HTC build quality issues - am I alone? - General Topics

Hey guys,
I've just receieved my third HTC handset with what I'd consider to be a major issue.
HTC Touch2 in 2009 - would often power off during calls (probably due to WinMo). Hardware buttons quickly became loose after about a month of use, and the backlighting stopped working.
HTC Legend in 2010 - this phone is two months old and the top speaker is so broken I can barely hear somebody on a call. Everything crackles and pops and, according to people on the other end, they can barely hear me either. It's annoying as when I bought it the call quality was great but gradually the speaker got buzzier and buzzier.
HTC 7 Trophy - the most serious of the bunch. Yesterday, whilst web browsing, the phone displayed a still multicoloured screen of static. None of the buttons would work. After taking the battery out and restarting, the static re-appeared. I've managed to power on the phone since - you have to wait an hour with the battery out - but you get the same static lock ups when web browsing or using search after about five minutes. Having had a similar experience on my laptop, it looks to me like a GPU failure.
Am I the only one who has experienced incredibly shoddy hardware quality control from HTC? I'm going to have to replace the HTC Trophy and, at the moment, I'm starting to seriously question going with an HTC. The touch2's button issues were forgiveable because that was relatively cheap, the Legend's speaker was incredibly annoying but the Trophy's GPU failures are completely unforgiveable IMO. They render the phone completely useless.
Am I just unlucky or have others experienced similar concerns?

My Hero has been fine, along with my touch... Although that met a washing machine in the end

Finally ~ Someone With A Similar Issue
Finally, someone that doesn't purely worship HTC... Although I haven't experienced issues to the magnitude of your's, I haven't been 100% happy with my phone since the day I bought it. I have a HTC Desire, and I got this phone in confidence after reading many reviews about how good the phone was, these reviews were clearly written from people with 0% experience with the phone.
I will number the issues I have had with the build quality of this phone...
1) The case on the back of the phone, has only ever been took off about 4 times, I have never dropped my phone or anything, however it starting to come off, yes, I can take the back of my phone off, without using the finger slot.
2) The screen is so easy to scratch? It was in a pocket with an Asthma spray, and there was no vigorous shaking of my pocket, yet somehow the screen just completely f****d up man... wow.
3) This is probably the worst issue I have. Every time HTC releases an update for my phone, I run into some sort of issue. I got my phone in May/April 2010 (it's on Orange UK however de-branded and now due to update issues, running a custom ROM) and immidiatley I found that an update had been released. After downloading the update the phone started to install the update, however it restarted and nothing happened. Left it for about an hour, nothing... So yes, I did the worst, took the battery out and messed it up completely. The shop I got it from forced me to send it to HTC, it took them 5 weeks (VERY poor customer service) and when I got it back they had barely fixed it, as when I turned it on, it finished installing the update?
4) I have had some other software issues, such as the system occasionally locking up and having to remove the battery to get anything to work. Occasionally the screen will lock up, like I won't be able to click any icons, however I'll be able to swipe from screen to screen, and it really can be quite annoying. As far as battery goes, it will last me an entire day, but will require a charge at the end of the day.
However, I think me and you are in a minority. I'm 14 years old, and I talked my Dad into buying a HTC Desire HD. He hasn't had a single problem with his, it installs updates perfectly without and issue, and the software performs seaming-less (except for a problem with a process that took up 80.9% of the RAM, fixed by turning the USB Debugging on?) So I believe HTC are good, theres just a few really, really bad apples in there, and unfortunately HTC won't admit this, and don't want to do anything about it... I hope I helped, I'm fairly new on here...
Cheers, Michael.

Well guys,you are a minority indeed.This Tuesday I received my Desire HD,which is my fourth handset from HTC.I have had a Diamond,a Hero,a Desire and now the Desire HD.The only problem I ever had was with my Diamond which,after one year and a half took some water in it without getting exposed to any water,but it was because the climate here is very humid.Other than that I have never had an issue.And I am no fanboy,if I had problems I would change without second thought.
I'll just tell you that a friend of mine punched my Desire HD with his full strength(don't ask why) while it was in my pocket.I thought the phone was done for,scrap,but the phone is like nothing happened.My friend's hand wasn't so lucky however,it still needs ice!


