The U11 and bootloader unlock warranty situation - HTC U11 Questions & Answers

So what's the deal with it? Can we unlock the bootloader and still be able to send in the phone for repairs if the hardware fails? Or are we SoL if we unlock the BL? Anyone tried doing an RMA or repair with an unlocked BL yet?

xDark_ said:
So what's the deal with it? Can we unlock the bootloader and still be able to send in the phone for repairs if the hardware fails? Or are we SoL if we unlock the BL? Anyone tried doing an RMA or repair with an unlocked BL yet?
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HTC Updates Bootloader-Unlock Warranty Messages on Device Pages

What if you bought the phone before they changed it...

Huigie said:
What if you bought the phone before they changed it...
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Doesn't matter. The warranty in the box is the one that counts. HTC even covers their backsides in the verbiage of the warranty terms. See number 13. Even if HTC said it was okay to unlock the bootloader on the website, the paperwork in the box is what's legally binding.

EtherealRemnant said:
Doesn't matter. The warranty in the box is the one that counts. HTC even covers their backsides in the verbiage of the warranty terms. See number 13. Even if HTC said it was okay to unlock the bootloader on the website, the paperwork in the box is what's legally binding.
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I've never had an issue with HTC warranty usually nothing is ever even mentioned about it.

LibertyMonger said:
I've never had an issue with HTC warranty usually nothing is ever even mentioned about it.
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It's definitely a YMMV situation. I always S-OFF my devices ASAP so if I have an issue I can just restore it to factory and lock it and HTC never has any proof that I did any modifications (getting your token and using it are entirely different things - they can only prove you got it, not that you used it, if you return it to stock and back to S-ON) but I have heard of many cases where HTC has denied warranty service, especially cases of phones overheating and damaging the screen (unlocked bootloader + burnt LCD is very likely related to someone overclocking their chip while simultaneously using high brightness so I can see why they would reject that) or soft bricks (which are next to impossible to do with S-ON these days anyway). Blown speakers as well.
To be honest though, I haven't needed warranty service on my M7, M8, or 10 though so I don't really worry about it too much. HTC has come a long way from the days of Windows Mobile, the EVO 4G (original WiMax version), MyTouch devices, etc. I had to go through 8 EVOs at the Sprint store before I found one with an acceptable screen and their Windows Mobile devices failed so much that Sprint was constantly forced to upgrade me to the next model. I think I went from the Touch to the Touch Pro to the Touch Pro 2 without ever dropping a cent other than the Touch because of hardware issues. I beat the crap out of my M7, M8, and my 10 (I've thrown my 10 across the room and off the second floor probably 5 times and it has nothing wrong with it other than the defective WiFi module it came with that most people had to deal with).
The point is that HTC can do whatever they choose. The legally binding contract is your limited warranty in the box. HTC tends to be quite liberal with their bootloader policy but they don't have to be and they aren't always. Realistically, HTC is known as a pro-dev company and they generally honor their warranty even after bootloader unlocking but they have to put that verbiage in there for those cases where they decide the damage was a result of the unlocked bootloader giving access to what caused the fault. It's much easier to put a catch all clause in the warranty than to list out every single thing they won't cover on a device with an unlocked bootloader.
It's always a risk, hence why I always get S-OFF. Peace of mind for 25 bucks is worth it to me.

EtherealRemnant said:
It's definitely a YMMV situation. I always S-OFF my devices ASAP so if I have an issue I can just restore it to factory and lock it and HTC never has any proof that I did any modifications (getting your token and using it are entirely different things - they can only prove you got it, not that you used it, if you return it to stock and back to S-ON) but I have heard of many cases where HTC has denied warranty service, especially cases of phones overheating and damaging the screen (unlocked bootloader + burnt LCD is very likely related to someone overclocking their chip while simultaneously using high brightness so I can see why they would reject that) or soft bricks (which are next to impossible to do with S-ON these days anyway). Blown speakers as well.
To be honest though, I haven't needed warranty service on my M7, M8, or 10 though so I don't really worry about it too much. HTC has come a long way from the days of Windows Mobile, the EVO 4G (original WiMax version), MyTouch devices, etc. I had to go through 8 EVOs at the Sprint store before I found one with an acceptable screen and their Windows Mobile devices failed so much that Sprint was constantly forced to upgrade me to the next model. I think I went from the Touch to the Touch Pro to the Touch Pro 2 without ever dropping a cent other than the Touch because of hardware issues. I beat the crap out of my M7, M8, and my 10 (I've thrown my 10 across the room and off the second floor probably 5 times and it has nothing wrong with it other than the defective WiFi module it came with that most people had to deal with).
The point is that HTC can do whatever they choose. The legally binding contract is your limited warranty in the box. HTC tends to be quite liberal with their bootloader policy but they don't have to be and they aren't always. Realistically, HTC is known as a pro-dev company and they generally honor their warranty even after bootloader unlocking but they have to put that verbiage in there for those cases where they decide the damage was a result of the unlocked bootloader giving access to what caused the fault. It's much easier to put a catch all clause in the warranty than to list out every single thing they won't cover on a device with an unlocked bootloader.
It's always a risk, hence why I always get S-OFF. Peace of mind for 25 bucks is worth it to me.
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Yes you are exactly right about everything. I've had the HTC One S, M8, M9, 10 and now the U11 and the only one I ever had issues with was the M9, I had 2 of them, one for me and one for my momma. I traded mine in after a year for the HTC 10 but my mom kept hers for a little over a year and the battery went to sh%t. I have the Verizon insurance so they replaced it no problem. My M8 is still running strong without a single speck or blemish on it as well as my HTC 10.

