Can't log in to google developer account. - General Topics

I am trying to log in to my google developer account - the one that you pay 25 bucks for the privilege of being able to publish apps on the store. I created the account at the end of 2013 or start of 2014 and hadn't logged in there for some time.
The account is on an email address on a domain that we own. I know the password and email address but cannot log in. I have gone through the recovery but there doesn't seem to be enough information there for the automatic recovery to work. And to make things worse, I get some emails telling me that "Someone knows your password". Seriously, its true, I do know my password.
I have tried calling one of the google support numbers 1800093181 three times. I spoke with someone for about half an hour and I was basically taken through the same recovery steps. I called again today and spoke to someone for a few minutes, after which time the call was disconnected just before they told me which department for google the worked in.
Basically, if google decides that there is something suspicious about you then you are stuffed. There is no way to get back in, and you get no support. This isn't really good enough. I have enough information on the account about the addresses held there which should allow them (google overlords) to allow me to log back in from the ASNs of my ISP.

That's too bad. But not sure what anyone here can say or do?
I'm going to close this thread. Good luck!


[Q] email client lies

My Htc Pro 7 (one week old) seems to pretend that it is syncing. It only takes 2 to 3 seconds over Wifi but it doesn't bother downloading new messages.
My (only) email account on the phone is a Blueyonder account (powered by Google). The initial set up went off and collected the account info.
I have turned off SSL and deleted the port numbers from the SMTP and POP settings.
Reentering the username and password convinced it to download the rest of yesterdays emails but not the test one I just sent myself or the others that are on the server.
Outllok 2007 is set to leave copies on the server for 10 days and over the years WM and Symbian handsets have not experienced this problem.
Any suggestions?
Since re-entering the username password- the phone is set to look every 15 minutes and ever hour or so it seems to go off- ask if there are any new messages and then download the odd one without bothering to do download the rest...
Am I really the only person who has a mailbox that is at least a day behind???
I guess I am going to have to reset the phone, and lose all my texts etc.
Nice one MuppetSoft!!! By removing our rights to tweak things you have also prevented us from fixing things ourself. Please stop trying to be Apple.
Sometimes the same thing would happen when I hard reset my phone and set up my Hotmail account for the first time. E-mails don't download even though I can clearly see them on my PC. After a couple hours though, it fixes itself and my e-mails appear regularly, and at times, I get alerts to my phone even faster than I would on my computer.
Maybe give it a jump start by using your phone to compose, send, deleted, etc. Otherwise if it still isn't working, then it may be bugged and a hard reset may be in your future.
Thanks for the reply prjkthack
I can send emails without any problems. I have only had the phone just over a week and I am pretty sure that on day one it was working properly. I only noticed the issue a couple of days after the Nodo update- not sure if there is a relation or not.
I guess I will have to wait until i have a day off work before i can prepare for a hard reset. Being undiciplined i tend to leave client contact details in the form of text messages, rather than saving them to contacts.
odder and odder....
it has finally managed to catch up and is now up to date.
I have not made any changes/restores.
Lets hope it stays that way.
Now all I need is my Dev account to be approved so that I can play with mango.
Just bumping my own thread.
The problem returned.
UNTIL I remembered that my Virgin (blueyonder) email account (powered by Google) needs to be in the following format recent:[email protected]
I am such a wanker and should have remembered sooner!!!!
I guess it is a timeout issue, ordinarily the email client asks the server if there are any messages- the server responds "sure about 10000", the email client says "sod that, I'm not cross referencing your list with the ones i am already aware of -I'm off".
With the addition of recent: it only asks for the emails received in the last week or two.
Hopefully the above will be of help to someone else in the near future

HTC Sense : my experience with HTC Support (or lack of)