Battery life and self powering on.

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Hi all,
I wonder if anyone else has had similar problems with their Rafael or has any suggestions...
I first got my Rafael (a stock O2 (UK) XDA Serra) back in February. At that time the battery was lasting about a day and a half between charges which was comparable with my previous Artemis (XDA Orbit). This is with my normal use.
About 6 weeks later the phone was needing recharged after about 5 hours of my normal use. The location I was using the phone hadn't changed, so this can't be put down to signal strength meaning the phone is using more power to compensate. My usage hadn't changed either, and I had not instaled any software that ran up the GPS in the background or anything that woudl cause extra drain.
One thing I did notice before I sent the phone back to O2 for repair was that occasionally I would take the phone from my pocket and the screen would be on, an app would have launched (like SMS or email or something) and the text entry area would be full of a repeated character. So the phone had obviously woken up from standby in my pocket.
The phone (and bettery) went back for repair and came back with a note saying that the fault had been found and repaired - unfortunately it didn't say what the fault was that had been found.
For a few weeks the phone seemed a bit better, but now about 3 weeks later it's doing it again.
Yesterday the phone was left in standby and not used at all. From full charge and just taken off the charger, the battery was dead within about 5 hours!
The waking up issue is a bit more than just inadvertantly touching the power button. I now have the phone in the supplied case/cover the other way around which protects the power button more meaning that I can't switch it on by accident. But sometimes I take the phone out and its on as before.
Even more odd is that sometimes if I pick the phone up of my desk by the sides (ie fingers nowhere near the power button) it switches on. And if I have used the phone and switch it back to standby and go to put the phone down, sometimes it wakes up again before I have managed to put it down...
A soft reset seesm to cure the waking up problem for a while, but after a few hours it seems to come back.
Obviously the phone waking up will cause extra battery drain, and that would mean the two are related or even the same problem. But does anyone have any idea what it could be and why a soft reset seems to sort the problem? Has anyone else seen this problem?
Obvisouly a battery life of just a few hours means this is not such a mobile device anymore!
I sent the phone back for repair (to O2 UK) and they apparently found and fixed the fault.
When the phone came back it still seemed to have the same problem, but I tried it for about 6 weeks until I was absolutely convinced - it did!
So, back to o2 again, this time it was returned 'No Fault Found' - having done nothing to the phone.
So once again it was sent back, this time I was demanding a replacement handset as they were obviously unable to fix the fault.
A replacement handset turned up a week later. Note that this was not a new handset, but a refurb from the repair centre and it already had about 9 hours of calls on it and a dirty screen!
After putting all my apps and things back on the phone one at a time just in case it was a particular app causing the power on problem and the battery drain, the phone seemed absolutely fine - no switching itself on and battery life of a few days (estimated over two days). This was without the SIM card in though.
After 4 days when all my apps and things were back on I finally inserted the SIM and made my first call on the new handset...
This handset had a faulty speaker (earpiece, not handsfree loudspeaker)... sounding like a badly tuned analogue radio. Calls to a few numbers confirmed the handset at fault (the cracking started as soon as the speaker activated before the ringing tone started).
So after another heated call with o2 I eventually learned that they are no longer supplying the Serra (Raphael) and that my only option is repair again.
Oh no. Not going to happen. At this point I am 4 or 5 months into a new contract for which I paid for an upgrade to the Serra and have not yet had a new working handset. So I demand a replacement.
As they are no longer supplying the Serra, I have had to make do with an SE Xperia X1 (HTC made anyway, and just rebadged by Sony Ericsson), but in my opinion an inferior phone despite the widescreen.
The X1 has no accelerometer, no TV out, won't run Ton Tom Navigator 5 (of which I have a legit paid for copy), has a few supplied apps missing compared with the Raphael (RSS Hub, WorldCard Mobile - although they are available elsewhere incl links from these forums), and inferior remote control on the headphones (though better headphones, it must be said), and only a 3 row keyboard.
The loss of TF3D is no problem as I never used it anyway - I don't use the X1's 'Panels' either.
