Why is it so hard to give a phone away? - General Topics

I tried to give away a HTC m8 to a local phone repair shop today. I had disassembled it to remove the motherboard which contains the onboard storage. Aside from that and the broken volume buttons, the phone was definitely usable for parts - battery, cameras, screen, speakers .etc
As I entered the shop, I explain to the owner that, rather than disposing of the phone, I'd like to give it away to someone who can use the parts - like a mobile repair shop.
Little did I know, this guy would then preach to me about how a HTC M8 cannot ever be repaired as the metal case would "snap because of its unibody design".
Bear in mind he's saying this to a guy who has a disassembled M8 in his hand (no snapped case) and had successfully replaced the battery a few months earlier.
As someone who is little more than a hobbyist when it comes to electronics & phone repair, this rather amused me.

Bro obviously when he touched your phone he had an emotional attachment, some people like to treat their devices like real living beings and so fall in love with eachother <3

Dude I wish I could relate... My current phone is a nightmare

Donate it to a developer on the forums. That way they have a backup and can continue proper development should their device die.

SyCoREAPER said:
Donate it to a developer on the forums. That way they have a backup and can continue proper development should their device die.
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Too late now but I genuinely love that idea. I'll keep that in mind for the future.

With skills like yours, you might need that device for your own good. So, why not just keep it? Maybe you could be the for someone else who needed a help.

Rickyzx said:
With skills like yours, you might need that device for your own good. So, why not just keep it? Maybe you could be the for someone else who needed a help.
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I travel a lot; in the past 6 months I've been living in California, London and Manchester.
I can't afford to keep hold of things that 'might' have use in the future so I prefer to just give them away and kick myself in later months when I think "damn I should have kept that phone".
I'm still pretty new to XDA but I'm a big fan of the community so I'll keep that in mind next time I throw away salvageable gadgets.

mazhdini said:
Bro obviously when he touched your phone he had an emotional attachment, some people like to treat their devices like real living beings and so fall in love with eachother <3
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that's absolutely right about the post


AT&T Fuze screens, softkeys peeling off!!!!!!!!

