[Q] "Retroactive Bricking" or "spontaneous" hardware fault? - General Questions and Answers

PSA: *This will be crossposted in xda HTC One X and HTC One X+ forums, I hope cross posting is allowed, haven't seen it mentioned in rules.*
Hi all,
Quick disclaimer: I've been lurking parts of xda now and again for a couple years now, have flashed a couple of phones and tablets now and again for mainly practical reasons, recently getting more interested in it as a ""fun" interest or "hobby".
SO: I am very aware that this is my first post, the rules, search function, etc. ..
BUT: After extensively searching both google and specifically xda to help me resolve this issue *myself*, I decided to create an account and post. I'm sorry if this Q should have been put in the newbie thread, my assessment was that it probably has no place there.
ALSO PLZ NOTE: What was meant to be a succinct summary and question somehow turned into a condensed but complete rundown of events, so here is a...
- Replaced HTC One X+ display/digitizer unit myself, ran fine for 5 weeks.
- Then: flashed twrp 2.7x or 2.8, not sure anymore, before installing Android HD Revolution 33.1 by mike1986, and following the official instructions, which ran great for about week until my phone spontaneously BRICKED THE F*CK OUT COMPLETELY.
(yes, true brick, paperweight, robot-corpse, whatever)
If so, what could I have done wrong? (POSSIBLY something to do with a bootimage of firmware that I was sure I had the up to date version of... dunno though).
About 6 weeks ago:
- Cracked the display of my HTC One X+ badly by dropping it onto concrete-type floor at a rave/party
=> Decided to try and replace it myself, researched for a good while (talking several days here, 90s/00s kids),
=> Decided to replace the display/digitizer unit myself to save money and gain knowledge.
Repair process was challenging and nearly as nerve wracking as playing the WSOP (not kidding, have played it three times), had an issue immediately after putting it back together where it suddenly wouldn't charge AT ALL anymore (NO LED), and overheated, and had unusually fast battery drain of its remaining charge (which never ran out completely before resolving that issue, since I kept turning it off whenever possible).
=> Took it apart and put it together again XX times until realizing the power switch flex cable kept slipping out of its two (jawbone?) connectors during putting it back together (I was doing something wrong with the flex positioning).
=> This resolved the issue.
=> Felt like a hero and that I win at life (since this phone has a rep as being hard to meddle with, and this was my first time even opening, let alone taking apart a smartphone).
=> Continued joyful phone shenanigans for over one month.
=> THEN: Decided to root it, mainly because there was a particular app I wanted that required root ("Quick reply for Whatsapp/Pushbullet", for the curious).
My previous, very limited rooting/flashing experiences =
- Google Nexus One (CWM/Cyanogen) a few times, years ago
- Galaxy Tab 10.1 (CWM/Cyanogen 10.1 ages ago, TWRP/Omnirom Kitkat 4.4.4 recently) a couple times.
So, did my research (or so I thought..?) for this particular custom ROM, decided to go for Android Revolution HD for HTC One X/+ 33.1 by mike 1986 (because it looked fckin awesome, and it was, while it ran) and loved the sh*t out of my "new" phone for about a week. Especially the vastly improved battery life seemed almost surreal, a big deal for a fixed-battery phone.
Then, ONE FATFUL EVENING in a bar, I remember looking at my phone and seeing 35% left, (days before it would've been an amazing 70-80% on an avg. day), which may not be relevant as it was my birthday, so had been using it a lot that day => may be a moot point
- Next time I looked at the phone ( < 1 hour without active use for sure) it was dead.
"Hmmmm," thought slightly drunk me. Whatever, charge it later, weird sh*t happens.
- Got home later, charged it over night after booting it with usb cord attached (mains).
Seemed normal, I even set an alarm.
=> Alarm never rang because it was in a powered-off state again come morning, despite all-night charging.
=> It booted to HTC logo. Seconds later, it turned off again. Held down power again, all I saw was the soft touch buttons flashing red a few times. After this it unexpectedly became (or was secretly crowned):
No power on with or without volume up/down held for whatever amount of time;
No charging, no heating up when "charging";
No LED in any colour or flashing frequency, ever;
No response after hours and days of charging on different USB cables on PC/wall socket;
PCs and laptops don't register a sign of anything when it penetrates their port parts, etc etc...