LibertyMonger said:
Yes you are exactly right about everything. I've had the HTC One S, M8, M9, 10 and now the U11 and the only one I ever had issues with was the M9, I had 2 of them, one for me and one for my momma. I traded mine in after a year for the HTC 10 but my mom kept hers for a little over a year and the battery went to sh%t. I have the Verizon insurance so they replaced it no problem. My M8 is still running strong without a single speck or blemish on it as well as my HTC 10.
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Funny you mentioned the M9 battery crapping out. My roommate had an M9 on Verizon as well and the same issue. Won't hold a charge for crap but she went to the iPhone on her husband's T-Mobile plan so it was a moot point. I skipped the M9 because of the SD 810 fiasco just to get a Note 5 with an Exynos that overheated as well. Definitely no more Samsung phones for me. KNOX is a deal breaker. Now that I'm on Mint SIM because I got tired of paying so much for T-Mobile directly for the same plan, I have to buy my phones outright with no insurance or Jump or anything like that so I'm being a bit more careful with my U11 and haven't even rooted it yet. Not til S-OFF becomes available.

EtherealRemnant said:
It's definitely a YMMV situation. I always S-OFF my devices ASAP so if I have an issue I can just restore it to factory and lock it and HTC never has any proof that I did any modifications (getting your token and using it are entirely different things - they can only prove you got it, not that you used it, if you return it to stock and back to S-ON) but I have heard of many cases where HTC has denied warranty service, especially cases of phones overheating and damaging the screen (unlocked bootloader + burnt LCD is very likely related to someone overclocking their chip while simultaneously using high brightness so I can see why they would reject that) or soft bricks (which are next to impossible to do with S-ON these days anyway). Blown speakers as well.
To be honest though, I haven't needed warranty service on my M7, M8, or 10 though so I don't really worry about it too much. HTC has come a long way from the days of Windows Mobile, the EVO 4G (original WiMax version), MyTouch devices, etc. I had to go through 8 EVOs at the Sprint store before I found one with an acceptable screen and their Windows Mobile devices failed so much that Sprint was constantly forced to upgrade me to the next model. I think I went from the Touch to the Touch Pro to the Touch Pro 2 without ever dropping a cent other than the Touch because of hardware issues. I beat the crap out of my M7, M8, and my 10 (I've thrown my 10 across the room and off the second floor probably 5 times and it has nothing wrong with it other than the defective WiFi module it came with that most people had to deal with).
The point is that HTC can do whatever they choose. The legally binding contract is your limited warranty in the box. HTC tends to be quite liberal with their bootloader policy but they don't have to be and they aren't always. Realistically, HTC is known as a pro-dev company and they generally honor their warranty even after bootloader unlocking but they have to put that verbiage in there for those cases where they decide the damage was a result of the unlocked bootloader giving access to what caused the fault. It's much easier to put a catch all clause in the warranty than to list out every single thing they won't cover on a device with an unlocked bootloader.
It's always a risk, hence why I always get S-OFF. Peace of mind for 25 bucks is worth it to me.
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When I ordered my phone first week the ad said something like ... Even covers unlocked bootloader ... Thought great! Bought the phone. Got thank you email confirmation asking why I choose the U11. My response was I love the way Htc supports the modding community.