I am extremely disappointed in the quality of my AT&T Fuze quality. The clear plastic laminate covering the soft keys at the bottom of the phone is starting to peel off after only 2 months at the HOME and BACK button corners.
This resulted in a razor sharp edge to protrude from the phone at the Home button. My wife went to answer a call and when she pulled the phone up to her face it resulted in a very deep slash to her right cheek. I was surprised on how badly my phone cut my wife. We couldn't get the bleeding to stop as it put a deep cut into the side of her face. I called AT&T and informed them of what happened and requested that they replace the phone but they say this issue is not covered under warranty. The idiot on the phone implied that I must have dropped the phone. The request to talk to his superior got me little results.
FYI...even with the $5/mo. insurance AT&T tried to tell me that I would have to pay a $125 deductible for a replacement unit. You cannot SuperGlue these corners back down without risking also gluing down the soft keys or I would have tried to fix the phone myself. I even threatened to take the 30 lines my company has with AT&T wireless (we average $150/mo per line) back to Verizon Wireless if they did not replace my phone and still they could care less.
My next move was to call HTC America this morning but they too were of no help. I was transfered to some product specialist who claimed they had no record of such an issue. So I am stuck with a very expensive phone that is falling apart.
Since AT&T was so rude and unhelpful I am taking all 30 of my employee's lines plus those of my family back to Verizon and it will be the last HTC product I buy. High performance phones but dare you have any problem I learned the hard way that AT&T nor HTC are willing to stand behind their product. I hear that the Samsung Omnia is supposed to be a great smartphone and I've had good luck with Samsung products. The Omnia lacks the VGA screen but boasts a 5MP camera...at this point I'll take if over an overpriced HTC product that begins to fail soon after purchase! I also remember how Verizon was almost always too willing to replace a quirky smartphone every time I had an issue.
I have to believe that others must be having the same defective issue with their Touch/Touch Pro/Fuze screen or soft keys peeling off. If so we need to gang up on HTC to do the right thing and replace these phones!!!
ummmm.... The "soft keys" are the virtual buttons on the screen at the bottom. The HARD KEYS are the Home and Back, etc.
I could see them warping from sun/heat, water/sweat exposure and possibly a glue failure where the edges roll/lift up.
I expect half your issue is dealing with the wrong people the wrong way. Regardless of how/why the laminate is rolling up, there should be a repair kit at some level to replace that panel... (I doubt that you could do so without disassembling the phone) HTC OEMs the phone to AT&T/Sprint/Verizon and it is AT&T/sprint/etc's responsibility... not HTC.
Call their support line and immediately ask to speak to their supervisor, get their name if they do not do so, hang up and call again until you get transferred. Explain that you have something to the effect of manufacturer's flaw and you want a REPLACEMENT or REPAIR on your relatively new phone as the way it is now it is potentially safety issue.
Arguing with the $7.00 phone reps accomplishes nothing...
more megapixels mean better!!!!
I remember dealing with customers like this at Best Buy when i worked in the Geek Squad (not a pleasant era of my life). They come in hooting and hollering off the bat and no one wants to help them. I was willing to fight for the customer %99 of the time, but when your in my face and start the conversation with "first things first" you get no where.
Try being nice to the rep, charm can get you along way. Threats get you no where in most cases. Otherwise you become that guy who is talked about later on "hey remember that jack ass this morning? yeah he though he could get what ever he wants with that big vein popping out of his head. Classic! Ha Ha"
steeler560 said:
I am extremely disappointed in the quality of my AT&T Fuze quality. The clear plastic laminate covering the soft keys at the bottom of the phone is starting to peel off after only 2 months at the HOME and BACK button corners.
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It would be nice to see some pictures. The Dpad section looks to be one solid piece of plastic, so i'm curious as to how it actually separates.
sp00nix said:
I remember dealing with customers like this at Best Buy when i worked in the Geek Squad (not a pleasant era of my life). They come in hooting and hollering off the bat and no one wants to help them. I was willing to fight for the customer %99 of the time, but when your in my face and start the conversation with "first things first" you get no where.
Try being nice to the rep, charm can get you along way. Threats get you no where in most cases. Otherwise you become that guy who is talked about later on "hey remember that jack ass this morning? yeah he though he could get what ever he wants with that big vein popping out of his head. Classic! Ha Ha"
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Being unkind is unattractive, period. However, it's not the customer's responsibility to make you feel warm, fuzzy, and respected. When you work in customer service you're being paid money in exchange for turning angry people into not-angry people. You have to use your people skills and stop feeling so entitled. (From someone who's worked many years in customer service).
i kinda miss worded my self, i would try and work things out regardless of the attitude of the customer. I am VERY tolerant when it comes to people and i have been commented by co-workers on how well i handle things. When people become stubborn and don't listen to what you have to say is when things become difficult. If your nice i'll put a good word in to management to have a rule or two bent in your favor. I'm not saying if you act like an ass i will not help you at all, i just wont be going that extra mile.
Example, iPods. I would deal with dozens of ipods a week (and i mean 4 dozen on a good week). Some times they would be fully covered under warranty, and some times not. If it looks like your dropped it the warranty is void. Now if its not working, but has a minor dent like it was dropped, and they claim it worked post damage, then i may be able to pull a string or two to help you out. If i say it might not be covered and steam shoots out your ears and you throw it at me, well, i will tell you to leave. Telling me you will never shop at a best buy again has no effect on me. That just means i have one less jerk to deal with. I worked in one of the busiest stores in the are, and being so close to Philly and some other not so nice areas i had to deal with allot of scum bags.
What i am trying to say, be nice. It helps. What i am not saying is that i will dismiss your case if your mean or inconsiderate. If some one comes in and brightens my day, i will try and return the favor.
kgbeezr1 said:
It would be nice to see some pictures. The Dpad section looks to be one solid piece of plastic, so i'm curious as to how it actually separates.
I have heard about the button area rubbing on the corner of the screen and causing the laminate to come up, particular on the corner of the home key. Therese a few threads in here about that. That whole pad i believe is held in with some 2 sided tape and i think some got out with a crooked pad.
