio
Procedure to install them both was a bit tricky:
-distinstalling Dolby with provided .zip
-installing Sauron (disinstall/install as OP says)
-disinstall Audiomod in Magisk
-re-install Dolby. Wich re-installs Audiomod.
More to come.
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Quick question what's micro g?

MicroG allows you to use Gapps without Playservices, thus gaining more control over your battery and privacy while having a still fully functionning phone.

Btw RR was updated 2 days back.
Thanks for all the detailed info.

On the subject of
Camera sucks
I'd very like to hear if someone has dug the most optimal app and settings for this phone.
I'm not really into photo and the few pic I've taken outside looks perfectly fine to my noob eyes.
But on a few occasion I like to storm photos on something and that's better be ok shots :good:

- perma-run on data saving mode even in wifi (add your usual wifi at the bottom of the page).
-You don't need anyone phoning home on your back anyway, only authorize the apps that absolutly can't do without internet.
-maybe make use of the suspend action function (incuded in Aicp and RR) that switch data and gps when screen is off.
Can't find suspended action
I'm not able to understand above mentioned things please explain a those if possible.
I'm in aicp latest build.
Sent from my Lenovo P2 using Tapatalk

Data save mode is an android feature found into the data consumption menu.
Suspend action is a custom rom feature found in the custom rom options of RR and AICP. RR has a tile for it, AICP doesn't.

This Custom Ron is great, way better than i expected.


Screen wake issue - battery pull

Hi guys
I know this issue has been mention a bit, and I've searched through countless threads but I find the search system on the site a little counter intuitive, like forum searches will only bring up the thread, not the actual key word references and I have to search again within the threads to yield results, but I'd like to clarify a few things.
I'm running Cm11 nightlies on the phantom kernel and I have the screen wake issue. It takes multiple attempts to wake up the screen. OK.
I understand this is a problem with Kitkat roms for our device. However, my case is that there is a 50-50 chance that the screen doesn't wake up at all and I have to pull the battery. This makes any rom almost unusable for me as 1 out of 2 times I have to pull the battery to access the phone, Music continues to play, and I can skip tracks or play or pause, and even take photos, which means that the phone unlocks only the screen doesn't light up. If I hold down the power button, I can feel the phone vibrate to indicate the shutdown menu and sometimes I can blindly reboot or turn off the phone by tapping the screen roughly where the menus would be, so the touch is working.
Roms have been reinstalled and dalvik wiped etc but no improvement
I'd like to know if there's something I've done wrong to have so much poor luck. I don;t mind waiting for the screen to light up, or even a few tries, I'm aware of the unstable nature of nightly roms, and I am happy to use it and contribute usage stats to help further development, but not being able to get the phone on is a massive problem, especially when receiving a call
If anyone has any tips, I;d love them to let me know so I can add here as a one stop thread to general KK problems and work-arounds.
Pr m,aybe it's just my phone
Current mods
Xposed framework modules
kk bugs fixer (currently disable as seems to make no change)
no lock home
Xposed gel settings.
No crazy overclocks or aggressive governers (tested with ondemand, intelliactive no difference, but great battery)
General rom experience apart from this - Excellent battery and very snappy, only a little skipping with audio (even with cache increased to 4010)
Cheers people!
try another kk rom
i did not use cm11 b,coz i had problems with the low reciever volume
tryout carbon rom or vanir aosp
they are too good
OK, thanks for the suggestions, actually I had the same issue on all roms that I tried.
The fix was the following, I disabled the NO LOCK HOME Xposed module and now all is back to normal.
i think there was an issue with it auto unlocking the screen on wifi or cel tower that caused the lockscreen to crash from time to time or get stuck. All is working like a dream now.
It~s a shame really, here in Brazilo with the rise of the Iphone and the high robbery rate, it´s quite common now for thieves to stick their gun in your face and demand your password or for you to unlock;disable the password during the robbery so that they can reset the apple acount or phone for resale. With nolock home I could save the cel towers near my home and work (for my walks to and from the subway) so that in case of a robbery, the phone just opens up and shows its unlocked, and then I can remotely wipe it later without giving up account details. Anyway, anybody else with this problem, thats the source of the Issue

[Root] The incredible guide to incredible battery [Permissive kernel and Xposed]