RKDxpress said:
When I ordered my phone first week the ad said something like ... Even covers unlocked bootloader ... Thought great! Bought the phone. Got thank you email confirmation asking why I choose the U11. My response was I love the way Htc supports the modding community.
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HTC has come such a long way that it's unfortunate to see Samsung crush them so hard. HTC took a gamble on Android with the Dream/G1 in 2008. Samsung didn't hit the scene with their first until 2009 after seeing HTC's success. There are two major problems with HTC though - word of mouth about issues on older devices (especially Windows Mobile with HTC refusing to enable hardware graphics acceleration by paying Qualcomm to use the Adreno graphics and poor quality displays in many of their lines and overheating was a common problem with their Android phones like the Sensation which would get so hot using TeleNav it would reboot the phone) causing negative brand recognition and advertising. HTC marketing has always sucked and when they do put out an ad, it's always something forgettable.
You know you're doing something wrong when Samsung still has consumer confidence even after they had to recall their entire flagship due to phones catching on fire!


Should i buy it if i have no option to exchange it?

So i wanna order the sensation, but from reading all those issues it has which can maybe happen to me, im worried. The reason is that the sensation is not being officially sold in my country so i will have to order it from the UK (handtec), and if i get the phone and it has one of those issues that people are exchanging the phone because of them (like dead pixel, dust, creaky back cover, responsive screen issue, overheating etc) then im kind of screwed cuz then i have to start dealing with shipping the phone back to htc and all that hassle.
What do you think? should i just order it and pray to the good lord that i wont be one of the unlucky people who has one of those issues which require a device exchange?
You're on a Sensation forum asking people if you should buy the phone....
All phones have major issues to some people.... No exceptions.
If you want superphone.....its the risk ya take.
It's one of the best devices on the planet right now.
Some people in here love to *****....don't listen to em. Majority of people love it as do I....
Just fyi
mazinya said:
So i wanna order the sensation, but from reading all those issues it has which can maybe happen to me, im worried. The reason is that the sensation is not being officially sold in my country so i will have to order it from the UK (handtec), and if i get the phone and it has one of those issues that people are exchanging the phone because of them (like dead pixel, dust, creaky back cover, responsive screen issue etc) then im kind of screwed cuz then i have to start dealing with shipping the phone back to htc and all that hassle.
What do you think? should i just order it and pray to the good lord that i wont be one of the unlucky people who has one of those issues which require a device exchange?
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I was in the same boat and have had the sensation from its release in the UK, but here in Australia.. I shelled out some hard cash for the previllage and to be honest i never looked back.. it WHIPS the iphone 3GS even with jailbreaks a$$ by a long shot.. yes i do have the wifi issue (we all do and maybe with s-off there can be some tweaking), yes i have a hashing bars in some of my widgets at times (with s-off that can again be tweaked) but with this phone i have had the freedom i always wanted with my iphone (2 year contracts are way too long otherwise i would have upgraded many moons ago)... but as i said i would never go back.. i cant return or refund i just read carefully everything before i do it as to not brick it
The creaky back cover isn't an issue - it's to be expected. As the housing comes away from the internals there is always going to be a degree of give. Don't worry about it, it's a non-issue
I did my research too before purchasing mine, and yes reading all the probs scared me. But if returning it is gonna be a hassle I'd personnaly wait for the bootloader to hit then order it. On the other hand, I've had mine for 12 days now and I guess I got lucky, no probs to speak of for now(still got my fingers and toes crossed I don't jinx myself here).
I am personally blown away by this phone and all it can do. I was an advocate of Blackberry for a long time, now that i've tasted Android I can't get enough. I'm not a "heavy heavy user"(I don't think), but when I'm on my phone or using it's capabilities I want them to work. And I can say with confidence this phone is worth it(my personal opinion).
So far so good with my Sensation. I'm just waiting for the S-OFF to come out. It's been running like a dream for me.
Thanks for the replys.
Some of you didnt understand me.. im not asking IF the sensation is a good enough phone to buy. i know its an amazing phone and thats why i wanna buy. My point was that, most of you people buy it at a store next to your house and if the phone has some problem you can go and exchange it for a new device. I wont have that privilege since i live in the middle east and would have to order it from the uk so if i would be one of the unlucky people, it means i have to ship the phone to HTC to fix/replace it and that is going to cost me shipping fees, not to mention that if HTC will decide to give me a brand new unit, i will have to pay custom fees again.
The sensation is a good phone, although at the moment it's nowhere near as fast as a desire hd running one of the custom rom's with a supped up kernel, this is because it's still at stock, but when you unleash that dual core and high res screen, it's going to be a different story (can't wait for that)
All phones have their achillies heel, not just the sensation, all phones.
The Hd's battery, the iphone death grip (and apple overall) the atrix's crap OS, the LG 2x's power down and 5 minute lag etc etc etc ...... the list is endless, so it's up to you.
If your worried about the sensation then don't get it, get an evo 3d : ) I know i want one.
But then again, you'll probably be plagued with some other issue
Up to you pal.
PS: As regards, to the fees, just look at it like insurance, seeing as you'll be buying the phone, your probably not going to be insuring it? So just imagine how much you would have spent on insurance over that year (and possible excess) and that will rationalize your spending if you have to send it back to HTC.
OK then... i have made an order via handtec and i will pray for the good lord that my device wont have any of the major defects that cant be fixed
btw, which 16gb memory card would you recommend me to buy from ebay?