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I just hope your wife is fine now. I would second what Radimus said in the second post in this thread. Keep calling and try to reach a supervisor, who, most of the times, will understand your problem. What I have learned from speaking to AT&T reps is, that each one is different. Some are really willing to help, while others just doing the job because they have to. If the supervisor does not help, ask how you can formally lodge a complaint or file a report about your issue.
Something worth noticing is that the sales rep make notes - maybe not always, but they do - about what the customer called about and what was the result. So, deal with them in a way that would make things fall on your side in the future. I can certainly understand how frustrated you would be.
This is wired, because I thought I was the only one who's phne that happen to. I was trying to figure out what I did wrong. But now since this came up, I know it is the ATT Fuze phone this is happeing to. Maybe if some how we keep telling them they will figure it is there fault. I take very good of my phone, so I know it is next from heavy use. PLus just like you, I had it for ONLY a couple of months.
sp00nix said:
I remember dealing with customers like this at Best Buy when i worked in the Geek Squad (not a pleasant era of my life). They come in hooting and hollering off the bat and no one wants to help them. I was willing to fight for the customer %99 of the time, but when your in my face and start the conversation with "first things first" you get no where.
Try being nice to the rep, charm can get you along way. Threats get you no where in most cases. Otherwise you become that guy who is talked about later on "hey remember that jack ass this morning? yeah he though he could get what ever he wants with that big vein popping out of his head. Classic! Ha Ha"
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Perhaps the problem with AT&T customer care is that they think just like you. Nowhere did I say I was "hooting and hollering off the bat..." I was calm and courteous that was until 1) the jackass giggled when I told him that my wife was slashed by the phone 2) I learned the representative accused me of dropping the phone and made a note on my account that I said the phone was dropped. This phone was never dropped and not once did it come up in our call so why make a note on my account that the phone was dropped? I'll tell you a lazy service rep that took the easy way out . By the time he transfer me to a manager it was no use...she immediately noticed in my account notes that the rep noted that I had dropped the phone when I never did! I think in my case I had every reason to be upset.
UPDATE: I did get AT&T to replace the Fuze but it was only when the local AT&T store called in and said that the phone was not holding it's charge. Now, the scary part. The representative on the phone who works in the warranty department asked to speak to me and said that they were shipping out a replacement Fuze. IF they find anything on the phone that they consider "physical damage" I will automatically be billed $499 on my AT&T Wireless account with no chance for refund or opportunity to dispute.
The replacement phone has not showed up yet, but I am almost tempted to send it right back in fear that I will get charged $499 for this laminate issue. How do I know that they won't call the issue "physical damage?"
I never had these issues with Verizon and am thinking about shipping the phone right back, sell my Fuze on eBay for whatever I can get for it and run back to AT&T. I also politely called and e-mailed HTC America (for those here that assume every customer has anger issues.) No reply to my e-mail or voicemail despite sharing with them photos of my wife's injury.
extensive said:
more megapixels mean better!!!!
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NO it doesn't but if AT&T won't take care of the problem I'll switch back to Verizon and the Omina has better specs than the Verizon version of the Touch Pro...
The only thing that irks me more than people who hoot and holler is people who threaten, "If I don't get my way, I'll just switch to..." Do you actually think companies care? For every customer they lose, there are another 10 on the fence they can just convince to buy their product/sign up for their service.
BBowermaster said:
The only thing that irks me more than people who hoot and holler is people who threaten, "If I don't get my way, I'll just switch to..." Do you actually think companies care? For every customer they lose, there are another 10 on the fence they can just convince to buy their product/sign up for their service.
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The only thing that irks me more than people who hoot and holler is people who don't read a thread before replying. I never hooted or hollered at anyone, though I had every right to do so. I never "threatened" anyone at AT&T or mention pulling our phones...I know they don't care if my company leaves AT&T or they would have taken care of the issue. I just stated what my intentions were since AT&T and HTC refused to help.
Hmmm...do you work at AT&T as a Customer Care rep? Did you work Saturday afternoon? Are you that rude agent I had to work with? Darnell Walker, is that you????????
To help steer this conversation in a slightly more productive direction;
got any pictures of the damage in question? i'd just like a reference for the future if it starts popping up on my end.
Da_G said:
To help steer this conversation in a slightly more productive direction;
got any pictures of the damage in question? i'd just like a reference for the future if it starts popping up on my end.
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I will be sure to get you a few pics in the morning...thanks!
SUE!!!!!! I would sue HTC and or AT&T for the injury to your wife. Then once you get what you want out of them, then switch to Verizon.
i should prolly take pictures of mine. its doing the same thing. its very slight but very pokey. if you slide you finger across it, it stabs you.
I wouldnt really worry about AT&T billing you for the damaged phone. I probably did 3 or 4 warranty replacements over the last few years and ALL of the phones looked like they went through hell. My tilt didnt align properly and had paint chipping everywhere, also a lot of spots where it kissed the concrete. They took it back just fine.
SUE Them and Look for Overseeing Agencies.
You should sue them. Orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr........
You have a case here if you did not dropped the phone.
You can find direct contact to the president or regional manager (you need to insist and insist, it is not going to be easy, all the down line will tell you they can help, just don't loose your time and talk to the BIG GUYS), and ask for a meeting, once you show evidence they WILL REPLACE IT.
JUST write down the date you first NOTICED THEM about the issue, so they CANNOT say that you did not in TIME.
IF you CANNOT succeed, then I'M SURE AS HELL there's GOT TO BE an AGENCY where you can COMPLAIN ABOUT THEM (Like FCC or Whatever that will put them Penalties, and at that time they WILL BEG YOU to PLEASE let them REPLACE IT for YOU) and you will see how fast they will move.
I've Been Manager and Owner of my Own Business, Contracts, ETC. since 17, I hope my experience HELP YOU on HOW to CLAIM your RIGHTS as a CONSUMER.
AND REMEMBER TO BE GOOD and SOFT with your words, LOOK like as Responsible and Professional you can be.
Take Care.
the actual phone's laminate is coming off??? or are u guys talking about the included screen protector that doesnt seem to like to stick onto the phone around the corners.
I had to snip my screen protector with a nail clipper to keep it from ruining my pants. it started rolling back and became quite sharp.