.Even that semi-mystical bright-light-exposure-while-charging "light sensor manipulation" thing (which apparently worked for a lo of people with similar issues) did nothing for the cause.
Promotion: *Paperweight status successfully acquired.* Yay.
Now, obviously my first thought was that the power flex that gave me trouble during display replacement probably slipped again., somehow (I had taped it down solidly I thought).
=> SO I opened it once again, flex position seemed ok, but I wasn't sure of its functionality as it did look kind of battered from the somewhat unprofessional repair I had conducted on it (which I openly admit to, though I really did try my absolute best).
- Spontaneously took mainboard/battery combo to a local independent phone/accessory shop after being told they'd take a look for free
(I was in there was in there buying a microsim adapter so I could use my ancient Nexus One, since my GF has my old S2 now, which she kindly offered back, but its hers now, so nah. Great phone though.)
=>Shop's advice echoed my thoughts: Flex cable may be screwed, I may have damaged it by bending in the wrong direction/too often, and that damage somehow didn't manifest until much later. I didn't mention the recent rooting + flashing as I deemed it irrelevant at the time.
Their secondary thoughts: Battery or mini-usb port fukt, (which would require soldering, which they don't even offer).
=> SO, feeling confirmed in my layman's assessment, I cheaply got a pristine new replacement flex on ebay, double checked all videos/tutorials, implemented the damn thing with considerably more skill/experience and even higher anticipation. What happened next was shocking:
Absolutely nothing, obv.
=> Did an additional epic f*ckton of internet/forum research, found similar problems and some resolutions, but no real answers, probably because my main problem translates to a kind of hybrid question.
So here I am now am with my core question:
Is it possible to FULLY brick an HTC/any smartphone but not become aware of this until one week later, when the device dies OVER ONE WEEK of reliable and amazing performance?
(and if yes, what aspect/stage of the flashing process is this likely related to?)
If the answer is NO, it must be a hardware fault with probability rank (I think)
1.) Battery dead for whatever reason
2.) Mini USB OR mainboard/integral component (equal rank as not sure), possibly caused by incompetent repair, but why or how would this express itself over a month later??
3.) Other, which I'm not aware of.
While researching new ROMS for the N1, I realized that I may have messed up on the "bootimg part" of the flashing process of the Revolution ROM, a part I found v. confusing in the instructions, even after rereading them many, many times. It was about the most recent firmware, which I was pretty sure I had anyway, since it was unrooted before and I do remember installing some firmware updates over the air.
I still did my best to follow the instructions though.
=> Maybe this has something to do with it, i.e. the hardware can't accept a charge because the software allowed it to become too uncharged (a fairly paradox concept to me, but apparently it can happen. Guess it's like a BIOS-type thing).
Thank you for anyone who read this far!
As it stands, I refuse to give up hope so soon after experiencing that rush of having fixed it myself.
Any specific or general help, tips, hints, pointers, replacement phones (One M8 or S5 plz., Iphones will go straight on ebay) would and will be greatly appreciated!!
The obvious choice is to get a new battery and see what happens, but I'm not sure if I wanna sink any more money into this phone, only to later find out the mainboard is at fault (not worth the money replacing), AKA "get a new phone without a contract", which would more than suck for me financially atm (Im ignoring my N1 here, which I love, but don't wanna be stuck with, esp. as it has the standard-issue broken power button (which I actually had repaired once under warranty, back in the ol' days of yore some prefer to refer to as 2009.
So guys: What's my move, if there is one, besides going to a local/online service centre (I live in Germany btw.) and probably paying unproportionate cash money to even have it looked at?
Cheers, thanks, merci, danke
PS: Just saw the polling function, so I attached one just for the hell of it, to see what happens (never used one before).
If you feel both qualified AND so inclined as to pass judgement on this here serious business, please indicate what you think may be the cause of my issue.

*BUMP 1*
Come on guys, I know it's a wall of text, but can't someone at least answer the TL;DR?
=> Is is possible to flash a custom rom which then (possibly because of improper installation) causes the phone to brick about a week later?
Simple question surely!


AT&T complaint

If this is not an appropriate place to make a complaint about a carrier, I apologize and understand if this post is locked, moved, or removed.