The guide to get incredible battery on your S7E!​
A lot of people are having trouble to push the 3600mah battery to the absolute max, so I will here show you how to do so. This will mainly be a link to another post made my @v7, which have made an incredible guide to get a good idle drain. I will mainly explain what works on our S7E and what not, while giving a few other tips. Most of these tips can be found all over the internet, but I just want one thread, where they're all collected, so people can read every tip in one thread. As most guides are general through out all devices, they is what works and what don't on our devices. You're free to share your own tips!
Firstly, use a debloated rom.. That do a lot..
As said, @v7 have made this guide here. Remember to thank him!
Get the donation package and greenify everything that runs in the background and you don't need push notifications with. With the Shallow Hibernation, it still runs nice and smoothly when you open them. After that, you enable GCM push for hibernated apps and look, if any of the apps that you need push notifications for, supports GCM push and if they do, hibernate them. You will still get notifications, but remember to check "Do not delete notifications from hibernated apps".
I have almost everything hibernated - Maps, Facebook Messenger etc, when still working smoothly - besides Play Store, as that gives problem with paid app licenses. I also enabled Aggressive Doze. You should whitelist the same as in Powernap, that will be listed below here.
I have everything in mentioned in the thread Amplified without problems. I hadn't touched the services, but they should be save to disable anyways. Network Location service, have given me problems with Android Wear communication before.
Here comes where you need a permissive kernel. The SuperKernel that just came out, is the only one on XDA for now. In Powernap you should whitelist the following
Android System
Google Account Manager
Google Play-Services
Google Services Framework
Greenify + Donation package
Apps you need push notifications from (like Facebook Messenger)
Xposed Installer
Your alarm clock
Basically, you should whitelist anything that you want to run in the background while the screen is off.
Better Battery Stats:
Check the app after a sleep, but leave everything on as if you were using the phone (data, bluetooth etc) as this is about lowering power usage on normal use and not seeing how long standby time you can get while everything is turned off. GCM_Reconnect and Heartbeat might be high for Google Play-Services, but for me, limiting them gave late or non push-notifications, but test it yourself (remember to restart after limiting/unlimiting).
All the small things:
Turn off location history
Turn off services you don't need and let Tasker control it. (Turn GPS on when maps open, hibernate and turn maps of when closed etc)
Turn off bluetooth and wifi scan all the time
Get Smart Network from Xposed and set your network to Edge when screen is off and 3g/4g when screen is on.
A dark theme with dark icons can save quite some power
Samsungs own greyscale can be enabled in accesibility and then triple tab on homebutton, when you know you're out for a long day.
UPSM Manager from the Play Store can add apps to the Ultra Power Saving Mode, so you can add apps like Facebook Messenger and suddenly it's way more useable.
Use Tasker to force sync, instead of having it activated. I force sync every 2 hours with Tasker + Synker
I have turned off features that I DO NOT USE. Under Advanced Functions, almost anything + edge screen features.
More connection settings and "always search for devices" - Off
Custom kernel settings:
There are no custom kernel out on XDA yet that supports full Synapse, but the Echoe Team have successfully build one.
I have set both governors to conservative, which actually is impressive smooth, while it should be the most battery saving governor which don't lag (like Powersave).
The I/O schedulers should be set to noop which have quite good battery life, without limiting performance too much. I haven't felt a difference yet.
TCP Congestion is set to Westwood (but I think that is standard anyways).
Everything have been undervolted by 25mV. That is nothing from a battery saving perspective, but well, i'm still testing.
L Speed from @Paget96 (thank him!) here is quite nice too!
I haven't had any lags with these battery saving options yet. Everything not mentioned is just standard.
OOM Killer - Enabled
Cache Reclaiming - Minimum
Kernel Tweaks - Light
Kernel sleepers optimization - On
Battery improvement - on
Wifi sleeper - On
Flag Tuner - On (Some people on S7E have mentioned problems with this.. Lag, reboots and bootloops, but I haven't had any problems).
IO Boost - On
I have power saving mode enabled, with background data enabled and my phone is still butter smooth, Also, check for apps to add in the battery saving menu, as I have enabled some apps I don't use or need notifications from, manually.
I get around 5-6 hours SOT where 3-4 of them are Clash Royale, if not more.... Yeah, I game quite a lot.
I think that was all for now, but I will keep it updated when I get new ideas to push it to the limit.
This is still keeping the phone "smart", as you adjusts it for your needs.. Inb4 all the people saying, why buy a smartphone if you disable every feature.
hmm that would kill performance in tekken and AB2 as those games are heavy on QHD but i try it nonetheless, ty.
Thanks for credits
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
hmmmm . nice thread ! thank you !!!
Paget96 said:
Thanks for credits
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
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Of course ?
Good guide,
But why are you mentioning a kernel none of us have access to???
el7145 said:
Good guide,
But why are you mentioning a kernel none of us have access to???
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There are two kernels on here now.
You could ask for permission to get on the forum where the kernel is or you could simply wait. I knew it would only be a question about days, before there would be kernels on XDA too.
With all this stuff I might as well activate ultra power saving mode and let it be
lvnatic said:
With all this stuff I might as well activate ultra power saving mode and let it be
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Why if I may ask? That makes your phone way more restricted than the above do.
lvnatic said:
With all this stuff I might as well activate ultra power saving mode and let it be
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I've gone through a lot of these kinds of tweaks in the past, and generally found having to re-load apps and disable features I like having wasn't worth the small battery life increase I saw.
That said, Everyone uses their device differently though, so what doesn't work for me may work well for others. Remember that before you say I'm spouting nonsense about small battery life increases.
Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk
Devhux said:
I've gone through a lot of these kinds of tweaks in the past, and generally found having to re-load apps and disable features I like having wasn't worth the small battery life increase I saw.
That said, Everyone uses their device differently though, so what doesn't work for me may work well for others. Remember that before you say I'm spouting nonsense about small battery life increases.
Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk
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I certainly agree that it depends how you use your phone. But if you only rely on a few apps when display is off, like a few messaging apps, Power Nap can certainly increase your battery life. I have a idle drain around 0.0-0.2% (note, 0.0% is not the same as zero drain.) and I still receive messages, and Tasker turn everything on that I need when I need it (GPS, nfc, sync and so on). So if you just install the apps, yes it decreases functionality a lot, but by tweaking it to exactly match your usage and not limiting what you use, you can certainly get increase battery life without losing features. I use my phone the same way now as uprooted, not limiting anything I use..
Most people have a lot running in the background they don't really need or depend on or that can wait till the screen turns on.