The X1 does seems to 'stick' a bit more often than the Serra did as well, but I'm managing to live with it so far - especially as I now have a battery which isn;t dead by 2pm each day!
P.S. O2 UK customer services were apalling. It was only after 3 months of grief that one day I eventually got to speak to decent people who genuinly seemed to want to help. One bloke (a supervisor!) I spoke to (called Nathan) was the most utterly rude and unhelpful tosspot I've had to deal with in a long time. Not only was he accusing me of 'trying it on' but he refused to even entertain the thought that I had received less than satisfactory service from O2. His superiors wil be receiving a letter very soon, when I eventually get this completely sorted - which it isn't quite yet.

Weird (Repeating) Hardware Problem

I am having a very weird, and oddly repeating hardware problem with my HTC TP.
My original one started having this problem about 3 months after I bought it. The problem had two aspects - the screen appears as if the LCD material in it has moved or changed format (see image below) - and the touch function of it became problematic, often identifying the press in the wrong location.
I gave it to the vendor during warranty, and after some issues with the lab was offered a new device (it was indeed brand new, battery date indicated that). The new device - after less than a month - started having the exact same problem! (I'm giving it for repair tomorrow)
Is anyone familiar with this problem? Is this just a streak of bad luck? or am I doing anything bad to my devices? As far as I know - I'm not doing anything bad to them - the 2nd one was so short with me it haven't even dropped once. And before that I had a imate KJAM for 2.5 years without such problems.
It looks like too much pressure was applied to the LCD screen.
it is odd though - especially as it occured in such a short time on my new device, and I have not done anything especially bad to it
it definitely has the "feel" of a pressed LCD, but this is during rest. btw - in both times it was just the center area, and both cases a very similar size problem.
the only type of pressure I can think of is when it is in my pocket, but comeon, I am quite positive HTC did not design a device that can not withstand being in a pocket.....
it's a random defect that some screens get
and also a sign of worse things to come I believe
had a friend who bought a new one and it already had
it when it got it he of cause sendt it back
so I just coincidently got two of them ?!
That's quite jinxy
anyway - got today back my first phone, repaired (screen replaced).
Let's hope this doesn't re-appear.
sorry a little off the mark
i dont know if anybody has had this or a similar problem but i finally got my phone where i want it. i am running 6.5 on my fuze the only issue i am having is the phone dosent give me any vocal notification when someone is calling me while i am on the phone. i have already made sure that call waiting is set to notify me in the phone services but still dosent beep. if someone calls me it does come through cause if i am looking i can see it just dont hear it. it even alerts me after the fact telling me i have a missed call. just not during

The Touch Pro death thread - what are your experiences

I love my Touch Pro - really I do, its got all the features I want currently (except a digital compass would be good with some AR software, but that's not important roght now).
However, having got my first TP back in February I am about to send my handset back yet again as it has died again.
The first handset had a serious problem with battery drain and switching itself on (ie screen on) when not in use - I posted here about this at the time (clicky).
The o2 UK repair centre (Anovo) first of all said they'd fixed the fault, but after two weeks the phone was doing the same again - I did confirm this was not a software issue by running it ofr two weeks without any of my usuall applications on it.
So it went back again and was returned 'No Fault Found'.
At this point I demended a replacement handset. The replacement I received (a refurbished unit) had a speaker fault - crackling whenever the speaker activated, ie before a call connected and during.
That one went back as well and I ended up with an SE X1 for a while. OK but not a Touch Pro (and wouldn't run my legitimately purchased Tom Tom Nav 5 s/w). This was because o2 UK said they had no more stock of the Touch Pro and wouldn't be getting any more (why? too many problems with it?)
Eventually I got a call from o2 after numerous letters of complaint saying that they were going to exchange the SE X1 for a brand new boxed Touch Pro.
I have had this brand new replacement since August now.
About a month ago it died on me again. It just wouldn't switch on. Disconnecting and reconnecting the battery resulted in the flash on the back flashing, the handset vibrating (as though it was starting up) but nothing else.
Connecting the charger resulted in the flash on the back flashing bright about every second.
A hard reset would not work at this stage.