[Q] What to tell t-mobile to get a warranty replacement?

So my mom managed to bend the prongs in the charging port so she cant charge her MT4GS.... She went into t-mobile and they said that they wont replace it because it was her fault. Is there something else we could say like it always drops signal or something so they will replace it for? She spent a lot on this phone back in August and she would hate for it to be useless already.... -_-
Tell them that the touch screen isn't responding and freezes a lot that's it.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
And do it over the phone instead of going in.
Thats not right Xo My dad works in construction. He got a Otterbox Defender Series for his GSII. He wanted to test is out, ran it over with a semi. Screen broke got a huge crack #phone worked perfectly# they replaced it. Just say that your earphone jack wont work. The camera freezes. Youve restored it. Then it worked for a while, but it started acting up. Blame it on the software.
Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using XDA App
Since this device charges over the micro-usb connection, you're telling me she managed to break the internal connector?
That takes talent. You have to really try to break that. Really force the UBS plug in backwards.
I hate to tell you but unless she has insurance on it, she's screwed. Even if they process a warranty, if they find physical damage (and what you described is certainly physical damage) they will consider the device out of warranty and charge her account the out of warranty fee.
These devices are reviewed by a team given specifications by the manufacturer to look for specific things that the manufacturer deems physical damage, liquid damage, excessive use, etc.
Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using XDA App
itsomaryo said:
.... She went into t-mobile and they said that they wont replace it because it was her fault. Is there something else we could say like it always drops signal or something so they will replace it for? ....
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I didn't want to come off as a **** and tell you to suck it up and pay for it, but the thing is, she did break it and T-Mo or HTC shouldn't be on the hook for the cost of replacement.
Blue6IX said:
"big snip"
If this is in fact the case, USB host support will probably be much trickier to implement, and a lot more risky to use. A hardware pathway will always be what it is. Software is more fickle, and has to be very closely checked and managed when dealing with something like this. If it's software that's regulating your power flow, you can very easily send too much to the wrong place and permanently break something.
Breaking a whole series of phones because we were too eager to release software that wasn't tested thoroughly enough would be a heavy blow to manufacturers agreeing to ship devices with S-OFF bootloaders.
I don't know if people have read up on that struggle, but one of the primary concerns against doing so was people overclocking their devices way above manufacturer specs, breaking them because they didn't know better, and manufacturers seeing a dramatic increase in returns. The cost to the companies like HTC for dealing with irresponsible end users was always one of the shields thrown up to justify shipping S-ON.
Since this is an overclock thread, and discussing USB host support is something else that could physically damage/destroy the device hardware - this is worth mentioning and making people aware of.
Search around on XDA and you'll see threads here and there over the last few years about what we've had to go through to get phones shipped S-OFF. The MT4GS wasn't, but the time is now for that to start happening. In the future most (if not all) phones will be coming S-OFF fresh out of the box.
I strongly urge anyone involved in overclocking or USB host support to be very cautious about what they are doing, and very aware of the potential damage they can do not just to a few peoples phones (which is bad enough) but to un-do years of hard work and lobbying by the open source community as a whole.
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While i'm waiting for a big download to finish on my slow-as-dialup (literally) home internet connection, i'd just like to repost here part of what I just posted in the dev section.
Phone manufacturers seeing an increase of returned phones that they have to eat the cost for because of something brain-dead or irresponsible the end user has done really hurts everyone.
The cost of phones go up, and while in this case specifically it has little to do with us finally getting S-OFF bootloaders on retail phones - the RMA total is just a number and isn't always broken down to specific causes when used as a statistic.
Any phones being returned that shouldn't be gets tallied up on a specific section of the balance sheet of a phone manufacturers (and to a smaller degree, cellular providers).
Now that we are finally starting to get phones shipped with S-OFF bootloaders, and the need for the amazingly brilliant work the Revolutionary release represents is fading, something like this is one small blow to that achievement.
