Combine parts from two OPOs? - ONE Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I've got two OnePlus Ones sitting in front of me:
1) Physically in mint condition (not a scratch on it, never been dropped, flip case from day1, etc), my original phone that has (as far as I'm concerned) a faulty flash storage chip. It kept committing suicide whenever the bad part of the flash got "touched". Eventually hard bricked itself, and all the ColorOS based recovery tools kept getting stuck with the dreaded "Sahara" error nobody seemed to know how to get past. I consider repairing this a lost cause directly.
2) My girlfriend's old phone. Physically, pretty beat up. Corner of the screen is cracked slightly, but it still works - although the touch screen is a bit flaky on detection. No problems with the storage chip, never had any OS issues. Presently just installed the latest Resurrection Remix rom on it.
My question is simple. Can I transfer the basic guts from phone #2, into phone #1? I've been skimming through various tear down guides - it looks like a pain to disassemble, but doable.
I'm hoping none of the hardware is married?


[Q] HTC Incredible digitizer dead at board - Repurpose possible?

I was given an HTC Incredible the other day, and I quickly found out that the digitizer was non-functional, so I took it apart and found obvious liquid damage inside. Several areas of the board were crusted over with what I assume to be residue from the evaporated liquid. I remained hopeful that the only problem was a dead digitizer, but after carefully cleaning up the board, I noticed some scorched resistors near the digitizer's ribbon connector on the motherboard. On the off-chance that I misdiagnosed the cause of the dead touchscreen, I restored it to factory via recovery, but as I expected, still no go, of course.
It's frustrating, because the device is in beautiful shape in every other way. Screen looks great, not a single scratch on the phone itself, it boots into recovery perfectly as well as into Android.
I fully realize that I will never have this phone working as it was originally intended without swapping out the board, which I don't really plan on doing. I also have no interest in using this as a phone. I'd like to see this phone repurposed as a headless Linux box on my home WLAN. With its specs, it should be able to run Debian and Asterisk quite well (works great on my Seagate DockStar with 128MB RAM/700MHz ARM5-based SoC.) I just hate to see an otherwise perfectly good embedded computer go to waste because I can't enable debugging via the touchscreen.
Is it possible to use a breakout board attached to the microUSB connector to utilize any sort of external input so that I could jump into the phone and turn on debugging/root the device? Or would that require HID drivers to be installed on the device beforehand?
Another idea that I've considered is possibly reflashing it with a rooted ROM or maybe changing some settings on it via CDMA Workshop, I would still need to get into mode for that by pressing ##3424#, right? Argh. Is there another way?
Do either of these options sound viable? Any other suggestions? It should go without saying that I'm well aware that this could be a brick already, but it just seems as though there must be SOMETHING that can be done to at least give me rooted ADB access in the future.
Thanks in advance!
I'm guessing I'm out of luck? Either way, it's not a big deal. It's not as though it cost me anything, but it'd be nice to put it to work in some way. As a Linux geek, there's always a nagging feeling I get when I see a Linux-based device sitting in the corner being under- or non-utilized. Especially embedded.

[Q] "Retroactive Bricking" or "spontaneous" hardware fault?