After a couple of days I heard the 'battery low' sound from the drawer that it was stashed in. SO tried a hard reset again - nothing. Tried a hard reset again with the charger plugged in and it reset and cam back to life.
... for two weeks...
then it died again.
This time is very similar to last with theflash falshing thing, except that if I try a hard reset it seems to go through the motions but without the screen coming on (ie the vibration. The beeping sound. Click the volume down and it pings again as though its starting the reset, then about a minute later the vibration again as though its restarting after the reset). But the screen doesn't come on at all. And the lights don't light up on the front buttons or the keypad.
Unfortunately I didn't have myMobiler installed on the handset so I couldn't try connecting to it from my PC (myMobiler did try installing but as I couldn't click the 'OK' button it didn't complete).
So. Are my four deaths of the TP unique or has anyone else had similar problems with this handset?
Not I.
I have had my Touch Pro (AT&T's HTC Fuze) since December 2008 and I have not had a single real problem with it. I say "real" because I have had times when I couldn't get a GPS lock and of course the phone is slow sometimes, but that's what I've come to expect from HTC.
Anonymitee said:
I have had my Touch Pro (AT&T's HTC Fuze) since December 2008 and I have not had a single real problem with it. I say "real" because I have had times when I couldn't get a GPS lock and of course the phone is slow sometimes, but that's what I've come to expect from HTC.
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you need the radio. and a different rom. maybe atts 5.11 rom if you want to still keep it stock. is atts radio too so that stock and wont void your warranty as well.
Fuze Died Today, I Think
I've used this fuze since December of 2008 and have been quite pleased with the performance. (considering that it IS Windows) My signature radio works quite well in the mid west North America and travels well through different data protocols. Like H to Edge to GPRS and back to 3G again.
Today I flashed a new rom via usb and now it won't pass the splash screen. That flash appeared normal in all respects. Tried several hard resets (to the bootloader screen) and have tried to re-flash a different rom via micro sd card.
I've begun to think that this may be a hardware failure and would appreciate any advise for troubleshooting. Keep in mind that device will NOT connect via usb.
my screen went white a couple days ago. it would end up showing the windows logo for a while then a white screen. i hard reset a few times but nothing worked so i reloaded atts 5.11 rom and now it just stays at the "initial setup of the touchflo interface may take serveral minutes please wait" screen and wont get passed. i saw another thread about the white screen months back but i cant find it again. im just gonna wait till they have tilt2s and claim it under warranty. im gonna miss having flash, i use it to light up everything, but im sure a larger screen will make up for it.
Well I now have a bit more info on this since the phone cam eback from 'repair'on Saturday.
All they had done at the repair centre was to 'reload software' (their words, not mine). ie I guess they flashed the ROM again.
It worked for a day, though I guessed that was more coincidence than anything - after all, when this handset first did this a few weeks before it suddenly started working again a few days later.
Luckily in that time I'd remembere to install MyMobiler this time, and so when the screen died I connected to my laptop and fired up a remote view of the phone.
The screen itself was dead, but everything else seemed to be working on the phone - except that while the screen was dead I had an error displayed on screen. The error was "MicropERROR" as attached here.
So I Googled the error message, and what a shock a nice long thread on XDA-dev about it. Seems it s a fairly common problem with the Diamond, Touch Pro and Touch HD. Joy!
So the phone is now back with 'o2' again for another 'repair' this time with the attcahed screenshot enclosed. I have been warned again, though, that the Serra is out of stock and if they can't repir it I may have to select a substitute. As far as I am concerned there is no substitute - there is no other phone at the mo with the Touch Pro's features (hardware keyboard, VGA/WVGA screen, A-GPS, g-sensor, WinMo, runs TomTom Nav5).
I fear the worst again, and fear I'm back where I was in July with an impossible choice to make thanks to o2 UK discontinuing the Serra / Touch Pro after a few months of supplying it.
well i got my TP back in March.09 and last month i have to replace the mother board and the back speaker other than that all is good so far
but i was so frustrated with HTC support centre (which is the main one in Taiwan ) real unpleasant experience as you all may know
Time to send mine back
Just had an issue with my last one, it was only 5 months old and the screen started looking like it had a vertical hold issue. Just got my refurbished one in Wednesday and now it is doing the same thing after playing games on it for 5 minutes. The speaker phone is crackling too for some reason and when charging it at night it's like the screen will not fully black out. I am wondering if I even want to try another one of HTCs products or not. Nice phones but to many headaches it seems.