The level of brilliance, creativity and dedication that had to come together for the MT4GS to get an aftermarket S-OFF bootloader blows my mind. The people who came up with the Revolutionary exploit are the kind of people that rocket scientists get intimidated by intellectually. (no exaggeration, they are the literal select few)
Think about how much more would be available to us as a community that we could do with our devices if people like that could focus their time on developing end-user applications or other software for the phone. Instead they are set with the next-to-impossible task of making it possible for all the rest of us to develop for these devices.
I know you don't see it as a big deal about finding a way for T-Mo or HTC to eat the cost of the broken phone, but the ripple effect of many people doing what is being suggested in this thread impacts issues most people would never think about, probably not even aware of.
I know it sucks to be saddled with the cost of breaking such an expensive piece of equipment. ultimately, though, the responsibility needs to rest on the shoulders of the person who actually caused it to happen.
What I would recommend is to look into an aftermarket repair service. There are some really good ones out there that specialize in high-end phones like the MT4GS.
This link:
verne2k said:
afaik no its not
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Is to a place (in california, I think) that repairs phones - and shows a step by step on how to replace the screen on the MT4GS specifically.
I would start on their site, and see what it would cost to repair the USB port on the phone. It might not turn out to be that much, but this would be a great first step to take in finding out.
Like I started with, didn't want to just come out and say "too bad", I wanted to really explain why it's not a good thing for all of us to try to find a way to make the manufacturer pay for something that isn't their fault. I hope that providing you with a starting point to finding the resolution of the problem softens the blow a bit of having to hear that.
I wish the best of luck to you, and if you do get it repaired, maybe share the experience and the cost here for others to be made aware of.
I walked into my local tmo store, said "my phone is all messed up from the ota update, it doesn't even boot up all the way, I need it replaced under warranty since its been less than a year"
They asked for an address. I got the new phone in the mail a couple days later then brought my old one in so they could send it back for me.
They didn't even check out my phone in the first place. Look for the lazy employee
Sent from my RubiX CubeD MT4GS using XDA App
also a temporary fix would be getting an external battery charger.
Ya I've done 4 exchanged for my chicks mytouch and they never ask to ts.. we just say it keeps getting a deadstop on the screen..
Sent from my RubiX CubeD MT4GS using xda premium
Just tell them it's having an issue that you know they can't/won't spend the time to replicate.
My phone randomly restarts
My screen goes blank and I have to take the battery out
When I click the camera it always tells me "Cannot connect to camera"
OP, your mom broke the phone - plain and simple. It's not a hardware failure, and as much as it sucks she needs to suck it up and buy a new one.
People bullshitting warranty returns on items they broke only drive up the costs for everyone else.
Alright.. well I'll be straight up honest with you.
I can't imagine how that happened to your phone. Obviously it is a user mistake, and thus it doesn't legitimately qualify for a warranty replacement.
You have the choice to take it in to get fixed, I'm sure there are many people who can do the repairs in your area. It might cost you upwards of $50 (don't quote me on that)
You can call T-mobile, and BS your way through the warranty department to get them to send you a new one, like everyone else has said. From an ethical stand point, you don't need me to tell you that's wrong, because it's lying and essentially cheating. If you choose to go that way, you will be required to pay $15 for shipping and handling, however that does not stop there. T-mobile WILL inspect your phone. Most of the time, people get away with it, but I have had a friend who tried to cut through the system and got caught (he cracked his screen and filed it as the OTA update ruined his phone). The consequence is simple, you pay full price for your replacement phone (which would be several hundred dollars). Moreover, your replacement phone isn't even a new phone, it is a refurbished device which might only just look new. Back in the day when I still had my G1, the sliding hinge came loose like it did on a bunch of them so I got a warranty replacement on it. The one they sent me came with two dead pixels on the screen, but I just didn't want to fork out another $15 to get a replacement.
So really, you can pay the money to get it fixed, and it'll still be your phone, the new phone that you paid for. Or you can cheat and send it back, pay the $15 and risk getting caught and having to pay a couple hundred for a refurbished phone.