Ideas on how to intentionally kill my Raphael, please!

Hey guys..
I have scratched the fluck nuggets out of my beautiful Raphael.
I have a one year warranty on the phone.
The following is worth the bad karma for me..., so please.. if you have only negative comments to make- please save it for someone who cares!!
I would like to kill/bomb/grenade my phone so that it appears completely toasted .. with little to no evidence it was damaged.
This probably means software .. since any physical damage will void the warranty.
I was thinking, restore the default SPL, flash the stock ROM back onto it, and then try to re-flash the stock ROM but pull out the battery half way into it.
Will this kill my phone worthy enough for AT&T to replace it for me? Or do you think they repair it (not ideal).
P.S. I have searched, I guess I dont know what terms to use or no one has the balls to go through with my type of evil plan.
All Advice (except negative comments) appreciated!
thanks guys
The reason why prices rise
Thank you for the extraordinarily helpful advice! I'll try that. Thanks!!
For the third time, i have selflessly helped others in this forum quite a bit. IF you have a negative comment that does not help me, mumble it to yourself and giggle. Do not waste your valuable time posting it here. You will not change my mind.
Any friendly people who can actually help address the questions I have posed are welcome to respond.
I understand what I want to do is frequently frowned upon ... but at the same time, charging $.20 to send some kilobytes through the air isn't exactly a nice thing to do to your loyal customers.
P.S. If AT&T offered equipment warranty on this phone .. this would not be an issue.
They decided to screw their customers by not offering it, and so I will work the system.
ryaske said:
P.S. If AT&T offered equipment warranty on this phone .. this would not be an issue.
They decided to screw their customers by not offering it, and so I will work the system.
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Maybe your idea is the reason behind that
Maybe so but that is irrelevant to the questions I have asked.
Are the scratches deep enough for a fingernail to get caught on them? thats what they ask you over the phone when turning in a device for a warranty exchange. If so then warranty is void.
On to the fun part
You could try unplugging the battery halfway through a flash which will cause the device to start up in bootloader mode. From their its easy to just restart the flash and be on your way. If you go to an At&t Device Support Center, most of the guys their aren't trained to each device specifically, they're mainly trained to rule out physical damage and go from there.
So it wouldn't hurt to try that. Unplug battery during flash and see what they'll do. I'll be surprised if they flash a rom because i've turned in one device that was stuck on a white screen and they just handed me a replacement fairly quick.
Now, the next thing you could try i figured out accidently by trying to improve GPS reception on my Tilt. Actually scratch that, just found out it won't work on the Raphael. With my tilt i took a copper wire (taken from an old landline telephone) and plugged it into the antenna extender port on the back of the device.
This greatly improved my GPS reception, then i stuck it in the other port (phone antenna) and i got 5 bars, but when i took it out, i couldn't get any service. I think it fried the antenna.
I took that device into the At&t Device Support Center and the guy at the desk handed it to the Tech who just looked at it, handed it back to me asked me if i wanted to back anything up and gave me another device (refurbished)
One last thing. Although i turned in a flawless At&t (no scratches nothing) in for a 5th warranty exchange and they gave me the Raphael, it ended up having 2 deep scratches on the frame of the keyboard of the device. When i called in they told me since it was my 5th return its not under any warranty.
this is kinda a crappy question to ask, and it's the reason we pay such high amounts for our beloved phones. BUT.... just zap the sh!t outta it with a stungun simplest way I can think of. maybe microwave it for 5 or 10 seconds? nah.. that'd just start a fire. stungun.
I wonder what a few seconds in the microwave would do or near a moderately strong electro magnet would do.
thankfully my fingernail does not get caught in the scratches .. its just abrasion scratches, kind of like what sandpaper would do. I can barely see the scratches when the screen is on .. unless I'm thinking about it.
I will try to F up a flash today. Maybe even when changing the bootloader so that there is nothing there to "take" a new rom. If anything, this will serve as a test-case for those wonder what would happen if your electricty goes out the next time your flashing (prevent it: use a laptop!)
for those that have contributed something useful so far. I THANK YOU. This forum is for sharing information, not morals.
I will post back with the results of the suicide and warranty exchange so others can learn from it
ryaske said:
for those that have contributed something useful so far. I THANK YOU. This forum is for sharing information, not morals.
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Actually if you read the forum rules it clearly states:
9. Don't get us in trouble.
Don't post copyrighted materials or do other things that will obviously lead to legal trouble
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I'd have thought discussing insurance fraud is certainly pushing & bending that, if not breaking it completely.
Deliberately breaking your phone to claim under warranty or insurance is fraud. Please don’t drag our forums down to your level.
Live with it
Beeble said:
Actually if you read the forum rules it clearly states:
I'd have thought discussing insurance fraud is certainly pushing & bending that, if not breaking it completely.
Deliberately breaking your phone to claim under warranty or insurance is fraud. Please don’t drag our forums down to your level.
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Exactly. Maybe you could learn a lesson and invest more care in your next device. Mods should close this thread.
ok, well under that logic, fraud will also be damaging your own phone, even if by accident, and then getting a warranty replacement and mentioning you have done so on the forum.
So that means everyone that flashes their phone and F's it up, then gets it replaced is also "getting the forum in trouble" because it is also technically warranty fraud.
How exactly the forum is now "in trouble", I will never know. Its not like you gave me the idea to screw my phone. I simply asked for advice and experiences. How dare I use a forum that has always been a help to me, for getting information, similar experiences, and help. I dont know what I was thinking.
Go ahead and lock the thread.. you guys are all whiney nannies anyway. Save me the trouble of having to hear you guys.
P.S. You should get out in the real world where cut throat tactics happen every day. Its kill or be killed in corporate America. (I work for a very large company and I know that so intimately, I couldnt give you the details if I wanted to .... i would fear for my way of life.)
Good luck on your crusade to right all the wrongs in the world. I learned its not worth the effort .. Playing their own game is far more beneficial.
one more thing. the worst thing that could have happened is I get denied the warranty exchange. That is my own risk and I acknowledge I'm taking it.
How would my attempt at warranty exchange EVER "obviously lead to legal trouble", ESPECIALLY for the forum???
If you want to quote the rules, you should interpret them as they are written. No where does it say "have good morals" and "dont bring the forum down to your level". I'm pretty sure it does say
2. Be polite and respect your fellow xda-dev user.
There is no need for cursing, flaming, racism or personal attacks. There are a lot of different nationalities on this forum all with different cultures, this means that no matter what you're like, you'll have to adjust to people that are most definitely not like you. It will gain you a lot of respect if you help to keep the peace. It's disrespectful and therefore not permitted to create Alias Member names in an attempt to deceive others.
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10. Help others if you can.
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Further, my intentional doings and my reports of what happened could actually help someone who has done the same, but by other unintentional means.
I am, as always, in the spirit of the forum, here to help and be helped.
Stick it to the man!
FWIW, you could get an Invisible Shield that would make the scratches less noticable.
Ok the deed is done. The hitman has collected. The eagle has landed
ryaske said:
Ok the deed is done. The hitman has collected. The eagle has landed
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Since you've gone to such great lengths to explain how this enterprise is going to benefit the community, and how anybody judging you is such a whiner, how about you explain the details?
Yeah I wanted to help people, but all the **** I got made me rethink the whole posting on the forum thing. I figured spilling more information will only get more people to chime in with their nasty nanny comments..... so I wasn't going to.
BUT since you asked, and you specifically were not one of the nannies (or atl east one that kept quiet.. i thank you!)... I would be happy to share the details.
I thought I would be able to kill it through software .. but it turns out bricking a phone intentionally is NOT an easy thing to do.
1) Pulling the battery is not enough to stop the flash. It will continue just fine on USB power only! Therefore I dont know how bad batteries could cause problems with flashing...
2) Stopping the flash of a ROM by pulling battery and USB almost always (for me, 10 out of 10 times) just causes the bootloader to complain "bad data" when you reset the phone, or something to that effect. You can reflash easily every time, I guess unless you stop it at the PERFECT moment ( I wasn't able to)
3) Stopping the flash of a Bootloader is absolutely impossible. I tried maybe 15 times (switching between stock SPL and the 1.90 SPL), but each time it loaded up just fine....
4) So,now getting desperate (Like I wasn't already...) I went to further measures. The stock battery is 3.7v DC. I applied 5 volts AC to the battery connector first, very quickly as fast as I could touch leads to the battery pins. Each time.. nothing happened and the phone booted fine.
So I stepped it up to 7.5, then 10. applying 10 v AC on the 3rd time was the charm. The LED flash blinked once very quickly, and then the phone ceased to turn on. I was nervous doing this.. I didnt want anything to physically fry. It turned out very well, it didnt get hot at all, no smoke and no burning smell.
Then I went to an AT&T store and turned it in for a new one. The guys there told me this wasnt the first time the Fuze came back completely dead!!! Imagine that.....
If the software bricking worked easily .. I planned on trying to recover it as a test case .. but alas it was damn tough. Thats also why I didnt really give many details.
This just goes to show everyone flashing your phone is really, really safe. I would say- flying in an airplane safe. When it fails, it does so rarely, and spectacularly and catastrophically... enough for all the media to hear about it (everyone on the forum). I wouldn't be worried tho, stepping on to a plane is just fine and chances are very good (you can round those chances to "always") it will work fine.. even if it screws up during the process some how.
A sincere thanks for the forum for putting up with an opinion/viewpoint that the majority clearly and rightfully disagrees with.
All I can say is WOW - what a mean thing to do; torture your phone like that. You could also have tried waterboarding, because in America that is not considered torture.
ryaske said:
P.S. If AT&T offered equipment warranty on this phone .. this would not be an issue.
They decided to screw their customers by not offering it, and so I will work the system.
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I have a warranty for my Fuze via ATT

