Bepak glass screen protector - anyone has/had one? - Galaxy S 5 Accessories

(I made the must important points in bold for a quicker read)
A few days ago my s5 took a big fall and it cracked the screen protector, which was (still is, i haven't removed it yet) a nilkin amazing h+. Altough it broke, i am overall happy with how the nilkin held up for a year, taking some falls to the ground(with and without case), use on the beach without really scratching much and only problem i had with it was the first one i received had some strange problem that intered with the light sensor but i got a replacement and everything was fine.
So, i was looking into a new one and i can't find a lot of h+ listings, well, at least not at the same price as i paid before. While searching i found this brand called bepak that has a "h+" protector that seems very similar, both and packing and "features" to the nilkin amazing h+ but i don't know if it holds up as well.
Anyone has or had one that they can give feedback on?

im using spigen, so far protects my s5 from bumps and falls

I use a cheap $1 tempered-glass screen guard from ebay.
The quality is exceptional, no sharp edges and sticks well.
And its survived quite a few drops without a scratch, but thats mostly due to the phone case than the screen guard.


Do you have a Screen Protector on your Nexus One?

Hello everyone. I know this has probably been a long debated thing. But I'm wondering what everyone here thinks.
Who all uses a Screen Protector like Zagg's Invisible Shield, BSE, BodyGuardz, or Clear Protector? I always have a HORRIBLE time installing them. Just tried again and it is not easy. I feel like I'd rather just go without. The screen looks and feels much better. I know the Droid has scratch resistant Gorilla Glass, but the N1 is something different. I've seen video's of it Not scratching at all during tests.. I'm worried that over time it will get little hairline scratches.
Tried a few screen protectors. Hated them. I have some hairline scratches now which bothers me, BUT, the feel of the Nexus One is still irreplaceable in my personal opinion. For what it's worth, I am factoring in the low resale value of my N1 - as it is engraved with my name - and I feel that the potential value adjustment from the hairline scratches is marginal, as I really still love the look and feel of the fully exposed phone, and the hairline scratches are only visible in direct sunlight.
I hate the feel of screen protectors. but i also hate how the n1's glass feels in humid conditions (always, im from nyc) - youre finger simply doesnt slide. so i got dcmugens matte screen protector. It reduces the screen quality slighty, though everything is just as readable. but ur finger slides awesomely. also you get better visibilty in sunlight. and obviously the protection of a screen protector. i recommend.
i have a body guard. i bought it at the mall and they installed it for me. it felt like crap the first few days i played with it but now it's like i don't even know it's there.
I also use Body Guardz screen protector (just screen) I don't notice it and the surface isn't grippy like some screen protectors (invisible shield)
I can try scratching the protector and not leave marks, and its very clear.
Well I've had invisible shield and also Clear Protector.. Clear Protector are just like Zagg's but cheaper and have less orange peel look and slide better. they are on ebay..
I'm fine with using them, but the screen is amazing without one.
Who thinks the N1 is Safe to use without one?
Ive had 2 zagg protectors on mine. seems each time they install it, it end up sucking worse and worse each time, peeling, bubbles, etc etc. I like zagg because I dropped my mytouch and peeled the protector off and it was perfect. I decided to install my own zagg screen protector not going to lie the screen is awesome without it but I'd rather protect it after all the $$$$$ spent on it.
yea the job on my ipod touch, and my G1 was perfect, but I had the same Invisible shield stand by my house try twice on my N1 and it was a terrible job each time.
I have the official HTC Nexus One screen protector that is now carried in T-Mobile stores. With tax $16
using a $1 protector on my screen, saved it from 3 bad scratches so far
when it comes to screen protectors, the best ones come from china....and the cheaper the better. the ones sold here in the US are "rubbery" and your finger tends to "hang up" when sliding on the screen.
the china ones are also a cinch to put on.
example 3x-Screen-Guard-Protector-Film-Google-Nexus-One-HTC
ogdobber said:
when it comes to screen protectors, the best ones come from china....and the cheaper the better. the ones sold here in the US are "rubbery" and your finger tends to "hang up" when sliding on the screen.
the china ones are also a cinch to put on.
example 3x-Screen-Guard-Protector-Film-Google-Nexus-One-HTC
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and you've used those same ones. How is the durability. I've used cheaper ones that aren't invisible shield or similar brands, but they tend to get scratched much easier. Thats why I go back to the better ones.
10 char.
Had a Hero for nearly a year without a screen protector. Carried loose in my pocket with keys etc and no scratches at all. I think we've been made paranoid after years of soft plastic resistive touchscreens.
No screen protector on the N1 for me.
None. I treat my phones like crap, and when its ready to die, Ill just get the next best thing.
I think its ridiculous how people put on screen protectors and large cases. It takes away the feeling of the phone.
I used to do the screen protector thing but when they started to peel or grab my finger, I diecided to not use them anymore. Been few months and my screen is good as the day I pulled it out of the box.
Edit: I do keep mine in the Google sleeve when its not in use.
poll please
I ordered the Tuneband to work out with and it came with a screen protector... went on super easy and its actually not too bad at all... i have no gripes with it at all
no need! this isn't an iphone... ive had this thing since launch and not a single scratch ANYWHERE... my iphone scratched the 2nd day I had it... got a new screen on it and scratched again... nexus is the most durable phone ive ever owned and I love that it doesn't need extra crap to protect it.
plbe said:
I have the official HTC Nexus One screen protector that is now carried in T-Mobile stores. With tax $16
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The one i bought at t-mobile didnt cover the full screen.. Does yours?