I have a Tilt 2 which recently and suddenly began not sending or receiving on its USB port. The phone would charge, but no data would move. In fact, neither the computers nor the phone itself even made notice that a device had been connected. I also noticed the battery discharging abnormally fast. So fast that even with the phone off, the next day, it would not power on. I called AT&T to get the phone replaced as it's less than a year old.
I was put through the ringer, as expected on a first call. I was then forwarded to business tech support where I was met with a seemingly slightly more intelligent person, who obviously had no experience actually using a Windows Mobile device, but had no issue reading from a guided instruction on using a WM6.1 device, for a phone using a WM6.5.
This person then contacted HTC and put me in touch with them, where I got the most intelligent person I'd spoken to all that day (an I work in a call center myself). After software removal and resinstallation as well as option swapping, I was told to take the phone to a store to see if it was both my laptop running Device Center and my desktop running ActiveSync in conjunction with the 4 cables I used, including the stock one, were at fault... I was told if they were, that the phone needed replacement.
The next day, I discover the aforementioned battery drain to the point of no power on. I take it to the store, where they are unable to test it as it won't stay on (due to complete discharge), and am instructed to call AT&T's warranty line. I spent the next 12 minutes on the phone with the warranty rep, who, through my description of the problem, decides the best thing to do is to REPLACE THE BATTERY... I asked the rep something to the tune of 'So, are you saying that a failed battery would cause the data port not to work, when the phone is receiving power through the same cable as the data would be going through?'
To which I am replied something like 'Well, sometimes...' at which point I pulled the phone away from my head to avoid screaming at this person. I do not like being treated like an idiot. I have been using WM devices since 2003, and HTC's since 2007. It would be obvious to anyone on these forums that what this phone is doing is a hardware failure. It's been reported multiple times in the Rhodium forum that this is occurring to all forms of the Rhodium.
Anyway, the rep confirmed my information and told me to expect this battery in 2 days. Upon checking the email confirmation, it's an extended battery. Adhesive bandages for broken necks.... Once I got home, I called again and laid out my contempt for this process and negation of the word of the manufacturer. This person connected me to the warranty line and I was greeted by someone who could actually comprehended the problem and did not attempt to point fingers after accusation had been made.
I will be receiving a replacement soon. But I must say, the 2.5 hours spent talking to the collective uninformed reps at AT&T makes me think twice before buying a new device ever again. On the other hand, the singularly knowledgeable rep at HTC was a pleasant surprise. In my line of work (appliances), the relative show of knowledge and comprehension skills far exceeds anything I've encounted in the whole of the company I work for.
Bravo, HTC. Shame on you, AT&T.
Er... could this all have been avoided if you had contacted HTC in the first place? Because that's what your post sounds like. (Just curious!) Or did your warranty only apply though AT&T?
The warranty was through AT&T, per the HTC rep. If there's a manufacturer's warranty as well, I would have much rather went with them.
As a side note to the fiasco, the replacement battery made it to me. I called and was told to keep it.
Here's the best part:
It's an extended battery. The downside? No replacement back cover, so it won't fit in the case... Way to go, AT&T...
Your story is one of the reasons I found myself moving to Big Red last year. My TP2 (RHOD500) has not seen any of the issues mentioned here.
If you want to read about my "adventure" in AT&T-land, check out this thread from my Tilt days.

HTC build quality issues - am I alone?

Hey guys,
I've just receieved my third HTC handset with what I'd consider to be a major issue.
HTC Touch2 in 2009 - would often power off during calls (probably due to WinMo). Hardware buttons quickly became loose after about a month of use, and the backlighting stopped working.
HTC Legend in 2010 - this phone is two months old and the top speaker is so broken I can barely hear somebody on a call. Everything crackles and pops and, according to people on the other end, they can barely hear me either. It's annoying as when I bought it the call quality was great but gradually the speaker got buzzier and buzzier.
HTC 7 Trophy - the most serious of the bunch. Yesterday, whilst web browsing, the phone displayed a still multicoloured screen of static. None of the buttons would work. After taking the battery out and restarting, the static re-appeared. I've managed to power on the phone since - you have to wait an hour with the battery out - but you get the same static lock ups when web browsing or using search after about five minutes. Having had a similar experience on my laptop, it looks to me like a GPU failure.
Am I the only one who has experienced incredibly shoddy hardware quality control from HTC? I'm going to have to replace the HTC Trophy and, at the moment, I'm starting to seriously question going with an HTC. The touch2's button issues were forgiveable because that was relatively cheap, the Legend's speaker was incredibly annoying but the Trophy's GPU failures are completely unforgiveable IMO. They render the phone completely useless.