PSA: *This will be crossposted in xda HTC One X and HTC One X+ forums, I hope cross posting is allowed, haven't seen it mentioned in rules.*
Hi all,
Quick disclaimer: I've been lurking parts of xda now and again for a couple years now, have flashed a couple of phones and tablets now and again for mainly practical reasons, recently getting more interested in it as a ""fun" interest or "hobby".
SO: I am very aware that this is my first post, the rules, search function, etc. ..
BUT: After extensively searching both google and specifically xda to help me resolve this issue *myself*, I decided to create an account and post. I'm sorry if this Q should have been put in the newbie thread, my assessment was that it probably has no place there.
ALSO PLZ NOTE: What was meant to be a succinct summary and question somehow turned into a condensed but complete rundown of events, so here is a...
- Replaced HTC One X+ display/digitizer unit myself, ran fine for 5 weeks.
- Then: flashed twrp 2.7x or 2.8, not sure anymore, before installing Android HD Revolution 33.1 by mike1986, and following the official instructions, which ran great for about week until my phone spontaneously BRICKED THE F*CK OUT COMPLETELY.
(yes, true brick, paperweight, robot-corpse, whatever)
If so, what could I have done wrong? (POSSIBLY something to do with a bootimage of firmware that I was sure I had the up to date version of... dunno though).
About 6 weeks ago:
- Cracked the display of my HTC One X+ badly by dropping it onto concrete-type floor at a rave/party
=> Decided to try and replace it myself, researched for a good while (talking several days here, 90s/00s kids),
=> Decided to replace the display/digitizer unit myself to save money and gain knowledge.
Repair process was challenging and nearly as nerve wracking as playing the WSOP (not kidding, have played it three times), had an issue immediately after putting it back together where it suddenly wouldn't charge AT ALL anymore (NO LED), and overheated, and had unusually fast battery drain of its remaining charge (which never ran out completely before resolving that issue, since I kept turning it off whenever possible).
=> Took it apart and put it together again XX times until realizing the power switch flex cable kept slipping out of its two (jawbone?) connectors during putting it back together (I was doing something wrong with the flex positioning).
=> This resolved the issue.
=> Felt like a hero and that I win at life (since this phone has a rep as being hard to meddle with, and this was my first time even opening, let alone taking apart a smartphone).
=> Continued joyful phone shenanigans for over one month.
=> THEN: Decided to root it, mainly because there was a particular app I wanted that required root ("Quick reply for Whatsapp/Pushbullet", for the curious).
My previous, very limited rooting/flashing experiences =
- Google Nexus One (CWM/Cyanogen) a few times, years ago
- Galaxy Tab 10.1 (CWM/Cyanogen 10.1 ages ago, TWRP/Omnirom Kitkat 4.4.4 recently) a couple times.
So, did my research (or so I thought..?) for this particular custom ROM, decided to go for Android Revolution HD for HTC One X/+ 33.1 by mike 1986 (because it looked fckin awesome, and it was, while it ran) and loved the sh*t out of my "new" phone for about a week. Especially the vastly improved battery life seemed almost surreal, a big deal for a fixed-battery phone.
Then, ONE FATFUL EVENING in a bar, I remember looking at my phone and seeing 35% left, (days before it would've been an amazing 70-80% on an avg. day), which may not be relevant as it was my birthday, so had been using it a lot that day => may be a moot point
- Next time I looked at the phone ( < 1 hour without active use for sure) it was dead.
"Hmmmm," thought slightly drunk me. Whatever, charge it later, weird sh*t happens.
- Got home later, charged it over night after booting it with usb cord attached (mains).
Seemed normal, I even set an alarm.
=> Alarm never rang because it was in a powered-off state again come morning, despite all-night charging.
=> It booted to HTC logo. Seconds later, it turned off again. Held down power again, all I saw was the soft touch buttons flashing red a few times. After this it unexpectedly became (or was secretly crowned):
No power on with or without volume up/down held for whatever amount of time;
No charging, no heating up when "charging";
No LED in any colour or flashing frequency, ever;
No response after hours and days of charging on different USB cables on PC/wall socket;
PCs and laptops don't register a sign of anything when it penetrates their port parts, etc etc...
.Even that semi-mystical bright-light-exposure-while-charging "light sensor manipulation" thing (which apparently worked for a lo of people with similar issues) did nothing for the cause.
Promotion: *Paperweight status successfully acquired.* Yay.
Now, obviously my first thought was that the power flex that gave me trouble during display replacement probably slipped again., somehow (I had taped it down solidly I thought).
=> SO I opened it once again, flex position seemed ok, but I wasn't sure of its functionality as it did look kind of battered from the somewhat unprofessional repair I had conducted on it (which I openly admit to, though I really did try my absolute best).
- Spontaneously took mainboard/battery combo to a local independent phone/accessory shop after being told they'd take a look for free
(I was in there was in there buying a microsim adapter so I could use my ancient Nexus One, since my GF has my old S2 now, which she kindly offered back, but its hers now, so nah. Great phone though.)
=>Shop's advice echoed my thoughts: Flex cable may be screwed, I may have damaged it by bending in the wrong direction/too often, and that damage somehow didn't manifest until much later. I didn't mention the recent rooting + flashing as I deemed it irrelevant at the time.
Their secondary thoughts: Battery or mini-usb port fukt, (which would require soldering, which they don't even offer).
=> SO, feeling confirmed in my layman's assessment, I cheaply got a pristine new replacement flex on ebay, double checked all videos/tutorials, implemented the damn thing with considerably more skill/experience and even higher anticipation. What happened next was shocking:
Absolutely nothing, obv.
=> Did an additional epic f*ckton of internet/forum research, found similar problems and some resolutions, but no real answers, probably because my main problem translates to a kind of hybrid question.
So here I am now am with my core question:
Is it possible to FULLY brick an HTC/any smartphone but not become aware of this until one week later, when the device dies OVER ONE WEEK of reliable and amazing performance?
(and if yes, what aspect/stage of the flashing process is this likely related to?)
If the answer is NO, it must be a hardware fault with probability rank (I think)
1.) Battery dead for whatever reason
2.) Mini USB OR mainboard/integral component (equal rank as not sure), possibly caused by incompetent repair, but why or how would this express itself over a month later??
3.) Other, which I'm not aware of.
While researching new ROMS for the N1, I realized that I may have messed up on the "bootimg part" of the flashing process of the Revolution ROM, a part I found v. confusing in the instructions, even after rereading them many, many times. It was about the most recent firmware, which I was pretty sure I had anyway, since it was unrooted before and I do remember installing some firmware updates over the air.
I still did my best to follow the instructions though.
=> Maybe this has something to do with it, i.e. the hardware can't accept a charge because the software allowed it to become too uncharged (a fairly paradox concept to me, but apparently it can happen. Guess it's like a BIOS-type thing).
Thank you for anyone who read this far!
As it stands, I refuse to give up hope so soon after experiencing that rush of having fixed it myself.
Any specific or general help, tips, hints, pointers, replacement phones (One M8 or S5 plz., Iphones will go straight on ebay) would and will be greatly appreciated!!
The obvious choice is to get a new battery and see what happens, but I'm not sure if I wanna sink any more money into this phone, only to later find out the mainboard is at fault (not worth the money replacing), AKA "get a new phone without a contract", which would more than suck for me financially atm (Im ignoring my N1 here, which I love, but don't wanna be stuck with, esp. as it has the standard-issue broken power button (which I actually had repaired once under warranty, back in the ol' days of yore some prefer to refer to as 2009.
So guys: What's my move, if there is one, besides going to a local/online service centre (I live in Germany btw.) and probably paying unproportionate cash money to even have it looked at?
Cheers, thanks, merci, danke
PS: Just saw the polling function, so I attached one just for the hell of it, to see what happens (never used one before).
If you feel both qualified AND so inclined as to pass judgement on this here serious business, please indicate what you think may be the cause of my issue.
*BUMP 1*
Come on guys, I know it's a wall of text, but can't someone at least answer the TL;DR?
=> Is is possible to flash a custom rom which then (possibly because of improper installation) causes the phone to brick about a week later?
Simple question surely!