[Q] Best T. Glass Screen Protector!

Hello, I have information about the best tempered glass screen protector that I have found! I also have an important question at the end. I do NOT work for or get paid by any these companies.
The "iloome Samsung Galaxy S3(Blue) ScreenMate" is by far, the best tempered glass screen protector that I've ever used! It took me 2-3 months to find it and I'm so happy now! ='D
Ok, so I've tried the XGear Spectre. The responsiveness was a serious issue, same thing for the Seido Vitreo. The Vitreo left the worst smudges and fingerprints more than on all the screen protectors that I've ever tried, including normal film. I've also tried numerous film "plastic" screen protectors. The ArmorSuit MilitaryShield was my favorite until it had random wave-like defects. Zagg HD sucks. And I forgot the rest cuss they also sucked. Spigens is nice but not enough H on the hardness scale for me (and curved edge doesn't work with most of my cases and I want to protect the whole screen)
The iloome ScreenMate goes really close to the edge. More so than the Vitreo and, if my memory is correct, the Spectre as well. I think it stops right at the spot where the screen begins to curve (unless the whole screen is curved, then idk what I'm talking about) but it doesn't necessarily go RIGHT to the edge. However, as someone who really wants a full-screen protection with his phone, I am really satisfied. It's really smooth but not as smooth as the other tempered glass screen protectors (is there an abbreviation like sp? lol). It has a real SLIGHT resistance to it sort of like a film screen protector but I like it. There is more resistance when your fingers are wet. They shouldn't be wet in the first place when handling a phone but you know, life happens.
It took me a couple re-attempts to fit it perfectly but I got it pretty good. If the SP doesn't stick anymore I'll give it another shot cuss of my reattempts. The cutouts are really spot-on. As someone with an OCD-attention-to-detail-like personality (disclaimer: I'm not OCD, just blessed & cursed with "Eagle Eyes"!), I am 9/10 on the cutouts. The Home Button cut-out could be just a little smaller to help with accuracy when placing the SP (and technically, more protection of the screen and dust protection). I feel the same about the speaker and I think the proximity sensor cutout could be enhanced a little. HOWEVER, these are the tiniest details if we're looking at the realistic practicality of the SP. The fact that the notif. light, front camera, and sensors are covered with the see-through part of the SP is something that I love! It doesn't say Samsung which I kind of miss.
In the future, I see a sp with a mesh-like speaker cover/filter like you see in some rugged phone cases. And some sort of flexible home button. But anyway, back to the topic!
There are one or two problems with the screen protector, It doesn't work with the Kraken AMS, Ballistic MAXX, or Commuter... The AMS won't fit on the right way, the power buttons and volume buttons are off. Same with the MAXX, and the Commuter external poly case won't have a tight fit. The AMS lifts up the SP and caused some dust to go under so I cleaned and re-applied. I think the SP is a little too close to the edge for these cases. The Spectre and Vitreo worked fine with them though. And the second thing is that there are these tiny dots like a grid on the screen. I read that these dots help with accuracy and responsiveness with the phone and you. But you can only see them when the screen is turned off and you're holding the phone at a certain angle in the light. You can't see them when the screen's on or when you're in a dark room unless you hold it at an angle in the light. But honestly, I was worried at first but I don't even notice it now.
Well, I also bought ZeroLemon's 7000mAh extended battery and I FREAKING LOVE IT!!! Only problem is, the TPU case won't work with the screen protector... ='''( >XO
So it's one or the other. But I need (want) both! I've been using the battery without the case and it's not a good idea. Ha, so here's my question for you:
Is there a better tempered glass screen protector out there that works with rugged cases (like AMS, MAXX, etc.) and also works with "clip-on" cases like ZeroLemon's? I hate regular film SP's cuss most don't cover as much of the screen as t. glass does and they don't feel as nice as tempered glass.
If someone can mod a case to work with a tempered glass sp, and mainly mod it to work with ZL's 7000mAh battery, please let me know how I can make/buy/research one! I've looked through XDA and was unable in finding much.. I want to keep the ZL Battery cuss it's just what I need so if you know of a better SP let me know.
Also, what is the biggest sized battery that can fit the stock phone battery cover? And which battery (and mAh size) lasts 2 days (Morning of Day 1 to Nighttime of Day 2) if the ZL lasts me 3 days (Morning of Day 1 to Noon of Day 3)? Maybe if I get a smaller battery I can mod myself a case.
Please let me know as I would appreciate the info more than you would imagine! It would make me so happy! And maybe other people. Thank you everyone as I am relatively new to the awesome world of Android.
UPDATE: I seem to have found a case called "Laza" that's supposed to work with extended batteries. The full title of it is "Laza Samsung Galaxy S3 RuggedFusion Protective Case for Extended Battery Black/Blue (BATTERY + BACK COVER NOT INCLUDED)". You can find it on amazon on these 2 links from what I've seen:,k:laza+rugged
Also I have seen these posts regarding the case:
What do you think? Does this case work with ZL's 7000mAh and a t. glass sp? What other options are there? I will update them on this thread and give the credit where credit is due.
Do you have any rainbow effects on the screen protector? I get a little rainbow in the center of the screen. I almost never see it unless I'm looking for it but wish it wasn't there. FWIW, I've been using the iloome for a few eels and it is my favorite screen protector to date.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
No mine never did but it did end up getting really unresponsive after a couple weeks. I was so excited when I made it past 3 weeks lol I figured by that time it was good to go.
But it took a dump and now I'm on the hunt again.. Since then I've had a great one but I can't find where I've ordered it..
I dropped my phone and the sp cracked so I need to find out right away. It was advertised as .40mm thick but I don't remember the name and I can't find it now, have you heard of anything like that?
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app

[Q] How good is sigen glass screen protector?