[TIP]Getting the best out of your phone.

Heating while charging isn't an issue pls. You can let your phone cool down before charging it in a cool place. You can either power it off or put it on Airplane mode while charging. (This will reduce the charging time and also some activities by apps which slow the charging) Heating is normal while charging owing to the Quick Charge x.0 capability of Qualcomm Snapdragon 617 (MSM8952). It will heat up. Heating is reduced in the latest builds, especially while recording video via the camera. This semi-budget oriented processor isn't designed for heavy gaming pls, despite 3GB of DDR3 RAM available to it. If you're a hard core gamer or someone who likes to overclock stuff, this isn't the right phone.
If you feel your phone is heating with normal usage too, consider removing apps which are useless and clear the cache followed by a reboot. See to it that the apps are updated. You can switch to WiFi instead of Mobile Data (keeps my athene cool idk why). If nothing works, consider a factory reset; else shift to a custom ROM if you can and test.
General phone performance of Nougat has been better than Marshmallow for sure, but for many, 7.0 has had the notification drawer stuttering issue in some cases and Bluetooth being turned on automatically after turning Airplane mode ON. Overall experience is smooth. But many people do not like stock ROM very much, because of the lack of features. AOSP and LineageOS based ROMs are much better that stock in terms of speed. For god's sake don't use the task killer apps or battery savers like CCleaner / CleanMaster/ DU Battery Saver. Apps staying in the memory (RAM) are good for your device until your phone is lagging. Clearing the things from the recents panel will force them to start again from scratch, consuming the CPU and of course the battery.
Stock N wasn't very good in terms of battery after all in comparison to MM despite the improved doze mode introduced in Nougat. Well this is the case in almost every android OEM that the battery performance went down in transition from one Android version to another. However, the March 1 update is said to fix a bit of battery and security issues. Android has the habit of collecting garbage (but that makes it smart too) and this can be one of the reasons why battery and performance issues occur after an OTA. The best thing after a "dirty/problem causing" update is to do a factory reset. Anyways, it is advised to clear the cache before and after doing an update. For god's sake don't use the task killer apps or battery savers like CCleaner / CleanMaster/ DU Battery Saver. Apps staying in the memory (RAM) are good for your device until your phone is lagging. Clearing the things from the recents panel will force them to start again from scratch, consuming the CPU and of course the battery.
Battery Saving and charging Tips:
Please understand the difference between Screen On time of a complete cycle and the usage time. People start judging the battery from the estimated time left after the first charge itself. A tip is to fully charge the battery after a clean flash and then let it drain till 15%. Do not let the battery drain completely, Li-ion batteries lose their capacity over time and are designed to run between 20-100 percent. Battery life of your phone is completely dependant on your usage. Turning off Auto-Rotation, WiFi, Bluetooth, Sync, Mobile Data, Location Services and scanning (almost everything ) when not needed can give you the best battery life possible. You can consider using Greenify although you should avoid any such thing. Android learns how you use it, no need to comment about the 2 H SOT you're getting after a clean flash. You might also want to uninstall the useless apps and block the wakelocks (which you understand) if possible. Turn off the SIM card if it's in very low network. If nothing is helping you, you might consider doing a factory reset too.
Checkout this amazing thread by @rirozizo and the video by XDA TV.
Ghost Touch: Your touchscreen is at fault. Visit the service center please.
Screen Retention: Your display is defective. Turning the phone off for a while and then setting blue light filter at 5% for Black colour or changing the RGB values is a temporary fix. Visit the service center please.
Random Reboots: Try factory resetting your device, see if you installed something wrong and flash latest stock firmware, just in case, you know. Else the service center only can fix the issue if still present.
For not being called a noob:
1. Read XDA and other forums and think before you do anything to your phone.
2. Ask in the community if you have doubts. (Read Rules and XDA University's New User's guide first)
3. Always make backups before flashing new things. (Use TitaniumBackup and TWRP backups)
Check the videos by XDA-TV and Rootjunky ( @Tomsgt )
4. See this video by XDA-TV:
5. Stop using useless apps and be patient pls.
Valar Morghulis!
Good thread, I'll add a couple of my tips here.
- ohmergerd, there's thousands of ROMs for the G4! Which ones are the best???? Nearly every single ROM for the G4 subtracting perhaps GZR ROMs and RevivorOS/optimized stock is LineageOS based (Invicta is basically Lineage with MM kernel blobs and faux/OMS integrated). There's basically no performance differences, just feature differences based on the discretion of the dev.
- If heating is STILL an issue for you, disable the 4 big cores. There isn't a significant difference in everyday use- the LITTLE cluster handles the UI and basic apps anyway.
- Haven't noticed notification bar lag since the 7.1.2 builds. If you have lag (depending on your ROM), using blur or transparency helps trick your eyes into seeing no lag. If lag persists, force enable scrolling cache and speed up the animations.
- If you have a custom kernel and your RAM usage isn't an issue, disable KSM, Adaptive Memory Killer, and/or ZRAM and Kernel Adiutor/EXKM. While useful if you let your memory use skyrocket, if you are conservative in your memory use these memory killers just suck up CPU cycles.
- Build prop tweaks/L Speed/HEBF don't work. Completely placebo, except for governor tweaks.