It all started about about 6 month ago, when i received my HTC Desire z (my 5th HTC branded phone).
I signed up on the all new service. And it worked. At least for some time.
About 3 month later, i noticed i could not log in my HTCSense account anymore. Either from my phone or my laptop.
Here are the symptoms (on my laptop) :
On the login screen, i enter my email and password.
Then i click on Login
The Login button greys out and i have circle on the left to signify the site is "working".
I can wait up to 10 minutes, and the page doesnt change.
Sometimes after 20 or 25 minutes the website displays this error : " is currently down for maintenance. We'll be back soon!"
I tried, and got the same result on Chrome, Firefox, IE9, and on 2 different computers
If i tried the "forgot your password", i got the same symptoms.
Out of curiosity, i tried to sign up a new account, with a new email, and guess what? it worked perfectly.
So i tried to type the wrong password on the sign up page, but logically, it warned my the password was wrong directly, so with this new account, i could not recreate the symptoms from the 1st account with this new account.
Therefore, i concluded it was a problem with my account and not password related.
So, 1 month later, i contacted HTC support Hotline, and they told me to wait a few days because their server were under maintenance and it would be back 2 days later.
So i waited .... 5 days... and it still didnt work. So i called again, and they kept telling me the same thing : "the server is under maintenance"
So i decided to use HTC Support online, and i explained my problem again and again by email.
But i always got the same answer : the server is under maintenance !!!
This was 2 months ago, and the server is still " under maintenance" ... But only for me.
So i decided to give up, and asked them to delete my HTC Sense account since i couldnt even login anymore.
Here is their answer to my request :
"Thank you for contacting us, Please try the following : In website, after login in, go to Account > red link “Click here to delete your HTC Sense account” > input password"
There i think i could have grabbed a gun and kill myself, which obviously, i didnt
After i wrote them back, and made them understand i couldnt use this method to delete my account, they asked me to give them my login informations and PASSWORD.
Any sane web developper will know that if you need to ask the password of a customer to delete their account, there is something really wrong in their design. But well, i complied, and i sent them my password.
Now, here is their new answer : "our server is currently under maintenance so we cannot delete your account at this moment. We will do it as soon as the servers are back online".
Now i think will find some rope and hung myself
What else can i do?
you gave them your password? big no no.
call them up and don't get off the phone until it's resolved. go to a manager if you have to. it's pretty obvious that their scripted answer is of no use to you.. if they say "the server is under maintenance" again, tell them that's the answer you've received for weeks and that you will not get off the phone until it's fixed.
It all depends at what time you call. I have called in the afternoons/evenings and the support sucks. I have called in the morning time and I have gotten exceptional support from them. Better luck in the future, have an awesome day.
I'm new to HTC and tried to register for HTC Sense and never got the verification email. I logged a support request and have been asked for my username, password, secret question (and answer), phone make and model, phone number, IMEI and serial number!
Why they need all or even any of that information in order to delete or reset my account I have no idea but I responded by telling them politely to 'go whistle' and I am awaiting their next inspired suggestion.
I have worked in IT for over 20 years and you just don't go asking for this stuff if you are a legitimate support service. I'm distinctly unimpressed so far and looks like HTC Sense is one service I will be managing without.
htc = pia
I love my EVO 4g, but tolerate HTC. After about a year of owning it, I finally tried to set up an account. I had been running AOSP ROMs for most of the time, and just decided to try Sense again. I got the same sort of "servers are down" messages. I tried alternate email account and user name...same results. Its not a big thing to me, I can get most any widget or wallpaper or whatever from a dozen other places. Sense is pretty, but it is a resource hog. I don't want the widgets, I want memory and storage space back.
Is this Application like Ipone have ones?
even if you get it working mate it ll just stop working after a while. ive had to remove and add the account to the phone a few times to make it sync again. as it stands just now I get no gps details or phonecall details the phone wont lock but I can see my messages at least.
Lol, almost a year later and the servers are still under maintenance....