How good is sigen glass screen protector?
They seem to very hard to be scratch proof. Do they prevent damage of screens from falling? If not, I probably will choose a cheaper one because I never put keys or coins along with my phones. Is there any other paricular good points of glass screen protectors?
thotwielder said:
how good is sigen glass screen protector?
they seem to very hard to be scratch proof. Do they prevent damage of screens from falling? If not, i probably will choose a cheaper one because i never put keys or coins along with my phones. Is there any other paricular good points of glass screen protectors?
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i just ordered mine yesterday i will let you know..hopefully it works amazing
If it's at least equal to the one of the s4 I can say it's the best glass screen protector I came across. And yes it protects even on the little falls. Because it protect mine when I left fall down from my hand it wasn't a big fall but when I lift the phone up the screen protector had a crack and the original phone screen had absolutely nothing
Great to hear that. Will order one.
I currently have the Zagg one on mine, it works very nicely. Throw it in my motorcycle jacket pocket all the time without worrying about scratching the actual screen, especially since it has a lifetime warranty and I can just get a replacement if it scratches up too badly.
I'm sure the Spigen ones are similar.
Great to hear that, will get one.
I am currently using the Luvvitt and I have nothing but stellar remarks for it. It's cheap, and it works flawlessly. My first one had a microscopic nick in the top right edge that was preventing the screen protector from adhering on that edge. I let them know last Friday and SUNDAY the mailman hand delivered me a new one.. Not even sure how all of that happened but yeah, great customer service to boot.
tech armor
i got the tech armor ultraclear ballistic glass and have to say this is a pretty nice investment. It's $20 from amazon:
and its crystal clear, easy to put on, and so far seems to be pretty rock solid. i havent thrown it down a gravel road or anything, but i am pretty impressed by how clear it is, how smooth it feels, and the time it took to install, which was about 5 minutes, followed by smoothing out one 'line' across the middle that looked like a crease or something, but went away by pushing it with my finger.
5 stars for this product.
ngravatt said:
i got the tech armor ultraclear ballistic glass and have to say this is a pretty nice investment. It's $20 from amazon:
and its crystal clear, easy to put on, and so far seems to be pretty rock solid. i havent thrown it down a gravel road or anything, but i am pretty impressed by how clear it is, how smooth it feels, and the time it took to install, which was about 5 minutes, followed by smoothing out one 'line' across the middle that looked like a crease or something, but went away by pushing it with my finger.
5 stars for this product.
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:good: Gotta back you up on that one. Bought one and it's fantastic.
So I bought the Nano the day it came out and was really excited about it. Unfortunately I was the first negative review on Amazon for the product. I got in contact with the company and it seems as though there was a batch that had issues with the tack used to stick it to the screen. Mine had several areas where it would just never stick along the edges and a huge area near the bottom that had no stick to it. I informed them and they promptly sent me a replacement. The replacement is perfect in every way and I couldn't be happier.
That said, I ordered the top rated glass protector with rounded edges on Amazon that was something like $12 for my girlfriend while I was having the issues with Spigen. Honestly the quality is almost identical for 1/3 the cost. If I had it to do over I would not have gone with the Spigen protector and gotten two of the cheaper options.
I did change my review to four stars but did not go with a full five due to it being over priced compared to the competition.
SS70Chevelle said:
So I bought the Nano the day it came out and was really excited about it. Unfortunately I was the first negative review on Amazon for the product. I got in contact with the company and it seems as though there was a batch that had issues with the tack used to stick it to the screen. Mine had several areas where it would just never stick along the edges and a huge area near the bottom that had no stick to it. I informed them and they promptly sent me a replacement. The replacement is perfect in every way and I couldn't be happier.
That said, I ordered the top rated glass protector with rounded edges on Amazon that was something like $12 for my girlfriend while I was having the issues with Spigen. Honestly the quality is almost identical for 1/3 the cost. If I had it to do over I would not have gone with the Spigen protector and gotten two of the cheaper options.
I did change my review to four stars but did not go with a full five due to it being over priced compared to the competition.
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What brand is the $12 one that you feel is almost as good?
enfurno said:
I am currently using the Luvvitt and I have nothing but stellar remarks for it. It's cheap, and it works flawlessly. My first one had a microscopic nick in the top right edge that was preventing the screen protector from adhering on that edge. I let them know last Friday and SUNDAY the mailman hand delivered me a new one.. Not even sure how all of that happened but yeah, great customer service to boot.