Am I just unlucky or have others experienced similar concerns?
My Hero has been fine, along with my touch... Although that met a washing machine in the end
Finally ~ Someone With A Similar Issue
Finally, someone that doesn't purely worship HTC... Although I haven't experienced issues to the magnitude of your's, I haven't been 100% happy with my phone since the day I bought it. I have a HTC Desire, and I got this phone in confidence after reading many reviews about how good the phone was, these reviews were clearly written from people with 0% experience with the phone.
I will number the issues I have had with the build quality of this phone...
1) The case on the back of the phone, has only ever been took off about 4 times, I have never dropped my phone or anything, however it starting to come off, yes, I can take the back of my phone off, without using the finger slot.
2) The screen is so easy to scratch? It was in a pocket with an Asthma spray, and there was no vigorous shaking of my pocket, yet somehow the screen just completely f****d up man... wow.
3) This is probably the worst issue I have. Every time HTC releases an update for my phone, I run into some sort of issue. I got my phone in May/April 2010 (it's on Orange UK however de-branded and now due to update issues, running a custom ROM) and immidiatley I found that an update had been released. After downloading the update the phone started to install the update, however it restarted and nothing happened. Left it for about an hour, nothing... So yes, I did the worst, took the battery out and messed it up completely. The shop I got it from forced me to send it to HTC, it took them 5 weeks (VERY poor customer service) and when I got it back they had barely fixed it, as when I turned it on, it finished installing the update?
4) I have had some other software issues, such as the system occasionally locking up and having to remove the battery to get anything to work. Occasionally the screen will lock up, like I won't be able to click any icons, however I'll be able to swipe from screen to screen, and it really can be quite annoying. As far as battery goes, it will last me an entire day, but will require a charge at the end of the day.
However, I think me and you are in a minority. I'm 14 years old, and I talked my Dad into buying a HTC Desire HD. He hasn't had a single problem with his, it installs updates perfectly without and issue, and the software performs seaming-less (except for a problem with a process that took up 80.9% of the RAM, fixed by turning the USB Debugging on?) So I believe HTC are good, theres just a few really, really bad apples in there, and unfortunately HTC won't admit this, and don't want to do anything about it... I hope I helped, I'm fairly new on here...
Cheers, Michael.
Well guys,you are a minority indeed.This Tuesday I received my Desire HD,which is my fourth handset from HTC.I have had a Diamond,a Hero,a Desire and now the Desire HD.The only problem I ever had was with my Diamond which,after one year and a half took some water in it without getting exposed to any water,but it was because the climate here is very humid.Other than that I have never had an issue.And I am no fanboy,if I had problems I would change without second thought.
I'll just tell you that a friend of mine punched my Desire HD with his full strength(don't ask why) while it was in my pocket.I thought the phone was done for,scrap,but the phone is like nothing happened.My friend's hand wasn't so lucky however,it still needs ice!

How would one go about disabling/enabling when a phone can and cannot be charged?

I have a very unique situation.
I dropped my phone in the trash at work(IT Company), accidentally one day, and a small amount of disturbingly gross liquid managed to make it's way into my phone.
I wiped it down, made sure it didn't smell like crap - etc.
Everything worked FINE at first, I said ah, good. Apparently it was not not good.
Now, the phone gets stuck in a loop where it thinks to itself it's charging for a second, then it's not, keeping the screen on and flashing the charging notification repetitively until it decides to stop for an hour, then come back.
Radioshack screwed me over BIG TIME on my phone insurance, I filed a ripoff report etc, and given I need my phone for work related issues I really cannot afford to have any downtime having it be sent in and repaired. NO, I cannot receive an immediate replacement, and NO, I cannot afford another phone.
So, therefore I come to you, my great friends at XDA.
I've a fairly decent background in programming, I understand the just of it. I've taken classes in ASM(Microcomputer Architecture and Programming), C/Java and Python.
And no, I'm not a college-fed programmer, I've been programming in VB, C/C++, PERL etc. since I was 13(22 now.)