[FIX] Bring a 100% hard bricked G1 back from the dead, on the cheap. (Requires donor)

- This will void your warranty.
(But if you're doing this, you probably don't have a warranty anyway.)
- You need to be smarter than the average bear.
(I'm not responsible if this doesn't work, you pick a bad donor phone, you get stabbed while buying said phone, you somehow burn your house down while attempting these directions, you somehow manage to injure your cat when you open your phone, look its not my fault)
Make sure you have a real brick. If you can get to anything other than a white G1 screen you DON'T have a real brick.
Please try:
1. Home + Power
2. Back + Power
3. Camera + Power
If you get anything other than a Tmobile G1 screen you don't have a real brick and DON'T need this guide.
What you need:
1. A donor G1.
Look for a G1 that got smashed up, scratched, broken screen, whatever. Just make sure it didn't go for a swim. I recommend craigslist. Make sure it starts at least. You can remove the back panel and check the void stickers to see if it changed color to check for water damage.
The point is that true hard bricks are caused by a major failure of the SPL. No one has figured out how to come back from this yet by software, but everyone that has seen an HTC repair bill knows you can fix it by replacing the mother board. New motherboards direct from HTC are prohibitively expensive though. Thats where the donor G1 comes in. I expect a lot more of them to be turning up for cheap now that there are some new android phones on the market.
I paid about $50 bucks for one without a working back light and a few scratches.
2. http://www.portatronics.com/guide/T-Mobile-Smartphone-Repair-Guide/
The second guide (first from the bottom). Its not that hard, just be careful. The point is that you have to slip the donor motherboard into your phone. It took me about 35 minutes and I lack fine motor skills.
Once you have it all buttoned up again:
1. format an SD card to FAT32
2. Put http://g1upgrade.com/DREAMIMG-RC29.zip in the root directory
3. Insert SD card in phone
4. Start with Camera+power and flash the same way you probably rooted your phone the first time.
I feel like this was known in the upper echelons of the community before, but I had never seen it explicitly spelled out in its own thread. Unfortunately I bricked a professors phone last Friday night and had to make it right using the minimum amount of cash possible by next Monday morning.
Wouldn't you know, its running kingklicks 2.0 right now.
- Faylix / Local
If you liked this,
Donate to Local's Broke Law school fund
Its so funny you post this because I actually have a white G1 with a cracked screen and heavily scratched face and a black G1 thats perfect but has the Haykuro brick. Maybe I will throw the nice stuff on the working phone once I go buy some tools. lol
It works. Just be gentile with the connections when removing the motherboard, and a little scotch tape goes a long way to holding the connections in when you re-attach them to the donor board.
Taking the G1 apart is surprisingly easy. Do yourself a favor though, take the motherboard from the white one and stick it in the black one. Much easier than transferring the screen.
Go fix that brick.
- faylix
this is hardly a fix, essentially a new motherboard is a new phone, it just has your old case on it, so there's no actul fix apart from replacement. my opinion while it's great use of imagination, it's not by any means a fix. for all you know, the phone you're buying may be a blacklisted phone and will not work, it could even have the spl brick itself, so this is neither a true fix, or reliable
senaia said:
this is hardly a fix, essentially a new motherboard is a new phone, it just has your old case on it, so there's no actul fix apart from replacement. my opinion while it's great use of imagination, it's not by any means a fix. for all you know, the phone you're buying may be a blacklisted phone and will not work, it could even have the spl brick itself, so this is neither a true fix, or reliable
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Call it what you will I guess.
On Friday I had a bricked G1, $50 bucks and 35 minutes later I have a working G1.
There should be lots of used G1's turning up on craigslist right now with the CLIQ / DEXT out, and even more as the other new phones drop.
I recommend you make sure the phone you buy at least turns on, but selecting an appropriate donor / making sure you aren't buying a stolen black listed phone is up to you.
Your Mileage May Vary.
The title of this thread is *extremely* misleading.
This does not in any way unbrick a phone. It is simple replacement.
Let me guess... are you an automotive mechanic in your day job? Seems like that's all they do these days... replace parts until it works.
What you need to understand is that the part that you are replacing is basically the brain of the thing.
To put this into perspective... if you got brain cancer and the doctors said they could cure you by a brain transplant, would the resulting "person" be you? Or would it be someone else?
I suggest that you find some way of renaming this thread (as a moderator to help you if needed) to something like "get a working phone again by changing the mainboard". At least that won't trick people into reading through it just to find that you are talking about something completely uninteresting.
lbcoder said:
The title of this thread is *extremely* misleading.
This does not in any way unbrick a phone. It is simple replacement.
Let me guess... are you an automotive mechanic in your day job? Seems like that's all they do these days... replace parts until it works.
What you need to understand is that the part that you are replacing is basically the brain of the thing.
To put this into perspective... if you got brain cancer and the doctors said they could cure you by a brain transplant, would the resulting "person" be you? Or would it be someone else?
I suggest that you find some way of renaming this thread (as a moderator to help you if needed) to something like "get a working phone again by changing the mainboard". At least that won't trick people into reading through it just to find that you are talking about something completely uninteresting.
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agreed... i thought this post was going to have actual flashing method of curing a brick, not some replacement part way.
PS- I really liked that brain transplant metaphor lol
Hehe Thought someone actually beat those of us working in the unbrick thread to the method. this is simply a replacement, cant call this an ubrick thread, should be titled "how to replace G1 motherboard"
lbcoder said:
The title of this thread is *extremely* misleading.
This does not in any way unbrick a phone. It is simple replacement.
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To be fair, the title states it requires a donor.
After the task is preformed your phone is no longer a brick.
Let me guess... are you an automotive mechanic in your day job? Seems like that's all they do these days... replace parts until it works.
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Actually I'm a law student that builds motorcycles in his off time.
If a part is broken, it can be obtained cheaper than a whole new unit, than the best "fix" in my mind is to just replace the part no?
What you need to understand is that the part that you are replacing is basically the brain of the thing.
To put this into perspective... if you got brain cancer and the doctors said they could cure you by a brain transplant, would the resulting "person" be you? Or would it be someone else?
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Existential questions aside... if your phone is bricked, you can pay $400 for a new off contract phone, $200 and sign up for another 2 years, or $50 bucks and have a working phone using most of your own hardware. I know what I'd choose.
I suggest that you find some way of renaming this thread (as a moderator to help you if needed) to something like "get a working phone again by changing the mainboard". At least that won't trick people into reading through it just to find that you are talking about something completely uninteresting.
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Wow. You're a hostile one.
I'm very sorry I wasted 5 minutes of your day in reading about the best, cheapest, way *so far* to fix a bricked a phone.
I'm also very sorry you lack basic reading skills, don't seem to understand what (requires a donor) means, and seem to have a dislike of mechanics. I suggest you re-read the top of the thread, realize since you are clearly dumber than rocks, this thread is not for you
Anyway, lets try and keep this on topic.
I was in a bad position, figured out the best fix I could given the current state of affairs, and thought it might help some other users on this board.
Mods, Please delete, change, do as you will.
If you have real questions about this process I'll answer them, I'm done with the back and forth.
Great thread, I agree, the time these guys have wasted trying to resurrect bricked fones, the fix seems easy enough. Always better to follow the path of least resistance. Good thinking.
"requires a donor" could mean anything.
-SOFTWARE donor.
-it could mean that you are temporarily hijacking one to run the second.
I'm sorry that you don't see HOW MANY people got tricked by your misleading title into thinking that this thread was about something that it WAS NOT.
And motorcycle mechanic.... same thing. Just how did I guess?
And law student? I guess you must have taken too much from "how to mislead 101". Bloody (wannabe) lawyers...
Great thread, I agree, the time these guys have wasted trying to resurrect bricked fones, the fix seems easy enough. Always better to follow the path of least resistance. Good thinking.
And there is a big difference between fixing a device and a human.
When the cpu on my computer dies, i replace it, not the whole computer.
Or if the ECU goes out in my car, I replace it, not the whole car.
Dont listen to these punks, the fix you provided is indeed a fix for bricked phones. It may not be a software fix, but it is a fix.
The automotive comment made shows just how ignorant some people are. In fact, people do the same thing with vegetables at a store. Pick 1 up, its not satisfactory, pick up another, still not good, pick up another, this one is good! No difference.
bubonik said:
Dont listen to these punks, the fix you provided is indeed a fix for bricked phones. It may not be a software fix, but it is a fix.
The automotive comment made shows just how ignorant some people are. In fact, people do the same thing with vegetables at a store. Pick 1 up, its not satisfactory, pick up another, still not good, pick up another, this one is good! No difference.
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i aggree... give the guy a break the title may have been a little misleading but has anyone got any better ideas that work? i thought so...
JackD3ath said:
Great thread, I agree, the time these guys have wasted trying to resurrect bricked fones, the fix seems easy enough. Always better to follow the path of least resistance. Good thinking.
And there is a big difference between fixing a device and a human.
When the cpu on my computer dies, i replace it, not the whole computer.
Or if the ECU goes out in my car, I replace it, not the whole car.
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This isn't about a fried CPU. The CPU is fine. It is about a BIOS FLASH gone bad (quite common). When you do a bad bios flash, do you replace the mainboard? No. You yank the BIOS FLASH chip out and "hotflash" it in another mainboard to resurrect it! http://www.overclock.net/faqs/102206-how-hotflash-your-bios-chip.html
So what do you do when there isnt another motherboard available to fix the flashing? (G1 Software fix)
You replace the motherboard.
Yeah ok so why dont you just do that then. I dont see your solution realized in the other thread.
Your the one comparing apples and oranges. I mean brain surgery.
bubonik said:
Dont listen to these punks, the fix you provided is indeed a fix for bricked phones. It may not be a software fix, but it is a fix.
The automotive comment made shows just how ignorant some people are. In fact, people do the same thing with vegetables at a store. Pick 1 up, its not satisfactory, pick up another, still not good, pick up another, this one is good! No difference.
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Actually, you've just shown YOUR ignorance with your vegetable nonsense. Picking through a bunch of the SAME KIND of vegetable is not the same as replacing parts until something works.
Fact is this;
When you bring your car in to be "serviced", all they do is *replace parts*. Even if they don't know what part is giving you problems... they just keep on replacing parts until the problem goes away and stick them all on your bill. And this is despite the fact that things can usually be *repaired*. The correct way to repair things is to find what isn't working (done -- it doesn't boot), figure out why (IPL and SPL are incompatible), and correct the problem (rewrite IPL and SPL). Instead, you take the "automotive approach" and just replace parts until something works... except that in this case, you are not actually repairing the "bricked" phone, you are repairing the "smashed" phone and giving up entirely on the bricked one since it is the mainboard that defines what phone is what.
JackD3ath said:
Yeah ok so why dont you just do that then. I dont see your solution realized in the other thread.
Your the one comparing apples and oranges. I mean brain surgery.
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No? So instead of waiting a few more days to see if the jtag solution comes through, you're going to go out and spend $xxx on a new *broken-and-possibly-useless* phone in the off-chance that you might be able to repair it with parts from your phone, which is actually perfectly fine and is simply in need of reprogramming?
Your choice.
And I'm not telling you not to.
My only complaint is in the misleading nature of the TITLE of this thread, which suggests a solution to reprogramming the phone.
Where exactly did you learn that mechanics replace parts until its right? I am a trained technician, yes certified, and 95% of mechanics I know do not do this.
I never said it was the same kind of vegetable. That was your assumption.