List of all the known G2x issues?

I currently have a Vibrant and I feel like this phone was a total POS until almost 6month later when voodoo lag fix came along and ROMS started to come out that had working GPS, better data, etc etc... If not for the dev community I would have thrown this thing out the window the 2nd time the GPS couldn't find me on google maps...
I love tinkering with a phone, but I also want to start with a phone that doesn't have random reboots, crappy GPS, slow file system lag and all the other crap I had to deal with the Vibrant (and my first android MyTouch 3g)... Althought most issues have been ironed out now, it took almost a year since I first purchased my Vibrant, and I am looking to upgrade either to G2x, Sensation or GSII. Don't want to start a battle which is better, but from what I gathered so far from G2x:
-Screen: hit or miss, some complain about bleed, some say its the best thing ever... seems like the quality control is really a hit or miss with the display
-Data: Won't connect to 4g network, generally seems to be unreliable and signal strength weaker than most phones but has a great GPS
-Battery: Heard there is a battery drain issue, some say its corrected with factory reset?
-Integration: Stock android 2.2? So I am guessing contacts aren't linked together to social network profiles?
-Build Quality: Better than most other phones, rock solid not many complain
-Speed: Looks like its a pretty quick phone for running on an un-optimized OS, will get quicker with updates
Before anyone starts praising and telling me this phones potential and that CM is going to make this awesome, I really don't care... my Vibrant had the potential to not be a total POS either, a year later its somewhat tolerable and right about the time when dual core phones have come out and me starting to look for upgrade. So I guess I just want to know what are some known issues with the phone today that you guys have noticed. I know there is no perfect phone, but I want something that can be tolerable for at least a little while before a custom rom comes out that doesn't breaks more things than it fixes
Me Personnally
I too also came from the vibrants ., and was also fed up with the crappy support from samsung, and that an official cm has still not seen the light of day.
Thats the reason i got the g2x. From what i heard, its completely open. Alot of the top devs for cm have or are getting the phone.
I think the screen bleed is something that everyone is going to have to get used too. I have some bleeds at the corner of my screen too.
Performance wise; without tweaks, just straight out of the box for me, this has destroyed my vibrant with teamweaskys latest rom.
I wont get the sensation because of the locked bootloader, and i am not going to trust or put up with the crap that samsung gave us with the vibrant.
This phone is AWESOME!!!!!!! i am loving it so much.
apart from the screen bleed, all the other issues you see here, are all temporary, i mean real temporary.
Saw a tweet come in with some peeps already running gingerbread on there gx2
Same Reason why I bought the phoen was because the bootloader is unlocked, but unfortunately this phone has to many other issue's.
timafey said:
-Screen: hit or miss, some complain about bleed, some say its the best thing ever... seems like the quality control is really a hit or miss with the display
-Data: Won't connect to 4g network, generally seems to be unreliable and signal strength weaker than most phones but has a great GPS
-Battery: Heard there is a battery drain issue, some say its corrected with factory reset?
-Integration: Stock android 2.2? So I am guessing contacts aren't linked together to social network profiles?
-Build Quality: Better than most other phones, rock solid not many complain
-Speed: Looks like its a pretty quick phone for running on an un-optimized OS, will get quicker with updates
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These are my opinions.
-Screen: Yes, some bleed more than others. I think this issue has been blown way out of proportion as it seems the majority of users have to manipulate screen brightness, environment and content displayed on the screen in order to show bleed.
-Data: I only have 2G in my area. When I'm out in 4G areas away from home, I just set the connection to force 4G data and it's smokin' fast, never drops.
-GPS: Most of the time it locks on instantly for me on any Froyo ROM. Sometimes it takes about 60 seconds. If it looks like it's going to take a while, I usually close Maps, open GPS Status & Toolbox to refresh the AGPS data and it'll lock solid again. This should be fixed as soon as Gingerbread drivers are available.