- USB-OTG is great, I recommend getting a dongle if you're a flashaholic. Much easier and quicker to simply plug in your USB to flash instead of plugging in your phone, transferring the ROM, flashing, etc.
- Use a trickle charger, and save that fast charger for emergencies (camping, flights, etc.).
- Disable a bunch of Google's **** in settings- I advise going through Activity controls as Google takes snippets of keyboard input, voice, web history, video history, etc. This adversely affects battery life especially if you have a weak signal, as Google Play Services continuously attempts to push through their telemetry data. This is also why you get 2hrs of SoT after a clean flash.
- On stock-based ROMs (to eliminate lag), boot the ROM once, then reboot to recovery and flash the latest Aroma GApps package with the apps you want. Then, mount /system, and start deleting all apps in /system/app or /system/priv-app that begin with "3c". This effectively removes Motorola updates and telemetry, and also updates your GApps- the stock GApps are very old, and updating them caused Play Store errors and miscellaneous battery sucking services.
- Mr. Shield Protectors suck. Badly cut-out, misaligned, etc.
Hard reset: A term with the common misconception here in the group. Hard reset means nothing in android smartphones. It is only a term for older computers where you manually had to reset the old electrical parts from the charge they held.
Factory reset via the settings is equivalent to the Wipe Data/Factory reset available in the stock recovery.
Also, always sign out from your Google account before doing the wipe, else chances are your device may enable Factory Reset Protection and lock the device.
Normally my phone was using two BIG cores (and the four LITTLE ones). Each core was utilized around 40-60%.
Withing kernel manager I have set the minimum value for the BIG cores to 1 and I have lowered the minimum frequency value for that core. Now the utilization on that core is close to 100%.
Now the phone is cold all the time (except when charging with the Fast Charger) and I have no lag issues whatsoever.
Oh, btw, on some kernels (EX 1.07, Vegito), workqueue power saving is built in which iirc tries to schedule tasks on the fewest cores as possible, so on these kernels which tend to turn off cores and lower frequencies while asleep the wakeup action, especially while dozing, the wakeup action will be met with significant lag/delay.
If you have a delay when turning on your phone with these kernels (or even stock kernels for some ROMs), disable the setting called wq_power_saving.
I have the solution for random reboots. But only for those devices that reboots 4 or 5 times every day. Just open your device and disconnect the battery for 30 minits. Or also you can change the battery (confirmated it works)
negusp said:
Good thread, I'll add a couple of my tips here.
- ohmergerd, there's thousands of ROMs for the G4! Which ones are the best???? Nearly every single ROM for the G4 subtracting perhaps GZR ROMs and RevivorOS/optimized stock is LineageOS based (Invicta is basically Lineage with MM kernel blobs and faux/OMS integrated). There's basically no performance differences, just feature differences based on the discretion of the dev.
- If heating is STILL an issue for you, disable the 4 big cores. There isn't a significant difference in everyday use- the LITTLE cluster handles the UI and basic apps anyway.
- Haven't noticed notification bar lag since the 7.1.2 builds. If you have lag (depending on your ROM), using blur or transparency helps trick your eyes into seeing no lag. If lag persists, force enable scrolling cache and speed up the animations.
- If you have a custom kernel and your RAM usage isn't an issue, disable KSM, Adaptive Memory Killer, and/or ZRAM and Kernel Adiutor/EXKM. While useful if you let your memory use skyrocket, if you are conservative in your memory use these memory killers just suck up CPU cycles.
- Build prop tweaks/L Speed/HEBF don't work. Completely placebo, except for governor tweaks.
- USB-OTG is great, I recommend getting a dongle if you're a flashaholic. Much easier and quicker to simply plug in your USB to flash instead of plugging in your phone, transferring the ROM, flashing, etc.
- Use a trickle charger, and save that fast charger for emergencies (camping, flights, etc.).
- Disable a bunch of Google's **** in settings- I advise going through Activity controls as Google takes snippets of keyboard input, voice, web history, video history, etc. This adversely affects battery life especially if you have a weak signal, as Google Play Services continuously attempts to push through their telemetry data. This is also why you get 2hrs of SoT after a clean flash.
- On stock-based ROMs (to eliminate lag), boot the ROM once, then reboot to recovery and flash the latest Aroma GApps package with the apps you want. Then, mount /system, and start deleting all apps in /system/app or /system/priv-app that begin with "3c". This effectively removes Motorola updates and telemetry, and also updates your GApps- the stock GApps are very old, and updating them caused Play Store errors and miscellaneous battery sucking services.
- Mr. Shield Protectors suck. Badly cut-out, misaligned, etc.
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Thanks for the tips.
Using Root explorer I deleted the 3c stuff and updated the Gapps via Aroma installer (never knew this Aroma version existed).
Where do I find the Activity controls thing?
bluegrass55 said:
Thanks for the tips.
Using Root explorer I deleted the 3c stuff and updated the Gapps via Aroma installer (never knew this Aroma version existed).
Where do I find the Activity controls thing?
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It's in settings>Google, first 3 menus iirc.
i just had to unroot, re-lock my boot, and flash the latest firmware because someone has been hacking my phone. I purchased a Samsung phone and been switching the SIM between phones. I wish custom ROMs were more secure, flashing every ROM available, some took longer then others. After seeing that the Samsung KNOX wasnt able to be hacked, i decided to flash your stock N package. They are yet to get in my XT-1644 since earlier after the flash.
Am i stuck on the Stock ROM or is there a way to keep from getting a rooted with unlocked bootloader, hacked?