Stolen device and requesting some intelligent advice

Heya everyone!
So I had a house theft where my Nexus 10 tablet was stolen.
I had Prey installed, but stupid me, disabled this from the Task Manager thingy thinking that it was eating up the battery, along with the GPS location option.
So both of those were not active at the time of the robbery.
I can go to the Google Play Store and see that it's being used every day, but it can't locate where it might be.
Two months had passed since then where suddenly I saw someone using my Pandora account and even entered in her real name.
After a simple Google search, I found her, including her address, and told a detective about this.
He stopped by to see her and she gave a good explanation, stating she no longer had it anymore.
The last time she used Pandora was the same day the detective was there.
I emailed Pandora if I could get an exact time stamp on the last song that was played and I'm waiting to hear from them.
I have a replacement tablet, another Nexus 10.
I can go online and ring the stolen device, lock it, or even erase it.
The tablet is still in my name even though it's gone.
Is there anything extremely smart I can do with this situation?
Thanks ahead.
Since you are getting a replacement tablet, there is no need to get the original back. However, you might want to wipe it (as you stated you could) so nobody can use your Google account or take advantage of any personal info.
Change your passwords to those accounts you had on your stolen tablet.
Examples of accounts: Google, email(s), Pandora and all others which have a password.
If you had confidential information like your credit card number, etc, you might also wish to get them changed.
You should go online and disable your stolen device - erase and lock it.
Get over it bro. Buy a new one

Sold Android phone - buyer now needs my login to activate???

I just sold my LG G5 phone on eBay for spares, as the touchscreen was damaged and could not be used. I used the remote wipe feature on my Google account to remove my details from the phone.
The person who bought the phone is now being asked to provide login details of a Google account which was previously synced with the phone, so has asked me to provide my account name and password. Obviously I'm not keen to handover my credentials, even if it's only for a few minutes before I change my password again.
Is there any way around this - i.e. any way that the buyer can get into the phone without me having to give him my login credentials?

Need advice on Google account recovery.

Edit: I've added a screenshot from Google sent to my recovery account (also me,) which shows I am the recovery account (yet have. Mino) contacted me when trying to log in.(
I have a most bizarre problem getting back into my account that I can't believe is happening. Here it goes: (This account is hugely important to me as it's only access to my YouTube channel I've been working on for more than a year,)
I'm the owner of both the locked out account [email protected] and it's recovery email which is logged in fine.
Despite having the correct email, password, the physical phone in my hands which has always been used on both accounts, sending this from the same WiFi always uses, located at the same location always used, and as I mentioned the recovery email, I am locked out of [email protected] due to what a mistake.
Here is what happened:
On March 27th, I decided it was time to just factory reset my phone. I make videos for my YouTube channel, and my phone had less then a gig of storage so I decided to do the factory reset.
Just.prior to doing so, I realized it may take me awhile even just to remember the password to get back in since autifilll normally does that for me. So I decided to figure it out before resetting my phone, and reset the password as well so it was fresh on my mind when logging into the reset phone. There are screenshots attached of everything.
Now here is the huge problem which I am unable to get around .
When attempting to log back into my account from my reset phone, iit asked that I provide the one time use code from settings / Google / password!!
Understand, I entered in the correct email address and password, but what it now is asking me to provide is literally impossible to provide for anyone who reset their phone and has not been able to put the email address back on the phone. The code Google is asking me for dies bit exist on a freshly reset phone , and there is not one person in the world who just reset their phone that could provide that number.
And that is the I only option I am being given despite the fact, I own and have access to the recovery email address [email protected] which they have not contacted. And despite the fact I'm using the exact phone and WiFi from the same location always used for this email.
Is there any way thjs can be fixed? I have a YouTube channel with an enormous amount of tied to that account and it's important.
Please respond with your device name. I understood that you are locked out of your device and can't complete the setup. If it is so you just have to reset the FRP partition. Please provide your phohe name to move ahead
Users typically remove all Google accounts from phone - note: their data are stored in accounts.db database - before performing a Factory Reset thus they wil not run into such a trouble.

