the tablet will not Boot Up. It hangs at the inital screen. I contacted the company for help. They informed me to hold the power button wth the back button at the same time, nothing occured. I have even tried the reset pinhole but no luck. The software version: Android OS 2.2 Kernel Bulid# V1.5.2 Any ideas???
I have recieved a new phone recently that decided to go into a boot loop after unplugging from charger this morning. Everything was working fine until this. I can not seem to find the recovery menu/reboot into recovery mode. If I hold the volume -, and power button I get a menu in chinese that appears to be for testing and "resetting eMMC". Is there anyone who may know how to enter recovery with this device? The manufacturer is unknown (appears as ALPS in android settings), model number H900. The device has mtk6592 CPU mali-450mp gpu, 2GB ram, 1080p display. Should I go ahead and RMA it? If anyone can translate Chinese I can post pictures of the menu I am able to boot into, however it does not appear to be the standard android recovery menu. Any help would be appreciated!
Hi All,
I have china tablet:
Model: A70H
CPU: Allwinner A23
OS: Android 4.2.2
Spec like: Eken_A70h
I has encountered situations :
I use adb tools, then I type: "adb reboot-bootloader" command. As a result, the tablet has hang on bootloader screen can not exit, even I shutdown and reboot using the power button. I checked in the computer-device manager, I see : Android Bootloader Interface
I can not exit this bootloader mode, please help me. thank you!
After spending an entire afternoon researching this same issue, I have found what I think is the answer.....The Allwinner A23 tablet does not utilize hard reset keys. All the info that you read about on the internet about holding the power key with the volume up or down key, etc., does not work on these tablets. Strangely, at least for me, the answer was wonderfully simple - hopefully some of the developers here will test this on these tablets, as, if you look through the internet, these Allwinner tablets are getting more and more popular. So, the fix that worked for me:
Turn your tablet on (you will see the little Android icon or similar), and leave it on until the battery completely runs out. Now plug it in to your computer or power source and turn it on - for about 5 minutes or so, you will see the battery icon, which will turn off almost right away. Once the tablet gets the slightest charge - voila - the OS loads. It was like a miracle for me, and hope this helps you too.....
Not my tablet,, A23, QA88-V1.3 2014-04-14 (from tmart)
As you say vol+, vol-, vol both does nothing. Tablet has no home or back keys
After discharge, plugging in brings immediatly the little android figure, the boot logo
(both power and micro usb)
I got the boot lock by adb reboot bootloader,
perhaps I will have to use phoenix card
dmesg and lsusb do not change when it is plugged in
So fastboot devices find nothing
Any suggestions??
I take back what I wrote above, I put the tab aside for a month or 2, the battery was flat,
it magically booted (after a bit of charge). I don't know how long it has to be "flat", maybe a week?
Now it is looped again, a failed recovery, it will only boot that
But phoenixcard can make a bootable sd, so you can see if it will be compatible before flashing
Lots of very obnoxious dl sites for this firmware,, qa88,, its hardly worth the trouble
I have been hammering on my tab for a few days now,,
the bootloader and recovery are crap software.
Maybe that's why there are no keypresses
My original, at least could get to recovery, but the vol keys were dead,
so all I could do was reboot
All 4 of the firmwares I have found bootloop when you try to go to recovery
(and there is no adb in any of these when bootlooped)
There are more than 4 out there, but when you md5sum , it's just a different name
Fortunatly most of these bootloops have been on a sdcard boot, so I just fire up
PhoenixCard again and rewrite the sd
If you play with this, you better have a good firmware and TEST it with a sd boot,,
and you will lose whatever config you have done
there are perhaps 2 more unique firmwares I haven't mange to get yet, I have hopes
(I prefer 4.4 to 4.2, but the with the navcity 4.4 the camera doesn't work,
I have edited script0 and init.sun8i.rc , maybe the order of module loads matter)
Most of the firmware is 4.2, only 2 4.4 (AFAIK)
BTW, this is a QA88ver1.3, JDQ39
I have the following problem with my nvidia dhield tablet (not the k1).
While I used the tablet it starts with an reboot loop. After I pressed the power button for a while and restartet the tablet by myself, it wasn't able to boot.
When I did a recovery over the recovery mode the tablet still doesn't boot. So i contact the NVIDIA Support. They suggested to hold the power button for 10 sec and try an recovery again. It worked and the tablet started. But I wasn't able to finish the setup, because the tablet couldn't build up a connection to the PlayStore. So I restarted the tablet and it didn't boot again or got an boot failure.
I tried to recover the Tablet again and got this failure now:
Supported API: 3
E: failed to write 0 bytes: I/O Error
When I try any other actions like formating, i've got the same failure.
Is the memory distroyed or do you have any other idea, what i can do?
best regards
unknownxy said:
I have the following problem with my nvidia dhield tablet (not the k1).
While I used the tablet it starts with an reboot loop. After I pressed the power button for a while and restartet the tablet by myself, it wasn't able to boot.
When I did a recovery over the recovery mode the tablet still doesn't boot. So i contact the NVIDIA Support. They suggested to hold the power button for 10 sec and try an recovery again. It worked and the tablet started. But I wasn't able to finish the setup, because the tablet couldn't build up a connection to the PlayStore. So I restarted the tablet and it didn't boot again or got an boot failure.
I tried to recover the Tablet again and got this failure now:
Supported API: 3
E: failed to write 0 bytes: I/O Error
When I try any other actions like formating, i've got the same failure.
Is the memory distroyed or do you have any other idea, what i can do?
best regards
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Most likely bad memory. Had a Nexus 4 do the same exact thing. However it would not hurt to try using a different computer and cable just to make sure.
If you decide it is dead let me know if you are interested in selling it. I was given one that was crushed by functional so am looking for a new case/front.
Good look. On the other hand the Nintendo Switch is looking really nice right now. ?
Hello Friends,
I just bricked my Onda V10 4G (3gb ram version) while flashing wrong TWRP in ADB mode.
I does no shows onda logo or anything on the screen when I turn it on, and the only way I know it is turned on is the USB connection sound while I connect it to my PC.
It connects/disconnect in like 1 second, And I can't seem to find any tool to recognise it on my PC in order to reflash it.
I tried power+volume up / power+volume down / pressing it's reset hole / connecting it to a PC + buttons combinations, But nothing seems to work.
Maybe someone experienced it and was able to solve it ?
As a side note - I also want to mention that at times (even when it was working), Sometimes it was stuck on the onda logo and didn't boot, But in the instances where it DID BOOT, It worked ok.
In the past i DID MANAGE to flash another rom on it, But the inconsistant stuck boot did happen from time to time.
Thank you