Steps To Get 10 Hours Of Screen On Time

Almost all android users have one common issue and that is quick battery draining issue. The smarter Android device is getting, the more battery is it sucking. We are forced to carry charger or power bank all the time due to short battery life.
So, today I am going to tell you what I do to get a SOT (Screen On Time) of around 9-10 hours.
If you don't like the steps I am going to share, you may walk away. And if you plan on trying, don't forget to let me know how you are doing.
1. A rooted device
2. Magisk Manager
3. Afwall+
4. MacroDroid
5. Kernel Adiutor
6. Patience
Steps that I follow:
1. I don't use Chrome, Google app (for privacy) and Facebook. I use Firefox focus for browsing and Samsung Internet Browser for downloading contents online. It is proven that these three apps are the main culprit why the device dry up so quickly. So, getting rid of them is the best idea for the sake of battery and performance.
2. I use "Enable Doze For GMS Magisk Module" which is available on Magisk repo. It basically puts Google Play Services into Doze mode. You can try "sysconfig Patcher" as well. This will definitely improve your battery life.
3. I use Greenify4Magisk module. It is available in Magisk repo. It is same as regular Greenify app with ROM integrated privilege. I greenify almost all third party apps (except apps that need to run in the background like AFWall+ or MacroDroid etc.). This way no apps run in the background when I don't use them.
4. I also use AFWall+ to make sure no app steal data package without my knowledge. This saves my data and privacy and helps me saving battery as well.
5. MacroDroid is a great alternative to Tasker. I use it to turn OFF data when the screen goes off and turn it back ON when the screen is on (Exception is when I play music, data doesn't get OFF). It also turns ON battery saver and Airplane mode (Caution: You will miss any important calls) when I go to sleep and turn them OFF when I wake up in the morning. This makes sure my battery percentage doesn't drop when I am not using the device.
6. I under clocked the CPU to 1689MHz and GPU to 510MHz. Kernel Adiutor helps me doing that. Since I don't play games that much, this settings help me getting an amazing battery life without sacrificing performance.
7. I keep my Location and Auto Sync turned OFF most of the times and turn them ON only when I need. I also keep the device sleep time to 15 seconds and brightness level as low as possible.
8. Since I am using JIO, I need to change the Network band in order to get stability and better battery backup. For more info, click here:
I am extremely sorry for not being able to explain in details (as I am quite busy with my work). If anyone plans to follow my steps and needs help on setting up Greenify, AFWall+ or any other help, please do let me know and I will do my best to help you. I have attached the link of my MacroDroid settings. Please use "Export/Import" option (available on the app) to import the settings and turn it ON. If it asks Root permission, give it. Also go to Settings and click on "Ignore Battery Optimisations" for the app to work in a better way.
N.B. I know some kidos would feel like "Why to use a smartphone if not enjoying all its features". Well, once you grow up and get the responsibility of your family, you would understand the importance of this post. It's not like we don't enjoy our smartphones. We do, but mostly on weekends. On weekdays (because of our busy work schedule), we use our cellphones just to make/receive a few phone calls (mostly at/from home) or text messages. So, getting a good SOT is what we want from our smartphone. It makes sure we don't need to keep charging our device all the times. If anyone still feels annoyed with my post, please STAY AWAY! But I would accept no sarcastic or disrespectful comments and anything as such would be reported immediately (You are being warned).
If this post helps you, don't forget to hit Thanks. It will encourage me to spend more times on XDA and help you more.
Download my MacroDroid settings from here:
This is the kind of SOT I am getting on Resurrection Remix ROM with stock kernel. The above mentioned steps are applicable to any ROM/Kernel.
Since you mentioned growing up and family.
Turning airplane mode on during sleep hours. Won't be much of a help when someone is in emergency.
I would suggest that you add CAUTION in the step "turning airplane mode on".
I know it won't make a difference. But here i have seen people following simple instructions and still failing
I can easily theoretically get 10 hours of SOT without rooting and other apps through this:
1. Use only WI-FI with no mobile data and location throughout the usage.
2. Manually turn off background usage and background data of apps you seldomly use (in Settings > Apps)
3. No gaming
4. Use only one Google account
I don't usually attain 10 hours because there are times I really need to use mobile data which consumes a lot of battery. Considering that can max out 5-6 hours with 40% remaining before I charge my phone.
Good info thanks for sharing....
---------- Post added at 04:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:39 PM ----------
Rowdyy Ronnie said:
Almost all android users have one common issue and that is quick battery draining issue. The smarter Android device is getting, the more battery is it sucking. We are forced to carry charger or power bank all the time due to short battery life.
So, today I am going to tell you what I do to get a SOT (Screen On Time) of around 9-10 hours.
If you don't like the steps I am going to share, you may walk away. And if you plan on trying, don't forget to let me know how you are doing.
1. A rooted device
2. Magisk Manager
3. Afwall+
4. MacroDroid
5. Kernel Adiutor
6. Patience
Steps that I follow:
1. I don't use Chrome, Google app (for privacy) and Facebook. I use Firefox focus for browsing and Samsung Internet Browser for downloading contents online. It is proven that these three apps are the main culprit why the device dry up so quickly. So, getting rid of them is the best idea for the sake of battery and performance.
2. I use "Enable Doze For GMS Magisk Module" which is available on Magisk repo. It basically puts Google Play Services into Doze mode. You can try "sysconfig Patcher" as well. This will definitely improve your battery life.
3. I use Greenify4Magisk module. It is available in Magisk repo. It is same as regular Greenify app with ROM integrated privilege. I greenify almost all third party apps (except apps that need to run in the background like AFWall+ or MacroDroid etc.). This way no apps run in the background when I don't use them.
4. I also use AFWall+ to make sure no app steal data package without my knowledge. This saves my data and privacy and helps me saving battery as well.
5. MacroDroid is a great alternative to Tasker. I use it to turn OFF data when the screen goes off and turn it back ON when the screen is on (Exception is when I play music, data doesn't get OFF). It also turns ON battery saver and Airplane mode (Caution: You will miss any important calls) when I go to sleep and turn them OFF when I wake up in the morning. This makes sure my battery percentage doesn't drop when I am not using the device.
6. I under clocked the CPU to 1689MHz and GPU to 510MHz. Kernel Adiutor helps me doing that. Since I don't play games that much, this settings help me getting an amazing battery life without sacrificing performance.
7. I keep my Location and Auto Sync turned OFF most of the times and turn them ON only when I need. I also keep the device sleep time to 15 seconds and brightness level as low as possible.
8. Since I am using JIO, I need to change the Network band in order to get stability and better battery backup. For more info, click here:
I am extremely sorry for not being able to explain in details (as I am quite busy with my work). If anyone plans to follow my steps and needs help on setting up Greenify, AFWall+ or any other help, please do let me know and I will do my best to help you. I have attached the link of my MacroDroid settings. Please use "Export/Import" option (available on the app) to import the settings and turn it ON. If it asks Root permission, give it. Also go to Settings and click on "Ignore Battery Optimisations" for the app to work in a better way.
N.B. I know some kidos would feel like "Why to use a smartphone if not enjoying all its features". Well, once you grow up and get the responsibility of your family, you would understand the importance of this post. It's not like we don't enjoy our smartphones. We do, but mostly on weekends. On weekdays (because of our busy work schedule), we use our cellphones just to make/receive a few phone calls (mostly at/from home) or text messages. So, getting a good SOT is what we want from our smartphone. It makes sure we don't need to keep charging our device all the times. If anyone still feels annoyed with my post, please STAY AWAY! But I would accept no sarcastic or disrespectful comments and anything as such would be reported immediately (You are being warned).
If this post helps you, don't forget to hit Thanks. It will encourage me to spend more times on XDA and help you more.
Download my MacroDroid settings from here:
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Unable to load your macrodroid settings....