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i have the well...and super cheap to boot compared to the spigen:good:
I had the Spigen GlastR Nano on the S5 but had a speck of stuff under the screen. Pulled it off and installed the Zagg Glass and damn if I did not get another tiny speck under the Zagg also.
The Spigen is a nice glass but I like the Zagg a little better. Thinner, softer edges, easy tags for the install and it just feels plain nice.
MIME Feather Glass is what I ended up getting. Part of my decision was that I planned on getting my T-Mobile SGS5 from Delaware to avoid sales tax and I needed to have the screen protector (wanted to try glass for the first time too) by the time I had it too. I live in NJ and MIME is made in New York, so the quick shipping (free anyway but quick since we're neighbors) made it a good decision for me...
And I couldn't be ANY HAPPIER with my decision. It's so thin that I can barely feel it's there. I know if I went any thicker, I wouldn't like the feeling of going over the home button. The fit is beyond perfect and I don't have any scratches on it AT ALL yet. Keep in mind I go to the gym a lot and my pockets have zippers and I'm sure I'm constantly rubbing up against them when I take it out and put it in (that's what she said). No scratches at all. Responsiveness is completely unhindered.
I would highly recommend it...
Also, a little tip (regardless of brand I suppose, but the "purple film", basically a screen sized film with a very very light adhesive for "anti-dust preinstallation film" MIME gave actually came in VERY HANDY for me...) for the install!
credits to BillTheCat:
okay, the only advice I really took here was to go into the bathroom at home (low dust environment!) and run the hot water in the shower for a bit (steam it up, even less dust).
at that point, I wiped my screen of course, then I just took the protector, handled it from the sides to make sure I got no oil on the adhesive side, and lined it up just right (worked for me, maybe you might want to try the tape method, but it may be difficult with glass protectors) and laid it down (bottom first to line up the home button perfectly). i ended up with 2 pieces of dust towards the top. damn it.
then the purple film came in damn handy. i very carefully (with my fingernails, but being careful not to actually touch under the glass and get marks on it) lifted up the glass and peeled it back just enough to get "purple film" underneath and "grab" the dust particles off of the screen. i was afraid it may leave marks or residue, but it didn't at all. not sure how painter's tape would work in this case, but I'm proud to say that I have a 100% dust free, mark free, PERFECT installation. =DDDD
then again, I have some patience and a fairly steady hand, so this may or may not work for you. I used to make money back in middle school changing out LED's on Nokia 5100's, 6100's, 8200's series... ah the old days haha. that required some steady hands. i still have my 8260 that i converted to the 8860 and soldered on the slide pin that made the sliding cover active. removing and rotating the polarized LCD films to invert the screens.. anyone remember all4cell? man i feel old now.
wow, now i'm thinking about the old TDMA networks and how much i hated GSM phones cause you couldn't change the carrier tags (on Nokias). i guess if it was still like back then, the T-Mobile Galaxy S5 threads would be the VoiceStream Galaxy S5 threads MIRITE??!
biggest advice though: go to the bathroom, steam it up (not too much)! that alone helps with the dusty environment, i thought that was very very good advice.
I got this with US$25 and working fine
epsilon022 said:
What brand is the $12 one that you feel is almost as good?
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It's the LUVVITT brand. Maybe it's a little thicker than the Spigen, but honestly it's barely noticeable. Especially when you factor in the little ridge along the screen of the S5.
SS70Chevelle said:
It's the LUVVITT brand. Maybe it's a little thicker than the Spigen, but honestly it's barely noticeable. Especially when you factor in the little ridge along the screen of the S5.
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That's good to know as I shop around for glass screen protector. Thanks!
I just got it in the mail today. Had to put it on right away. Extra smoothness! I've had the Spigen Glas series since the S4
I went cheap and got this
Works like a charm, and for $6 you can't really argue..why would I spend $20-$40 for a glass screen when this phone is already made with tough Gorilla glass? I also have this case, so it's not I'll ever break my screen now when dropping my phone..
thotwielder said:
Is there any other paricular good points of glass screen protectors?
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In my experience the best part of the glass protectors is that they feel the best. For the longest time I bought the super cheap xtremeguardz protectors on slickdeals which were good for protection but felt too tacky and got really dirty. Same with the free protector that came with spigen case for my Nexus 5. The glass ones feel like you don't have a screen protector on, shed minor damage readily, and provides the best extreme impact protection (at the cost of its own life though).
The biggest drawback is that they can chip if you drop them on cement... depends on the person, I know people who go an entire year with no screen protector, and I know others who drop their phones on pavement regularly. I recently reviewed the Movaluate 7 protector ( which has served me well so far.