-Battery: Battery is up to par with other Android phones in my opinion. Seems better on any tweaked out Froyo or Gingerbread ROM.
-Integration: I don't use social network/contact integration so I can't even touch on this. Don't know how and not interested. Sorry.
-Build Quality: Good weight, doesn't feel cheap. Generally accepted that it has Gorilla Glass. I have a couple extremely light scratches on my screen, so it's probably a good idea to get a screen protector if you care about such things. I just haven't touched a screen protector I like so I don't use one. I've taken the back off about 15 times and there is now one spot on the phone that if I squeeze, it creaks a little bit. Can't tell with normal use and still feels solid.
-Speed: Stock ROM is a little sluggish but with a couple flashable mods, maybe a kernel, this phone is super fast. I don't even feel the need to overclock. Currently running EaglesBlood Froyo 1.05 with faux's froyo kernel at the time of this writing.
Hope some of this helps you out.
Edit: And with an unlocked bootloader, just flash recovery and start crackflashing away. Love not messing with bootloaders.
Add Randomly REFORMATS to the list. My phone has reformatted itself randomly three times now since i've had it. stock. Once it like forgot it had an OS and just kept looping itself and then installed the OS randomly. Badass phone.
MavrcK145 said:
Add Randomly REFORMATS to the list. My phone has reformatted itself randomly three times now since i've had it. stock. Once it like forgot it had an OS and just kept looping itself and then installed the OS randomly. Badass phone.
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I can atest this also has happened to me. LG has a class action suit against them, you should all file your complaints.
I made a thread about this because it could give insight as to whether there are deeper hardware issues that could lead to some of these software instabilities;
The 3.5 mm audio jack has very audible noise/hiss on it when the amplifier is turned on (up to 1 second after any sound finishes playing, such as after the tone you hear when changing the ringer volume). This should be completely inaudible if the circuit itself is designed properly and everything is shielded where it should be, and if the components related to power supply/filtering are working properly. If someone could test this (takes 5 seconds) with their good and faulty phones, stock or modded, it may demonstrate something.
More: non-reboot bugs. On pressing the power button to unlock the phone today (3 days since factory reset, 1.5 weeks since buying) the unlock slider is missing, except for the white triangle pointing to the right. Sliding it makes it appear and play the animation, and it appears next unlock.
Another random: Holding volume down until it is vibrating non-stop and then powering down the phone causes some apps to show and do random things after the power down animation plays, before the screen suddenly blanks.
I still urge owners of variably configured G2x's to test for the presence of noise as described in my thread- if LG has hardware problems instead of all software, not everything is safe by modding the ROM. Perhaps the noise is shoddy software coding. The DAC and opamps used here would not create that, only the circuit design.
k00zk0 said:
I made a thread about this because it could give insight as to whether there are deeper hardware issues that could lead to some of these software instabilities;
The 3.5 mm audio jack has very audible noise/hiss on it when the amplifier is turned on (up to 1 second after any sound finishes playing, such as after the tone you hear when changing the ringer volume). This should be completely inaudible if the circuit itself is designed properly and everything is shielded where it should be, and if the components related to power supply/filtering are working properly. If someone could test this (takes 5 seconds) with their good and faulty phones, stock or modded, it may demonstrate something.
More: non-reboot bugs. On pressing the power button to unlock the phone today (3 days since factory reset, 1.5 weeks since buying) the unlock slider is missing, except for the white triangle pointing to the right. Sliding it makes it appear and play the animation, and it appears next unlock.
Another random: Holding volume down until it is vibrating non-stop and then powering down the phone causes some apps to show and do random things after the power down animation plays, before the screen suddenly blanks.
I still urge owners of variably configured G2x's to test for the presence of noise as described in my thread- if LG has hardware problems instead of all software, not everything is safe by modding the ROM. Perhaps the noise is shoddy software coding. The DAC and opamps used here would not create that, only the circuit design.
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I don't even think I own a pair of headphones anymore... hahaha. I'll try this with a set of powered speakers as soon as my children let me.
Wow I was going to buy G2x. Can anybody answer about 4G data part who use it on regular basis? Is it really not reliable?