Intermittent Lag makes phone impossible to use

Description of the problem:
This happens several times in a day, but I have had a few days when this did not happen. When waking the phone it becomes super slow, like 1-2 frames per second slow. After rebooting- the recovery is just as slow. Sometimes the view is moved vertically up, the top part that is moved outside of screen and is drawn ant the bottom. Sometimes the image flickers. I have not noticed any pattern what stops this behaviour, it is just over after some time (5s to 2 hours).
What I have tred with no success:
Rebooting, clearing cache, factory reset, bringing the phone to full stock (, updating to latest version, several ROMs and different kernels with each of them. After flashing any new rom the phone used to work fine for a day or two, then the stutter reapeared. Tried it without installing any apps- same problems.
I had to replace the cracked screen and the camera that didn't focus to far objects. The touchscreen ribbon is now insulated from the metal LCD back since some people suggested this might be the reason for touchscreen responsiveness issues.
It seems that the processes work normally, but the view on the screen is updated slowly.
What made the problem less bad:
I had applied a glass screen protector. Removing it increased the time between slowdowns.
Since I bought the phone secondhand and had tinkered with it I cannot get it replaced.
I have tried everything I could, now I need your help
Any suggestions?
A video to visualize the issue:
Noone? No ideas?
Sounds like a Hardware issue to me.The board ist mostly bad soldered. It can happen sometimes in the factory(not only at OnePlus, Samsung, HTC too), even if they test the devices before shipping.
Background: We had some germans around here had the same issue, they got a new replacment by OnePlus, OPO support told the customers that the hardware was faulty.
Can u afford another Mainboard for the OPO ? That will fix that issues for sure.
Well that makes sense I'll poke around to see if I can get one for as little as possible. So far I'd expect to spend ~250$ and that is just bad business
no worrys, u dont need to spent that much.check aliexpress or if your lucky buy a dropped OnePlus One on eBay. One with working mainboard. It will cost around 30-50% less than a single Mainboard would Sounds ridiculous but its true.