I Threw my Galaxy S6 in Water - LIFEPROOF FRE CASE REVIEW

Hello Everyone! So I got the LifeProof Fre case for my Galaxy S6 which is supposed to make your phone LifeProof by protecting it from dust,snow,water and drops.I have used this case for quite some time now and I have published a full video review for the same, which includes a drop test and a water test.
You guys can watch it here and let me know your thoughts about this case-
Thanks for the video review!
Would you kindly provide an update to this case? I am very hesitant to order it for several reasons. I already have neo hybrid metal as protective case and spigen liquid crystal for slim daily carry. Waterproof feature of LP fre entices me, but given the price ($70 in canada), and all the issues I've been reading about keeps me from finalizing my purchase.
As an owner, any insight?
I have completely submerged my S6 (unprotected) in water twice (I know.....WTF is my problem) with absolutely no ill effects. I have now and do recommend protection for such a gem of a phone but there are better deals to be had. Go to Amazon (I swear by 'em), find something that suits you and you will be surprised at the money that can be saved. That being said put the time in reading multiple reviews as these are crucial to get a real world opinion and I think you will find your due diligence pays off in the long run. Best wishes to you.
Good review , thx
Inviato da Mountain View tramite Samsung Galaxy S6
So i pulled the trigger and bought the lifeproof fre for s6. My biggest discomfort in using this case this the fact that screenprotector is lifted from the phone screen, and it takes more effort to press on the screen. This problem is more pronounced with typing, as it won't register the touches as easily..
How are you guys doing with this, and is there a fix?
I was thinking maybe getting a glass screen protector to lessen the gap..
I got a replacement from amazon today. The pillow effect (gap between screen protector and phone screen) is much less noticeable, and it's a pleasure to use.
I guess with lifeproof, it's hit-or-miss with their quality.
Was going to buy this case but the screen protector is not that good as it says on the review. Do we have to use the screen protector that comes with the case because I've already got my own nice screen protector. Thanks
I have 20 or so cases for the s6. They always seemed to lack something. This is by far my favorite and I've had it on for like 4 months now. I wouldn't say the screen protector is low quality as much as it's what's required for something that can't stick to the phone. I have a matte screen protector underneath and it closing the gap a bit between the screen protector on the phone and also gets rid of the Newton effect. The rainbow colored rings. You do lose a bit of the screen quality but overall it's a trade off I was willing to make. Here's a link to the screen protector I use
The one thing I do wish they would do. Or at least give it a shot is try to hybrid in a glass screen protector into the case. Might just have glass before the phone starts to get ready and then have that go into the plastic screen protector. I don't know, I just think that would be pretty cool or a screen protector designed for this case made of glass. But then you deal with the broken glass issues and that affecting the waterproofness.
Thank you for sharing
I liked the case so much that I ordered a black case for myself, in addition to a white version.
The black one had a terrible pillow effect (a gap between screen protector and phone). It made typing difficult as it requires more force to register the input. Contacted amazon, and they were out of cases.