I was thinking of upgrading from HD2 to g2x mainly because of 4G and front camera, but if 4G is not properly working on this one, I have to select some different phone then..

all hell broke loose today

after nearly two weeks of perfection my phone went nutz today , lock screen problems , scrolling problems...did three hard resets and tried all fixes that i could but no dice , im getting a replacement on tuesday, i will update all the parameters of replacement unit for anyone interested in seeing what i get back here on this thread, he basically said that they are aware it needs a software update (like we didnt know that already) and only thing they can do is replace the unit,or i could wait on the update from HTC
tigerz0202 said:
after nearly two weeks of perfection my phone went nutz today , lock screen problems , scrolling problems...did three hard resets and tried all fixes that i could but no dice , im getting a replacement on tuesday, i will update all the parameters of replacement unit for anyone interested in seeing what i get back here on this thread, he basically said that they are aware it needs a software update (like we didnt know that already) and only thing they can do is replace the unit,or i could wait on the update from HTC
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Mine lasted for 12 days and then it just has gone apesh.t. Lock screen and scrolling and random reboots while I am using an app. No volume at all then very weak volume(it was pretty weak to begin with). HTC widgets not working at all. Device does not register or acknowledge phone call and I have been missing phone calls. touchscreen issues also. This is my third one and there is a fourth on the way. I do like this phone but if the one on the way has issues as well and there is no word on an update fix from HTC than I believe I will just return it and wait a short time for the EVo3D which is rumored to hit T mobile shortly. It does not seem to suffer from the multitude of issues that the Sensation does and has more ram than the Sensation. I played with one at Bestbuy and it appeared to be smoother and faster than the Sensation and the touchscreen was really quite good. T Mobile also acknowledged to me that it does need a software upgrade but stated they have no idea when it will come about. I have doubts that root and custom roms will fix all of the issues but then again it just might.
tenbeau said:
Mine lasted for 12 days and then it just has gone apesh.t. Lock screen and scrolling and random reboots while I am using an app. No volume at all then very weak volume(it was pretty weak to begin with). HTC widgets not working at all. Device does not register or acknowledge phone call and I have been missing phone calls. touchscreen issues also. This is my third one and there is a fourth on the way. I do like this phone but if the one on the way has issues as well and there is no word on an update fix from HTC than I believe I will just return it and wait a short time for the EVo3D which is rumored to hit T mobile shortly. It does not seem to suffer from the multitude of issues that the Sensation does and has more ram than the Sensation. I played with one at Bestbuy and it appeared to be smoother and faster than the Sensation and the touchscreen was really quite good. T Mobile also acknowledged to me that it does need a software upgrade but stated they have no idea when it will come about. I have doubts that root and custom roms will fix all of the issues but then again it just might.
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well im hoping for an update , i really like this phone alot , i really dont want an evo 3d ,more ram but less camera and video recording , im sure once the bootloader gets cracked then the sky is the limit for this phone , i mean look what the devs did for the HD2 , im gonna stick it out for as long as i can , if things don get straighten out ill just wait for the next best thing , and it wont be a samsung phone , i hate them ,ill just wait for the next htc phone to hit tmobile thats not the evo ,if that even happens
I had the same thing happen, and also got a replacement on the way.... Tuesday also. This will be my fourth. I had 3 g2x phones and now 4 sensations.. honestly.the sensation has more issues, but its a better phone. Last chance on Tuesday, if not, I'm going back g2x ...
I think they push phones out to fast now and need to use more quality..
yep. mine has gone nuts about a couple of hours. i have it since june 17 and everything worked perfect and now the wifi wont work. 2 weeks reading all these things here and i was thinking that i dodge the bullet but it got me.
EDIT : i think i jump the gun too fast. tested my ps3 thru the wireless network and it connects like 50% of the time. again the ps3 is in the same room as the router. went to my cousins house and the phone conected to the wireless effortless on the first try. i dont know if it is the phone or the router.i dont know what to think anymore.
smashpunks said:
I had the same thing happen, and also got a replacement on the way.... Tuesday also. This will be my fourth. I had 3 g2x phones and now 4 sensations.. honestly.the sensation has more issues, but its a better phone. Last chance on Tuesday, if not, I'm going back g2x ...