Yeap, Its ALWAYS better to do it over the phone. Sound frustrated but not angry and they'll always kiss your butt.
Actually they chargre 130 if the phone has damage and u lie to get a warranty replacement. They don't charge full price
Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using xda premium
androidfeen809 said:
Actually they chargre 130 if the phone has damage and u lie to get a warranty replacement. They don't charge full price
Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using xda premium
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I can confirm this. However, in my case it was legit. I was charged for the water detector sticker being pink although it was never dropped in water and the reason for my returning the phone wasn't water related at all. The hinge was loose as hell on my phone and I wanted this taken care of. The only reason why the sticker was pink was due to having wet hands when inserting my battery into the phone since I don't ever charge my phone via USB and use a separate wall charger and just swap batteries when I need to charge my batteries.
Well sorry to the people who are against wasting warranty replacements but money is tight and the replacement is on the way and believe me I was post when I found out she some how broke the USB port -.- but she said my little sister tripped on it while it was charging and that's when it broke!
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA App
Wierd enough i just came home to find my warranty replacement from asurion.... And to my suprise they sent me a new phone in the mytouch box with the important stickers on the side of the box. I lost my phone and i decide to file a claim which i had to pay 130. However the first phone they sent me was a refurbish one it did not came in the mytouch box and looked used. I found out it had 4 missing pixels so i call asurion to get a warranty replacement and they send me a new one. Now i get to keep the 2 batteries and 2 chargers because they say they only want the phone not the battery or back cover or charger. Anyone experience something like this before?
Like really they decide to send me a refurb phone after i paid for a new phone because i lost my phone and i get a brand new warranty replacement? Wtf thats just so wierd to me
Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using xda premium
androidfeen809 said:
Wierd enough i just came home to find my warranty replacement from asurion.... And to my suprise they sent me a new phone in the mytouch box with the important stickers on the side of the box. I lost my phone and i decide to file a claim which i had to pay 130. However the first phone they sent me was a refurbish one it did not came in the mytouch box and looked used. I found out it had 4 missing pixels so i call asurion to get a warranty replacement and they send me a new one. Now i get to keep the 2 batteries and 2 chargers because they say they only want the phone not the battery or back cover or charger. Anyone experience something like this before?
Like really they decide to send me a refurb phone after i paid for a new phone because i lost my phone and i get a brand new warranty replacement? Wtf thats just so wierd to me
Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using xda premium
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Warranty replacement is had an insurance claim and yes Asurion will usually send a refurbished but I have yet to get a refurb that wasn't obviously flawed within an hour of call and complain they will overnight a new one at that point. Warranty would be if it broke and not your fault...and I have only had to pay 5 bucks for the both my replacement phones but I think it is cause i have the full insurance plan...warranty should cover all fees to replace but oh well. You agree when they go to send you a replacement that there is not physical damage or such so don't be surprised when you get a nasty charge on your bill....
beezie916 said:
Warranty replacement is had an insurance claim and yes Asurion will usually send a refurbished but I have yet to get a refurb that wasn't obviously flawed within an hour of call and complain they will overnight a new one at that point. Warranty would be if it broke and not your fault...and I have only had to pay 5 bucks for the both my replacement phones but I think it is cause i have the full insurance plan...warranty should cover all fees to replace but oh well. You agree when they go to send you a replacement that there is not physical damage or such so don't be surprised when you get a nasty charge on your bill....
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Well it was for dead pixels on the screen so the phone isnt damage or anything. They cant charge me anything.
Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using xda premium
androidfeen809 said:
Well it was for dead pixels on the screen so the phone isnt damage or anything. They cant charge me anything.
Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using xda premium
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Sorry i was talking about the OP on that one