Just had to share this experience....

Well I have been a owner of a LG Nexus 5 for the past (almost) 2 years now, in fact I am coming to the end of my contract very soon and will be able to either goto another company or get a new phone.
Anyways, sometime ago I experienced a problem with my microphone and external speakers not working, or at at least some of the time... After a bit of research online I found out my problem was related to a connection inside the phone that connected the bottom assembly to the main board at the top of the phone. It required me to remove the back panel and a few screws to remove the plastic cover, but the poster suggested putting some tape on top of that connection to hold it down more firmly to the socket it connected too. So I did this. I put some black tap (electrical tape cut to fit.) on top and then assembled the phone again. Viola, It worked!
Well, a short time after I decided that I wanted to update my phone from stock kitkat (4.4.4). Always been curious about custom ROMs and gave Cyanogenmod a try. Not only that I got bold and tried the nightly releases of the new marshmellow update. After some time I started experiencing things not working, like the camera, and a lot of freezing, hang ups and random reboots (not so much the reboots as the constant freezing). Often I couldn't get anything on the screen or the phone to respond from a locked state and when I did, often the phone would lag so much, that doing anything would take a long time and proved to be impossible.
I started thinking it was the nightly releases as the source of my problem and just kind of shrugged it off and figured "they will eventually fix the problem". I kept this thinking for quite some time. But it occurred too me one day that something else was causing the issue I was facing for the simple fact that the lag started showing up in the recovery mode (also custom) and a lot of times would continue to show up after I rebooted my phone. Hence, would rule out any 'software' issues I was facing.
I began to think that my problem was hardware. Maybe it was just time for a new phone. But still months away from the end of my contract, this meant I would have to pay off the 'problematic' phone first before getting a new one. I really didn't like that idea. So while looking into this problem, in a last ditch effort, I opened my phone again. Dunno why but I also decided to get rid of the tap on the connection I tried to fix before... I popped off the connection there and had a look at it. It didn't seem damaged in any way nor did the socket. Strange as it was I put that connect back in the socket and put the cover plate back on making sure not to torque the screws and assembled everything back up....
Now the mic and ext speakers work just fine and the phone is working like I just opened the box and took it out for the first time. And I have not once seen any problems... I understand what's happening here... still just wanted to share that for it was definitely weird or what?
Sorry about the link, only way I can upload an image.
Just so there is no confusion... an image of the effected area, inside the phone. The arrow points to the connector and more importantly the area of the connector that seems damaged. If I press lightly where the arrow is pointing on this image, the assemable at the bottom (speaker/mic) will work, indicating a loose connection. Although after visual inspection, I cannot see any damage to connector or the socket. I suppose the only way to really "fix" the issue is to order a new part. As stated previously, already tried tape on the socket to help hold it down, but that seem to cause just as many issues with the phone performance. Any other suggestions?
When ordering a replacement part, you need to be careful because there was another XDA member replaced the same part with a cheap 3rd party solution and the phone would not charge until he replaced it with an oem part.
Does anyone else have issues with there ext. speaker and mic not working?
An update on the phone;
back to square one. My ext speaker and mic will not work. And that socket has something to do with the LCD connection on the screen as it will black out if just the right area on the back of the phone is pressed. Only way to revive the phone is to long-press the power button for a reboot. Then will come up fine but speaker and mic still do not work.
audit13 said:
When ordering a replacement part, you need to be careful because there was another XDA member replaced the same part with a cheap 3rd party solution and the phone would not charge until he replaced it with an oem part.
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Wow, that sounds pretty low level tactics of LG... just shameful really, but not hard to believe these days...
Quite honestly, I am just going to replace the phone. Think I got a pretty good run out of it and think its pretty well time for an upgrade. Anyway, for the reason I got the phone, it wont matter the speaker and mic don't work. Just going to use it for development and it will be a good test device.
Oh an this post is related to this thread so I thought I would link it for it may help someone else facing similar problems....
I'm not sure that LG had anything to do with the low-quality replacement parts.
If I were you, look for a n5 with a smashed screen that is suitable for parts.
audit13 said:
I'm not sure that LG had anything to do with the low-quality replacement parts.
If I were you, look for a n5 with a smashed screen that is suitable for parts.
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Good idea, except the iphone is the most popular phone around here ... find it pretty hard to find one, been looking. But thanks.
I have seen quite a few busted n5 phones in Toronto. I have managed to get working phones with a smashed screen for as little as $30 which is rare for Toronto. Average I pay is $40 to $50. For this price, I either use the phone for parts in several phones or I get third part screen from Aliexpress for around $40 CAD.
I just want to update this as well...
I am fairly certain (now thinking about causes) its not really a design flaw, but more so because I frequently sat on my phone when it was in my back pocket...
audit13 said:
When ordering a replacement part, you need to be careful because there was another XDA member replaced the same part with a cheap 3rd party solution and the phone would not charge until he replaced it with an oem part.
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It was not me but I had that same experience. Replaced with a cheap oem and it didn't charge after that.
I found out why. The charger usb socket was not connected to anything ! Unbelievable! It lacked the black plastic backing for that part of the cable to connect to.