So, to the specifics:
My phone is a Samsung Transform Ultra, Android 2.3, rooted and running a "ROM" if you could call it that, but it shouldn't make that much of a difference(just installed it to get rid of CIQ)
Now, I've never wrote a mobile app before but I have the android SDK (1.6-4.0), and I'm fairly certain I could get a hello world going in a matter of minutes.
I'm willing to do the research myself, I just need some good pointers and some people who might be able to answer a few questions along my journey, and when the app is done I will be releasing it in full, yes, to you XDA.
Programming costs time, replacing the phone costs money. I have more time than money.
Best regards!
Any help on this issue would be GREATLY, GREATLY appreciated as this is quite possibly the most angering issue imaginable.
I don't know if this will help, but I had a similar problem with my galaxy S. It turned out to be a tiny piece of silver paper that had managed to get into the micro usb slot. A quick shake later and problem solved.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
thebotnet said:
I have a very unique situation.
I dropped my phone in the trash at work(IT Company), accidentally one day, and a small amount of disturbingly gross liquid managed to make it's way into my phone.
I wiped it down, made sure it didn't smell like crap - etc.
Everything worked FINE at first, I said ah, good. Apparently it was not not good.
Now, the phone gets stuck in a loop where it thinks to itself it's charging for a second, then it's not, keeping the screen on and flashing the charging notification repetitively until it decides to stop for an hour, then come back.
Radioshack screwed me over BIG TIME on my phone insurance, I filed a ripoff report etc, and given I need my phone for work related issues I really cannot afford to have any downtime having it be sent in and repaired. NO, I cannot receive an immediate replacement, and NO, I cannot afford another phone.
So, therefore I come to you, my great friends at XDA.
I've a fairly decent background in programming, I understand the just of it. I've taken classes in ASM(Microcomputer Architecture and Programming), C/Java and Python.
And no, I'm not a college-fed programmer, I've been programming in VB, C/C++, PERL etc. since I was 13(22 now.)
So, to the specifics:
My phone is a Samsung Transform Ultra, Android 2.3, rooted and running a "ROM" if you could call it that, but it shouldn't make that much of a difference(just installed it to get rid of CIQ)
Now, I've never wrote a mobile app before but I have the android SDK (1.6-4.0), and I'm fairly certain I could get a hello world going in a matter of minutes.
I'm willing to do the research myself, I just need some good pointers and some people who might be able to answer a few questions along my journey, and when the app is done I will be releasing it in full, yes, to you XDA.
Programming costs time, replacing the phone costs money. I have more time than money.
Best regards!
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One maybe possible solution maybe... (free app) (need root)
Hardware Disabler
The though is, in order to stop that you are going to have to disable the actual USB port. You are going to have to play around and find out what driver corresponds to that USB port ... good luck, let me know if it helped.
(Yes I made that app)

Bad battery on I9505. How to check if your battery is bad and more.

Hey guys,
for a few weeks now, my phone has been randomly shutting off at the slightest increase of load. Whether it be loading a YouTube video, playing the casual session of Cut the Rope (Does it count as casual when you complete all three parts with perfects everywhere in about two weeks?) and maybe Plants vs Zombies.
I've not seen similar symptoms on XDA, but who knows when it will hit the next person?
Now, I've searched quite a few forums, such as Android Central, but haven't found a thread similar to this.
I created this thread, in the hopes that it'll help some more people.
Read on if you think you have a bad battery.
Likely symptoms of a bad battery
Serial number starts with BD (Could it be short for BAD? Illuminati! Just kidding )
Phone randomly shuts off completely at the slightest increase of load
Phone refuses to power on again for a few minutes (Turning it back on usually causes it to shut off before/during boot)
The phone constantly looses signal
The phone gets extremely hot when not being used
I've had all of these symptoms and I can promise you it's a known problem.
What will happen if I don't change the battery?
Several things might happen if you don't change the battery:
The battery may explode (Leaving you with either a really big hole in your leg, or worse you might loose some bits and pieces.
The battery may leak and damage your phone irreparably.
The battery may leak and corrode your legs, clothes or what ever encloses the phone.
What can I do?
You can either go to a Samsung Repair Centre or go to your local retailer/provider.
They should cover this under warranty, no matter if the device is rooted or not.
If they don't, you CAN press charges/sue the company/provider.
Why? If they do not replace your battery, they may lead you to harm either by explosion or corrosion.
But that's a last-resort.
