How to spot the fake?? - General Questions and Answers

Looking at buying a second version of my phoen for messing around on, can even be scratched up, i dont care for that purpose lol.
But ive heard alot recently about fake samsung products, and i want to be sure that the used phone i buy is another legit samsung product - in order to be sure any rom i try with the second one, ifi like it alot, will also work the same on my legit/main phone.... but how do you spot the fake, online??
Im looking at this one right now... but can i count on it being real?
I dont want to spend alot on it since its only a secondary... which is why i dont want to buy another of the one i did buy. and that was also a year ago and the seller/item is probably gone. the seller has 99% positive feedback,
*or* can anyone recommend somewhere else to buy one at a good rate for a not-perfect-looking but still works version of this phone??

They only make fakes/clones of high-end flagship models. You can be assured that this 4.5 year old phone from a seller with 99.1% positive feedback over 50000+ transactions is genuine.


Can I buy the phone`s hardware?

Hello everybody,
I have a question that bugs me quite a bit now.
Saw the real hardware prices of the Nexus one and the iPhones,that costs 174-218$,
and I thought maybe I could buy the hardware and put it all together by myself.
Is it possible in any way to do such a thing?
I really can`t see why should I pay 600$~ for a phone that costs 1/3 of it.
You can check on ebay if anyone is parting out the nexus one but considering People can at MAX buy 5 of them thats at 530$ and then lil profit you will be paying more specially this early in game. Maybe later when phone is more common and people are selling broken ones you may be able to do this but its kinda early for that.

Forced to sell :\

Hi guys.
So on friday my car broke down, and is going to need almost £500 worth of work doing to get it up and running again. That, coupled with my daughter's first Christmas coming up, means I'm going to have to sell my Galaxy S. I put her on ebay last night .
I've only had it about 2 months, and it's easily the best phone I've ever had. Gutted to be going back to my crappy iPhone 3G again.
Just wanted to thank-you guys for all the info etc on the site. I found I didn't even need to post many of my own questions as they'd all been answered before.
Thanks again, hopefully il get myself another Android phone sooner rather than later.
Why don't you sell the iCrap?
At the end of the day, you have a kid and I assume you have a wife. So that means you are an adult and there are things that matter more than a cell phone and its features. So like my grandfather always said, "be happy with what you have and be thankful".
On a side note though. If you really want another android phone get on Craigs List and place an ad. Put your IPhone on there FOR TRADE. List the phones you would be interested in trading for mainly and then put, "open to other phone trades, let me know what you have". You should have no problem trading that phone for an HD2, Nexus One or something like that. There are a lot of people out there that hate the IPhone (that will change when these people an get one through their own carriers) but there are still a lot of people that want them also. I've seen hundreds of ads on Craigs List where people are wanting to trade an Android phone for an IPhone. If nothing else, I've sold all of my 3G 8gb IPhones for $250 each without a problem and never took longer than 2 days to sell them on there. $250 is more than enough to get you just about anything Android USED. People get upgrades and then sell the phones without even using them a lot of the time.
Yup, definitely more important things than a phone, hence me selling it. I'd rather be able to fix my car and still give my daughter an awesome first Christmas, which is why there was no real decision to be made. Doesn't mean I'm not sad to have to get rid of my favourite gadget though.
The only real point of this thread was to thank you guys for the work you put in and the help you gave me.
I can't sell the ****ty iPhone cos its pretty screwed up and has a cracked screen - worth very little to anyone.
My Fiance's upgrade is due in my eye on a shiny new android device then if she isn't too fussed .