Contacted lifeproof, paid $5 for replacement and what a breeze. They didn't hassle me to send photos of problem, nor the product shipped back to them. They sent a brand new case, and if it had the same problem, they promised to send another case for free.
The customer service rep I spoke to was wonderful, and I was delighted after the phone call.
Also, I added a 0.2mm glass screen protector under my white case (which does not have pillow effect).
And I'm happy to report that it's working great.
Sent from my SM-G920W8 using XDA Forums Pro.
Looks awesome! Thanks for the review
The door for the charging port broke on mine. I will, however, consider it completely my fault. I had taken my phone off the charger when I was in my car and didn't close the door. I realized it when I had gotten out of my car and when I went to close it, the phone fell out of my hand and when it hit the pavement, it hit where the door was and it broke off.
Other than that, i've loved this case. The finger print sensor still works. My grips is that yes, the screen protector is low quality. You can feel little gaps here and there between the protector and the phone. This has caused mis-touches when typing or pressing on the the corners of the screen. On black background, I can see what looks like oil spot from where certain parts of the screen protector are touching the screen while other areas are not. It took me a while to get used to the bulkiness of the case but hey, it's a tough case. And I see people complain about how the sound is very low when this case is on. Are people really that stupid? Your phone is completely enclosed, so obviously the sound is going to be reduced. And the protector on the back side does scratch very easily. My phone is constantly going in and out of my pocket and it has caused scratches. Luckily, I don't see these on the front protector.
Do Not Buy LifeProof Fre Case
nrp31 said:
Hello Everyone! So I got the LifeProof Fre case for my Galaxy S6 which is supposed to make your phone LifeProof by protecting it from dust,snow,water and drops.I have used this case for quite some time now and I have published a full video review for the same, which includes a drop test and a water test.
You guys can watch it here and let me know your thoughts about this
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Not only does the case fail to do what is advertised and promised, the customer service from Lifeproof is worse. All I can say is DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT! My phone took a short 4 foot fall onto a flat surface and the screen cracked with this case on. Now, they say the case is "Drop Proof" up to 6.6 feet or 2 meters. 4 feet is shorter than that. What does LifeProof offer after their product fails to do as advertised on the packaging and marketing? A replacement case. Wow, how underwhelming. How about you refund me for the case of my cost of $80, pay for the costs of shipping the phone to Samsung for repairs $100, and pay for the replacement screen $240? That would seem more than fair since it was your case which failed to do as marketed and as advertised. But, when asked to do these simple things LifeProof only offers to send a replacement case... If you ask for a refund, they tell you they cannot and will not do this. Whatever happened to standing behind your product LifeProof? What happened to making sure a customer who has suffered damages at your failure to provide the promised advertised protections is made whole and complete? Because of their bad responses and inability to even offer a viable solution I am making sure others are not harmed by writing this review in hopes they do not suffer as I have had to.