[ROM][UNOFFICIAL][12L][N7100][Samsung Galaxy Note 2][LineageOS 19.1][BETA]

* Your warranty is now void.
* I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.
here you can find my version for the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 on LineageOS 19.1.
At first I want to thank @rINanDO, @ChronoMonochrome for all your work which was reused here and helped a lot.
Spoiler: Links
ROM Android-Filehost
ROM Mega
Spoiler: Whats working
Video playback (HW/SW)
OTA Updates
Tethering via USB, WIFI and Bluetooth
Spoiler: Whats not working
Maybe random reboots
SD card maybe can't formated as internal memory
Maybe more
I would recommend to use microG instead of gapps,
here you can find the installation instructions:
Spoiler: microG instructions
Download Magisk 24.1 and flash it via TWRP (yes, flash the APK file), reboot
Open Magisk and update the App (and do a reboot if it's asking)
Enable Zygisk in Magisk
Download and install microG installer in the Magisk manager, reboot
Download and install safetynet-fix in the Magisk manager, reboot
Check with a safetynet checker app and you should pass
Spoiler: Changelog
Spoiler: How to install it?
Wanna improve your sound configs, control your charging current and more?
Now you can use my app to access all boeffla configurations, there will follow more functions.
Exynos4 Kernel Manager - Apps on Google Play
This app provides Boeffla sound control and other kernel + charging tweaks
Telegramm group:
Samsung Galaxy Note II testing group
Do you like my work?
Than you can simply hit the thanks button and consider to spend me a coffee or a beer,
I'm doing this in my free time and it also costs a lot of money to buy hardware.
XDA:DevDB Information
[ROM][12.x][N7100][BETA] LineageOS 19.1, ROM for the Samsung Galaxy Note 2
Source Code:
ROM OS Version: 12.x S
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.x
ROM Firmware Required: TWRP 3.3.0
Based On: LineageOS
Version Information
Status: Beta
Created 2021-12-30
Last Updated 2023-01-25
Alternative download link for the initial version:
File on MEGA
Originally posted in [ROM][UNOFFICIAL][11.0][N7100][Samsung Galaxy Note 2][LineageOS 18.1][ALPHA][TREBLELIZED]:
I just flashed the newly Android 12 LineageOS 19 build this morning.
It's currently a bit early to share my experience yet since I need some more time, but I already like to share my first impression.
First of all, I was surprised that I could just do a dirty flash over your current 18.1 dec build without any problems.
I did not perform a clean flash because I couldn't backup my Session messages, normally I always perform clean flashes.
I used TWPR 3.5.2 custom recovery to flash this ROM and only wiped Cache and Dalvik Cache/ART partition.
Everything went smooth. It didn't take too long for the first boot either.
Right after the first boot, just when it was booted, the phone rebooted.
After this reboot, I didn't encounter any random reboots yet.
Everything seems working smooth and snappy at the moment.
I can confirm that Magisk 23 is still working on this ROM. You just need to re-flash it after the first boot.
The only annoying thing I discovered is a blinking LED issue and the battery that last less longer, but that's maybe linked to the blinking LED issue.
Something I immediately noticed is that my notification LED is actually red now while charging and green when it hits 100%.
In previous 18.1 build, the LED always got a weird yellowish colour while charging.
Another thing that caught my eye was "Google Play System update" in settings.
I don't understands why it's there since it's supposed to be a degoogled ROM.
Google Play System updates is a part of the Google Play Services ecosystem.
I didn't install any GAPPS and this ROM didn't came with GAPPS pre installed.
Spoiler: What I can confirm is working
- It (re)boots correctly
- Able to receive and sending sms messages and phone calls (didn't try SIM unlock yet. I used the workaround that is mentioned in the main post)
- Camera's
- Wi-Fi (both, 2.4 GHz and 5GHz)
- Video's (YouTube in browser)
- Sensors, except compass (phone rotates correctly)
- Charge correctly to 100%
- S-pen (just as a regular styles, no button functionality)
Spoiler: What is not working + bugs
- An annoying blinking LED issue.
I never experience this before on any ROM.
Can be a coincidence, but after the battery drops below 75%, the notification LED is constantly blinking red, even when the screen is on.
I already tried to literary turn off all notifications options. I even disabled blinking LED option, but it still keeps blinking, even after a reboot. It only disappears after fully charging the phone but will come back in time.
I didn't find a way to fix this.
- Android 12 theme engine seems to be broken.
Some things like buttons (like emergency call button on lockscreen), text (search apps in launcher) and backgrounds in notifications icons in notification panel are still LineageOS teal.
Switching a wallpaper with different colours, but it doesn't change the theme colour of the device. Buttons, lockscreen clock etc. are still light blue. I try to add some screenshots to highlight this problem.
Also, the options to change the icon shape seems to be gone, even in developer settings.
Everything turned into circles after the update. Can't change it.
- USB (can't connect to pc (MTP))
- Extended screenshot beyond your screen