Thoughts on G tablet Woot deal

Someone posted that over 10,000 were sold yesterday. I always wondered about that site and how they could make any money, but figure this, if they made $10 a piece on each that is one incredible day for even many of the larger retailers.
I thought this was going to be great for the G tablet community with which it would make Viewsonic take notice and develop more for this product.
But what if many who bought were resellers jumping on a bargain (my bet). Still eventually if they sold it would still be good.
I always thought the Apple fanatics were really out there standing in lines to buy the latest until it was explained that many were buying to resell and sell higher than retail. Still dopes to pay but does explain more.
The thing is there's little to be made for any who plan to resell. These retail for $350 to $370 and after ebay, paypal, and shipping fees we're only looking at maybe a $20 to $30 profit. Plus with woot limiting the amount you can buy I really think most of the G-Tablets sold yesterday were to people genuinely interested in the product. Well, at least I was one.
D Wright said:
Someone posted that over 10,000 were sold yesterday. I always wondered about that site and how they could make any money, but figure this, if they made $10 a piece on each that is one incredible day for even many of the larger retailers.
I thought this was going to be great for the G tablet community with which it would make Viewsonic take notice and develop more for this product.
But what if many who bought were resellers jumping on a bargain (my bet). Still eventually if they sold it would still be good.
I always thought the Apple fanatics were really out there standing in lines to buy the latest until it was explained that many were buying to resell and sell higher than retail. Still dopes to pay but does explain more.
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I know that our customer support group purchased quite a few of these yesterday .
I had been prodding them toward getting these as our mobile platform for a while, was super happy they came up on woot
I agree that most who got woot deals yesterday were buying for home use and not re-sell. People have been seeing the Gtab, and even through all the exxcitment of the xoom, interest in it was picking up. This just goes to show people are smarter with their money than given credit for and it gives a clear message that we are not willing to pay 6 to 8 hundred dollars for hype and a carrier contract.
I bought mine for personal use. I've been on the fence and could not pass up this deal.
I honestly had my heart set on the iPad 2 pre release, but then once I saw it didn't have retina and the price was still relatively expensive (for a 32gb 3G), I figured I might as well save my money. Once the woot deal came on, I did some research and stumbled across this community, and how couldn't I buy the product for just $280? I just signed up to this forum this week and I'm already addicted reading up on how everyone is modding their gTab. Thanks in advance to all the mods who will make my experience a pleasant one..
Bought mine for personal use as well. Been on the fence for a while over a tablet saw the woot, liked the price and after some research here and elsewhere decided with some fairly simple tweaks this would fit all my needs in a tablet.
Bought mine for personal use and work. Part of my job is providing support for my company's mobile apps, and it is much more convenient to have my own than dig up where the company hardware is hiding. I also have a toddler and we are going on a 4 hr plane trip next month, so I couldn't pass up the opportunity for an electronic babysitter for the trip at this price. (There may be toddler/mom deathmatches over who gets to use it as both of us are geeks)
Bought mine for personal use yesterday too.
I can't wait
Hi purchased the nook color when it was 200 bucks for ebay. and i love it.
It is used at my restaurant as digital photo album / menu
the face that you can grab it with one hand and do demonstrations with it is awesome.
But it is lacking in some ways.
Purchased the gtab for personal use, front facing camera etc. I dont know how usable it will be, but I am hoping the dual core processor helps things out more.
honestly loading webpages on the NC with dolphin or skyfire was ok. but not great, and it definitely could not unseat my netbook that i also carry around with me wherever i go.
I think 285 bucks delivered for a dual core tablet with these specs and the best user group community on the planet (XDA) which has always helped me with my droid1, fascinate (for a friend) nook color, and now gtab... is a super steal. to borrow the words of another forum post: Lucky mofos.
Enectic said:
Well, at least I was one.
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So was I! This is going to be my first foray into tablet computing. At such a low price with real hardware, this going to let me get my feet wet, and if I hate it, i'm sure i can sell it at just a slight loss. Hoping I love it though!
Was in for one as well, though I'd just grabbed a Nook Color (just before that eBay deal); was impressed with how much more usable the larger screen was, and how much it felt like I was trying to work with a postage stamp when I swapped back to my G2.
Then this came up, and couldn't resist long enough for them to sell out.
Actually ended up sucking a few friends in as well..
I had no idea the makers of my TV made a tablet. I jumped on this when I read the specs. Hopefully Woot doesn't take more than a month for this thing to ship out.
to good a deal to pass up....needed a new toy to play with
I just picked up the NC a few days ago. I never even heard of the gtab until it popped up on woot. I've returned my NC.. the hardware on the gtab for the price can't be beat.
Just watch ebay. Yesterday there was one gTab listed with 7 days left current price of like $180. I think there will be lost on there and the price will end up falling on ebay and people wont be able to sell them for much (if any) more then they bought them for.
I plan on keeping mine. Bought it for personal use. Wanted a galaxy tab, but didn't want a contract or to spend 400-500.
I can survive a $280 fight with my wife, not a $500 one.
Good deal, bought for personal use also.
grandebob said:
Just watch ebay. Yesterday there was one gTab listed with 7 days left current price of like $180. I think there will be lost on there and the price will end up falling on ebay and people wont be able to sell them for much (if any) more then they bought them for.
I plan on keeping mine. Bought it for personal use. Wanted a galaxy tab, but didn't want a contract or to spend 400-500.
I can survive a $280 fight with my wife, not a $500 one.
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One closed yesterday around $315 after paypal and ebay fees you'd lose a bit of money on the deal. Personally I bought one for me, just wnated to see ebay pricing in case I didn't like it.
Given that only about 3% of purchasers purchased 3 at once I doubt that very many were purchased for resale.
same with me, you took the words right out of my mouth

[Q] What do you think about negrielectronics?

I am going to buy some devices from Had anyone already bought something there? Can I trust them?
I went to there website thos may not mean much but they look good to me given the fact that i brought a a junk tablet from china, because it was cheap & wasted my $$$ should have known better but just by looking at thewebsite alone its looks all high end no cheap ass junk. Items i would say go for it unlocked phones too show around!

Would you buy a clone phone?

So I've been looking into getting a new phone, and I've been seeing some of these cheap clone phones, looking like Mate 40 or other $700+ phones but being less than $200. They claim to still have a decent processor and screen and all that. The one in particular I'm looking at has a 7.3" screen and 6800mAh battery (or so it claims) form AliExpress. But I'm wondering if it's worth the risk. I messaged the seller and they said if it doesn't work well on AT&T here in the states I can return it, but the return shipping could be $50 or something else obnoxious (and at that point I could probably just resell it here as long as it works OK at least). So the question is, is it worth the risk? Would you risk it, to potentially save $300 on a proper midrange phone? Or would you rather just spend the money and take the (relative) guarantee that your phone is gonna be a good device? The phone I would buy if I wasn't considering the cheap clone is a Motorola Edge S. Here's links to the two phones I'm looking at from AliExpress:
Motorola Edge S
Some kind of funky knock-off/clone
What do you all think?
PS: I'm not really interested in rooting or anything like that, honestly just don't need it. 99% of my phone usage is texting, calling, browsing the web, or watching videos. So as long as its response time is decent and it has a decent screen, it really should be fine.
No. I much rather buy something not made in China especially devices connected to the internet and my data.
I have zero confidence in their integrity.
Most phone's offered on AliExpress and comparable sources for little money aren't clones but fakes, means the device specs claimed aren't true at all.
My advice: Let your fingers off it.