Poor HTC Customer Service

I dropped my Sensation and the glass cover of the screen smashed so I sent it back for repair which I fully expected to pay for. What I didnt expect was for them to also charge me for a new Mainboard. I called to query this and was told that the the bootloader had been changed, they had to replace the MB to lock it again in order to provide me with a warranty for the repair.
I explained to them that I thought this was nonsense and I was not fussed about a warranty and just requested that the screen was repaired.
As the phone was dropped, I wouldnt have thought for a minute that the phone would be fixed under warranty so what is their beef?
Was there not a press release from HTC saying that they were going to remove S-On from new devices? Does anyone have a link to this?
I'm now left with the option of paying £260 for the repair or have it returned for £23 which I'm thinking of doing then selling it on ebay.
Pretty gutted and disappointed at HTC
They weren't going to remove S-ON, they have offered the ability to unlock the bootloader. 2 VERY different things
It does seem a bit rubbish they've done that, though. They shouldn't care what else is up with the phone if all you want to do is pay for the repair of the screen
Ah, that makes sense.
Yup, I'm pretty upset to be honest that they've got me over a barrel regarding repair.
de-v8 said:
Ah, that makes sense.
Yup, I'm pretty upset to be honest that they've got me over a barrel regarding repair.
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I'm sorry to say that this isn't really anything new. My experience of HTC customer care in the UK is that they are absolutely awful from start to finish. At one point I swore I would never buy another one of their devices, but briefly owning an Acer and a Samsung revealed problems too.
If you search you'll find various complaints on XDA from people who have sent in phones with one problem only to find they have another on arrival despite careful packaging (the screen is suddenly broken, it is suddenly water damaged etc).
It might just be whoever HTC uses to do servicing and warranty work in the UK and not HTC themselves that are the problem. I don't know enough about this so I am only guessing, but I would suggest it might be worth trying to get hold of someone in HTC Europe/Worldwide and asking them to intervene on your behalf. Just emphasize that you only want to pay for the screen to be repaired and that if some gorilla has broken the main board whilst trying to replace it, that simply isn't your fault (I'm guessing that's what has really happened). Try emailing a tech site like Crave for some publicity? If HTC are insisting on charging everyone who sends in a phone with a broken screen which also has a custom ROM on it for a new main board.....well, that's just plain wrong isn't it?
My sentiment exactly.
I'm not expecting a warranty, although it would be alarming to get the unit back fixed to find another fault.
Surely the whole point is that I've requested a repair that I'm happy to pay for, they're demanding on a much bigger and unnecessary repair to fulfil it.
I don't really understand why the firmware would need to be locked to guarentee a screen repair anyway? And why wouldn't they just flash new firmware to the existing phone - why would the main board need to be changed? People flash back to original firmware here all the time. It just doesn't smell right to me, but once again, I am FAR from an expert on the subject. You could just call their bluff and ask for the phone back and pay the return fee.
If you're in email correspondence with them and they haven't already done so in writing I'd ask them to put into writing why replacing the screen requires a new main board; why does new formware have to be flashed to the device to guarentee a hardware repair? Why can't the new firmware be flashed to the existing main board? I'd also exlpain as politely as possible that you are disatisfied with their explanation and ask them for a point of contact directly with someone at HTC to act as an ombudsman, or just tell them that you'll be contacting HTC directly to ask them to interevene.
Sounds like pure scam. It would be equivalent to dropping off your car for a windscreen repair and being told you need a new injection system because the exhaust has been modified. If you don't pay for the new injection system they can't fix the windscreen but you can have your car back unrepaired for $100 fee. Obviously the mechanic would be in court for fraud very quickly if someone took it to the police.
What we have here is some dodgy individuals preying on the general public, I can say this is not typical of HTC service in my country at least. I wonderful if they would even change the mainboard or simply flash an ruu and claim they had done so. Don't know what legal recourse is available in the UK but you should at the least report the matter to HTC global. These scumbags are after all damaging the reputation of the HTC brand and I'm sure that if they receive a number of complaints they will have to do something about the situation.
Sent from my Acer Iconia A500 using Tapatalk
Same story over and over...
bonesy said:
Same story over and over...
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After reading some of those I'm glad I live in a country where that kind of behaviour is illegal under consumer protection laws. Looks like I was wrong when I said that sort of behaviour isn't normal of HTC worldwide. It appears the only reason HTC behave here is that they would get murdered by the legal system, not to mention the negative publicity attached to that.
Sent from my Acer Iconia A500 using Tapatalk
dr.m0x said:
After reading some of those I'm glad I live in a country where that kind of behaviour is illegal under consumer protection laws. Looks like I was wrong when I said that sort of behaviour isn't normal of HTC worldwide. It appears the only reason HTC behave here is that they would get murdered by the legal system, not to mention the negative publicity attached to that.
Sent from my Acer Iconia A500 using Tapatalk
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It's really weird because we have a pretty robust Sale of Goods act over here, but even that doesn't sem to count for that much these days. In theory goods have to be fit for purpose and, in theory, last a certain length of time - if not, a consumer should be able to return the item for a refund. These days however, even in retail stores, if something fails outside of 28 days many places insist on having it repaired. Online retailers often insist that one sends a phone back to the manufacturer for repair if it fails after a month which simply isn't right.
We're also fairly well known for putting up with higher prices in the Uk than other parts of Europe and the rest of the world. It's bizarre, but we just seem to take c**p from our retail sector here in the UK, whether it be cars, phones or tvs.
You'd think bad publicity would force the likes of HTC to really raise their game, but it just doesn't seem to (although, unfotunately, the fact that de-v8 has actually managed to get hold of HTC customer support more than once IS an improvement; way better than my experiences in 2008/9).
Tech journalists over here don't help us either. So many just hype the hell out of everything and get on board with the marketing claims manufacturers make about a new chip or a CMOS sensor and don't point out obvious discrepancies or flaws. Well, sometimes they do so belatedly by saying 'oh yeah the HTC Touch Pro always was dog slow because the VGA res. screen and TouchFlo always was too much for the SoC. Of course, a year earlier they had claimed it change one's life for the better ; )
Obviously this doesn't help de-v8 as his scenario is slightly different as it was a paid repair in the first place, but he's clearly being fleeced.
Should have replied sooner.
HTC offered me a full repair free of charge. It pays to stand your ground!
Sent from my HTC Sensation using TapAtalk