- There was a weird issue that my device is stuck at Samsung Galaxy II screen when turning on the device (not the LineageOS boot screen). I only had this once so can't describe how to reproduce it yet.
I just turned off my device in the power setting inside the ROM. The next time I turned on the device, it was stuck on that screen for 10 minutes. It was fixed by simply holding the power button for a while to turn off the phone.
After doing this, the phone rebooted normally again. I didn't got this issue again.
Besides the blinking LED issue, I had a very good first impression.
I really don't mind that some gimmick features are not working.
I only have this ROM for a few hours, so please keep in mind that I need more time for extensive and more in-depth testing.
Maybe there are some critical problems that I still need to discover.
I just wanted to give a quick update.
If there are some specific things you like to try or things I need to keep an eye on, please let me know.
A big thank you to html6405 for this rom! Almost everything seems to work good.
The only thing i am missing is wake by proximity sensor. I use the app Waveup from F-droid for this. I know from trying other roms, that this is an unreliable feature. The sensor hardware is working, that much i know.
When using Lineageos 16, this is a built in feature in the rom, but it deactivates after every reboot. I have to manually turn it off and on every time to get it to work.
No big issue. Just glad to have latest Android on this device. I hope you get more appreciation from this than what you got from your Los 18.1 thread.
Let me know if you want feedback of any kind.
Happy new year!
It does work! I couldn't resist trying the future LOS19.
The overall impression is quite good, as the system seems to be more stable than the previous LOS18.1 for this phone. Still, the development options screen hanged a couple of times. At some point the system crashed and kept rebooting into recovery - fixed by erasing data partition. GPS works, although not well enough. The compass doesn't work in GPStest, but works in Compass app from Fdroid. I tried web browsing and viewing HD videos with Brave browser - very smooth experience. In order to access files on the phone I set up default USB mode in developer settings to files.
Two preinstalled applications are unsafe, contain trackers: camera and via. These had to be removed. Open Camera from Fdroid is installed - it works. The system web browser is preconfigured to ring Google; one may want to review its settings.
Installed Insular app (a sandbox made of the work profile) from Fdroid. The work profile works, but looses its filesystem after disabling and enabling it again. To bring the filesystem back reboot is required.
Phone encryption doesn't work, sadly. This is the same as with many previous custom ROMs for this phone.
A strange horizontal bar is seen at the bottom of the screen (nav bar home button??). Disable "Navigation hint" to get rid of it.
All together, it's an excellent result for the first attempt on LOS19. Looking forward to further releases!
Happy New Year everyone! Thank you html6405 for such an exciting present!
porcino said:
GPS works remarkably well, better than in the previous ROM, but compass doesn't work. I tried web browsing and viewing HD videos with Brave browser - very smooth experience. In order to access files on the phone I set up default USB mode in developer settings to files.
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This are really great news, could some one else confirm that GPS is working?
I cant test it by my own...
If it's working fine, I will add it to the working list.
GPS seems to work better with "Force full GNSS Measurements" and "Use GNSS APIs" disabled in GPSTest. I also disabled "Force full GNSS Measurements" in "Developer options". From inside a room it locks on 3-5 satellites, although sometimes after a delay.
With GNSS it finds also Russian and Chinese satellites, but uses only the US constellation.
GPS performance, of course, is not as impressive as in new Samsungs, which lock on several constellations at the same time.
Added later... Still, GPS is not working well enough in this first release. It finds satellites slower than my ancient HTC DHD (ace) running cm13. Then it locks and in a moment loses the lock. I'll look into this in more detail...
porcino said:
GPS seems to work better with "Force full GNSS Measurements" and "Use GNSS APIs" disabled in GPSTest. I also disabled "Force full GNSS Measurements" in "Developer options". From inside a room it locks on 3-5 satellites, although sometimes after a delay.
With GNSS it finds also Russian and Chinese satellites, but uses only the US constellation.
GPS performance, of course, is not as impressive as in new Samsungs, which lock on several constellations at the same time.
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Great, hopefully some one else can confirm this , you're the only person so far.
Yes indeed - working GPS very important, and needs to be confirmed by multiple sources.
But kudos to the developer for making progress on this.
hello, dear! tell me, what is the battery life? I use rr 5.8.5, the battery lasts for a day of average use. I tried to install lineage 16 - the battery was enough for several hours( now I would really like to switch to this rom, but everything depends on the battery life. thank you for the answers!
