Can I buy the phone`s hardware? - General Questions and Answers

Hello everybody,
I have a question that bugs me quite a bit now.
Saw the real hardware prices of the Nexus one and the iPhones,that costs 174-218$,
and I thought maybe I could buy the hardware and put it all together by myself.
Is it possible in any way to do such a thing?
I really can`t see why should I pay 600$~ for a phone that costs 1/3 of it.

You can check on ebay if anyone is parting out the nexus one but considering People can at MAX buy 5 of them thats at 530$ and then lil profit you will be paying more specially this early in game. Maybe later when phone is more common and people are selling broken ones you may be able to do this but its kinda early for that.


Should I buy this Nexus One?

Someone is selling one for $300. It comes with everything including a case, extra battery, and charger. The only problem? There is a scuff on the top left corner, both on the chrome and on the black part of the LCD.
What do you guys say? Yay or nay?
My main device right now is a BB9700, solely for the UMA. I also have a HD2 and a new Vibrant I'm trying to get rid of (unless the latter gets 2.2 ASAP).
Nexus One is dated at this point. I would wait 2 more months if I were you.
Dont get it.
Nexus one is technological garbage at this point (don't mean anything negative when I use the term, 'garbage').
Not even worth spending on anymore. I still don't get why people think they can charge close to $400 for it.
The one phone that actually has better specs then the Nexus One and actually available around the world is the Samsung Galaxy S.
Hardware quality of the Nexus one is probably one of the best as far as Android Phones are concerned.
So why exactly is it outdated? Because in a fews months there will be something faster and better? There will always be something better and faster in a few months in the electronics business.
I'd say go for it if you're willing to part with the money. The alternative is to wait for whatever is faster and better, but be prepared to pay a hefty sum for it. Remember, even the Nexus One was around twice that price when it was brand new, and the new stuff that comes out is liable to be around the same price unless you get it as part of your contract with your carrier. By the time the price of the new stuff is down to that level, it too will be considered "old" and "outdated"

Forced to sell :\

Hi guys.
So on friday my car broke down, and is going to need almost £500 worth of work doing to get it up and running again. That, coupled with my daughter's first Christmas coming up, means I'm going to have to sell my Galaxy S. I put her on ebay last night .
I've only had it about 2 months, and it's easily the best phone I've ever had. Gutted to be going back to my crappy iPhone 3G again.
Just wanted to thank-you guys for all the info etc on the site. I found I didn't even need to post many of my own questions as they'd all been answered before.
Thanks again, hopefully il get myself another Android phone sooner rather than later.
Why don't you sell the iCrap?
At the end of the day, you have a kid and I assume you have a wife. So that means you are an adult and there are things that matter more than a cell phone and its features. So like my grandfather always said, "be happy with what you have and be thankful".
On a side note though. If you really want another android phone get on Craigs List and place an ad. Put your IPhone on there FOR TRADE. List the phones you would be interested in trading for mainly and then put, "open to other phone trades, let me know what you have". You should have no problem trading that phone for an HD2, Nexus One or something like that. There are a lot of people out there that hate the IPhone (that will change when these people an get one through their own carriers) but there are still a lot of people that want them also. I've seen hundreds of ads on Craigs List where people are wanting to trade an Android phone for an IPhone. If nothing else, I've sold all of my 3G 8gb IPhones for $250 each without a problem and never took longer than 2 days to sell them on there. $250 is more than enough to get you just about anything Android USED. People get upgrades and then sell the phones without even using them a lot of the time.
Yup, definitely more important things than a phone, hence me selling it. I'd rather be able to fix my car and still give my daughter an awesome first Christmas, which is why there was no real decision to be made. Doesn't mean I'm not sad to have to get rid of my favourite gadget though.
The only real point of this thread was to thank you guys for the work you put in and the help you gave me.
I can't sell the ****ty iPhone cos its pretty screwed up and has a cracked screen - worth very little to anyone.
My Fiance's upgrade is due in my eye on a shiny new android device then if she isn't too fussed .

Why is there so much hate towards the Shield ?