What I did, is following:
I called my provider (German Telekom, call them for free from your mobile in Germany under
) and told them what is going on. They asked me what exactly is happening and got following response:
German Telekom Call Centre Agent said:
Oh, f*ck. Get to your nearest store and get that replaced immediately!
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which is what I'm doing tomorrow.
You can always use this as a good excuse to buy one of those extended batteries, but why should you? The stock battery is pretty decent.
I'll update this thread when I'm back or on my way back home and let you guys know what exactly happened.
I hope this can help someone with these issues and I can help prevent loosing a leg, or worse, different bits and bobs.
If you're experiencing this problem, and you've done something similar, let others know below!
Edit: I had a Galaxy S III lying around. It's battery fits more or less snug and works as long as you have the back panel on the phone. I'm using it until I get to the store tomorrow.
Yeah....I had the battery problem on S4 about two months ago and Samsung confirm that it was a known issue and that about 30% of S4 battery might be affected. They replaced my battery without any question asked.
See link below as well:
Part of the symptoms include swollen battery as well. My battery got swollen to a point that it started pushing my battery cover and the screen out. If you want to know that you have a swollen battery, put it on a desk and give it a spin. If it rolls (with the middle of the battery touching the desk) , then you have a defective battery and you should get it replaced at no cost.
Another symptom is that your battery could go from 100% charged to 0% (phone won't be able to start unless you connect a charger) during a reboot. It will then jumped to about 80% full after connecting your phone to a charger.
Beatsleigher said:
Hey guys,
Edit: I had a Galaxy S III lying around. It's battery fits more or less snug and works as long as you have the back panel on the phone. I'm using it until I get to the store tomorrow.
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May I propose you to use the SEARCH button BEFORE you will start another thread?
I know it is painful, as you just have discovered America... sadly, you're the 1492nd person who did it in last week only.
possible search result, if you'd not be too lazy...
May I propose to read the thread?
It contains solutions and symptoms of a bad battery. And I was giving my personal experiences
Sent from my GT-I9505 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Beatsleigher said:
May I propose to read the thread?
It contains solutions and symptoms of a bad battery. And I was giving my personal experiences
Sent from my GT-I9505 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Symptoms: serial number of faulty batch; swithing off while showing different load state, heating, swollen battery.
Remedy: replace the battery. By purchasing, visiting the Samsung centre or calling the Samsung Customer Help in ANY country.
So, please, read the linked thread again. Take special attention on the posts: 1; 2; 9; 12; 17; 18; 28; 29; 33; 34; 36.
So far, you were unable to find the linked in my previous post thread, what gives some interesting picture about the ... ability of searching.
Symptoms: wrong as well, because typical for DB bad battery case symptom is that you cannot turn the phone on back again, no matter how long you would wait, without putting the phone to the charger. As well, phone was not going hot (above normal level) no matter, used or not.
Finally, the phone wasn't loosing signal more frequently than normal.
"What will happen section" :, your statement that bad BD series battery will leak, explode, cause the nuclear blast or whatever is unjustified, because the battery is swelling so badly that it would damage the screen much faster. ( further info here and here - I hope you will be able to find the appropriate posts by yourself. If not - please ask, I will help you if your parents are too busy).
Furthermore, so called solutions you tried to provide are ridiculous, as Samsung knows the problem with BD batteries and replaces it without single word, worldwide (examples from threads: Asia, Australia, Africa, Europe).
Last but not least: on the XDA, there is simple set of rules, where one of them states: DO NOT REPLICATE the posts and threads, USE the search button before posting and add your comment to the existing thread before starting a new one if the similar thread exists.
so far, your thread is the 4th related with officially called back by Samsung faulty BD series of batteries.
I don't see anything wrong with this thread and am leaving it open. It provides useful information, which is clearly outlined in the OP, and may cut down on future threads being opened about it.