Swapping within 30 days of purchase? (AT&T)

Hey guys,
I'm nearing the end of my first 30 days with my One X (loving it by the way), and I was wondering - Does AT&T expect the phone back in a specified condition? My bootloader is unlocked w/ root and unfortunately I dropped the phone once or twice causing some annoying scratches on the face. Looking to take advantage of the week or so that I have left, I was curious to if they had a specified routine that they follow for returned phones.
whd5015 said:
Hey guys,
I'm nearing the end of my first 30 days with my One X (loving it by the way), and I was wondering - Does AT&T expect the phone back in a specified condition? My bootloader is unlocked w/ root and unfortunately I dropped the phone once or twice causing some annoying scratches on the face. Looking to take advantage of the week or so that I have left, I was curious to if they had a specified routine that they follow for returned phones.
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I don't think they will swap out a phone because of "user-error" (eg. scratches).
As for the unlocked bootloader and root, for the most part they don't look at that in-store but if there were to be an issue down the road, maybe back at redistributing, I would expect they can trace it back to your account and they might look for retribution. Isn't there a way to bring it back to stock anyways? Regardless, I would have a better reason for returning it rather than telling them you dropped it.
If the damage is obvious, they will not take the phone back, according to policy:
Returned equipment, other than the Closeout Items, must be in the manufacturer's original packaging and be in like-new condition (no physical or water damage).
Why are you returning the phone?
redpoint73 said:
Why are you returning the phone?
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Because he didnt take care of his HOX and scratched it and wants to take advantage of the system.
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
Mine had a scuff or two on it, and they took it back. Not sure about the bootloader though.

[Q] Bricking After Update: Who's Mad?

I purchased an at&t 8x off craigslist and was quite happy with it. All up until the GDR2 update was applied. Then it got into the famous loop:
**buzz**HTC screen for three seconds**black screen**buzz**HTC screen for three seconds** ad infinitum.
No button combinations work to stall or alter the outcome. Just a friggin' boot loop for days, if I let it. I contacted HTC about it, and despite them showing it is still in warranty, the fact that it's second hand voids the warranty. So if I drop $110/120 bucks, they'll repair it. I understand that, I really do. But why is it that because of that I, and the countless others having this issue, have to deal with it without exception? I don't believe I'm being a whiny consumer when I don't want to be held responsible for performing an update that was pushed to me and broke my phone. The fact that this is an unpopular Windows Phone model dictates lack of support for ALL owners in this situation. If it were the One, HTC would sprint to support it, I'm sure.
This phone is so undesirable by the general public that I can get them off craigslist for less than $100 just about any day, but that's beside the point. I told the rep that it's like buying a car and getting gas directly from the dealership. If a bad batch is provided, it would be outlandish to request that the buyer be held responsible for the repairs.
I tried skipping at&t because I expected them to be just as much help. Even this post is pointless, haha. Just venting, I suppose. Who else is mad?
HTC doesn't get to decide what voids the warranty and what doesn't. Check your local laws (state laws as well if you're from the USA).
You should be mad as hell.
clrokr said:
HTC doesn't get to decide what voids the warranty and what doesn't. Check your local laws (state laws as well if you're from the USA).
You should be mad as hell.
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Thanks for the tip. I highly doubt either at&t or htc will step up to responsibility for this matter. I just now touched it again since I posted this thread, and now the display doesn't even come on when I plug it in. Incredibly disappointing.
try taping the power button down, so it vibrates...leave it this way until it stops vibrating...then remove the tape and plug it in to the charger and let it sit overnight. This works on reviving some phones.