full 360 tpu case

with all the issues reported on tempered glass protectors (I'd originally bought one myself) I ended up going with the Spigen tpu screen cover and the clear case with feels solid and they work together fine.
While browsing about I came across this:
Its like a reverse case, essentially wrapping the phone completely and yes, the touch and sPen work fine through it. OK it doesn't feel like glass and you do get some polarisation when viewed at an extreme angle, but I kinda figure its better to have the whole glass covered than not and you don't use your phone at >60 degree angles generally, well I don't anyway. I left the spigen screen protector on under it, at least any dust getting under the skin won't get to scratch the glass itself and hasn't caused any issues. Unlike the Spigen case that leaves a lip at top/bottom of the phone body this is uniform which helps it slide in/out smoothly of the Brodit universal mount in the car to which I added a Qi plate.
May well order up one of these to see if it has a better feel to it, but that'll have to wait until the house move is done,d.bGs
Somehow I doubt the drop protection on these is up to the "proper" cases but I'm more concerned about the edge glass suffering as that seems to be the real achilles heel on this "brilliant" design. Pity they never offered a flat non-edge version as I'd have much preferred that but other than that I'm more than happy with the phone overall...
hope this helps, at least another case option to consider
ok to update after a few days use...
So far happy with it, I did "shrink" the case a little in hot water to get it to be a more cozy fit.
Now its a bright day here, you do have a screen covered in dots with direct sun/very bright lighting but still fine if shaded. Also noted polarized glasses show rainbow patterns from the edges in the same way as viewed from acute angles.
For me, it'll do for now till something else comes along. At that price its OK for my needs