Forum Moderator

Cellallure Miracle 6.0 S programming

Starting a thread about the Cellallure Miracle 6.0 S dual sim factory unlocked phone. There is so very little info from the manufacture and anywhere on the internet. These phones are great for the fact they are unlocked, support all bands, take two SIM cards, and are fully programmable. The problem is there is no real instructions or help for the phone. So I am asking for any and all info to program and use these phones. I have Metro PCS so I am looking for specific info on this, but I am hoping to have a complete guide for as many carriers as possible with these phones. Thanks!!! :good:
Was thinking of returning
It hasn't been that great of a phone for me. the dual sim thing never really worked and the screen is wanky. battery is so-so (I think 'cuz) I use an old Kyocera travel charger that's 350mA overnight. also doesn't stay connected to BT devices. as an added inconvenience, the sim cards and micro SD are stacked in such a way that you have to pull the battery and use an exacto knife or needle to get them out; there is no spring load on the SD so its really hard to get out from under the sim slots. I just checked here (XDA) to see if anyone had made the OS better. I might keep it if there's a chance it can be improved. I just turned off the screen lock and removed my google account. there was no option to remove the IMAP account and when I tried to remove the Opera mini account I received an error message saying this operation is not allowed by your administrator. OK check this out; heres the menu from a bootup whilst holding down the Vol- and power button ( with typical 1 sec release and repress of said power button):
Oh wait I need to have image hosting to do that huh? anyway it said Factory Mode: Auto Test, Manual Test, Item Test, Test Report, Debug Test, Clear eMMC, Version (which brought up a really cool page in neon green) and Reboot.
CellAllure Miracle 6.0 S = The best $32.98 I've spent in a long time.
After severely busting up the screen & then some on the POS Samsung (shouldn't be allowed to call itself a Galaxy) ON5 and tearing my ACL at the same time roughly 3 months ago I'd been in desperate need of a new phone. Hell, I've needed a new phone since about 5 minutes after I got that ON5, but that's neither here nor there.
I had, and still do, grandiose ideas of replacing the busted up screen on my nearly brand new Lumia 1520 but even I had to admit that taking on a project of that magnitude with that type of complexity was biting off more than I could chew. So needless to say I've suffered with low-end, sub-par mobile devices for longer than any relatively tech savvy and attractive blonde female ever should, but I didn't want to invest another penny into a crappy phone that I'll hate within 41 minutes of ownship, so I suffered for my cause patiently waiting for "The One" to present itself when the time was right. I was planning on a Nokia 6/8 or a Blackberry KeyOne, or even possibly splurging on The Essentials Phone, but then I ran across a deal while crusing the clearance inventories of a few of my favorite big box retailers for the CellAllure Miracle 6.0 that I couldn't pass up, even if I wanted to., plus it was an added bonus that I found said deal on my B-day weekend. SCORE!!
I picked up this amazingly quick, fluid and I'll even say lovely lil mobile device for the super low clearance price of only $32.98 at a Target store that was only 7 miles from my house. Granted, I have a Target on my backyard, but for whatever reason the Miracle 6.0 hadn't been marked down from full price ($129.98) yet even though they had 5-6 sitting on the rack. I found that price at only 4-5 stores, but others had it proved at $54.98, which is a steal for a phone this awesome.
My uncle had to have his iPhone 6 plus replaced once again because of the known flaw in the motherboard the same weekend and as has he's setting up his iPhone 6S Plus I'm happily setting up my Miracle & my uncle had to stop and look at my phone for a second. He did a double take. He was me again how much I paid for it and then shook his head while handling his overpriced Apple scam of the season when he realized that my phone was not only comparable to his, but better than the iPhone in many ways and I paid less than the going rate for a take for a tank of gas for my phone.
I'm beyond satisfied with it, but like you said, there is little to no information to be found online about the phone itself, any MODs for it, or even info on how to take a flipping screenshot with the damn thing, which is what I'm trying to do. I was hoping that I'd find more info here since you guys are my go-to source when I need a plethora of information asap about a mobile device. But if looks like you're just as lost as I am.
Hopefully we will be able to gather up enough info in the near future to compile compendium of knowledge,
tips, tricks, hacks, and the like for all users of the CellAllure Miracle 6 0 S to enjoy for years to come!!
Thanks for reading if you made it this far.
SS - power + volume down or hold down the power until the reboot/shut down menu pops up. Last option is SS..
But hopefully you've figured some of this out by now lol
Cellallure miracle 6.0s battery fix
Hey if anyone is having issues with the battery life on this phone just fully charge it with the phone off and install the battery calibration app .I did this and it fixed my battery problems. As for the programing its easy to connect to any network just call service provider give them your imei and that should get the call and text working buy if online is not working I'll post steps to fix that.
typing issues
Has anyone else noticed or experienced the difficulty typing on this phone? I will be typing and letters that I have typed just disappear.