Why is there so much hate towards the Nvidia Shield ? I went to gamestop and see if they have any accessories and the rep replied, why would want to buy accessories ? The Shield is a piece of crap. It's not just the rep but other people have said the same thing. I bought my Shield two days ago and love it.
dia_naji said:
Why is there so much hate towards the Nvidia Shield ? I went to gamestop and see if they have any accessories and the rep replied, why would want to buy accessories ? The Shield is a piece of crap. It's not just the rep but other people have said the same thing. I bought my Shield two days ago and love it.
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It does have issue. Wait till the flex cables starts getting bad in another few months. The you can only use it while connected to HDMI. The flex cable is part of the LCD. So when the parts do become available they will be pricey.
So i bought a device for $200 just so it doesn't work in a few months ?
dia_naji said:
So i bought a device for $200 just so it doesn't work in a few months ?
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Some have been lucky and have not seen the issue. But others like myself, not so..
Here is a thread on the issue.
And another as well.
You might be one of the lucky ones. Seems to be split about 30% bad and 70% ok.
Why so much hate towards the iPhone when it first got out? Because it is a new, largely misunderstood product and those who call it crap typically never touched it.
The relevant thing about the SHIELD is that the vast majority of its owners seem to love it. The opinion of uninformed people doesn't matter.
Think also that Gamestop might not be very happy at the idea of a device for which you cannot come and buy games at their stores.
Solarenemy68 said:
You might be one of the lucky ones. Seems to be split about 30% bad and 70% ok.
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How do you come with that estimate?
If you have a problem with the flexi-cable, this is clearly a hardware defect and you should have your unit RMA'd. The feedback on NVIDIA's service has been very good so far.
Gnurou said:
Why so much hate towards the iPhone when it first got out? Because it is a new, largely misunderstood product and those who call it crap typically never touched it.
The relevant thing about the SHIELD is that the vast majority of its owners seem to love it. The opinion of uninformed people doesn't matter.
Think also that Gamestop might not be very happy at the idea of a device for which you cannot come and buy games at their stores.
How do you come with that estimate?
If you have a problem with the flexi-cable, this is clearly a hardware defect and you should have your unit RMA'd. The feedback on NVIDIA's service has been very good so far.
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Did you not even read any of the post I quoted? Based on the ones saying they have issue and the ones saying they do not it is about the split that I said it was. Also if you had read any of the post you would have seen that I bought the unit on Ebay under the impression it had a power problem which would be an easy fix. it however is not a power problem but a flex cable issue.
So since I bought used on ebay for 40 bucks, sending it in for repair or RMA is not an option. I will just wait till parts become available. Or throw it away and count a 40 dollar lose. No big deal for me unlike those who did spend 200+ on it.
Solarenemy68 said:
Did you not even read any of the post I quoted? Based on the ones saying they have issue and the ones saying they do not it is about the split that I said it was. Also if you had read any of the post you would have seen that I bought the unit on Ebay under the impression it had a power problem which would be an easy fix. it however is not a power problem but a flex cable issue.
So since I bought used on ebay for 40 bucks, sending it in for repair or RMA is not an option. I will just wait till parts become available. Or throw it away and count a 40 dollar lose. No big deal for me unlike those who did spend 200+ on it.
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Well I have read the posts and my answer was not specifically targeted at you, but first and foremost to the people who spent 200+ on it and specifically to the OP who was worried his unit could stop working after a few months.
It is possible that your unit is a pre-production one that was handed to developers. These are known to be of lesser build quality and had flexi-cable issues. The production units I own since launch do not show this issue so far and I am a quite heavy user.
Just wanted to point out that your estimate of failing units is anything but reliable, so hopefully people won't start making ideas based on it.
What's about those from Europe who get the white screen of death and try to RMA it, will Nvidia accept and repair it on warrenty?
I'd also have to go with the whole "The only people who hate on it are the ones who have never touched it" reason. I bought my Shield to replace my PSP and my HP Touchpad as an emulation/Android gaming device ~couple months ago and I've yet to regret the purchase. The main reason I didn't buy it when it was announced was because I thought the price was a bit too steep, but now that it's (still) $200 I think it's definitely worth it.
nex86 said:
What's about those from Europe who get the white screen of death and try to RMA it, will Nvidia accept and repair it on warrenty?
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As long as you have proof of purchase from the US or Canada then they must honor the warranty regardless of where you live. What they will do is stick you with shipping cost most likely both ways.
I unfortunately do not.
I bought it off a german seller, but maybe I can ask there.

How to spot the fake??

Looking at buying a second version of my phoen for messing around on, can even be scratched up, i dont care for that purpose lol.
But ive heard alot recently about fake samsung products, and i want to be sure that the used phone i buy is another legit samsung product - in order to be sure any rom i try with the second one, ifi like it alot, will also work the same on my legit/main phone.... but how do you spot the fake, online??
Im looking at this one right now... but can i count on it being real?
I dont want to spend alot on it since its only a secondary... which is why i dont want to buy another of the one i did buy. and that was also a year ago and the seller/item is probably gone. the seller has 99% positive feedback,
*or* can anyone recommend somewhere else to buy one at a good rate for a not-perfect-looking but still works version of this phone??
They only make fakes/clones of high-end flagship models. You can be assured that this 4.5 year old phone from a seller with 99.1% positive feedback over 50000+ transactions is genuine.

I want to sell my RMA tablet

I'm just so done. I dont care and want my money back. Screen issues, sound, charging, laggy rom.
How much would an unopened wifi tablet go for and where should i sell it. see how much they go for there.
Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk would be a start or maybe reddit's techswap sub. But you can expect to not get very much for them as you won't be the only one doing this.
Jeez it's not that bad! Loving my Shield!
Another note to the OP: Screen/Sound/Charging issues shouldn't be an issue with your new tablet (or else, swap it out if you get a defective one), and I've found the 5.1.1 firmware/ROM to be quite snappy.
When you try to sell one of these, a lot of buyers will be suspicious that the article in question has one of the bad batteries... may make for lower prices on Swappa etc..
im going to be doing the same. I have the LTE version but I want to jump to a bigger screen instead. Going to sell it right when I receive the replacement BNIB. probably swappa and reddit will be the best places. ebay fees are way too high
Keep in mind the RMA replacements aren't apparently necessarily "new." Many of the communications have referred to them as refurbished. Thus, if you sell it, it should be listed as Mint. But not BNIB.
Planning on selling mine too. I'm moving on the Dell Venue 10 7000
I'm in the same boat... I want to get rid of that thing.
Dell XPS 13 will be the replacement.
A shame I've spent so much money on Tegra optimized games
Always the next tab from Nvidia if they continue to make one or other brands using their socs...
i'm looking for a Shield tab LTE if anyone is selling on swappa