[Q] Bringing Charge in for service

SHORT STORY (can be omitted skip to questions):
Well I'm at the point of getting ready to take the charge in for service. It seems I have a termination problem on the main board. My phone shuts off randomly not ROM related but actual hardware (if i bump it it turns off). My battery and phone contacts are clean and making solid contact with each other as well. This brings me to my next observatory task of opening the phone. While I was open in the phone I noticed there was 4 cracks on my chrome rim (probably due to the 10ft drop to solid concrete, just a after thought). So there was no way to take it apart without fully destroying the rim. Which was upsetting because i was looking forward to seeing the beast and trying to solder it back together and\or look into a intuitive\ revolutionary (as apple would put it) way to fix the backlights brightness. Kinda all bummed out and stuff I tried to put the screws back and who would have thunk you had to shrink ray your hands so you could hold the screws. Well trying it with all fat chode like fingers I screw managed to slip from my grasp. It bounce on my hard floor a couple times, followed by that awkward silence where you know should have been a bounce and your still waiting to hear it, but nothing. O.0 So now I am missing a screw...
To the point questions\ concerns:
1. Can I bring this to tech support to ultimately get a refurb (huh), with out a screw? Or do I have to take my sammy Rogue (yea that "feature" phone) apart and steal one of it's screw and paint it black (there is a little difference in the screw probably will strip the phone).
2. Beside the obvious return to stock and PIT blah blah blah. Is there anything I need to do? Like trim my memory card b\c of the folders that say ROMS,KERNELS,MODs, etc... I don't plan on giving the card to them unless they ask for it.
3. I should probably mention, that the battery is starting to get so hot i cant hold it sometimes. and have to take it out and find some kind of heat sink to cool it. This has happened mainly when charging but has happened when idling and on stand by too.
4. should I call them or take it in? Which would prove better results in getting a refurbished or new phone? (either way I don't expect much from these sexist bastards that can't appreciate a good looking male, seems like you need to have some boobs and a nice ass to get new phones from VW)
5. chances in switching phones? I love the charge. (even though there aren't many roms\tweaks, the developers that have past through have been outstanding, even when some of them didn't have a charge) I don't love the fact I paid full released price and 2 weeks later it is $200 cheaper and they pretty much decided they don't love us (although GB and talk of ics is nice) I'm sure verizon very much wants to abort the charge.
Call verizon. Explain to them your situation. Let them know your phone is constantly rebooting. You've tried checking battery, hard reseting device, and everything else you could think of. Ask for a warranty replacement as you were given a defective device.
Sent from my SCH-I510 using XDA
Are you out of your 1 year manufactures warranty?
and as for question 4 i would just call...forget takin it in..just tell them you dont have the time..they should send one if your still within your 1 years manufacture warranty that is...
You just call Verizon and give them a reason where they can't help to fix over the phone, they will give you a replacement. In my case, I think something wrong with my phone cause it drain battery like crazy and I just want another one. I told them the screen is not respond to my touch anymore. I have to hit 4/5 times before it registered. That's it I got a new one.
I believe it still is within the manufactures first year. I got it just before we lost unlimited data. I guess I will call them then.
scarygood536 said:
I believe it still is within the manufactures first year. I got it just before we lost unlimited data. I guess I will call them then.
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Thats your best bet. Im sure they'll ship you a new device. Keep us posted.
Sent from my SCH-I510 using XDA
scarygood536 said:
I believe it still is within the manufactures first year. I got it just before we lost unlimited data. I guess I will call them then.
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Yeah for sure..Call ASAP before you get the update with the diagnostic tool.. Then they can say no there is nothing wrong on their end and not send you one. Just call and complain about the phone rebooting randomly (and cant create the problem, it just happens) and that you want them to send you another cause you didnt pay $$$ for a device to do this blah blah blah... then say you tired factory wipe and everything and your fed up and want a replacement...shouldnt be a problem at all...and again if they say go to the store tell them to PISS OFF you dont have the time for that..let us kno how it turns out
scarygood536 said:
usually when i call verizon they say we cant do anything b\c you are not the account holder regardless if the account holder is sitting next to me and i know their SSN#, account info, any other personal id... I will try tomorrow after work b\c i'm too tired to put up with b\s after work and i'll probably get a camel jocky for my representative
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Dude you're funny. I hope you get your replacement. Oh and I think any SD card would do.
Sent from my Kindle Fire using xda premium
scarygood536 said:
usually when i call verizon they say we cant do anything b\c you are not the account holder regardless if the account holder is sitting next to me and i know their SSN#, account info, any other personal id... I will try tomorrow after work b\c i'm too tired to put up with b\s after work and i'll probably get a camel jocky for my representative
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lol..call in to Verizon (611) and tell them that you (your name) need to added to the account and create a password for the account..i am not the primary account holder on my ****, my mom is. So I had my name put on the account and had a password created so now reps ask for the pass i give it to them and we move on to the problem...
EDIT:if they still give you a problem about adding a name then have the primary caller call 611 and tell them to add your name so you dont have to go thru stuff like this..
jager420 said:
lol..call in to Verizon (611) and tell them that you (your name) need to added to the account and create a password for the account..i am not the primary account holder on my ****, my mom is. So I had my name put on the account and had a password created so now reps ask for the pass i give it to them and we move on to the problem...
EDIT:if they still give you a problem about adding a name then have the primary caller call 611 and tell them to add your name so you dont have to go thru stuff like this..
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Lol for me my dad is the account holder but he doesn't know how to do anything so I am the account manager. On their website it says that the account manager has full access to the account, so you could just log into the primary's My Verizon and make yourself a manager.
scarygood536 said:
While I was open in the phone I noticed there was 4 cracks on my chrome rim (probably due to the 10ft drop to solid concrete, just a after thought). So there was no way to take it apart without fully destroying the rim....So now I am missing a screw...
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So, you dropped your phone on concrete with enough force to damage the internals (which I'm guessing is the cause of all the problems), disassembled it and lost a screw in the process, and now you want to try and get a replacement under warranty due to manufacturer's defect?
Good luck. Just don't be surprised when they back charge you for the cost of the device when they realize you've exchanged a phone you've destroyed. You've voided the warranty several times over so they've got plenty of cause to hit you with an out of warranty fee.