alexfire_s said:
hello, dear! tell me, what is the battery life? I use rr 5.8.5, the battery lasts for a day of average use. I tried to install lineage 16 - the battery was enough for several hours( now I would really like to switch to this rom, but everything depends on the battery life. thank you for the answers!
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Just tried: flight mode, screen off, location off, BT and NFC off, no GApps, just sitting on the desk starting with fully charged. After half an hour the estimated battery life is 10h, 6m. Not great. The battery felt fine last night for a couple of hours of experimenting with secure messengers, then fully charged, then down to 2% by morning. I'll try uninstalling the messengers in case they are draining the battery - wait for an update.
I could not find a way of disabling the clock on the sleeping screen. It disappears after a while, but the screen power consumption is suspect.
Well, this is the first alpha release, the things with power consumption might improve soon.
Update: I found a way to disable the clock on the sleep screen and the battery life increased to 23 hours, mobile network 1% (still the flight mode is on), phone idle 1%.
The method to disable the display was to press the power button while the notification panel is open...- perhaps another bug.
porcino said:
Well, this is the first alpha release, the things with power consumption might improve soon.
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The always on display will be turned off in the next build, this will improve the power consumption a lot.
You should be able to disable the always on display in the quick settings (AOD) and give your test a retry .
html6405 said:
You should be able to disable the always on display in the quick settings (AOD) and give your test a retry .
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Just tried the AOD button: first enabled it and then disabled again... - it worked! Not sure, though, whether any of my previous attempts to modify the settings via adb played any role. I'll repeat timing of the battery with this setting. Thanks.
porcino said:
Just tried the AOD button: first enabled it and then disabled again... - it worked! Not sure, though, whether any of my previous attempts to modify the settings via adb played any role. I'll repeat timing of the battery with this setting. Thanks.
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Theoretically it should be enabled by default (what I will change in the next build for sure), but anyway, it's good if you can turn it off yet.
Great news, another person confirmed with a video that GPS is working ,
so I will add it to the working list.
Nice to see, that this worked out nearly blindly, because I have no testing opportunities...
With AOD button on then off the battery life is estimated as "more than 2 days left" (flight mode, idle). Let's wait for a little longer...
Update: after 11h it predicts "5 days left" and counting! Very good! The graph shows slightly increased power consumption in the first hour, and then it goes almost horizontal. I think it will be more than 5 days at idle, perhaps twice as many.
Further update: after 1 day 5 hours it says 9 days left. The way the graph in Battery Usage page goes makes me think that it will last about 20 days if left idle. I don't know what caused the quick discharge in the first hour; after that the graph is a straight line pointing beyond 20 days mark...
Yet another update: 28 days predicted after 23 hours of idling. Very good! This is with all wireless interfaces off, Always On Display off and NavBar off.
For reference - Note 4 with cdDroid 9 under similar conditions reports 45 days.
I checked this rom. the sd card is not mounted as internal memory, the phone falls into the bootloop before the lock screen, after which the bootloop again. wipe data or format does not help
udp. the backlight of the hardware buttons does not work, although it is enabled in the settings
upd. the indication of charge percentages in the status bar does not work when the display is selected with a circle inside the icon
alexfire_s said:
I checked this rom. the sd card is not mounted as internal memory, the phone falls into the bootloop before the lock screen, after which the bootloop again. wipe data or format does not help
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Simply remove the sdcard.
alexfire_s said:
udp. the backlight of the hardware buttons does not work, although it is enabled in the settings
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You're right, this will come later from lineageos.
alexfire_s said:
upd. the indication of charge percentages in the status bar does not work when the display is selected with a circle inside the icon
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Ok, this will also be fixed from the linageos side.
html6405 said:
Simply remove the sdcard.
You're right, this will come later from lineageos.
Ok, this will also be fixed from the linageos side.
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now I use the 7100 as the main device, I actively use it, I can quickly share bugs if I find them. is it possible to contact you directly without communicating on the formum? do you use a group of testers in telegram?