Can't access recovery mode / faulty touchscreen?

Hi Everyone. I've read a lot of posts here and elsewhere on this issue, but have been unable to solve it, and Sony phone support suggested I post a question. So here goes...
I have a Z3 (D6653) on Android 6.0.1. A month out of contract with my telcom (Telstra), I started having trouble pulling down the notification drawer. Originally it was just slow, then only possible from the home screen and within a day altogether impossible.
I reset the device to factory, but this didn't help.
I used the native diagnostic tool to test the touchscreen and it showed a narrow, very uniform unresponsive band at the top of the screen. About 2-3mm. The uniformity of the band, which suggested to me (right or wrong) that it may be a software issue, not a hardware issue.
So I tried to flash a custom ROM, but although I was able to unlock the bootloader, I was unable to access recovery mode. (I've flashed custom ROMs before, but it's not something I've ever found trouble-free.) After about 8 hours trying all the usual methods, and all the unusual ones, I gave up and started looking at recovery apps.
But recovery apps all require root, so I decided to pursue that course. But without recovery, I couldn't root the device the normal way, so I decided to try Kingroot. After a few false starts, it eventually said it had successfully rooted the device, and Root Checker said it had too. But I was still unable to install a custom recovery with an app. Which left me with nowhere to go.
And now Root Checker is saying the device is NOT properly rooted, Kingroot basically spins, and I haven't been able to unroot with SU or anything else I've tried (not many attempts).
And now at least one app (Pokemon Go) won't work because it thinks the device is rooted.
So I'm now using a floating app to pull down the notification drawer, and I've got all the apps that most often give me notifications sitting directly on my home screen, rather than in folders. I know none of this is the end of the world, but it interrupts my workflow and, thus, my overall productivity. Also plays havoc with my OCD!
Sony support said it's no longer covered by warranty because I rooted it, and although they can probably fix it, it'll take up to a month, and will cost somewhere between $50-$250. I could buy a replacement phone for not much more!
Any ideas on where to go from here? Should I just get a local mobile repair shop to replace the touchscreen? Or is my suspicion right and it's more likely to be the OS? And if the OS, how do I get to recovery?
Thanks heaps, in advance.
divinewrite said:
I used the native diagnostic tool to test the touchscreen and it showed a narrow, very uniform unresponsive band at the top of the screen. About 2-3mm. The uniformity of the band, which suggested to me (right or wrong) that it may be a software issue, not a hardware issue.
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I just about guarantee you that it's a hardware problem, this has happened to me twice on 2 different display panels, through some research this problem happens only on sony phones.
Normally cracking the screen will trigger this problem (Even the smallest of cracks will) but in some cases it will do it on it's own. I think (correct me if I am wrong) sony purposely made this happen possibly to make money on the unfortunate ones who have cracked the screen and caused the digitiser to become slightly unresponsive or not work at all (Thus needed repair and most will go to sony to do so).
I ended up blowing up the phone (Not kidding, I put it in a old microwave and the battery exploded) because it was a pain to run AOSP/CM roms on there and it was gonna cost me quite a bit to fix again so I said fk it and happily destroyed it with a couple of mates (I don't suggest doing this I was just sharing my experience/feelings with this problem {and more}).
I'd suggest selling it (If possible) and getting a new phone, even a phone with the same specs will be better due to sony being... well... sony.
I'm quite happy with my new Moto G4 Plus that runs considerably better than my old Z3 (And the battery lasts longer too ).