Oh my..
charlie_c said:
So, you dropped your phone on concrete with enough force to damage the internals (which I'm guessing is the cause of all the problems), disassembled it and lost a screw in the process, and now you want to try and get a replacement under warranty due to manufacturer's defect?
Good luck. Just don't be surprised when they back charge you for the cost of the device when they realize you've exchanged a phone you've destroyed. You've voided the warranty several times over so they've got plenty of cause to hit you with an out of warranty fee.
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Ha.. I did that once. I kicked the grapefruit juice out of my box they sent my phone to me in and so I was like, why did you send me a busted up box with a phone that doesn't work?? They were very polite about the exchange (of course, this was only like the third day I'd had it). I went to church after so I think it all evens out.
cliMAKtic said:
Ha.. I did that once. I kicked the grapefruit juice out of my box they sent my phone to me in and so I was like, why did you send me a busted up box with a phone that doesn't work?? They were very polite about the exchange (of course, this was only like the third day I'd had it). I went to church after so I think it all evens out.
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Lol, my friend got an old out of warranty second hand PS2 replaced by writing to Sony and pretending to be a very upset 12 year old. These things do work sometimes
charlie_c said:
So, you dropped your phone on concrete with enough force to damage the internals (which I'm guessing is the cause of all the problems), disassembled it and lost a screw in the process, and now you want to try and get a replacement under warranty due to manufacturer's defect?
Good luck. Just don't be surprised when they back charge you for the cost of the device when they realize you've exchanged a phone you've destroyed. You've voided the warranty several times over so they've got plenty of cause to hit you with an out of warranty fee.
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I dropped my phone maybe 6 months ago, no apparent damage (internal or external) phone still worked great. At the time of the drop the phone was in a case. I'm not really sure how those cracks got on the outside of my phone but my screen is in perfect condition.. I never even disassembled any of it I got all the screws out and saw that if i tried to take it apart further i would have bigger problems, so I put back the screws and one fell out of my hands. I also found the screw, which managed to bounce onto a shelf of my bookshelf. So my charge works, just has a loose connection somewhere. Not surprising seeing how I work a construction job. The phone doesn't look that bad at all it looks barely beat up, besides the small cracks in the rim which you wouldn't know unless you really studied it. There should be no reason to back charge me anything.
cliMAKtic said:
Ha.. I did that once. I kicked the grapefruit juice out of my box they sent my phone to me in and so I was like, why did you send me a busted up box with a phone that doesn't work?? They were very polite about the exchange (of course, this was only like the third day I'd had it). I went to church after so I think it all evens out.
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i have to go to church for weeks to make up for some girls I've "dated". I hope i can even that out too. Verizon screws us enough, time to give a little back
scarygood536 said:
I dropped my phone maybe 6 months ago, no apparent damage (internal or external) phone still worked great. At the time of the drop the phone was in a case. I'm not really sure how those cracks got on the outside of my phone but my screen is in perfect condition.. I never even disassembled any of it I got all the screws out and saw that if i tried to take it apart further i would have bigger problems, so I put back the screws and one fell out of my hands. I also found the screw, which managed to bounce onto a shelf of my bookshelf. So my charge works, just has a loose connection somewhere. Not surprising seeing how I work a construction job. The phone doesn't look that bad at all it looks barely beat up, besides the small cracks in the rim which you wouldn't know unless you really studied it. There should be no reason to back charge me anything.
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Yeah I wouldn't worry about it at all since there's no major damage on the outside of the device...you should be fine
cliMAKtic said:
Ha.. I did that once. I kicked the grapefruit juice out of my box they sent my phone to me in and so I was like, why did you send me a busted up box with a phone that doesn't work?? They were very polite about the exchange (of course, this was only like the third day I'd had it). I went to church after so I think it all evens out.
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charlie_c said:
Lol, my friend got an old out of warranty second hand PS2 replaced by writing to Sony and pretending to be a very upset 12 year old. These things do work sometimes
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People complain about the cost of everything going up, and this is precisely the reason why insurance and other services go up in price. The replacement devices aren't free, and the cost of replacement has to be made up somehow. Congratulations for feeling good about dicking over the honest people in society.
imnuts said:
People complain about the cost of everything going up, and this is precisely the reason why insurance and other services go up in price. The replacement devices aren't free, and the cost of replacement has to be made up somehow. Congratulations for feeling good about dicking over the honest people in society.
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Hey, I don't condone it and it's nothing I've done myself, but people that rationalize that kind of behavior don't understand the harm of it probably. Kind of like SUV drivers that complain when gas prices go up...
imnuts said:
People complain about the cost of everything going up, and this is precisely the reason why insurance and other services go up in price. The replacement devices aren't free, and the cost of replacement has to be made up somehow. Congratulations for feeling good about dicking over the honest people in society.
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Right on the money. People blame the companies over rising prices but they don't realize that profits stay about the same. Kind of like what is driving up medical costs... Frivolous lawsuits by butthurt idiots.
Sent from my handheld Linux computer using electromagnetic radiation.
I don't mind using my warranty, I paid for because I knew my phone would break all my phones, except my samsung phones, stopped working before i even put them through the rigorous days on a construction job. I rather spend the down payment on it than having to buy a new phone full price. I've been dicked by verizon (ex. buying replacement phones a couple months after getting a paid replacement) though so i don't feel bad getting a new device for free.
i don't deny people getting phones for free just to get new ones is wrong and screws over the honest people, but verizon in my eyes, while being a loyal customer for about a decade or so, hasn't been really that honest of a company. Like the whole data plan needed phones. My mom and sister both had the same phone, one need a data the other didn't (due to the timing of when they got the phones)... All the phone had was verizons "mobile web" on EVDO pretty usless itself. But the data plan was forced upon one of them for profit gainsb(data was even blocked on our account at the time). This doesn't even include the trying to charge to transfer contacts and bs fee's fee's. If Big Red didn't have all the members and didn't get the best signal in my area i'd be on a different carrier.