I think they push phones out to fast now and need to use more quality..
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I also have a G2X (my fourth one) andi it is pretty doggone solid, no major issues. I too had thought I had gotten lucky with the Sensation(3rd one) but after 12 days it is apparent that I did not. I also believe the Sensation ( with all of its warts and issues) is the better phone or the phone with the greatest potential. I am beginning to wonder if the problem lies with consumers like me. I continue to buy and support companies and devices (cell phones) that are defective out of the gate and then continue to sit by and hope that the device is updated and made to work like it should have been out of the box, when the track record shows that this is not always the case (maybe even rarely). I would not tolerate a computer that had issues out of the box, nor a TV or a Car and the list goes on. I guess I am just too eager or hungry for the cutting edge cell phones so I accept (even though I grumble) whatever they throw out at the time. Knowing ahead of time that there will be issues and that some will not be resolved. I guess instead of looking at the cell phones I should be looking at my actions and desires surrounding the cell phones. Maybe it is the pursuit of the unreachable goal--the perfect smartphone, that leads me to keep up the acceptance of mediocrity..LOL
tenbeau said:
I also have a G2X (my fourth one) andi it is pretty doggone solid, no major issues. I too had thought I had gotten lucky with the Sensation(3rd one) but after 12 days it is apparent that I did not. I also believe the Sensation ( with all of its warts and issues) is the better phone or the phone with the greatest potential. I am beginning to wonder if the problem lies with consumers like me. I continue to buy and support companies and devices (cell phones) that are defective out of the gate and then continue to sit by and hope that the device is updated and made to work like it should have been out of the box, when the track record shows that this is not always the case (maybe even rarely). I would not tolerate a computer that had issues out of the box, nor a TV or a Car and the list goes on. I guess I am just too eager or hungry for the cutting edge cell phones so I accept (even though I grumble) whatever they throw out at the time. Knowing ahead of time that there will be issues and that some will not be resolved. I guess instead of looking at the cell phones I should be looking at my actions and desires surrounding the cell phones. Maybe it is the pursuit of the unreachable goal--the perfect smartphone, that leads me to keep up the acceptance of mediocrity..LOL
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Yep exactly,and we will keep buying them no matter what , I originally was gonna wait a month or 2 after the sensation cane out to actually get one ,looking back now I probably should have , I guess when the next superphone comes out ill try to hold back a little longer , I just wish I hadn't sold my HD2 now ,at least is have a great phone to fall back on while these issues get resolved ...oh well good luck to everyone who's in the same boat as me right now
Mine went crazy yesterday, but today is fine again ... Strange
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA Premium App
so i pulled the battery out and left it out all night and most of problems went away , the lock scrreen is still buggy sometimes but not all the time , scrolling works as it should and the speaker seems louder
tigerz0202 said:
Yep exactly,and we will keep buying them no matter what , I originally was gonna wait a month or 2 after the sensation cane out to actually get one ,looking back now I probably should have , I guess when the next superphone comes out ill try to hold back a little longer , I just wish I hadn't sold my HD2 now ,at least is have a great phone to fall back on while these issues get resolved ...oh well good luck to everyone who's in the same boat as me right now
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Mine came to me I grounded it and let it sit in the box, hoping it would learn its lesson. No dice. Tried it again last night and it was an ungrateful POS. So I called amazonwireless to return it. They offerred to send a replacement instead. After seeing all you guys with replacements,, thought I would give it a try too.
Ironically,, I called for the sensation replacement from my G2x
Strangest thing... this morning I grabbed my phone first thing. It was plugged in so I unplugged it.
I pushed the power button and nothing, it wouldn't turn on. So I took the battery out and put it back in.
Turned it on and that battery was at just about 30%, yet it had been on the charger all night.
So, for some reason my phone turned itself off and would not turn back on AND it did not charge all night while plugged into the charger.
To top it off-- Yesterday my phone all of a sudden had the screen problem. Couldn't type, get carousel working etc...
NOW- it works great!
I think the device itself is fine. Tmobile and Htc need to release a os update.
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA App