[Q] Removing dust under the screen

Got another One X last weekend. I checked the screen thoroughly in store to make sure it was flawless. I have now however noticed that there is a spec of dust under the screen. It was definitely not there when I checked it in store, spent ages on a solid white background making sure.
So is there anyway I can try and get rid of it. It got there on its own somehow so I must at least be able to move it off the side of the screen one way or another. It's no big deal if I can't get rid of it as its hardly noticeable in every day use.
I have tried gently tapping the screen and knocking it on its side but it hasn't moved so far. I don't want to try to hard encase I damage the phone. Don't want to try and take the phone apart and attempt to separate the touch component from the LCD and try either as the phone is so new.
Att will exchange for dust under the screen. But. When the phones been on and in use allowing the screen to get warm about 30 minutes lightly tap in the opposite direction. Should move the dust out.
Work on my iPhone back in the day. :/
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
blowing air into the speaker grill lol idk
expertzero1 said:
blowing air into the speaker grill lol idk
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pretty sure the glass is glued to the lcd and stuck there forever!
Thanks for the reply's. I'm in Australia so now ATnT for me. This is my 9th. Very happy with this one. Won't be returning it for this unless more gets under there. I must be able to move it. I'll try leaving it on max brightness as you suggested and go from there.
It must be possible to separate the digitizer from the LCD because you can buy a replacement -
designgears said:
pretty sure the glass is glued to the lcd and stuck there forever!
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what about blowing hot air into there haha
But seriously, exchange it.
Maroon Mushroom said:
But seriously, exchange it.
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Cloths dryer?
Its not worth exchanging unless more gets under there. I'm getting tired of setting up new ones so I can live with this issue unless it gets worse.
Since the panel is laminated to the glass (right?), forget it. Exchange.
soldierblue348 said:
Since the panel is laminated to the glass (right?), forget it. Exchange.
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Bugger. Wonder how it got there then. Haven't been able to move it at all. Who knows maybe it was there and just didn't see it when I bought it. I have 30 days to take it back so I'll hold of and see what happens.
danielhtc said:
This is my 9th.
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Um not to be a complete **** but after working retail for 6 years as a store manager for At&t and several years in I.T / EE / and project management. The chances of you running into 9 defects of a single model and brand new replacements are are probably slimmer than you getting struck by lightning and winning the lottery together. I would start asking myself am I OCD, do I have dementia, should I be ruling out Delirium..
Ok, sorry I'm being an ass. Just saying.. you either have the worst luck in the world. I read your post completely wrong, or; its you. Either way hope you get it figured out. This phone really is something extraordinary.
mesko402 said:
Um not to be a complete **** but after working retail for 6 years as a store manager for At&t and several years in I.T / EE / and project management. The chances of you running into 9 defects of a single model and brand new replacements are are probably slimmer than you getting struck by lightning and winning the lottery together. I would start asking myself am I OCD, do I have dementia, should I be ruling out Delirium..
Ok, sorry I'm being an ass. Just saying.. you either have the worst luck in the world. I read your post completely wrong, or; its you. Either way hope you get it figured out. This phone really is something extraordinary.
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My first had dead pixels and a yellow spot. Second had creaking and a rattle. 3rd dent in the lcd panel under the digitizer.The next 5 I unboxed in store. Some had dead pixels and the others had bad dust under the screen.
I didn't tell them were the dust or pixels were, just that there was something wrong with the screen, they pointed them out. The dust under this one is nothing like the ones I unboxed in store a while back, some specs were almost as big as the dot on the letter i which is why I'm going to stick with this one.
I don't think it's to much to ask to get one without dust under the screen seeing as how there are many out there with defect free phones. I feel like I am entitled to the same experience as them, paid the same hard earned money as them after all.. I suspect though that many probably have dust etc but have either not noticed or choose to live with it.
Your right about the phone being extraordinary, which is why I haven't stuck with a refund. Really no going back after you have had a phone like this.
Edit: check this forum out. I'm not the only one with issues and multiple returns. It's a shame so many are having repeat issues.
mesko402 said:
Um not to be a complete **** but after working retail for 6 years as a store manager for At&t and several years in I.T / EE / and project management. The chances of you running into 9 defects of a single model and brand new replacements are are probably slimmer than you getting struck by lightning and winning the lottery together. I would start asking myself am I OCD, do I have dementia, should I be ruling out Delirium..
Ok, sorry I'm being an ass. Just saying.. you either have the worst luck in the world. I read your post completely wrong, or; its you. Either way hope you get it figured out. This phone really is something extraordinary.
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This guy worked in retail & engineering and the bases of his argument is the fact he thinks dust and imperfections are ludicris for someone to complain about! Now if he worked at the HTC manufacturing plant where they made these phones and can honestly produce manufacturing data depicting margins of error of defect in the manufacture of these devices in several respective categories then we can break the odds down mathematically and prove whether this poster is full of $hit, delusional etc!
Until then I'll keep lolling @ the response It was good
He's got a point... Say the odds of you getting a messed up screen is 1 in 1000... Multiply .001 by itself 9 times. Those are the odds of you actually getting 9 broken phones in a row.
Edit... It's 1x10^-27.... So yeah, you'd win the lottery a couple of times.
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
This is all you need to know - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8SpHbhzLgU
skip to 5:40
Wubbz said:
This is all you need to know - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8SpHbhzLgU
skip to 5:40
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Yeah... Remind me never to break my phone.
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium

